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Basics of physical fitness. Concepts of general and special physical training Physical fitness means

The general condition of the human body, its real capabilities, performance, can be called physical fitness. This is usually achieved through strength training. The more systematically and in-depth a person deals with his body, the higher his preparation. At a good level, a person has resistance to various diseases, is less susceptible to stress, emotional and nervous shocks, is stronger and more self-possessed. The respiratory and circulatory systems of such a person are much better developed than those of an unprepared person, and mental potential, together with the ability to concentrate, allows one to achieve success in work or study.

If we don’t talk about health problems, an athlete can achieve physical fitness only by diligently performing a variety of exercises. Preparation reflects the processes of growth and formation at individual stages of individual ontogenesis (development). The nuances of ngo directly depend on the personal characteristics of its design and body structure.

Physical fitness is an extremely important indicator of the general condition and level of health of the population of a particular country. It is usually put on a par with mortality, fertility or morbidity.

general information

Some processes are constantly taking place in the body of each of us; they do not stop until our life cycle ends. They are usually divided into age stages, which are characterized by their properties (mental, physical, morphological, functional). The higher the level and speed of the totality of these processes, the more physically prepared a person can be considered, and his nervous, mental, and physical performance is high.

Sometimes, due to the fact that the sequence of development is disrupted in the early stages of intrauterine development, irreversible changes occur that affect the entire vital activity of the body. However, in most cases, if we don’t talk about pathologies, external factors have a direct impact on a person’s physical fitness: upbringing, dietary habits, social nuances, and the presence of diseases. They are more significant than genetic inclinations and can have an impact many times more powerful.

But what is physical fitness, what properties can be included in the list of properties of any organism? Indicators of physical fitness include functions that are assessed on the basis of simple data: height, body weight, proportions of development of its individual parts, lung capacity, muscle strength, tone, condition of the musculoskeletal system, posture, presence, thickness of the lipid layer and much more. more. It so happened that it is customary to evaluate the general condition based on external morphological factors, but only in conjunction with functional parameters, for the objectivity of the assessment.

Strength or muscle strength

This indicator is expressed in a person's ability or inability to withstand a certain level of resistance by tensing the muscles. Many activities involve the development of such strength both in everyday life and in production. In many ways, this factor depends not only on the mass and quality of the muscles themselves, but also on the biochemical processes that occur in them, as well as the activity of the central nervous system. It can occur in isotonic or isometric mode. In the first case, this refers to dynamic (explosive) force (contraction or stretching of muscles), and in the second to static force (maintaining one position under load). There are several types of force.

  • Muscular. This is the ability of the muscle to overcome any resistance.
  • Absolute. This term refers to the degree of force tension while overcoming resistance, without taking into account the total mass.
  • Relative. This is the ratio of force per unit of own weight.
  • Express. To measure such strength, you can be guided by such indicators as the strength of the arms, legs, abdominals, and back.

Increased strength is directly related to increased muscle mass. Moreover, this has both an aesthetic aspect (body beauty) and a purely “applied” aspect - strong muscles are less susceptible to injury, they help maintain natural body weight. Muscles require much more calories than lipid layers, which is why strong people are usually less susceptible to problems such as obesity.

Quickness (speed)

This property is directly characterized by how often muscles can contract and relax. The concept is divided into three main subcategories.

  • Sprint speed.
  • Speed ​​of movement.
  • Fast response.

The easiest way to determine sprint speed. It is calculated simply: you need to measure how long it takes an athlete to run a distance of twenty-five meters.


This indicator of physical fitness is a rather broad concept. It covers all the qualities that indicate how long the body can withstand various stresses.

  • General or aerobic. To convert sugar (carbohydrates) into clean energy, the aerobic system uses oxygen. Under intense loads, the process can affect lipids and even proteins (). Working to the limit of your aerobic endurance helps you burn more excess mass. Measurements for this property are usually carried out during a run of 2 kilometers for girls, 3 kilometers for boys.
  • Sprint (speed). This is the ability to withstand loads at the highest rates of muscle contraction and relaxation. Usually measurements are also taken while running per unit of time.
  • Power. This is the ability to withstand quite significant force loads. This quality is determined by how long the muscles are capable of repeating the same efforts over a certain period of time. It is defined differently for different muscle groups: shoulder girdle - hanging pull-ups, abdominals - raising and lowering the body while lying down.
  • Speed-strength. This indicator combines the last two. It illuminates the ability to perform any kind of work for a specific period of time.


One of the most important qualities is characterized by the ability of the human body to perform various movements with a relatively large amplitude and scope. The maximum of this value will be considered flexibility. It denotes the general mobility of all joints of the body. Experts distinguish two main forms of mobility.

  • Passive. These are those that are made under the influence of external factors and forces.
  • Active. Voluntary movements that are performed by contracting and relaxing muscle groups passing through a particular joint.

