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Sexual life during Ramadan. What is possible and what is not allowed during the fast? How to prepare and how to properly observe the month of Ramadan


Is it permissible to have sexual relations with your wife after sunset until dawn during the month of Ramadan?


In Ibn Kathir's tafsir it is reported that Ibn Jarir said: “When people fasted during the month of Ramadan and if they went to bed after sunset, it became haram for them to eat, drink and have sexual relations until the next iftar.”

One day, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (radhiyallahu anhu) talked with the Prophet (peace be upon him) until late and returned home late at night, and found his wife sleeping and desired her. She told him: “I was already asleep.” Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) said: “You did not sleep” and became close to her. Ka'b Ibn Malik did the same. The next day, Umar went to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and told him about this. And Allah Almighty revealed this verse:

أحل لكم ليلة الصيام الرفث الي نسائكم. هن لباس لكم و أنتم لباس لهن.علم الله أنكم كنتم تختانون أنفسكم فتاب عليكم وعفا عنكم. فالان باشروهن و ابتغوا ما كتب الله لكم.(سورة البقرة , اية:187).

“On the night of fasting, intimacy with your wives is permitted for you. They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them. Allah knows that you deceive yourselves and He has addressed you and forgiven you. From now on, touch them and seek what Allah has prescribed for you (Surah Baqara, verse 187) (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).

With this verse, Allah has permitted sexual intercourse, eating and drinking throughout the night. And this is a manifestation of His mercy for people.

What is the ruling for ejaculating seed from touching or hugging during fasting?


What is the ruling (legal ruling) for ejaculation caused by a man touching or hugging his wife during fasting?


Ejaculation as a result of a kiss, touch or hug between a fasting person and his wife spoils the fast and must be made up for that day (kaza). For one who is in danger of spoiling his fast in this way, it is disgraceful (makruh) to hug and kiss his wife during fasting (Marghinani, al-Hidayah, I, 123).

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Question text: assalyamu alaikum! During the month of Ramadan, I watched porn for 2 days in a row, and it ended with masturbation. I'm very sorry about what happened. All this because when I see women on the street without a hijab, it’s as if all my organs are on fire inside. In order to get tired and not think about THIS, I participate in taraveh prayers until late, read the Koran, fast and am diligent in a good cause. [astagfirilloh] when I fast, my desires double. 1. I am 25 years old, not married 2. I have never had sexual intercourse 3. I have never drank vodka, etc. 4. I have never smoked 5. I don’t remember when I lied 6. I will try to perform all the prayers on time 7. I love children very much 8. I respect my elders What should I do so that Allah does not punish me on Judgment Day? If kaffarat has become obligatory for me, how can I do it to what extent? I am a healthy man, I can fast or feed the poor. Only in this Ramadan did I become thin and a little weak. It is convenient for me to end the kaffarat with feeding the poor. I ask you to please advise me with dolel. [la hawla wala quwwata ilyah bilyah]


A respected brother must perform tawba for watching something unlawful during Ramadan and committing a bad act, what is sometimes called in Shariah “indulgence with the hand,” that is, masturbation. We are very glad that the brother realized his guilt, his sin, that he wants to repent. Once again we would like to encourage our brother to perform sincere tawbah. Those two days during which he watched the unlawful and forbidden things during Ramadan, I would advise him to hold off on those days; if during these days he kept on watching and watched during the daytime, then this should be kept on hold. I can’t say that it is wrong, but the prophet, Sallallahu alayhi wa sallama, has a hadith in which it is said that if a person fasts: he abstains from food, from food, from drinking, from intimacy with his wife, and at the same time does not abstain from bad affairs, then Allah Almighty Subhanahu wa Ta'ala does not need this person to fast. Based on this hadith, I would like to urge my brother, these two days during which he kept the fast, but at the same time porn films, I would like to urge him to return these days for each day one day, if, I don’t know, based on from the question asked, whether on the second or third day he ended all this - masturbation, for this day one day must be returned again. It is not considered as direct sexual intimacy, because there is no sexual intimacy itself, there is only something similar, but the genitals as such, I mean, the woman’s genitals, they are absent, so there is no talk of direct and immediate sexual contact here goes, but we are talking about the fact that there was a discharge of sperm from a man - mani, what we call according to Sharia. If mani is overthrown, then a person, if it is overthrown at his request, according to his whim or desire, then a person simply returns one day in one day. Kaffarah of 60 days is not necessary, not required, but tawbah is required, true tawbah is repentance, and the return of this one day is required.

For each of these days, I would advise you to take one more day, that is, to make up, like kada, kaza, we say, one day for each day, make up for one more day for each day. Depending on whether the masturbation took place on the second day or on the third day, it means that this day should be returned, during which the overthrow occurred. If this happened on the third day, then we tell my brother that he is holding it for two days and in order to protect himself from the fact that these two days were not accepted for him while he was watching prohibited films, if at the same time masturbation occurred on the third day, then one day he definitely performs like a kaza, there is no longer any doubt, because he had an overthrow - a mani of sperm, this happened on his initiative, at his own request. So he returns one day in one day. Those two days that he watched, he returns them simply in order to get out of a state of doubt - shubha, so that there is no doubt whether he started to eat the fast in those days or not, unless of course he did it during the daytime . If he watched these films at night, then he simply took upon himself, accepted a very big sin, and for this sin he must really sincerely repent, give the Almighty his word that he will never return to this again.

