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Swelling in pregnant women: what to do? Swelling of the legs during pregnancy: causes, treatment and prevention. Risk factors for developing preeclampsia

For the vast majority of women, the period of bearing a baby is difficult and associated with a whole range of unpleasant phenomena: nausea, digestive problems, weight gain. However, doctors say that all of these are signals of internal failures, just like swelling during pregnancy, especially occurring in the last stages, and requiring not only to remove them, but to eliminate the root cause. Why is their appearance dangerous and why do they occur?

What is edema during pregnancy

The amount of fluid that circulates in the tissues naturally increases in a pregnant woman. It is needed to nourish the baby, which requires the expectant mother to drink more and inevitably provokes slight fluid retention, leading to weight gain. However, if for some reason sodium begins to accumulate in the vessels, noticeable swelling forms in certain areas:

  • on the face (beginning to look puffy);
  • on the lower extremities (especially the lower legs, feet);
  • on the hands (often fingers);
  • in the abdominal area.


In the early stages of pregnancy, excess fluid accumulates in small quantities (if there are no serious diseases, especially kidneys), so this will only be expressed in minor swelling, mainly on the face. Swelling may appear under the eyes, the lips may slightly increase in volume, and the nose may “spread.” Some women during pregnancy experience a general rounding of the face, which is also a symptom of fluid retention.

Later, it becomes easier to recognize this disorder - in the middle of pregnancy or closer to the last trimester, edema is accompanied by:

  • A sharp jump in weight, which deviates greatly from the existing norm. The exact numbers are determined by several factors, but if a woman sees an increase of 1-2 kg in a short period of time, this is a sign of swelling.
  • An increase in the volume of the ankles: if a woman takes off her socks and sees bright marks from pressed elastic bands, or cannot fasten her usual shoes with a top.
  • Problems with sensitivity and mobility of the fingers (they may also swell, which will be especially noticeable when trying to remove/put on the ring), in which there is a burning sensation, numbness, or they bend poorly.

Types of edema

If the body copes with incoming water by regulating its distribution and excretion, there will be almost no fluid retention and swelling will be minimal. At the slightest internal failure, its accumulation in tissues begins, which can be divided into 4 stages, differing in degree of severity:

  • 1st degree – legs swell during pregnancy (mainly in the area of ​​the legs), swelling may be observed on the face, but there is no significant weight gain.
  • 2nd degree - swelling spreads higher, affecting the legs completely and moving to the lower abdomen.
  • 3rd degree - the hands suffer from swelling, the face becomes puffy, and rapid weight gain begins.
  • 4th degree - characterized by obvious excess weight and severe swelling, which doctors call dropsy.


In medicine, there is the concept of physiological edema in pregnant women, which is associated with the active intake of fluid into the body and its circulation in the tissues already described above. However, it is considered normal to retain water, which helps thin the blood, only until the well-coordinated mechanism breaks down and the excess 2-3 liters “freeze” in the tissues.

Here you already need to understand the causes of edema:

  • A violation of the water-salt balance, causing an increase in the level of sodium salts, which block the release of fluid.
  • Poor outflow of lymph and blood through the veins (mainly provoke swelling of the legs during pregnancy).
  • The fragility of the walls of blood vessels and increased blood viscosity are especially characteristic of late gestosis.
  • From the second half of pregnancy, edema often becomes a consequence of renal pathology, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • In later stages, edema in pregnant women may not be a symptom of serious pathologies, but are associated with an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the inferior vena cava and ureters. This leads to poor blood flow from the veins of the lower extremities, especially if there is a history of varicose veins.

Hidden edema during pregnancy

The most dangerous phenomenon is not a change in figure, but an internal accumulation of fluid that cannot be seen, but which is characterized by rapid and obvious weight gain. More than 300 g per week during pregnancy is a pathology in which fluid accumulates not only in tissues, but also in internal organs. In the last stages of pregnancy, it is especially easy to track this disorder: if a woman has gained more than 15 kg before giving birth (and the pregnancy is not multiple), she has hidden edema.

