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Position of planets at the time of birth. Individual horoscope

In Astrology and Numerology, and these sciences are closely related to each other, it is known that the main seven planets of our solar system are responsible not only for what sign of the Zodiac, but also for what year he was born.

Planet of the year of birth, according to Numerology, also has a great influence on the character and fate of a person, his life opportunities.

Below I will provide a table by which you yourself can determine your patron planet of the year.

1925 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 etc. Mars

1926 1933 1940 1947 1954 1961 1968 1975 1982 1989 etc. Sun

1927 1934 1941 1948 1955 1962 1969 1976 1983 1990 etc. Venus

1928 1935 1942 1949 1956 1963 1970 1977 1984 1991 etc. Mercury

1929 1936 1943 1950 1957 1964 1971 1978 1985 1992 etc. Moon

1930 1937 1944 1951 1958 1965 1972 1979 1986 1993 etc. Saturn

1931 1938 1945 1952 1959 1966 1973 1980 1987 1994 etc. Jupiter

Basic characteristics of birth:

1) Mars

This year gives birth to very restless, active people who are capable of very decisive actions without fear of any consequences. Usually such people achieve quite a certain success, as they have good business qualities. Their disadvantage is that they often take risks, so they themselves may suffer. They need to be very careful about all risky activities, avoiding them if possible.

2) Sun

People born in the year of the Sun can be envied. The fact is that they, as a rule, have fairly good health and a solid, clear character. These people are bright, proactive, creative individuals who command respect from others. They usually have many friends.

3) Venus

Those born under the auspices of Venus have a rich imagination. They love to enjoy life in all its manifestations, whatever it may be. In difficult life situations, they resort to the help of relatives, who almost always help them.

4) Mercury

This planet gives people a sharp, critical mind and observation skills, which is not very popular with others. Such people make good writers and journalists, programmers, if they do not succumb to laziness. Typically, such people are almost always helped by various successful combinations of life circumstances.

5) Moon

The years of the Moon foreshadow frequent changes in life - both in work and in study, even in place of residence. But such changes are not a burden; these people quickly get used to everything. Well-being is achieved mainly closer to adulthood, or even old age. At this time they can have a home, family, wealth and well-being. But there is no point in relying on Fortune here. They may also be deeply disappointed.

6) Saturn

People born in the year of Saturn have a slightly closed and harsh character. But at the same time, they have great endurance and great performance. As a rule, they rely only on themselves and their own strengths. There may be obstacles and great disappointments in your personal life. But still, they overcome all the trials of life, and then their career, wealth, and family turn out to be quite strong.

If you are interested in how to find out your planet by date of birth, then there is nothing complicated about it. You don’t even need to study astrology - many services on the Internet offer a completely free opportunity to find out which of the cosmic luminaries patronizes you. Some, in order to understand how to find out their planet by date of birth, search the entire Internet, although it is enough to just read this article.

During the development of astrology, scientists of the past could observe only the largest or closest luminaries in the sky. This list included the Sun, Moon, and five parent planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn.

How to determine the influence of planets by date of birth?

When planets move around the zodiac circle, each of them affects a person depending on its location. Although most people know their zodiac sign, few people wonder what their ruling planet is. But it is precisely this that determines the characteristics of the sign. The planet by date of birth is determined by the sign in which the Sun was located at the time of birth.

Each zodiac constellation is ruled by one of the patrons. The identification of planets in the zodiac by date of birth goes back to the most ancient astrological texts. These age-old guides are essentially the cornerstones of astrology and provide deep insight into the personality of each individual.

Aries and Scorpio

The mighty fiery commander of the stars is Mars. He rules these two signs. The stubbornness of Scorpio and the physical strength of Aries are fueled by the energy of Mars. The fiery red planet gives Aries and Scorpios inner passion and warlike disposition. These are action-oriented signs that are driven by the desire to succeed. Sports, competitions and skill tests are encouraged by them. These are people who are born to win!

This courageous planet also bestows hard work and perseverance. It takes Mars about two years to orbit the Sun. During this time, it may be retrograde for several weeks, which is enough time to awaken the warrior in each of us. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio. Those born under the sign of Ram always move forward and have no time for regrets. Scorpio is a sign of a strong desire for victory, demanding from oneself and those around them loyalty to their path.

