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"pros" and "cons" of nuclear power plants. Research work in physics "Nuclear energy: pros and cons"

I think that in the countries of the former Soviet Union, when it comes to nuclear power plants, the thought of the Chernobyl tragedy immediately flashes through the minds of many. This is not so easy to forget and I would like to understand the principle of operation of these stations, as well as find out their pros and cons.

Operating principle of a nuclear power plant

A nuclear power plant is a kind of nuclear installation whose goal is to produce energy, and subsequently electricity. In general, the forties of the last century can be considered the beginning of the nuclear power plant era. In the USSR, various projects were developed regarding the use of atomic energy not for military purposes, but for peaceful ones. One of these peaceful purposes was the production of electricity. In the late 40s, the first work began to bring this idea to life. Such stations operate on a water reactor, from which energy is released and transferred to various coolants. During this process, steam is released, which is cooled in a condenser. And then the current goes through generators to the homes of city residents.

All the pros and cons of nuclear power plants

I'll start with the most basic and bold advantage - there is no dependence on high fuel use. In addition, the costs of transporting nuclear fuel will be extremely low, unlike conventional fuel. I would like to note that this is very important for Russia, given that our coal is delivered from Siberia, and this is extremely expensive.

Now from an environmental point of view: the amount of emissions into the atmosphere per year is approximately 13,000 tons and, no matter how large this figure may seem, compared to other enterprises, the figure is quite small. Other pros and cons:

  • a lot of water is used, which worsens the environment;
  • electricity production is almost the same in cost as at thermal power plants;
  • the big drawback is the terrible consequences of accidents (there are plenty of examples).

I would also like to note that after a nuclear power plant stops operating, it must be liquidated, and this can cost almost a quarter of the construction price. Despite all the shortcomings, nuclear power plants are quite common in the world.

The use of nuclear energy in the modern world turns out to be so important that if we woke up tomorrow and the energy from the nuclear reaction had disappeared, the world as we know it would probably cease to exist. Peace forms the basis of industrial production and life in countries such as France and Japan, Germany and Great Britain, the USA and Russia. And if the last two countries are still able to replace nuclear energy sources with thermal stations, then for France or Japan this is simply impossible.

The use of nuclear energy creates many problems. Basically, all these problems are related to the fact that using the binding energy of the atomic nucleus (which we call nuclear energy) for one’s benefit, a person receives a significant evil in the form of highly radioactive waste that cannot simply be thrown away. Waste from nuclear energy sources must be processed, transported, buried, and stored for a long time in safe conditions.

Pros and cons, benefits and harms of using nuclear energy

Let's consider the pros and cons of using atomic-nuclear energy, their benefits, harm and significance in the life of Mankind. It is obvious that nuclear energy today is needed only by industrialized countries. That is, peaceful nuclear energy is mainly used in facilities such as factories, processing plants, etc. It is energy-intensive industries that are remote from sources of cheap electricity (such as hydroelectric power plants) that use nuclear power plants to ensure and develop their internal processes.

Agrarian regions and cities do not have much need for nuclear energy. It is quite possible to replace it with thermal and other stations. It turns out that the mastery, acquisition, development, production and use of nuclear energy is for the most part aimed at meeting our needs for industrial products. Let's see what kind of industries they are: automotive industry, military production, metallurgy, chemical industry, oil and gas complex, etc.

Does a modern person want to drive a new car? Want to dress in fashionable synthetics, eat synthetics and pack everything in synthetics? Want colorful products in different shapes and sizes? Wants all new phones, TVs, computers? Do you want to buy a lot and often change the equipment around you? Do you want to eat delicious chemical food from colored packages? Do you want to live in peace? Want to hear sweet speeches from the TV screen? Does he want there to be a lot of tanks, as well as missiles and cruisers, as well as shells and guns?

And he gets it all. It does not matter that in the end the discrepancy between word and deed leads to war. It doesn't matter that recycling it also requires energy. For now the man is calm. He eats, drinks, goes to work, sells and buys.

And all this requires energy. And this also requires a lot of oil, gas, metal, etc. And all these industrial processes require nuclear energy. Therefore, no matter what anyone says, until the first industrial thermonuclear fusion reactor is put into production, nuclear energy will only develop.

