home · electrical safety · Pinosol in the 1st trimester. Pinosol: features of use in pregnant women. The effect of vasoconstrictor drops

Pinosol in the 1st trimester. Pinosol: features of use in pregnant women. The effect of vasoconstrictor drops

While expecting a baby, a woman is especially vulnerable and susceptible to diseases. Pinosol during pregnancy is a real salvation for the expectant mother, whose reduced immunity has caused difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, and dry throat. The drug gently and effectively relieves the unpleasant symptoms of colds without causing any harmful effects on the fetus.

Pinosol for pregnant women

Respiratory diseases are an annoying nuisance for an adult in normal condition, but a dangerous situation for a pregnant woman. This crucial period suggests that any infection must be cured with a quick, safe and proven method. A suitable antiseptic for this case is the drug Pinosol; it effectively eliminates inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Composition and release form

Pinosol is a composition based on plant substances, the ratio of which is slightly different in each form of the drug:

Release form Amount of drug Compound
Nasal spray 10 ml Eucalyptus oil, mountain pine oil, mint essential oil, thymol, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), excipients
Nose cream 10 g Eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, thymol, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), excipients
Nasal drops 10 ml Eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, peppermint essential oil, thymol, guaisulene, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), excipients
Nose ointment 10 g Eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, thymol, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), white wax, petroleum jelly, excipients

Mechanism of action of the drug

The medicine Pinosol is a topical remedy. It acts on the mucous membranes, destroying microorganisms, producing an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane. In addition, it stimulates local immunity and accelerates the regeneration of epithelial cells. Reducing the amount of secretions and making breathing easier are the results of using Pinosol.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Pinosol to relieve painful conditions in the treatment of the following diseases of the mucous membranes:

  • common sinusitis (sinus disease);
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis (inflammation of the membranes of the larynx, pharynx or trachea with a feeling of dryness and difficulty breathing);
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • prophylactically after surgical manipulations in the nasal cavity.

Directions for use and dosage

The variety of drug release forms allows you to choose the appropriate treatment method based on the diagnosis and personal preferences of the patient:

  • Spray - designed to relieve inflammation in the nasal cavity. When diagnosed with sinusitis, this form helps to achieve the greatest effect. Pinosol spray during pregnancy is used at least 3 times a day and no more than 6. Each use involves 1 injection into each nostril. The spray nozzle is disinfected after use to avoid re-infection.
  • Drops – suitable for laryngitis and sinusitis. The first day you need to instill 1 - 2 drops into your nose every 2 hours (pipette included). From day 2, Pinosol should be instilled every 6 hours until the end of the course of treatment.
  • Inhalations – Pinosol drops can be used for cold inhalations using a nebulizer, 2 ml (about 50 drops) of the medicine, 3-4 procedures per day.
  • Cream - apply 3-4 times during the day to each nostril, lubricating the inner surface with a cotton swab (about 5 mm of product is needed) and distribute, gently massaging the wings of the nose.
  • Ointment - used similarly to cream. It has a higher concentration of active ingredients, but daytime use may be inconvenient due to the oily sheen it leaves behind. It is better to use Pinosol ointment in the evening and at night.

1st trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most stressful period regarding taking medications. Unexpected reactions of the body often appear in the early period. Even a drug as safe as possible, based on natural ingredients, like Pinosol during pregnancy should be used with great caution. The development of an allergy to a drug can complicate the course of the disease. The 1st trimester requires the use of drugs as rarely as possible.

2nd trimester

The second 3 months are considered safer for the use of medications. Treatment of rhinitis during 4-6 months of pregnancy is necessary, since the possible transition of an episodic disease to the chronic stage is fraught with the formation of a permanent source of infection in the body of the expectant mother. Approved medications may be used as needed.

Pinosol has a local effect without affecting the development of the fetus, since it is not distributed throughout the body during blood circulation. Its safety as a drug acceptable for use during pregnancy has been confirmed by medical research. In the absence of individual sensitivity to the components in the 2nd trimester, doctors recognize the drug as harmless.

