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Singer Maria Maksakova Jr. personal life. Maria Maksakova: biography and family of the opera diva (photo). What is the singer doing now?

The love story of Maria Maksakova and Vladimir Tyurin became interesting again after her loud statement about the murder of Voronenkov. Was her longtime lover involved in this crime?

Biography of Vladimir Tyurin

The first husband of Maria Maksakova was born on November 25, 1958 in Bashkiria. Studying was easy for him, and he graduated from school with a gold medal. He received a diploma in music and later studied at the Leningrad State Polytechnic Institute. Having such an education behind me, I could have gotten a job, but fate decreed otherwise. In 1974, he received his first sentence for gang rape. In 1980, the second for complicity in burglary. In 1985, he was taken into custody for showing porn films for money in his apartment. At that time, VCRs were rare, and he decided to get rich quickly this way. In 1989, Vladimir was released, and two years later he went to live in Kazakhstan with his wife.

The Rise of a Crime Boss

In 1991, Alexander Moiseev, whom Yaponchik appointed as supervisor for the Irkutsk region, was killed. His place was taken by his close friend Tyurik. Two years later, a similar attempt will be made on him, but a grenade thrown at a car window will bounce off the glass and his authority will not be harmed. In the same 1993, he was crowned and Vladimir headed the “Brotherly” organized crime group. From that moment on, he increasingly visits Moscow, where he holds meetings at the Golden Palace casino and takes a break from pressing matters. Tyurik’s influence in Eastern Siberia became sole after in 1994 he informed the criminal world of Irkutsk about the deprivation of the “thieves’ title” from Ilya Simony. For several years, Vladimir has complete control over gambling establishments, aluminum smelters and timber export channels.

Leaving homeland

In 1998, a real threat to life arose, so Tyurin left for Spain. There he successfully organized “windows” at customs for several years. There were attempts to control the seaport. Very quickly the man came under the surveillance of the Spanish police. His neighbors were Zakhary Kalashov, Vakhtang Kardava and Jamal Khachidze. Accordingly, these people actively took part in all criminal gatherings in Spain. Tyurin came to Russia several times, including to celebrate the anniversary of Russian Aluminum.

The Spanish police and the Supreme Court put Tyurin on the international wanted list. He was in Russia when the large-scale Operation Wasp was carried out, as a result of which more than 200 people were detained. In 2009, the Spaniards received information that Tyurin was in Mongolia. He was detained and awaiting representatives for extradition and subsequent trial. However, upon arriving at the scene, the Spaniards only threw up their hands - instead of Vladimir Tyurin, his brother was detained.


In 2010, Russian law enforcement agencies detained Tyurin in the Moscow Kupol restaurant. The arrest was made at the request of the Spanish authorities. They accused Tyurin of laundering criminal money and during the arrest it turned out that the crime boss did not have Russian citizenship. He was sent to the Butyrsky detention center. A year later he was transferred to house arrest. At this time, the thief was writing a scientific dissertation on the topic “Economics and Management” and almost completed his work.


The lawyers managed to prove the Russian citizenship of their client, and the Prosecutor General’s Office was forced to refuse to extradite Tyurin to Spain. No criminal cases were brought against him in Russia, and, consequently, the thief received a brand new passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation and was released. It is believed that after this Tyurin moved away from crime and began running a legitimate business.

Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova

According to Maria, Vladimir first saw her in the program “While Everyone is Home” and since then he has lost peace and sleep. For several months he was looking for a reason to meet her and kept watch for her in the Hermitage. The crime boss didn’t dare just come up and get acquainted. Finally, through a mutual friend, he invited the opera diva to meet. She in every possible way rejected any acquaintances, especially in this way. For two months the romantic suffered in anticipation until this long-awaited meeting finally took place. The singer did not think that this would end in real mutual feeling.

Family life

In her interviews with printed publications, Maria Maksakova never spoke the name of her lover, but always called him her husband. She happily told how the businessman courted her. He immediately said that he had chosen her and wanted a full-fledged family. her heart right away - what woman doesn’t want to hear such words? The girl did not postpone the matter and bore him children. Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova did not appear together anywhere. There are practically no photos of them together on the Internet. But there are photographs of their common children - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila.

Unprofitable husband

In 2011, Maria Maksakova renounces her marriage to a crime boss. At this time, she is running for the Duma and it is not at all beneficial for her to marry a former criminal. When the information was leaked to the press, articles with incriminating evidence on the singer instantly appeared. The girl states that there is no marriage registration stamp in her passport and all sorts of insinuations from the press are slander.

Whether such a statement was beneficial to the “spouse” is unknown, but the couple soon separated. There were many rumors about the cohabitation of these two bright people. Some argued that Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik) and Maria Maksakova cannot enter into a legal marriage, because thieves in law are not supposed to have wives. Others objected - the woman already knew then that she would soon go into politics and did not want to spoil her reputation. It’s one thing when you’re a singer and only fans follow your personal life. It’s completely different to be a politician and the whole public is looking after you. Be that as it may, Maksakova became a deputy, and the relationship with Tyurin ended.