What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy?

If we consider an exclusively physiological phenomenon in its initial form, there is no more harm from it than from early toxicosis of pregnant women: often such edema causes only external discomfort. You should be concerned about swelling in late pregnancy, which develops due to gestosis and can provoke:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • abortion;
  • disruption of internal organs.

How to determine edema during pregnancy

There are many external manifestations of the process of fluid retention: most often, women are faced with the pressure of a ring on their finger or difficulties in wearing the usual narrow shoes, especially in the case of pathological edema in the last trimester of pregnancy. Additionally, there are several more markers that you can use to navigate:

  • by the end of the day the legs swell, in the morning everything is fine;
  • the skin in areas of swelling becomes pale and smooth;
  • excretion of less than 70% of the liquid drunk with urine.

A separate category is the previously mentioned hidden edema, which may not have external manifestations, but affects overall well-being. The symptoms of these dangerous complications depend on the organ affected:

  • With cardiac edema during pregnancy, a woman will notice a constantly high pulse, which may become uneven. She will begin to suffer from shortness of breath, the mucous membranes will get a blue tint, and problems with blood pressure will appear (the initial stage of gestosis). Cardiac swelling during pregnancy is localized in the lower part of the body.
  • With kidney disease during pregnancy, swelling of this organ is often observed and is manifested by a general puffiness of the face and pronounced bags under the eyes.
  • Any hidden edema is characterized by a sharp and strong weight gain even at the beginning of pregnancy, and if a woman has gestosis, an additional marker will be the appearance of protein in a urine test.

How to relieve swelling during pregnancy

A woman who notices this problem needs to consult a doctor to find out the causes of swelling (especially if the diet is not characterized by an excess amount of fluid). If it appears due to uterine pressure in the later stages or due to active fluid intake in the first weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe:

  • change in diet;
  • introduction of diuretic foods;
  • performing light gymnastics;
  • use of compression garments.


If a woman’s hands swell during pregnancy, swelling of the face and other symptoms of fluid retention appear, salt should be removed from the menu and dairy products should be consumed more often. You will need to forget about sweet drinks (they retain water), spicy dishes, coffee. In the diet throughout pregnancy, you need to ensure a constant presence of protein - fish, poultry, accompanied by vegetables.

Diuretic products for edema during pregnancy

To eliminate edema caused by problems with water-salt balance, especially in the early stages, sour fruits and berries help well: this includes lemon and currants. They give a weak diuretic effect and thin the blood. If a woman does not have kidney disease, you can use the following in the menu:

  • rosehip decoction;
  • cranberry juice;
  • dried apricots;
  • lingonberries;
  • melon;
  • dill;
  • celery.


Doctors advise that if there is swelling, you should massage your feet yourself and be sure to take the knee-elbow position - for 15 minutes several times a day. You can base all your home gymnastics on this position, especially in the last stages. A couple of simple exercises that pregnant women should do:

  • Take a knee-elbow position, carefully move your legs back one at a time, straightening your knees.
  • In a similar knee-elbow position, alternately pull your right and left legs towards your stomach, while simultaneously rounding your back.

Wearing compression garments

In the middle of pregnancy, doctors advise a woman to buy special underwear, which will reduce the load on her back and facilitate the flow of blood through the veins. The choice is made so that the bandage does not put pressure, but supports it, and if these are tights, a phlebologist should give recommendations. They are worn exclusively in a lying position with your legs raised. This type of underwear is worn every day until childbirth; it is often added to therapy as an addition to drug treatment.

Remedies for swelling

Medicines are prescribed primarily to eliminate the cause of edema - if there is heart disease, kidney disease, etc. Doctors try to prescribe serious medications so that the woman does not encounter complications of gestosis, and in the initial stages it is advisable to only drink herbal teas and take vitamins. Diuretics help treat hydrops in pregnancy but must be prescribed by a doctor.


