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Character Erast Petrovich Fandorin: biography, description and interesting facts. Boris Akunin "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin"

Erast Fandorin is a young guy of 20 years old, distinguished by fearlessness, nobility and great luck. But his main advantage is that he is a talented detective. He works as a clerk in the police department, and suddenly becomes interested in one complicated case. He decides to get involved in the investigation.

A wealthy student's suspicious suicide leads him to discover underground organization, which includes very influential people. During the investigation main character will go through many trials, and even find love...

Turkish Gambit (1998)

A very brave and rather emancipated girl named Varvara Suvorova wants to take a decisive step - to go to Turkey, where battles are taking place, in order to answer “yes” to her lover. The road turns out to be very long and difficult, and Varya could have found herself in a terrible situation, but Erast Fandorin came to the rescue.

The book will amaze readers with details major battles, political intrigue and exciting spy games.

Leviathan (1998)

In 1878, Paris is shaken by unexpected and terrible news - Lord Littleby and his 9 assistants are found murdered.

The police are taking on this case to establish what motives and goals the attacker had who committed this crime. What seems suspicious is that the murder was not committed for the sake of money - almost nothing was missing except a statue of Shiva. And the figurine is not at all suitable for the real motive for the murder of so many people.

During the investigation, the police commissioner realizes that all the threads lead to the Leviathan ship, where, most likely, the killer is located...

The Death of Achilles (1998)

The book is a continuation of the fascinating adventures and investigations of Erast Fandorin.

The main character is constantly changing, from novel to novel he becomes more and more experienced, sensible and resourceful. But the most important thing is that he is always faithful to his work.

The events of the novel not only captivate you, they force you to think and notice all the details that in the future can play an important role in solving the case. The intrigue keeps you in suspense until the very last page. Two storylines beautifully intertwined, forming a whole image...

Special Assignments (1999)

“Special Assignments” is a collection that includes two stories, “The Jack of Spades” and “The Decorator.”

In both stories, Erast Fandorin tries to unravel complex cases in order to maintain security in the city and protect the honor of the Moscow mayor. Criminals can think through everything down to the smallest detail, but Erast will still outwit them...

"Jack of spades"— A group of scammers called the “Jack of Spades” is operating in the city. They are distinguished by their ingenuity and special impudence, believing that they will never be caught. But how wrong they are...

"Decorator"— Panic begins in Moscow - the police discover one after another women with their throats slit and internal organs cut out. On the face or neck of each victim there is a bloody imprint of a kiss - distinguishing feature London's Jack the Ripper. Is there a serial killer now in the capital?

The events of the book “State Councilor” take place at the end of the 19th century. A revolutionary thunderstorm is about to cover the city. The socialist militant group manages to commit the murder of Adjutant General Khrapov, whom Erast Fandorin was supposed to protect.

Now the famous detective urgently needs to solve the case and find the killers, because only this will save his patron from resignation. However, everything is aggravated by the fact that Pozharsky arrives in Moscow to investigate the case...

Coronation, or the Last of the Novels (2000)

The novel “Coronation, or the Last of the Novels” tells about the period when the imperial court arrives in the capital for the upcoming Coronation of the kingdom.

After arriving, during one of the walks, the youngest son of the Grand Duke was kidnapped. After some time, they try to get a ransom for him - jewelry. In case of disobedience, the child will be killed.

The boss decides to entrust this matter to Fandorin, since the situation is extremely complex, sensitive and should not become public knowledge...

Lover of Death (2001)

The events of the novel “Death's Mistress” take place in the capital in 1900. Akunin managed to convey the atmosphere of that period very accurately and in detail.

A strange and mysterious club suddenly opens in Moscow for those wishing to leave this world.

At the same time, there is a certain force that can motivate people to do this. Those who suffer see a certain sign and after that they realize their intention. All this creates panic in the city, so Fandorin decides to take on the task of unraveling this case. And to do this you need to join this suicide community...

Lover of Death (2001)

“Lover of Death” is the ninth book in the series of novels about Erast Fandorin.

The main character of this story is a girl nicknamed Death. And there are very serious reasons for this. Firstly, she herself had to look death in the face many times, and secondly, all her lovers and suitors died before they lived to see a happy family life.

Despite such fame, she always had many fans. This time Senka Skorikov drew attention to her. And from that moment his life changes - he witnesses a series of murders, discovers a treasure, almost dies himself and eventually meets Fandorin, the only person who can help him get out of these troubles...

Diamond Chariot (2002)

The novel “The Diamond Chariot” consists of two volumes that continue to introduce readers to the life of Erast Fandorin.

The first volume of “The Dragonfly Catcher” tells how the famous detective has to unravel the plans of the cunning spy Rybnikov during the Russo-Japanese War.

“Between the Lines” tells about the famous detective’s visit to Japan. The author talks about his clashes with ninjas, samurai and relationships with geishas. The main character is especially loved by the passionate beauty O-Yumi...

Yin and Yang (2006)

A meeting is being held in the mansion of the late millionaire Sigismund Boretsky, at which his will is to be read out. Inga's niece gets all the money and luxury house, and nephew Ian only has an old fan.

To find out the significance of the fan, Fandorin arrives at the mansion. He learns that the fan has a magical feature - it can make those around him or the owner himself better or worse if a special ritual is followed. But, as you know, what is good for one person is bad for others. After this it opens real hunt for a magic fan, and it is unknown who will get it in the end...

