home · Other · Why does the ping in World of Tank fluctuate? High ping in World of Tanks: reasons, solution to the problem. Ways to reduce ping in World of Tanks

Why does the ping in World of Tank fluctuate? High ping in World of Tanks: reasons, solution to the problem. Ways to reduce ping in World of Tanks

Many PC users, even the most advanced ones, do not know anything about the concept of Ping. But in vain, because knowledge of the concept itself and the ability to “ping” can greatly facilitate the comfortable use of a computer, simplify the work of checking the functionality of the network connection and the quality of the Internet connection. This knowledge will help not only computer beginners, but also avid Internet gamers who will be able to control the speed of their Internet connection on the network.

Ping is a certain parameter, a period of time during which the server receives a response to a request about the health of the network. Thanks to this parameter, the user can track who he is “connecting” with, whether his network is working and what quality of connection he has on the network.

During operation, huge blocks of requests are divided into smaller ones, because they cannot all be transmitted on the network at the same time. At this time, the computer records the transmission speed of these blocks to their destination and their return. This simple scheme is used to calculate the quality of the network connection. This parameter is measured in milliseconds.

It is possible to “ping” sites, portals, individual computers and, of course, the provider’s server. But not all request packets can be returned; some of them are lost along the way.

The greater the number of lost requests, the worse the connection to the server. But, if the user simply does not receive a response to the request when sending packets, such a connection is considered interrupted and indicates a problem not in the network, but in a specific computer.

Each of the players has encountered the problem of why the ping in World of Tanks fluctuates, and of course wants to know how to deal with spikes in this case

The first thing you need to do is find out the reason that is stopping you, because there are many of them. Perhaps, in addition to World of Tanks, you simultaneously use some other games, applications or programs that take up part of your Internet connection. But there are situations when your computer has nothing to do with it, it’s all about the workload of the Internet provider. In this situation, you are powerless and will not be able to influence this problem in any way. It’s quite simple to check this - if when you launch another game, you encounter a similar problem, it means that it’s the Internet connection that’s malfunctioning. The only way out is to change the service provider.

If it’s just a matter of tanks, then another reason needs to be found out and eliminated.

Why is the ping in world of tanks high?

To know what ping depends on, the user needs to calculate the travel time from the request to the return response. If the waiting time drags on for a long time, this indicates a low quality connection, the problem of which lies either in the server or along the path from the server to the computer.

There is a division into low ping and high ping. If the signal delay is quite long, this ping is called high; otherwise, with a quick response to a request, the ping for the user is low. If a user has any problems with the network, he can identify them using ping.
The lower the ping rate, the faster the computer’s performance, the data exchange speed is much higher, and working in such conditions is a pleasure. Average ping values ​​fluctuate around 100-120 milliseconds. If this figure goes beyond 150, it is very difficult to work, let alone play World of Tanks with such indicators. Such a game will not bring pleasure due to numerous lags and slowdowns. If the ping has crossed the 1000 ms mark, working on the network is simply impossible, these are unrealistic numbers.

There are ways you can check your ping and find out why high ping in world of tanks prevents you from playing normally

You can use the command line to determine ping. It’s up to you to do this through the “Start” menu or using the Win+R keyboard shortcut; you just need to enter the “cmd” command in the line.

The black window that opens is intended for entering commands; here we enter Ping and the IP address of the site or specific network that needs to be monitored. After confirming the command, the computer itself will send requests to the appropriate address and produce the final result.

To evaluate the response rate, it is necessary to compare the number of units sent and responses to requests. After analyzing, we get a real picture of the quality of the Internet connection.

The server receives 4 different information blocks, each of which contains its own information, then general statistics are displayed confirming the response time, the size of the information block and the total waiting time for the server to respond to requests. Here you need to find out how much the losses are, and find out whether there are any problems in sections of the network or not. If the loss is 0%, then there is no reason to worry, you have an excellent Internet connection.

Why is the ping high in World of Tanks?

For a novice Internet user, it is imperative to know the basic ping commands, there are only a few of them.