Whether a woman needs to take strong diuretics (Hypothiazide, Furosemide, etc.) must be determined by a doctor - even with very noticeable swelling, they may not be prescribed if there are no internal pathologies. Mostly specialists try to prescribe herbal medicines that help normalize the water-salt balance and reduce the load on the kidneys:

  • Canephron is a herbal remedy with a combined composition, a safe diuretic, without contraindications.
  • Phytolysin - should not be used for acute kidney diseases, but copes well with the initial stage of edema.
  • Eufillin - removes sodium, has a beneficial effect on vascular permeability, but can lower blood pressure.

Tea for swelling

If you are wondering how to deal with edema during pregnancy that is not associated with a dangerous disease, prepare yourself tea from currant leaves with the addition of grated ginger root several times a week. For a standard cup (200-250 ml) take about 3 cm of fresh product. In addition to affecting the fluid in the tissues, it will help get rid of toxicosis, but try not to drink more than 2 cups per day, especially at the end of pregnancy.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

If you have kidney or heart diseases, it is advisable to treat them before conception. Afterwards, regular physical activity and a balanced menu help reduce the risk of edema, especially in recent months, but there is no need to reduce the frequency and amount of fluid intake. Monitoring the pregnant woman’s health with a doctor, periodic blood and urine tests, and weighing are mandatory.


Up to 80% of women experience edema during pregnancy. That is why many expectant mothers faced with similar problems see no reason to worry. In most cases, there is really no cause for concern, however, quite often swelling is a symptom of more serious diseases that require timely treatment. And the swelling itself during pregnancy can be extremely unpleasant and can harm the fetus.

The causes of edema during pregnancy can be very different. Most often we are talking simply about physiological edema, which is consequence of hormonal changes. However, edema can also develop due to heart or kidney failure.

In addition, swelling in the last months of pregnancy is the first sign of late toxicosis of pregnancy -. Most often, a woman experiences edema at the end or middle of pregnancy; in the early stages, edema during pregnancy is rare.

Physiological edema

The interesting situation itself is already a reason for the development of edema. They are a consequence of changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. The fact is that from the very first days of pregnancy the level of progesterone increases sharply. Its main function is to block the contractile functions of the uterus, that is, to maintain pregnancy. A side effect of this hormone is the accumulation of potassium. And it, in turn, promotes fluid retention in the body.

In addition, in the body of a pregnant woman, the volume of blood circulating through the vessels increases. As a result, pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases. Due to increased pressure, blood can penetrate through the walls into the surrounding tissues, which also causes swelling.

Both of these reasons are normal for pregnant women and are not a cause for concern. Well, except that there is severe swelling during pregnancy.

Swelling of the nasal mucosa

The same progesterone causes another unpleasant phenomenon - swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy. It would seem that it’s a terrible thing, a common runny nose. The problem is that it cannot be treated with conventional methods. Vasoconstrictors will not only relieve a woman of a runny nose, but will also narrow the blood vessels in the placenta and umbilical cord, which can cause fetal hypoxia. Other remedies for the common cold penetrate the placenta into the baby’s blood.

However, not treating is also not an option. Swelling of the nose during pregnancy makes breathing difficult, less oxygen enters the blood, and as a result we also have oxygen starvation in the fetus. All that remains is to promptly clean the nasal cavity and rinse with salt water or saline solution.

Swelling of the labia

Swelling of the labia in the third trimester of pregnancy has a slightly different physiology, although it also does not pose any threat. In the third trimester, the size of the fetus becomes quite large. The baby puts pressure on the lower part of the uterus and pinches the blood vessels. This causes blood stagnation and, as a result, swelling. In more complex cases, vaginal varicose veins may occur. It is manifested by the protrusion of veins and the formation of nodes. By and large, this condition is also not a pathology. After childbirth, varicose veins usually go away.