Jade Rosary (2006)

This book is not a novel in the full sense of the word. It is a collection of stories and stories from the life of the famous detective.

Erast Petrovich loves to travel. He lived not only in Russia, but also in many other parts of the world. And wherever he appears - in the USA, Britain or Japan - he is always fascinated by mysteries.

On the pages of this book, readers will be able to learn a lot of new things about the character and events in the fate of Erast Fandorin.

The whole world theater (2009)

The 13th novel in the series of books about the adventures of Fandorin will take readers to a troubled and tense time. Events take place in 1911.

Fandorin decides to attend the play "Poor Liza", but in the end falls passionately in love with the actress performing main role. Having witnessed a suspicious incident, Fandorin enters the theater to find out how and why there was a viper in Eliza’s bouquet. But the investigation goes poorly, because the main character is completely captured by love experiences. At the same time, a series of strange murders begins in the theater...

Black City (2012)

The book colorfully recreates the panorama of 1914, the eve of the First World War in amazing and ancient Baku, which is rich in raw materials and attractive to revolutionaries and terrorists. It is here that the smart and courageous detective Erast Fandorin now has to work.

Will he be able to stay one step ahead of the attackers in this case? Will he be able to withstand a fight with a powerful group? The adventures begin from the very first pages of the book, and gradually their dynamics only intensify!…

Planet Water (2015)

The collection “Planet Water” includes 3 detective stories - “Planet Water”, “The Lonely Sail” and “Where Should We Sail”.

"Planet Water"— Fandorin stops his participation in the underwater expedition in order to find a maniac who is hiding on one of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Lonely Sail"— During the investigation of the terrible murder of a woman with whom he was once in love, Fandorin finds himself in the Trans-Volga province...

“Where should we sail?”— Fandorin has to solve a daring train robbery and all the evidence leads to the revolutionaries.

I don't say goodbye (2018)

We present to your attention the last novel in the series of books about the famous Erast Fandorin.

The year is 1918 and the newly created Soviet state is still in turmoil. Security officers roam the streets. Former merchants, sailors, high school students and scoundrels are moving to the capital en masse.

This book will tell about future fate Fandorin, because readers of the popular series will probably want to know whether the main character was able to survive after receiving a bullet in the head and a three-year coma. Will Fandorin ever be the same?..

Erast Petrovich Fandorin- hero of a series of historical detective stories Boris Akunin(pseudonym of Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili) “The Adventures of Erast Fandorin.” In this series, the writer set himself the task of writing one detective story each different styles: conspiracy detective, spy detective, hermetic detective, etc.

Fandorin embodied the ideal of a 19th-century aristocrat: nobility, education, devotion, incorruptibility, loyalty to principles. In addition, Erast Petrovich is handsome, he has impeccable manners, he is popular with the ladies, although he is always lonely, and he is unusually lucky in gambling.


Erast Petrovich was born in early January 1856 into an old noble family. The boy's mother died in childbirth. Therefore, either out of annoyance, or in mockery of his bitter fate, the father, Pyotr Isaakievich, mourning his wife Elizabeth, named the boy Erast (in Karamzin’s famous sentimental novel “Poor Liza,” the heroine Liza was killed by the young man Erast). The name Lisa (Elizabeth, Lizanka) becomes fatal for Erast Petrovich. Erast Petrovich’s childhood and youth were spent in prosperity, he received a good home and gymnasium education (in particular, the boy perfectly adopted English language, he also speaks French and German). But Pyotr Isaakievich Fandorin’s love for gambling, as well as various economic projects, ultimately led to the ruin of his family. Pyotr Isakievich cannot withstand the blow of fate and dies of a heart attack, leaving his son absolutely no means of livelihood. As a result, Fandorin did not have the opportunity to receive higher education and go to university and was forced to support himself, for which he entered the service. His interest in everything related to crime investigation led him to the Moscow police department. During this period, investigative bailiff Ksavery Feofilaktovich Grushin became his boss and mentor.

After the successful completion of the “Turkish Gambit” case, Fandorin, despite the dizzying proposals of the chief of the gendarmerie department, asks to be assigned to serve “to hell” and is appointed secretary of the embassy to Japan. Fandorin will serve in Japan from until, and there (in fact, on the first day of his stay) he will find his irreplaceable servant and friend Masu.

Fandorin family

Erast Petrovich is related to the heroes of other Akunin series. We learn the history of the Fandorin family from “The Adventures of the Master”, the main character of which, the grandson of Erast Petrovich - Nicholas, is studying his roots. Already at the beginning of the book Altyn-tolobas it is reported that Fandorin’s son, Alexander Erastovich, became a famous endocrinologist and one of the contenders for the Nobel Prize, but while heading with his wife to Stockholm, he died during the Christiania ferry accident. As a result of these events, Nicholas was forced to return to Russia. It turns out that the Fandorins are a Russian branch of the von Dorn family, which dates back to the Crusaders. In the 17th century, the impoverished nobleman Cornelius von Dorn came to Russia to seek his fortune, stayed and converted to Orthodoxy, becoming Korney Fondorin. Danila Larionovich and Samson Danilovich Fandorins took part in the dramatic events that took place during the time of Catherine II (Extra-curricular reading) is mentioned in “Extra-class reading” and “Spy Novel”). The Dorins may also be descendants of Erast Fandorin or his father.