Taurus and Libra

Directly behind the Sun and Moon, Venus shines so brightly that it has even earned the nickname “evening star” or “morning star.” The fact is that it can be visible in the evening or morning hours. In the zodiac system it is a symbol of luxury, aesthetics and quality of life.

Taurus and Libra are very creative and naturally seek the best friendly win-win situation for everyone to find peace and harmony. However, this planet is not limited to charming quirks. Every 18 months she takes a six-week break to rejuvenate and reflect. Thus, both of these signs know how to wait and take a break, accumulating strength and reconsidering their life priorities.

Venus rules art, beauty and, above all, love. Venus moves around the zodiacal circle for approximately eleven months, but in a two-year period it makes retrograde movement once. This lasts almost two months. Such a pause inspires the artist and lover within each of us. It is this planet that encourages some people to become interested in astrology and find out the location of planets by date of birth.

Venus is a muse for everyone. The signs she rules seem to have little in common. But their personalities reflect the two sides of Venus. Taurus revels in beauty, purchasing art, jewelry and delicious food. Libras love the sophistication of the art world, the elegance of fashion and love for their partner.

Gemini and Virgo

Mercury's small and nimble arrows fly around the sky at fast speed. It has the shortest access to the Sun, the king of our solar system. In the same way, natives of the Gemini and Virgo signs move quickly through life. Their changes in direction and speed allow them to be communicative and socially active. They are the fulcrum on which great organizations are built, bringing people and ideas together.

These Mercurial signs thrive on their unintentional ability to first penetrate deeply into things (and people) and then switch into a relaxation mode that makes it easier to integrate all the experiences accumulated over a long period of time.

Mercury moves so quickly around the Zodiac that when it approaches the Sun from the front, at times the planet appears to move backward. Mercury's three annual retrograde periods allow us all to reassess our accomplishments and allow ourselves a little chaos in our lives. During this time, those ruled by Mercury are learning to be really good improvisers, pulling us out of stagnation.

The zodiac sign Gemini expresses the communication dominance of Mercury, and Virgo - its organizational character. Those born under the sign of Gemini learn to talk about what they think and feel, using speech as the main means of self-expression. Virgos take control of their world, establishing hierarchical systems that only they understand.


Owners of this sign are protected by the Moon. This is the only representative of the zodiac that sees its ruling planet once a month. Our ocean's tides and many of our life cycles are based on the rhythms of the Moon. Cancer is one of the zodiac signs obsessed with their safety. Those born under the auspices of Cancer love a sense of security and consistency when at home. They have an intuitive understanding of their own territory in the world around them.

a lion

The sun's rays literally make our world go round! Likewise, Leo's charisma makes him the center of attraction of any society he is a part of. High levels of energy and warmth make Leo a desirable partner. Like a real lion in the wild savannah, he is a natural pioneer.

Their dexterity in management makes them good managers at home and in the office. When a Leo finds something he really wants to dedicate himself to, he shines brighter than anyone else around him. The more Leos give to others, the more they receive in the end. A person born under the sign of Leo has enormous self-esteem, fiery intensity and a large supply of vital energy.

Sagittarius and Pisces

With its size and gravity, Jupiter has a strong influence on all the planets around it. This is an aristocrat of the solar system. Both Pisces and Sagittarius influence the people around them with their unique thoughts and philosophical views. Many are very interested in seeing the big picture, which awakens a sense of meaning in life.

The carriers of these zodiac signs have no problems with the meaning of life - they clearly know it and live according to their own internal ideas. For many people born under the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius, the revelation of how to find out your planet by date of birth comes as a big surprise.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, the ruler of all big things, expansion and excess. Taking twelve years to move through the zodiac circle, he remains in each sign for about a year. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and the ancient ruler of Pisces. These are the signs that he patronizes.

Sagittarians love to have fun and gamble, while Pisces tend to have grand visions of how life should be. Each sign reflecting the nature of Jupiter is named after the Roman king of the gods, so everyone interested should recognize the patron planet by date of birth. Suddenly she will find herself with this ancient, noble and very influential celestial body, covered in the glory of ancient Rome.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Saturn has a long-standing connection with time, and as such, Capricorn and Aquarius have a sense of pace and rhythm of life built into their very being. They always know when something is happening and what needs to be done about it. Capricorn is more rational and constructive, while Aquarius is immersed in the world of thoughts. However, both understand the value of constant persistence in achieving a goal. They are usually calm and have a light, slightly thoughtful character.