"Cardiac" edema

Edema can also be caused by problems with the cardiovascular system, such as heart disease, or other diseases that can cause heart failure. Edema caused by cardiac problems has a strictly defined localization: they always tend downwards. That is, if a woman is standing, then swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy; in a lying position, the lower back or abdomen swells.

To make an accurate diagnosis, doctors will usually check the size of the liver. The fact is that with edema associated with heart disease, the first thing that happens is the size of the liver increases, while with other types of edema the liver does not change.

Kidney problems

Not all kidney problems cause edema during pregnancy. The cause of such problems is usually acute and chronic glomerulonephritis. In this case, the face swells first during pregnancy, and only after that the arms and legs begin to swell.

Of course, most often, a woman knows about her kidney problems. This greatly simplifies the diagnosis. However, in some cases, during pregnancy, such diseases arise primarily. In this case, in order to diagnose kidney disease, additional studies will have to be carried out. If the diagnosis is confirmed, drug treatment will be carried out in a hospital.


The most common cause of pathological edema is precisely gestosis, or late toxicosis of pregnant women. In this case, swelling is only the first symptom of a serious problem. Following edema, you will experience an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and changes in brain function, which are manifested, among other things, by seizures. The cause of edema during gestosis is vascular spasm due to impaired blood supply to the brain and kidneys. Due to increased pressure in the vessels, blood sweats into the tissue, which creates swelling.

Edema with gestosis can be of a very different nature. There are three stages of swelling or hydrops of pregnancy.

Swelling of the legs

At the first stage, of course, legs swell during pregnancy. This is due to elementary physics: liquid tends downward under the influence of gravity. With severe swelling of the legs, there is a risk of developing varicose veins due to increasing pressure on the veins from the swollen tissues. Usually, after childbirth, varicose veins in pregnant women disappear. As a preventive measure for varicose veins, in case of swelling of the legs, it makes sense to wear compression tights. However, before doing this, you need to consult a doctor.

Swelling of the abdomen, lower back and sacrum

The second stage is characterized by swelling of the abdomen during pregnancy, as well as the lumbar and sacral region. The amount of fluid in the body has increased, and, roughly speaking, it no longer fits in the legs. Abdominal edema is much more difficult to notice, but it is much more dangerous for the fetus.

Swelling of the hands and face

The third stage is the most serious. At this time, fingers and hands swell during pregnancy, and some puffiness of the face appears. Especially strong eyelids swell, due to the structure of loose fabrics that absorb water well.

How to determine the presence of edema

How to determine edema during pregnancy? In most cases, a woman is able to do this on her own. The very first sign that women always pay attention to is that a swollen foot can be difficult to put into shoes. A wedding ring can also be an indicator of the presence of edema.

It is almost impossible to remove it from swollen hands. Another reliable way to determine swelling is to weigh yourself regularly. If there is a weight gain of more than 300 g per week, or weight gain is not uniform, this also indicates the presence of edema.

In addition, the skin of a woman with edema first becomes loose, and later, on the contrary, it seems to stretch and become tense. If you press on the skin of your leg from the front, where there is no muscle tissue under the skin, you will leave an indentation that will take some time to level out.

Unfortunately, in some cases there are hidden, internal swelling during pregnancy. They are much more difficult to identify by eye. It is in this case that regular monitoring of a woman’s weight will serve her well. Hidden edema, or, as they are also called, pasty, reveals itself as sharp and uneven changes in weight.

Medical plan examinations to diagnose edema

Of course, it is easier for doctors to determine the presence of edema, even if it is hidden. However, the doctor may also experience certain difficulties with this. In this case, there is a need for additional research.


Edema in pregnant women occurs when fluid retention occurs in the body. It is this delay that diuresis monitors, that is, the process of measuring fluid intake and excretion per day. Normally, a person excretes up to 75% of the liquid he drinks, the rest is excreted through breathing and sweat. If there are obvious deviations from these indications, it means that there is hidden swelling.