Books about Erast Fandorin

  • Azazel (set in 1876 in Moscow, London and St. Petersburg)
  • The Turkish Gambit (set in 1877-78 in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey)
  • Leviathan (set in 1878, on board an ocean liner voyage Bristol - Yokohama)
  • The Death of Achilles (set in 1882 in Moscow)
  • Special assignments
    • Jack of Spades (set in 1886 Moscow)
    • Decorator (the action takes place in 1889 in Moscow)
  • State Councilor (the action takes place in 1891 in Moscow)
  • Coronation, or the Last of the Novels (action takes place in 1896 in Moscow)
  • Lover of Death (the action takes place in 1900 in Moscow, simultaneously with the action of "Lover of Death")
  • Death's Lover (the action takes place in 1900 in Moscow, simultaneously with the action of "Death's Lover")
  • Diamond Chariot
    • Volume one (the action takes place in 1905 in St. Petersburg and Moscow)
    • Volume Two (set in 1878 in Yokohama and Tokyo)
  • Jade rosary
    • Shigumo (short story, set in 1881 Yokohama)
    • Table-talk 1882 (story, action takes place in 1882 in Moscow)
    • From the life of slivers (story, action takes place in 1883 in Moscow)
    • Jade rosary (story, action takes place in 1884 in Moscow)
    • Scarpea of ​​the Baskakovs (story, action takes place in 1887 in the Pakhrinsky district of the Moscow province; the plot of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Conan Doyle, successfully transferred to Russian soil. It is not for nothing that the first letters “C” and “B” in the title coincide.)
    • One tenth of a percent (story, action takes place in 1890 in Moscow and St. Petersburg)
    • The Bristol Tea Party (short story, set in 1891 in Bristol)
    • Valley of Dreams (story, set in 1894 in Wyoming)
    • Before the end of the world (story, action takes place in 1897 in the Vologda region)
    • The Prisoner of the Tower, or The Beautiful Path of the Three Wise (set in 1899 in northern France)
  • Yin and Yang

Erast Fandorin in film adaptations

  • The Winter Queen (based on the book "Azazel") (Dan Stevens English. Dan Stevens)

(1914 )

Family Father Peter Isaakievich Fandorin (d. 1876)
Mother Elizaveta Fandorina (d. 1856) Spouse) 1. Elizaveta Alexandrovna von Evert-Kolokoltseva (1876);
2. Elizaveta Anatolyevna Altairskaya-Luanten, aka Clara Lunnaya (1911-1914), civil marriage Children Momoti Tamba "Staff Captain Vasily Rybnikov" (1879-1905)
Sir Alexander Fandorin (1920-1994) Relationship Midori Tamba (1878)
Angelina Krasheninnikova (1888-1889)
Esther Litvinova (1891)
Ksenia Georgievna Romanova (1896) Number of episodes 14 books Creator Boris Akunin

Erast Petrovich Fandorin- hero of the series of historical detective stories by Boris Akunin “The Adventures of Erast Fandorin”. In this series, the writer set himself the task of writing one detective story of different styles: conspiracy detective, spy detective, hermetic detective, etc.

Fandorin embodied the ideal of a 19th-century aristocrat: nobility, education, devotion, incorruptibility, loyalty to principles. In addition, Erast Petrovich is handsome, he has impeccable manners, he is popular with the ladies, although he is always lonely, and he is unusually lucky in gambling.


After the successful completion of the “Turkish Gambit” case, Fandorin, despite the dizzying proposals of the chief of the gendarmerie department, asks to be assigned to serve “to hell” and is appointed secretary of the embassy to Japan.

At the same time, Erast Fandorin unexpectedly encounters another community of Death’s lovers - at Khitrovka, in the quarter of Moscow criminals. But this community has nothing to do with suicides. After all, Death is the nickname of an unusually beautiful young woman, famous for the fact that everyone with whom she enters into a love relationship has very little time left to live. Faced with Death, Fandorin at first cannot understand why a pure, believing girl with a noble heart and sensitive soul accepts the love of the most notorious types - murderers, bandits, corrupt officials and other scoundrels. The solution is simple: knowing about his mysterious curse - to condemn his beloved to death - Death, drowning his body in the mud, tries to cleanse the world of scoundrels and villains who die soon after the beginning of the romance with her, with Death. In addition, Fandorin acquires a new acquaintance - he becomes a Moscow homeless teenager, Senka Skorik. Skorik also has his own secret: he found an ancient treasure of silver, with the help of which he wants to get rich and thereby attract the attention of Death, who has fascinated him. Death does not want to destroy either Senka or Fandorin, so he pushes them both away. The matter is complicated by the fact that it was at this time that murders, terrible in their cruelty, began to occur on Khitrovka. Fandorin begins to suspect that the bloody crimes are somehow connected with both Death and Senka, or rather, with the treasure he found... Described in the novel “Death's Lover”.

1920. Elizaveta Anatolyevna, pregnant by Erast Fandorin, emigrates from Crimea. The family heirloom box she kept contained, among other things, a jade rosary. Mentioned in the book Altyn-Tolobas.

In “The Spy Novel” there is a hint that Fandorin was known by Soviet counterintelligence officer Alexey Oktyabrsky (aka Alexey Romanov), known from the series “Death to the Brotherhood” (as Alexey Romanov) and the works “Quest and Spy Novel” (as Major Oktyabrsky).