Saturn is the only planet that rules two adjacent zodiac signs. He rules Capricorn and is the ancient ruler of Aquarius. It takes Saturn about twenty-eight and a half years to circle the zodiac, visiting each zodiac sign for about two and a half years.

Saturn is the planet of limitations, so it is not surprising that from Earth it is seen last of all the planets. Capricorn and Aquarius are opposites to Cancer and Leo, and therefore Saturn completes the cycle of planetary rulers. Saturn rules the darkest months of the year in the northern hemisphere. Capricorn gives a person a sense of his own status, he strives to know his place in the world, acting freely when these boundaries of social agreement and possibilities are obvious.

Aquarians - love people and crowds, media and popular trends. But they are also alienated at the individual level of interaction, reflecting the strict distance maintained by the watchful eye of Saturn.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - planets in signs by date of birth

These three planets were unknown to the ancients, but after their discovery, astrologers sought to establish connections between each new planet and one of the zodiac symbols. Soon they too became patron planets. A person’s date of birth determines their influence on character and events in life.

Uranus was recognized as the planet of uprisings and revolutions, which became a real scourge of civilization during the French and American revolutions. He was assigned to rule Aquarius. Neptune was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and is believed to have a strong connection with the art of photography and spirits, as well as illusions and the birth of psychoanalysis. He was assigned to rule Pisces. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and is associated with secret sources of power, which is a perfect complement to the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

For this reason, everyone should have an idea of ​​​​how to find out their planet by date of birth. The ancient rulers of Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio are still of great importance in understanding the personal characteristics of the bearers of each of these signs. Modern rulers only complement them. The complex construction of each human personality is easier to see when drawing up a natal chart, when the zodiac sign is already known. The ruling planet reveals the main characteristics of each person. Understanding others is what allows us to ultimately understand ourselves.

For the inhabitants of our planet, the most important celestial body is the Sun, which determines belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac. However, not only this luminary influences our lives. In addition to the fact that the location of many celestial bodies in the horoscope contributes to the formation of personality traits, inclinations, energy potential, etc., each of us has planets that are called rulers. Knowing your main planet and the qualities it imparts, you can understand a lot about yourself and others, which means you can change something for the better. Before inviting you to get acquainted with the ruling planets of the Zodiac signs, let us clarify that in astrology the Sun and Moon are classified as planets.

The planet of Aries is Mars. This planet endows its wards with a huge reserve of physical strength, an indomitable thirst for activity, fearlessness, increased sexuality, but at the same time - excessive aggression, insolence, and conflict.

The planet of Taurus and Libra is Venus. They can thank her for her special attractiveness in the eyes of others, excellent taste, and the ability to enjoy the various manifestations of life. But Venus also relaxes them, turns them into hostages of comfort and pleasure.

The planet of Gemini and Virgo is Mercury, whose influence is associated with the intellectual sphere, the work of the mind, consciousness, and information. The negative impact is manifested in a tendency to causticism, deception, and intrigue.

Planet Cancer - Moon. This celestial body influences the sphere of the unconscious, emotions and makes Cancers especially sensitive, receptive, impressionable, changeable, passive, and sometimes capricious, unprincipled, frivolous.

The planet of Leo is the Sun. She is responsible for leadership, power, being in the center of attention, endowing her wards with internal and physical strength, complacency, success, but at the same time - arrogance, pride, and a tendency to idleness.

The planet of Scorpio is Pluto, a relatively little-studied celestial body associated with extreme manifestations - of individuals, society as a whole, natural forces, with reform, the desire for power.

The planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, endowing its wards with versatile abilities, breadth of views, desire for knowledge, luck, optimism, but also capable of making them insensitive egoists, lazy and proud.

The planet of Capricorn is Saturn, a stern patron, cultivating strength of character through overcoming difficulties, rewarding only for merit, endowing with integrity of nature, seriousness, and readiness for self-restraint.