Pingtest is a special program for determining the operation of the server and detecting possible problems that may arise when setting up a DNS server. In order to run diagnostics, enter the domain name and server IP address into the ping command. We do all this through the command line, writing the command in the following format: “ping_domain name_IP”. After processing the information, the computer shows the number of transmitted blocks, the transmission and reception speed, the ratio of requests sent and responses received.

Tracert - this program is able to establish the path of blocks to the specified host. Using this ping command, you can find out exactly how many servers the information entering your computer passes through, and in which of them it may be lost. But the maximum number of nodes that are tested is 30 units.

Everything is written on the command line according to the same principle as in the previous program: “Tracert_Domain name (IP address)”.

Determining the reason why ping fluctuates is not entirely easy.

The jump run-up during the game can be 4 – 200 milliseconds. There are many options for why the ping is high in World of Tanks and they are all varied. This could be an overload of a particular server or its low bandwidth, disruptions in the router, poor quality of the Internet connection, etc.

First, you need to check whether a torrent is running on your computer - a special program for downloading various files. Even if you are not downloading anything at a given time, files may be distributed, and this also interferes with work and overloads the channel.

Secondly, if problems arise with the normal functioning of the World of Tanks game, then perhaps the system requirements of your computer are weak.

For gamers, you need to approach the choice of video card, process and amount of RAM quite responsibly.

Thirdly, you may not need to change some of the components of your computer, but it will be enough to free up space on the disk where the system is located. Try defragmenting to improve game quality and restore normal ping.

The next step is to set the minimum parameters in the game graphics. You can turn off some of the special effects, such as swaying vegetation or smoke. Or install a special mod that will change the game interface in accordance with the power of the PC.

Well, the easiest way is to change the game server. Perhaps it is your server that is feeling overloaded at the moment.

How to improve ping in world of tanks

There are several effective ways that every fan of playing tanks should take note.

The simplest thing that can be changed is the Internet service provider, that is, the ISP. Perhaps this is due to poor coverage of this particular operator, or perhaps you just need to change your tariff package.

You will choose a faster tariff with more optimal conditions, but of course you will have to pay a little extra for it. However, it’s up to you to decide: get good speed and comfortable games or save money by being nervous about constant ping surges. If you are using a USB modem, this can also become an obstacle to quality gaming. In this case, it is worth looking at a model that is more reliable and more suitable for work and entertainment.

Another important role is played by the server you choose. How to improve ping in world of tanks using a server?

You need to choose the one that is closest to your location. For example, when playing World of Tanks in Moscow, it is better if the server is in the same city. The ping will increase if you connect to a St. Petersburg server. And using the Tracert program, you can monitor the situation with the number of routers located in the connection interval with the server. The more there are on the way to the server, the higher the ping will be, and the lower the game speed, respectively. If you want nothing to distract you on your way to winning the game, especially ping spikes, approach the analysis of all the nuances responsibly.

Sometimes updating drivers to the latest versions can help lower ping rates. These actions will help improve the performance of not only the operating system, but also all applications on the computer. First, you need to start updating your video card drivers; you need to look for them only on official websites, so as not to harm your computer even more by picking up malicious viruses. You can look for the latest versions of DirectX and only then continue optimization.

After updates, be sure to scan your computer for viruses and disable the antivirus, because its operation consumes a lot of resources, and during the game it will slow down the entire process, interfering with victory.

In addition to the antivirus, there are many more background programs, for example, torrent, which also consume traffic and increase ping. It will be extremely high if you download files and listen to the radio while playing, so this nuance is also worth taking into account.

High ping in World of Tanks

If the ping readings in the upper left corner of the game are still treacherously high, you are unable to buy a new computer with higher parameters, and your ISP is stable, you can pay attention to the operation of the antivirus and fix some things. It is because of the antivirus that some lags occur, the game slows down and the high ping in the World of Tanks game interferes. The problem may arise due to functional components that are embedded in all modern antivirus programs. So, which of the two problems might you have or are both problems interfering?

