home · Other · What causes cervical erosion in nulliparous women. Important aspects of the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous patients. Useful video about cervical erosion, the main methods of its diagnosis and treatment

What causes cervical erosion in nulliparous women. Important aspects of the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous patients. Useful video about cervical erosion, the main methods of its diagnosis and treatment

All women should regularly visit a gynecologist, because some diseases proceed unnoticed, painlessly, without unusual discharge or temperature. Similar pathologies include cervical erosion in nulliparous girls and women who have given birth.

Types of disease

Erosion is a shallow damage to the mucous membrane, localized in the cervix itself. There are several types of disease:

  • Congenital ectopia - during vaginal examination it is visualized as a red spot with smooth contours. Develops in little girls and teenagers. The disease is benign and heals on its own without specialized therapy.
  • True erosion is a lesion of the squamous stratified epithelium of the mucous membrane of an inflammatory or traumatic nature. It is a round red defect with clear boundaries. The disease lasts 10–14 days, then moves to its next stage - ectopia.

  • Pseudo-erosion (ectopia of the epithelium) occurs when sections of cylindrical epithelium appear in place of the cells characteristic of the cervix. As a rule, it exists for a long time and does not go away without special treatment. There is a possibility of a malignant tumor developing at the site of pseudo-erosion (in the absence of atypia). If oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus are detected, the likelihood of developing cervical cancer pathology increases.

A gynecologist can determine the type of cervical lesion with a thorough examination. The most common diagnosis is pseudo-erosion, which requires regular monitoring and properly selected therapy.

Causes and signs of the disease

Erosion is a disease that leads to the development of neoplasms of the reproductive system, which is why it is not recommended to leave the disease unattended. If it is detected, it is necessary to undergo systematic examinations with a gynecologist and follow his treatment instructions.

There are many reasons leading to cervical pathology. These include:

  • Irregular, early or late sexual life.
  • Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, vaginal dysbiosis, as well as sexually transmitted infections (HPV, gonorrhea).
  • Injuries – mechanical damage, miscarriages.
  • Endocrinological diseases, irregular cycles, impaired local immunity.

Upon examination and careful history taking, the doctor can determine the cause of the epithelial defect and select a comprehensive effective treatment. Most often, erosion is an accidental finding during a routine examination, since it does not manifest itself in any way externally.

In rare cases, a woman may complain of a feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse, minor bloody mucous discharge that does not depend on the cycle.

Diagnosis and treatment

Cervical erosion can be suspected based on the patient’s complaints and during a medical examination. To clarify the diagnosis in order to identify the cause and select appropriate therapy, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies, such as:

  • A smear of the contents onto the flora.
  • Cytological analysis (to detect signs of inflammation and atypia).
  • Extended colposcopy.
  • Biopsy for signs of malignant transformation of the affected area.
  • Bacteriological culture of the obtained smear.
  • PCR diagnostics to determine HPV and herpes viruses.
  • Tests for syphilis, HIV.

Additional research will help the doctor determine the etiology of the disease and prescribe appropriate complex therapy. Depending on the size of the erosion, its nature of occurrence and type, medical or surgical treatment may be used.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women is preferably carried out using a number of medications. If an infection is detected, antibacterial medications (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) and immunomodulators are prescribed. Local medications are used (Hexicon, Depantol suppositories), chemicals that cause tissue burns followed by healing (creams containing acetic acid).

This treatment is suitable for young girls because it does not leave behind changes that can lead to problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Cauterization of the defect

Surgical intervention is performed in case of large erosive defects, in case of ineffectiveness of drug treatment, in case of relapses and a complicated medical history. For ectopia of the epithelium, the following is used:

  • Cryotherapy – cauterization with liquid nitrogen. This method is characterized by low pain and a relatively short rehabilitation period of 1–3 months.

