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Basic principles of nutrition diet 10 a

Chronic circulatory failure 1 or 2a stage.

Diet Goal 10

This diet facilitates the activity of the cardiovascular system. Includes products, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, spares the kidneys, increases diuresis (i.e., the amount of urine).

Characteristics of the table (diet) 10

Significantly limited salt and water, foods rich in cholesterol. The amount of vegetable fiber in food is reduced, as well as products that cause flatulence (gas formation in the intestines).

Excluded are products that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems, irritate the liver, kidneys, i.e. extractives.

Diet menu 10 is enriched with magnesium, potassium, vitamins.

  • Proteins: 80-90 g. Of these, about 60% of animal proteins, 40% of vegetable origin.
  • Fats: 70 g. Vegetable fats - 30%, animals - 70%.
  • Carbohydrates: no more than 350-400g.
  • Table salt: no more than 5-7 g. Of this amount, 3-4 g is given to the patient for salting products, the remaining 2-3 g are used in the cooking process.
  • Liquid. The total amount of free fluid consumed by the patient should be no more than 1.2 liters. This should also include soups, compotes, kissels, etc.

The total energy value of diet 10 is not more than 2300-2600 kcal.

Food Processing for Diet Number 10

Meat and fish dishes should be steamed or boiled in water. When stable, further baking or light roasting is possible.

All dishes are prepared without the use of salt.

Salt is included in ready-made dishes: bread, rolls, etc.

Dishes included in the diet menu 10

1. Bread and bakery products. Salt-free wheat bread with bran (yesterday's), white crackers, non-rich diet cookies are allowed.

2. Cereal, vegetable, dairy or vegetarian soups.

3. Meat. You can use lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey meat, boiled rabbit for cooking. After cooking, you can lightly fry or bake.

4. Fish. Diet menu 10 includes lean fish (perch, hake, cod) in boiled form.

5. Vegetables. You can use carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cauliflower, potatoes for cooking. Any vegetable can be eaten boiled. Baked potatoes are recommended. Raw allowed to eat tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots. Limit the use of peas, beans, cabbage due to the possibility of increased gas formation.

It should be noted that a number of vegetables contain a significant amount of liquid, which should be taken into account in the daily volume of water consumed.

6. Pasta and cereals. Allowed cereals from any cereals, cooked in milk. Any pasta, but preferably from durum wheat, without salt.

7. Milk and dairy products. With good tolerance, you can include kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese in the diet. It is also recommended to prepare dishes from dairy products: casseroles, cheesecakes, etc. Fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream) must be taken into account in the menu when calculating the amount of animal fat consumed!

8. Eggs. No more than 3 pieces per week. Mainly used for cooking. With an increased level of cholesterol, it is highly recommended not to include the yolk in the diet.

9. Sweet dishes. In terms of pure sugar, no more than 100 g per day. It can be honey, marmalade, marshmallows, etc. It is worth considering that many fruits and dried fruits contain a significant amount of fruit sugars. Therefore, on the day of eating foods such as raisins, dried apricots, grapes, sweet apples, bananas, etc., the amount of sweet is reduced.

10. Sauces. It is allowed to prepare low-fat vegetable, fruit sauces using parsley, dill, bay leaf. Sauces should not be spicy.

Diet Exception Foods 10

Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate.

Saturated meat, fish, mushroom broths. Spicy and spicy dishes. Products containing a large amount of cholesterol: caviar, animal fat, brains, offal. Marinades, pickles are strictly prohibited. Limit foods that cause increased gas formation: legumes, radishes and radishes, carbonated drinks, and more.

Based on all of the above, you can make an approximate diet menu 10 for a week.

Sample Diet Menu 10

Breakfast: - cottage cheese pudding 150 g;

Semolina porridge 150g;

Second breakfast: - fresh apples 100 g.

Lunch: - barley soup with vegetables on the water 150g;

Boiled or lightly baked meat with boiled carrots - 55g + 150g;

Apple compote 200ml.

Snack: - apples 100g;

Rosehip compote 200ml.

Dinner: - mashed potatoes with boiled fish 150g + 85g;

Pilaf with fruits 90g;

Tea with milk 200ml.

Late dinner: - kefir 200 ml.

