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Fertilizing raspberries during flowering and fruiting. Growing raspberries: repair and regular - planting, feeding, care What to feed raspberries during flowering

" Raspberries

Every gardener knows that raspberry bushes grow well and produce rich harvests in soils rich in chemicals. To create favorable conditions for this plant, it is important to choose the right fertilizers.

Fertilizing raspberries in the fall helps increase the yield. Organic and mineral substances added according to established rules are used as fertilizing.

Not only the raspberry fertilization calendar will help determine when fertilizing is required. The plant itself will tell you what exactly it lacks and which fertilizers are already superfluous. And you don’t have to be an experienced gardener to be able to identify the problem.

You need to carefully examine the bush, paying attention to changes in the color of the leaves., the thickness of the stems. Having discovered the problem in time, the owner will have time to solve it so that the lack/excess of fertilizers does not affect the yield. So, how does a bush signal a problem:

  • if the plant has weak and thin shoots, the foliage is small, this indicates phosphorus deficiency;
  • the appearance of yellow leaves with green veins indicates iron deficiency;
  • leaves grow poorly, turn yellow starting from the middle - add magnesium to the soil;
  • the bush looks burnt, has a brownish tint - low potassium. In this case, the plant may not survive the winter;
  • small, yellowing leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. In this case, the plants do not grow or do so too slowly and look drooping;
  • The leaf color is very dark, the shoots grow quickly - too much nitrogen. This leads to early shedding of berries and a decrease in yield.

Fertilizers for raspberries are needed annually, every season (except winter) - only under such conditions can you get a rich harvest of large berries. If the soil in the raspberry patch is clayey, one and a half times more fertilizer must be applied. If the soil is saturated with sand, fertilizing is required more often.

How to fertilize in the spring before fruiting?

Before spring fertilizing, it is important to prepare the bushes. First of all, trim the lower shoots. Pull out the weeds by hand and carefully loosen the top 10 cm layer of soil. This must be done so as not to injure the roots.

To have reason to expect a rich harvest, the application of mineral fertilizers in the spring is required. What fertilizers to apply in the fall for raspberries:

  • superphosphate– this fertilizer contains a huge amount of substances that are beneficial for plants: sulfur, potassium, magnesium and others. This fertilizer leads to increased raspberry yields, accelerated development, and increased resistance to various diseases;
  • potassium salt- nutritional substance. An excellent replacement for this fertilizer would be conventional ash, which, in addition to other benefits, does not contain chlorine, which has a negative effect on raspberries. It is recommended to apply dry or diluted;
  • nitrogen fertilizers. Urea and ammonium nitrate.

It is better to fertilize raspberries with minerals in a comprehensive manner. The best effect is obtained by using a mixture of 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonia sulfur and 40 g of wood ash. Mix all this in a bucket of water. Apply to the soil in two steps, with the second fertilizing done in the first month of summer.

It is worth keeping in mind that not every soil will benefit from any fertilizer. Therefore, it is better to analyze the agrochemical composition of the soil before applying it. And only based on its results can we draw conclusions about the application of specific types of fertilizers.

How to feed remontant raspberries in August?

How to feed raspberries in August, especially after fruiting? In the summer, at least a one-time application of fertilizer is required during the ripening period of the berries. Many gardeners recommend doing one more additional fertilization of the bushes - in June.

The plant should be saturated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. In addition, the bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate and boric acid. This cannot be done in sunny weather, but there is no point in spraying before it rains.

If desired, you can replace them with infused wood ash. To do this, pour 500 ml of ash onto 10 liters of hot water. You should not fertilize with nitrogen during this period - this will reduce the frost resistance of the shrub.

Fertilizer for raspberries in September

How to feed remontant raspberries in the fall after pruning? It is very important to fully feed the plant in the fall, since during the period of growth and fruiting it has consumed a considerable amount of nutrients. The lack of these elements leads to inhibition of development and reduced yield next year. Before application, carefully weed and loosen.

