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Transition to a new reality. Shaking out the old as a sign of transition to a new reality. What to expect during the transition period

This article will be useful to those who are currently experiencing emotionally and physically very painful conditions. And he doesn’t understand where they came from or how to help himself.

Check yourself on these points:

absolute uncertainty up to the feeling of losing the ground under your feet. It seems like you're falling into an abyss
it is impossible to determine where you are, where you are going and why
Lost motivation and meaning in life
the past mercilessly fades away. And if you don't let it go, it just comes off with meat
where it is thin, it breaks. Problems appear almost simultaneously in different areas of your life.
life throws unsolved problems in your face. Pulls out all suppressed emotions, old painful buttons, traumas. Including the fact that you “seemed to have already worked”
Interpersonal relationships are bursting at the seams. It seems that the people around you are doing everything to hurt you, humiliate you, laugh at you, reject you, leave you alone with trouble.
It seems? A couple more signs:

Sleep disorder. You either stay up until the morning, and then walk around like a zombie all day. Or you are simply knocked out “at the wrong time.” And not for 15 minutes, but for 1.5-2 hours
after that you wake up feeling like you unloaded a couple of train cars. And you need a few more hours to get involved in active life
diseases spring up like mushrooms after rain
absent-mindedness, forgetfulness. Feeling like you're not here
My head hurts frequently and severely; no painkillers work. It hurts in two ways: either the forehead, temples and top of the head split. Or there is a state of dullness and intoxication in the head, as if one has inhaled exhaust fumes
from time to time thoughts and sensations arise that are somehow related to death
Personally, I felt like I was being stretched, kneaded, shaken, beaten and squeezed. They grind it into powder so that not a molecule remains of the same me.

I didn’t know who I was, where I was, why I was. I stopped understanding why I needed to wake up. All my ideas about life and myself collapsed, and new ones did not appear in their place. I knew for sure that I Am. But I didn't know anything else. I feel like everything in my life has stopped.

Not the most cheerful conditions, and I know that many people are going through this now. But, instead of realizing what is happening and helping yourself during this period, they only aggravate the process.

In fact, all of these are “ordinary” signs of a transition to a new reality, to a new level of vibrations. Into the reality that we have heard and talked about so much, and many even actively strived for. Transition to the state of a person free from traumas, programs and the past. This is the exit to inner freedom - to the state of God incarnate with his limitless potential.

Quote by Lauren Gorgo

We have heard a lot about this and done a lot over the past few years - becoming more aware of ourselves, freeing ourselves from the past, healing traumas. We have already experienced many mental, spiritual and emotional rebirths.

But they have not yet fully affected our physical body and our physical life. This is now starting to happen.

Let's look at the picture from above to understand what's going on.
For many people, summer felt like hitting rock bottom and stopping movement. And so it was. This time of immersion in darkness was necessary in order to see this darkness within myself. And accept it as part of yourself.

Not the easiest or most enjoyable task, especially for someone like me. The word “accept” has not been in my vocabulary since birth. I lived by the principle: “Something doesn’t suit you? Change it." And to accept... I didn’t even know that such a phenomenon existed. It turned out that without this it would not be possible to go further.

Our dark part is also WE. It contains enormous power. But it becomes available to us only when we accept our Shadow. We don’t fight, we don’t correct it, we don’t eradicate it and we don’t degenerate it. And we accept it as part of ourselves. The Shadow is worthy of the same reverence as the Light. For now we will dispense with proof of this. Who understands what I mean, raise your index finger up and say “oh how!”

Whoever managed to do this (accept his shadow as a worthy part of himself) unlocked a gigantic amount of his personal power. Those who have not done this and continue to struggle with their dark part will still have to undergo this procedure.

September suddenly brought strength. At one moment, you could feel an ocean of energy pouring into you. No, the joy of living and motivation have not yet appeared. But suddenly strength and energy appeared. And the ability to do something instead of endlessly sleeping and walking around like a zombie.

At the same time, I had the feeling that the energy was an ocean, and I was scooping it up with teaspoons. It was as if I could not contain this volume within myself, and it remained unclaimed.

And so October freed up space in our bodies so that we could accept these energies and anchor them in physical life. Side effects of this process are physical ailments (powerful cleansing of the body, changes in eating habits and severe headaches).

Lauren Gorgo

Now let's get back to our sheep.

What is happening now requires us to dive deep inside ourselves and concentrate on ourselves. And ordinary “outside” life may suddenly seem too stressful and tiring.

This may not be (and for most will be) not very pleasant, and you will want to avoid it. But this is so important now that life will do EVERYTHING to leave you alone with yourself and your cockroaches.

For example, I managed to miss the train (with my pathology being always and everywhere on time) when I wanted to escape on vacation for at least a week. And the most offensive thing about this was not that the tickets, hotel, entertainment and massages were gone. And the fact that I had to return to where I wanted to escape from at least for a while - to my reality.

What to do about it?
Now is not the time to make decisions or evaluate what is happening. No need to run to the doctor. And to a psychiatrist too.

All that is needed from you now is to be aware of your feelings and emotions, to see what is rising - what programs, what patterns of behavior.

And accept. Accept yourself THIS way. Not trying to change. Accept and finally love yourself as you are - not bright enough, not wise enough, not beautiful enough, kind enough. Accept and love yourself as an envious person, as a victim. Self-sufferer. I am a manipulator. Self-cruel. Self-sarcastic. Self-gloating.

See, realize, love and accept.

And celebrate, praise yourself for every moment when you were able to feel this love and acceptance of who you are. If you managed to feel your omnipotence for at least 2 minutes.

Don’t throw ashes on your head about how bad you feel, but snatch these two minutes from the day and celebrate yourself, thank yourself for the fact that you were able to be in your best condition for 2 whole minutes.

And then - your conscious choice. I take this with me into the future, but I leave this.

What's useless now? And to some extent it is contraindicated.
Fight, resist and try to regain the ground under your feet. Hold on to the old. It's not only useless. It is through struggle and resistance that you make this process much more painful than it could be.

By the way, the question you are probably asking yourself is: “What can I do to change the situation?! “To get back to ‘normal’ life again” is also a struggle. Now is not the time to change the situation. Now is the time to accept it.

The process goes on in any case - whether you fight it or not.

Annushka has already spilled the oil.(c) Bulgakov.

But you can live it relatively easily and quickly (and for the bravest ones, it’s also fun). Or you can - painfully and for a long time.

For example, I don’t go to doctors and don’t take medications to relieve my headaches and normalize sleep (this is not advice, I’m just sharing.. although no, advice :-)))))) And I don’t go to a psychiatrist to cope with mood swings.

Now there are practically no doctors in traditional medicine who would understand what is happening to us and why. And their advice and prescribed medications can only make the situation worse.

The only thing I do is give my body more care than usual.

The body is now freeing itself from everything that prevents the fullness of my Light from flowing into it - from toxins, programs, traumas.

And I thank him every day for making it work.

Write in the comments about how you experience these processes. What are your biggest challenges and how do you deal with them?

P.S. And in the next article I will write about what it means to accept ourselves as we are. And without which acceptance becomes impossible.

I’ll also tell you about a practice that helps me harmonize and cleanse my bodies of the turbidity that arises in the process.