The first component is heuristic analysis. This is the name of a program’s ability to detect even previously unknown malicious viruses. The program takes these unknown signatures from the global network, taking on colossal power of both the computer and the Internet connection.

The second problem is the firewall built into the antivirus, which bans all suspicious sites and connections, limiting access to them. It happens that the firewall perceives the game World of Tanks as malicious content and does not allow visiting it. The best solution would be to disable both of these programs, because both of them can interfere unexpectedly.

The returns in torrents also have a lot of weight, because often it is because of this file downloading program that a high ping appears. The principle of this program is not only to download, but also to distribute downloaded files in the future. Uploading loads Internet resources no less than downloading files, so there are two options for how to deal with this situation: limit the upload speed by setting the minimum mark in the parameters, or disable this application completely. You can turn it off only for a while while you are playing World of Tanks, but it is better not to use it in parallel with the game in order to save time.

There is another way to optimize the game client

For those who encounter various glitches in the game, graphics jerks during an important battle, shells fly past the tank you were aiming at - these are all high pings that interfere with the gameplay. In the game settings, you need to find graphic options that should be lowered to average, remove some special effects, the absence of which you will hardly notice in the game. Such simple actions can be very effective in the fight for a feeling of gaming comfort.

How to reduce ping in World of Tanks

Another of the nuances that affects ping in the game is the operation of the firewall, which is built into the OS. If, after diagnosing the ping, you tried to disable the torrent, checked the antivirus to block WOT, and its indicators are still high, you need to try another method - examine the firewall. It works on the principle of an antivirus program, collecting data about sites, limiting them or blocking particularly suspicious ones. His performance is slightly lower, but this does not prevent him from influencing the ping. To disable its action, you need to go through Start to the Control Panel, open the special operating system and security section and click the “Disable” button.

There are as many ways to reduce ping in World of Tanks as there are reasons for high rates. Having ruled out one problem, you need to look for other options. The provider, poor connection quality, low computer performance - all this greatly affects the ping and interferes with normal gaming.

There are useful programs that will help reduce ping automatically, without performing any settings or diagnostics.

The most popular of them is the FosSpeed ​​program. This utility is intended not only for the world of tanks, but also for other online games.

The program is installed in the usual way, by downloading and running. Let's describe the method of use a little.
After installing the program, you need to right-click in the track and find the settings item. We go into the settings, and a list with various items opens in front of you, many of which we will not need at all, so we will not dwell on these nuances.

We look for the MTU item in the list of settings, which we set to automatic mode. This is very easy to do: at the bottom of the program there are two fields related to this item, they need to be checked.

Next, we find the section with programs, go to the “games” item and a new window opens in front of us. From the list of games, select the one we need “worldoftanks.exe” and use the slider to set the priority to high, after which we save all the settings. Now you can enter the world of tanks and enjoy a high-quality game with normal ping. You don't need to do anything else, the program works automatically.

There are many more similar programs, and if this one does not help you, you can always use another one. Perhaps it will be more effective and improve ping rates.

How to increase ping in World of Tanks

Similar to the previous program, Leatrix Latency Fix has the same operating principle. We also download and install it on the computer, agreeing with all the actions suggested along the way. After the program is installed, the PC needs to be rebooted in order to activate the software functions of automatic ping regulation.

Another program called WOT Pinger is not intended to reduce ping, it is only an assistant in choosing the right server with low ping. This program can only be used in conjunction with others in order to make the game more enjoyable and entertaining and prevent the process of increasing ping in World of Tanks.

Gaming performance can be improved by the recent advice of the game developers, who have posted some recommendations on the website. For everyone who uses the Windows operating system, except for the XP version, you need to run the command line as an administrator.

This is quite simple to do: click “Start”, in the “Run” field write cmd and press Enter. A black window with the same inscription appears on the screen, you need to right-click on it and in the dialog box that opens, select run with administrator rights. Next, a new window opens, in which we write the following text “bcdedit/set increaseuserva*”. Instead of an asterisk, we indicate the amount of RAM of the device you are playing on.

This combination limits the memory consumed by applications.