  • Diathermcoagulation is an effective method used in women who do not plan pregnancy within a year. This method is the oldest and is based on the effect of electric current on tissue. When performing it, it should be taken into account that in addition to the pathological focus, the surrounding healthy tissues are also damaged, this leads to the appearance of extensive scars.
  • The radio wave method is recommended for nulliparous girls and women planning to conceive a child in the near future. This new method is based on coagulation of soft tissues without their destruction. Pathological cells “evaporate” under the influence of high-frequency radio waves.
  • Laser therapy is an effective method that does not leave behind scar changes and strictures. The pathological focus is subjected to destruction due to the energy of laser radiation. The advantages of the method include its speed, painlessness, absence of scar changes and a quick recovery period. Complete healing occurs a month after the procedure.

Regardless of which method of destruction is used, surgical intervention is reduced to a regular burn, which removes pathological tissue in a certain area, while damaged and healthy cells die. Over time, a scab forms in the treatment area, and after healing, connective tissue appears.

After cauterization, local antiseptics, healing ointments and suppositories recommended by the gynecologist are used. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid lifting heavy objects for 1–2 months, and carefully observe hygiene (use special shower gels; during menstruation, it is recommended to frequently change pads and tampons, the optimal time is every 3–4 hours).

Possible complications

With radical therapy, scars may appear, as well as narrowing or complete fusion of the cervical canal. As a result, infertility occurs. With extensive damage, the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency is possible, which can provoke dilatation of the cervix during pregnancy, and, as a result, miscarriage.

Treatment methods should be carefully selected. For nulliparous girls and those planning pregnancy, treatment with cauterization and exposure to temperature (cryodestruction) is not recommended. These techniques lead to the formation of scars, canal strictures, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and exacerbation of inflammation.

Rehabilitation may take several months, during which time it is necessary to exclude sexual relations, visiting the pool and sauna, and physical activity.

Therapy for nulliparous women

Cervical erosion and treatment of nulliparous women is an issue that worries many after diagnosis. This is a serious disease that requires careful medical supervision and proper therapy. If you suspect a disease, you should not delay visiting a gynecologist.

In most cases, the epithelial defect is located around the cervical canal and during the cauterization procedure, tissue damage with further scar formation is possible. In this regard, nulliparous girls and women planning pregnancy should be treated for erosion using gentle surgical methods. These include laser therapy and the modern radio wave method, or, if possible, it is sufficient to limit ourselves to drug treatment.

Timely effective treatment will prevent the development of serious complications and help alleviate the general condition.

Erosion is one of the most common diseases of the reproductive system. Not a single woman is safe from it. In particular, cervical erosion occurs in nulliparous women.



In nulliparous women, several types of erosion may occur:

  • Pseudo-erosion - changes in the epithelium caused by hormonal changes. Typical for women under 27 years of age. And until this age is reached, no treatment is required at all;
  • True erosion is traumatic or inflammatory. Requires mandatory treatment. In rare cases and with very small sizes, the tap can pass on its own.

There is no specificity (as, for example, in virgins) in the development of erosion in nulliparous women.


The causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women are the same as in those who have given birth. The most common reasons are:

  1. Chronic inflammatory or infectious processes in the genitourinary system;
  2. Domestic trauma (for example, during sexual intercourse, masturbation, douching, using a tampon) or medical (surgery, abortion, etc.);
  3. Starting sexual activity too early or too late;
  4. Hormonal changes lead to the development of pseudo-erosion.

The causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women may also be due to poor ecology. Bad habits play a significant role - unhealthy diet, alcohol, smoking.

Despite the fact that these factors are unable to provoke pathology directly, they significantly increase the likelihood of its development.


Symptoms of cervical erosion in nulliparous women are the same as in other women. Namely:

  1. Spotting bleeding during or after sexual intercourse;
  2. Spotting bleeding regardless of sexual intercourse or menstrual cycle;
  3. Discomfort or even pain during sexual intercourse;
  4. Uncharacteristic discharge;
  5. Increasing cases of viral, fungal and infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

Although it is worth remembering that most often, especially in the early stages, erosion or ectopia of the cervix is ​​completely asymptomatic. This is true for both nulliparous and parous patients.

Major pathology

Symptoms of cervical erosion in nulliparous women become more pronounced when it reaches a large size. At this stage, intense bleeding appears. Having sex becomes almost impossible. An inflammatory process often occurs.

Changes in discharge are observed. They may be brown in color due to blood. They may also have a mucopurulent structure.


