home · Other · Omelette in the oven for a 1 year old child. Delicious omelet for a one-year-old child and other dishes for babies. Dietary version of the dish

Omelette in the oven for a 1 year old child. Delicious omelet for a one-year-old child and other dishes for babies. Dietary version of the dish

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Omelette has long established itself as an ideal breakfast. It is light yet nutritious. An egg dish will enrich the body with easily digestible protein and vitamins for the whole day. The dish is suitable for everyone: from an infant to a woman watching her figure. There are also a lot of options for preparing an omelet: from the classic “scrambled egg” to the Italian frittata. In our article we will look at how to cook a steam omelette in various ways.

The dish contains a lot of useful substances and elements important for the body. Among them are the following:

  • calcium, which forms the muscle and bone systems, and also regulates metabolism;
  • iron, extremely important for the circulatory system;
  • lecithin, which protects against many serious diseases;
  • potassium, which improves the condition of soft tissues, maintains water balance and the cardiovascular system;
  • selenium, which protects the body from viruses and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;
  • lutein, good for vision;
  • vitamins.

The omelet is perfect for those who want to strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Indicated for those suffering from muscle pain and migraines. The dish plays an important role in strengthening hard tissues: teeth, nails, bones.

100 g of product contains 9.1 g of protein, 8.7 g of fat and 1.9 g of carbohydrates with an average calorie content of ≈124 kcal.

Despite the fact that the dish is difficult to spoil, there are several rules that will tell you how to make a steam omelette correctly and enjoy every bite of it.

Ideally, you need to take enough eggs and milk so that their weight is the same. Before the cooking process itself, you should make sure that the eggs are thoroughly washed with cold water. This is done for hygiene purposes: to prevent particles of dirt, droppings or other substances from getting into the food.

The egg-milk mass must be thoroughly mixed to achieve a homogeneous substance. This can be done with a blender, a whisk, or even a simple fork. This is how you will get a very tender, airy dish that will not harm even a very capricious stomach.

If desired and possible, you can use quail eggs. Conventionally, one chicken egg is equal to four quail eggs, which also needs to be taken into account.

As a rule, steamed food can be easily prepared in a slow cooker or double boiler. But if you don’t have such devices in your kitchen, it won’t hurt to make a real steam omelette, the recipe for which is also simple. The dish will be cooked in a water bath, and its taste will not be inferior to its analogues.

For those who do not count calories in their diet, you can supplement the meal with other ingredients: cheese, bacon, sausage or ham. But these products should not be used by those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, young children, or people on a diet. Additives such as cottage cheese, vegetables, herbs, sour cream and bran are ideal for them.

Classic version (milk + egg) on ​​the stove

For this dish we will need:

  • 4 medium-sized chicken eggs;
  • 200 ml. milk;
  • salt, spices to taste.

The dish will be cooked in a water bath on the stove. There are several ways to prepare it, but we will look at the two easiest ones.

Break the pre-washed eggs into a suitable container and mix. Add milk in small portions and continue stirring. Add salt and other seasonings to taste, beat until foamy.

For the first option, we need a colander that is the right size for the pan and has a flat bottom.

  1. Pour water into the pan. There should be enough of it so that when heated it does not boil away, but at the same time does not reach the bottom of the colander.
  2. Place the beaten egg and milk mixture in a colander and cover with a lid.
  3. Place the pan with the product on the fire and keep it until done. As a rule, a steamed omelette takes 10-15 minutes to prepare.
  4. Then the thickened product is cooled and served.

The second method is even simpler.

  1. The same milk-egg mass is prepared and poured into a special container that is resistant to high temperatures. There should be enough water in the pan to reach half of the bowl with the ingredients.
  2. Place the pan on low heat with the lid on and cook for up to 15 minutes.

Egg omelet in a steamer

For this we will need 3 large eggs, half a glass of milk, a teaspoon of butter and salt to your taste.

  1. Beat the eggs into a dish or deep plate and mix with milk.
  2. Add salt and beat thoroughly.
  3. Grease the steamer bowl with butter and pour the resulting mixture into it. Typically, the cooking time for an omelette in a steamer is 20 minutes.