Fandorin family

Erast Petrovich is related to the heroes of other Akunin series. We learn the history of the Fandorin family from “The Adventures of the Master”, the main character of which, Erast Petrovich’s grandson Nicholas, is studying his roots. Already at the beginning of the book “Altyn-tolobas” it is reported that Fandorin’s son, Alexander Erastovich, became a famous endocrinologist and one of the contenders for the Nobel Prize, but, heading with his wife to Stockholm, he died during the crash of the Christiania ferry. As a result of these events, Nicholas was forced to return to Russia. It turns out that the Fandorins are a Russian branch of the von Dorn family, which dates back to the Crusaders. In the 17th century, the impoverished nobleman Cornelius von Dorn came to Russia to seek his fortune, stayed and converted to Orthodoxy, becoming Korney Fondorin. Danila Larionovich and Samson Danilovich Fondorins took part in the dramatic events that took place during the time of Catherine II (“Extracurricular reading”) mentioned in “Extracurricular reading” and “Quest”.
The Dorins are the descendants of one of Fandorin’s ancestors - the “sweet master”, the descendants of children born from his serf girls.


  • Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree ("Azazel")
  • Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree, for participation in negotiations with Turkey (“Turkish Gambit”)
  • Order of St. Anne, 4th class (Diamond Chariot)
  • Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree (The award is written about in the story “Jack of Spades” (collection “Special Assignments”), there is a mention in the book “Coronation, or the Last of the Novels”)
  • Order of the Great and Small Chrysanthemums (mentioned in the story “The Jack of Spades” (collection “Special Assignments”))

Books about Erast Fandorin

  • Azazel - conspiracy detective (the action takes place in 1876 in Moscow, London and St. Petersburg)
  • Turkish Gambit - spy detective (action takes place in 1877-78 in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey)
  • Leviathan - a hermetic detective (the action takes place in 1878, on board an ocean liner flight Southampton - Calcutta)
  • The Death of Achilles - a detective story about a hired killer (the action takes place in 1882 in Moscow)
  • Special assignments
  • Jack of Spades - a story about swindlers (the action takes place in 1886 in Moscow)
  • The Decorator - a story about a maniac (the action takes place in 1889 in Moscow)
  • State Councilor - political detective (the action takes place in 1891 in Moscow)
  • Coronation, or the Last of the Novels - a high-society detective story (the action takes place in 1896 in Moscow)
  • Death's Lover - a decadent detective story (set in 1900 Moscow, at the same time as Death's Lover)
  • Death's Lover - Dickensian detective story (set in 1900 Moscow, at the same time as Death's Lover)
  • Diamond Chariot - ethnographic detective
  • Volume one (the action takes place in 1905 in St. Petersburg and Moscow)
  • Volume Two (set in 1878 in Yokohama and Tokyo)
  • Yin and Yang (the action takes place in 1882 in the estate of Sigismund Boretsky near Moscow)
  • Shigumo (short story, set in 1881 Yokohama)
  • Table-talk 1882 (story, action takes place in 1882 in Moscow)
  • From the life of slivers (story, action takes place in 1883 in Moscow)
  • Jade rosary (story, action takes place in 1884 in Moscow)
  • Scarpea of ​​the Baskakovs (story, action takes place in 1888 in the Pakhrinsky district of the Moscow province; the plot of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Conan Doyle, transferred to Russian soil)
  • One tenth of a percent (story, action takes place in 1890 in Moscow and St. Petersburg)
  • The Bristol Tea Party (short story, set in 1891 in Bristol)
  • Valley of Dreams (story, set in 1894 in Wyoming)
  • Before the end of the world (story, action takes place in 1897 in the Vologda region)
  • The Prisoner of the Tower, or The Short But Beautiful Journey of the Three Wise Men (set in 1899 in northern France)
  • The whole world is a theater (the action takes place in 1911 in Moscow)
  • Black City (the action takes place in 1914 in Baku. In 2009, the first chapter of the novel entitled “The Hunt for Odysseus” was published).

The addiction of his father, Pyotr Isaakievich Fandorin, to gambling, as well as various economic “projects,” ultimately led to the ruin of the family. Pyotr Isaakievich could not withstand the blow of fate and died of a heart attack, leaving his son no means of livelihood. As a result, Erast Fandorin was deprived of the opportunity to enter university and receive higher education, and was forced to support himself, for which he entered the service. Interest in everything related to the investigation of crimes led him to the Moscow police department, where investigative officer Ksavery Feofilaktovich Grushin became his first boss and mentor.

During the investigation, Erast Petrovich finds out that fortune, so unkind to his parent, endowed him with the ability to always win in all games associated with excitement and risk (cards, dice, lotteries, etc.).

Erast Petrovich also acquires the habit of numbering all facts (“this is one,” “this is two,” “this is three,” etc.).

In addition, he meets 17-year-old Elizaveta (Lizanka) Alexandrovna von Evert-Kolokoltseva, who becomes his wife. However, as a result of an assassination attempt on Erast Petrovich, committed on the wedding day, Lizanka tragically dies immediately after the wedding. This event leads to Fandorin acquiring two character traits- gray temples and a slight stutter (a consequence of emotional shock; stuttering completely disappears when Fandorin portrays another person). In addition, the shock from the death of his wife turns out to be so great that Fandorin loses most of his inherent emotionality (as the author puts it, “becomes an emotional invalid”). Described in the novel "Azazel".