It is most effective to introduce indicators that are lower than real ones

After all the manipulations have been completed, we simply reboot the system. To return the previous settings, you will have to do all the same steps, but there will be no indicators in place of the numerical value. Such actions are aimed at increasing ping and fps.

If your ping indicators do not exceed 100 milliseconds, then you do not need to optimize the process, because this figure is the norm. Fluctuations from 10 to 100 are common for online games, including the world of tanks. You can’t do this better, and why would you? When the ping goes beyond 100, there is a reason for an immediate reaction and you need to try to understand the reasons for such jumps. There are enough tricks and manipulations to tame it; you just need to choose the simplest and most suitable method for you. Start your search for ping problems by checking the speed of your Internet connection and the quality of your provider's services.

Ping jumps in world of tanks

Tips for optimizing your computer's ping and performance will help normalize your gaming experience. The reason why the ping in world of tanks fluctuates may be trivial and lie in incorrect factory settings or your mistakes during manual configuration. You can reset the settings to standard and manually adjust the settings again.

If it is not possible to perform these steps yourself, there is help from special specialists. You can contact the office of your Internet provider or any other service.

There are also many everyday programs that use Internet resources and thereby increase ping.

To communicate between friends and allies, instead of Skype, it is better to use other programs that consume less traffic. This could be RaidCall or the well-known Team Speak.

Perhaps, if the parameters are insufficient for a full game, the system settings of the game will have to be lowered slightly. This will help the ping go down to normal, and you will hardly feel any changes. The movement of trees, smoke and some other special effects are not so significant in tank battles. Less intense graphics will not take away those indescribable sensations from the awards received in incomparable battles and battles for victory. This option is much more budget-friendly and will save you money from buying a new computer. If possible, you can simply increase the RAM of your device.

To get rid of constant ping spikes, you can try working with the registry. This will again require the command line. In it we enter the following text “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\”. This is the interface that provides connection from the PC to the Internet, which is located in this file.

Next, in the right corner of the field, right-click to create a line called TcpAckFrequency. We repeat the steps with RMB, select “Change”, check the box and enter 1. Next, restart the computer so that the ping indicators decrease.

How does it work? It's simple: TcpAckFrequency is designed specifically to determine the most optimal sending frequency to confirm messages. With a minimum parameter of 1, confirmation will arrive literally in 200 milliseconds. After such manipulations, the computer's performance will not increase, but the game will speed up by 2 times. You may experience slow speeds when downloading or transferring files, but the choice is yours: low ping or fast data transfer.

How to lower ping in world of tanks

Very often, the causes of high ping are local problems on the computer. How to solve them?
First, let's check the network activity of all available programs. You can do this using the task manager. In the “applications” tab we can observe all the data on network traffic consumption. The leader among them may be an antivirus, which periodically updates virus databases and signatures, using up most of the Internet resource. But such updates are not permanent, so you can wait for the updates or perform them after playing tanks. Its network activity is unlikely to interfere with a comfortable game and will not slow down the gaming process.

Recommended requirements:
Windows operating system of any version;
The amount of RAM must be at least 1.5 GB. This figure is enough for Windows XP, but for another version, for example, Vista or 7, the volume should be more than 2 GB;
processor – 2.2 GHz;
the audio card must be compatible with the DirectX 9.0c video adapter, which must have more than 256 MB of memory - GeForce 6800GT or ATI X800;
hard drive with free space – 3.5 GB;
It is also necessary to compare the Internet speed – 128 Kb/sec and no less.

If your system performance is inferior to these requirements, you should not even make any attempts to improve graphics or look for other reasons. This option only requires a complete upgrade or purchase of a new computer.

Next, we check the software and game drivers. It is updating these programs to the latest version that often speeds up the gameplay and eliminates lags and slowdowns. To avoid picking up viruses, you need to download the latest versions and updates only from official websites.

If these methods do not help, move on to client optimization. Using the settings in the game, we turn off unnecessary effects, remove high levels of clarity and smoothness of objects in the picture, thereby reducing the ping.

Another important reason may be the speed of the Internet connection.