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Egg dish on water

An omelet without adding milk contains even fewer calories than a classic one, but it is not inferior in taste and benefits. And we will share the secret of how to cook a steam omelette using water quickly and easily.

To do this you need to take:

  • 4 medium chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons water;
  • herbs and salt to taste.
  1. Beat eggs together with water and spices.
  2. Pour the mixture into the steamer bowl and set for 20 minutes.
  3. Since the dish does not contain milk, you can supplement it with other healthy ingredients, such as vegetables. In this case, a mixture of chopped vegetables will be laid out on the bottom of the steamer, and a mixture of water and eggs will be poured on top.
  4. As for the cooking time, it will be the same. However, after 20 minutes you can stir the resulting product and turn on the double boiler for another 10 minutes.

By the way, in the cuisines of some nations, meat broth is used instead of water.

Cooking with proteins

This recipe is ideal for those who require dietary food due to illness or excess weight. It is known that protein contains fewer calories than yolk and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

In addition, this dish will help normalize high cholesterol levels in the blood.

For one serving we take:

  • 3 squirrels;
  • 250 ml. milk (can be replaced with water);
  • butter (1 tsp);
  • salt to your taste.
  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, add salt and beat until foamy.
  2. Grease the shape of a steamer or multicooker with oil and pour out the resulting mass.
  3. Cook for about a quarter of an hour, then cool and serve.

Children's version (for a one-year-old baby)

Here, great attention should be paid to the purity of the products, because the child’s body is very delicate and vulnerable. Therefore, many mothers wash their eggs with soap and then rinse them with cool tap water. It’s especially good if homemade eggs are used in the dish instead of store-bought ones.

Take 4 chicken (or 16 quail) eggs, 1 glass of milk and just a little salt.

  1. Beat all ingredients in 2 stages. First, break the eggs into a container and beat them for 20 seconds with a blender or simple cutlery such as a whisk or fork.
  2. Then add milk and beat again for the same time.
  3. Then pour the omelette into the oiled multicooker bowl and steam for 20 minutes.

Such a tender and light dish is suitable even for a one-year-old baby, but only on condition that he does not suffer from allergies to the ingredients.

For an older child, a ready-made dish can be made more appetizing and visually attractive. To do this, you need to make a decoration in the form of a flower, pattern or figure from the products available in the refrigerator.

Baby nutrition experts recommend using a steamed omelet in your child’s menu. This delicate, nutritious egg dish contains complete protein, vitamins and minerals necessary for the diet of little pranksters. An omelet will be especially helpful for the child of those mothers whose children refuse to eat children's meat dishes, as well as in cases where your child weighs a lot.

What is an omelet for a child made from?

When planning to prepare a steam omelet for a child, take only the freshest, highest quality eggs. For healthy babies who are not prone to allergic reactions and respond well to vegetable soufflés (these children's second courses contain an egg component), you can use chicken ones. For a more demanding child, it is better to make it as hypoallergenic as possible, dietary - from quail eggs.

The ideal option would be to take eggs from your own backyard poultry house. This is a guarantee of freshness and the absence of harmful substances, because you are sure to feed your birds only natural food. The same goes for milk and butter.

In all other cases, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer’s reputation, category, composition, shelf life and date of manufacture of raw materials. After all, the child is not yet ready enough to absorb preservatives, dyes and other unnatural chemicals introduced by the manufacturer. It is better if you purchase raw materials from an organic food store.

Another children's recipe

In order to make this children's omelette, you will need two chicken (or six quail) eggs, a couple of tablespoons of high-quality fresh milk with a fat content of no more than 2.5%, half a teaspoon of butter and a little table salt.

If you are using an electric steamer, follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you don't have a double boiler, use a regular saucepan and a mold that is smaller in diameter than the saucepan you're looking for.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, no more than 4 cm high, and place on fire.
  2. Heat the water to a boil.
  3. In the time interval before boiling, beat the eggs into the bowl of a mixer or blender, add milk to them and add salt.
  4. Beat the resulting mixture into a thick, stable foam. To do this, eggs and milk must be chilled.
  5. Grease your steam cooking mold with butter and pour the fluffy egg-milk mixture into it.
  6. Place the form with the raw delicacy on the bottom of a saucepan with boiling water, cover the saucepan converted into a steamer with a lid. The time required to bring the steamed dish to readiness ranges from five to seven minutes and depends on the thickness of the layer of mass in the mold. You can omit the butter if the mold you are using is silicone.