3rd trimester

The last months are the time when you can safely take medications included in the list of approved drugs for pregnant women. This also applies to Pinosol. The third trimester is characterized by difficulty breathing for the expectant mother (this phenomenon is called pregnant rhinitis). A decrease in the amount of oxygen is critical for the developing child’s body. You can solve the problem of nasal congestion quickly and safely with the help of Pinosol, which has a mild vasoconstrictor effect. Drops, spray or creamy forms, used according to the instructions, are suitable for this.

special instructions

The presence of herbal components in the drug can cause the development of allergies in pregnant women who have not previously suffered from such a reaction. To avoid unpleasant consequences, a tolerance test should be performed before the first use of the medicine. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin on the inside of your wrist or elbow. The absence of irritation and other allergy symptoms for an hour indicates that the patient can use the drug.

Before using the product, you should clear the nasal cavity of secretions and rinse with saline solution (ordinary saline solution will do). After this, use the selected form of the drug. Treatment with Pinosol should not last more than 7 days. Increasing the duration or re-using the course is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Side effects

The basis of Pinosol's composition is essential oils. Natural plant materials in themselves can cause the development of allergies, even if such a reaction has not been observed in patients before this time. A woman who is pregnant should pay special attention to this point - the body’s response may differ from the usual for the worse, even leading to critical conditions.

When using the drug, an unpleasant sensation of burning and itching at the application site may occur, and nasal swelling may increase. With prolonged use of Pinosol, a feeling of dry mucous membranes and a return of rhinitis symptoms may occur. Such cases indicate that you should stop taking the medicine and seek advice on further treatment from your doctor.


The ban on prescribing Pinosol applies to the following cases of patient conditions:

  • It is absolutely contraindicated to use Pinosol for pregnant women with previously established intolerance to its components. The first use of the drug by other patients should occur under mandatory medical supervision.
  • It makes no sense to use Pinosol for viral rhinitis, which is symptoms of ARVI or influenza, especially in the first days of illness.
  • For a dry runny nose, Pinosol drops and spray are not applicable, but the use of ointment or cream can alleviate the course of the disease.
  • For allergic rhinitis, the use of the drug will not only not improve the condition, but can also cause a significant deterioration.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is not intended for independent use by children. It should be stored in a dark place at a temperature between 8°C and 25°C. If the storage rules are followed, the shelf life of the medicine reaches 2 years. An opened bottle must be used within 28 days. It is prohibited to use the drug after the expiration date.


There is no drug that is completely identical in composition, effect and scope of application. The drugs presented below have a similar composition and effect comparable to that of Pinosol during pregnancy:

  • Pinovit is a drug for the treatment of an inflammatory process localized in the upper respiratory tract. The composition includes the same oils (eucalyptus, mint and pine), vitamin E and thymol are present. The difference is the absence of guaizulene. Release forms: drops and spray. Not used in the treatment of children under 3 years of age.
  • Balm “Zvezdochka” is an antiseptic used against colds. The rich composition based on plant raw materials (eucalyptus oil, mint, cloves, Chinese cinnamon, menthol and camphor) is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, and small children.

Of all the symptoms of a cold, nasal congestion is probably the most unpleasant. If the nose does not breathe, this is not only a direct path to the development of a cough, but also the sense of smell and taste is lost, the head hurts, and sleep is disturbed (if present at all). And the worst thing is that it’s not so easy to get rid of. But you still need treatment, especially if you are an expectant mother.

A runny nose during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Firstly, due to the natural decline of immunity, a woman becomes susceptible to viruses and colds. Secondly, due to physiological changes during this period, the so-called rhinitis of pregnancy often develops, when the nose is stuffy on its own, regardless of the infectious disease.

How to treat and how to regain your ability to breathe?

Is it possible to use Pinosol during pregnancy?

In pre-pregnancy life, many women put Pinosol in their nose, because these drops are considered safe, because they are based on natural essential oils. But what to do now, when an unpredictable pregnant body can behave in the most unexpected way? And how safe is this treatment for the baby?