Olga Gavrilova an hour ago
Hello Tatiana. I am writing in a state of confusion. I followed a friend’s link on Facebook and... The fact is that everything described in your article happens to me. And almost exactly the same in chronology. I “failed” in the summer and didn’t even notice or enjoy my favorite time of year. Everything, everything: a lack of understanding of why to wake up, misfortunes and troubles, people who seemed close seem to dissolve, past grievances and pains. Reassessment of people and events from the past, a collapsed lack of money that does not allow escaping to the sea. I caught myself thinking that I would like to start a different life in a completely new place, where no one knows me and create my life and environment anew and completely different from those with whom I am now. And yes, thoughts about death as a way out, because there is no strength to fight. But I realized that I didn’t want to leave this life, but to go to another life. And I found myself alone with all this and suddenly your articles. It's like a bill falling behind the lining when you think you're left without a penny. Gives you hope that you will get out and that there is someone who cares that you exist.

Tatyana RudyukAdmin Olga Gavrilova an hour ago
Olga. thank you for writing :-). And I’m very glad that you found support in the article. I really understand your situation and yes, I know how important it is to feel that I’m not the only one and that there is a way out. even if it is not yet visible, there is a way out. Everything is fine with me. Nice to meet:-)

Katerina Laufer
Tatyana, thank you for this article and for sharing your own experiences. I have been “fighting” these conditions for a month. They are still catching up with me now (after November 11), I would say that the peak has arrived. Every sign of you - I saw everything in myself. I would also add that I constantly want to cry with or without reason, everything falls out of my hands literally and figuratively, the buzz of thoughts in my head with other people’s voices, intimidation from external events in the world (airplanes, terrorist attacks, etc.). The ground is really disappearing from under my feet in the literal sense, I can hardly move, systematic dizziness simply “collapses” into bed and prevents me from doing anything. It scared me crazy; it seemed like everything I had done before turned out to be empty.
But! There is one great desire - to simply Live! I tell myself in such moments of suffering that “I am strong, I can handle it!” Otherwise I would not have chosen this path myself.
I really want to accept all of myself, along with the dark and shadow. I don’t know how yet. But I'm getting there. Thank you!

Katerina, all external horror stories have power over you as long as you delve into them. Just don't read or listen :-). Some fears will disappear on their own.

Tatyana RudyukAdmin Katerina Lyaufer
What do you! What kind of closure is this?! :-) You CHOOSE what to read and listen to in the same way you choose what to eat, who to be friends with, who to marry. You don’t eat just anything and learn to accept “it” easily, do you? And you probably don’t let just anyone into the house and don’t learn to easily accept these “different” guests. So why do you think there is no need to filter what you let into your consciousness? :-)
Although, this is the case. Choice:-)

Katerina Lyaufer Tatyana Rudyuk
Tatyana, I’m talking about those events that happened at a very global level. Surely everyone knows about the plane crash and terrorist attacks in Paris. It is impossible not to read or hear this somewhere. The events are very global. You, too, have probably heard about them. So I talked about such events and how to accept them. And about the rest of the “garbage” - I completely agree with you

Iryna Shevchuk
...everything was exactly as it was written, and there were also many dreams, very intense, “real” ones, the emotions from which stayed with me all day long...

Irina Rushnichenko
Thank you!!! You, however, as always, clarified to me what was happening to me!
Almost everything you described applies to me. I’ve been feeling the need to take care of my body for a week now. Morning exercise has simply become a necessity, and somehow it automatically extends from 30 minutes to 2-2.5 hours of pure pleasure! I am mastering Japanese self-massage of the face. I learned to enjoy taking a shower (sounds funny, right?! - but I grew up in a family where it was not customary to spend more than 10-15 minutes on water procedures). Now I understand why certain people periodically appear in my memory - it turns out that these are “my worked out leads.” Intuitively I asked for forgiveness, forgave and let everyone go with Goodness, Light and Love. Good girl, you did everything right! I don’t make any special efforts to accept, since childhood I haven’t changed the world around me, but I’ve been trying to adapt. With self-acceptance, not everything is rosy yet, but I’m moving forward. The one who walks will master the road. But when you do it consciously, when you understand the meaning of what is happening to you, life is easier and more joyful! Thank you many many times! How happy I am to be happy! I just wrote it in one breath!

Marina Belozertseva
Tatyana, thank you for the article. It’s all true. All the puzzles are in place, I accept myself, I love myself as I am. Good sleep helps me, I go to bed early, walk in the forest in the morning, ground myself, yoga, physical activity

That's right, Tatyana! It’s good that I realize this... I’ve reached a dead end, I don’t understand why what previously brought results now doesn’t work or works poorly..))) I was looking for the answer: “What’s wrong with me.”. Now I accept myself ... I love and thank you.. and I begin to believe.. trust myself. .. some kind of clamp immediately melted inside... and tears.... thank you

Tatyana Pisarevskaya
To say that I am shocked is an understatement... the hairs on the back of my neck literally stood up after what I read about the end of the 10.10 period!!! And about the sensations in the summer, in September too! The fact is that it was on 10/10 that I packed the last boxes, bags and furniture, and on 10/11 I moved to the city of my dreams!
Tanya, thank you very much for the information!!!
Now I will learn to accept all my dark sides, all my flaws, to love all this in myself and who I am...
It feels like the scales have fallen from my eyes... Thank you!!!

Oh, Tatyana, how much it has eased my soul, how relieved it is! Nothing special happened in physics, but otherwise it was a complete package)) It was all “Groundhog Day”, thoughts about death, and attempts to find something to cling to so that life would be desirable and interesting... I was constantly tossing and turning inside: I didn’t finish this , it hasn’t worked out yet... And yesterday morning I woke up - complete joy inside, as if I had been replaced overnight)) And complete, absolute acceptance of myself, with a flow of love for my rays and shadows! And thanks to the article, everything took on clear forms and was recorded. Thank you, Tatyana!

Natalia Gorodilova
Tatyana, thanks for the article! On Saturday, November 7, it was so bad, inexplicably bad, that I couldn’t leave the house... What was that? Peak?? I also don’t know how to give free rein to my emotions (an iron habit I’ve developed) and this makes it even more difficult.

I read it, everything is fine, but it’s not clear when this usually starts? What should you do for this?

Tatiana RudyukAdmin Dmitry
Dmitry, why? :-) And what is it"?

Nikolay Bokiy Dmitry
And I would like to know when all this will end, for ten years, if not more, I’ve been living on the edge of an abyss, it makes no difference whether I fall or stay. But I’d like to see the continuation—what all this will lead to!

Nikolay, THIS will end when YOU want it to. IT does not happen bypassing your will. And if you expect that THIS should lead somewhere and take you somewhere, but you yourself do not take responsibility for your life, then there is nothing strange in the fact that THIS continues for 10 years :-)

The condition described above - everything, as written from me, is amazing - in September, October - something was done, wanted and desired, and now, like a switch was turned off, thank you Tatyana for the article, I will follow your advice

Olga Bobrovskaya
The Quantum Displacement method helps

Part 1

Ariniel Soul-Light: To begin with, I want to say that everything that I write here may just turn out to be my earthly speculation, so please do not take this as a sign or prophecy on my part.

Yesterday there was new information regarding the date and how the cleansing of physical reality will happen.

Several months ago, I received information that the cleanup would take place over several years, then it came down to a year, since the top scenarios come at the moment of the best solution, so the scenarios change quickly and the time and method of the cleanup too. That's why The information received turns out to be irrelevant after a month. This does not mean that they are giving incorrect information, it is just that everything changes very quickly, and decisions are reconsidered and a new, more acceptable solution is found.
At the beginning of this year on March 2, having worked for a very long time, with my relatives already BB in our chat of five BB, and with one BB, who was also besieging the new reality in the Earth’s PVK with me, and all the guys in the chat of joint practices, together with the support of Alexander, and all the guys who supported this entire process with their intentions both here and on other resources, we are all very grateful for their efforts; together we were able to lay siege to a new reality in the Earth’s military control system.