At 1 year old, the baby’s main menu is still milk and dairy products. But vegetable and fruit complementary foods have already been introduced. It's time to introduce your baby to a new dish. This dish can be the well-known omelet. Almost all kids like it. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone - you must first make sure that the child is not allergic to chicken eggs. Omelette is not only a tasty and beautiful food, but also has a consistency that even the tiniest kids can easily chew.

When is it permissible to give an omelet?

Experts do not recommend feeding children egg dishes until they are 7 months old. Above this age, you can gradually give the yolk in small portions. In the absence of allergic reactions, the dose is increased, but it should be no more than one yolk per week.

Protein is allowed to be included in a child’s menu no earlier than one year of age. It is difficult for a small organism to digest and can cause complex allergic reactions. It is because of this that a mixture of eggs and milk is allowed to be offered to a child from 12 months.

Typically, an omelet for a one-year-old child is prepared from the following components:

  • egg;
  • milk;
  • oil;
  • a little salt.

There are many simple but incredibly delicious recipes for making an omelet for a child. It must be remembered that it is best to give your baby freshly prepared food. In this regard, the dosages in the recipes will be for preparing one serving of the dish. At first, the baby will have a lot of this, but it’s okay, because a high-quality omelet will appeal to any family member.

Cooking an omelet in a frying pan

His recipe is extremely simple: you need to take a chicken egg (the eggs must certainly be fresh, or even better, rustic) and completely break it into a bowl. Add a couple of tablespoons of milk, a little salt and beat the resulting mass with a blender until smooth.

Very important: the eggs must be washed thoroughly with soap and running water!

Place a frying pan on the fire, preferably the smallest one available. Grease it with butter and pour the resulting mixture. Covered over medium heat, the dish will cook for no more than 7–10 minutes. It is generally accepted that it is better to transfer the finished omelette to a warm plate, because on a cold plate it will quickly lose its fluffiness. If you have time and opportunity, be sure to use this trick.

Omelet recipe in a slow cooker

This recipe is the easiest. All that is required to prepare is to place the butter in the included bowl. When it melts, brush the entire area with a brush. After which the mixture from the previous recipe must be poured inside. Turn on the baking mode for 10 minutes - a tasty and healthy dish is ready.

Steamed omelette for a child

Instead of a slow cooker, you can use a double boiler. It's not difficult at all: beat an egg, salt and a little milk. Take a glass container that can be placed in a double boiler, melt the butter in it and then pour in the mixture. In 20 minutes, a delicious and fluffy omelette for your child will be ready.

Interesting fact: the most risen omelette is obtained in a double boiler. As it cools, it will fall off, but its taste will remain unchanged.

If you don't have a steamer, no problem. You can use a regular steam bath. This is done like this: take a pan and fill it a little less than half with water. Then put a bowl on top, grease with oil and pour in the omelette mixture. Close the lid and wait over low heat for about 10 minutes. The omelet turns out light and tender.

The fastest way is to cook the dish in the microwave. In addition to being fast, it is also economical, since it does not require oil. In this regard, the finished dish will be less fatty, but the taste will still remain at a high level.

If your child is prone to allergies, and you do not risk cooking him dishes from chicken eggs, you can use quail eggs. They are much less likely to lead to allergies. To prepare a children's dish from quail eggs, you need to take 3-4 quail eggs per serving. There are no more differences in preparing an omelet. To make the dish more satisfying, meat or vegetables are often added to it, but this is for older children.

When choosing a suitable recipe and cooking method, parents should take into account not only their wishes, but also the characteristics of the child’s body. Only in this case the dish will bring the greatest benefit.

All mothers know how difficult it is sometimes to transition a baby after breastfeeding or formula to adult food. The gradual introduction of vegetables and fruits in the form of purees, fermented milk products (kefirs, yogurts, cottage cheeses) and meat and fish rarely goes smoothly, as if by textbook. Often the child refuses both one and the other and only eats cookies with compote. Moms, trying to find a way out of the situation, come up with more and more new recipes to make the baby “make friends” with this or that product. For example, at the age of twelve months it is time to introduce eggs into the diet, but often children do not want to eat them simply boiled. Here the omelet becomes a salvation for mothers. There are many recipes for this simple dish for a 1-year-old child; now we will tell you more about them.