In the fall, organic matter should be added - it contains the necessary microelements. The bush easily assimilates such fertilizers, so it will meet spring healthy and full. The following fertilizers are most often used in the fall:

  • rotted manure. Gives strength to the bush during rapid growth in spring. In cold weather it will help to warm and keep the roots intact. Use 6 kg of manure per square of land;
  • rotted compost. It is in no way inferior in effectiveness to manure. In addition to saturation with valuable substances, it disinfects the soil. A good solution is the use of foliage, leaves, and vegetable waste;
  • peat. It slightly saturates the soil, but its value lies elsewhere - it improves the structure of the soil;
  • bird (chicken) droppings. Use an aqueous solution, evenly watering the area of ​​the raspberry tree.

It is very important to start processing raspberries in September and correctly calculate the amount of fertilizer. The dose depends on the appearance of the plant and the quality of the crop. If the shoots are thick, the height of the shoots is up to two meters, and at least 1.5 kg was collected from the bush, it should be fed in the prescribed manner. If the shoots are thin, they grow poorly and the harvest is not enough - It is recommended to increase the amount of fertilizer applied.

By giving raspberries the necessary amount of nutrients in the fall and spring, you can both improve the quality of the bushes and improve the yield. It is important to follow the deadlines and feed strictly according to schedule.

Is nitrogen necessary in the fall?

Nitrogen stimulates plant growth in the long term, which interferes with the ripening of shoots and greatly reduces the frost resistance of the shrub. Therefore, it is believed that even at the end of summer it is not worth fertilizing raspberries with nitrogen. That's a moot point.

Secondary root growth begins in August. Nitrogen is the main component in this process. Therefore, nitrogen should not be applied in the fall. At the end of summer - perhaps, but more often the plant only needs the small amount of fertilizer that was applied in the spring at the beginning of June.

Most plants are able to use nitrogen previously deposited in the foliage for root growth.

Preparing for winter

You should begin preparing bushes for winter before the onset of negative temperatures. Raspberries overwinter pressed to the ground. However, before bending the bush, it is necessary to prepare the shoots.

Pruning raspberries includes removing old dried out and thin young branches. As a result, only new thick stems remain, which are pruned at the top by 15-20 cm. A distance of 60 cm is maintained between the bushes. If shoots have sprouted between them, remove them.

Leaves are removed from the shoots carefully so as not to damage the buds. If the leaves are left, they will become damp, rot and can burn the buds. After cleaning, the bushes are bent down, secured with wire staples. The bushes are placed as close to the ground as possible so that in winter the raspberry bush is completely covered with snow.

After the snow has settled, you cannot forget about the bushes - if there is not enough snow, you need to add more to the bushes. The resulting crust is knocked down so that the raspberries can breathe.

Residents of northern regions should additionally cover their bushes with straw in the fall.

If everything is done correctly in the fall, in the spring the raspberries will rise in all their glory. If some shoots have died, they must be removed so that they do not spread the disease.

Fertilizers are pests

You should fertilize raspberries with caution, since fertilizing can both speed up the flowering of the plant and ruin the raspberry tree.

Thus, nitrogen cannot be used in large quantities, since the raspberries will grow constantly and not “sleep” during the winter.

Potassium fertilizers that contain chlorine are harmful. In autumn, shrubs to which such fertilizers have been applied develop chlorosis.

So, before you start applying fertilizers, it is important to find out which ones will have a positive effect on the plants. At the same time, no matter what the soil turns out to be, you cannot leave raspberries without feeding. In order for the plant to develop properly and produce a rich harvest, you will have to find a “golden mean”.

Countless clusters of ruby-red, honey-sweet berries hang from powerful one and a half meter shoots - such beauty is difficult to describe in words, it’s better to see it with your own eyes. The productivity of raspberries is legendary, but such impressive results are simply impossible without careful care of raspberry plantings. And feeding plays a huge role in such care.

What do raspberries like?