The crystals that were embedded in the earth's PVC are not only for the dematerialization of phantom people, they are also for the destruction of the old PVC, which is now under the new PVC. That golden mesh, which is supposed to protect the bodies of explosives and people, is not only protection, it is a connection to a new PVC, a new reality, which has a golden-violet spectrum, and we will all be connected to it. It looks too fantastic, honestly, I myself don’t fully accept it with earthly thinking, but this will be the quantum transition of the Earth, which is talked about and written about everywhere, all blocks and all barriers will fall away. The Earth will merge with the physical plane and the etheric one, and the Earth’s PVK will change.

All people and VV will remember all this, I don’t know whether it will be at the same time or for a long time, but the blocks will fly away from the consciousness of both people and VV. I asked how this could be, because people’s consciousness may not be able to withstand this and many will simply enter an inadequate state, to which VYa says that consciousness quickly adapts to new conditions, and that there will be no such processes that destroy people’s consciousness. Naturally, in the new PVC everything is different, completely different, we wrote the laws of the new reality and its social structure, and everything that concerns the spheres of our life, so everything is different there, there are no cities, no phantom ones, everything that is familiar to us is not there.

Again, I don't know how long this will take, or whether it will happen in hours, but in any case, at the moment, this is all my awareness regarding the latest changes. I hope that all people and BBs will go through these processes with minimal negative impact on their consciousness and everything will be fine.

Have a wonderful future everyone.

Part 2

Transition or materialization of a new reality.

Within a month, three more additional structures were installed for a softer replacement of the PVC; these three structures were connected to the core and began to influence the subtle planes of the Earth. The energies passing through the gates above levels divisible by 24 already pass through all matter below the 108th dimension. The gates are half-open and at many dimensions and levels, cleansing is taking place with the energies of the Creator and all remnants of distorted systems and structures are being removed everywhere. This also applies to the physical plane, at many points where the conditions of reality were better, the purification processes had already been completed and the unfolding of a new era began there. For us, this time is also approaching and, according to my information, very soon. There is so much information about all this on the page, so I want to describe in detail the Transition itself, how it will happen.

The Transition itself will be felt in a few days and changes in space and in the sensations of people and explosives are possible. This will already be visible closer to the specified date - September 22. The time, as they showed me, is approximately from 6 o’clock in the morning to 12 o’clock in the afternoon, but this is all conditional and relatively finite, it is possible both earlier and later.
The process itself will begin with a flash of light, the duration of which will be the Transition process. The figure below shows the human energy torus. It is in this energy torus, we all arrive in physical reality, during the Transition, we will all be in a strengthened torus, which will be in the field of energies of the Creator. Further, these energies will simultaneously destroy the old PVC with all its contents and with all the phantom ones, with all the blocks and channels to the lower worlds.

At this moment, a new PVC will be materialized with a new reality and everything that is in it. Neither the dimension nor the planet itself will move anywhere, all this will also be in 3 dimensions, on the physical plane, only our energy tori will already be connected to the new PVC, and our assemblage point, which is located in this torus and in the bodies, will begin to function in a new reality without blockages and in high vibrations. Since we ourselves will be irradiated with the energies of the Creator, there will be an instant cleansing of all blockages and connections to negative systems of “duality”. There will also be a complete unblocking of DNA and all brain functions. Therefore, once you find yourself in a new reality, you will quickly adapt and understand what happened. But for some, perhaps not immediately, but a little later in time.

As for the transformation of the body, for some there will be an instant change of body, for some a little later, but the time is rather calculated in months.

All animals with pure DNA will be transferred to the animal account. This is impossible with a distorted one. It is difficult to say about who has what DNA, so all this will become known after the Transition.

I also want to say that all these issues can change in the course of events, because in reality everything changes very quickly and changes change quickly in both pace and quality.
In any case, the new reality, which we have been developing for a year and a half, is nothing like the old reality either in the social structure or in any elements or industries. This is a magical world, although completely physical, but absolutely different and from our current world there will only be ourselves, and then completely different and with expanded consciousness and memory of ourselves and everything.

I really hope that on this date the Transition itself will be realized and all our efforts will finally bear fruit. The new PVC itself is already visible from subtle planes, without even tuning in; now our aspects from higher dimensions from the entire vertical are working there. I’m no longer included in this, I’m just keeping the golden flow on purple from 144 and will continue to do this until the appropriate date. Also, everyone can contribute to this by conducting this spectrum, because everything related to the new PVK and the transition is connected to this spectrum.

We will believe and think about the transition and attract these changes more strongly; there is no reason for excitement or fear, and there will not be. I am sure that everything will go well and on time, and we will all meet again in a new reality and remember these times with a smile.

Question: Please explain specifically the moment itself Quantum Leap/Transition.
Answer: The moment itself will look like the imposition of an image of a new reality (already existing on the etheric level of the Earth) on our reality with the launch of transformation processes of all matter and the materialization of all objects of the new reality. The earth will not disappear anywhere, even for a while. It's just that a lot will change in it.

Question: How will the very moment of transition be felt in human physics?
Answer: It seems that until the very last days there will be no particularly unusual phenomena such as signs in the heavens. Perhaps only in the last two or three days will it be possible to notice that something is starting to happen to reality, and even that is not a fact. The fact is that the old reality is incompatible with the new one in no way, even down to the basic characteristics of space-time. That’s why the strong resistance of the old is still going on, that’s why it’s not easy to change something in physics even now, etc. For people, the very moment of change means they will simply “wake up” in a new reality. They won’t make some kind of show out of this.

Question: And will it really start in September 2018?
Answer: There is the day of the Wheel of the Year, Mabon (September 22), which is precisely the time of the end of everything old and the beginning of the new. Therefore, there is a possibility on this date - if not the entire Transition, then a significant advance towards it. But this should not be taken as some kind of prediction or promise: they work from above, and do not make predictions in order to prove something to someone. There is no point in doing something adventurous and ruining your nerves.

Question: What will happen when the new reality materializes?
Answer: When the new reality materializes, the entire old reality will be cleared completely at once, along with all its contents. Only people, explosives and nature will move into the new reality. There will be no phantom people without a soul, technogen, or distorted elements of nature. People, of course, will find themselves in safe places.

Question: What is the new PVC? Can you describe it a little?
Answer: In short, it has everything you need for life. What can you build on and create according to the laws of the new reality? In short, there is a lot of greenery - just gorgeous greenery, dense forests, the architecture of houses and buildings is different, because... There are many civilizations, some are “pure-blooded,” others are symbiosis. Roughly, that is, “elven design”, ancient-Atlantean, and other different ones, I don’t even know how to describe them. In general, everything is fine. Add to this teleports to inhabited planets, it is natural that we will have to establish cultural connections both on Earth and with other planets and systems. In general, it will finally be possible to create without being distracted by time, resources, sleep, food and other “delights” of the current 3rd life, because you interrupt the process when you invent something and have to start all over again. There will be no problems with resources, so there is no need to worry about food and the like. The climate is warm, the food seems to be mostly fruits and something else for taste, because... bodies will change and you won’t need much food.

Question: What will happen to the human body during the Transition?
Answer: Nothing bad will happen. It will simply be our (relatively speaking) “original form”, i.e. The 3rd body should be WITHOUT distortion. If a person is determined to move into a new reality in this particular body, then he will be able to restore his health, since all the blockages will no longer exist. Even if it is a genetic disability or some other difficult case. There would be a serious intention. First of all, all the capabilities of the brain, DNA, etc. will be activated and unlocked. The rest is decided on an individual basis and is still in a state of preparation. Some may experience significant changes in their body if their Higher Self desires it.