If an athlete’s training complex includes only strength loads, and not enough attention is paid to stretching, the flexibility indicator can drop significantly, even with regular exercise. Physical fitness is also characterized by this important property.


This is a quality that helps to learn different movements in a minimum period of time. This also takes into account the ability to quickly adjust and “adapt” to performing such movements. The outstanding Soviet scientist-physiologist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bernstein considered this property to be the ability to quickly and with the least resistance motorically get out of any difficult situation.

From a psychological point of view, dexterity can directly depend on the quality of the central nervous system, the ability to adequately evaluate and solve various motor problems. The greater the set of motor skills, the higher the agility score. People who have such abilities are more pronounced can easily learn to juggle, play different games, and perform acrobatic exercises.

Composition and coordination

Another important quality, it determines the ratio in one organism of the presence of lipid, protein, and bone tissue. Depending on weight, age, you can determine the degree of health and physical fitness. It is clear that excess fat mass can indicate heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other problems.

Coordination is directly related to agility as well as body composition. This is the ability to properly control one’s own muscles, demonstrating the coherence of the work of different body systems. Good coordination of movements allows you to maintain balance and not get tired longer due to the precision of performing various body movements.


This property is also called the height-weight indicator, and its essence lies in the name itself. This is a set of parameters, which include body weight, height, distribution of weight centers, body type. This guides professional trainers when selecting a particular person to perform certain exercises or engage in different sports, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Physical fitness assessment

Many people do not understand what is meant by physical fitness testing, or how something like this can be assessed. After all, each person is individual, different from the other, and therefore his preparation is also different. It's time to explain what we are talking about, as well as provide some numbers for a better understanding. Such a characteristic is given only after an assessment of the general physical functional state. There are a number of tests, measurements and tests that have been developed and selected for a long time.

Keeping a self-control diary

The main, main method of monitoring physical fitness is keeping your own diary, where you will record all the changes that occur to your body during training. To do this, you just need to line a regular notebook, where you enter data about the work of different body systems, mood, successes, for a certain date.

  • Pulse at rest and after exercise.
  • Orthostatic test.
  • Volumes and characteristics of loads.
  • Breathing rate before and after exercise.
  • General information about your health.
  • Mood: positive or negative.
  • Recovery time.

Keeping such records gives a general idea of ​​the athlete's health status, as well as his functional indicators. It’s even useful to do them purely for yourself in order to understand what you should pay more attention to.

Physical fitness standards

A whole set of indicators has been developed that are considered average and also the same for everyone.

For schoolchildren and students

A certain part of the tests relates to assessing the physical fitness of students in schools, technical schools, universities and other educational institutions. By how the physical fitness indicators of the same person have changed, for example, over the course of a semester, one can generally judge the preparation work done. This includes the use of special tools, equipment, as well as physical education methods.

For the army

The armed forces are a separate area of ​​physical training. There are different types of testing that show a soldier's compliance with generally accepted standards of a particular country. They can vary quite significantly from country to country. They are freely available, so let's look at just a few for comparison.

Pull-up on the bar

  • Great Britain - 12 times.
  • USA - 10 times.
  • Germany - 12 times.
  • France - 8 times.
  • Russia - 12-13 times.

Running 1000 meters (1 kilometer)

  • UK - 4.7-5 minutes.
  • USA - 7-8 minutes.
  • Germany - 6 minutes.
  • France - 3.5-4.6 minutes.
  • Russia - 3.3-3.25 minutes.

Methods for assessing physical fitness (tests)

To monitor the physical training of students or military personnel, a set of special tests (tests) is provided. They are general, intended for the average girl or guy, as well as special ones if a person has already completed or is not able to complete them.

Are common

  • Standing long jump.
  • Raising and lowering the body from a sitting position.
  • Bend the body forward on a gymnastic bench.

Medical group

  • Pull-up on the bar.
  • Cross-country skiing.
  • Abdominal exercises (for women).
  • Arm curl (lying position).
  • Flexibility tests.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Cooper test.
  • Running (1, 2, 3 kilometers).
  • Standing long jumps.

To assess the cardiovascular activity of the body, it is usually customary to use the so-called Ruffier test, as well as the Harvard Step Test Index (HST).

This test was invented back in 1968 by the American military doctor and scientist Kenneth Cooper. It is designed for healthy people in good health at the age of no more than thirty-five years.

  • Warm up (3-15 minutes).
  • Run (bicycle, swim) to measure distance with maximum “extension” in 12 seconds.
  • Hitch.

Moreover, the value of this test is not in its results for a certain period, but in the dynamics of change as physical training progresses.