After the successful completion of the “Turkish Gambit” case, Fandorin, despite the dizzying proposals of the chief of the gendarmerie department, asks to be appointed to serve “to hell” and is appointed secretary of the embassy of the Russian Empire in Japan.

1878 On the way to his duty station, Fandorin reveals a series of mysterious murders that took place in Paris and on the passenger ship Leviathan, has a fleeting affair in India with one of the passengers, Clarissa Stump, which caused the delay of his arrival in Japan, and receives a gift from which cannot refuse - a huge and uncomfortable grandfather clock - “Big Ben” in miniature. They saved his life by falling on the head of the person who attempted to kill him while rocking at sea. Described in the novel Leviathan.

1878 Yokohama, Japan. In Japan, Fandorin again finds himself involved in a political and criminal intrigue, in which the most prominent Japanese politicians, bandits from Yokohama brothels, as well as mysterious shinobi ninjas become participants. Fandorin gains the friendship and devotion of the former robber Masahiro Shibata, whose life and honor (which Masa valued more than life) was saved by Fandorin's luck in gambling. Masahiro (Masa) henceforth becomes Fandorin's valet and his faithful companion in all adventures.

In addition, Erast Petrovich meets the beautiful courtesan O-Yumi (real name Midori). Passion flares up between Midori and Fandorin. Midori turns out to be the daughter of the last head of the ancient shinobi clan, Momochi Tamba. Thanks to Momochi, Fandorin becomes acquainted with the skills of the ninja arts. With the help of Midori, Masa and Tamba, Fandorin unravels the tangle of intrigue and punishes the main Akunin (villain). But, by a fateful coincidence, Midori has to sacrifice her life to save Erast (in the end it turns out that O-Yumi remained alive and even bore him an illegitimate son, but all this will forever remain a secret to Fandorin). After the “death” of Midori, Fandorin finally closes his heart and devotes himself entirely to studying the art of “sneaking” - shinobi. Momoti Tamba becomes his mentor. This period of Erast Petrovich’s life is covered in the second volume of the novel “The Diamond Chariot”.

1882 Moscow. Fandorin reveals the disappearance of one of the Karakin sisters, heirs to a huge fortune. Described in the story “Table-talk” (collection “Jade Rosary”).

1882 Moscow. Fandorin is investigating the circumstances of the disappearance of an ancient Chinese fan with the hieroglyphs “yin” and “yang”, which, according to legend, has magical properties. Described in the play “Yin and Yang”.

At the same time, Erast Fandorin unexpectedly encounters another community of Death’s lovers - at Khitrovka, in the quarter of Moscow criminals. “Death” is the nickname of an unusually beautiful young woman, famous for the fact that everyone with whom she enters into a love relationship has very little time to live. Faced with Death, Fandorin at first cannot understand why a pure, believing girl accepts the love of scoundrels. The solution is simple: knowing about his mysterious curse - to condemn his beloved to death - Death, drowning his body in the mud, tries to cleanse the world of scoundrels and villains who die soon after the beginning of an affair with her. In addition, Fandorin acquires a new acquaintance - he becomes a Moscow homeless teenager, Senka Skorik. Skorik also has his own secret: he found an ancient treasure of silver, with the help of which he wants to get rich and thereby attract the attention of Death, who has fascinated him. Death does not want to destroy either Senka or Fandorin, so he pushes them both away. The matter is complicated by the fact that it was at this time that murders, terrible in their cruelty, began to occur at Khitrovka. Fandorin begins to suspect that the bloody crimes are somehow connected with both Death and Senka, or more precisely, with the treasure he found. Described in the novel Death's Lover.

The novel ends with the scene: in Baku, Fandorin is tricked into an abandoned old building by the traitor Gasim, an accomplice of the Bolsheviks, and stuns him. Erast Petrovich comes to his senses tied up. "Odysseus"/"Woodpecker" appears before him and soon leaves. Gasym, knowing that Fandorin is a man of honor and will not go against his oath, invites Erast Petrovich to give his word of honor that he will leave and will not interfere with the affairs of “Woodpecker”. Fandorin refuses.

Since at the end of the work to which these events relate there is no clear description of who exactly and in relation to whom certain actions were committed, it can be assumed that Gasim, dressed in black, shoots Fandorin in the head. Quote: “The man in black raised his revolver and shot the bound man in the head...”

Regardless of the essence of what happened in the finale, Fandorin is deprived of the opportunity to complete the most important task of Emperor Nicholas - the investigation of the Sarajevo murder, as a result of which the First World War could have been prevented. World War, and behind it the October Revolution. Described in the novel “Black City”.

During Fandorin’s absence from Moscow, on June 5, 1914, his great-grandson Lastik (Erast Nikolaevich Fandorin) tries to meet him, but he only manages to briefly communicate with Masa. Described in the Children's Book and mentioned in the novel Black City.


  • Father - Pyotr Fandorin (? - 1876).
  • Mother - Elizaveta Fandorina (? - 1856).
  • Spouses:
    • Elizaveta Alexandrovna von Evert-Kolokoltseva (1859 - 1876), married from 1876 to 1876.
    • Elizaveta Altairskaya-Luanten, aka Clara Lunnaya (1882 - ?), in an unofficial marriage from 1911 to (presumably) 1912.
  • Children:
    • Tamba - “staff captain Vasily Rybnikov” (1879-1905);
    • Sir Alexander Fandorin (1921-1994).