Why is cervical erosion dangerous in nulliparous women? First of all, in the absence of treatment, it begins to actively progress. This leads to severe bleeding. It makes it impossible to have a normal sex life, since sexual intercourse will be accompanied by pain. In addition, the presence of pathology significantly increases the likelihood of developing an infectious, viral or fungal disease.

In particular, the human papillomavirus poses a danger. It leads to the development of dysplasia, which over time can turn into cancer.


There are several methods to diagnose erosion before birth. Typically, several of them are used in combination:

  • Colposcopy is a visual examination of the vaginal part of the cervix using a special apparatus. Allows the doctor to see the affected area directly;
  • Biopsy is the removal of a small area of ​​altered tissue. Allows you to determine the degree and type of changes, including real erosion or pseudo-erosion;
  • Blood and urine tests are additional diagnostic measures. They help determine the presence of markers of the inflammatory process, as well as signs of hormonal imbalance that can cause erosion;
  • PCR or polymerase chain reaction is performed on the scraping. It helps determine the presence of bacteria in the genitals. This is the most informative method.

In some cases, in order to diagnose erosion before birth, it is also necessary to perform an ultrasound. Especially in case of severe pathologies, when it is necessary to determine the condition of tissues located nearby.


Is it possible to treat erosion for nulliparous women? This must be done. Although in some cases there may be restrictions. Thus, pseudo-erosion caused by hormonal characteristics is not recommended to be treated until the age of 25-27 years. Quite often it goes away on its own during this period, as the hormonal balance normalizes.

How to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous girls? There are three main approaches. Medication, with the use of drugs, low-traumatic (cauterization) and surgical (conization of the cervix). The latter is almost never used, since it is not considered appropriate and is indicated only for very large pathologies.


Is it possible to cauterize erosion for nulliparous women? Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls is successfully treated with cauterization. Moreover, this method can be used even with virgins. It is quite minimally traumatic compared to surgery. In the future, it will not in any way affect the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child normally.

The recovery period lasts about three weeks, regardless of the type of cauterization. During this period, it is not recommended to have sex and use tampons. During the first 2-3 days after the intervention, spotting bleeding may be present. After this everything returns to normal. The menstrual cycle is usually not disrupted.

Cauterization methods

Methods for treating cervical erosion in nulliparous women by cauterization are varied. They differ in the component used. The following methods are most popular among doctors:

Large cervical erosion in nulliparous women can be cured in this way. Surgical intervention using more radical methods is rarely resorted to.


It is carried out using complex drugs from different groups. The method is much less effective than cauterization. But it can be used for minor erosions in a nulliparous woman. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Immunostimulants (Interferon) help stimulate the body's own immune system to fight pathology;
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs (antibiotics) are prescribed when the pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process (which happens quite often);
  3. Local preparations that stimulate exfoliation of pathological epithelium;
  4. Preparations to stimulate the formation of a healthy epithelial layer;
  5. Local preparations for restoring vaginal microflora.

Such methods of treating cervical erosion are prescribed extremely rarely. Due to their low efficiency. You can read more about this in the material “Drug treatment of the cervix.”

Traditional methods

Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls cannot be cured completely using traditional methods. But such recipes can be used as additional ones. The most popular components are:

  • Sea buckthorn oil. It is used in tampons;
  • Honey is also used in the form of tampons. And also inside;
  • Propolis is used in the form of suppositories, a solution for douching, and even for oral administration;
  • Onions in medicines with honey;
  • Tincture of calendula;
  • Aloe juice, Kalanchoe.

Before using any method, you should consult your doctor. Read more about this treatment in the article “Folk methods of treating erosion.”


With timely initiation of treatment, acquired or congenital erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women does not lead to serious consequences. It is not a contraindication to pregnancy. But it may complicate the birth process a little, since the birth canal, in particular the cervix, will be less distensible. Because after removing the erosion, scar tissue will remain on it. In general, pregnancy and erosion do not affect each other in any way.

Some researchers are of the opinion that sometimes erosion in nulliparous women can go away after childbirth. But this rarely happens. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, the likelihood of relapse is also low (about 20%).