Ankle diameter measurement

If the diameter of the ankle changes by more than 1 cm, this is also a clear sign of edema.

Blister test

A woman is injected with saline solution subcutaneously on her shoulder. The resulting blister usually resolves within an hour. However, edematous tissues absorb liquid more slowly. And the more time it takes for the blister to resolve, the more serious the swelling.

Why are edema dangerous?

Edema itself is rarely truly dangerous. Basically, the danger comes from the diseases of which they are symptoms. However, internal swelling of the abdomen may cause harm to the fetus. The fact is that it is mainly muscle tissue that swells, including the uterus, placenta and abdominal wall. A swollen placenta can compress the vessels of the umbilical cord, which causes a lack of oxygen in the baby. Here is the answer to the question of why edema is dangerous during pregnancy.

How to relieve swelling

Perhaps there is only one question left: how to relieve or reduce swelling during pregnancy? If we are talking about physiological edema, then, most often, it is enough to follow diet for pregnant women with edema, as well as control fluid intake. The first step is to give up fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods. Salt especially strongly promotes fluid retention in the body, so it is better to generally add a little less salt to all food. If we talk about numerical expression, the norm of salt for a pregnant woman is 8 g, and in everyday life – 14 g. In some cases, you can drink diuretics, but only after consulting a doctor.

Drug treatment

Pathological edema during pregnancy cannot be treated solely with diet. It is important to rule out the root cause here. The most difficult situation is with gestosis. The fact is that in this case, despite the swelling, the woman’s body faces dehydration. This means that in this case diuretics are strictly contraindicated, and limiting fluid intake is dangerous. What to do with gestational edema during pregnancy?

In this case, first of all, you still have to start observing diet. This will not completely solve the problem, but it will relieve general tension. In addition, for gestosis, drug treatment is prescribed. Including vasoconstrictors. In some particularly acute cases, a dropper may be prescribed during pregnancy for edema. Magnesia is most often prescribed.

Traditional methods

The fight against edema during pregnancy is also carried out using folk methods. In various sources you can find recipes using herbs, cranberries, pumpkin and even dried apricots for edema during pregnancy. Green tea is considered a particularly effective remedy for edema during pregnancy. However, all this advice should be treated with a due degree of criticality. And in no case should you substitute folk recipes for treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention of edema

Since most women experience edema during pregnancy, it is very important to start preventing edema during pregnancy on time. The already mentioned will help you with this diet and fluid control. In addition, at any stage, an excellent way to avoid swelling during pregnancy is regular physical exercise. Of course, no one suggests doing full exercises in the last weeks of pregnancy with edema, but basic walks in the fresh air are available to everyone.

Don’t forget about strengthening the walls of blood vessels. However, before taking any medications, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure they are safe for you and your baby.

Finally, I would like to remind you that swelling itself is almost always safe. However, this is not a reason to give up on them. In any case, you need to consult a doctor and make sure there are no pathologies. And remember, no matter what you face, we can fix it.


Pregnancy rarely goes without a hitch. A woman may suffer from toxicosis, dizziness, pain in the back and legs - all at once or separately. One of her most common problems is swelling. According to statistics, only 15% of pregnant women do not face this problem. But it is not easy and requires serious attention.

Causes of edema in pregnant women

Edema occurs when too much fluid accumulates in the interstitial space of any part of the body. In pregnant women, this almost always happens: the amount of fluid doubles due to the formation of the placenta and amniotic fluid - this is how the body helps the fetus develop. Its deficiency can negatively affect the development of the baby’s circulatory and nervous systems. In a pregnant woman, the water-salt metabolism changes dramatically: sodium begins to accumulate in the vessels, as a result of which the removal of fluid occurs with a large delay. The abduction is also influenced by the uterus, which, as it grows, begins to put pressure on the internal organs and blood vessels. And the last nuance is the banal thirst that torments a pregnant woman due to “jumps” in hormonal levels.