We can safely list everything that we are used to as the advantages of nuclear energy. The downside is the sad prospect of imminent death due to the collapse of resource depletion, problems of nuclear waste, population growth and degradation of arable land. In other words, nuclear energy allowed man to begin to take control of nature even more, raping it beyond measure to such an extent that in a few decades he overcame the threshold of reproduction of basic resources, launching the process of collapse of consumption between 2000 and 2010. This process objectively no longer depends on the person.

Everyone will have to eat less, live less and enjoy the natural environment less. Here lies another plus or minus of nuclear energy, which is that countries that have mastered the atom will be able to more effectively redistribute the scarce resources of those who have not mastered the atom. Moreover, only the development of the thermonuclear fusion program will allow humanity to simply survive. Now let’s explain in detail what kind of “beast” this is - atomic (nuclear) energy and what it is eaten with.

Mass, matter and atomic (nuclear) energy

We often hear the statement that “mass and energy are the same thing,” or such judgments that the expression E = mc2 explains the explosion of an atomic (nuclear) bomb. Now that you have a first understanding of nuclear energy and its applications, it would be truly unwise to confuse you with statements such as “mass equals energy.” In any case, this way of interpreting the great discovery is not the best. Apparently, this is just the wit of young reformists, “Galileans of the new time.” In fact, the prediction of the theory, which has been verified by many experiments, only says that energy has mass.

We will now explain the modern point of view and give a short overview of the history of its development.
When the energy of any material body increases, its mass increases, and we attribute this additional mass to the increase in energy. For example, when radiation is absorbed, the absorber becomes hotter and its mass increases. However, the increase is so small that it remains beyond the accuracy of measurements in ordinary experiments. On the contrary, if a substance emits radiation, then it loses a drop of its mass, which is carried away by the radiation. A broader question arises: is not the entire mass of matter determined by energy, i.e., is there not a huge reserve of energy contained in all matter? Many years ago, radioactive transformations responded positively to this. When a radioactive atom decays, a huge amount of energy is released (mostly in the form of kinetic energy), and a small part of the atom's mass disappears. The measurements clearly show this. Thus, energy carries away mass with it, thereby reducing the mass of matter.

Consequently, part of the mass of matter is interchangeable with the mass of radiation, kinetic energy, etc. That is why we say: “energy and matter are partially capable of mutual transformations.” Moreover, we can now create particles of matter that have mass and are capable of being completely converted into radiation, which also has mass. The energy of this radiation can transform into other forms, transferring its mass to them. Conversely, radiation can turn into particles of matter. So instead of “energy has mass,” we can say “particles of matter and radiation are interconvertible, and therefore capable of interconversion with other forms of energy.” This is the creation and destruction of matter. Such destructive events cannot occur in the realm of ordinary physics, chemistry and technology, they must be sought either in the microscopic but active processes studied by nuclear physics, or in the high-temperature crucible of atomic bombs, in the Sun and stars. However, it would be unreasonable to say that "energy is mass." We say: “energy, like matter, has mass.”

Mass of ordinary matter

We say that the mass of ordinary matter contains within itself a huge supply of internal energy, equal to the product of mass by (the speed of light)2. But this energy is contained in the mass and cannot be released without the disappearance of at least part of it. How did such an amazing idea come about and why was it not discovered earlier? It had been proposed before - experiment and theory in different forms - but until the twentieth century the change in energy was not observed, because in ordinary experiments it corresponds to an incredibly small change in mass. However, we are now confident that a flying bullet, due to its kinetic energy, has additional mass. Even at a speed of 5000 m/sec, a bullet that weighed exactly 1 g at rest will have a total mass of 1.00000000001 g. White-hot platinum weighing 1 kg will only add 0.000000000004 kg and practically no weighing will be able to register these changes. It is only when enormous reserves of energy are released from the atomic nucleus, or when atomic "projectiles" are accelerated to speeds close to the speed of light, that the mass of energy becomes noticeable.

On the other hand, even a subtle difference in mass marks the possibility of releasing a huge amount of energy. Thus, hydrogen and helium atoms have relative masses of 1.008 and 4.004. If four hydrogen nuclei could combine into one helium nucleus, the mass of 4.032 would change to 4.004. The difference is small, only 0.028, or 0.7%. But it would mean a gigantic release of energy (mainly in the form of radiation). 4.032 kg of hydrogen would produce 0.028 kg of radiation, which would have an energy of about 600000000000 Cal.