Fandorin family

Main article: Fandorins

Erast Petrovich Fandorin is related to the heroes of other works by Boris Akunin. We learn the history of the Fandorin family from the series of novels “The Adventures of the Master”, the main character of which, Erast Petrovich’s grandson Nicholas, is studying his roots. Already at the beginning of the book “Altyn-tolobas” it is reported that Fandorin’s son, Alexander Erastovich, became a famous endocrinologist and one of the contenders for the Nobel Prize, but, heading with his wife to Stockholm, he died during the crash of the Christiania ferry. His son Nicholas visits Russia, after a series of adventures decides to stay here and marries journalist Altyn Mamaeva.

The Fandorins are a Russian branch of the von Dorn family, which dates back to the Crusaders. In the 17th century, the impoverished nobleman Cornelius von Dorn came to Russia in search of his fortune, stayed and converted to Orthodoxy, becoming Korney Fondorin. Danila Larionovich and Samson Danilovich Fondorins took part in the dramatic events that took place during the time of Catherine II, as mentioned in the novels “Extracurricular Reading” and “Quest”.


  • Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree (novel “Azazel”)
  • Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree (for participation in negotiations with Turkey (“Turkish Gambit”))
  • Order of St. Anne 4th degree (“Diamond Chariot”, mentioned in “The Death of Achilles”)
  • Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree (the award is written about in the story “Jack of Spades” (collection “Special Assignments”), there is a mention in the book “Coronation, or the Last of the Novels”)
  • Order of the Great and Small Chrysanthemum (mentioned in the story “The Jack of Spades” (collection “Special Assignments”))

Books about Erast Fandorin

  • “Azazel” - conspiracy detective (the action takes place in 1876 in Moscow, London and St. Petersburg)

Akunin’s largest cycle, in my opinion, is also the most successful. On the one hand, one cannot fail to note the brilliant literary skill of the author, who easily plays with detective techniques. Each new investigation is different from the previous one. The large-scale epic of The Turkish Gambit gives way to Leviathan, where the focus is on a narrow circle of suspects. The ironic “Jack of Spades” is adjacent to the gloomy “Decorator”. In "Coronation" the villains threaten the very top of society - the Romanov family, and in "Death's Lover" the investigation is carried out in the dark quarters of Khitrovka. And at the same time, each novel is fascinating in its own way. In addition, with all the diversity, the works of the cycle form a kind of mosaic, united by the main character, Erast Fandorin. And every new story adds his own touches to the character of the main character, shows us a new side of him.

For all the seeming lightness of the novels, one feels serious job the author's work on historical sources and Akunin's good knowledge of the realities of Russian life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. So this cycle also carries a certain educational knowledge. And of course, the detective plots of these stories are very original and intricate. Even though I had read a lot of detective stories, Akunin often managed to outsmart me by slipping me completely unexpected decisions their riddles. But how happy I was when my guesses turned out to be correct!

So we have before us very high-quality entertaining literature, and in some cases: in “State Councilor”, in “ Diamond chariot", the author even goes beyond this framework, and we see the difficult life choice that the heroes face.

I got a lot of pleasure from reading these novels. I recommend it even to those who are not avid fans of detective stories.

Rating: 9

I read about half of the series. Overall I'm not happy. The books are easy to read, the colors of the “historical” color play in the sun, however, “the further into the forest...”

If the first two or three novels are still perceived as more or less light detective fiction, then in subsequent editions it begins to look like popular fiction. Most of the popular prints are Japanese, with ninjas and other ridiculous stuff, but Russian popular prints are also quite eye-catching. It is known that Akunin is partial to Japan, but he sneaks this passion into his books in the most ridiculous and unsightly ways. There is only one farce, for Zeus. Although, probably, the average layman will not notice the catch.

The character of Fandorin, after many novels, remains unsolved. It is completely unclear what is in his head, and what relation he has to the world in which he lives. In addition, over time he becomes more and more passive. For example, in “State Councilor” I personally cannot remember a single significant action he performed, the characters do not make decisions themselves but only react to circumstances, there is a feeling of a viscous quagmire.

Rating: 5

It turns out that 17 years have already passed. It's been a while since I accidentally, without thinking twice, bought something unknown to me by an author. It was the book "Azazel". And it was shock and shock. And this was the beginning of love. Love this series. Burning and passionate at the beginning, and somewhat distant after so much time. Oh, how impatiently I waited for the sequels. How quickly he ran to buy a new book. And how cool it is now. Before buying, I’ll think a hundred times, is it worth shelling out that kind of money? Should I wait and ask someone to read it? What is to blame for this? Cooling love relationship, or falling cycle level? Or maybe the feeling of novelty and celebration has simply disappeared?

Probably everything is in the compartment. The cycle is still uneven. Some things are clearly better, some things will be worse. And I’m afraid the farther from Azazel, the worse it will become. (“Azazel” is generally like my first love). And, for my taste, the rating can be given perfectly from the first book of the series to “Coronation”. Then I read it from normal to normal.

And why? I have identified one factor for myself (not necessarily that it is the only or main one). This time. Time of action. Time itself, taught to us by the authors, is another active hero of the cycle. I won’t judge how reliably Akunin conveyed the second half of the 19th century, I’m not an expert. But how deliciously he did it! Maybe he made it up, but he’s just breathing in the meantime. And you believe the author that this is how it was in the second half of the 19th century. That there was such a situation, such a life. But in the events described after 1896 this is no longer the case. The author is not given another century. And the hero of the cycle, time, died. And the airiness disappears and... I don’t even know what. Feel? Taste? Don't know. But without the feeling, the taste of time, books begin to lose well. Akunin is an excellent stylist, imitator, hoaxer. And if stylization disappears, then a lot is lost.