Question: Will there be fundamental changes in HP when choosing future family members and close people if huge layers of karmic debts are repaid?
Answer: The choice will be mainly determined by the similarity of the direction of development.

Question: With the complete integration of physics and broadcasting, the need for sleep will disappear; in the new reality there will immediately be no sleep?
Answer: Sleep will remain, but it will require less time (about 4 hours), and it will no longer be sleep, but meditation or the ability to shift the assemblage point to other spaces. Also, the sleep space is effective for working out karma (this process is already underway). In principle, it would be possible to eliminate sleep completely, but during the time it existed, many interesting practices were created in this area, the experience of which they did not want to give up (the same lucid dreams with worlds very different from ordinary material ones).

Question: What will be the life expectancy in HP?
Answer: There will be no fixed life expectancy and death from aging. Everything will depend on whether a person has self-realized in this particular incarnation or not. Then - a conscious transition to another incarnation or transformation of the body into a fundamentally different appearance, in which it will be possible to preserve the memory. Presumably, 300-400 years will be enough for self-realization in one body, but again, this is not fixed; if necessary, life can last longer or shorter.

Question: Will civilization projects (Antarctica, Hyperborea, Atlantis, Pacifida) also be immediately restored and populated? Or will they move in later?
Answer: Civilization projects will be launched immediately after the Transition. With all the basic infrastructure, and some people from worlds of a similar orientation are ready, by conscious choice, to come to Earth in already formed bodies with the necessary DNA - as pioneer founders, so to speak. They will also help those who are not in the know to get used to the new reality. Each of the civilizations of the future has its own social system. Small independent communities will also exist. On Far East And Primorye the civilization that was on Earth in this territory in some previous eras will be restored. The main directions are magic and technomagic. They look like people with dark skin, their clothes and artifacts are unusual. Korea- a separate territory with its own civilization. Something like a combination of Taoism and technomagic. Japan- magic/technomagic, it will be more like some worlds from anime, something like on Arcutra in the best eras, when you didn’t have to constantly fight with devils, hostile VCs and technogen. Greece and part Turkey- ancient civilization (without the distortions characteristic of it in the time known to us). Most of Turkey, Caucasus- It has not yet been decided, perhaps there will be small groups of settlements.

Question: Will there be a civilization on the Andromedan spectrum?
Answer: Andromeda is a very large galaxy, it is full of civilizations of very different directions, there are highly developed positive ones without a matrix, there are average ones, there are completely destructive ones. There is some possibility that a pure magical civilization of their type may be in the territories of Spain and Portugal, but nothing has been decided there in this regard, and they themselves are not particularly eager to go there.

Question: What civilizations will there be in Siberia and Central Asia? I probably missed it when you wrote about them. Thank you!
Answer: Siberia is one of the main centers of Slavic civilization, Central Asia is still empty, maybe there will only be nature and small individual settlements.

Question: On the territory of Karelia - the Civilization of Hyperborea or another?
Answer: Karelia and part of Finland are an independent civilization, the direction is more magical-mental-shamanic. Development through ownership of the vehicle and the disclosure of the potential of its various provisions (from a different perception of the surrounding reality to a shift of consciousness to other spaces).

Question: Regarding portals, can they immediately be used instead of transport to move around the planet? Is there any preparation required for this?
Answer: The portals will be restored and can be used. Of course, you will need knowledge on how to activate them. But they will appear quickly enough.

Question: After the transition, will it also be possible to shift the TS along the dimensions along the entire body of the explosive, or will it remain fixed at 3m? Those. Will it be possible to live in any worlds of the Universe at will?
Answer: If this is needed for the tasks of a specific implementation, then it will be. Or you can develop this ability if you wish. It is also worth noting that the Earth will be a clean and fully functioning part of the Universe, including the energies of the higher planes will be manifested on it without any blockages. Those. The earth's earthly incarnation will no longer be a “sore spot” from which one wants to divert attention somewhere so as not to experience suffering.

Question: Since other planets have moved into a new reality, can’t Earth’s satellites or telescopes see changes on them? Why does Venus still rotate in the opposite direction?
Answer: The dimensions observed from a telescope are uninhabited, and always have been. For example, Jupiter in our dimension, whether in the old or in the new reality, consists of hydrogen, inert gases, etc. - nothing particularly interesting for most observers. There are some changes there, but they are not such that science would consider them significant. Although you can look up what astronomers write, maybe. Found something unusual. There are no plans to change the rotation of Venus.

Question: The bodies will be completely replaced? What a transformation if we eat matrix food, everything is in implants and imperil
Answer: Changes in everyone's bodies will be different. Some people have the option of a complete replacement, but not everyone has this option. Mostly for those who need a body with a fundamentally different physical appearance (including a different race). And flaws can be simply restored. If you can transform a littered planet, then it will be no more difficult with a littered body.

Question: Tell me, please, what will happen to the volcanoes?
Answer: There will be no volcanoes, since these are places where negative energies are released from the lower layers.

Question: Is St. Petersburg like Karelia or also Slavic?
Answer: St. Petersburg is the center of joint projects, cooperation between Hyperborea and Atlantis. For the first time in history.

Question: Any transition experience for people? How did it go when you joined HP?
Answer: There are parallel realities of the Earth that were cleared before ours - both by a sharp change in the PVC, and by a smoother transition. Everything went according to plan everywhere. People simply began to live in HP - no panic, fear, or the like.

Question: What changes will occur in our solar system?
Answer: The sun will be different. But it is impossible to replace it without completely purifying ours, since the properties of the entire solar system were set through it. On Mars there will be a manifestation of NR almost simultaneously with Earth, everything is already ready there. The habitable dimension of Mars is identical to that of Earth; previously there was always close contact with this civilization. The New Moon also exists, while it is in another dimension. It will also replace the old one when HP appears on Earth. At the moment, all the planets of the solar system have passed into NR, except for Earth, Mars and Saturn. We are talking about the habitable dimensions of these planets. They had their own processes of purification from the distorted experiment, and they also have/will have their own civilizations that meet the criteria of the new reality. The new Phaethon and Juno are preparing to manifest on the physical plane. Most likely, they will appear soon after the manifestation of NR on Earth.

Question: Will people recognize each other immediately after the transition or will it take time for our bodies to adapt and how will it be decided that you need a new body in which you choose a face for yourself or are the faces the same? That is, mother and daughter will wake up and at that moment they will immediately have healthy bodies and they will recognize each other even if their faces are different or the same?
Answer: Yes, they will be able to find out if they also want to be together in the new reality.

Question: What will be and will there be a mechanism for recognizing a person (bodies are being replaced), at least within one civilization, of those who were dear during this life and will move to HP?
Answer: Yes, it will feel like it’s him. And the memory of a loved one will also be preserved (if you do not take into account negative relationships, which cannot be transferred to HP).

Question: After the transition, will small children and teenagers remain at the same childhood age and continue to grow and develop, or are options possible?
Answer: Yes, if the tasks from the VY do not require a radical change in form. The child will definitely not be separated from his parents.

Question: After the Transition, very elderly people, frail old people will wake up in their renewed bodies, as if they were 30 years old again, relatively speaking?
Answer: Yes, if they are determined to continue life in HP in this particular body.

Question: If vision is bad here, will it be corrected once there? Or will they give you points and the opportunity to get back to normal within a reasonable period? Or will I have to suffer for a while?
Answer: It will be fixed.