The planet of Aquarius is Uranus, stimulating those under its care to move forward, without regard to the past and traditions, pushing towards radical changes, revolutions of various scales. The negative influence of Uranus can turn people into uncontrollable, cynical anarchists.

The planet of Pisces - Neptune - is bewitching, leading a person away from reality, connecting him with higher energies, endowing him with remarkable creative abilities, but capable of destroying his wards, depriving them of solid ground under their feet.

Planets of the Zodiac signs

People are born who are similar in manners, preferences, or some specific characteristic traits. Astrologers take this feature into account when drawing up individual charts of a person, where the celestial bodies play an important role. To avoid any difficulties in finding out your planet, it is enough to calculate your Zodiac sign by date of birth.


The red warlike planet, which gives a person sexuality, aggressiveness and a fighting temperament, is Mars. The corresponding day of the week is Tuesday. With a strongly pronounced “Martian” horoscope, especially if the luminary is in the 1st astrological house, “masculine” facial features or complexion, a reddish skin type can be traced in a person’s appearance and character, especially when expressing strong emotions, while sunbathing or being in the cold. Passionate love for spicy food, scandals, sex and bright clothes is also accompanied by the influence of this planet. Under the powerful influence of Mars, warlike, courageous, decisive and extremely impulsive individuals are born, capable of fighting for their own to the last. Leadership blood flows in them. Often such people can exert pressure on others, both active and passive. Mars is also directly responsible for sports, competition and power. The zodiac signs that accompany the luminary are Aries and Scorpio. Suitable types of professions:

  • military activities;
  • all work related to metal, fire, piercing and cutting objects;
  • sports, martial arts;
  • sphere of management;
  • organizational positions;
  • working with blood;
  • mechanics, mechanical engineering;
  • driver, driver;
  • engineering;
  • traumatology and surgery;
  • cooking hot food;
  • cutting meat.

How to find out your birth planet? It is enough to know your zodiac sign. Perhaps Mars is that very patron planet.


Beauty, harmony and love are the key words for those born under the auspices of Venus, which rules the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. Taste preferences, femininity, manner of dressing, expressing feelings towards the opposite sex, handling money - “Venusian” aspects are directly responsible for this. With a harmonious position of the planet, a person will be endowed with charm, attractive appearance, warmth and refined manners. Such representatives can often be called jacks of all trades. With a “good” connection with Mercury, there is an innate gift of eloquence, the ability to sing and write poetry. With Mars - plasticity, ability to dance. With Jupiter - boundless optimism, luck, wealth. With Saturn - reliability, loyalty, desire for classics. He is characterized by sensitivity, the ability to empathize and maintain a positive atmosphere around. With unfavorable aspects, laziness, greed or wastefulness, callousness of nature, “earthliness”, an excessive tendency towards pleasure and voluptuousness may appear. Women will show capriciousness, “let themselves go,” shout a lot for no reason and show envy. Men with “evil” Venus jealous or, on the contrary, cold, like a piece of ice. Suitable activities for Venus:

  • design;
  • art;
  • economy;
  • biology;
  • working with cosmetics and perfumes;
  • model business;
  • trade and production of luxury goods;
  • floristics;
  • political activity;
  • diplomatic positions.

To find out your planet by date of birth, contact an astrologer. Perhaps Venus will be that very patron planet. For a more in-depth analysis, calculate an individual astrological chart, indicating the exact time and place of birth.


Curious Geminis and pedantic Virgos - these are the signs of the Zodiac that are protected by fast Mercury. It is the planet of the mind, mathematics, speech, trade and information transfer. “Mercurian” personalities are sociable, erudite, extremely curious and talkative. The planet is also responsible for handwriting, writing style, papers and negotiations. Walking, traveling short distances, communicating on social networks, contacts with neighbors and close relatives also belong to Mercury. People in whose chart the influence of this luminary is clearly expressed are active, witty, cunning and resourceful. They instantly catch all the latest news, both true and distorted. “Mercurians” cannot imagine their lives without telephone conversations and correspondence. They can persuade anyone to buy this or that thing. Everything that happens in the world is subject to logic. Those born with a strong influence of this luminary with “good” aspects have a quick, practical and analytical way of thinking. These are debaters who find it difficult to shut up. The sense of humor is excellent. With “evil” aspects, nervousness, quarrelsomeness, love for gossip and weaving intrigues will be evident. Such individuals will always want to extract great benefits from the smallest things. Suitable activities:

You can find out which planet your Zodiac sign is under by calculating your individual chart, where you must fill in the fields with your date of birth.