ATTENTION! Edema also occurs in a number of diseases of the endocrine system, kidneys, cardiovascular pathologies, and inflammatory processes. Therefore, a woman carrying a child should not refuse regular medical examinations and tests.

Swelling is not just a cosmetic problem. They, of course, do not look entirely aesthetically pleasing, but one could completely forget about this if it were not for the real danger that threatens both mother and child. Severe external swelling causes swelling of internal organs, which disrupts their functioning.

REFERENCE! Hypoxia is oxygen deficiency. Occurs due to the fact that oxygen is poorly supplied to tissues and organs. Leads to irreversible changes in the body; the tissues of the liver and kidneys, the central nervous system, and the heart muscle especially quickly refuse to function.

How to recognize edema in pregnant women at the initial stage?

ATTENTION! Even if swelling does not cause you discomfort and your health suits you, do not reassure yourself that everything will be fine in the future! In 95% of cases, the situation worsens: pressure rises, the amount of protein in the urine appears and increases, and gestosis appears. Women expecting twins or more children and carrying a large fetus cannot do without medical supervision!

Most often, swelling appears in the 20th week of pregnancy. There are 4 stages:

  1. In the first, the woman notices that it has become more difficult for her to put on shoes, since swelling has appeared on her feet and legs.
  2. In the second stage, swelling spreads to the abdomen and thighs.
  3. The third is characterized by swelling of the hands: the wrists and hands swell, some cannot wear rings. The tips of the fingers burn and tingle (due to compression of the nerves). The face becomes puffy: the lips and nose swell, the chin “slides” down.
  4. The last stage is general swelling.

Swelling can be both external and internal. There are no difficulties in identifying the external ones, but the internal ones are characterized by a number of signs that an obstetrician-gynecologist can identify using the following methods:

  1. Weighing - a significant weight gain (from 300 g per week) indicates the development of edema of the internal organs.
  2. Leg circumference measurement - increase in calf circumference by 1 cm or more per week.
  3. Study of daily urine volume indicators - a woman keeps a diary where she writes down the amount of liquid she drinks per day. The norm is 3/4 of everything drunk per day (this includes not only clean water, but also juices, soups, fruits).

IMPORTANT! Such studies should be carried out regularly! Only constant monitoring of weight and size can indicate a problem in time. The doctor can learn about a woman’s tendency to edema from the first weeks of pregnancy: as soon as she is registered, the doctor studies her medical records and constitution, asks the patient about heredity, directs her to donate blood (biochemistry test) and draws appropriate conclusions from the totality of the data.

Edema can be both physiological and pathological: physiological ones do not pose a threat, do not cause complications and only upset a woman by a change in appearance. Most often, they occur in women with a certain body constitution: short and plump.

Pathological ones are much more dangerous. They appear in the last trimester of pregnancy and are accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting, and fever. A woman often experiences cramps, she constantly wants to sleep or, on the contrary, to move. In this case, you cannot do without medical help - the condition requires treatment, and the sooner the better.

There are several reasons that can cause swelling. In addition to the natural increase in body weight and growth of the fetus inside, this is non-compliance with the diet, bad habits, and prolonged standing or lying down. Women over 35 years of age are also at risk.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy:

- healthy eating

Healthy eating - half of your health problems away! This also applies to edema. Remove smoked and fried foods (bad for blood vessels), spicy and pickled foods from the menu, reduce the amount of baked goods, sweets, fatty foods, black tea and coffee, and carbonated drinks. Focus on cereals, vegetables and fruits, steamed dishes, low-fat broths, and dairy products. Sometimes, in consultation with your doctor, fasting days can be carried out. The amount of salt should be strictly dosed - no more than 1.5 g per day. Avoid herring, sauerkraut, crackers, canned food, sausages and sausages for a while. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day - in small sips, little by little. Do not get carried away with green tea - caffeine, which is quite high in its composition, will not benefit the blood vessels.