Compare this to the 140,000 Cals released when the same amount of hydrogen combines with oxygen in a chemical explosion.
Ordinary kinetic energy makes a significant contribution to the mass of very fast protons produced in cyclotrons, and this creates difficulties when working with such machines.

Why do we still believe that E=mc2

Now we perceive this as a direct consequence of the theory of relativity, but the first suspicions arose towards the end of the 19th century, in connection with the properties of radiation. It seemed likely then that the radiation had mass. And since radiation carries, as if on wings, at a speed with energy, or rather, it itself is energy, an example of mass has appeared that belongs to something “immaterial”. The experimental laws of electromagnetism predicted that electromagnetic waves should have "mass." But before the creation of the theory of relativity, only unbridled imagination could extend the ratio m=E/c2 to other forms of energy.

All types of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves, infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, etc.) share some common features: they all propagate in vacuum at the same speed and all transfer energy and momentum. We imagine light and other radiation in the form of waves propagating at a high but certain speed c = 3*108 m/sec. When light strikes an absorbing surface, heat is generated, indicating that the stream of light carries energy. This energy must propagate along with the flow at the same speed of light. In fact, the speed of light is measured exactly this way: by the time it takes a portion of light energy to travel a long distance.

When light hits the surface of some metals, it knocks out electrons that fly out just as if they had been hit by a compact ball. , apparently, is distributed in concentrated portions, which we call “quanta”. This is the quantum nature of the radiation, despite the fact that these portions are apparently created by waves. Each piece of light with the same wavelength has the same energy, a certain “quantum” of energy. Such portions rush at the speed of light (in fact, they are light), transferring energy and momentum (momentum). All this makes it possible to attribute a certain mass to the radiation - a certain mass is assigned to each portion.

When light is reflected from a mirror, no heat is released, because the reflected beam carries away all the energy, but the mirror is subject to pressure similar to the pressure of elastic balls or molecules. If, instead of a mirror, the light hits a black absorbing surface, the pressure becomes half as much. This indicates that the beam carries the amount of motion rotated by the mirror. Therefore, light behaves as if it had mass. But is there any other way to know that something has mass? Does mass exist in its own right, such as length, green color, or water? Or is it an artificial concept defined by behavior like Modesty? Mass, in fact, is known to us in three manifestations:

  • A. A vague statement characterizing the amount of “substance” (Mass from this point of view is inherent in matter - an entity that we can see, touch, push).
  • B. Certain statements linking it with other physical quantities.
  • B. Mass is conserved.

It remains to determine the mass in terms of momentum and energy. Then any moving thing with momentum and energy must have "mass". Its mass should be (momentum)/(velocity).

Theory of relativity

The desire to link together a series of experimental paradoxes concerning absolute space and time gave rise to the theory of relativity. Two kinds of experiments with light gave conflicting results, and experiments with electricity further aggravated this conflict. Then Einstein proposed changing the simple geometric rules for adding vectors. This change is the essence of his “special theory of relativity.”

For low speeds (from the slowest snail to the fastest of rockets), the new theory agrees with the old one.
At high speeds, comparable to the speed of light, our measurement of lengths or time is modified by the movement of the body relative to the observer, in particular, the mass of the body becomes greater the faster it moves.

Then the theory of relativity declared that this increase in mass was completely general. At normal speeds there is no change, and only at a speed of 100,000,000 km/h does the mass increase by 1%. However, for electrons and protons emitted from radioactive atoms or modern accelerators, it reaches 10, 100, 1000%…. Experiments with such high-energy particles provide excellent confirmation of the relationship between mass and velocity.

At the other edge there is radiation that has no rest mass. It is not a substance and cannot be kept at rest; it simply has mass and moves with speed c, so its energy is equal to mc2. We talk about quanta as photons when we want to note the behavior of light as a stream of particles. Each photon has a certain mass m, a certain energy E=mс2 and momentum (momentum).

Nuclear transformations

In some experiments with nuclei, the masses of atoms after violent explosions do not add up to the same total mass. The released energy carries with it some part of the mass; the missing piece of atomic material appears to have disappeared. However, if we assign the mass E/c2 to the measured energy, we find that the mass is conserved.

Annihilation of matter

We are accustomed to thinking of mass as an inevitable property of matter, so the transition of mass from matter to radiation - from a lamp to an escaping ray of light - looks almost like the destruction of matter. One more step - and we will be surprised to discover what is actually happening: positive and negative electrons, particles of matter, joining together, are completely converted into radiation. The mass of their matter turns into an equal mass of radiation. This is a case of disappearance of matter in the most literal sense. As if in focus, in a flash of light.