The disadvantages include the “embedding” of Fandorin’s adventures into the time periods of the first 7 books. Most of these stories and novellas did not work out. It didn't work out. And it seems to me that it is not for nothing that the seventh novel is called “Coronation, or the Last of the Novels.” The author probably wanted to finish (and my rating of the series would have been a definite 10), but he continued. And, most likely, commerce had an impact. They buy well, the price is high. But it’s not the same anymore. And therefore, reluctantly, I give it a 9. In honor of past merits, and yet in hope of not future ones.

I would like to say a few words about GG. I took him seriously in the first book. For the future detective. And in vain. What is Fandorin? Luck and luck. With a permanent piano in the bushes (on extreme case with Zurov with a pistol). If we talk about adventures, then in world modern culture there is almost a double of it. Bond. James Bond. And what? At first they keep hitting the GG. They catch you and beat you. All plans fall apart, everything hangs by a thread. But! Oops! And GG defeats everyone, puts them on their shoulder. Whereby? Yes, just luck. Luck is his middle name.

As a detective Fandorin... so-so (not a word about luck). Most of His investigations and exposure of the attackers ends with many suspects being killed, and Fandorin, having said this once, twice, three times, proudly arrests the latter. And for me personally, the GG persona is more comic than serious. Fandorin also has love affairs in common with Bond (James Bond). And wow, he’s a prim, buttoned-up Anglomaniac, and how girls react to him (I smile broadly). In general, sheer luck. In everything.

I consider the latest books to some extent to be failures of the author. This may also be due to the fact that the author changed Fandorin. For after the tragedy in Azazel, in subsequent books a closed, insensitive pedant developed. An Anglomaniac who looks rather disgustingly at his homeland. In the last books we meet almost a jingoist. Moreover, he is often subject to various reflections. Really, I liked the previous Fandorin much more. And I liked how the author teases and sometimes makes fun of his hero. This had its own highlight. Now GG has become... more humane or something. And the light humor disappeared. The hero became more serious. And here I am against this.

I definitely recommend reading it. Everyone. A good time with a good light book is guaranteed. The only thing I want to say is to read strictly as you write the novels. And in no case according to internal chronology.

Happy reading to you.

Rating: 9

Belle Époque... These two French words perfectly characterize the entire cycle of novels about Erast Fandorin. The Belle Epoque formula was born and took root after the First World War and in contrast to its traumatic experience. Therefore, it points to decades of technological progress, economic success, peace in political relations, the flourishing of culture in France, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Russia, etc. after the decline of the 1870-1880s, but at the same time nostalgically marking them as irretrievably gone times.

This is the golden age of automobile manufacturing and aeronautics, boulevards and cafes, cabarets and sea bathing, the heyday of photography, the birth of cinema and the advent of the metro, the success of natural sciences, latest technologies and medicine, the formation of sociology and ethnography, archaeological discoveries, art nouveau and modernism in the arts and literature, the controversy around the “women’s question” and the beginning of the suffragette movement, the birth of Bolshevism. This is a world that you want to return to... Each of these topics is described in one way or another in the books. Well, Fandorin is generally a connecting image of many main characters of books by other authors of the century before last.

Rating: 10

Frankly, in adolescence I loved detective stories very much - much more than science fiction - and there was no greater happiness in life than lying down with a volume of Agatha Christie, Rex Stout, Erle Stanley Gardner or Chase. I first welcomed the appearance of domestic detective stories (first Neznansky and Topol, later Abdullaev) with both hands, read them avidly and then... Then I stopped, increasingly re-reading Western classics. The efforts of Russian detective writers were very boring, their works looked very pale next to the novels of the masters.

This continued until the moment when Akunin’s “Leviathan” fell into my hands. A perfectly written hermetic detective story, excellent stylization, a memorable hero - what else is needed for happiness? Unless you find a couple more books from the series about Fandorin. And then a few more, and more...

This is what makes me happy - thanks to Akunin’s unique approach (each novel in the cycle is presented in a slightly different subgenre - adventure detective, hermetic detective, political detective, spy, etc.) Fandorin never gets boring. Yes, there are more successful novels, and there are less successful ones - just like any author. Still, the average level of books, the skill of implementing an idea, highest level stylizations are worthy of the highest praise.

Rating: 9

The entire “Fandorin Series” is the view of a modern Russian liberal intellectual on the Russian Empire of the 19th century. 20th centuries This view, as they say, “takes place”, is the right of the author and anyone free man. You just don’t need to accept the “Akunin-Fandorin” interpretations of life Russian Empire for historical truth. So much has been written and rewritten about the superficiality of Akunin’s works, the freedom of his interpretations, minor and major historical inconsistencies... But is this necessary for the average reader? Apparently not. Score for the “idea”, for the entire cycle. You need to understand literary merits (plot, composition, language, authenticity, characters) for each individual book. But what unites all “Fandorin” works? In my opinion, this is light cursive writing, indicating that the author belongs to the so-called. "pulp-fiction". There is nothing offensive in this either for the author himself or for his fans. This is simply a statement of fact.