Erosion occurs when there is no squamous epithelium on the uterine cervix.

Instead of normal tissue, there is a mucous membrane on the neck, which is also inflamed.

Erosion is a serious problem both for the patient herself and for her attending physician. The diagnosis of “congenital erosion” is the best option, since instead of epithelium, the uterus is covered with cells whose composition is similar to vaginal cells.

There is an opinion that cervical erosion in girls who have not yet given birth may not be treated. This is primarily due to the fact that until recently gynecologists simply did not cure this defect. Many had to wait until pregnancy to cure erosion naturally.

Both young mothers and very young girls need to eliminate the defect. Modern science has advanced far and makes it possible to treat erosion in nulliparous women in a safe way that does not entail negative consequences.

The main cause of erosion is hormonal imbalances. If cervical erosion is caused by pregnancy, the defect usually goes away on its own after a couple of weeks. In nulliparous girls, false erosion is mainly found. Treatment of such a defect is mandatory and requires urgent intervention from a specialist gynecologist.

The main reason for the appearance of erosion is the consequences after childbirth. For nulliparous girls, there are many more reasons.

Causes of erosion in nulliparous girls

  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Incorrect use of a tampon.
  • Insertion of foreign objects into the vagina.
  • Injuries during sexual contact: the appearance of erosion due to injury to the mucous membrane.
  • Infectious diseases: herpes, syphilis: infections are transmitted mainly through sexual contact.
  • Exposure to chemical drugs, in particular contraceptives: when selecting drugs, you should consult a doctor who will select the safest and most reliable treatment.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners: erosion may be caused due to injury to the mucous membrane.
  • Early onset of sexual activity.
  • Carrying out abortions.
  • Reduced efficiency of the human immune system: an organism with a weak immune system is much more likely to be exposed to viruses and diseases.
  • Rough sexual intercourse.
  • Vaginal diseases.
  • Diseases of the genital tract.
  • The presence of leucorrhoea is irritation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. As a result of the lesions, erosions form in the form of large ulcers that can bleed.

Symptoms of erosion

  • Characteristic pain in the vaginal area.
  • Vaginal bleeding of any nature.
  • The appearance of a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen.

These symptoms may indicate not only erosion - they may accompany other diseases. Therefore, only a gynecologist can make a complete diagnosis and recommended course of treatment after a full examination.

In nulliparous girls, erosion is much easier to treat, especially if it is not advanced and is at an early stage. In any case, the problem needs to be solved: it is necessary to be treated in a timely manner, otherwise erosion risks developing into other diseases, much more serious and dangerous: cervical cancer.

The natural treatment for congenital erosion is childbirth: the defect resolves naturally.

The most effective and inexpensive way to treat erosion is diathermocoagulation. Special electrical waves are applied to the affected area. After the process itself, a large burn or scar remains on the area.

In some cases, the affected tissue is not simply exposed to rays, but is completely removed. There is also a method that is based not on the effect of electrical waves, but on the effect of low temperatures on the affected area.

Despite its effectiveness, diathermocoagulation is very dangerous for nulliparous girls, because they may subsequently have problems with conception and childbirth. Now this method is gradually disappearing, and it is used only as a means of fighting cancer.

To completely cure erosion, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment, since erosion cannot be cured on the first attempt.

Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls occurs quite often, and it is possible to get rid of it only through laboratory methods. A treatment method that does not leave scars and does not interfere with subsequent possible childbearing is called chemofixation. This method is carried out using special chemicals.

Effective methods for the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women:

  • Chemofixation (use of chemicals and special medications).
  • Therapy using lasers.

Often, nulliparous women learn about such a problem as erosion only after visiting a gynecologist. This is due to the fact that the disease is painless and does not have any specific symptoms. In most cases, even after learning about the disease, many do not take any action, and this is fundamentally wrong. Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women is a mandatory procedure after diagnosis.

Causes of development and types of erosion

The onset of the disease is always the same. First, small cracks appear, then the affected cells begin to replace healthy ones. The causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women may be different. The main ones are:

  1. Artificial termination of pregnancy.
  2. Early or, conversely, too late sexual activity.
  3. The presence of various sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  4. Herpes.
  5. Activation of papillomavirus infection.
  6. Hormonal imbalances.