IMPORTANT! Lipoic and folic acids and B vitamins help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

- active lifestyle, gymnastics

If your doctor allows it, live as actively as possible. Do water aerobics and swimming, attend gymnastics for pregnant women, try yoga. Be sure to take a walk every day - preferably in a park or forest. Remember that dosed and uniform load is only beneficial. Try to get enough sleep and spend less time in stuffy rooms.

- wearing a bandage, compression stockings

Swelling provokes varicose veins, so choose special compression underwear, stockings or tights in advance. You can consult a phlebologist - he will select the appropriate size and brand.

- the right shoes

Put away the high-heeled shoes with narrow straps that tighten your shins and are generally uncomfortable - you'll show off in them after giving birth. Shoes should be 1-1.5 sizes larger than your feet, made of breathable materials, and with low heels. The tops of boots are wide, while moccasins and boots have wide toes.

REFERENCE! It is better to choose shoes in the afternoon: in the morning the swelling is not so pronounced, but in the evening, around 6-7 o’clock, your feet will get tired and the problem will be visible.

- getting rid of bad habits

When a person drinks alcohol or smokes, toxic chemicals enter the body. The body, trying to bring them out, gives a command to the cells not to give up fluid, but to accumulate it, which provokes the occurrence of edema. First of all, in such a situation, the face suffers ("bags" form under the eyes), the respiratory system and legs. Alcohol and tobacco act faster on the female body and changes in her body often become irreversible, not to mention her appearance.

- body care

Let your legs rest: from time to time put them on a high stool and do foot exercises. Pamper your feet often with warm baths and massages with oils.

REFERENCE! Sea salt baths relieve fatigue from your feet: just dissolve a little salt in cool water and immerse your feet in a basin for 10-15 minutes.

- folk remedies

There are a great many remedies for swelling in reference books on traditional medicine, but only a small fraction is suitable for pregnant women - the risk of miscarriage and the development of abnormalities in the fetus is too great. Safe ones include:

  • Decoction of lingonberry leaves. It not only has an anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effect, but also stimulates the immune system, has an astringent and antibacterial effect. You can use both fresh and dried lingonberry leaves. Pour a liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of raw materials, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, strain. You need to drink it 3-4 times a day. Honey can be used as a sweetener.

IMPORTANT! Patients suffering from gastritis with high acidity should not use it. Hypotonic patients - with caution.

  • Lingonberries have a milder effect on the body. But only use fresh product. Rub a handful through a sieve, pour in cool water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Drink as desired.
  • Rosehip has no contraindications. This storehouse of vitamins can be consumed all year round. It is better to prepare the drink in a thermos: pour 2 large spoons of fruit with 500 ml of boiling water and leave to steep for a day. The strained infusion can be taken before meals 3 times a day. The allowed dosage for a pregnant woman is 100 ml. Honey (or sugar) is also suitable as a sweetener.
  • Another excellent remedy is a decoction of dried fruits. Raw materials can be bought at any time of the year, and the benefits from them are enormous. Pour 300 g of dried fruits with 1.5 liters of boiling water and leave to steep for one and a half to two hours. Drink as soon as you feel thirsty.
  • Buy bearberry at the pharmacy and brew it with boiling water (for 10 grams of collection - 500 ml of water). Drink a glass before breakfast.

- medications

Diuretics are prescribed in exceptional cases: if it is not possible to restore and maintain the normal functioning of internal organs (heart, kidneys and liver) by other methods. Such drugs, containing a large number of contraindications, can cause serious side effects, and the benefits of their use should significantly outweigh the possible harm.

  • The drugs Cyston, Phytolysin, Canephron improve kidney function, relieve inflammation, and are a diuretic.
  • Acceptable antispasmodics: No-shpa, Eufillin.
  • To simulate myocardial metabolism, Riboxin or Essentiale is prescribed.
  • Potassium orotate, methionine, and nicotinic acid help increase the production of atrial hormone.