"Miracle Pot"

Today, almost every housewife has a multicooker in her kitchen. This useful device greatly simplifies the cooking process and makes it possible to make dishes more healthy and tasty. You can cook, fry, bake, stew and steam in it. The recipe for an omelet in a slow cooker for a 1 year old child is very simple. The dish turns out tasty and fluffy. For young mothers, this is a very convenient way, since you don’t need to stand over the stove: pour it in, set the desired mode and wait for the sound signal from the miracle saucepan.


If you plan to have an omelette for breakfast with the whole family, then use the following proportions:

  • Eggs - 8 pieces.
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Butter or vegetable oil (for greasing the bowl).
  • Salt.

Traditionally, in any omelet recipe for a 1-year-old child, you need to mix eggs with milk. For these purposes, either a mixer, a whisk, or just a fork is suitable. Then you need to add a little salt to the resulting mixture, pour it into the multicooker bowl (don’t forget to grease it with oil first) and set the timer for 15 minutes in the “Baking” mode. That’s it, you can leave the kitchen for a quarter of an hour and go about your business, because there is no need to open the lid and turn the omelet so that it doesn’t burn. The smart machine itself will monitor the process, and when it has finished preparing a lush and tasty dish for you, it will sound a sound signal. All you have to do is turn off the multicooker and start setting the table.

Another easy omelette recipe

If you want to prepare an even easier-to-digest option, then you can use a steamed omelet recipe for a child (1 year old) in a slow cooker. To do this, mix eggs with milk in the required amount (at the rate of 30 ml of milk per egg), and pour them into a silicone or plastic mold. If the molds are made in the shape of animals or flowers, the likelihood that the baby will like the new dish will increase significantly. Pour a couple of glasses of water into the multi-cooker bowl, place a steamer basket on top and place the ramekins with the omelette mixture into it. The dish should be cooked in the “Steam” mode for 10 minutes.

When there is no multicooker in the house, but there is a double boiler, this recipe is also suitable, but without using a mold: the mixture is immediately poured into the steamer container and brought to readiness for twenty minutes.

Option with microwave

If the above kitchen helpers are not available, do not despair. In this case, you can use the recipe for an omelet for a 1 year old child in the microwave.

For an omelette, you need to take two eggs, add a little salt and beat them into a strong foam (with a whisk or mixer), then add half a glass of milk and beat again. The resulting mass should be cooked in a microwave oven in a high container for about six minutes (at a power of 800 W). The omelette increases in size 2-3 times, becomes tender and fluffy.

Protein-free omelet

Some children are allergic to egg whites, but this is not a reason to exclude the popular dish from the baby’s diet. For such a case, there is a recipe for an omelet for a 1-year-old child in the oven. The peculiarity is that it is prepared only with yolks. Separating them from proteins is not difficult. For one yolk you need to take from 30 to 50 milliliters of milk and one teaspoon of semolina. The cooking process boils down to beating first only the yolk, then together with milk and lastly with added semolina (you can add a little salt if the child does not eat without salt). Then pour the omelette mixture into a mold and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. You can also cook it in a frying pan with a lid over low heat. But this recipe is not suitable for the microwave.

Dry mixture instead of milk

There is another option for children with allergies who cannot tolerate cow's milk. If desired, you can replace it with goat milk, but, firstly, it is not on sale everywhere, and secondly, this product has a specific smell and taste, so the child may not like it. It is much easier to use powdered baby formula instead of milk. The omelet recipe for a 1 year old child in this case will be as follows. For one yolk you need to take 30-50 milliliters of ready-made baby formula (diluted according to the instructions on the box), beat them well together, add half a teaspoon of flour, a little salt and one teaspoon of melted butter. You can cook it in any convenient way: in the oven, in a slow cooker, in the microwave.