Pathology can appear in two forms: acquired and congenital. The disease itself is a proliferation of columnar epithelium - the lining of the cervical canal.

This process can begin to develop in the womb, and therefore it is quite possible to diagnose erosion in childhood and adolescence. In this regard, many are interested in whether cervical erosion can be cured.

During puberty, the pathology can heal itself. If this does not happen, it is necessary to resort to drug treatment. If you do not treat the disease in a timely manner, the risk of developing complications increases - the inflammatory process, wound infection, and the addition of other diseases.

Treatment is also mandatory in cases such as:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases that are difficult to treat;
  • detection of infections, the appearance of bloody discharge, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • the presence of a cyst and the appearance of mucous discharge;
  • cervical dysplasia.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of this pathology includes a number of studies that help determine the type of disease, find out why it occurred, and select the necessary treatment. Often, a gynecologist examines the patient using mirrors, collects anamnesis, takes a smear for microflora and, in some cases, material for histology. Colposcopy is also prescribed. Sometimes there is a need for PCR diagnostics. If a specialist suspects the development of a tumor process, the material is sent for a biopsy. In addition, urine and blood tests are collected, showing the state of the immune system and hormonal levels.

After conducting all the necessary studies, the doctor can determine the type of erosion:

  1. True small cervical erosion, which in most cases goes away on its own and does not require specific treatment.
  2. Pseudo-erosion, in which erosive wounds do not heal, and the cylindrical epithelial layer shifts its boundaries.
  3. Congenital disease when the woman herself cannot understand where it came from.

Conservative treatment

In most cases, treatment of erosion in nulliparous women involves the use of medications. If infections are detected, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents and immunomodulators. They also use suppositories and chemicals that cause tissue burns followed by healing. This treatment method is called chemofixation.

This therapy is ideal for girls, because it allows you to remove the defect and does not cause further problems with conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

Cauterization of erosion

Quite often, after diagnosis, patients are interested in whether it is possible to cauterize erosion in nulliparous girls. The answer to this question depends on many factors. Surgical intervention is performed in cases where ectopia of the cervix, which requires treatment in nulliparous women, is large in size. This is also necessary if drug therapy is not effective and relapses occur. There are several ways to help remove pathology:

  • Cryotherapy(cauterization with liquid nitrogen). The main advantage of this procedure is that it does not hurt, and besides, the rehabilitation period is relatively short (from 1 to 3 months).
  • Radio wave method Suitable for women who are planning to become pregnant soon. The essence of this method is the coagulation of soft tissues without their destruction. Under the influence of high-frequency radio waves, the affected cells “evaporate.”
  • Diathermcoagulation suitable for women and girls who do not intend to become pregnant in the next year. This is the oldest method that involves applying electric current to tissue. Its disadvantage is that, in addition to pathological tissues, healthy ones are also damaged, and this provokes the appearance of extensive scars.
  • Laser therapy implies the effect of laser radiation on the source of pathology. This is a quick and painless way to get rid of erosion. Complete tissue healing occurs within a month.

Regardless of which method is chosen, surgery is a burn of pathological tissue in the desired area. After cauterization, the doctor prescribes local antiseptics, suppositories and ointments that have a healing effect. The patient also needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid heavy lifting and carefully observe genital hygiene.

Possible complications

Radical therapy can cause dangerous consequences such as scars, narrowing or complete contraction of the cervical canal. This, in turn, leads to infertility. Extensive damage can cause the appearance of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as a result of which, during pregnancy, the cervix begins to dilate and the patient may lose the child.

It is very important to choose the right treatment method and in no case should it be delayed. Girls who have not given birth and those who are planning to become pregnant in the near future should not do cauterization, as this can lead to scarring, exacerbation of inflammation, and problems with the menstrual cycle.

Rehabilitation after treatment usually takes several months. At this time, you need to exclude sexual relations, visiting saunas and swimming pools, and physical activity.

