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Why does the Internet drag on? Why the Internet slows down and how to fix it

Today, almost no apartment or private house can do without home Internet, which provides unlimited Internet access from all connected devices. Unfortunately, not every user can boast of high-speed and stable Internet. Below we will talk about a few simple tips that will slightly improve the quality of the Internet.

Most likely, the tips given in the article will seem quite banal to many users. But if it is not possible to increase the quality of the Internet by switching to a more expensive tariff or to another provider, then such recommendations may be the only way out of the situation.

Users who complain about low Internet speeds often do not take into account the number of network programs running on different computers (devices).

For example, if computers connected to the network use torrent clients that are currently “downloading” files, then one should not be surprised that sometimes even a web page cannot load normally in the browser. If possible, to check whether software is causing your slow internet speed, close all network programs on devices connected to your home network.

To monitor programs that consume Internet traffic, there is a large selection of programs, for example, NetLimiter. If necessary, in this program you can create a limit on the amount of traffic consumed by programs, although, as a rule, when it comes to programs with an increased appetite for traffic, they have built-in tools for limiting speed.

If a problem with brakes while surfing the web occurs, for example, on a computer, but on other devices everything works quite correctly, you should suspect viral activity, which in most cases affects the network.

First, check your computer for threats using the scanning function of your antivirus or, for example, using the free Dr.Web CureIt utility.

Additionally, you should check the hosts file - and if changes are detected in it, you will need to return it to its previous form. This is described in more detail on the official Microsoft website.

Again, such a problem should only be observed in relation to the computer on which the antivirus is installed, and not to all devices connected to the network as a whole.

Any antivirus includes various tools that allow you to scan and protect various aspects of the operating system. In particular, an antivirus can perform network scanning aimed at ensuring security during web surfing, but as many users note, it is the antivirus that can lead to slowdowns on the Internet.

To check whether your antivirus is the culprit in this situation, try disabling it for a while, and then check the functionality of the Internet. If it really has improved, you should open the antivirus settings, in particular, you are interested in the network scanning functions, and disable these tools.

Many users, for example, who independently connected their home Internet, are faced with the problem of low Internet speed, which can arise due to cable damage.

If you know that the Internet cable has fractures, twists, kinks or other damage, you should definitely call a technician from your provider who can test the throughput of your cable and, if necessary, replace it.

Often, users have been using old equipment for years, but at the same time they continue to be surprised that they are the owners of one of the low Internet speeds in the city.

First, check your current tariff and connection speed. For example, if in your case you use an ADSL connection, then you should not count on speeds higher than 11 Mbit.

If the Internet speed matches (or is close to) that stated by the provider in your tariff, then you should pay attention to the latest tariffs: the provider often provides high-speed Internet at a much lower cost and includes the necessary equipment completely free of charge.

If in your case the Internet connection is made exclusively via wire, then this is not your case.

At the same time, if you suspect that uninvited guests are connecting to your wireless network, especially when you have an obvious password for the wireless network or you don’t have one at all, you should try changing your Wi-Fi password. If you don’t know how this task is performed for your router, try performing a search query indicating the model of your router - probably instructions for correctly changing the Wi-Fi password are already available on the Internet.

When faced with a problem in the performance of the Internet, you should not take all the headache on yourself - this problem also affects your provider. If you find it difficult to understand what caused the Internet speed to slow down and slow down, you should not delay calling your provider.

What is the reason and what to do

Below we list common reasons that lead to Internet slowdowns and methods for eliminating them.

First of all check:

  • whether the torrent client is enabled on this computer or any other computer on your local network;
  • Are OS updates or other software being downloaded on any of the computers on the local network?

1. Malicious software on your computer.

This is especially true for malicious browser extensions. If, in addition to a decrease in the loading speed of web pages, you also notice the appearance of advertising banners in your browser, then most likely your computer is infected with malware.

View the list of installed extensions in each browser. If found, remove the following malicious extensions:

  • iWebar
  • 2. Traces of malware activity after its removal

    Even if the anti-virus scan results in a clean computer, follow these steps:

    3. Viruses on another computer on the local network

    Perform virus scans on other computers on the network. A network attack may be coming from a nearby computer, as a result of which the network and the Internet may be slow and unstable. To scan computers on the network for viruses, the same programs that are indicated in paragraph 1 are suitable.

    4. Failure on the router or access point.

    • Check that the settings of your router or access point are correct.
    • Reboot your router to eliminate the possibility of crashes or freezing.
    • Make a router (modem, access point). , indicating the correct settings for your Internet provider.
    • Try updating the firmware of your router or access point. Proceed by analogy with.

    Updating the firmware rarely helps with this problem. If the Internet previously worked normally on this firmware, then most likely the problem is not with it. However, Sometimes Still, the router fails, which can only be cured by flashing it.

    5. Network adapter problem

    • network adapter. Sometimes a network adapter can work with a non-native driver, but it is unstable and at low speed.
    • Try connecting through a different network adapter, if possible.
    • Try replacing the network adapter if possible.