First official marriage

After breaking up with Vladimir Tyurin, Maria Maksakova started an affair with wealthy jeweler Jamal Aliyev. The girl tried not to advertise this relationship and, most likely, there was a reason for this. The couple broke up a year later. There were rumors that Maria Maksakova's ex-husband, Vladimir Tyurin, contributed to this breakup. He allegedly threatened the businessman with retribution if he did not leave his ex-wife alone.

Like behind a stone wall

At the age of 37, Maria married Denis Voronenkov. The Kutuzovsky registry office formalized their marriage in March 2015. The bride, as expected, wore a white dress, and the groom wore a black classic suit. The wedding caused a lot of noise in the press. This was the first time that two deputies from different parties were legally married. Maria was a member of United Russia, and Voronenkov was a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In April 2016, happy deputies became the parents of little Ivan.


Creditors did not stop pursuing Voronenkov, so at the beginning of 2017 he decided to move to live in Kyiv. His wife follows him, leaving his two older children in Russia. On March 23, a fugitive deputy was shot dead in a crowded place in broad daylight. The grief-stricken wife immediately learned that Vladimir Tyurin had taken her older children in Moscow. At that time she did not connect these two events. The former lover called her and expressed sympathy for the murder of Denis. Rumors immediately spread in the press that this was a punishment for Maksakova. She deprived two children of their father - and now she is paying for her sins.

However, in the fall of 2017, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko announced that the crime had been solved. Vladimir Tyurin was recognized as the mastermind of the murder. Maksakova categorically rejected this version and could not believe in the reality of such a fact. The thief in law had no motive for killing her husband. They broke up many years ago - there can be no talk of any jealousy. The children remained in Moscow, she did not interfere with their communication with their father.

However, a few days later her opinion changed. Maria suddenly began to remember how Tyurin was “furious to the point of extreme horror” because of her marriage to Voronenkov. Confusion began. Journalists could not keep up with the course of events. Why did Maria Maksakova slander Vladimir Tyurin? The man did not hide and came to the office of the Investigative Committee himself, where he stated that he was not involved in the murder of the fugitive deputy. They had no conflicts or common affairs. Besides, they didn't even know each other. Tyurin has nothing to fear - no charges can be brought against him from the Russian Federation, even at the request of Ukraine. To prove his involvement in this crime, you need to try very hard.

Oh times, oh morals! Now representatives of classical art do not shun black PR and appear in the yellow press every now and then. You don’t need to look far for an example: everyone is tired of the constant novels and self-promotion of Anastasia Volochkova, Nikolai Baskov and others. So opera singer Maria Maksakova is not averse to drawing attention to herself and, unfortunately, not always in the best way. She is a State Duma deputy and was married to a crime boss, although now she denies this in every possible way. However, more recently, in 2010, the singer willingly talked about her husband. Maria Maksakova’s husband is the leader of the Brotherhood group Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurya, Tyurik, Dad, Projectionist). The singer recalled how Vladimir looked after her beautifully, fell in love when he saw her on TV, and gave up everything for Maksakova. Maria Maksakova’s husband is 19 years older than her; according to Maria, he was involved in a respectable business.

In the photo: Maria Maksakova’s ex-husband Vladimir Tyurin accompanies the singer at the races for the Radio Monte Carlo prize, 2009.

From Tyurin, Maria Maksakova gave birth to two children - Ilya and Lyudmila, which she herself spoke about in the same interview for the magazine “Relax! Names." In November 2010, Maria Maksakova’s husband was arrested on charges of creating a criminal community and money laundering. In January 2012, Vladimir Tyurin was released from arrest. According to information from the relevant authorities, Maria Maksakova’s husband has retired from criminal matters and has only a legal business.

In the photo: Maria Maksakova’s husband Vladimir Tyurin, photo from the criminal case.

Interestingly, on the singer’s official website, Jamil Aliyev, the son of a Baku musician and jeweler, is named as Maria Maksakova’s common-law husband. Maksakova still denies acquaintance, let alone living together, with Vladimir Tyurin, and information about who the father of her children is is a terrible secret.

What is the elite of society? Of course, these are famous artists, politicians, military men and scientists. There are many famous dynasties in Russia, known throughout the world. Among them are the Tolstoys, the Mikhalkovs, and now the Maksakovs.

But if the Tolstoys and Mikhalkovs were not noticed in any particular scandals, then the Maksakovs’ surname became the adornment of almost all tabloids and the point is not in their services to the Fatherland, but in the obscene behavior of some representatives of the famous family.
So, what will we remember the Maksakovs for?

Well, firstly, Maria Petrovna - an opera diva, People's Artist of the USSR. It was she who became the founder of the dynasty. In 1940, her daughter Lyudmila was born. The girl's father was an artist of the Bolshoi Theater. Unfortunately, he was not interested in his child and very soon left the USSR to build his career in the West.