Cervical erosion is a common gynecological disease, which is often detected in women during a routine gynecological examination, since it has practically no symptoms. Cervical erosion requires constant monitoring and treatment. The causes of cervical erosion are quite varied, let's talk about them in more detail.

To better understand how cervical erosion develops, let's consider the structure of this organ.

The cervix is ​​a tube within which the cervical canal passes. It connects the uterine cavity with the vaginal cavity. At the bases of the vaginal and uterine ends, the cervical canal has physiological narrowings, which in medical terminology are called “pharynx”. The external os is visible at the base of the cervix during a medical examination.

The inner surface of the cervical canal is lined with a layer of epithelium, which consists of columnar cells. And the surface of the cervix, like the vagina, is covered with flat epithelium arranged in several rows. The genital tract is protected from the spread of infections due to the fact that the upper row of this squamous epithelium is regularly renewed. At the border between the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the epithelium of the cervix inside the external pharynx there is a so-called transformation zone. It is located quite deep and is inaccessible to inspection without special equipment.

Why does cervical erosion form?

Traumatic influences sometimes lead to the appearance of true erosion (ulcers or wounds) on the surface of the cervix. Factors that cause erosion can be very different. Even a woman’s lifestyle matters. However, in terms of cellular structure, all erosions are the same - they are formed exclusively with the participation of ordinary cells of the cervix or cervical canal.
All damage to the cervical mucosa, regardless of their origin, epithelializes after some time. This occurs due to the proliferation of adjacent elements (reserve squamous epithelial cells). Epithelization usually takes no more than 14 days, and the mucous membrane heals in any case, regardless of the reason that led to the formation of erosion. If no complications arise, the process is usually asymptomatic. Since true erosions do not last long and do not cause complaints from patients, doctors observe them quite rarely - in only 2% of cases.

But sometimes incorrect healing of the damaged surface occurs. Columnar epithelial cells grow on the eroded area, which covers the cervical canal from the inside. After this, there is no longer an open wound, but an obvious defect appears on the cervix - an area formed by “other” cells. This defect is called “false erosion” or “ectopia”. The vast majority of diagnosed erosions belong to this type of pathology. Ectopia can form in a little girl, in a nulliparous girl, in every fifth woman suffering from one or another gynecological disease. As for women who have undergone childbirth, ectopia is observed in approximately half of the cases.

That is, there is one process occurring in two stages:

The cervical epithelium is damaged and true erosion occurs.

The healing of the epithelium does not proceed correctly and ectopia is formed.

Therefore, the use of the word “erosion” in oral speech for these cases is quite acceptable.
There is also congenital erosion. It is formed in utero and is not associated with the action of traumatic factors. Therefore, it is initially not an open wound, but a false erosion.

Today you can hardly meet an adult woman who has not heard about such a gynecological problem as cervical erosion. But patients should take into account that the primary medical conclusion “erosion” may suggest both true and false or congenital pathology. To clarify the nature of changes in the mucous membrane, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed diagnosis.

Causes of cervical erosion

In gynecological practice, cervical erosion is the displacement of the columnar epithelium, which lines the inside of the cervix and also covers the uterus and tubes, onto the vaginal part of the cervix.

Type of cervical erosion depending on the cause

Depending on the cause of cervical erosion, there are:

- Traumatic erosion of the cervix. In this case, difficult childbirth, manipulations during surgical interventions, and artificial termination of pregnancy lead to the formation of a wound on the cervix. In older women with displacement of the genital organs, mechanical trauma may occur due to the use of a uterine pessary. If there is any inflammatory process in the vagina or cervical canal (vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endocervicitis), an infection may occur on the cervix.

- Inflammatory erosion of the cervix. This type of erosion is always associated with infectious factors. Sometimes the infectious process takes a very aggressive course. Then local inflammation occurs on the neck, which is complicated by necrosis. In this case, the tissues at the site of inflammation begin to be rejected, and erosion forms. With erosions of an inflammatory nature, characteristic signs are observed - redness, plaque of pus, swelling, and the release of a small amount of blood due to damage to blood vessels.