If you have a proven and reliable Internet provider, then you will not have a question about how to reduce the ping in World of Tanks. But if the tariff plan you use or the Internet service provider does not allow you to handle the game’s capacity, you need to reconsider your views on the service. Either purchase another higher-speed service package, or change provider.

Additionally, you can install third-party software in the form of special programs that can optimize the ping on your gaming device and thereby improve the speed. Such programs will also select a freer server for you for a comfortable game.

Taken together, all these tips can give an excellent result, but it’s still better to figure out the cause of low ping and lags in the game rather than installing and optimizing the game to such an extent using all the tips.

To solve the problem with connection drops and high ping, read the following points and follow the instructions.

If you play via Wi-Fi, or have a wired connection to a router, or an ADSL modem

  1. Reboot your router.
  2. If you are connected to the router via Wi-Fi, try connecting to the router via a wire.
  3. If possible, try connecting to the network “directly”, without a router.
  4. The ADSL modem can be switched to bridge mode. The sequence of actions depends on the modem model and the features of the provision of services by your Internet provider.
  5. If the previous tips did not help, use the services of another provider.

If you are playing via 3G/4G

  1. Pay attention to the signal level. Make sure it is as high as possible.
  2. Check that your modem works on 3G/4G networks.
  3. Unload the channel as much as possible. Turn off the torrent client (after that you need to wait 10 minutes).
  4. Restart your Internet connection.
  5. If the previous tips did not help, try using the services of a different mobile operator.

If you are playing through an office network

  1. Contact your network administrator.
  2. Use alternative connection methods.
Our game servers are located in Europe

Please take this fact into account. If you are located geographically far away, connection problems may be caused by the loss of network packets with information along a too long route from your computer to the game servers.

To find a solution to the problem, let’s first understand what the subject of our question is. In online games, which include World of Tanks, ping is the time during which data from the server passes to the client. This parameter is measured in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second), and the lower this number, the smoother and faster your gameplay will be.

In games from Wargaming There is also such a parameter as ping. The presence of lags and friezes will depend on its size. In simple terms, the lower your ping, the better. If its performance is high, you will experience problems with your gaming experience and the smoothness of the game; lags, freezes, and freezes will appear.

Why does the ping in World of Tanks fluctuate?

The reasons for frequent changes in FPS and ping may be:

  • Communication channel occupied by other users
  • Router overload on the way to the game server
  • A large number of players or game sessions overloading the game server.

You can determine specific reasons using special programs, such as PingPlotter, allowing you to quickly find the main causes of delays and braking.

What does ping depend on in World of Tanks?

Many factors can cause your gaming session to slow down or speed up, but ping mainly depends on your internet connection provider. Why is the ping high? WoT?

  • Optimizing, protective or accelerating programs that overload the system. For example, various firewalls, firewalls, and some antiviruses.
  • The condition of your cable.
  • A server that accepts a request from a user.
  • Computer specifications.
  • Distance to remote server
  • Intentional choice by a player of a non-regional server
  • Communication quality for a specific user
  • Overloading the server with a large number of users simultaneously in the game
  • External reasons

The ping value may vary from server to server. In order to find out which server has the lowest ping, you can:

  • View in the game itself when selecting a server
  • Use the program Wot Ping Server
  • By using the application Wot Ping Clusters

How to lower ping in World of Tanks?

There are several ways to reduce ping in the game. We will look at the most effective of them.