At the beginning of the growing season, raspberries are in dire need of nitrogen fertilizers

Have you noticed that you won’t find wild raspberries in a meadow or open field? Under natural conditions, this plant can most often be found on forest edges, where the soil is rich in organic matter formed from rotting leaves and branches. Therefore, it is not surprising that garden raspberries are very demanding of organic fertilizers, without which one cannot count on a good harvest of this berry.

Many gardeners believe that feeding raspberries with mineral fertilizers is not necessary. However, this is not the case. Judge for yourself: in addition to yield formation, the plant spends a colossal amount of nutrients on the development of root suckers and replacement shoots. And how many nutrients are washed away by rain, and also lost along with removed weeds and excess annual shoots? In a word, it is simply necessary to feed raspberries, and I will tell you what and how below.

Fertilizing raspberries: how to determine what the plants lack

When generously filling the planting holes, fertilizing begins only from the third year of operation of the berry plantation. Only in this case can you hope for a large harvest of large berries.

To find out what your raspberries are missing, just take a good look at the bushes.

With potassium deficiency, raspberry leaves become small, their edges darken and wrinkle like an accordion. Phosphorus starvation manifests itself in thinning shoots and the formation of purple spots on the leaves in the middle tier of plants. And when plants lack nitrogen, they look depressed and produce weak, short shoots.

However, if the shoots have grown taller than two meters, the leaves have a bright green color, and the raspberry tree is full of overgrowth, then there is overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. In such a situation, the nitrogen application rate should be reduced by 1.5 times from the next season.

When and what to feed raspberries

During the flowering period, plants remove huge amounts of nutrients from the soil.

At different stages of the growing season, raspberries need different nutrients. It is advisable to apply organic nitrogen fertilizers for this crop in the fall, since this promotes better development of replacement shoots, and less basal shoots are formed (compared to fertilizing in the spring). However, spring fertilizing with nitrogen is also acceptable.

Throughout the summer, you can regularly feed the plants with nitrogen-containing natural fertilizers or complex mineral fertilizers. It’s even better to alternate watering with mineral water and organic water.

Don’t be afraid to feed raspberries with nitrogen fertilizers (according to the instructions). Raspberries do not accumulate nitrates if fertilizing with nitrogen is completed before the plants enter the fruiting phase.

There are many options for feeding raspberries, here are the most successful of them:

  1. Mulching of plantings with fresh or rotted manure / humus / compost. Organic matter is scattered under the bushes in the fall at the rate of 3-4 kilograms per square meter of planting. This operation can also be carried out in the spring: for this, the soil in the raspberry bed is covered with a thin layer of manure, and a 10-15-centimeter layer of humus or garden compost is poured on top. When watering and raining, water will pass through the layer of manure, become saturated with nitrogen and deliver it directly to the roots of the plants. In addition, humus mulch will prevent unwanted evaporation of nitrogen.
  2. Mulching of plantings with peat with the addition of urea or saltpeter. If you don’t have organic matter at your disposal, then the soil in the raspberry bed can be covered with peat at the rate of 1-2 buckets per square meter of planting. At the same time, for every 10 liters (bucket) of fertilizer, 25-30 grams of saltpeter or urea are added.
  3. Fertilizing raspberries with ash. In this case, wood ash (2 kg/sq.m.) is scattered between the rows at the end of summer and lightly covered with a rake. Ash can be added in the spring, but in a smaller dose - 100 grams (1 cup) per square meter of planting. By the way, regularly adding ash to raspberry bushes improves the taste of the berries.
  4. Watering raspberries with solutions of urea or saltpeter in the spring. For one-time fertilizing, 60-100 grams of one of these fertilizers are used per square meter of raspberry tree. This dose can also be applied in parts until mid-June. When mulching with organic matter in autumn, such fertilizing is carried out only if weak shoot growth is observed, and the dose is reduced to 15-20 grams of saltpeter or urea.
  5. Watering raspberries with liquid organic fertilizers in spring. Using slurry solutions (1:10) or (1:20), moisten the soil around raspberry bushes at the beginning of the growing season (May - early June) at the rate of 3-5 liters per square meter. In total, 2-3 such feedings are enough. If there is no manure, then you can water the berry plantings, and.
  6. Application of mineral fertilizers. During fruiting, 30-50 grams of nitroammophosphate or 50 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20-30 grams of potassium sulfate (potassium magnesia) per square meter can be added under the bushes. After harvesting the berries, raspberries can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers (for example, 50-80 grams of nitroammophoska per square meter). Complete mineral fertilizer can also be replaced with 20-30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of superphosphate and 20-30 potassium sulfate (potassium magnesium) per square meter.

Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied only on spilled, moist soil, otherwise a high concentration of dry substances can cause burns to young suction roots of raspberries.

Compost and humus plus ash can serve as a complete replacement for any other fertilizers if they are applied annually (preferably in the fall) and in a higher dose - from 10 to 15 kilograms of humus and 1-2 kilograms of ash per square meter of raspberry fields. Then your raspberries will not need any other feeding for the entire next year.

Raspberries are an unpretentious crop, often planted along a fence or as a hedge. Gardeners often forget about shrubs and do not pay them due attention. However, this plant, no less than other plantings, needs proper care, pruning and feeding. It is necessary to create an appropriate habitat for it and choose the appropriate fertilizer for raspberries in each season. This is the only way to get a good harvest of large, sweet berries.

How to understand that raspberries need feeding?

An excess or, conversely, a deficiency of any element in the soil negatively affects the appearance of the shrub. Therefore, even an inexperienced gardener can spot the problem. In order to identify and solve it in a timely manner, it is necessary to carefully examine all raspberry shoots a couple of times a month, paying special attention to the leaves. In this way, you will be able to instantly find the difficulty that has arisen and correct the situation, favorably influencing future productivity. You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • raspberry shoots are thin and weak - nitrogen needs to be added;
  • the foliage is small and brown, dark spots appear on the branches - potassium deficiency;
  • leaves grow very slowly, immediately turn yellow and fall off - lack of nitrogen;
  • veins or spots of burgundy-purple color appear on the foliage - phosphorus deficiency;
  • stems are too dry - lack of iron or magnesium;
  • Too rapid growth of raspberry shoots means an excess of nitrogen.

Any changes in the appearance of the bushes should alert you. The appearance of even one seemingly insignificant spot can be the beginning of a serious problem that will not be easy to get rid of. It is worth inspecting raspberries to identify any tiny new growths, and fertilizing them in time with correctly selected components.

How to feed raspberries in spring?

Before you start feeding raspberries in spring, you will need to carry out special preparatory work. First you need to cut off all unprofitable shoots: dried, broken, frozen in the winter season. Then you can begin to carefully remove all weeds and shallow loosen the soil.

Mineral complexes are suitable as spring fertilizer for raspberries. Excellent effect on growth, development and fruiting:

  1. contains nitrogen-phosphorus compounds, sulfur, magnesium, potassium and many other important elements. Fertilizer is beneficial by increasing productivity, enhancing plant resistance to many diseases and pests, and improving the overall development of plantings.
  2. soil In a form easily accessible to plants, it contains potassium and phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur and zinc. You can replace fertilizer with potassium salt, which has high nutritional value.
  3. Chicken droppings are a very important and mandatory part of spring feeding. It is diluted with water in proportions of 1:20, left for a week and watered.
  4. It is advisable to apply ammonium sulfate only in the spring, scattering 15 g per square meter under the bushes.
  5. Ammonium nitrate and urea are nitrogen-containing agents necessary for the active development of young stems.

If the bushes are more than 5 years old, then a combination of manure, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate is ideal for them. All components are diluted in water and applied to the soil in 2-3 doses: in spring, mid-summer and autumn.

One of the universal fertilizers, which can be used not only for indoor plants, but also to increase the yield of garden crops, is the BioGrow biofertilizer. This is a drug that has proven itself to be a highly effective revitalizing agent, as a result of which plants begin to develop noticeably faster, the green part is strengthened, and the flower’s resistance to fungal infections increases. Find out more information and purchase universal biofertilizer "BioGrow" can be.