    6. Hacking a Wi-Fi network

    The Internet may also be slow if third parties have accessed your Wi-Fi network and are using your channel.

    Check if someone else has connected to your network:

    If you find an unknown device on the network, change the WiFi network security key using a new one. Prohibit remote login to the web interface of the router and access point.

    Dmitry has the following problem:

    “The Internet is terribly slow! Changed Windows! hard formatted! Internet via the network! On an old laptop, the Internet works much faster"

    Micah has this:

    “The computer reboots spontaneously and freezes”

    Let's start with Dmitry's problem.

    The very first thing you need to do is look at the network activity, right-click on the network connection - status and see how quickly the sent/received bytes increase. If it’s very fast or just fast, but you’re not doing anything at the moment, it means some program is downloading something:

    1. No matter how good ours is, nevertheless, for the sake of a clear conscience, it is necessary to check it with a third party; one of the leaders in the field of testing and treating the system is Dr. Web CureIT. Download via direct link - download.geo.drweb.com/pub/drweb/cureit/drweb-cureit.exe You can also use . Weber also analyzes the file hosts, which viruses like to change. There are no viruses, let's move on.

    2. Sometimes the reason that the Internet slows down is an antivirus or firewall. With its help, the antivirus checks information on the fly. Naturally, this affects the connection speed. Of course, not all antiviruses slow down the Internet too much, but there are some that do. Disable your antivirus firewall or firewall and measure the speed. If this is the problem, consider changing or fine-tuning your antivirus/firewall.

    3. Problem with the network card. Try to force the network card to set to 10Mbps mode, be sure to Full Duplex, this is enabled in the network card settings, additional tab, Speed&Duplex or Connection Type section. It didn’t help - install another network card to check how the Internet works on it.

    Try all these methods if nothing helps and you have a wifi router, for example, have you secured your connection, are your neighbors downloading through you?

    In our information age, it is difficult to imagine a company, enterprise, office, even home, without the Internet. A reliable, fast network for the Kemerovo office will be installed by a professional company. The Internet has entered all areas of our lives, becoming one of the factors that directly influences efficiency and success. Contact network companies and providers who can provide the quality of their networks and round-the-clock support.

    Now with Mikha.

    The very first thing to do is look into Windows Events. Right-click on my computer - manage - view windows events. We look at the logs - applications and system. We look for critical errors and analyze them.

    You also need to check your computer for viruses, step number one from the problem above.

    Also remember when the problems started, perhaps new drivers were installed, or a device was added (RAM, etc.), or a program was installed. Check to see if the power to the outlet is interrupted.

    We live in an age when everyone has forgotten about carrier pigeons and messengers, but you can live comfortably without leaving your home. In an age when the word “teleportation” is not a joke. I don’t know why, but it’s quite unfortunate that in the era of high technology we have to watch how video on the Internet slows down.

    Users complain that the Internet freezes at the most inopportune moments

    On the other hand, there is nothing terrible or unusual in the fact that from time to time your computer or laptop slows down and the Internet speed drops. Why does this happen and what can be done about it? Let's try to figure it out.

    So, if your Internet is slow, then do not rush to call support, because, most likely, you are the main culprit. Why? So, only you decide what your computer should do and store.

    First, we need to determine what speed we have now. There are specialized services to help you that will help you quickly find out the current speed of your Internet connection. After the measurement, leave yourself a note with the data - this will be a control result. After diagnosing each problem, take speed measurements and compare them with the control result to be sure to find out what the cause is.

    TOP reasons for internet slowdown:

    1. Viruses:

    Oh, these interesting “download without registration” links. Why is everyone itching to touch them? Most often, when you enter such a site or download files from them, you acquire diseases acquired through the Internet. They hide all kinds of Trojans, adware and much more, which not only slow down video on the Internet, but also significantly reduce the speed of the computer.

    The solution is simple - get yourself a set of anti-virus programs to clean your computer , and also install a stationary antivirus with constant protection. Contrary to popular belief, cacti on the monitor no longer protect you from new viruses.

    1. Antiviruses:

    Install - set, configure - forget. Yes, since this is protection, it can greatly reduce speed. And the stronger the “armor”, the more the Internet slows down.

    It's all about network screens. They check all information in real time, thereby trying to protect you from POIs and visits to suspicious sites.

    Measure the speed of your Internet connection with the antivirus turned on and off. If this is the reason, then you should think about either a new “blacksmith” whose protection will not burden you, or about high speed and the risk of being infected.

    1. Other software:

    Let's not forget about what we use ourselves, without thinking that the “background mode” is the very reason why video on the Internet is once again slowing down.

    The Internet was created to quickly and conveniently communicate and transmit information. But why should your computer and Internet connection take on excessive load? Applications that work in minimized mode - ICQ, [email protected], Skype, Viber, RaidCall, and other instant messengers and talkers - also use Internet channels, even if you do not use them, and they are minimized. Therefore, if you crave high Internet speed, then do not forget to free yourself from “unnecessary passengers”.