Measurements show that (energy, radiation during annihilation)/ c2 is equal to the total mass of both electrons - positive and negative. An antiproton combines with a proton and annihilates, usually releasing lighter particles with high kinetic energy.

Creation of matter

Now that we have learned to manage high-energy radiation (ultra-short-wave X-rays), we can prepare particles of matter from the radiation. If a target is bombarded with such rays, they sometimes produce a pair of particles, for example positive and negative electrons. And if we again use the formula m=E/c2 for both radiation and kinetic energy, then the mass will be conserved.

Simply about the complex – Nuclear (Atomic) energy

  • Gallery of images, pictures, photographs.
  • Nuclear energy, atomic energy - fundamentals, opportunities, prospects, development.
  • Interesting facts, useful information.
  • Green news – Nuclear energy, atomic energy.
  • Links to materials and sources – Nuclear (Atomic) energy.

Ensuring energy security is one of the key tasks of any modern state. Today, one of the most advanced options for generating electricity is the use of nuclear reactors. In this regard, a nuclear power plant is being built in Belarus. We will talk about this industrial facility in the article.

basic information

The Belarusian one is being built in the Grodno region of the country, literally 50 kilometers from the capital of neighboring Lithuania - Vilnius. Construction began in 2011 and is scheduled to be completed in 2019. The design capacity of the unit is 2400 MW.

The Ostrovets site - the place where the station is being built - is supervised by Russian specialists from the Atomstroyexport company.

A few words about design

In Belarus it will cost the state budget 11 billion US dollars.

The very issue of installing the facility in the country arose back in the 1990s, but the final decision to begin construction was made only in 2006. The city of Ostrovets was chosen as the main location for the station.

Policy influence

Several foreign powers were ready to begin building nuclear power plants immediately after analyzing the pros and cons of nuclear energy: China, the Czech Republic, the USA, France, and Russia. However, in the end the Russian Federation became the main contractor. Although it was initially believed that this construction would be unprofitable for the Russian Federation, which planned to commission its nuclear power plant in the Kaliningrad region. But still, in October 2011, a contract was signed between the Russians and Belarusians for the supply of equipment to the Belarusian city of Ostrovets.

Legislative aspect

In Belarus, it is built in accordance with the law regulating the radiation safety indicators of the country's population. This act specifies the conditions required to ensure them, which will allow people to preserve life and health under the operating conditions of nuclear power plants.

Cash loan

From the very beginning of the project's development, the final cost varied as different types of reactors were considered. Initially, 9 billion dollars were required, 6 of which were to be spent on the construction itself, and 3 on the creation of all the necessary infrastructure: power lines, residential buildings for station workers, railway tracks and other things.

It immediately became clear that Belarus simply did not have all the necessary funds. And therefore, the country’s leadership planned to take a loan from Russia, and in the form of “real” money. At the same time, the Belarusians immediately said that if they did not receive the money, the construction would be in jeopardy. In turn, Russian authorities have voiced their fears that their neighbors will be unable to repay the debt or will use the funds received to support their country's economy.

In this regard, Russian officials made a proposal to make the nuclear power plant in Belarus a joint venture, but the Belarusian side refused.

The end to this dispute was put on March 15, 2015, when Putin visited Minsk and provided Belarus with 10 billion for the construction of the station. The estimated payback period for the project is about 20 years.

Construction process

Excavation at the site began in 2011. And two years later, Lukashenko signed a decree giving the Russian general contractor the right to begin construction of such a huge industrial facility as a nuclear power plant in Belarus.

At the end of May 2014, the pit was completely ready, and work began on pouring the foundation of the second building. In December 2015, the vessel for the first reactor was delivered to the station.


In May 2016, information leaked to the media that a metal structure had allegedly collapsed at a nuclear power plant construction site. The Belarusian Foreign Ministry, in turn, conveyed an official response to the Lithuanians that no emergency situations occurred at the construction site.

But by October 2016, the number of official accidents during the construction of the station reached ten, three of which were fatal.


As one of the civil activists in Belarus reported, according to his data, on July 10, 2015, during a rehearsal for installing the reactor vessel, it fell to the ground. It was planned that the next day the installation would take place in the presence of journalists and television.