  • Visit only those servers that are located close to you. For example, for users in Ukraine or Belarus, the fastest connection will be to a server in Moscow, and players from Novosibirsk should try a server in Krasnoyarsk. If you have problems with your server, you can try switching to another one, which will help remove your ping. The servers and their domains located in Europe and Russia are listed below:
Name Location Domain
RU1 Russia Moscow login.p1.worldoftanks.net
RU2 Russia Moscow login.p2.worldoftanks.net
RU3 Netherlands, Amsterdam login.p3.worldoftanks.net
RU4 Novosibirsk, Russia login.p4.worldoftanks.net
RU5 Russia Moscow login.p5.worldoftanks.net
RU6 Russia Moscow login.p6.worldoftanks.net
RU7 Russia Moscow login.p7.worldoftanks.net
RU8 Russia, Krasnoyarsk login.p8.worldoftanks.net
RU9 Netherlands, Amsterdam login.p9.worldoftanks.net
  • Problems can also arise from external causes : dust inside the system unit; presence of unnecessary programs; hard drive contamination.
  • Changing your ISP may be the answer to your problem. Try asking your friends/neighbors/acquaintances, those who encountered the problem of high ping and were able to solve it. After which you can begin to identify the problem with knowledge of all the issues.
  • Reducing graphics settings. If you do not have the most powerful PC and you are not satisfied with the quality of the connection to the server, then you may need to think about changing the graphics settings. This will reduce the amount of data required to be sent to the server. You can find several modifications for the World of Tanks game, like WoT Tweaker, that will help you improve performance by disabling some effects, such as clouds in the sky, smoke from a gun after a shot, etc., which will also help you remove ping in " tanks."
  • Installation of special software , aimed at increasing performance, will allow you to set maximum priority to some processes, in return reducing the flow of traffic to others. One of the most famous such programs is cFosSpeed.
  • Experimenting with system settings can have a negative impact not only on the game itself, but also on the performance of your PC. You should approach this with caution, and if you are not confident in your abilities and do not have complete confidence in the stability of your computer, then it is not worth it at all.
  • Checking your computer for viruses can also be useful. The likelihood of a traffic-consuming virus getting onto your PC is extremely low, but checking won’t be superfluous, especially if, in addition to problems with the Internet, you also have other errors.

All these tips will help you reduce the ping value in the game and normalize the process of your game.

What should the World of Tanks ping be?

Range 10 to 40 milliseconds is the most optimal indicator in WoT. If your ping is higher 40 , but lower 100 – you can rest assured that your option does not go beyond the average. Starting from the indicator in 100 milliseconds You may experience slight lags and delays. When the number exceeds 200, you are advised to look for ways to reduce it, because the game will most likely not be comfortable for you.
To demonstrate it more clearly:

  • from 10 to 40 is an excellent indicator, with it you can get the full gaming experience
  • 40~100 – average value, comfortable for most players
  • 100+ with this indicator your gaming experience will be inferior
  • If the indicator is 200+, it’s worth thinking about solving the problem.

Your task is to choose the server that is geographically closest to you, which will be helped by the table above and the tips described in the article.

How to measure ping in a game?

There are several ways to help you do this.

  • Using the command line. This well-known method is used not only to determine the ping value in the game itself, but is also widely used for various purposes, for example, in setting up a network.
  • Using the services of special Internet services. Several dozen special sites will provide you with services to measure your Internet connection, download speed, output, and ping.
  • View in the game itself. Tools for measuring the value of the desired parameter can be found in most games, which will allow you to find out its value directly during the gameplay itself. The counter can be found in the upper corner, next to the FPS value display.

Below we have tried to list some of the most popular questions on the topic and provide answers to them.

I tried the tips provided in the article but was still unable to lower my ping. What should I do?

If none of the methods presented fails to solve your problem, do not despair, try going to the official forum of the game, where both ordinary users and competent specialists from Wargaming technical support will help you solve your individual problem.

I do not live in Russia or neighboring countries, which server should I use?

In addition to servers located in the CIS, there are also representatives located in Korea, the USA and Europe. If you are a resident of one of these regions, then the best solution for you would be to connect to the server that is closest to you.

I have a good provider and a powerful PC, but the ping still fluctuates, interfering with the gameplay, what could be the reason?

Many players are faced with the fact that their favorite World of Tanks works very slowly or even lags. Of course, this is very annoying and does not allow you to fully enjoy the process. This article will help you figure out what is causing the game to slow down, whether reducing the ping will help, what this indicator is responsible for and why it is so important.

Hardware and software.