Essential oils do not pose any threat to the fetus, but they may well cause an allergic reaction in a woman, and this condition is already fraught with certain consequences. With reduced immunity, which is observed in almost all pregnant women, the risks of allergies increase.

The instructions for Pinosol say that the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible according to indications. Indications include rhinitis, inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucous membranes, dry mucous membranes, and the period after surgery in the nasal cavity. And in the description of the method of use, it is warned that the drug is not intended for long-term use and it is not recommended to abuse Pinosol. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

That is, if your nose is stuffy, then you can drip Pinosol, but all warnings should be followed with special responsibility.

It should be said that, despite the wide spectrum of action, these drops do not help everyone. And many expectant mothers, trying to choose the safest products, are disappointed in Pinosol. But there are also those for whom it suits very well - everything is individual here.

However, the peculiarity of the body during pregnancy is such that its reaction to any of the factors cannot be predicted. And even if you have never had an allergy to certain components before, now this may well happen. Moreover, Pinosol contains essential oils that can easily cause an allergic reaction.

Therefore, if you notice any undesirable manifestations, stop treatment with Pinosol and consult a doctor. By the way, the use of Pinosol is contraindicated in case of allergic rhinitis.

It should also be noted that it is also possible to use Pinosol ointment for a runny nose (or cream), including during pregnancy. But doctors still recommend drops (or spray) - they spread better through the nasal passages.

Pinosol during pregnancy: instructions for use

Pinosol has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, vasoconstrictor, softening and immunomodulatory effects, which are provided by the essential oils of pine, mint, eucalyptus and thymol included in its composition. By the way, the name of this remedy (pinus) is translated from Latin as “pine”. Vitamin E, which is part of Pinosol, enhances the processes of granulation and epithelization of tissues.

Pinosol helps improve blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, reduce mucus secretion, relieve swelling and, consequently, better patency of the nasal passages and easier breathing. The drug also has a slight analgesic effect.

As we have already said, Pinosol is not used for allergic rhinitis, nor for viral rhinitis. But it can help with infectious rhinitis.

Pinosol can be instilled 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. At the initial stage of the disease it is even more common, but during pregnancy the frequency and duration of use of Pinosol must be agreed with a doctor. In any case, the duration of treatment with Pinosol should not exceed 7 days.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I don’t know about anyone, Pinosol helps me personally

From Guest

You don’t need to expect instant action from Pinosol, yes... On the first day of use there will be no noticeable effect, but from the next day everything begins to go away. And it’s time for mothers to think about the composition of other drops. It helps me personally. This is the second time I’ve used it, although my nose is very sensitive to allergens.

From Guest

Pinosol helped me during two pregnancies. Relieved congestion.

From Guest

I like Pinosol because in case of severe dryness in the nose, oils are lubricated and the irritation goes away. Plus it cools a little from the inside and congestion goes away

From Guest

It doesn’t help, moreover, it only got worse - it turned out to be a severe allergy! I use Lazolvan Rino, it is allowed to be used during pregnancy.

From Guest

Complete nonsense!! I’ve been suffering for two days now, this pinosol doesn’t help! Don't waste your money, expectant mothers!!! It's better to buy drops for children.

From Guest

After Pinosol it became easier, it made it easier. The runny nose went away in three days.

From Guest

PINOSOL doesn’t help me at all either. I have to use NAPHTHYZIN. It pierces the nose well. Although they write that you can’t use it during pregnancy. I read a lot of reviews and comments. And I concluded that there are no visible consequences when used.

From Guest

I didn't like the drops. I bought these drops because they can be used during pregnancy. I didn’t have a particularly bad runny nose, so I decided to put some drops in my nose... As a result, I couldn’t sleep all night. The nose is running, there is a terrible feeling in the nose, as if the nostrils are blocked with plugs, there are tears in the eyes. It looks like an allergy (maybe to some component in the drops). I sneeze ten times in a row, to the point of tears. Be careful - these drops are not suitable for everyone.

From Guest

Pinosol drops don’t help at all, now I’m 35 weeks pregnant, I have a runny nose, my nose is stuffy when I sleep, it’s just money down the drain, 200 rubles.