During the whole day, you can eat no more than 250 g of wheat bread, 50 g of sugar, 20 g of butter.

It is advisable to simultaneously draw up an approximate diet menu 10 for a week. This will allow you to adjust it and make it more diverse.

Types of diet 10

Diet 10 is used for cardiovascular diseases. There are 3 main types. This separation is necessary to improve the effect of diet therapy.

  • Diet 10 A. It is used in the treatment of chronic heart failure 2b and 3 degrees. When compiling the diet, salt and liquid are sharply limited, and the total calorie content of food is also reduced.
  • Diet 10 B. Used for myocardial infarction. Excludes products that cause gas formation in the intestines, salt, restricts fluid. Includes 3 stages depending on the severity of the infarction.
  • Diet 10 V. It is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis. In characterizing this subtype of diet, the following should be emphasized: the protein content remains the same, the percentage of animal and vegetable fats decreases in favor of the latter, and simple carbohydrates are limited. The diet is enriched with dietary fiber, products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.

"What will calm the heart?" - this is how the line of one of the most popular card fortune-telling sounds, it seems ... Speaking strictly from a medical point of view, then you can not go to a fortuneteller - the answer to the question is obvious: the heart will calm down with a special sparing diet, which is called medical nutrition in scientific medical circles "Table 10". Namely: a special emphasis in the therapeutic diet 10 is on products that improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Features of the diet "Table 10"

Indications: cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, post-infarction conditions, heart defects, insufficient blood circulation, rheumatism, hypertension), diseases of the nervous system;

Peculiarities: the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced, at the same time, the consumption of liquids and salt is limited, as well as foods that excite the nervous system, overloading the liver and kidneys;

Energy value: on average 2300 - 2500 kK;

Liquid volume per day: maximum 1.2 l;

Best Cooking Type: meat, fish and vegetables are boiled without salt, stewed, baked or steamed;

Frequency of nutrition on the diet "Table 10": 5-6 times a day, the last meal - 3 hours before bedtime;

Diet "Table 10": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. Choose mostly low-fat varieties. For example: veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken. First, meat and fish must be boiled, then you can bake, sometimes lightly fry.

Eggs. In diet 10, 1 pc is allowed. per day (soft-boiled or “in a bag” - it doesn’t matter), and you can also cook a steam omelette from several eggs once a week.

Bread and flour. You can: wheat bread, as well as dried and salt-free bread, unsweetened biscuit products, unbread cookies, etc. Pancakes, pancakes, fresh pastries are strictly prohibited.

Dairy products. Almost any dairy products can be used, with the exception of those for which individual intolerance is observed. You can: milk, dairy products, cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), cheese. Be careful with salty and fatty cheeses.

Vegetables. You can eat any vegetables in boiled, baked and raw form. The main set of vegetables for the daily diet of the "Table 10" diet can be as follows: potatoes, zucchini and eggplant, beets and carrots, lettuce, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, any greens. White cabbage and green peas are allowed to eat no more than 1 time per week.

Cereals. You can: cereals on water or milk from almost any type of cereal. You can also krupenny, casseroles and any pasta made from durum wheat.

Fruits and desserts. You can: fruits and berries, mousses and kissels, compotes and homemade smoothies. You can use any low-fat desserts. The only delicacy under the ban is chocolate.

Beverages. On the "Table 10" diet, it is recommended to drink various teas (weak black, green, herbal), fruit and vegetable juices (which must be diluted with water 1: 1), milkshakes, decoctions of berries and herbs. Under the ban - sweet soda, energy drinks, alcohol, coffee.

Additional restrictions. Following diet 10, soups are cooked on the “second” and “third” broths, preference is given to vegetable and mushroom soups. It is necessary to exclude semi-finished products, hot sauces, fast food, sausages and smoked meats from the diet. Of the vegetables, spinach, sorrel, garlic and radish are prohibited, as well as salted, pickled and pickled foods. Legumes are also excluded from the diet. From fruits, you should be especially careful with fruits with coarse fiber (for example: apples, pears, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, orange, avocados, etc.)