Omelettes with additives

There are many recipes for omelette in a frying pan. It is not yet recommended to give it to a 1-year-old child, but from two to three years old you can safely start trying it. There are many options: with meat, cabbage, vegetables. One of them will definitely suit your child’s taste. If your baby doesn’t like just an egg omelet, try combining it with meat. To do this, place chopped pieces of boiled chicken breast around the perimeter of the mold, pour in the traditional egg-milk mixture and steam for about twenty minutes.

Vegetable omelet

If your baby doesn’t like meat, but enjoys eating vegetables, a vegetable omelet recipe will come in handy for this case. For a 1-year-old child, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes are already familiar to the taste. They can be combined or used separately. Boiled vegetables should be finely chopped and placed in a mold. If tomatoes are chosen for the omelet, you need to peel them, cut into thin slices or mash with a fork and lightly simmer in a frying pan with some oil. Next, carefully pour the prepared ingredients into the whipped omelette mixture and place in the oven, microwave or steamer.

Secrets of a children's omelet

To please even the most capricious eaters when preparing an omelet, it is useful to know some culinary tricks that improve the appearance and taste of the dish:

  1. For cooking, you must use only fresh eggs with pre-washed shells. For children with allergies, quail eggs are an excellent alternative to chicken eggs.
  2. It is better to use baby milk for omelettes. If you only have whole country meat on hand, be sure to boil it before cooking.
  3. Milk can also be replaced with sour cream. Due to this, the splendor of the omelette will suffer a little, but a delicate creamy taste will appear that kids will appreciate.
  4. Adding a small amount of butter will give the finished dish a pleasant flavor.
  5. If you prepare an omelet from several eggs, it will turn out taller and fluffier, and your child will especially like its tender center.
  6. After finishing cooking, you need to leave the finished dish covered for some time. This way the omelette will not settle and will look more appetizing.

The finished omelette can be laid out in the shape of a flower (by cutting it into pieces and making a stem from a sprig of parsley), the child will definitely agree to eat such a “dandelion”.

In the article: recipes for simple omelettes for the children's menu.

Unfortunately, any eggs, incl. and quail are classified as food products with a high degree of allergic activity.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for introducing egg products into your child’s diet by reading the article

Important: an egg, in its usual “yolk + white” form, can be introduced into the child’s menu when he reaches the age of 1 year (in the absence of individual intolerance to egg white or yolk, natural milk).

Daily intake of omelette

  • for a child aged “1+” - 50 g,
  • for a child aged “2+” - 75 g,
  • for a child aged 3-7 years -100 g.

Eggs should be included in the baby’s menu 3-4 times a week.

Is it possible to have an omelet during pregnancy?

It is possible, provided there are no medical contraindications.

Important: egg dishes must undergo careful heat treatment. A pregnant woman cannot eat fried eggs or eggs boiled “in a bag” if she is not sure of their quality.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have an omelet?

It is possible, provided there is no individual intolerance to the product (both mother and baby).

Eggs should be included in the menu of a nursing mother 3-4 times a week.

At one time you can eat 1 chicken egg or 4-5 quail eggs, i.e. the total amount of product is 3-4 chicken or 12-20 quail eggs per week.

Omelette in the oven for a child. Children's omelette from 1 year: ingredients and recipe (from chicken eggs)

  • chicken egg - 45 g (or 1 pc.)
  • salt - to taste

How to cook:

2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add salt.

Important: the height of the omelette depends solely on the size of the shape and the amount of omelette mixture. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelette.

Quail egg omelet for a child: recipe, ingredients, photo

Ingredients needed to prepare a 100 g omelette:

  • quail egg - 45 g (or 4-5 pcs.)
  • milk of any fat content - 60 ml. You can replace the milk with the formula your baby is used to.
  • hard cheese (Russian, Poshekhonsky, Dutch) - 16-20 g
  • butter for greasing the pan.

How to cook:

1. Thoroughly grease a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom with butter. Preheat the oven to 180⁰-200⁰C.
2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add finely grated cheese.
3. Mix the milk-egg mixture thoroughly.

Important: the mixture must be stirred, not whipped! The omelette mixture, oversaturated with air during cooking, will swell and then collapse. The finished dish will have the wrong consistency.

4.Pour the omelette mixture into the prepared pan. Layer height 2.5-3 cm.