On July 26, the country's Ministry of Energy confirmed the incident, indicating that the incident occurred at the storage site of the hull during its slinging for subsequent movement in the horizontal direction. This caused an immediate and extremely sharp reaction from Lithuania. On July 28, the Minister of Energy of this Baltic country submitted a note to the Belarusian ambassador with a request to clarify all the details of the incident and notify about them.

On August 1, the installation work on the installation of the vessel was suspended and at the same time the chief designer of this unit said that theoretical calculations carried out showed that the reactor did not receive serious damage from the fall. The head of Rosatom shared the same opinion, pointing out that there were no grounds for banning the operation of the building.

However, nuclear physicists and other technical specialists had a completely different opinion. They all said with one voice: the fallen hull cannot be used in the future. This was explained by the fact that, given the weight of the product, the welds and coating could be critically damaged. All these defects could subsequently appear due to the continuous exposure to a neutron flow and lead to the final destruction of the entire structure. In addition, engineers noted the lack of full-fledged experience in the production of such cases at the manufacturer located in Volgodonsk, which had not produced such components for more than thirty years.

As a result, on August 11, the Minister of Energy of Belarus announced that the reactor would be replaced after all. As a result, the completion dates for installation operations will shift indefinitely. As a solution to the problem, Rosatom made a proposal to use the reactor vessel of the second unit.


In the republic itself, numerous popular protests against the construction of nuclear power plants were repeatedly held. High-ranking officials in Lithuania and Austria also expressed a negative attitude towards the construction of the station. Both of these states noted that the project was not ready for implementation for a number of reasons.

Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy

Considering the pros and cons of nuclear energy, it is worth noting that due to the specific nature of nuclear reactions, the cost of fuel consumed is quite low. This is the main positive aspect of this type of electricity production. Also, as strange as it may sound, it is environmentally friendly. Even thermal power plants produce more harmful emissions into the atmosphere than nuclear power plants.

Among the negative aspects of nuclear reactors, we can note the problematic nature of the waste disposal process and the high danger of man-made accidents, which can potentially harm millions of people.

“Nuclear Energy” - Economic growth and energy GOELRO-2. Energy and economic growth The role of nuclear generation. Economic growth and energy Innovative scenario of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Source: Ministry of Energy. Source: Research by Tomsk Polytechnic University. Increasing energy efficiency - saving 360 - 430 million toe Energy intensity of GDP in 20 - 59-60% of 07.

“Nuclear power plants in Russia” - Scheme of operation of nuclear power plants. Floating nuclear power plant (FNPP). Operating principle of nuclear power plants. Classification of nuclear power plants by type of energy supplied. Classification of nuclear power plants by reactor type. Producing electricity at nuclear power plants. Operating nuclear power plants in Russia. Characteristics of VVER-1000. Geography of the planned deployment of floating nuclear power plants in Russia. Designed nuclear power plants.

“Atomic danger” - Probabilistic analysis of nuclear safety. Invalid zone. Safety and risk. Probabilistic analysis. RU safety analysis. Risk analysis. Distribution in various fields of science. Risk assessment methodology. Amount of risk. Social values. Foreign approaches to the problem of "risk". Simplification of the probabilistic approach.

“Nuclear Energy of Russia” - It is necessary to switch to the dry method of storing spent nuclear fuel. State and immediate prospects for the development of nuclear energy in the world. The principle of inherent safety: Development of radiochemical production for fuel reprocessing. Nuclear and Radiation Safety Complex (NRS). Creation of alternative suppliers of basic equipment to the current monopolists.

“Problems of nuclear energy” - The problem of rapid depletion of organic natural energy resources is especially acute. Classification of nuclear reactors. 1 kg of natural uranium replaces 20 tons of coal. Nuclear power does not consume oxygen and has negligible emissions during normal operation. Nuclear power.

“Nuclear power plant” - Presentation on physics on the topic “Nuclear technology”. Sources of information used. Fuel element (fuel element). The most famous reactor using controlled nuclear fusion is the sun. The figure shows a diagram of the operation of a nuclear power plant. Thermonuclear reactors. Nuclear power plants differ in the type of reactor and the type of energy supplied.

There are 12 presentations in total

Everyone has heard about the main disadvantage of nuclear power plants - the severe consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants. Tens of thousands of dead and many fatally ill people, powerful radiation exposure affecting the health of a person and his descendants, cities that have become uninhabitable... the list, unfortunately, can be continued endlessly. Thank heavens that accidents are rare; the vast majority of nuclear power plants in the world have been operating successfully for decades without ever encountering system failures.