It is important to understand that "table 10" is a medical diet, in the development and compilation of which qualified doctors took part. Therefore, despite the apparent “salt” of acceptable foods and a large number of meals, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations and prohibitions, avoid overeating, and in no case allow alcohol, coffee, carbonated lemonades, dubious semi-finished products, fast food, junk into your diet. -food and fast food (like freeze-dried noodles, powdered mashed potatoes, etc.)

Diet 10: the table is strict but generous!

Eat on a diet "Table 10" should be fractional - 5-6 times a day. An approximate menu for the day might look like this:

  • First breakfast: oatmeal with milk, yogurt or boiled egg;
  • Lunch: fruit salad;
  • Dinner: fish soup (on the secondary broth), veal meatballs with vegetable puree; tea or berry juice;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, one banana;
  • Dinner: potato casserole with mushrooms, rice pudding for dessert, herbal tea;
  • 3 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir;

Useful recipes for the "Table 10" diet will help diversify your diet:

Banana breakfast muesli smoothie

Ingredients: 1 cup natural yogurt, 1 banana, 1 cup milk, 1 cup muesli (your choice);

Cooking method:

  • 1 Place the banana pieces and yogurt in a blender and blend on low speed for about 30-40 seconds.
  • 2 Pour ½ of the cooked milk over the muesli and microwave for 1 minute (keep warm). Then add the remaining milk.
  • 3 Smoothies and muesli can be served separately or mixed together.

Fish soup in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 500-600 g of fish (for example: salmon, unsalted salmon, cod), 3 medium-sized potatoes, 1 leek, 1 carrot, 1/2 cup millet, 2 tbsp. olive oil, herbs;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Cut the fish into small pieces, put in a multicooker bowl. Add medium-sized diced potatoes, peeled carrots and diced leek there.
  • 2 Rinse the millet thoroughly and add to the rest of the products.
  • 3 Pour water into a bowl, do not add salt and spices (!), and cook in the "Soup" mode for 50-60 minutes.
  • 4 Add finely chopped greens to the finished dish and serve with toasted wheat bread.

Potato casserole with mushrooms

Ingredients: 1-1.5 kg of potatoes, 500 g of mushrooms (to your taste), 1 onion, low-fat mayonnaise (can be replaced with soft low-fat cottage cheese), butter, sprigs of arugula for decoration;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Boil half of the potatoes and mash into a puree mass, adding 2 tsp. butter.
  • 2 Finely chop the onion and mushrooms (whether fresh or frozen). Put onions and mushrooms in a pan with high sides, add 1 tsp. butter and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. without added salt.
  • 3 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with a piece of butter. Put a layer of mashed potatoes about 1 cm thick on the bottom. Then put a layer of fried mushrooms. Then again a layer of potatoes and a layer of mushrooms. In principle, there can be as many layers as you can create, given the height of the dishes.
  • 4 Peel the second half of the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Lay out the top, final layer of the casserole from them. Put a layer of mayonnaise or soft cottage cheese on top of the potatoes.
  • 5 Bake the dish in the oven for 40-45 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees. Before serving, decorate the casserole with arugula sprigs.

The therapeutic diet table No. 10 developed by the Soviet scientist Pevzner is designed to normalize the state of the cardiovascular system and is prescribed by doctors to patients with circulatory failure of I and IIa degrees.

A well-composed diet and sparing nutrition contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, getting rid of tissue swelling, eliminating shortness of breath, myocardial rhythm disturbances and excessive fatigue, weakness, lethargy.

About Medical Diet

Diet table 10, in diseases of the cardiovascular system, not only facilitates its functioning, but also significantly reduces the load on the kidneys, optimizes digestion processes, strengthens the myocardium and vascular walls. Compliance with a therapeutic diet leads to the activation of blood circulation and the normalization of the functioning of the liver.

Therapeutic nutrition counteracts the progression of atherosclerosis - the formation of cholesterol plaques and metabolic disorders associated with this process.

Basic diet rules

The basic rules for compiling the table 10 menu limit easily digestible carbohydrates (sugars) and animal fats, as well as table salt, free liquid, foods high in high-density cholesterol and extractive nitrogenous substances.

Eliminate from the menu substances that excite the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as those that have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. Indigestible and heavy dishes in table 10 are unacceptable.