Rating: 6

As someone who has mastered all the books in the series, I will say the following. I don't like the central character of the series, Mr. Fandorin.

He's kind of sweet.©

This is his progressive, throughout the series, Japan-mania. Arrogant majesty. I would even accuse him of narcissism.

It’s clear, of course, that this is our domestic Sherlock, you know, Bond, with all that it implies. Somehow - incredible mental acuity, amazing attentiveness and deduction, fabulous luck, extraordinary strength, accuracy, etc. and so on. Now, if in the end it turned out that this was a cyborg android from the future, then this would explain a lot.

With all this, the detective component is interesting and diverse, due to constant changes, from work to

work, the very type of detective story. With an entertaining part this series does a great job, but doesn't bring anything new to the genre.

Rating: 7

The appearance of Fandorin in the late 90s of the last century, I am not afraid of this word, was an epoch-making event in the literary life of our country. Don't believe me? Let's do deduction. Finally, we have our own hero, in terms of his brightness, recognition and popularity, comparable to English Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Marple, the French Commissioner Maigret - THIS IS R.. TIME. Akunin, by by and large, for the first time since our pre-revolutionary classics, revealed and painted with fresh colors the undeservedly forgotten canvas of Russian life of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He brought up a whole, most interesting layer of our history! - THIS IS Y..TWO. Finally, the standard of good detective literature has appeared, impeccable in style and language - THIS IS T...THREE, and there are also four and five...

What else should be noted with pride is that Erast Petrovich, as well as his literary father Akunin, are known and popular not only within our Motherland. For example, in London, the most requested authors in recent years are Dostoevsky and... Boris Akunin. Very nice, damn it!

Rating: 10

I read the first book about the adventures of Erast Fandorin completely by accident - there was nothing to read and I wandered around the apartment, looking for at least something. I didn’t find anything and decided to read something that I didn’t intend to read at all - Detective! I don’t like detective stories at all, but due to the lack of other literature, I started reading.

I started reading without any enthusiasm, but the actions began to develop so quickly that I involuntarily got carried away. In just a couple of days I devoured the book “Azazel”. After reading this part, I was completely sure that the author lived in those times (well, how else to explain such an even, literary language and the plausibility of the 19th century description). Then the cycle began to develop and from the awkward young man grew into a brilliant detective who is able to gracefully solve any crime.

Unfortunately, I haven’t read all the books in this series yet, but so far my favorite is still the first part: Fandorin in it is not yet beaten by life, he is young, and somehow more alive.

In general, I still don’t like detective stories, but Akunin’s series is an exception, because... it is very different from other modern works in that it is written with soul.

Rating: 10

I haven’t taken up the series for a long time, I don’t particularly like detective stories and I was afraid to be disappointed in the amazing reviews. And completely in vain. The main character is wonderful, the intrigues are bright, the villains are smart and not at all “cardboard”, and the atmosphere Tsarist Russia- it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away. Akunin’s language and style are Vologda lace, a harmonious beautiful outline is woven loop by loop. It's easy to read and completely captivating.

Rating: 9

In my opinion, Akunin is the number one detective in the CIS, a kind of Ian Fleming and Agatha Christie in one bottle, plus language skills and good literary style. “The Adventures of Erast Fandorin” seems to be the best thing written by the author. The duration of the series leaves the imprint of a kind of noir, which has a good effect on the readability of the works, i.e. Unlike the same adventures of “Fandorin’s grandson” where the plot twists and events seem too fantastic, the author was aiming for nothing less than the place of Dan Brown in the post-Soviet space. And we didn’t live at the end of the 19th century), what is written is taken at face value - so the verdict is for everyone to read!

I once dreamed that my husband would look like Erast Petrovich, when I started a family I realized that he was not for the family.

No woman, no matter how much she loves, can live constantly in fear for her man.

So it’s time for me to understand that this hero can only live on the pages of books.

When I read, I seem to be going through all the adventures with him.

Thank you, Grigory Shalvovich, for these books and for the main character, this is my Hero and the standard for men in terms of endurance, sense of worth and responsibility to themselves and the country.

The end of Fandorin’s life coincided with the end of the life of the Russian Empire, which is no coincidence.

You will no longer meet such men and women as then.

Although I understand with my mind that the nobility is a hindrance.

For me, Fandorin will always be alive, no matter how the epic ends, it’s not for nothing that he believes in the transmigration of souls, maybe they just transmigrated into his grandson.

Rating: no

The cycle is good for everyone, but the main character causes me acute dislike. Handsome, smart, well-mannered, kind in a certain sense... lucky. Perhaps too lucky for this not to start annoying. Lucky in any gambling, always and everywhere - is this possible? Clearly overkill. In “Jack of Spades,” the hero even manages to draw conclusions based on his luck, such as: “If I’m unlucky, the lottery is fake.” There is “too much” of everything in Fandorin, everyone positive qualities, but at the same time it seems that he doesn’t really feel, but only pretends that he feels, that he is interested in something, that he sympathizes with someone. Somewhere deep inside him there is eternal coldness, and maybe even foulbrood (by the way, his descendant Nikolas Fandorin evoked exactly the same feeling). Russian Sherlock Holmes? Yes, but Holmes had a lot of shortcomings, but where are Fandorin’s? James Bond of the 19th century? Bond, for all his “Mary-ness,” seems to be a man of flesh and blood. And Fandorin is a beautiful porcelain doll in the universe of living people, which is what all the minor characters came from.