Lyudmila Maksakova first married the well-known artist Lev Zbarsky. It was for the sake of young Lyudochka that this socialite of all Moscow abandoned the “Red Queen”, fashion model Slava Zaitsev Regina Zbarskaya.

The son of Lyudmila Maksakova will repeat the same fate. The father will never be interested in his son and will leave Russia in the same way.

What do we know about Maxim Zbarsky (Maksakov)? Nothing, except that he actively embezzled budget funds and was convicted. It was proven that Maxim Maksakov is the organizer and participant in the theft of 260,000,000 rubles from the state budget.

Agree. not the most decent biography. Now Maxim’s son, Pyotr Maksakov, is happily married to a representative of another elite family, the Yudashkins. Let's wish them happiness.

But the most famous Maksakova is the same Maria who fled from Russia to Ukraine, where misfortunes never cease to haunt her.

Sometimes we have to regret that we did not listen to our parents in time. Still, the advice of moms and dads can be priceless, but only after becoming adults and having screwed up, we begin to understand how right they were.

A striking example of the fact that one must obey one’s mother is the odious Maria Petrovna Maksakova Jr. This amazingly unlucky woman has suffered so many misfortunes that it is generally unclear how she finds the strength to live. But Maksakova herself is to blame for all her troubles, having built up a real garden of lies, vanity, an endless search for freebies and a complete lack of love in her destiny.

There is a type of woman who, like a magnet, attracts scammers, gigolos and scoundrels of all stripes. What's to blame? Maybe some specific vibes or incorrect behavior?

It seems to me that the main problem of Maria Maksakova is her mother, Lyudmila Maksakova. A beautiful, talented, but very authoritarian and cruel lady, she wished only the best for her children, but, alas, nothing came of it. The son turned out to be dishonest, and the daughter betrayed her country.

At first, Maria Maksakova lived in a civil marriage with a crime boss named Tyurin and bore him two children, then she had an affair with a jeweler with Caucasian roots - Jamil Aliyev, and then a certain Denis Voronenkov appeared in her life.

It is worth noting that the relationship between mother and daughter did not work out from the very beginning. It is very difficult to endure a mother’s difficult temperament. Lyudmila Maksakova was sharply against the relationship of her only daughter with the bandit and could not stand Voronenkova. After the murder of her son-in-law in Kiev, this lady will say: “Well, thank God. What else can we do with him? Thank God that in the end the person who was so mean... He’s a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago.” .

The misfortunes of Maria Maksakova did not end there. After the murder of Voronenkov, she does not want or cannot return to Russia, where her children live and grow up, her relationship with her mother is ruined forever and her personal life is bursting at all the seams.
Just recently, news was published that she secretly married a young Caucasian man, who took away her Moscow apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment, and just yesterday unknown people broke into her Kiev apartment and asked her to leave the living space she occupied with her child within 24 hours.

What else could happen in the life of Maria Maksakova to finally finish her off? What's to blame? Her boundless gullibility, as she herself claims, or her craving for shady personalities like Tyurin and Voronenkov?

Former State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova now even those who are not interested in opera or politics know it by sight.

A young, attractive woman, a mother of three children, celebrating her 40th birthday today, is popular on the Internet in a way that she was not popular during the years of her singing and theater career and during the period of “serving time” in a building on Okhotny Ryad. The reason for this is her flight to Ukraine with her husband Denis Voronenkov, then And as a consequence of all this - a real tragic farce. Literally - dancing on bones.

Masha changes her hairstyle. Sings. Sits on the splits. Wears furs in summer. Taking pictures with Saakashvili. Now any step of Maksakova, captured by the paparazzi, is discussed as the greatest event of the century. The unexpected “resurrection” of the late husband, who was allegedly “seen alive and well in Israel,” added to the noise.

Yes, now Maria Petrovna Jr. needs to somehow survive in a foreign land. You have to be more sophisticated. Even my mother won’t help here - it seems that the prima of the Vakhtangov Theater Lyudmila Maksakova no longer has any relationship with her daughter.

It’s surprising that the women’s fates of all three Maksakovs are not easy. Despite their outward prosperity, even wealth, family happiness did not come easily to them. They suffered and tossed about. They married the “wrong” men. They did stupid things. Not one of them managed to create a cozy nest the first time. So that - once and for all. But, what is even more curious, the fate of each lady included foreign husbands (and associated problems) and second citizenship. They could not do without politics and accusations of betrayal of their homeland, which made their life even more difficult...

“Where is my Carmen?”

Maria Petrovna Sr. Three-time winner of the Stalin Prize, prima of the Bolshoi Theater, performer of Russian romances.

It seems her life was meant to be full. And fate began to test the future star in childhood.

The girl was born into a prosperous family. But my father is an employee of the Volga Shipping Company Petr Sidorov— died early, and at the age of eight the eldest Marusya had to go earn money. She was paid a ruble a month for singing in a church choir. At the age of 17, Maria was already enrolled in the troupe of the Astrakhan Opera Theater.