Question: Is it possible for spouses to kiss on the lips during Muslim fasting? What kind of kiss can break the fast?

Answer: If the husband is confident in himself, sure that by kissing his wife he will not get aroused and will not break the fast (by sexual intercourse, ejaculation, etc.), then even in this case, kissing his wife during fasting is undesirable. If there is a possibility of arousal from a kiss or other caresses, then it is completely sinful to do this! If ejaculation occurs during a kiss,... Swallowing the spouse’s saliva also breaks the fast.

Question: If a couple made love at night during the month of Ramadan and forgot about time, and at this time the call to morning prayer sounded, what to do in this situation and is the fast considered broken? I also heard that men who break their fast due to having an intimate relationship need to fast continuously for two months in a row. Does my husband also need to fast for two months now?

Answer: If the azan (the time for morning prayer) finds the spouses having sexual intercourse, they must immediately interrupt the intercourse, then perform the obligatory ritual bathing and. If the spouses hesitate and do not interrupt sexual intercourse at the same moment as dawn comes, then their fast is considered broken. Despite this, they are both charged with the duty to avoid everything that is forbidden to the fasting person. Also, both spouses need to make up for this fast after the month of Ramadan.

On top of that, a fine () is imposed on the husband, which, according to canonical sources, consists of freeing a slave, and since in our time there are no slaves, this type of fine is generally excluded. In this case, he must fast for two lunar months in a row, without missing a day between fasts. For example, if during the observance of these penalty points there is a break for even one day, all the points should begin to be compensated again. If a person is unable to observe continuous fasting for two months due to weakness, illness, etc., he is obliged to feed 60 poor people, giving each of them one mudda (600 grams) of grain.

Question: Spouses observing fasting indulged in caresses without engaging in intimacy, but at the same time one of the spouses or both had an orgasm. Does this break the fast and what should they do in this situation?

Answer: An orgasm that occurs as a result of excitement from a spouse’s kiss, caresses, etc., breaks the fast. Anyone who has experienced an orgasm must take a bath and beware of everything that is forbidden to a fasting person before sunset. After Ramadan, it is necessary to compensate for broken fasts in a similar way.

Question: I heard that during the month of Ramadan, it is not advisable for spouses to make love frequently in the evenings. Is it true?

Answer: Yes it's true. The undesirability is argued by the fact that frequent fasting weakens the body, which can subsequently aggravate the observance of fasting.

Question: I have genital candidiasis, known as thrush, and to avoid staining my underwear, I use tampons. Is it possible to use tampons during fasting or is it better to use pads?

Answer: You cannot use tampons during fasting, since the penetration of any object into the human cavity through natural openings, which include the genitals, breaks the fast. Pads, unlike tampons, do not break the fast.

Answered questions Muhammad-Amin Magomedrasulov

Audio version of this article:

During the month of Ramadan, during fasting hours (from dawn to sunset), it is strictly forbidden to have direct sexual intercourse with your wife. From sunset until the start of morning prayer, spouses can have intimate contact without any restrictions. If sexual intimacy took place during fasting hours, then the fast is broken. A person who violates it in this way is obliged to atone for his sin by two months of continuous fasting. If, due to physical weakness, he is not able to fast for two months in a row, then he must feed sixty poor people, allocating for each the amount that on average he (the one who broke the fast) spends on the daily food of an adult member of his family.

As for the question of who is entrusted with this form of atonement for sin - the husband or the wife, all theologians talk about the husband and many about the wife. But Shafi'i theologians, for example, are more inclined to believe that this form of atonement does not apply to the wife. She will only need to restore one day of broken fast.

In the case where the spouses committed this out of forgetfulness or ignorance, atonement for the sin is not provided.

If such (intentional) violation of fasting has occurred multiple times, then the spouses must atone for the violated sanctity of each of the days of obligatory fasting with two months of continuous fasting.

Questions on the topic

After the time for morning prayers arrived, my husband and I had intimacy at his request, although we continued to fast on that day. Is fasting considered valid and if not, what should the wife do in this case? N.

To atone for sin, the husband will need to fast for two lunar months in a row, one day after another, plus make up for one day of broken fasting.

It will be enough for your wife, that is, you, to fast for one day after the month of Ramadan. There is an authoritative opinion on this matter (that in such a situation it is enough for a wife to make up for one day of broken fast), which, I believe, you will follow. In your case, the initiator was the husband, even if he bears full responsibility.

He will be able to start it only after the end of the month of Ramadan and the holiday of breaking the fast (Eid al-Adha).