Today, nuclear energy is one of the fastest growing areas in world science. Let's try to move away from the persistent myth that nuclear power plants are a danger of nuclear disasters and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants as sources of electricity. In what ways are nuclear power plants superior to thermal and hydroelectric power plants? What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants? Is it worth developing this area of ​​electricity production? About all this and more...

Did you know that you can get electricity using an ordinary potato, lemon or indoor flower? All you need is a nail and copper wire. But potatoes and lemons, of course, will not be able to supply electricity to the whole world. Therefore, since the 19th century, scientists began to master methods of generating electricity using generation.

Generation is the process of converting various types of energy into electrical energy. The generation process takes place in power plants. Today there are many types of generation.

You can get electricity today in the following ways:

  1. Thermal power engineering – electricity is produced through the thermal combustion of organic fuel. To put it simply, oil and gas burn, release heat, and the heat heats the steam. Pressurized steam causes the electric generator to rotate, and the electric generator produces electricity. Thermal power plants in which this process occurs are called thermal power plants.
  2. Nuclear energy - the operating principle of nuclear power plants(nuclear power plants that receive electricity using nuclear installations) is very similar to the operation of thermal power plants. The only difference is that heat is obtained not from the combustion of organic fuel, but from the fission of atomic nuclei in a nuclear reactor.
  3. Hydropower – in the case of hydroelectric power plants(hydroelectric power plants), electrical energy is obtained from the kinetic energy of water flow. Have you ever seen waterfalls? This method of generating energy is based on the power of waterfalls that rotate the rotors of electric generators that produce electricity. Of course, waterfalls are not natural. They are created artificially using natural river flows. By the way, not so long ago scientists found out that the sea current is much more powerful than the river current, and there are plans to build offshore hydroelectric power stations.
  4. Wind energy – in this case, the kinetic energy of the wind powers an electric generator. Remember the mills? They fully reflect this operating principle.
  5. Solar energy - in solar energy, the heat from the sun's rays serves as the conversion platform.
  6. Hydrogen energy – electricity is produced by burning hydrogen. Hydrogen is burned, it releases heat, and then everything happens according to the scheme already known to us.
  7. Tidal energy - what is used to produce electricity in this case? The energy of the sea tides!
  8. Geothermal energy is the production of first heat and then electricity from the natural heat of the Earth. For example, in volcanic areas.

Disadvantages of alternative energy sources

Nuclear, hydro and thermal power plants are the main sources of electricity in the modern world. What are the advantages of nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants and thermal power plants? Why aren't we warmed by wind energy or tidal energy? Why did scientists not like hydrogen or the natural heat of the Earth? There are reasons for this.

Wind, solar and tidal energies are usually called alternative due to their rare use and very recent appearance. And also due to the fact that the wind, sun, sea and heat of the Earth are renewable, and the fact that a person uses the solar heat or the sea tide will not cause any harm to either the sun or the tide. But don’t rush to run and catch the waves, not everything is so easy and rosy.

Solar energy has significant disadvantages - the sun shines only during the day, so at night you won’t get any energy from it. This is inconvenient, because... The main peak in electricity consumption occurs in the evening hours. At different times of the year and in different places on Earth, the sun shines differently. Adapting to it is costly and difficult.

Wind and waves are also capricious phenomena; they blow and tide when they want, but not when they want. But if they work, they do it slowly and weakly. Therefore, wind and tidal energy have not yet become widespread.

Geothermal energy is a complex process because... It is possible to build power plants only in zones of tectonic activity, where maximum heat can be “squeezed” out of the ground. How many places with volcanoes do you know? Here are some scientists. Therefore, geothermal energy will most likely remain narrowly focused and not particularly efficient.

Hydrogen energy is the most promising. Hydrogen has a very high combustion efficiency and its combustion is absolutely environmentally friendly, because combustion product is distilled water. But, there is one thing. The process of producing pure hydrogen costs an incredible amount of money. Do you want to pay millions for electricity and hot water? Nobody wants. We wait, hope and believe that scientists will soon find a way to make hydrogen energy more accessible.