And in the summer of 1919, a native of Austria, a famous baritone and opera entrepreneur, came to the city on tour. Maximilian Maksakov. He became the new manager of the troupe and immediately entrusted Masha Sidorova with several interesting roles. At the same time, he noted that, although she has talent and a voice, the girl cannot sing at all. She asked Maximilian Karlovich to work out with her - he had no time for her. Maria went to the Petrograd Conservatory. However, having learned from Professor Glazunov, who has a lyric soprano, hurried to return to Astrakhan.

Maria Maksakova Sr. in the opera "Lohengrin". Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Korobeinikov

Maria Petrovna herself later recalled that upon returning to her homeland, she very soon became not only Maksakov’s student, but also his wife. However, the early marriage of Marusya Sidorova gave rise to many legends that would then accompany her for the rest of her life. They even said that Maximilian connected his life with a simple poor girl at the request of his dying wife. Who knows? Maria was 18 years old at that time, he was 50.

Maksakova’s granddaughter, her full namesake, would later say: her grandmother wanted to become a singer so much that only Maximilian could help her. He will take her to Moscow, they will live for 16 years. And until the end of her days, Maria Petrovna will call him the best husband and person.

She will devote almost 30 years to the Bolshoi Theater and become the voice of this stage. And at the same time, he will live in fear for many years, not sleeping at night. Shudder at every rustle outside the window. Wait for the “black funnel” to come for her sooner or later.

Maximilian Maksakov as Iago. Photo: Public Domain

The singer’s daughter Lyudmila Maksakova recalled: Maria Petrovna and Maximilian Karlovich were building a cooperative in Bryusov Lane, and one day the singer needed her husband’s passport. Having opened his document for the first time, she almost fainted: it turns out that her beloved is a citizen of Austria, and his last name is not Maksakov at all (it was just a pseudonym), but Schwartz. 1930s. There are enemies of the people and spies all around. Arrests, denunciations. She immediately closed the curtains and burned her passport in a frying pan. From then on, fear settled in her heart. And in 1936, my husband died.

After enduring a year of mourning, Maria Maksakova decided on a new relationship. While on tour in Warsaw, she met the USSR Ambassador to Poland and the founder of foreign intelligence Yakov Davtyan. But this relationship was not destined to be either long or happy. They lived only six months. Davtyan was shot, and she, as the wife of an enemy of the people, faced deportation. If not Stalin. It is known that he was a big theater lover, often went to the opera, and knew Maksakova. “Where is my Carmen?” the leader suddenly asked. And the singer was immediately taken to the Kremlin.

Is it any wonder that when 38-year-old Maria Maksakova gave birth to her long-awaited daughter in 1940, rumors immediately spread throughout Moscow that the girl’s father was “the father of all times and peoples.” Nobody knew what it really was like. Later Lyudmila Vasilievna will tell you that her mother gave birth to Bolshoi Theater soloist Alexander Volkov. But he did not want to recognize his daughter and during World War II he fled to the USA, automatically becoming an enemy of the people.

So, if Maria Petrovna had not erased Volkov from her life, Lyudmila would have faced the fate of the daughter of a traitor to her homeland. Maksakova Sr. could not allow this. And she wrote down her daughter as “Lyudmila Vasilievna.” The future prima of the Vakhtangov Theater received her middle name from a family friend Vasily Novikova- employee of the State Security Service. They say that it was he who helped Maria Petrovna and little Lyusya evacuate to Astrakhan during the war.

Then the singer had to work and raise a child. Just live peacefully. There was no great personal happiness, however. And three Stalin Prizes of the first degree could hardly help in its possession. And in 1953 she suffered a terrible blow in her career. The Bolshoi Theater unexpectedly sent the youthful, still in good shape singer into retirement.

Maksakova was 51 years old. But even at this young age she was able to start a new life. What it cost her is a separate topic. She came to the folk orchestra named after. Osipova, began to perform Russian songs and romances. And the country applauded her again. But in order to feed herself and her daughter, Maria Petrovna was forced to earn extra money by teaching students. Her daughter hardly saw her. Mother kept Lucy under a tight rein and never had a heart-to-heart talk with her. But the main lesson that Lyudmila Vasilievna received from Maria Petrovna: you have to work. And I tried to follow him.

“Knocked a man down and ran away?”

Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova, daughter of Maria Petrovna. Prima of the Vakhtangov Theater.

Strictness in education and restrictions in entertainment led to the opposite result in the life of young Lyudmila Maksakova. Having entered drama school, contrary to her mother’s advice, to become a translator and graduate from a foreign language, the aspiring actress began experimenting with her appearance. She dyed her hair and was fond of bright makeup. The taste of freedom was sweet. Lyudmila had little interest in studying. Student parties were much more attractive. It’s no wonder that the beauty quickly got married. For her sake artist Zbarsky He even left his fashion model wife.

Lev and Lyudmila were young, loved each other and their friends. There were always guests in the house. The actress went grocery shopping, cooked, and washed dishes. At the same time, the artist demanded that she take care of herself, and he himself was jealous and often started scandals. None of them wanted to register officially.