Important: the height of the omelet depends solely on the size of the shape. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelette.

5. Bake the omelette in the oven. Baking time: 8-10 minutes. The finished dish has a light yellow crust. The consistency of the finished dish is elastic, homogeneous, soft. Before serving, let the omelet rest briefly in the oven (about 10-15 minutes).
6. The finished omelette can be additionally topped with melted butter.

Important: the dish is not suitable for diet 5!

Tip: If you don't use hard cheese, be sure to salt the omelette mixture before baking.

Steamed omelette for a child in a double boiler: recipe

The ratio of ingredients for the “correct” omelet is presented above. If you want to diversify the taste of your dish, add herbs, cottage cheese/cheese, vegetables, meat, etc. to the omelette mixture before heat treatment. All additional components, except for greens and cottage cheese/cheese, must be ready to eat. This means that vegetables and meat should be boiled or stewed.

If the prospect of baking does not please you at all, prepare a steam omelet. This is quite easy to do, and the result will please both you and the baby. In addition, this dish is suitable for dietary tables.
1. Prepare the baking tins: grease them with butter.
2. Pour the omelette mixture into the molds. For the basic omelet recipe, see the beginning of the article.
3. Place the molds on the steamer grid. Place the mesh in a steamer with boiling water. Cover the steamer with a lid.

4. Cooking time is 10 minutes (from the moment the water boils).

Another great option for preparing a children's omelet is in a mug or jar.

1. Pour milk and egg into a clean, dry jar, such as baby puree, and add salt. For the basic omelet recipe, see the beginning of the article.

2. Cover the contents of the jar with a lid and shake thoroughly.
3. Place a silicone mat or cloth napkin of a suitable size on the bottom of the pan. Place a jar with the omelette mixture and fill it with water (up to the shoulders of the jar). Cooking time: 10 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Using a slow cooker, you can either bake the omelette mixture or steam it.

Option 1. Baking

2. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil.
3. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl.
4. Set the “Baking” mode. Cooking time depends on the volume of the mixture. For an omelet from 1 egg, 10 minutes is enough.

Important. The height of the omelette in this case depends on the volume of the omelette mixture: the more eggs and milk, the higher the omelette.

5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the sound signal. Let the dish rest a little (5-10 minutes). But it’s better to turn off automatic heating.

Option #2. Steaming

1. Prepare the omelette mixture.
2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl (to the minimum level marked on the inside of the bowl).
3. Pour the mixture into refractory molds, pre-greased with oil. Place the molds on a steaming grid. Place the mesh in the multicooker bowl.
4. Set the “Steam” mode. Cooking time - 10 minutes.
5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the sound signal. Let the dish rest a little (5-10 minutes). But it’s better to turn off automatic heating.

1. Prepare the omelette mixture (see recipe above).
2. Grease a convenient microwave-safe container with butter. These can be baking molds (ceramic or silicone), cups or glasses of suitable volume
3. Pour the mixture into a pre-prepared mold, place it on the oven stand, and cover with a dome lid (used for heating dishes).
4. Cooking time from 3 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven and the amount of omelette mixture.

1. Prepare the omelette mixture (see recipe above).
2. Pour the omelette mixture into a plastic bag or baking bag. If you choose to use a sleeve, tie it tightly at one end before pouring the omelette mixture into it. Tie the bag/sleeve with the mixture carefully.
3. Place the omelette bag in an additional bag. The additional bag should also be tied well.
4. Place the bag in boiling water. Cooking time: from 10 to 30 minutes (it all depends on the amount of omelette mixture).

5. Place the prepared omelette on a plate.

Video: How to cook an airy omelette in a bag - the simplest omelette recipe

And the usual diet. We will devote our article to the topic of preparing different types of omelettes for babies, we will figure out when you can start giving your child an egg omelet, and we will learn some useful tips for preparing this dish.

Classic omelette

It is worth considering that pediatricians prohibit the introduction of poultry, meat and fish protein until the child reaches the age of one year. Such restrictions are justified by the fact that animal protein is poorly absorbed by children’s weak kidneys and liver, and is also a strong allergen in infancy.