Question: Will the technological level of civilization roll back to a level in which in the largest settlements the top “industrial complexes” will be a windmill and a forge? “Shall we slurp cabbage soup with our bast shoes?” (in this case, the saying “did you think you were in a fairy tale?” will sound somewhat ambiguous).
Answer: Each civilization will have its own advantages and methods of production. A mill and a forge in a more friendly climate plus the opportunity to develop heroic strength (for example) are not such bad options.

Question: What percentage of advanced/wizards will be initially? will the rest of the settlers be “brought up” in knowledge and “magic”? How fast?
Answer: The main thing is that everyone will have some basic level of abilities and information that will allow them not to get lost in the world and not think about banal survival. And starting from it, you can calmly develop in your own direction, whichever is closer to your soul. More advanced ones will teach.

Question: Is it possible to meet with already deceased explosives and people?
Answer: Those who have recently died will already be incarnated in a new reality.

Question: What about the animals?
Question: Animals go through their transformations. Distorted species are being removed from nature, and new ones will appear. The interaction between them will also change: there will be no principle of struggle for existence, no food chains. Predation and aggressiveness will disappear from their lives.

Question: What will happen to housing in the new reality?
Answer: There is also housing (mainly according to the model of the civilizations to which certain territories correspond (Antarctica, Hyperborea, Pacifida, Slavyansk, Scandinavian, etc.). Not so that everything is directly built up, but people will already have what is necessary for life. The architecture and appearance of houses will change dramatically. Houses in the old form, as it seems, will not exist. If some material object remains, it will be in a greatly transformed form - from a different material, with a different device, etc.

Question: Is it possible to find out about the availability of musical instruments in the new PVC? Are they already included in it initially in finished form or will it be necessary to make them anew? There probably won’t be any electric tools as such? Now they will be powered by crystals and the musician’s personal energy?
Answer: Some of them will be ready-made, some will need to be made anew. Tools similar to existing ones will consist of different materials.

Question: How will communication take place between representatives of different civilizations on Earth, will they have different languages, telepathy?
Answer: Different languages ​​will be used in different territories, but people will be able to understand each other. Connections with the information field of languages ​​and linguistic intuition, which was destroyed during the events conventionally called the Babylonian pandemonium, will be activated. Communication through telepathy can be developed if desired.

Question: Where will the elves be?
Answer: The territory between Europe (Scandinavia and Britain) and Hyperborea. There, part of the space will be freed from water.

Question: Will those in the know retain the memory of the old reality? Or selectively depending on the tasks? Or as part of the ability to remember experiences from past incarnations?
Answer: The memory of the old reality will be preserved by those who are in the know and perceive everything adequately; it also depends on the tasks. Much also depends on the content of a person’s consciousness. If he was filled with negativity and held false beliefs, was attached to some distorted things, then all this will be erased as elements of negative programs. After going through some period of adaptation to the new reality, you will be able to remember everything if you become interested in it.

Question: On other planets everything went harmoniously, but here we can clarify a point regarding memory and consciousness: what percentage of the current consciousness will be manifested in the new world?
Answer: The saved percentage of the current consciousness depends on the filling of the current consciousness. During the transition to HP, only everything associated with negative programs will be erased from consciousness. Accordingly, those who had mostly negativity in their heads and a strong attachment to those distorted phenomena that will no longer exist will lose more memory. Those who more adequately perceive what is happening will remember more. They will immediately normally perceive the contrast between “was” and “has become”, without going crazy about the past. At the end of a certain (short) period of adaptation to life in HP, everyone will be able to remember what happened, if there is interest in this.

Question: What will happen to attachment to loved ones, relatives, children who are not people with a Soul and will disappear during the Transition?
Answer: All negative programs in people’s minds are also erased, since, of course, they cannot be dragged into a new reality. Attachment to phantom people without a soul is a negative program, so a person with a soul will not even want to remember about a phantom loved one from the old reality. He will find a normal mate, reveal the memory of how he was a successful public figure among the Hyperboreans (for example), etc. This is just an approximate option.

Question: What will happen to the “cultural heritage” (paintings, sculptures, works, music, etc.)?
Answer: Almost all of this (more than 99%) will not be relevant in the new reality. There are even pure works that will not be in demand, since they refer to those realities that no longer exist. Some small part of the heritage, applicable in the future, will be preserved on new information media.

Question: How will loved ones transition? Married couples, children? Will we have to build everything together or in HP anew?
Answer: Depends on the availability of joint tasks in the future, but basically they will stay together. We can say for sure that connections formed by mistake, due to negative influences, agreements on the AC, etc. will disintegrate.

Question: How will long distance travel be accomplished?
Answer: Movement - teleportation, portals, individual aircraft.

Question: What about the food?
Answer: There will be no problems with resources, so there is no need to worry about food and the like. The food seems to be mostly fruits and something else for taste, because... bodies will change and you won't need much food.

Question: What will the climate and weather be like?
Answer: The climate will generally be moderately warm. There will be no change of seasons, cold snaps, or natural disasters. Although it will not be the same everywhere. There will be quite hot areas, and in some areas of Scandinavia, on the contrary, there will be a type of “ice kingdom”. But the people there will initially be well adapted to the energy of these places, and will not perceive such conditions as something uncomfortable.

Question: What will happen to the consciousness of entities (animals, plants, etc.) when the PVK is changed - transfer to HP or something else?
Answer: In the new reality, there will be species of plants and animals that existed before, plus new ones will appear. Distorted species of plants and animals will disappear. When forming the nature of a new reality, essential consciousnesses can be transferred into it, having previously undergone purification and transformation if necessary.

Question: What about informing people and BBs before moving to HP? A very small percentage knows something about the Transition. Many will simply be shocked. For example, I recently told this information about changing the military equipment to one explosive. So he was greatly shocked. And he wouldn't want his memory erased.
Answer: Due to the insensitivity of the consciousnesses of the vast majority now, it is easier to inform about everything after the Transition. You can now think about what you would like to do in the new reality, preferences for your physical body, etc. and set the appropriate intention. Not a single EI and not a single Spiritual impulse (Human) clings to the old reality, the experience of rejected experiments no longer interests anyone (except that the earthly ego does not keep up with the changes). On the higher planes, of course, everything is coordinated.

Question: What's the best thing to do now?
Answer: Continue on your path here and now. I hope that all people and BBs will go through these processes with minimal negative impact on their consciousness and everything will be fine. Have a wonderful future everyone.


When reading the chen, remember that no information is 100% reliable. Listen to yourself first. All information is in each of us. Believe me...

Representatives of the Vega civilization, through one of the mediums of ESPAVO (International Association of Lightworkers), conveyed important information for earthlings, warning about the dangers that humanity will face during the Quantum Transition.

What do you want to convey to us?

Your planet is about to undergo big changes. A new space is coming. It is unexpected for you. Lots of light and lots of territory. The situation is extremely serious. You are not ready for the transition yet, but time is running out. You will not be able to cross on your own. We need help from higher powers. We are interested in your further ascent, since we are your older brothers, our worlds are connected in a galactic chain.

We are representatives of the fifth planet of the Vega-plus system. Our civilization often comes into contact with people. We want to help you.

You are talking about danger. Did I understand correctly? What is the danger and who is at risk?

Your unpreparedness for new systems. Imagine being thrown into the water and now you have to live underwater, and your breathing system is not ready. This awaits you in the near future only in energy terms.

What do you have in mind?

The energy of the Earth's space will change dramatically towards the end of September.