The treatment is facilitated by the inclusion in the diet of PUFAs, lipotropic compounds, vitamins (with the exception of calciferols), dietary fiber, seafood rich in iodine, potassium, magnesium and other essential micro and macro elements, food with an alkalizing effect (milk, dairy products, fruits).

All products are cooked with moderate culinary mechanical sparing, food temperature is standard. The meat is pre-cleaned from the fascia and tendons. Meat and fish are boiled, steamed, baked, stewed without salt. Vegetables are consumed after cooking, fruits and berries - fresh. Salt is not used during the heat treatment process; already prepared dishes are added.

The amount of complex carbohydrates in table 10 is up to 350 g, proteins - up to 107 g (two-thirds are from animals), fats - up to 68 g (a third is from vegetable). The daily norm of table salt is from 3 to 5 g, with increased swelling, salt is completely excluded, the drinking regimen is not more than 1.2 liters per day, including drinks and liquid dishes - compotes, teas, soups.

Daily weight of dishes up to 3 kg, calorie content - 2500-2550 kcal. Five meals a day, in uniform small portions, the last meal is prescribed no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

These are general recommendations corresponding to table 10. In each case, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, therapist or nutritionist prescribes individual consumption rates for certain biochemical components, taking into account the pathology and general condition of the patient's body.

Who is assigned table 10?

Diet table 10 according to Pevzner is prescribed by doctors to patients with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the myocardium, brain and other organs, hypertensive patients (II and III degrees), who have had myocardial infarction (in the scarring stage), suffering from hypothyroidism (thyroid insufficiency), rheumatism, heart disease, diseases of the nervous systems, ischemic heart disease.

Diet 10 table - what is possible, what is not (table)

To create a delicious daily menu, use a variety of products from the permitted list, changing the methods of cooking and including as many different items as possible. For a detailed list of what you can and cannot eat, see the food table.

Table of allowed and prohibited products
Approved Products
(you can eat)
  • Meat. Table 10 includes lean dietary meat. With a bird (turkey, chicken), the skin is preliminarily removed. The best cooking method is steaming and boiling. It is advisable to cook all kinds of culinary products from their own twisted minced meat (quenelles, cabbage rolls, steam cutlets, schnitzels, soufflés, casseroles).
  • Fish. Useful sea low-fat and river fish.
  • Fats. Unsalted natural butter and ghee (limited) butter. Pumpkin, corn, grape seed, sunflower, sesame, soybean, walnut, linseed oils are useful. Preference is given to unrefined oils of the first cold pressing.
  • Bread. Preference is given to salt-free, wheat flour, dried bread. Unsweetened biscuit cookies, sugar-free biscuit products are added to the diet.
  • Eggs. The weekly dose should not exceed 3 eggs. They prepare ordinary, steamed protein omelettes, boil soft-boiled eggs, add them to the first and second courses.
  • Vegetables. Most leafy greens and vegetables are used in the diet, but green peas and white cabbage are allowed no more than once a week. Limited - radish, garlic, radish. Legumes are banned.
  • Fruits. It is permissible to use any berries and fruits, but be careful with fruits with a large amount of coarse dietary fiber, such as apples, strawberries, citrus fruits, avocados, pears, blueberries.
  • Beverages. Compotes, kissels, mousses, teas from any sweet fruits and berries, green tea, infusion of sea buckthorn and rose hips, herbal extracts, chicory drink.
  • Dessert. Dried fruits (limited), jelly, jam, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, puddings from cereals and fruits are allowed in the diet table 10.
  • Dairy products. All types of dairy products, except fatty foods.
  • Cereals. All types of cereals are useful, except semolina. Preference for crumbly and slimy cereals, puddings. It is acceptable to use pasta made from durum wheat.
Prohibited Products
(can't eat)
  • All fried foods
  • Cooking fats, margarine, meat fats, lard,
  • Smoked meats, salted caviar, fried foods, fast food,
  • Canned food, semi-finished products
  • Natural coffee, cocoa, strong and fatty broths,
  • Mustard, horseradish, pepper
  • Chocolate, confectionery
  • Unprocessed fruits with coarse dietary fiber, spicy and spicy snacks
  • Mushrooms
  • Sour vegetables, pickles
  • Pancakes, pancakes, fresh pastries
  • Salted and fatty cheeses, fatty cottage cheese, cream
  • Alcohol, energy drinks, lemonade and carbonated drinks.