What raspberries need during the flowering period is described in the video:

Feeding in August

During and after fruiting, raspberries also require mineral fertilizers. In the summer it is necessary to carry out at least one feeding, and ideally two: in mid-June and late August. At this time, the plant is in dire need of saturation with phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It is also advisable to spray the bushes with a solution of boric acid and magnesium sulfate. It is better to carry out such an event in dry, windless weather, when precipitation is not planned.

A good choice for watering would be an infusion of wood ash (500 g per 10 l).

It is not worth fertilizing raspberry bushes with nitrogen in the summer, otherwise their cold resistance may worsen.

In summer, it is better to give preference to:

  1. Siderats. Companion plants for remontant raspberries are most often calendula and marigolds. Flowers can be planted even between bushes. Calendula roots will saturate the soil with esters, tannins and phytoncides, and marigolds will improve its structure.
  2. Compost, because it contains a large amount of valuable minerals and trace elements.
  3. Boron microfertilizers, which are perfect for fertilizing in the first half of the summer growing season.

How to fertilize raspberries in the fall?

In autumn, raspberries are fed after pruning. Too few nutrients remain in the stems after the growing and fruiting periods. A deficiency of useful components may contribute to poor yields next season.

Before applying the complexes, wilted and disease-prone raspberry stems are trimmed, weeds are removed and the soil is carefully loosened to a depth of 10 cm.

When feeding raspberries in the fall, it is better to choose organic matter, which contains many essential microelements. It is easily absorbed and has a positive effect on further development.

It is most effective to use:

  1. Compost. It nourishes the soil with a large number of necessary components, loosens it, disinfects it, makes it more airy and fertile. You need to choose from foliage, grass and vegetable peelings.
  2. Manure. Fertilizer warms the roots for a long time, strengthens the plant’s immunity, and gives strength during the period of spring awakening. Use at the rate of 5 kg per square meter.
  3. Peat. It includes a tiny amount of nutrients, but at the same time it perfectly improves the quality of the soil.
  4. Bird droppings. Fertilizer is often used in liquid form. Mostly they choose chicken, the infusion of which is evenly poured over the entire area of ​​the raspberry patch.
  5. Humus. It makes the soil loose and light, retains moisture in the substrate for a long time and contains many useful elements.

To correctly calculate the required amount of organic fertilizer for raspberries, just look at the condition of the bush and the instructions for using the fertilizer. If the bush is tall, the foliage is green and juicy, and the berries are large, then you need to apply the minimum indicated on the label. When the plant is lethargic, often gets sick and has a yellowish tint to the foliage, it is worth using an increased amount of nutrition or fertilizing more often.

Do raspberries need nitrogen in the fall?

This is actually quite a controversial issue. Nitrogen is a plant growth stimulant. It is introduced in the spring for an active start and rapid development. One small portion is enough until the end of autumn. Excess of the element will greatly inhibit the preparation of raspberry shoots for winter and reduce their cold resistance.

Many gardeners believe that it is not necessary to fertilize raspberries with nitrogen in the fall. This chemical element copes well with its role in mid-August, when increased growth of the root system begins. It is better to apply it in the spring, before the growing season. It is possible in summer, but in small quantities.

Mulching raspberries before wintering

Fertilizers applied to the soil for the winter will bring maximum benefit only if the raspberry roots are well covered before wintering. Mulch will protect the root system from excessive drying out and the soil from deep freezing.

The following are perfect for the role of covering material:

  1. Wood sawdust. Suitable for any type of soil, retains moisture for a long period, prevents weeds from germinating, and increases the cold resistance of the raspberry root system.
  2. Hay and straw. They loosen the soil, increasing its fertility.
  3. Peat. Smoothes out changes in soil temperature during the day, promotes the accumulation of many nutrients in it, and reduces the total number of weeds.
  4. Humus. It prevents a dense crust from forming on the surface of the earth, helps the soil to quickly heat up and cool down more slowly.
  5. Calendula. Flower tops perfectly repel pests such as mites, nematodes, caterpillars, and wireworms from raspberries. Disinfects the soil from fungi, bacteria and viruses, improves its composition.
  6. Needles and cones. They prevent crust from appearing on the surface of the earth, protect the soil from wind and direct sunlight, prevent the germination of weeds, and maintain optimal temperature conditions.