This is due to galactic processes. The activity of the galactic poles is increasing. Energy civilizations began their work to launch nullspace.

What is null space?

This is a collapsed space where all energy is zero. They collapse the space of your world.

But I don’t notice anything, everything goes on as usual.

The imitation of space is partially supported by holograms so that there is no panic among the population. Like in your movie The Matrix.

Fine. If space collapses to a zero state, what will happen to us in this case?

You, too, will be collapsed together with space to the minimum information block of the soul. That is, all the data that is stored in you as part of the universal spirit will be, as it were, archived and folded into a zero bit. Next, space will unfold on the other side of the universe in a new world. What you call an inversion of space. During these processes, your energy potentials will be reset to zero, as if your battery had been removed.

I don't understand. Whose decision is this and why are people not warned?

We warn you. This decision was made in consultation with the Galactic Council. You do not need to worry about the state of your souls. It’s as if you will be mothballed for some time and stopped for a while. If everything goes as it should, you won't even feel anything. You will fall asleep and wake up in a new reality. During your sleep, the space will be collapsed, tested, freed from energy viruses, that is, cleaned and expanded again. When passing through the Zero point, you will change polarity, your entire world will acquire a different polarity of mass and energy charges.

If everything goes well. Are there any possible failures?

Failures are always possible. This depends on many reasons and components of the process. The first is the active intervention of the hierarchy of darkness, which is also going to participate in this process.

What does the hierarchy of darkness want?

They want to take possession of your energy resources and the information that is stored in you. When any space transitions into antispace, a lot of energy is released. These energies are hunted by some civilizations and hierarchies of darkness.

I talked with energy civilizations, they said that they will take the energy of annihilation. Are you talking about them?

And about them too. The energy of annihilation can be absorbed by someone else, or it can be used by your world during the transition. This can give impetus to the further development of your world, so you should not give anyone the energy that rightfully belongs to you.

We don't know how to do this - to use the energy that will be released during the transition.

It's neither simple nor difficult. You will each need to hold your field in maximum awareness of the processes. Many of you will feel more tired than usual - this is an indication of an outflow of energy. If you do not feel tired, then the energy process is proceeding in equilibrium. If you can pass the zero point consciously, then at the exit you have the opportunity to control the flow of your energy. Strengthen your conductivity.

Can you describe the upcoming process more precisely? What will happen to a person when folded?

He will fall asleep. Drowsiness and signs of loss of energy will appear. Parts of memory will disappear. This is the screwing in of space cells.

Space consists of energy cells. Imagine a net with large holes. When it is unfolded, it takes up a lot of space and the threads of the network touch only at the place of weaving and interact in this way. These space grids hold the outline of space. The energy of space pulsates in the threads of the mesh itself; it is transmitted through the threads to its various parts. And thus matter is held inside the network. All planets and cosmic bodies are created according to this principle. All solid forms in your world and partly in ours are created according to this principle.

This energy grid will begin to change potential. Its voltage will decrease, and due to this, part of the matter will pass through the cells of the network and be released, that is, the matter will become thinner and pass through the cells of the grid, since the voltage in the threads of this grid will drop. When the density of matter inside the grid is sufficient for compression, the space will begin to collapse.

As a result, the extended network will be collapsed into one point. In this case, of course, all the threads of the mesh will be in close contact and the tension of the mesh will thus increase and begin to increase. When it reaches a critical value, the space under this impulse will turn in the other direction. In network cells, on energy crossing lines, there are systems for recording information.

That is, at the moment of inversion, you will become information copies in the cells of the grid, after inversion, as the grid unfolds into superspace, information about each of you will also begin to unfold and all code systems will begin to form your new life systems, restore your bodies and energy structure.

We have described this process in such detail, but in reality it can take little time. Or rather, you will not feel time, since there is no time at the zero point.

What is the danger for us? Is there a possibility that someone will not restore their structures after the transition? What will happen to such entities?

The entire process takes place under the supervision of the Galactic Council and all hierarchies. Everything is controlled. In case someone is unable to deploy their systems, they will be helped. Don’t forget that when you enter Earth and exist on it, all information on past and present incarnations is recorded and it never disappears. In fact, you are an immortal spirit plus information about its incarnations. Perhaps something else. When restoring structures, many can remember all past incarnations, but not everyone is ready for this.

Is this the biggest danger? That is, after the reversal, everyone will be restored completely and maybe even more, that is, they will remember their incarnations?

Many of you are not ready for this; it can become a serious psychological and energy problem for you. Not everyone is able to immediately accept their multidimensionality. Imagine that a large amount of information that the system is not able to process can cause the entire system to fail.

You are talking about the mind, that is, this could lead to madness?

This can lead to loss of orientation in space and time.

Will this loss be subjective to the individual? That is, he will hang somewhere in space and time?

He will have difficulty perceiving reality and distinguishing it from other realities. When you watch a movie, 24 frames appear as one image. Imagine that you will see each frame separately and simultaneously. And each frame will be somewhat different from the other. This may be the perception of reality.

So what should we do?

Prepare for the new reality. We hope that everything will go well and there will be no system failures.

Tell us in more detail what a person will feel and what symptoms he will observe in the space around him.

Frequent glow. You will see the grid of the world itself, you will observe its cells. Like flashes. Possibly a lot of lightning. That is, all electrical processes will intensify. An increase in solar activity is already happening. Feeling of a thickening of the world. Thick air, but it's all at the energy level. You will feel it.

A difficult period for those who have health problems. Drink more fluids, it is a guide. Breathe deeper if energy processes begin to malfunction. Many of you will feel a burning sensation inside. This is the energy that accelerates in you. She responds to the external space. Of course, escalation of conflicts is possible. Many people will not understand what is happening to them and this will result in aggression.

Next, you will begin to notice the folding of time. It’s as if temporary areas will disappear. This is the folding of links in the energy chain. At some point, you may feel tired and very sleepy. Don't resist and don't be afraid. For those who do not have very strong energy and health, it is better to just fall asleep and relax. When you wake up you should feel very refreshed. And the world will seem to change. It will become brighter. You won't understand it right away, only if you watch it carefully. It won't be as hard or as stable. It will appear as if it is shimmering. Perhaps in the future, with your collective awareness, you will confirm its solidity of outline and density, but at first everything will flicker.

Everyone is worried about what will happen to loved ones.

All light hierarchies and forces will help you as much as possible. No one should get hurt or lost. Transition curators are assigned to each of them. Don't be alarmed. No one will be lost

How to go through this period consciously and with the least losses?

Observe the world and yourself. Note and record each process. Call on mentors and helpers. They are always there, but cannot intervene without you asking for help. Imagine that you are learning new skills, think of them as instructors. Listen to yourself. Instructions will sound inside each one. Listen to your inner voice, it will tell you everything. Believe yourself more. You can't be afraid.

When will this happen?

The process has already begun. The peak is expected at the end of September closer to the autumn equinox.

Yes, but it goes a little differently. You yourself could not pass it and they are helping you, because you are in the chain of transition of the entire system, which cannot be interrupted.

How do you know all this? Have you gone through this yourself or do you see probabilistic lines?

Both. We are connected with you, you are the previous links in the development chain before us or before us. We went through this, but a little differently. We were more prepared. But they also helped us. We were also afraid, but everything went well without losses, for which we are all very grateful to all the forces of Light. Therefore, we now also try to help others.

You said that during the transition we could use the released energy to develop our world. How to do it?

Express your desire to do this, to receive the energy of transition into your world. No one has the right to take it from you if you want it. The more of you express such a desire, the less opportunities other systems and races will have to take this energy for themselves.