Listing everything that you can’t eat is simply pointless, you need to focus on the list of allowed foods, following the rule - “what is not allowed is prohibited.”

  • Breakfast: milk millet porridge, protein omelette, berry tea.
  • Snack: apples and pears baked with honey.
  • Lunch: lean borscht with vegetable oil (half portion), boiled turkey with squash puree, raspberry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of acidophilus and rice pudding.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream and marmalade, pike fillet in milk sauce with potato and carrot stew, rosehip infusion.
  • Late dinner: biscuits and chicory drink.

Make up diets from the proposed products for each day of the week, based on the proposed menu. Despite the impressive list of prohibited foods, with fantasy, you can eat not only healthy and varied, but also tasty.

Remember that meals should be taken at the same time to form healthy digestive habits and make the body work easier. Be healthy!

In fairness, it should be noted that the modern approach is quite different from the diet 10 :

Therapeutic diet number 10 is shown:

  • at the stage of compensation of cardiovascular diseases;
  • in cardiovascular diseases with mild circulatory failure (I-IIA degree).

Therapeutic diet number 10 is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • sparing of the organs of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Therapeutic diet No. 10 is characterized by a slight decrease in energy value, mainly due to fats and to some extent due to carbohydrates. Significantly limited salt intake, reduced fluid intake. Restrictions are being introduced on products that contain a large number of substances that are causative agents of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, irritants of the liver and kidneys, substances that excessively burden the gastrointestinal system and cause flatulence. The amount of products containing potassium, magnesium, and causing an alkalizing effect (dairy products, vegetables and fruits) is increasing. When cooking, moderate mechanical sparing is recommended. Meat and fish should be boiled. It is forbidden to consume foods that are indigestible by the body. Meals are prepared without adding salt. The temperature of the food consumed is within normal limits. Recommended 5 meals a day in relatively uniform portions.

The chemical composition of the therapeutic diet No. 10

  • 80-90 g of proteins, 55-60% of which are animals;
  • 70 g of fats, 25-30% of which are vegetable;
  • 350 g of carbohydrates;
  • 6-7 g of salt, 3-5 g of which - for hands;
  • 1.2 liters of liquid.

The energy value of the therapeutic diet No. 10 is 2300-2400 calories.

It is allowed to consume yesterday's or slightly dried wheat bread from flour of the first and second grade, dietary salt-free bread, unbread biscuits and biscuits.

It is forbidden to consume fresh bread, pastry and puff pastry products, pancakes, pancakes.


At one time, it is allowed to eat 250-400 g of vegetarian soups with the addition of various cereals, potatoes, vegetables, preferably with chopped, dairy, fruit, cold beetroots. Sour cream, citric acid, greens are also added to soups.

Soups from legumes, meat, fish, mushroom broths are prohibited.

Meat and poultry

Therapeutic diet number 10 allows the use of lean beef, veal, pork (meat and trim), rabbit, chicken, turkey. The meat, cleaned of tendons and fascia, is boiled and then baked or fried. In food, dishes from boiled meat in a piece or in chopped form are allowed. You can eat aspic from boiled meat, doctoral and dietary sausages in limited quantities.

All fatty meat varieties, duck, goose, brains, liver, kidneys, smoked products, sausages, canned meat are prohibited.


You can eat lean types of fish in boiled form. If desired, after boiling the fish can be fried. The consumption of lumpy and chopped fish is allowed. Boiled seafood is also allowed.

Prohibited fatty fish, salted, smoked fish, caviar, canned fish.


With normal tolerance, the consumption of low-fat milk is allowed. You can also consume sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese dishes with the addition of cereals, carrots, fruits, and the cottage cheese itself in its natural form. The amount of sour cream and cream consumed, which can only be added to dishes, and cheese are limited.

Salty, fatty cheeses are not allowed.


In a week, you can eat a maximum of 2 eggs, cooked soft-boiled, steamed omelettes or baked, protein omelettes. Eggs can also be added to dishes.

Hard-boiled and fried eggs are prohibited.


From various cereals, you can cook dishes with water or milk in the form of cereals, baked puddings, etc. Boiled pasta is allowed.