When can fertilizer be dangerous?

Fertilizers should be applied to raspberry trees with extreme caution, since improper fertilizing can cause significant damage to the bushes. It must be used only in accordance with the instructions; you must not add too much volume.

Excess nitrogen is detected visually: an excessively powerful stem, dark green stems, constant growth of shoots. During the cold period, raspberries will not be able to put all their energy into overwintering.

  • An increased phosphorus content leads to yellowing of leaves and the appearance of necrotic spotting.
  • Excess potassium will stunt plant growth and the foliage will be too pale.
  • If a large volume of magnesium is added, raspberry leaves will curl, decrease in size and die.
  • Potassium fertilizers containing chlorine are very harmful. Shrubs fed with this composition often suffer from chlorosis.
  • Calcium poisoning will increase the growth of shoots, which will quickly wither. Pale spots will appear on the leaves.

Let's sum it up

Timely and competent fertilization of raspberries and preparing them for wintering are important stages in breeding the crop. During the growing season and fruiting, the reserves of useful elements in the soil are depleted, which must be replenished by fertilizing. The event does not take much time and does not require specific knowledge, but it will certainly help to obtain a bountiful harvest of large sweet fruits at the end of the season.

Almost all gardeners grow raspberries. But they don’t always get rich harvests of tasty, aromatic berries. The plant is very sensitive to soil fertility, but since raspberries grow in one place for several years, the soil becomes depleted. Beginning gardeners are especially concerned about how to fertilize raspberries and in what time frame. The article will discuss different types of fertilizers for raspberries, rules and doses of fertilizer application in the summer.

Types of fertilizers for raspberries

There are many fertilizers that raspberries love. They contain different substances and microelements, therefore, the effect on the plant will be different. The main purpose of using fertilizers is to saturate the soil with nutrients and increase its productivity.

Fertilizers can be mineral and organic, and there are also folk recipes. Most often, gardeners use from a large range of mineral fertilizers:

  • phosphorus-containing;
  • nitrogen-containing;
  • microfertilizers;
  • potash;
  • complex.

Among organic fertilizers, preference is given to:

  • bird droppings;
  • green manure;
  • manure;
  • slurry;
  • wood ash;
  • compost;
  • bone meal;
  • straw.

Some gardeners feed raspberries:

  • sapropel;
  • limestone.

When to fertilize raspberries in summer

Experienced gardeners carry out fertilizing in three main stages, the first of which occurs at the end of spring, and the remaining two - directly in the summer. If the appearance of the raspberries is not so great, that is, the shoots are thin, the foliage is small and yellowish, then the raspberries did not have enough spring feeding. And to correct the situation, the raspberries will have to be fed in the summer. This feeding is carried out in early July.

Lack of microelements in raspberries

It has been noticed that by the external changes of a plant, one can understand which microelements it lacks or, conversely, has in excess.

  • lack of nitrogen - leaves are faded, small and grow very slowly;
  • excess nitrogen - the bush grows very quickly, and unripe berries fall off;
  • lack of potassium - the edges of the leaves dry out or curl, there are also cases when they turn brown;
  • lack of phosphorus - this change is visible to the naked eye: the plant is very weak and the shoots are thin;
  • lack of magnesium - the leaves acquire a yellow tint (mainly in the center), the plant grows slowly;
  • lack of iron - the leaves turn yellow, although not over the entire surface: the veins remain green.