As Lyudmila Vasilievna later said, the talented artist never had 15 rubles for a stamp in his passport. And she always had a lot of work.

Lyudmila Maksakova, 1966 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Armand

At the age of 29, Lyudmila became pregnant. It was hard to carry Maxim. And when he was born, Leo had to adopt him. He gave the boy his middle name and last name. However, the relationship with Lyudmila very soon faded away. She returned to her mother, Lev decided to emigrate to America.

My mother's mistakes taught me nothing. Fate wanted Lyudmila to learn from her own experience. And the life of the son of an emigrant in the Soviet Union would hardly have been happy. Most likely, he would not have been accepted into a decent institute or given a good job. Abroad would certainly be closed to him. This is how Lyudmila Maksakova reasoned before going to the registry office and... submitting documents for the de-adoption of Maxim Zbarsky. She rewrote her son's name. Lev left safely and did not have to pay alimony for 15 years in advance before leaving, as required by Soviet law. He simply didn't have that kind of money. Lev Zbarsky never even called his son. Not long ago the artist passed away.

With a small child in her arms, Lyudmila continued her search for personal happiness. But the second bright novel was also overshadowed by tragedy.

WITH Mikael Tariverdiev Lyudmila Maksakova met at the Akter sanatorium. Handsome, impressive, dressed to the nines, the owner of water skis and a Volga with a deer on the hood, the composer immediately made an impression on the actress. Both were free and ready for new romantic relationships. They only lasted three years. The beautiful fairy tale ended with a car accident in which a young stranger was injured. The young man ran across Leningradsky Prospekt near the Sovetskaya Hotel - a girl was waiting for him on the other side - and found himself under the wheels of Tariverdiev’s car.

The story that happened to the composer and actress became the basis for the film script Eldara Ryazanova"Station for two." They talked a lot about her in those years. But how it really happened, Lyudmila Maksakova and the widow Mikaela Tariverdieva tell differently.

The widow says that Lyudmila was driving, and Mikael, like a decent noble man, took the blame upon himself. The actress assures that there were a lot of witnesses - Tariverdiev himself drove the car. As Lyudmila Vasilievna said, the worst thing that night was that Mikael did not stop, but even increased speed. Apparently there was a shock. And only when some military man caught up with them and shouted: “What, you bastard, knocked down a man and ran away?!”, Tariverdiev turned around and drove to the crime scene. The composer had a famous lawyer, and he was given a suspended sentence. However, that story ruined Tariverdiev’s life. Having suffered several heart attacks, he died quite early.

German citizen, Latvian Peter Paul Andreas Igenbergs, whose ancestors once left Tsarist Russia, became the first and only legal husband of Lyudmila Maksakova. A physicist and businessman, Peter worked in Moscow. According to one version, they met by chance, at the entrance. And there the man proposed to the actress. According to another version, they finally met in the apartment - at a party on the occasion of Maksakova’s conferment of the title of “honored”. However, this just doesn’t matter.

Lyudmila Maksakova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

For a year and a half, Peter and Lyudmila looked closely at each other. Although, maybe she was looking closely. And he was so persistent from the very beginning that he was ready to run to the registry office almost the next day. As a result, he “starved out.” And when they submitted an application to Griboedovsky, they began to get on their nerves and demand the most incredible certificates about relatives up to the seventh generation.

Finally, Peter and Lyudmila signed. Although in 1974, marriage with a foreigner was considered almost a betrayal of the homeland. And her colleagues reacted differently to her marriage. Only a few found the strength to sincerely rejoice. Mostly, they were jealous. And many simply stopped communicating with her. For the upcoming tour to Greece, her name was not on the list. She became restricted from traveling abroad. They stopped inviting her to filming and photo tests. My husband had problems getting in and out. Once, when Maria Petrovna Maksakova was dying, they did not want to let him into the Union, and Lyudmila Vasilievna called Gromyko’s assistant. If my husband is not given a visa, I will throw myself out of the window,” she shouted into the phone. And Peter managed to say goodbye to his mother-in-law.

Only in this marriage, Lyudmila Maksakova later admitted, did she feel truly happy. Only with Peter did I understand what it means to be “like behind a stone wall.” He raised Maxim as his own son, although the “good people”, of course, told the truth. And on July 24, 1977, in Munich, the couple had a daughter, who was named in honor of Maria Petrovna.

Lyudmila Maksakova as Jocasta in the play Oedipus the King. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

“During the day I love United Russia, at night I love the communist!”

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. Daughter of Lyudmila Vasilievna. Granddaughter of Maria Petrovna.

Like Lyudmila Vasilievna once upon a time, as a teenager Maria also began to wear makeup madly, rebelled, and was offended by her mother. Once she even tried to open her veins. Lyudmila Maksakova herself spoke about this in a frank interview. But she seemed to be “justifying herself”: most likely, it was only a desire to prove that she was right, to scare her mother.