From Guest

I suffered terribly for a long time at 37 weeks, I couldn’t find a place. My ear blew out and as a result my sinuses were so clogged that I couldn’t breathe at all and nothing helped. Neither onion, nor egg guitar, nor gripfiron and especially aquamoris, not to mention inhalations with chamomile and sitting over potato steam. I was very worried about giving birth prematurely with such a problem. I was about to go to the ENT specialist, because every night I was simply out of breath. Only pinosol helped, it immediately became easier to breathe, the sinuses began to clear. A very good remedy even for severe congestion.

From Guest

During the 1st pregnancy I had a runny nose, they prescribed diarrhea, I can say that they are excellent, I can say that after pregnancy I always used them, the runny nose went away instantly in no more than 3 days))) Now I’m pregnant 2 times, the drops help out on Tuesday, my nose was stuffy, today it’s already Thursday, the runny nose has gone away))) I recommend it to everyone !

Colds manifest themselves in different symptoms, but perhaps the most unpleasant symptom is nasal congestion and runny nose. Swelling in the nose contributes to the distortion of odors and disrupts normal breathing. Often the patient's sleep is disturbed. It is especially difficult for expectant mothers to bear these symptoms. It is worth noting that every second woman experiences a runny nose in the early stages. After 10 weeks, 30 percent of expectant mothers suffer from nasal congestion. There is also a so-called one that will continue throughout the entire gestation period.

If in everyday life you, without thinking, used different nasal drops and tablets, now it’s worth weighing the pros and cons several times before taking the usual medicine. During pregnancy, especially in its early stages, the use of one or another medication can negatively affect the development of the embryo. During the first ten weeks, the basic systems are laid and the child’s organs are formed. A fatal mistake can lead to consequences in the form of fetal defects, improper development of the neural tube, brain deformation, and so on.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Rhinitis is the most common ailment among expectant mothers. It appears in the early stages due to a natural decrease in the body's immune defense. If therapy is not started in time, a common runny nose can develop into a complication.

Doctors should treat women during this period. Even if you have successfully used the drug Pinosol before, during pregnancy (1st trimester) it can do more harm than good. It all depends on the nature of the runny nose, which only a doctor can reliably determine. Let's say right away that itching in the nose, congestion and the release of thick or liquid secretions most often occur due to the development of an infection: viral or bacterial. Less commonly, a runny nose develops due to allergies and external influences of environmental conditions.

Is it possible to take Pinosol during pregnancy?

To answer this question, you need to refer to the annotation. The instructions indicate that the nasal medicine can be used by expectant mothers only for indications. You will learn about them further.

The drug is considered safe due to its natural composition. After all, the main components of the medicine are herbs and essential oils. Indeed, Pinosol is prescribed for treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy. But it must be used very carefully, as the woman’s body becomes more sensitive. If you previously did not have an allergy to the constituent components, now you are likely to develop one. Before using Pinosol during pregnancy (1st trimester), find out more about this natural remedy.

Description of the drug and its types

The medicine is available in different forms. You can purchase nasal drops or spray at the pharmacy chain. The manufacturer also suggests trying Pinosol ointment. The composition of the medications is approximately the same. Only the content of active ingredients differs.

  • The spray contains 350 mg of mountain pine oil, 100 mg of peppermint oil, 50 mg of eucalyptus oil, 150 mg of alpha-tocopherol and 3 mg of thymol.
  • The drops include 372 mg Scots pine oil, 100 mg peppermint oil, 50 mg eucalyptus oil, 170 mg alpha-tocopherol, 3.2 mg thymol and 2 mg guaiazulene.
  • The cream consists of common pine oil (380 mg), eucalyptus (100 mg), alpha-tocopherol (170 mg), thymol (3.2 mg).
  • The ointment, being more concentrated, includes 685 mg of pine oil, 432 mg of alpha-tocopherol 289 mg, thymol 22 mg and 73 mg of levomenthol.


How does Pinosol work during pregnancy? The 1st trimester is often accompanied by a runny nose - you already know about this. Its symptoms may differ for each woman. Some suffer from watery nasal discharge, while others report dry mucous membranes. Swelling often occurs. All this becomes a consequence of the inflammatory process and the spread of infection. The drug "Pinosol" gently copes with all the described symptoms.