Rarely does anyone manage to avoid edema, but it is humanly possible to ensure that this problem does not turn into a real disaster. In your hands, dear expectant mothers, not only your life, but also the life of your children! Therefore, do not avoid medical consultations, get tested on time, follow your diet and sleep schedule - then there will be more joy in your condition than discomfort.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Almost every pregnant woman is aware that the period of waiting for a child is accompanied by swelling of the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body. Statistics say that only 20% of women do not face such trouble at this time. During the normal course of pregnancy, about 7 liters of additional fluid accumulates in the body of the expectant mother, which is distributed rather unevenly: about 5-6 liters are retained outside the tissues, the rest is in the tissues of the body. In recent weeks, about 3 liters of fluid accumulates in the form of amniotic fluid in the placenta and the baby’s body.

The cause of swelling can be both normal physiological processes and the manifestation of such a complication during pregnancy as late toxicosis - gestosis. In order to determine the cause of increased fluid accumulation in the extremities, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist who “accompanies” the woman during pregnancy.

How to escape from swelling of the limbs?

What to do when your legs swell during pregnancy, because folk remedies should be used with great caution, and it is advisable to abandon them altogether and engage in prevention. Only a doctor should prescribe a diuretic for edema during pregnancy, because self-medication can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby.

There are a number of tips to help a pregnant woman cope with the appearance of edema:

  • balanced and nutritious diet, rich in proteins and carbohydrates;
  • reducing the amount of salt consumed; at best, it should be completely excluded from the diet for a while;
  • you should try to avoid staying in one position for a long time: sitting or standing;
  • for edema, doctors also do not recommend walking a lot;
  • You should not greatly limit your fluid intake, about 1.5 liters per day will be quite enough, but overuse can lead to the appearance of additional swelling;
  • if swelling bothers you in the area of ​​your legs, then in the daytime and evening, place them on a hill for 15-20 minutes and give an energetic massage in this area;
  • when the gynecologist has determined that the cause of swelling of the legs is the uterus, which in the third trimester began to compress all internal organs, special gymnastics can help, or rather only a certain position: knee-elbow, in which you need to stay at least 2 hours a day. This time can be divided into 10 approaches of 20 minutes, or at the discretion of the pregnant woman.

Types and causes of edema

If the arms and legs swell, and no protein was found in the urine, and the pregnant woman’s blood pressure is within normal limits, then most likely the reasons lie in slower blood circulation in the extremities. This usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy, after about 30 weeks. When a woman does not control her diet and consumes a large amount of salt and then liquid, the consequence is quite obvious - mild or severe swelling that goes away after a night's rest, but returns during the day. This is not considered a dangerous condition, but it still causes the pregnant woman some discomfort, and therefore requires certain actions to adjust the diet and other preventive actions.

There are 4 stages of swelling:

  1. fluid accumulates in the lower leg area;
  2. the feet and lower abdomen are connected to the lower leg;
  3. swelling of the hands is added to the previous parts of the body;
  4. Almost the entire body swells.

There are also hidden swellings that cannot be noticed by the appearance of a pregnant woman. A doctor may suspect them when a woman experiences a sharp jump in weight gain, while her usual diet has not changed much.

Swelling of the legs is especially common among pregnant women who suffer from cardiovascular disease, kidney problems or varicose veins. In this case, the woman’s condition must be monitored by a specialist.

When this problem occurs due to gestosis, the fluid first accumulates in the area of ​​​​the feet, gradually rising up to the face. Sometimes the first manifestations of late toxicosis occur in the form of weight gain of more than 350 grams per week. When swelling begins to appear throughout the body, we can conclude that dropsy in pregnancy has occurred. If protein in the urine and high blood pressure are added to this, then treatment of this condition occurs in a hospital setting. In mild cases, a woman can simply be prescribed a number of medications and sent home, but she will need to see a doctor much more often than usual.