    Add-ons and all sorts of bars are the problem of those people who do not know how to refuse installer programs. As a result, they wonder why they only see half the screen. All these add-ons, for your information, can be easily disabled and removed in the Extensions and Add-ons sections.

    1. WiFi

    If your devices connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, then it would be a good idea to look into the router settings, adding all your devices to the list of MAC addresses and turning on the filter.

    One of the common reasons why the Internet slows down is multiple connections to the Wi-Fi network. Why not encrypt the channel if you really want to keep all the traffic and speed to yourself?

    Assemblies, assemblies, assemblies. Happiness for a home-grown computer technician who will reinstall the operating system for you, ignorant of computer matters, for a low price. At the same time, in the kit you get a whole set of incredibly “useful” programs. But in such assemblies, even more “background” operations happen behind your back. Various services, while performing their tasks, are “sucked” into the Internet and significantly reduce the data transfer speed.

    From here there are two ways out: the first is to disable services yourself; you can find methods on our website. And the second is installing a clean OS, followed by independent installation of the necessary software, and why not?

    1. Hardware Configuration

    Not the least issue is the modernity of your computer. After all, Internet technologies work to improve the quality of the material, and, therefore, to reproduce it. Therefore, when your video on the Internet slows down, think about whether your Pentium can handle Blu-ray?

    The main efforts fall on the video card and RAM, so do not forget to count the strength of your iron “beast”.

    1. Equipment malfunctions

    Well, the last thing that depends on you is the quality of equipment care. Don't be surprised that your Internet video is slow if your cat uses the Internet cable as dental floss. Why not remove all the wires under the baseboard?

    When was the last time you serviced your computer? When was the modem and router cleaned of dust? These are all good reasons for internet problems to start bothering you.

    A faulty network card can be checked by simply connecting the cable to another computer/laptop.

    Internet connection problems that have nothing to do with you:

    They can be explained by technical and maintenance work of the provider, broken wires, heavy load on the network due to a large number of connections, and much more that you cannot do anything about on your own. Therefore, when all the points have been checked and unchecked, feel free to call the provider and demand restoration of the declared speed (which, by the way, is always higher than the real one).

    What do we end up with?

    Slow Internet cannot always be blamed on the provider. For the most part, the problem starts with the user. We figured it out and found out the reasons why Internet speed may decrease, and now you can share your successes with us or ask questions!

    The performance of an online game is affected by many different factors. The text below provides a list of the main reasons or poor gaming performance.

    Connection speed

    If you use a modem to connect to the Internet and play online games, you may notice a much higher ping than other players. If you have a broadband Internet connection (high-speed Internet), but games still slow down, then you should check the speed of your Internet.

    Testing your internet speed will be helpful to determine if the high ping is due to your internet or the game server.


    The location of the server, its connection type and speed, and how many players are online on it all affect the gameplay. Below are a few tips to consider.

    • Look (ask), if all users have a high ping or latency, then most likely the server itself is slow, or the number of its players (online) exceeds what is allowed for a normal game.
    • Try an alternative server. Servers can be located in any part of the world, and if the one on which you play is very far from you (for example, in another country, mainland), then the ping to it will be higher.
    • Play the game at different times of the day. If the server is currently very busy with various events, tasks, or a large flow of players, then this reduces its performance and the game may slow down. It might be worth waiting and checking in later.


    Make sure you have all the latest updates for your game as well as the operating system you are using. Frequently updating the game to the latest version, updating drivers and operating system can improve the performance of both regular and online games.

    More crowded environment

    When entering an area with other players, your computer's resource consumption increases due to the need to load each character and their actions. If your computer's performance decreases significantly when there are other players on the screen, then you should lower the video quality in the game settings.

    How to check ping in an online game?

    In many online games, you can enable a function that will show you the connection delay with the game server. Unfortunately, there is no universal way to enable ping display in games. Therefore, you need to dig into the game settings (often, in the key settings), or you can ask other players how to check the ping in their game.

    How can I tell if my ping is high?

    As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the higher the ping or latency, the worse the connection to the server. However, whether you actually have a high ping compared to other players depends on the game and the server. Some online games have colored ping/latency indicators. For example, red ping is bad (high), yellow is normal, and green is good (fast or low ping).

    Is it possible to manually change the ping?

    Some games allow you to manually set your ping, or you can find hacks that will change your ping. However, such a change is just for show and will in no way improve the ping. But this method makes it possible to connect to a server that requires low ping.

    Insufficient video memory

    With games in general, if your computer doesn't have enough video memory to properly process and display the game world, the game will stutter, run slowly, and experience lag.

    In online games, a lack of video memory can lead to very low game performance and lags, since the computer will not be able to render (process) game graphics in time.

    To improve video performance, reduce its quality in the game's "video settings".

    Other reasons

    Games can also slow down or lag due to a small amount of RAM, a weak processor, viruses, bad pirated builds of games, enabled torrent clients, downloading files and other similar reasons.

    By the way, if you like to play games comfortably and don’t like to be distracted from them, then you might want to install a video intercom right next to your monitor. If so, you can find excellent models at http://neolight.in.ua/domofony/.

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