Nuclear energy today

According to various sources, nuclear energy today provides from 10 to 15% of electricity worldwide. 31 countries use nuclear energy. The largest amount of research in the field of electric power is carried out on the use of nuclear energy. It is logical to assume that the advantages of nuclear power plants are clearly great if, of all types of electricity production, this is the one that is developed.

At the same time, there are countries that refuse to use nuclear energy and close all existing nuclear power plants, for example, Italy. On the territory of Australia and Oceania, nuclear power plants did not exist and do not exist in principle. Austria, Cuba, Libya, North Korea and Poland have stopped the development of nuclear power plants and temporarily abandoned plans to create nuclear power plants. These countries do not pay attention to the advantages of nuclear power plants and refuse to install them primarily for safety reasons and the high costs of constructing and operating nuclear power plants.

The leaders in nuclear energy today are the USA, France, Japan and Russia. It was they who appreciated the advantages of nuclear power plants and began to introduce nuclear energy into their countries. The largest number of nuclear power plant projects under construction today belong to the People's Republic of China. About 50 more countries are actively working on the introduction of nuclear energy.

Like all methods of generating electricity, nuclear power plants have advantages and disadvantages. Speaking about the advantages of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to note the environmental friendliness of production, the refusal to use fossil fuels and the convenience of transporting the necessary fuel. Let's look at everything in more detail.

Advantages of nuclear power plants over thermal power plants

The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants depend on what type of electricity generation we compare nuclear energy with. Since the main competitors of nuclear power plants are thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations, let us compare the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants in relation to these types of energy production.

TPPs, that is, thermal power plants, are of two types:

  1. Condensing or briefly CESs serve only to produce electricity. By the way, their other name comes from the Soviet past, IESs are also called GRESs - short for “state district power plant”.
    2. Combined heat and power plants or combined heat and power plants only allow producing not only electrical, but also thermal energy. Taking, for example, a residential building, it is clear that CES will only provide electricity to the apartments, and CHP will also provide heating in addition.

As a rule, thermal power plants operate on cheap organic fuel - coal or coal dust and fuel oil. The most popular energy resources today are coal, oil and gas. According to experts, the world's coal reserves will last for another 270 years, oil – for 50 years, gas – for 70. Even a schoolchild understands that 50-year reserves are very small and must be protected, and not burned in furnaces every day.


Nuclear power plants solve the problem of shortage of organic fuel. The advantage of nuclear power plants is the elimination of fossil fuels, thereby preserving endangered gas, coal and oil. Instead, nuclear power plants use uranium. World uranium reserves are estimated at 6,306,300 tons. No one is counting how many years it will last, because... There are a lot of reserves, uranium consumption is quite small, and there is no need to think about its disappearance yet. In extreme cases, if uranium reserves are suddenly carried away by aliens or they evaporate on their own, plutonium and thorium can be used as nuclear fuel. Converting them into nuclear fuel is still expensive and difficult, but it is possible.

The advantages of nuclear power plants over thermal power plants include a reduction in the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

What is released into the atmosphere during the operation of thermal power plants and thermal power plants and how dangerous it is:

  1. Sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide– a dangerous gas that is harmful to plants. If ingested in large quantities, it causes coughing and suffocation. When combined with water, sulfur dioxide turns into sulfurous acid. It is thanks to sulfur dioxide emissions that there is a risk of acid rain, which is dangerous for nature and humans.
    2. Nitrogen oxides– dangerous to the respiratory system of humans and animals, irritating the respiratory tract.
    3. Benapyrene– is dangerous because it tends to accumulate in the human body. Long-term exposure may cause malignant tumors.

The total annual emissions of thermal power plants per 1000 MW of installed capacity are 13 thousand tons per year at gas and 165 thousand tons at pulverized coal thermal stations. A thermal power plant with a capacity of 1000 MW per year consumes 8 million tons of oxygen to oxidize fuel; the advantages of nuclear power plants are that in nuclear energy oxygen is not consumed in principle.

The above emissions are also not typical for nuclear power plants. The advantage of nuclear power plants is that emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere at nuclear power plants are negligible and, compared to emissions from thermal power plants, are harmless.

The advantages of nuclear power plants over thermal power plants are low fuel transportation costs. Coal and gas are extremely expensive to transport to factories, while the uranium needed for nuclear reactions can be placed in one small truck.