“My husband, Vladimir Anatolyevich, is a respectable businessman with experience in family life, 19 years older than me,” Maria Maksakova, who, like her grandmother, became an opera singer, said in an interview with a glossy magazine.

Lyudmila Maksakova with her daughter Maria (right) and grandson Petya, 1995. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

Having seen her on TV, Tyurin immediately fell in love and began to wait for Maria in the Hermitage garden. And he was probably as assertive as Maria’s future father had once been towards her mother.

Unfortunately, there are no other similarities. “His life was ready for my appearance in it: the finished frame was waiting for its precious stone,” Maria Maksakova floridly expressed herself in the same interview. “He offered me literally everything at once: his feelings, his home, having children... Very soon I also fell in love with him...”

Apparently he offered everything but the truth. On the Internet you can find information about Vladimir Anatolyevich Tyurin, born in 1958. He graduated from the Gnessin Music College... He has several criminal records and the nickname “Tyurik”.

The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs several years ago gave an operational report: “Tyurin is a thief in law and the leader of the Bratskaya organized crime group.”

A few years ago, in some media, Tyurin was mentioned as the common-law husband of Maria Maksakova. They wrote that he was the father of the singer’s two children: Ilya and Lyudmila. But in 2011, Maria became a State Duma deputy from United Russia, and a denial appeared on the party’s website that she “has never been married and is not married now.” Despite the fact that already in 2012 Maria admitted that she was in a relationship with the son of a Baku musician - a jeweler Jamil Aliyev. It can be assumed that both unions were not officially registered. However, later Maria decided to completely disown acquaintance with Vladimir Tyurin, leaving her fans in the dark about who really is the father of her children.

On March 26, 2015, State Duma deputy from United Russia Maria Maksakova and parliamentarian from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov officially registered their relationship.

Wedding of Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The singer admitted that having lived to the age of 37, she no longer hoped to ever meet a man with whom she would like to spend her whole life. “He’s probably the best thing that happened to me,” Maksakova said. “For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I’m happy.”

They bought groceries in the same stores and stayed in the same hotels. And they even took fish from one merchant at the Dorogomilovsky market. But fate wanted to throw them into politics. And mix it there, in a large building on Okhotny Ryad. So that very soon they would part so tragically.

The trials began even before the wedding. In December 2014, the Moscow Department of the RF IC sent materials to the State Duma about depriving Voronenkov of parliamentary immunity. A criminal case was opened against him for the raider seizure of a building in the center of Moscow. In April 2015, a month after the wedding, Maria suffered a miscarriage due to nervousness - she lost twins. But a year later the couple had a son Ivan.

That day, an announcement appeared in the State Duma: on the occasion of the birth of the first inter-factional child, the buffet was open for free. Who composed the ditty remains a mystery:

My lips are the color of apricot, and I sing clearly.
By day I love United Russia, by night I love communists!

They remembered her to Maria Maksakova for a long time. Then it seemed to the lovers that everything would be fine. He called her “my star”, she called him “Denechka”. They believed in themselves. And in the Lord. They even got married in Jerusalem in November 2016. But this did not save them either.

Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were deprived of their deputy mandates. They fled to Ukraine. He received citizenship of this country (later Maria will say that her husband is “half Ukrainian”). And on March 23, 2017, less than two years after the wedding, the disgraced

Politics, emigration and an “unreliable” husband played a cruel joke on the third representative of the Maksakov family. For her dual citizenship (Germany and Russia) that surfaced, Maria was expelled from the party. Gnesinka and Mariinsky Theater hastened to fire her.

“Well, thank you, Lord!” Lyudmila Maksakova told reporters about the death of her son-in-law.

An emotional outburst, of course. But you won’t envy her now. Whatever Mary is, whatever she does, she is her daughter.

“Let her publicly retract her words if she wants me to talk to her,” Maria answered. And then she stated that the journalists had quarreled with her mother.

“There is such a place in the Bible: the living will envy the dead...” she cried in an interview and assured that she stayed alive only to raise Vanya.

Then there will be other confessions. That Denis was the best husband in the world. That she thanked him for every day she lived. Appreciated every moment. And then, in March, she was in very, very pain. Although someone tried to see “not enough mourning” in her appearance.

At 39 years old, Maria Maksakova was left a widow with three children. What conclusions will she draw from this story? Will she be able to be happy again?

Celebrities are always under the close attention of the public. They take an example from them, believe them, condemn them and watch them on TV with pleasure. The appearance of popular women is especially targeted.

Maria Maksakova, her personal life, political issues and appearance before and after plastic surgery are a hot topic of discussion on women's forums, on social networks, in public places and simply in the conversations of friends.

The changes in the singer’s appearance are very noticeable because for a long time before them, her image was static:

  • beautiful, but in recent years quite dense figure;
  • round face with chubby cheeks;
  • distinctive feature - long blond hair, favorite styles - curls and straight, loose;
  • long straight nose with a pointed tip;
  • large mouth, medium plump lips;
  • medium sized breasts.