This is a much more stressful test, which is offered only to already trained athletes. For beginners, such methods are ineffective, since they generally fail to meet the standards. The essence of the test is simple: in 300 seconds a person must steadily (marching) ascend and descend onto a chair or bench. After this, you are given one minute to rest. The index itself is calculated using a formula.

IGST = t x 100 / (F1+F2 + F3) x 2

Here the values ​​F1, F2, F3 indicate the pulse measured respectively in the second, third, fourth minute after the load. There is another, averaged, simplified formula.

IGST = t x 100 / f x 5.5

t — ascent time in seconds.

f—HR (pulse, heart rate).

Ruffier index

For this test, you must first sit at rest for exactly three hundred seconds (5 minutes). After this, the pulse is measured and the result is recorded. Perform 30 squats in 45 seconds. Heart rate is calculated for the first and last fifteen seconds of rest after exercise, and then after a minute of inactivity.

P1 - pulse after rest.

P2 - the first measurement after classes.

P3 - second measurement.

P3 - third measurement.

Physical fitness is the result of physical training achieved when performing motor actions necessary for a person to master or perform professional or sports activities.

Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functionality of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). The level of physical fitness is assessed based on the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured. General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical education program used and its purpose.

General physical fitness

General physical training (GPP) is the process of improving motor physical qualities aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person.

General physical training helps to increase functional capabilities, overall performance, and is the basis (base) for special training and achieving high results in a chosen field of activity or sport. The following tasks may be assigned to the general physical training program:

  • - achieve harmonious development of body muscles and corresponding muscle strength;
  • - acquire general endurance;
  • - increase the speed of performing various movements, general speed abilities;
  • - increase the mobility of the main joints, muscle elasticity;
  • - improve dexterity in a wide variety of (domestic, work, sports) activities, the ability to coordinate simple and complex movements;
  • - learn to perform movements without unnecessary stress, master the ability to relax.

General physical training is associated with the achievement of physical perfection - a level of health and comprehensive development of physical abilities that meet the requirements of human activity in certain historically established conditions of production, military affairs and other spheres of public life. Specific principles and indicators of physical perfection are always determined by the real needs and living conditions of society at each historical stage. But they also always contain a requirement for a high level of health and general performance. It should be remembered that even fairly high general physical fitness often cannot ensure success in a specific sports discipline or in various types of professional work. And this means that in some cases increased development of endurance is required, in others - strength, etc., i.e. special training is required.

Physical fitness

Physical fitness is the level of achieved development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills as a result of a specialized process of physical education aimed at solving specific problems. (Krutsevich, 2003).

Scientific research conducted in various countries of the world indicates that climatic conditions and the geographical location of the region affect a person, and especially the child’s body, both directly and indirectly - through living conditions that have an exceptional impact on health, performance and physical fitness. In this regard, differences are noted not only in the indicators of development of motor qualities, but also in the pace, their age development, the presence of sensitive periods, which is the basis for building a regional system of physical training for children.

In addition, the level of physical fitness indicators is influenced by the seasons. Thus, the data obtained by A.E. Bondarenko and A.S. Kuts allow us to assert that among schoolchildren of primary school age, physical and functional readiness is not the same throughout the year and is dynamic in nature. The authors note that the length of the standing jump for boys 7-8 years old in the fall is 121 cm, for girls - 112.8 cm; in winter for boys - 129.1, for girls - 119.4; in the spring, boys - 137.9, and girls - 124.5. A similar increase was noted for other indicators at the age of 8-9 years. It was revealed that in 33-35% of younger students the level of physical performance and motor readiness are not interrelated, but with age this percentage decreases.

One of the significant factors that influences the level of physical fitness and human health, and, consequently, the content of the entire system of physical education, is unfavorable environmental environmental conditions, as evidenced by numerous studies by specialists in various scientific disciplines. The greatest danger is the effect of radiation, as noted by V.S. Kazakov, V.A. Matyukhin, L.N. Astakhov, A.S. Kuts, P.E. Danchuk, V.A. Leonova, in the conditions of which a number of regions are located Russia, Ukraine. Researchers K. Kozlova, T.Yu. Krutsevich, A.S. Kuts note that the children's body is very sensitive to the effects of radiation. Even doses slightly higher than normal can delay or stop the growth of the skeletal system, which leads to abnormalities in skeletal development and causes changes in the mental and mental development of children.

As is known, the effective functioning of any system is achieved by receiving feedback, i.e. assessment of the state of the object to which the influence of the system components is directed. In the system of physical training of children of primary school age, this principle is implemented through pedagogical observation, questioning, testing and other control methods.

A prerequisite for the optimal functioning of the physical training system of primary school age is individual control over the development of physical abilities, which allows making adjustments to the educational process.

The health-improving focus of the process of physical education during school years is carried out thanks to targeted work on the development of those motor qualities that are most necessary to ensure normal life activity, harmonious physical development and smooth out the difficulties of growth of the schoolchildren’s body at each stage of its development.