Disadvantages of nuclear power plants over thermal power plants

  1. The disadvantages of nuclear power plants over thermal power plants are, first of all, the presence of radioactive waste. They try to recycle radioactive waste at nuclear plants as much as possible, but they cannot dispose of it at all. The final waste at modern nuclear power plants is processed into glass and stored in special storage facilities. Whether they will ever be used is still unknown.
    2. The disadvantages of nuclear power plants are their low efficiency compared to thermal power plants. Since processes in thermal power plants occur at higher temperatures, they are more productive. This is still difficult to achieve in nuclear power plants, because zirconium alloys, which indirectly participate in nuclear reactions, cannot withstand extremely high temperatures.
    3. The general problem of heat and nuclear power plants stands apart. The disadvantage of nuclear power plants and thermal power plants is thermal pollution of the atmosphere. What does it mean? When generating nuclear energy, a large amount of thermal energy is released, which is released into the environment. Thermal pollution of the atmosphere is a problem of today, it entails many problems such as the creation of heat islands, changes in microclimate and, ultimately, global warming.

Modern nuclear power plants already solve the problem of thermal pollution and use their own artificial pools or cooling towers (special cooling towers for cooling large volumes of hot water) to cool water.

Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants over hydroelectric power plants

The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants over hydroelectric power plants are mainly related to the dependence of hydroelectric power stations on natural resources. More about this...

  1. The advantage of nuclear power plants over hydroelectric power plants is the theoretical possibility of building new nuclear power plants, while most rivers and reservoirs capable of working for the benefit of hydroelectric power plants are already occupied. That is, the opening of new hydroelectric power stations is difficult due to the lack of necessary places.
    2. The next advantage of nuclear power plants over hydroelectric power plants is their indirect dependence on natural resources. Hydroelectric power plants directly depend on the natural reservoir, nuclear power plants only indirectly on uranium mining, everything else is provided by the people themselves and their inventions.

The disadvantages of nuclear power plants compared to water stations are insignificant - the resources that a nuclear power plant uses for a nuclear reaction, and specifically uranium fuel, are not renewable. While the amount of water, the main renewable resource of a hydroelectric power station, will not change in any way from the operation of a hydroelectric power station, and uranium itself cannot be restored in nature.

Nuclear power plants: advantages and disadvantages

We examined in detail the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants over other methods of generating electricity.

“But what about radioactive emissions from nuclear power plants? It is impossible to live near nuclear power plants! Is it dangerous!" - you say. “Nothing like that,” statistics and the world scientific community will answer you.

According to statistical comparative estimates carried out in different countries, it is noted that the mortality rate from diseases that appeared from exposure to emissions from thermal power plants is higher than the mortality rate from diseases that developed in the human body from the leakage of radioactive substances.

Actually, all radioactive substances are firmly locked in storage facilities and are waiting for the hour when they will learn to reprocess and use them. Such substances are not released into the atmosphere; the level of radiation in populated areas near nuclear power plants is no more than the traditional level of radiation in large cities.

Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants, one cannot help but recall the cost of building and launching a nuclear power plant. The estimated cost of a small modern nuclear power plant is 28 billion euros, experts say that the cost of thermal power plants is approximately the same, no one wins here. However, the advantages of nuclear power plants will be lower costs for the purchase and disposal of fuel - uranium, although more expensive, can “work” for more than a year, while coal and gas reserves must be constantly replenished.

Accidents at nuclear power plants

Previously, we did not mention only the main disadvantages of nuclear power plants, which are known to everyone - these are the consequences of possible accidents. Accidents at nuclear power plants are classified according to the INES scale, which has 7 levels. Level 4 and higher accidents pose a risk of exposure to the population.

Only two accidents in history were assessed at the maximum level 7 - the Chernobyl disaster and the accident at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. One accident was considered level 6, this is the Kyshtym accident, which occurred in 1957 at the Mayak chemical plant in the Chelyabinsk region.

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants pale in comparison with the possibility of nuclear disasters that claim the lives of many people. But the advantages of nuclear power plants today are an improved safety system, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of accidents, because The operating algorithm of nuclear reactors is computerized and with the help of computers, reactors are switched off in case of minimal violations.

The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants are taken into account when developing new models of nuclear power plants that will operate on processed nuclear fuel and uranium, the deposits of which have not previously been put into operation.

This means that the main advantages of nuclear power plants today are the prospects for their modernization, improvement and new inventions in this area. It seems that the most important advantages of nuclear power plants will be revealed a little later, we hope that science will not stand still, and very soon we will learn about them.