With unstable angina, the consumption of legumes is prohibited.


Vegetables can be eaten boiled, baked, less often raw. Potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers are allowed. In a limited amount, therapeutic diet No. 10 allows white cabbage and green peas to be eaten. Green onions, dill, parsley can be added to dishes.

It is forbidden to consume salted, pickled, pickled vegetables; spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, garlic, onion, mushrooms.


Allowed to eat salads from fresh grated carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vegetable caviar, fruit salads, salads with seafood, boiled jellied fish.

Spicy, fatty, salty snacks, smoked products, fish roe are not allowed.

fruits, sweet

You can use soft and ripe fresh fruits and berries. They can also be eaten in the form of dried fruits, compotes, kissels, mousses, jelly, milk kissels and creams, jams. Some honey and non-chocolate sweets are allowed.

The consumption of chocolate, cakes is not allowed.

Sauces, spices

Sauces are allowed on a weak vegetable broth, as well as sour cream, milk sauces, tomato sauces, onion sauce from pre-boiled and then fried onions, fruit gravy. In dishes, you can add bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid.

It is forbidden to consume sauces on meat, fish, mushroom broths, mustard, pepper, horseradish.


You can drink weak tea, coffee drinks with the addition of milk, fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip decoctions, and grape juice in limited quantities.


The consumption of unsalted butter and ghee is allowed. You can also use vegetable oils in their natural form.

Meat, cooking fats are prohibited.

Diet table number 10 - a complete nutrition system with a balanced diet. Following a diet for two weeks already allows you to normalize blood circulation, stabilize your heart rate. Overweight, the load on the heart, kidneys, liver and nervous system is reduced. Slows down the development of atherosclerotic plaques.


  • with insufficient blood circulation and heart problems: ischemia, experienced heart attack, heart disease, rheumatism, cardiosclerosis;
  • patients with hypertension of the first and second stages;
  • with kidney diseases: chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis without violations of the excretory function, a diet for renal colic is also prescribed.

Table number 10 and its types

The Pevzner diet was to a certain extent differentiated for different diseases. With a general set of products, the method of cooking and the frequency of eating, changes are introduced into the daily calorie content, nutritional value, and the rate of salt intake.

When prescribing a dietary table, the doctor determines:

  • the presence or absence of excess weight;
  • general current condition of the patient;
  • lifestyle calorie intake.

Based on the data about the patient, clarifying recommendations for the diet are made:

In acute ischemic disease, the daily weight of food is up to 2 kg, liquids (including soups) are not more than 600 ml. A vitamin complex is required that fully meets the need for vitamins C, B, P, PP.

Hypocholesterol diet for atherosclerosis includes a special vitamin and mineral complexes. Fats should be predominantly of vegetable origin. The daily diet is limited to 2 kg, drinking up to 1 liter.

The diet of hypertensive patients additionally includes vitamin complexes.

Allowed and prohibited products

The general principle is to exclude from the diet foods containing cholesterolcontributing to bloating, causing increased nervous excitability.

What can you eat

  • yesterday's bread, biscuits, cookies (except butter);
  • lean meat;
  • dairy products (except fatty);
  • lean fish;
  • eggs (no more than three per week);
  • some types of sausages (diabetic, doctoral);
  • sunflower oil, from cow's milk;
  • cereals (without the abuse of rice and semolina);
  • pasta (in a small amount);
  • vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, carrots);
  • cabbage - only boiled, can be baked;
  • greens are not spicy;
  • fruits and berries, as well as compote, jelly, mousse, jam;
  • sweets (except chocolate sweets);
  • sauces on vegetable broth, tomato and sour cream;
  • fruit juices, rosehip decoctions, weak tea, coffee substitutes.

What not to eat

  • fatty meat (duck, pork, goose are prohibited);
  • fresh bakery, any muffin and puffs;
  • oily fish;
  • cooking oil;
  • cheese with a high salt content;
  • mushrooms;
  • beans;
  • spicy radish, onion, garlic, radish;
  • sour sorrel, spinach;
  • chocolate bars, cakes;
  • berries with rough stones, grapes;
  • sauces (mustard and horseradish, meat, fish and mushroom sauces);
  • strong black tea, coffee, cocoa, any carbonated drinks.