What to feed raspberries in summer

  1. Inspect the bush and decide which new shoots should be removed. Usually, the weakest, low ones are cut out, leaving the strong ones. It is on them that the raspberry harvest will be harvested next summer.
  2. Feed the raspberries leaf by leaf with complex mineral fertilizer with a full range of macro- and microelements. You can use any instant solution: Zdraven, Yagodka, Fertika Lux, Mortar, Kristalon and others. The plant accepts foliar feeding quickly and is more effective.
  3. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizing can be done in June or July. Instead of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, you can add ordinary ash: approximately 100-150 g per square meter.
  4. It is also necessary to feed raspberries at the root. If the soil is dry, you first need to water it with plain water, then add a nutrient solution, doing this along the grooves around the crown of the bush. Most of all, raspberries love organic infusions of mullein, bird droppings, humus, nettles and herbs. Fertilizers from the Bioud, Gumi-Omi, Biohumus, and Ideal series diluted in water contain limiting fertilizers.
  5. Organo-mineral supplements are effective. Two tablespoons of nitroammophoska with the addition of potassium humate will perfectly support the plants at this time. An infusion of wood ash added to the fertilizer will have a significant impact on both the high yield and the size and sugar content of raspberries. This summer feeding will benefit not only raspberries, but also currants and gooseberries.
  6. During the period of filling and ripening of the crop, raspberries must be watered in dry weather.During the period of active fruit set, the plant needs strength. To do this, fertilize with any water-soluble fertilizer such as Fertika or Ideal. About 50 grams of fertilizer are diluted in a bucket of water, and the bush is watered with this solution. You can also use foliar feeding. For this, the solution needs to be less saturated. 20 grams per 5 liters of water will be enough. Spraying on the leaves is carried out in the morning or evening in calm weather.

Fertilizing raspberries with yeast in summer

Yeast contains many substances beneficial to plants, so they are also used as fertilizer. The feeding solution can be prepared from fresh and dry yeast. If dry yeast is used, then per 10 liters of warm water take 10 g of dry yeast and 5 tablespoons of sugar. All this is infused for at least 2 hours, after which the resulting infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Take 0.5 kg of fresh yeast per bucket of warm water, which is also diluted in a ratio of 1:5. The yeast infusion is used immediately, preferably while still warm, otherwise the microorganisms present in the yeast will die or their use will not give the desired effect. During the raspberry growing season, two feedings are done - in May and in the summer for the formation of ovaries. copper sulfate - 3–5 g;

  • boric acid - 10–15 g;
  • molybdenum ammonium - 1–3 g.
  • Or you can use an infusion of wood or straw ash (a half-liter jar for 10 liters of hot water).

    Remember, when feeding raspberries in the summer, like any other plant, you must follow certain rules. Experienced summer residents advise remembering all of the above nuances to obtain a large harvest of juicy and tasty berries. Actually, fertilizing itself is not a complicated and quick process; it is only important to follow all the stages and carry it out clearly and on time.

    At our summer cottage, raspberries grow like a weed (may the gardeners forgive me for such blasphemy). Our plants bear fruit regularly. At the height of the season, from an area of ​​6 sq.m. We collect 3 liters of berries at a time, plus we go to the forest. There are enough raspberries, so we don’t take special care of the plantings. But still certain rules for caring for raspberries the reference books spell out, namely:

    • Do I need to water raspberries?
    • how to water raspberries;
    • How can you feed raspberries in spring, summer (June, July) and autumn?

    How often to water raspberries?

    Watering raspberries depends on weather conditions: air temperature and abundance of precipitation. Particular attention is paid to watering during:

    • flowering,
    • formation of ovaries,
    • fruiting and ripening of berries.

    Watering raspberries recommended by drip irrigation, in furrows or sprinkling. After fruiting (in August and September), raspberries have enough moisture, so additional watering is not required. During drought, they practice watering plants in the second half of October in order to prepare for winter.

    Excessive amounts of moisture, as well as too little, have a negative effect on plants. Therefore, every time it is worth considering whether watering is really necessary. Don’t forget to water the raspberries immediately after planting: do this at the rate of 1 bucket of water per 3-4 plants. But for adult plants, the watering norm in liters in the reference book “Encyclopedia of Country Life”, unfortunately, is not specified.