First, you need to make sure that your computer meets the World of Tanks system requirements; they are not difficult to find on the Internet. If the hardware power is not enough, then there is no way to do without a serious improvement. To increase game performance, you must first lower the graphics settings. Next, you can increase the number of frames per second by installing the latest drivers for your video card. But remember that you need to download them only from the official websites of hardware manufacturers, so that everything works correctly and does not pick up viruses. It is also recommended to update DirextX and Microsoft NetFramework. In some cases, this will have a positive effect on the ping value.

Reasons for increased ping.

Ping– this is the time during which a data packet from your computer reaches the game server and returns back. With a high ping, World of Tanks will behave as if the computer power is not enough for it, that is, it will slow down and freeze. When the value does not exceed 100, then you will enjoy playing. This parameter may increase for the following reasons.

The most common thing is poor Internet speed. If you can play normally using a 3G modem (ping 100 - 200), then with EDGE it’s simply unbearable (ping 500 - 600).

Also, make sure that the Internet channel is not loaded with any browsers, torrents, antivirus updates and other similar programs. The server itself can also be overloaded when a lot of people log on to it at once, usually in the evening. The entire system can slow down if it is infected with viruses and spyware.

Several methods to solve the problem.

Try changing your 3G Internet provider. Your service provider may have a speed limit on your data plan. Or you live far from a dedicated Internet line.

Install the Wot Ping Server application. This program will allow you to choose the server that best suits you. The fact is that the closer the server is geographically to you, the faster the ping. For example, RU1,RU2,RU5,RU6 are located in Moscow, RU4 - in Novosibirsk, RU3 - in Munich, and RU7 - in Amsterdam. Some mods also allow you to see information about the average ping on a separate server.

Another application that will allow you lower ping in World of Tanks– this is CFossSpeed. This program allows you to optimize ping and can increase throughput. When you install the software, do not rush to launch the game. Find the program shortcut in the tray, right-click, select “traffic adjustment”, and then “best ping time”. This program also allows us to prioritize the application we need. To do this, you need to go to the “programs” section, and then to “games”. Select the worldoftank.exe process and move the slider upward. Thus, the ping value will decrease even more.

You can also use the Leatrix Latency Fix program. It, like the previous option, speeds up the operation of online games, but it is even easier to use. Download, click install and confirm everything the application wants.

Well, we have listed the most common options for reducing ping in World of Tanks. But remember that these programs do not reduce the value by 3 times, because the performance of online games still depends on the speed of the Internet, the distance to the server and its capabilities. If you come across information that an application will reduce ping by many times, this is 100% some kind of virus.

High ping in World of Tanks is a common problem.

Ping is the delay in receiving a response from the server. This is the time during which the signal sent by the client reaches the game server and returns back. Ping is measured in milliseconds(1000 ms = 1 s) and is always displayed during battle in the upper left corner of the screen near the FPS counter.

What is normal ping? Best ping – up to 60 ms(usually marked in green). WITH 60-120 ms(orange or yellow) can also be played, but there will be periodic twitching. If the value rises above 120 ms(red), you can forget about comfortable gameplay.

With high ping it becomes impossible to play normally. Lags, freezes, and freezes appear. The number of frames per second decreases. The shots are delayed for 1-2 seconds, and the enemy manages to move away from the sight.

Sound familiar? There is a solution.

Why is the ping high: diagnosing the problem

To understand how to lower the ping in World of Tanks, you must first understand why it is increased. The reasons may be as follows.