But energy civilizations came precisely for this. If they don't get their energy, they may not do what they should.

Everyone has a choice. They know the risks of not receiving this energy. If you ask them, they will tell you so themselves. They were drawn to the transition process. A system of attraction, folding, and reduction is now operating in space. When you receive the energy of transition, the systems of unfolding and expansion will begin to work and will be thrown away from you. They know it.

Isn't it dangerous for us - the release of energy during the transition?

No, it's like a sponge that cannot absorb more water than its volume allows. The volume of the “sponge” of energy civilizations is enormous. They are able to absorb all free energy. You will absorb as much as you can, as much as your energy volumes of your world and your bodies allow. The energy that you cannot absorb will be received by others. This is one of the reasons why you are getting so much attention now. This is the most acceptable energy exchange option for you now, use it.

We say it again: listen to yourself all the time. Commands will be given inside you. Don't think about the meaning. Just do it, even if they seem stupid to you. These commands will be regarding the position of your body in space, that is, the best flow of energy through you. For example: sit down, lie down, raise your leg. We are exaggerating, but something like this. Submit to sudden impulses that arise within: touch something, drink water, raise your head, turn on music. We don't know what teams there will be. They will be quite individual. Listen to yourself.

How can a person understand that commands come from his mentors, and not, say, from representatives of darkness who will probably want to take advantage of this?

Are you allowed to help us?

Yes. We are related to you and are the most suitable genotype for you.

Are you humanoids?

What dimension of space are you in?

In the fifth and sixth, we are preparing to move into the seventh.

So you and I are making the transition at the same time?

The entire galaxy changes dimensionality, increases it, and we also move into another dimension. We have often heard your thoughts. They are sometimes funny. And sometimes scary. But we remember that sometimes, a very long time ago, many of us were like that too.

What will you get from our transition?

Release the chain. You are looking for our benefit. We won't take advantage of you, if that's what you mean. We want to help and we love you, just as we love small children and our distant relatives.

How can you help us?

Information. We are prohibited from any other interference, and we would not have been able to cope with the processes ourselves. There are special systems of the universal mind for this.

Thank you for your help. What else do you want to tell us?

Love each other, this is the most powerful energy for the growth of the world and yourself. Express your love more often. It may seem like a process of feelings or sentimentality to you, but it is your essence. You can understand this in short moments. This is your true essence. We also followed a similar path, but we had less destruction. Trust in the Higher Powers. Believe that you are protected and protected. You are part of a huge process of embodiment and development. We are also part of it. Carry love and joy within yourself. This will allow you to remain stable in any situation. We will be waiting for you in the chain of your worlds.

We live in very difficult, but amazing times, those who are now experiencing emotionally and physically very painful conditions. And he doesn’t understand where they came from or how to help himself.
Check yourself on these points:
. absolute uncertainty up to the feeling of losing the ground under your feet. It seems like you're falling into an abyss
. it is impossible to determine where you are, where you are going and why
. Lost motivation and meaning in life
. the past mercilessly fades away. And if you don't let it go, it just comes off with meat
. where it is thin, it breaks. Problems appear almost simultaneously in different areas of your life.
. life throws unsolved problems in your face. Pulls out all suppressed emotions, old painful buttons, traumas. Including the fact that you “seemed to have already worked”
. Interpersonal relationships are bursting at the seams. It seems that the people around you are doing everything to hurt you, humiliate you, laugh at you, reject you, leave you alone with trouble.

It seems? A couple more signs:
. sleep disorder You either stay up until the morning, and then walk around like a zombie all day. Or you are simply knocked out “at the wrong time.” And not for 15 minutes, but for 1.5-2 hours
. after that you wake up feeling like you unloaded a couple of train cars. And you need a few more hours to get involved in active life
. diseases spring up like mushrooms after rain
. absent-mindedness, forgetfulness. Feeling like you're not here
. My head hurts frequently and severely; no painkillers work. It hurts in two ways: either the forehead, temples and top of the head split. Or there is a state of dullness and intoxication in the head, as if one has inhaled exhaust fumes
. from time to time thoughts and sensations arise that are somehow related to death

Not the most cheerful conditions, and I know that many people are going through this now. But, instead of realizing what is happening and helping yourself during this period, they only aggravate the process.
In fact, all of these are “ordinary” signs of a transition to a new reality, to a new level of vibrations. Into the reality that we have heard and talked about so much, and many even actively strived for. Transition to the state of a person free from traumas, programs and the past. This is the exit to inner freedom - to the state of God incarnate with his limitless potential.

- sorting out the parts of ourselves and our past that we want or don’t want to take with us into our new world,
-we attract to ourselves the remaining fragments of our Soul from past lives in order to restore the integrity of our I Am and become a fully conscious being.

We have heard a lot about this and done a lot over the past few years - becoming more aware of ourselves, freeing ourselves from the past, healing traumas. We have already experienced many mental, spiritual and emotional rebirths.
But they have not yet fully affected our physical body and our physical life. This is now starting to happen.
Let's look at the picture from above to understand what's going on.
For many people, summer felt like hitting rock bottom and stopping movement. And so it was. This time of immersion in darkness was necessary in order to see this darkness within myself. And accept it as part of yourself.
Our dark part is also WE. It contains enormous power. But it becomes available to us only when we accept our Shadow. We don’t fight, we don’t correct it, we don’t eradicate it and we don’t degenerate it. And we accept it as part of ourselves. The Shadow is worthy of the same reverence as the Light.
Whoever managed to do this (accept his shadow as a worthy part of himself) unlocked a gigantic amount of his personal power. Those who have not done this and continue to struggle with their dark part will still have to undergo this procedure.

What is happening now requires us to dive deep inside ourselves and concentrate on ourselves. And ordinary “outside” life may suddenly seem too stressful and tiring.
This may not be (and for most will be) not very pleasant, and you will want to avoid it. But this is so important now that life will do EVERYTHING to leave you alone with yourself, your fears and worries.
Fear is one of the most destructive emotions. Thoughts of fear, constantly scrolling through your head, literally attract similar situations. The fear of getting sick literally attracts illness. When we are afraid of something, we paint ourselves a terrible picture of what might happen. We feed this picture with bad feelings, and then we wonder why this picture comes to life. Fear is a mistrust of the world in which you live.
Many people constantly expect something bad from the world around them. And they get it - after all, everything in our lives happens in accordance with our expectations. Trust is a derivative of faith. No faith - no trust. Start trusting God, yourself, people, and fear will disappear. Only then will you feel completely safe. A true believer knows no fear. Remember - you create your own world. And this world is the safest place in the Universe. Take responsibility for your life. Your world depends on your thoughts. Feel like the most protected being in the Universe. Once you free yourself from old negative thoughts and learn to send love to people and everything in this world, all fears will disappear. You will stop attracting violence into your life, and your world will become the most peaceful place in the Universe.