Another opinion regarding egg yolks. Despite the fact that these organic substances are of animal origin, they can be introduced into the baby’s diet from the age of seven months.

Please note that when introducing this dish to your baby, it needs to be steamed. After your child is two years old, the dish can be made in the oven, and after three years old - in a frying pan.

At what age can you

This omelet can be introduced into a child’s diet from the age of two. This requirement is based on the fact that this omelette is cooked in a frying pan with the addition of oil, and it is simply not suitable for a one-year-old child.


To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • One chicken egg or three quail eggs.
  • 50 ml milk.
  • Half a teaspoon of flour.
  • Vegetable or butter.

It is worth remembering that you do not need to use a lot of salt and other spices when preparing children's menu dishes.

Step by step recipe

Important! You should not give the fried crust to your child, there is nothing healthy in it, and this part of the dish irritates the stomach.

Omelet with baby formula

There is also a recipe for an omelet, which is prepared on the basis. Since cow's milk contains a high percentage of protein, doctors advise preparing this dish using a dry mixture and delaying the introduction of cow's milk.

In addition, infant formula should not be excluded from the diet of a one-year-old child for several months after he has been weaned. If you are wondering whether it will be possible to give such an omelet to your baby, then the clear answer is yes.

At what age can you

This omelet can be given to a child who is already seven months old, since this dish does not contain animal protein and is safe for the baby.


  • dry baby formula (porridge);
  • water in relation to the amount of mixture;
  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • half a teaspoon of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 50 g butter.

Important! The basis for this type of omelet must be prepared from dry baby formula and water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Step by step recipe

Protein-free omelet

This omelet is considered a wonderful option for those parents who adhere to a strict children's menu. This recipe uses semolina, which should not be used if you are under six months old.

This requirement is justified by the fact that semolina can cause anxiety in children under six months of age. Let's look at the best way to prepare an omelet for a 1-year-old child so that it is as beneficial to him as possible.

At what age can you

This omelet recipe can be introduced into your child’s diet from the age of seven months, since it does not contain difficult-to-digest protein.


The following products are required:

  • one chicken egg yolk;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • one teaspoon of semolina.

Step by step recipe

You can cook an omelette according to this recipe over low heat in a frying pan with a lid, but be careful not to overcook it, because we do not use oil here.

Important! If the baby refuses to eat such a dish, then you can add a small pinch of salt to this omelet.

Meat omelette

Meat dishes and meat itself can be introduced into the baby’s diet from the age of six months. When the baby reaches the age of one year, in small portions, the child should receive meat daily.

In order for this omelette to be as healthy as possible, you should steam it. This can be done either in a special double boiler or in a water bath. Food prepared in this way will be as beneficial as possible for the child.

At what age can you

It is better to introduce this particular omelet from the beginning of the year, because it contains quite a large amount of chicken protein.


In order to prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • two chicken eggs;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • one pinch of salt;
  • 10 g butter.

Step by step recipe

Omelette with tomatoes

Please note that for a child who has reached one year old, the presence of vegetables in the diet is very important. Tomatoes are one of the allowed vegetables for a baby’s diet, and this should be used.

Of course, vegetables cannot be consumed raw, as they irritate the gastric mucosa, but they can be boiled or steamed.

At what age can you

The dish is suitable for a baby who is already one year old. You should not introduce it earlier, as the child’s body may react unfavorably to such an omelet.


Before you start cooking, make sure you have the following products:

  • one medium red tomato;
  • one chicken yolk;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe

  • First take care of the tomato, cut its skin crosswise and pour boiling water over it.
  • Peel the vegetable and chop it finely, place it in a frying pan on oil and keep the vegetable there over low heat for several minutes.
  • While your tomato is “simmering” in the pan, beat the egg and add milk to it. Then stir again.
  • Pour the finished mixture into the pan with the tomatoes and cover with a lid.
  • Keep the omelette in the pan until fully cooked and treat your baby to it.

Did you know? If you place an egg for storage with the pointed end down, it will stay fresh longer.

In order to prepare the most healthy omelet, follow these instructions:

We hope that you were able to gain new and useful information about how to prepare an omelet for a one-year-old child. Try to please your baby with tasty and healthy dishes so that he remains healthy.