- Specific erosion of the cervix. In this case, the cause may lie far beyond the genitals. Rarely found in patients with syphilis or tuberculosis. Erosion may also be associated with the presence of sexually transmitted infections. But they are usually easily diagnosed and quickly treated, so damage to the cervix simply does not have time to occur. Only in some cases, when a sexually transmitted infection lasts for a long time, erosion develops against its background.

- Burn erosion of the cervix. May result from therapeutic procedures. The goal of treating false erosion is to destroy the pathological focus with further restoration of the normal mucous membrane over its surface. For this purpose, modern medicine uses several techniques. Thus, cryodestruction (exposure to low temperature), electrocoagulation, laser, radio waves or chemical treatment (the so-called cauterization of cervical erosion) are widely used. As a result of any of these procedures, the same changes occur: the upper “irregular layer” is destroyed, and in its place a scab is formed, under which there is a mucous layer. In this layer, recovery processes begin, the mucous membrane heals, and the crust is rejected over time. But there are cases when epithelization occurs with disturbances, the crust is torn off ahead of schedule, revealing an unhealed ulcer. This wound represents true erosion.

- Trophic erosion of the cervix. The cause of this type of erosion is impaired blood circulation in the tissues and their insufficient nutrition. Trophic erosion is often found in menopausal patients against the background of atrophic processes in the mucous membranes of the genitals and hypoestrogenism.

- Physiological erosion of the cervix. It occurs in healthy young women (up to 25 years of age), then disappears completely without requiring external interventions. The reasons for this pathology still remain unexplored. The course of physiological erosion is greatly influenced by the state of the body's immune defense.

Causes of congenital cervical erosion

Congenital erosion is ectopia (pseudo-erosion). When the reproductive system begins to develop in the fetus, the inner surface of the uterus and vaginal rudiments are first completely covered with columnar epithelium. Over time, in the vaginal area and the vaginal part of the cervix, this epithelium is replaced by flat epithelium.

The essence of the problem is that the columnar epithelium is sensitive to hormones. And in newborns, hormonal changes begin in the body, due to which the cylindrical epithelium moves outward, forming false erosion.

What can be done in case of congenital cervical erosion

Until the age of 23 years, congenital erosion is usually not touched, preferring observation tactics. If inflammatory processes occur, they need to be treated. Some patients are prescribed oral contraceptives to regulate hormonal levels.
In addition, women with congenital erosion are advised to use local remedies that help improve epithelization (for example, sea buckthorn suppositories). Sexual intercourse without a condom is undesirable.

Causes of acquired cervical erosion

One of the main causes of acquired erosion is changes in hormonal levels. Such processes are characteristic of puberty, pregnancy, and they can also result from the use of hormonal contraceptives.
In addition, erosion can develop if the cervix has been injured (during childbirth, during an abortion, or due to rough sexual contact).
Inflammatory diseases also play a certain role. They create unfavorable conditions under which the epithelium “looses,” which becomes the basis for the formation of erosion.

Infections and violation of vaginal acidity - causes of cervical erosion

If the acidity shifts to the alkaline side, conditions are created under which the squamous epithelium covering the outer surface of the cervix dies. Its place is taken by a layer of columnar epithelium (normally it lines the cervix), since with a change in acidity an environment suitable for it is formed.

One of the main causes of vaginal acidity is inflammation. Normally, the vagina should have a slightly acidic environment. It is supported by a special vaginal flora - lactobacilli. The second name for these organisms is Dederlein's rods.

If unhealthy flora multiplies in the vagina and an inflammatory process begins, then the pH begins to shift to the alkaline side. Thus, the formation of pseudo-erosion may be associated with inflammation.

Diseases that contribute to the occurrence of cervical erosion

This includes inflammation of the vagina, such as vaginitis, colpitis and some other diseases. Also, sexually transmitted infections can lead to erosion: herpes type 2, genital herpes, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, thrush in women.

Medical scientists have been able to prove that oncogenic types of this virus provoke erosion and subsequently contribute to its transition into a malignant formation. The fact is that all patients diagnosed with cancer have certain strains of the papilloma virus.
At the moment, it is believed that vaccination can be an effective method of combating the papilloma virus. Moreover, it is advisable to carry it out at a young age. According to doctors, vaccination of female adolescents does not increase their sexual activity and can be considered absolutely safe. Read more about the treatment of human papillomavirus infection on our website.