Peppermint oil has an analgesic and cooling effect. It helps relieve irritation and moisturizes. Eucalyptus normalizes breathing, having a vasoconstrictor effect. Pine oil has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and thymol in the composition has a wound-healing, regenerating and calming effect. Together, these components quickly cope with infection and symptoms of a runny nose. "Pinosol" is effective for bacterial rhinitis caused by gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The drug also eliminates pathogenic fungi (yeast and mold).

When does an expectant mother need treatment?

The instructions say that Pinosol during pregnancy (1st trimester) is prescribed only according to indications. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the expected benefit and the likelihood of a negative effect. The medicine is used for the following pathologies:

  • acute rhinitis caused by bacterial infection;
  • atrophic or medicinal rhinitis;
  • inflammatory (acute or chronic) diseases of the pharynx and nasal mucosa, accompanied by difficulty breathing and dryness;
  • prevention after diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, operations.

The drug "Pinosol" is also used for sinusitis. During pregnancy, this treatment is considered one of the safest. If such therapy is ineffective, then the expectant mother must take antibiotics.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

In what situations is Pinosol contraindicated for an expectant mother during pregnancy? The 1st trimester is considered a more dangerous period. During this period, a woman is prone to unexpected reactions from the body. The use of any type of “Pinosol” is prohibited if there is a possibility of allergies (propensity to it). When a runny nose is caused by exposure to an allergen, the medicine will not only not help, it will also harm.

During treatment, the nasal drug may cause negative reactions. If they appear, you should immediately stop using and consult a doctor. Often the product causes allergies in the form of itching, swelling and sneezing. Remember that continued use of the drug will only worsen these unpleasant symptoms. This is very dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby.

Application of spray and drops

What does the instructions for use tell the consumer about the drug "Pinosol"? During pregnancy, according to the annotation, the medication is used in the same way as in its absence. For expectant mothers, the medicine in the form of drops is prescribed 1-2 drops in each nostril up to 12 times a day. From the second day of treatment, the medication is used in the same dose up to 4 times a day.

The spray is sprayed one spray into each nostril up to 6 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually. On average, expectant mothers are recommended to use the medicine for 5-7 days. In rare cases, the period is increased to 10-14 days.

Ointment and cream "Pinosol"

How to apply creamy “Pinosol”? Instructions for use during pregnancy recommend lubricating each nasal passage 4 times a day at equal intervals. For the procedure, use a strip of the drug no more than half a centimeter. You can also insert tampons soaked in ointment or cream. Expectant mothers are more often prescribed this form of medication, since it contains a smaller amount of active ingredients.

The duration of use of drugs in the form of ointments and creams should not exceed two weeks.

Inhalation use

It is known that “Pinosol” (drops) instructions for use allow use by inhalation. To do this you will need an appropriate device. Please note that some nebulizers are not designed to use oil solutions. Please take this information into account to avoid damaging the equipment.

For inhalation, drop 2 ml of medication into the container where the medicine is placed. This volume is 50 drops. Inhalation is carried out using a nozzle for irrigation of the nasal passages with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. Duration of use - no more than a week.

"Pinosol" during pregnancy (1st trimester): reviews

Women say that the medication, when used correctly, is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. The medicine does its job perfectly, it is safe and inexpensive. The undoubted advantage of the composition is that it can be used for short periods of time (in the first trimester), while other medications are prohibited during this period.

Expectant mothers report that the most convenient form of the drug “Pinosol” to use is a spray. During pregnancy (1st trimester), doctors still more often prescribe drops. Experts explain this by the greater effectiveness of this form of the drug. Doctors also mention the absence of a teratogenic effect on the fetus. For years, this remedy has been used by expectant mothers, and not a single child has been born with defects for this reason. Pregnant women themselves say that the medication has a cooling effect after application. Breathing is restored within a minute.