  • Channel busy. If, in parallel with the game, data is downloaded from the network (for example, files from a torrent), it will take up most of the Internet speed. Because of this, the client may not have time to process the required number of network packets, and the ping in WOT will increase. This applies not only to downloads, but also to voice communications such as Skype. Also, the reason may be background updates of programs, antivirus or the operating system itself. In this case, the ping will be unstable even with good internet.
  • Router overloaded. One of the routers on the way to the server cannot cope with the volume of data. This situation occurs when several users use the same WI-FI router.
  • Server overload. Due to too many players online, the server may not have time to process data, which will lead to ping spikes.
  • Distance to server. The farther the game server is from the player, the longer the signal will take to reach it. That is, if you are from Russia and the server is located in the USA, the ping will be high and unstable.
  • Unstable connectionWi-Fi/mobile 3G/satellite internet. Wireless networks often experience interference that interferes with data transmission. Because of this, the ping in World of Tanks may periodically fluctuate. For online games, it is recommended to use a wired connection.
  • Internet speed. If the Internet speed is low, the client may not have time to send/receive network packets. Accordingly, the delay - ping - in the game will be increased. The best solution in this case is to change the tariff or provider.
  • The computer is too weak. We are talking about the power of the processor and video card. If it is insufficient, the PC simply does not have enough system resources to send/receive/process the signal. Ping in WOT on weak devices is almost always too high.
  • Viruses that eat traffic. This is extremely unlikely, but there may be viruses on the computer that are transmitting some data to the network in the background or interfering with the normal sending of network packets. It makes sense to conduct a full scan of your PC with an antivirus.

Now about diagnostics.

Checking the ping of World of Tanks servers

Information about the location of all WOT game servers is freely available. For your convenience, I will list the Russian addresses below.


  1. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU1 (Russia, Moscow)
  2. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU2 (Russia, Moscow)
  3. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU3 (Germany, Frankfurt)
  4. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU4 (Russia, Ekaterinburg)
  5. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU5 (Russia, Moscow)
  6. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU6 (Russia, Moscow)
  7. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU7 (Russia, Moscow)
  8. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU8 (Russia, Krasnoyarsk)
  9. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU9 (Russia, Khabarovsk)
  10. login.pworldoftanks.net– RU10 (Kazakhstan, Pavlodar)

There are a number of programs that check and show the ping of WOT servers (you can find them below). But there is an easier way to find out the delay time without downloading or installing anything.

This way you can check any server, not just the ping in World of Tanks.

Your task is to choose a server with the lowest ping from those closest geographically to play. This can be done in a couple of minutes using the described method and the table of server locations from the official WOT wiki, the link to which is given above. But what to do, the server is close, but the ping still fluctuates?

Diagnosis of the cause of delays

To determine why the ping in World of Tanks is fluctuating, there are 2 programs. If you are not an IT specialist, there is no point in understanding them in depth. All you need to do is create reports and send them to Wargaming support. The Belarusians clearly wrote about how to do this in the official World of Tanks help.

  • PingPlotter. A program specifically for network diagnostics. WG wrote about how to set it up and create a report.
  • WGCheck. This application was developed by Wargaming itself for network diagnostics, checking the integrity of the game client and similar tasks. You can download the program on this page. Instructions for creating a report are also given there.

If you have a powerful computer, good Internet, and the ping is off the charts for some unknown reason, create 2 reports using the programs listed and send them to the Wargaming Control Center. Our specialists will quickly find the problem and tell you what to do next. In most cases this is the most effective solution.

How to lower ping in World of Tanks

What can you do yourself?

  1. Change server. At the beginning of the article, we found out what ping should ideally be - up to 60 ms. Choose a server with the lowest ping and play on it.
  2. Lower graphics settings. Visual excesses load not only the video card, but also the processor. You will practically not feel their absence in the game, but the ping in World of Tanks may decrease. If everything is really bad with the hardware, you can use a mod WOT Tweeker . It will kill WOT graphics to Tetris levels, thereby increasing performance and decreasing ping.
  3. Disable antivirus/firewall/firewall. Constant traffic checks by antivirus protection can cause high ping in World of Tanks. Disable them while playing or add the game itself to exceptions.
  4. Scan your PC for viruses. The likelihood that malware and spyware are eating your traffic is negligible, but it can't hurt to be 100% sure.
  5. Update drivers. In particular, the video card driver. As mentioned above, poor performance can cause ping spikes and increases.

Some sites advise making changes to the registry or limiting the RAM consumed by the WOT client via the command line. It's not worth doing this . At least until we receive a response from Wargaming technical support. Damage to the registry can lead to the fact that you will have to reinstall Windows, and what has to do with pinging RAM is generally unclear...