In her youth, Maria Petrovna was very similar to her famous mother, a singer and actress.

According to a large audience, although the woman was not a doll-like beauty, she could give a head start to any girl with model appearance thanks to her individuality, talent and ability to behave in public.

First plastic surgery

There is no reliable information about which of the plastic surgeon services was provided to Maria Maksakova first. The celebrity herself is reluctant to share the details of her transformation, and doctors who adhere to professional ethics will never tell such secrets.

Many sources claim that Maria first turned to a surgeon after the death of her husband Denis Voronenkov and “disfigured herself.” According to supporters of this position, she first enlarged her lips, corrected her nose, then her cheekbones, face shape and breast size.

But this information is unlikely, because in many photographs with her husband, the singer’s facial and body features were significantly different from those that can be seen in photographs of the early 2000s.

There is a radically opposite opinion regarding the period of the first plastic interventions in a celebrity’s appearance. It says that already at the age of 23 she had her lips reshaped, and proof of this is provided by a photograph where Maria openly smiles in the company of her parents.

Most likely, the truth is in the middle: the singer has been carefully monitoring her appearance for many years and trying to improve it. Changes in the shape and size of the nose are the most noticeable, so they are considered to be the first.

It is also obvious that the singer conscientiously maintains her appearance with the necessary regular procedures.

Lip augmentation

Numerous photographs of Maria Maksakova before and after the changes eloquently confirm that plastic surgery of the nose and lips definitely took place.

Noticeably enlarged, plump and juicy lips appeared in the woman even while living in the Russian Federation, which is clearly visible from photographs from her workplace - the walls of the Duma.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is the most popular contouring service in modern salons in the countries of the former CIS and other countries. In addition to additional plumpness, the procedure achieves other goals:

  • contour alignment;
  • improvement of form;
  • elimination of asymmetry;
  • getting rid of wrinkles above the lips;
  • raising the corners of the lips, which allows you to change the dull, sad facial expressions to a smile.

The duration of a lip augmentation session literally takes from a few minutes to half an hour, including anesthesia. It is important that the doctor is a certified professional, high-quality materials were used and all safety measures were observed.

According to the images in the photographs, the singer’s lips have been significantly enlarged and the contour line has been adjusted. It is also obvious that the star monitors their condition regularly, because to maintain the desired look you need to visit a specialist once every six months or a year.

In general, the appearance of Maria’s mouth is pretty, there is no obvious overkill, but one cannot but agree with half of the opinions on the Internet: along with the correction of the shape and volume of the lips, the woman’s individuality was lost - they became “like everyone else’s”, likening their owner to many socialites.


Rhinoplasty is a service that has firmly established itself in the top five most popular among residents of the former CIS countries. Such an intervention can be carried out both for therapeutic purposes and to correct appearance.

The operation requires a high level of professionalism from the doctor, since when working with soft, mucous and cartilaginous tissues, he must not only change the shape, but also maintain ENT functions.

Officially, the celebrity does not confirm the fact of plastic surgery on the nose, but photos showing Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery eloquently indicate that there were surgical interventions.

So, a straight, even and long nose with a sharp tip, a little rough - what can be seen in the photo from 15-17 years ago. Both the mother and grandmother of the star have such a nose.

By the way, it did not spoil the celebrity’s appearance at all; rather, it was her highlight and an indicator of her similarity with famous female relatives.

Today, Maria Maksakova’s nose is neat, small, with a slightly upturned cute tip. Its shape is smooth and quite typical for modern girls - one might say trendy.

Many online publications list the singer as one of the top ten women whose nose reshaping surgery was successful and their appearance improved after it. It is very likely that the singer had rhinoplasty sessions more than once and the appearance of her nose changed gradually.

In any case, Maria was lucky with the plastic surgeon - the work was done very well.

Beauty injections for wrinkles

Maria Maksakova, before and after plastic surgery of the nose, face contour and other parts of the body, always had a common feature for all times - smooth, young, well-groomed skin.

This is especially evident in close-up videos during live broadcasts and interviews.

The fact that not only nature, but also the hands of experienced specialists took care of the beauty of the opera diva is beyond doubt. At 39 years old, Maria Maksakova looks gorgeous and can compete in beauty with any university graduate.

Current photographs regularly posted on social networks confirm this.

One of the most popular services in the field of modern beauty - anti-wrinkle injections - is probably familiar to the singer. Beauty salons offer the following methods of combating wrinkles:

  • Injecting hyaluronic acid or collagen into a skin fold for smoothing. These drugs are usually called fillers in cosmetology from English. fill - fill. The client needs as many injections as can smooth the surface of her skin.
  • Injecting Botox into the facial muscles. This procedure is performed to relax the muscles and smooth the skin over them.
  • To smooth out especially deep wrinkles, the patient’s fat is used, which is injected into the fold area. The clear advantage of the method is that the material is “native”, completely natural and free. A competent procedure for its transportation requires costs.

The rejuvenation procedure using beauty injections is relatively painless and takes little time. But there is a need for its regular repetition every six months, which Maria Maksakova obviously does.