What to do about it?
Now is not the time to make decisions or evaluate what is happening. There is no need to run to a doctor or psychiatrist.
All that is needed from you now is to be aware of your feelings and emotions, to see what is rising - what programs, what patterns of behavior.
Realize the fact that you are a stream of infinite consciousness, you are an initially enlightened being, you are a soul, you are an observer of life, you are a river of consciousness, attention. Direct this river towards fear and you will become fear. Direct the river of your consciousness towards absolute calm and you will become an ocean of calm, you will become calmer than the Buddha. Direct the flow of your conscious attention to tenderness, and a very gentle energy will begin to emanate from your body, which will be felt by the people around you and they themselves will become gentle, loving and calm.
Tell yourself more often that I am a river of consciousness. Where the river flows, it is colored. Attention will flow into experiencing states of calm, and the whole world around you will appear in complete calm. You will begin to feel that the world is very calm, and only people driven by passions are in a hurry. Next, direct the river into the channel of experiencing the state of maternal love and tenderness, which you may not have received enough in childhood, and your consciousness already creates within you the image of a gentle mother who holds the baby in her arms and feeds you with her love and tender care, putting gratitude and light.
Just decide right now what state you want to be in? What do you want? Where will you direct your attention? I become where my river flows, the river of pure consciousness, or as we say, the soul. All you have to do is choose for yourself where to direct the river, into what state of experiencing life?
. What vibration do I want to vibrate?
. What sound, note, do I want to sound?
. What kind of light does it glow?
. What is the primary state to be in before all my thoughts and desires appear?

After all, it is my primary state, in which I constantly find myself, that will determine everything in my life! And the choice is always mine.

I make a conscious choice and begin to experience all the states that exist in this world.
. I stop thinking about life, and begin to experience it, I become the experience of life itself.
. My ego stops separating me and life.
. I merge with life, I am life itself, and life itself is me.
. I stop separating myself from God, my ego does not set boundaries.
. God is love and I am love.
. God is care and tenderness, and I am care for everything and tenderness.
. God is light and warmth, and I am light for myself and everything I see.
. God is the Creator, and I create bright images in my soul and fill the surrounding space with them.
. God is grace, warmth and the Sun, God is a loving Father, and I will not feel separate from God. I am in the Father, I am in God, and the Father is in me, God is in me. . The feeling of unity and inseparability makes me whole and calm.
. The Holy Trinity is in me, and I am in the Holy Trinity.
. I have nothing to fear anymore, I am a river of pure consciousness, I am radiant love and a tender experience of life.
. May all beings in all worlds be peaceful and happy.
. May all people achieve the greatest peace and tranquility.
. May everyone become healthy and happy.
. Let the whole world vibrate with light and love.
. I am a luminous soul.
. I realize that my state of experiencing fear causes illness in my legs and whole body!
. So is my health worth even one fear?
. Of course - it's not worth it! I choose health and freedom from all fears and worries!

Be healthy and happy!

"was watched with increasing attention. The TV3 channel posted each episode for free viewing within half an hour after the broadcast, which sharply increased the number of viewers.

An ordinary family lives and lives. The husband is a good surgeon, but a weakling. The wife is torn between running the household, two problematic daughters, a grumbling mother-in-law, an unborn but already demanding child, and the need to get money for all this. Everything is typical. But one day something happens that will turn this whole routine life into an endless nightmare, from which no one can escape unscathed. The plot is not new, but always exciting.

But the composition of the 9-episode film is non-standard. As in any detective story, the bomb lies in the fact of a mysterious murder. A corpse appears at the start of the film, and we are in the heat of the investigation, but this is a deception, and the main nightmare lies ahead. In the meantime, screenwriters Maria Melenevskaya and Denis Utochkin skillfully distract us from the main mystery of the film: what made the seemingly serious heroine take up the most shameful of crafts - pimping? Something here doesn’t fit and even seems to contradict the character declared by Anna Mikhalkova: an active, intelligent, energetic woman, the kind who will stop a galloping horse, faithful to her husband, “positive” in every sense - and the den she started in room of a reputable hotel, involving a friend-administrator in the matter. But in this discrepancy lies the second bomb, which will explode only in the penultimate episode, leaving the family with these ruins instead of an established life. This is the most painful of the episodes of the film's intense plot: it is unbearably difficult to watch, because of all the horrors, the most terrible is the spectacle of blatant injustice happening before our eyes. When a person who tries to live according to human standards is trampled into the dirt with a grin - and this, criminal, is declared the new norm. A new routine, everyday life, habitat. And, as we know from life, it will no longer be possible to break through this concrete wall - it is surrounded on all sides. Corruption. Those who are not in it are strangers, renegades, outsiders. They are dangerous for such a system, they are beaten.

In this 8th flashback episode - the key to the plot's mysteries, of which the question is: who killed? - in last place. This, it turns out, is a “normal” murder, routine and natural in such circumstances - these will multiply as long as there is soil for them. People are convinced that the law no longer protects them, they are helpless against any blows of fate, and they can only rely on themselves. Before us is a clear experience of survival in conditions where moral norms are not only violated - they no longer exist at all. When everything human in people threatens to dry up, and we see the mechanism of the spread of the epidemic. Upside down letters in the credits are like upside down life. In a detective story, you expect a denouement - retribution for the bad and satisfaction for the good. In this drama, the denouement is a death sentence for everyone; you don’t expect it, you dread it. Of course, there will be an ending to the plot - such a life does not have a happy ending.

Like any good film, "An Ordinary Woman" simultaneously absorbs many current themes. For example, a change in gender roles: the woman again became the mainstay of the home. And while the husband is quixotic, sluggishly defending the no longer existing legality, the wife instantly orients herself in the new space and learns to play by new rules - that is, to play without rules. This game is not just dangerous, it is doomed, because “the claw gets stuck - the whole bird is lost.” This is life without perspective, a dead end. The active Marina resembles that frog in milk, which, floundering, churned butter in the hope of escape. The only difference is that instead of milk there is a swamp: it will not churn, and no one will be saved here - neither the defeated nor the winner. Dmitry Emelyanov’s soundtrack conveys the ominous pace of this fate through the off-screen heavy breathing, which, breaking through the creaks of life, accompanies the course of events as a leitmotif - the breath of an invisibly present, but relentlessly pursuing us monster. The reception is almost imperceptible, like the 25th frame, but emotionally strong.

A good director doesn't have bad actors. "An Ordinary Woman" is an ensemble film where each character is typical, recognizable, natural, and memorable. The experienced Evgeny Grishkovets in the role of the truth-seeking husband, Yulia Melnikova (administrator Galina), and the quickly gaining skills of Alexandra Bortich (Zhenya) and Elizaveta Kononova (eldest daughter Katya) are good here. But one cannot fail to note Tatyana Dogileva in the “age-related” role of the corrosive mother-in-law: she turned out to be a rare multifaceted figure, evoking complex feelings - alive. And, of course, Anna Mikhalkova in the role of the “ordinary woman” Marina: to say that she plays brilliantly is to say nothing. This actress generally has the rare ability not to act, but to live someone else’s life. Here she manages to completely confuse the viewer, accustomed to straightforward decisions: a beautiful person, by all signs, without raising an eyebrow, just as naturally enters into affairs that break out of all ideas about humanity. She easily takes on the role of a conspirator, an intriguer, and easily lies and bluffs. Without blinking an eye, he moves the corpse like a shovel, fearing neither the darkness, nor conscience, nor judgment. Like a tigress, she is ready to defend her family and unfaithful husband - her last and only bastion. On the film poster she sits in an attacking pose on the ready-made modern Saltychikha. She is an excellent strategist and tactician, makes decisions instantly, has impeccable self-control - but this is not a cardboard cut-out figure from another dashing TV project, but a carefully thought-out, well-founded in every detail, absolutely convincing life of a woman who is truly “ordinary” - the kind you can find in next door, not suspecting what is in their soul. And most importantly, we always understand the tragic motive driving it: if you want to live, know how to spin. This is the highest aerobatics of an actress with sniper intuition and fantastic organics. Mikhalkova’s work has already been awarded an award at the international festival Series Mania in Lille, and this is only the beginning: the journey of Boris Khlebnikov’s film will be long and glorious.