From the article you learned about the drug “Pinosol”. The instructions for use allow the drops to be used during pregnancy, like other forms of medication. It is only important to do it correctly and not exceed the prescribed doses. If you are preparing to become a mother, then your attitude towards your well-being should be special. Do not self-medicate. If you have bothersome symptoms, go to the doctor. All the best, don't get sick!

All people are susceptible to colds, regardless of age and financial condition, and pregnant women even more so. It is known that during pregnancy it is extremely undesirable to use medications. If for some reason they cannot be abandoned, then the doctor prescribes the medicine with caution and only in extreme cases. After all, most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, since their components penetrate into the blood, and, therefore, into the placenta, which harms the fetus. But what then should an expectant mother do during cold and flu season? Which remedy should I choose so that it helps both the woman and the baby without harm? How safe is it to use Pinosol during pregnancy?

Action vasoconstrictor drops

The composition of drops and sprays for the common cold includes active ingredients such as naphazoline, oxymetazoline, xylometazoline. They differ from each other in their duration of action. Only these drugs are vasoconstrictors, relieving swelling of the mucous membrane. It is important to know that they have nothing to do with the treatment of the disease, but only facilitate the patient’s breathing. Drops and sprays with the above active ingredients penetrate into the blood and, accordingly, have contraindications during pregnancy. It is especially dangerous to use them in the 1st trimester, since it is believed that before 12 weeks of pregnancy, all organs and the nervous system are formed in the fetus. The use of such medications can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child. In the instructions, you can read the following features of use and contraindications: contraindicated during pregnancy, use is possible in a risk-benefit ratio as prescribed by a doctor, use is prohibited in the 1st (less often 2nd and 3rd) trimester of pregnancy.

Are such risks justified? Of course not. But a runny nose can and should be treated. Safe remedies based on traditional medicine recipes, the effectiveness and safety of which have been tested for centuries, will help with this. We will talk about how to use Pinosol during pregnancy.

Composition and active ingredients

Pinosol is a drug for the treatment of ARVI, rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and laryngitis (diseases of the ENT organs). The instructions indicate the composition: pine and eucalyptus oils, thymol, tocopherol acetate, peppermint oil, guaiazulene. Excipients: vegetable oil, butylated hydroxyanisole, Labrafil M.

Pine and eucalyptus oils, thymol and peppermint oil have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and antibacterial effects. Vitamin E contained in oils promotes regeneration and epithelization of the tissues of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Guiazulene has antiallergic properties, and tocopherol acetate and butylated hydroxyanisole are used as preservatives for medications.

All substances are absolutely safe and not only heal, but also improve breathing. Therefore, Pinosol can be taken during pregnancy in any trimester. The instructions say so: can be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The exception is an allergy to any component of this medicine.

Dosage forms

Pinosol is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • spray;
  • drops;
  • ointment.

The spray is easy to use, but is only suitable for treating the nasal cavity.

For the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis and sinusitis, it is better to use Pinosol in the form of drops. They can be instilled into the nose or added to a nebulizer for inhalation.

The ointment can be used as a moisturizer and prophylactic. This is an excellent alternative to oxolinic ointment.

Usage diagram

The instructions for the drug indicate how to use it correctly. Usually it is used 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

The treatment regimen for a runny nose with rhinitis and sinusitis is as follows:

  1. Cleansing. For these purposes, you can use saline solution, sterile sea water in the form of drops or sprays, or regular saline solution for rinsing the nose. This is done in order to remove dirt and mucus residues and ensure maximum effect of the drug.
  2. Breaking through nasal breathing. Here you can use vasoconstrictor drops.
  3. Treatment using drops based on phenylephrine, polydex, topical antibiotics or natural antiseptics.

Pinosol is a unique drug, as it has a vasoconstrictor, antiseptic, and moisturizing effect. He alone copes with the functions of the second and third points, and what is very important is that using Pinosol during pregnancy is absolutely safe. And for cleansing, you can use regular saline or saline solution.

You can treat your throat using inhalations. To do this, Pinosol drops are added to a nebulizer or inhalation container. For 1 liter of water take 2 ml (50 drops) of medicine. This procedure is done twice a day.