The positive dynamics of the development of a specific motor quality is ensured by the targeted impact of physical exercises on those leading functional systems of the body that are responsible for the manifestation of this quality.

Consequently, an improvement in the result in the manifestation of any quality is ensured by the improvement of the body system that limits it.

The level of physical fitness is determined using control exercises - tests, which in school physical education are presented in the “Physical Education Program for Students of Secondary Schools”. For students of each year of school, the program provides certain standards for the manifestation of basic motor qualities: speed, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility.

The sets of control tests of the school curriculum comply with the standards of state tests for the population of certain regions and are cross-cutting (i.e., the same) for all grades, differing only in regulatory requirements, which makes it possible to trace the dynamics of individual student results throughout all years of study. Contributing to the further dynamics of the development of the leading motor quality of the student, the lagging ones also develop in parallel, since not a single exercise can be performed efficiently and effectively if a person does not have a certain (basic) level of various motor qualities.

1. The daily routine is understood as the distribution of main tasks and activities,

carried out by a person every day. Main purpose

regime - to ensure optimal activity of the body

man, his basic functions and systems. This optimization allows

maintain a high level of performance for a long time, avoid

unjustified nervous and mental stress, successfully

manage your emotions.

The basis for regulating the daily routine is the alternation of activities.

If we analyze the most important events of the day, we can

see that some of them place increased demands on

mental sphere of a person and are associated with high activity of mental

processes, emotional and volitional efforts. Others relate more to

physical sphere and are associated with biological processes, with

prolonged muscle tension, high intensity

the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, and energy exchange systems.

Since all processes occurring in the human body are determined

activity of the central nervous system (CNS), it becomes obvious

that the reasons for decreased performance are fatigue of the central nervous system, and

more precisely, in the fatigue of the structural formations (centers) of the brain

Increase brain activity and regular function

possible in two ways. The first is with the help of various psychotropic or

other stimulants (alcohol, smoking, drugs, doping). Acceptance of these

stimulants leads to a decrease in the feeling of fatigue, an increase in overall

tone of the body, but does not relieve fatigue of nerve cells

brain. Dulling the feeling of general fatigue allows a person

actively continue its activity and thereby introduces nerve cells

into a state of extreme braking. Use, especially

regularly, psychotropic medications, including drugs and alcohol, leads

to constant overstrain of brain activity, to its

exhaustion and destruction. Therefore, this method is absolutely not


The second way is to alternate types of activities,

allowing you to change the direction and magnitude of the load on the central nervous system. When

a person changes the type of activity, then the activity of nerve cells alone

parts of the brain are replaced by the activity of nerve cells of other

plots and, therefore, creates favorable conditions for

restoration of previously working areas. So the change

activities, regulated by an optimal daily routine, allows

a person to maintain a high level of general performance and avoid

overstrain of the central nervous system.

2. General physical fitness means physical

a human condition that is acquired as a result of activities

physical fitness and is characterized by high physical

performance, good development of physical qualities,

diverse motor experience.

A person who has good physical fitness has a fairly high resistance to stressful situations, the effects of unfavorable environmental conditions and various diseases. He has well-developed respiratory, circulatory and energy exchange systems, which have a sufficient supply

reliability, efficiency and economy.

Attention, memory and thinking are stable and less susceptible to fatigue. All these positive properties allow a person to achieve high results.

both in sports, and in educational, and in work activities.

PHYSICAL FITNESS, the result of physical training achieved when performing motor actions necessary for a person to master or perform professional or sports activities. Optimal F.p. called physical readiness. F.p. characterized by the level of functionality of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic. physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). Basic means of achieving F.p. is an exercise. There are current, operational and stage control of F.p. Current control demonstrates the level of F.p. after one or more training sessions; operational - after performing one or a series of exercises; staged - after a long (more than six months) cycle of training sessions. Assessment of the level of F.p. carried out according to the results shown in special control exercises for strength, endurance, etc.

A person’s physical fitness is characterized by the degree of development of basic physical qualities - strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility and coordination. The idea of ​​comprehensive training of people’s physical abilities dates back to ancient times. This way, the basic physical qualities of a person develop better, and the harmony in the activities of all human systems and organs is not disturbed. So, for example, the development of speed should occur in unity with the development of strength, endurance, and agility. It is this coherence that leads to the mastery of vital skills.

Physical qualities and motor skills obtained as a result of physical exercises can be easily transferred by a person to other areas of his activity, and contribute to a person’s rapid adaptation to changing working conditions, which is very important in modern living conditions.

There is a close relationship between the development of physical qualities and the formation of motor skills.

Motor qualities are formed unevenly and non-simultaneously. The highest achievements in strength, speed, and endurance are achieved at different ages.