Cooking methods

Preferably steam cooking, boiling. Salt is not added during cooking. You can add salt to dishes according to the norm in the process of eating. Boiled pieces of meat and fish can be fried a little to a light crust.

Smoked meats and pickles, canned food are definitely prohibited.

Sample menu for the week

The menu for every day should take into account the daily need for calories, nutritional value, salt content. We must not forget about the taste habits of the patient.

The following cooking methods are allowed - boiling, stewing, poaching, steaming, light roasting.

We offer you a variant of wellness meals for 7 days.


1st reception: a slice of unsalted cheese, a boiled egg, 2 sandwiches with butter on yesterday's wheat bread, tea with honey.

2nd reception: apple.

3rd reception: soup with potatoes in chicken broth, boiled pollock, bread, fruit compote.

4th reception: vermicelli milk soup.

5th reception: vinaigrette, bread, green tea.

6th reception: kefir.


1st reception: cottage cheese pudding, buckwheat porridge, weak black tea.

2nd reception: fruit jelly.

3rd reception: cabbage soup, steam meatballs, stewed cabbage with carrots, weak green tea.

4th reception: rosehip decoction.

5th reception: seaweed salad, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled potatoes, weak tea.

6th reception: curd dessert.


1st reception: scrambled eggs with unsalted cheese, apple juice.

2nd reception: orange.

3rd reception: vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream, beef in tomato sauce, carrot juice.

4th reception: apple puree with dried apricots.

5th reception: viscous wheat porridge with a piece of butter, boiled beef, fresh vegetables, weak green tea.

6th reception: natural yogurt.


1st reception: oatmeal with milk, coffee substitute.

2nd reception: banana.

3rd reception: borscht, fried cod, boiled potatoes, herbs, weak black tea.

4th reception: dried fruits compote.

5th reception: barley porridge with lean meat, boiled vegetables, weak green tea.

6th reception: low-fat kefir.


1st reception: millet milk porridge with butter, tea with honey.

2nd reception: baked apple.

3rd reception: buckwheat soup with potatoes in chicken broth, boiled chicken fillet, bread toasts, stewed carrots, weak tea.

4th reception: milk rice soup.

5th reception: rice salad with vegetables and boiled fish fillet, weak tea.

6th reception: berry kissel.


1st reception: boiled egg white, wheat porridge with butter, orange juice.

2nd reception: strawberry banana smoothie.

3rd reception: beetroot, minced beef, crumbly millet porridge, stewed vegetables, weak tea.

4th reception: rosehip decoction.

5th reception: boiled cauliflower fried in sour cream batter, boiled beef, compote.

6th reception: ryazhenka.


1st reception: cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots, coffee substitute.

2nd reception: carrot pudding.

3rd reception: vegetable barley soup, boiled poultry, vegetable stew, compote.

4th reception: fruit compote.

5th reception: boiled meat soufflé, a piece of butter, bread, weak tea.

6th reception: oatmeal jelly.

Recipes for allowed dishes

Beat 50 grams of boiled beef with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Mix white sauce from a teaspoon of dried flour and two tablespoons of milk, gently pour into the meat mass. We introduce the yolk of the egg into the minced meat immediately, beat the protein beforehand until a thick foam. We spread the mass in a container greased with oil. Steam the mixture until it's cooked through. To taste, drizzle the soufflé with warm cow butter before serving.

Peel potatoes, half a carrot and a tomato and cut into slices. Shred 100 grams of cabbage. Put the vegetables in the boiling broth and cook for 15 minutes. Grate half of the beets and add to the boiling broth. Cook for another 15 minutes. Can be lightly salted. Add grated cheese to the finished borscht and sprinkle with parsley.

Pour 100 milliliters of milk and 50 milliliters of water into 50 grams of hercules flakes. We cook porridge, avoiding burning to the bottom of the pan. At the end, add 10 grams of butter per serving.

For 120 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, carefully rubbed through a sieve, you need to add 10 grams of warm cow butter, the same number of grams of semolina, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of starch. Mix everything thoroughly. Dried pitted cherries can be added to the soufflé. Cook in a water bath with a tightly closed lid for 40 minutes. Pour the finished dish with cherry syrup.