    In another reference book - “Fruit Growing” - the following norm is given: how often to water raspberries:

    During dry weather in central Russia, it is recommended to water raspberries twice - during the formation of ovaries and the ripening of berries. In the southern regions, water up to 7 times: before flowering, when the ovary is green, 2-3 times during the ripening of the crop, after harvesting, in dry autumn in order to prepare for winter.

    Water consumption for 1 irrigation: 300-400 cubic meters of water per 1 hectare. Irrigation is carried out by sprinkling or furrows. Converted to 1 square meter, this turns out to be 30-40 liters of water per 1 square meter. meter. A bit much :)

    How to feed raspberries?

    General rules for feeding raspberries:

    • Plants that have enough nutrition should not be fed. Fertilizers are applied only at low and medium levels of nutrient availability in the soil.
    • Fertilizing is carried out before loosening the soil.
    • The effectiveness of fertilizing increases if it is carried out in conjunction with irrigation (300-400 cubic meters of water per hectare).

    in spring useful nitrogen fertilizers:
    When planting, urea is added at the rate of 15 g per 1 m2 into the grooves on both sides of the row. Fertilizer is incorporated into the soil by loosening. And after loosening, the soil under the bushes is mulched with organic matter (compost, humus or straw manure) at the rate of 6 kg per m2. The procedure is repeated annually. A solution is also used: 1-1.5 matchboxes of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water. Each bush is watered from a watering can with a strainer, and then carefully loosened so as not to damage the roots.

    Summer and autumn Phosphorus and potassium are useful:
    Phosphorus and potassium supplements are recommended once every 3 years.
    For this use:
    Superphosphate at the rate of 120-150 g per 1 m2.
    Potassium sulfate at the rate of 90-120 g per 1 m2.

    Feed raspberries in summer, in June When the ovary is still green, a solution of slurry or bird droppings is useful. This feeding is recommended for high yields or poor plant growth. If you're a little late, it doesn't matter, feed raspberries during berry ripening and fruiting, that is in July. However, such belated fertilizing will have less effect on the harvest than at the beginning of summer. Mullein solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water. A bucket is enough to water 1 square. meters. At a distance of 20 cm from the bushes, grooves are made with a rake and the solution is poured into them. Once absorbed, cover with soil. Not only raspberries, but also currants and gooseberries love this summer feeding.

    Organic fertilizers (peat, compost, rotted manure) are applied annually in autumn under digging. Many berry crops (raspberries, gooseberries, currants) require such fertilizing after picking the berries. In autumn, the soil under the bushes is sprinkled with organic matter and dug up (at some distance from the bushes so as not to damage the roots). Then, during autumn feeding, it is recommended to add superphosphate (10 g per 1 m2) in combination with potassium salt.

    We found such data in the reference book “Encyclopedia of Country Life”. Another reference book, “Fruit Growing” (USSR times), gives the following recommendations: how to feed raspberries:

    Every year with raspberries apply the following amount of fertilizer per 1 hectare:

    • 30-40 tons of manure (3-4 kg per square meter),
    • 1 -1.5 kg of ammonium nitrate (10-15 g per square meter),
    • 1.6 - 2.4 quintals of superphosphate (16-24 g per square meter),
    • 0.6 - 0.9 quintals of potassium chloride (6-9 g per square meter).

    Rates vary depending on the condition of the soil and plants.

    Fertilizers are poured into grooves or holes located on both sides of the row (distance 40-50 cm from the base of the bush).


    This source (the reference book “Fruit Growing”) also recommends paying special attention loosening the soil under raspberry bushes.

    Planting strips must be regularly maintained loose and weed-free. The main tillage is carried out in the fall, after the end of the growing season. In October, the row spacing is plowed to a depth of 15-20 cm, and the soil around the plants in the rows is dug up with pitchforks or shovels to a depth of 8-12 cm. In this case, the shovel is placed not across, but along in the direction of root growth, so as not to damage them.

    In the spring and immediately after harvesting, small-scale cultivation is carried out and they try to maintain the soil in this condition throughout the season.