The form of atonement for deliberately breaking the fast mentioned here applies only to the month of Ramadan.

If the two-month fast is suddenly interrupted, you will have to start all over again. It is important to note that two months of continuous fasting should not fall on holidays (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Fitr), when fasting is prohibited (haram).

As for menstruation in women (if she fasts for two months to atone for a broken fast), this period is not considered a violation of the continuity of the two-month fast. That is, during this period the woman interrupts the post-atonement, and upon completion, continues, taking into account those days that she has already fasted.

If a person has made a mistake in counting the days, then he should not resume fasting from the very beginning.

Theologians of the Hanafi madhhab allowed the possibility of feeding one beggar for two months. Shafi'i theologians considered it appropriate to limit themselves to the text of the hadith, which speaks of feeding "sixty poor people."

The mentioned difficult form of atonement for sin is provided for by the canons only in the case of breaking the fast by deliberately engaging in sexual intercourse with a wife (husband). See, for example: Al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar [Achieving goals]. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1995. T. 4. P. 229; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Cairo: al-Salam, 2010. T. 2. P. 71.

Some scholars have spoken of a similar atonement in case of breaking the fast by deliberately eating and drinking water. However, this theological judgment does not have direct confirmation in the verses and reliable hadiths, and therefore remains a judgment with which one may not agree. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh [Islamic law and its arguments]. In 11 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1997. T. 3. P. 1709; al-Buty R. Mashurat ijtima‘iyya [Social councils]. Damascus: al-Fikr, 2001. P. 39.

It is important to mention that along with these two months of fasting-atonement, one should make up for the broken day of fasting in the month of Ramadan with one day of fasting. That is, a total of two lunar months plus one day.

The same opinion is shared, for example, by the famous theologian of our time ‘Ali Jum’a, relying on a reliable hadith, which speaks about the husband and nothing is mentioned about the wife. See: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asriya. T. 1. P. 91.

See more on this topic: Holy Quran, 2:187; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 8 vols. T. 2. S. 655, 667, 669, 674, 682; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 4. P. 228–231; Amin M. (known as Ibn ‘Abidin). Radd al-mukhtar. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1966. T. 2. P. 412; al-Khatib ash-Shirbiniy Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. In 6 vols. T. 2. P. 190–194; al-Margynani B. Al-hidaya [Manual]. In 2 volumes, 4 hours. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. Vol. 1. Part 1. P. 134.

Muslims in Russia and around the world are celebrating Ramadan. According to legend, it was during this holy month that the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Mohamed.

Traditionally, at this time wars and conflicts were stopped, prisoners were released and assistance was provided to all those in need.

On the first day of the month of Ramadan, fasting begins (in Arabic “saum”, in Persian “ruza”, in Turkic “uraza”), which is observed throughout the month and is obligatory for all adults, healthy, ritually pure people. Believers will fast for 29 days. You can eat and drink water only after sunset. The purpose of abstinence is the atonement of sins and the purification of the soul.

Ritual purity (tahara) in Islam is of very great importance when performing religious rituals, since tahara comes down not only to maintaining external cleanliness and neatness, but in the religious, ethical, cult sense, tahara means liberation from everything that defiles. Pregnant, lactating and sick women, children, the elderly and all those who are engaged in hard work, participate in military operations, travel, etc. are exempt from fasting. Those who are temporarily exempt from fasting or break it by accident must fast after the end of the month of Ramadan for lost days. Voluntary fasts beyond the obligatory ones are recommended mainly in the months of Rajab, Sha'ban, Shawwal and Muharram. It is forbidden to fast on the days of two great holidays and in case of danger; Fasting on Friday (Muslim day off), Saturday (day of the Jews) and Sunday (day of Christians) is condemned.

Ramadan ends with one of the two largest holidays of Islam - the three-day Eid al-Fitr (translated from Arabic as the holiday of breaking the fast; in Tatar, Eid al-Fitr). This year it will come on November 3rd.

According to widespread belief, fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan, is the best means of atonement for sins committed during the year. It must be recalled that in Islam, unlike, for example, Christianity, there are no intermediaries between God and man, and there is also no clergy in the Christian sense, which can forgive the sins of a believer in the name of God. A Muslim himself is responsible to Allah for his sins.

Muslim theologians interpret fasting as a means of curbing passions generated by the animal nature (nafs) in man. During fasting, the believer, concentrating volitional efforts, frees himself from instinctive vices and improves the human spiritual principle (qalb), thereby ennobling human nature.

Islam initially spread widely among the Arabs, a sensual people for whom love and sex have always been combined with sacred, religious values. It is no coincidence that all the famous Arab stories about the extraordinary power of love and sexual passion take place near the Kaaba - the main object of pilgrimage for Muslims, the sacred center of the earth, towards which one must turn during prayer. The Koran treats issues of sex and love realistically. Unlike fasting in other religions, the observance of Ramadan involves complete abstinence from sexual relations, as well as from food and drink, only during daylight hours.