In addition, some additional factors contribute to the formation of erosion:

Fall of immunity.

Early sexual life.

Menstrual irregularities.

A large number of sexual partners.

Neglect of contraception.

The opinion that only women who have given birth suffer from cervical erosion is erroneous. This pathology is observed in women before their first birth, and in adolescents, and even in little girls. Conventionally, the following causes of erosion in nulliparous women can be identified:

- Congenital erosions of the cervix in nulliparous women. By its nature, congenital erosion is a false erosion and is a physiological ectopia. The development of the integumentary epithelium of the cervix and cervical canal begins in the womb. During this period, the presence of columnar epithelium behind the external os is considered normal. But over time, when estrogens are involved in the child’s development process, the transition zone between the columnar and squamous epithelium extends beyond the area of ​​the external pharynx, and for this reason it cannot be seen during a normal examination. Congenital pseudoerosion usually disappears completely when the girl reaches puberty. But sometimes, under the influence of hormonal factors, it can remain. In this case, false erosion is diagnosed at the first gynecological examination after the onset of sexual activity. Congenital erosion in girls can be combined with hormonal dysfunction. This pathology is not considered as a disease. It is considered a temporary physiological condition and does not require special treatment.

- Acquired cervical erosions in nulliparous women. This fairly large group of reasons includes both external and internal factors. Internal causes primarily include infections that occur in a chronic form (not only gynecological), decreased immunity, and hormonal processes. External factors leading to the appearance of erosions are early onset of sexual activity, casual sexual relationships, trauma as a result of abortions.

- Physiological erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women. In gynecological practice, there are rare cases when pseudo-erosion appears in young women who have not yet turned 25 years old. It is not possible to find out the cause of ectopia. It usually goes away on its own without special treatment, and is then considered a physiological phenomenon.

If complicated erosion (false or true) is detected, the patient must be treated. Unfortunately, erosions are prone to recurrence. Typically, relapses occur when erosion is not completely eliminated, when sections of columnar epithelium remain in the affected area. Erosion can also reoccur due to an untreated infection.

Some women believe that erosion may be due to psychological factors. However, erosions are usually of hormonal or organic origin. But the influence of psycho-emotional factors on their occurrence has not been confirmed, so this opinion can be considered erroneous.

Causes of cervical erosion in women who have given birth

The cause of postpartum erosion is traumatic injury. During childbirth, the fetus undergoes forward movements. The uterus has elastic and muscle fibers and therefore stretches. If the birth process is not normal, minor injuries and, in some cases, even ruptures may appear on the cervix.

Of course, all injuries resulting from childbirth must be sutured. However, they quite often cause erosion. A few days after the birth of the child, ulceration forms on the damaged area, accompanied by acute inflammation.

Visually, the erosion that occurs after childbirth is a small ulcer of a bright red hue, which is more intense at the edges. The affected area is covered with a pus-like coating. There are damaged vessels at the bottom of the wound, so erosions are characterized by bleeding.

If local immunity works without disturbances, then a few days after the occurrence of erosion, its bottom is cleared of necrotic fragments. And when the entire surface is completely cleaned, erosion becomes an ordinary wound. After this, the healing process begins.

The diagnosis of “true postpartum erosion” is made in the postpartum period. In such cases, the affected area is treated with wipes soaked in disinfectant compounds. This helps prevent a secondary infection from occurring. After cleansing the injured area, proceed to the use of antibacterial applications. Complete epithelization of the damaged area takes about 12 days.

It often happens that women who have suffered postpartum erosion are diagnosed with erosion again during a routine gynecological examination. Patients do not expect such a diagnosis and are surprised to ask why the disease has returned. It's all about incorrect epithelization of true erosion, when ectopia is formed from columnar epithelium. False erosion that appears after childbirth is treated in the same way as in other cases.

So, we can conclude that the formation of erosion is not due to one cause, but to the combined effect of several factors. To detect erosions in a timely manner, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist. Only this specialist, after appropriate diagnosis, can establish an accurate diagnosis.