Breast surgery

Maria Maksakova’s video “You will be mine” allows you to clearly see her forms and compare them before and after plastic surgery. Long slender legs, a thin waist and large breasts are those parts of the body that are hard not to notice in a chic red dress with slits and an eloquent neckline.

What's particularly notable is that many older photographs confirm a significantly smaller breast size prior to 2017. Today, people competent in the matter claim that The singer's breasts increased from size 2 10 years ago to size 5 nowadays.

A woman “wears” it with dignity, without going into vulgar display and without exposing it excessively. But at the same time, Maria favorably emphasizes her seductive shape with well-chosen clothes.

The procedure for breast augmentation and correction has been popular among the fairer sex for the last few decades. The specialists of modern clinics are highly professional and use the latest technologies, which minimizes the risks of failure from surgery.

How else Maksakova improved her appearance

Maria Maksakova, before and after her arrival in Ukraine, clearly demonstrates the use of plastic surgery on her appearance. In addition to correcting the shape of her nose, increasing the size of her lips and breasts, the singer probably used the following services:

  • Correction of the oval of the face. Many confidently say that Maria dramatically changed her round, pretty face to a more angular one. Even if there was surgical intervention in this matter, the dramatic weight loss of the artist still plays an important role in the clearer oval of the face.

    Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery

  • Cheekbones have become more expressive and distinct. They replaced round cheeks. Again, this effect can be achieved by losing weight. But this does not mean that an experienced specialist did not carry out any work on the celebrity’s clear cheekbones.
  • Eyebrow tattoo and possibly lips. Those who don’t like the changes in the star’s appearance like to say that she disfigured herself, and she shares a tattoo artist with Anastasia Volochkova. In fact, Maria’s eyebrows are expressive and clear, but not vulgar. They have a current fashionable shape and favorably emphasize her facial features.
  • Weight loss- Internet sources and the yellow press claim that in a month and a half after the death of her husband, Maksakova lost 16 kg. There is no reliable confirmation of these data, but the fact that the volume of the star has decreased significantly is obvious. In one of her frank interviews, she admits to a journalist that for more than two weeks after the death of her husband, she did not even get out of bed and ate absolutely nothing due to nervousness. She was supported by a friend who brought her herbal infusions so that Maria could at least drink. By the way, already 4 months after the third birth, the singer was photographed on the sea coast in a bikini swimsuit in good shape.
  • Haircuts. For a long time, Maria Maksakova’s calling card was her long blond hair. Smooth or in curls, but long.

The death of her husband pushed the woman to change her image.

At first, Maria appeared in public with a long bob that reached her shoulders; a short time later, on Andrei Malakhov’s show, she had a short “boy-like” haircut. It is worth admitting that such changes suit the artist; her image has become very feminine and fashionable.

The singer also suits trendy makeup using dark lipstick colors and different variations of smokey eyes. Such external updates are also welcomed by the singer’s numerous fans. Some admit that cutting hair was a necessary measure to resolve the issue of hair loss due to stress.

How much do surgeries cost?

Karl Lagerfeld said that beauty does not require sacrifice, but investment of material resources - and this is absolutely true. This is especially true for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Average cost of services used by Maria Maksakova:

  • Rhinoplasty– the information is not reliable, but if you believe online sources, the cost of the procedure exceeds the annual income of the average Russian family. More specifically, the price lists of popular metropolitan clinics indicate prices from 1000 to 2500 dollars, excluding the cost of necessary medications and the rehabilitation period.
  • Lip augmentation and correction– up to $500 per session, which must be repeated every 6 months.
  • Breast augmentation– the price ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 depending on the doctor, the materials used and some individual characteristics of the patient. The amount does not include payment for the recovery period.
  • Correction of facial oval– about 500 dollars for the work of a plastic surgeon; if implants are needed, then they are paid additionally – approximately 200 dollars per piece.
  • Correction and enlargement of cheekbones– about $500 without paying for implants if they are needed.

Prices for services are quite high for the capabilities of most ordinary people, but Maksakova has never positioned herself as a poor, modest woman. Her material wealth allows her to use expensive procedures and operations to take care of herself.

Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery. Photo

In these photos, all the changes can be seen with the naked eye.

Both before them and after them, Mary was and is a truly beautiful woman.

Personal life and children of the star

Maria Maksakova was in a serious relationship three times. The singer lived in civil marriages with the first two men, and officially legalized the relationship with the third.

Husbands of Maria Maksakova:

The star’s eldest children currently live in Russia and communicate with their mother by telephone.

After the murder of her husband, Maria was in a state of deep depression, from which, according to her, her youngest son Ivan helped her get out.

Information about the conflict between the singer and her mother has become public knowledge. Many viewers know about the difficult character of Lyudmila Maksakova, but the reason for their discord was a trifle - Maria made a mistake when quoting Leo Tolstoy.

What the singer said about her plastic surgery

Maria Maksakovayour photosbefore and after plastic surgery