Cancer is a zodiac sign under the “lunar” protection. Increased sensitivity, femininity, dreaminess and tenderness are perfectly combined with phenomenal memory, thriftiness and caring. The love of watching melodramas, sentimentality and a penchant for nostalgia are especially pronounced in individuals whose horoscope is strongly influenced by the Moon, especially if it is in “its home” - in the fourth sign of the Zodiac, Cancer. It is not without reason that under the influence of this sign the World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated - the basic values ​​without which the “lunar” ones cannot imagine their existence. “He who is thrifty is happy”, “My home is my fortress”, “God protects the careful”, “The bird that does not love its nest is stupid” - folk proverbs that ideally describe the lifestyle and way of thinking of representatives of the pronounced Moon or Cancer in the horoscope. They often wear silver, go near the water and wear white clothes, and they are especially inspired by things with round outlines. The home is well-kept and cozy, the table is with pies and pancakes, the place of residence is the Motherland. It is quite difficult for these people to go to a foreign land, far from their native lands. Passion for history, restoration of the past, retrospective, respect for ancestors and family lineage are the most important preferences of those born under the auspices of the Moon. Suitable activities:

Calculation of the natal chart will tell you how to recognize the planets in the horoscope.


From the mouths of those around you you often hear such a phrase as “sunny person”. Surely, this comparison rewards active, cheerful individuals who are able to charge everything around with positive and glowing energy. Inexhaustible optimism, smiling, generosity, nobility, a big heart, love for holidays, savoring pleasant moments - this is how one can characterize those born under the strong influence of the Sun in the horoscope. This main luminary, illuminating the street with its pleasant, caressing rays, patronizes Leo, the fifth zodiac sign. "Suns" are awarded with self-esteem, rebellious disposition and creative abilities. Public recognition, applause, praise and endless attention are important to them. These are born actors, and the stage for them is a second home where they always want to shine. Their speech is not devoid of pathos and beautiful words, their manners are royal, their posture is proud, their gait is important. Mirrors, huge halls, beaches, podiums, camera flashes, video camera clicks seem to be created specifically for these charming creatures, for whom a presentable appearance is of great importance. The corresponding day of the week is Sunday. With unfavorable aspects - egocentrism, aggressiveness, laziness, despotism. Suitable areas of activity:

  • Show Business;
  • acting skills;
  • photo;
  • oratory;
  • gambling business;
  • organization of special events;
  • work as a TV presenter;
  • jewelry design;
  • work on the beach;
  • modeling activity;
  • circus art;
  • gift wrapping;
  • cardiology;
  • control;
  • pedagogy;
  • art;
  • literature;
  • music, singing.

The zodiac sign in which the Sun is located will tell you how to recognize your planet in your personal horoscope. It is enough to know your date of birth.


Planet of death, rebirth and underground riches. Patronized by the zodiac sign Scorpio. The planet is quite complex, as is the character of its “poisonous ward”, responsible for intimidation, transformation, violence, crises, cleansing and a lot of money. A person with a strong influence of Pluto is resilient, capable of taking dangerous risks, ready to survive in the most extreme conditions. Passions are what Scorpio lives to the fullest. This is a sage with a wealth of life experience behind him. His gaze is like an X-ray, scanning the interlocutor through and through, making his way into the very “darkness” of someone else’s soul. The planet also endows the individual with magical abilities and rewards with powerful sexual energy. Activities:

You can find out more about the planets in the horoscope houses and zodiac signs by calculating your individual astrological chart.


The planet of luck, learning and expansion, “commands” the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter endows people with philosophical abilities, generosity, passion for travel and determination. With good aspects, a person is active, full of vital energy, optimism and friendliness. Teaching, giving valuable advice, strengthening friendship between peoples is the strong point of the “Jupiterians”. Religion and cultures of other countries play a big role. These are intelligent individuals who are always ready to learn, pick up foreign languages ​​on the fly, receive a good education, and achieve a prestigious position in society. With “evil” aspects, people of strong Jupiter can be arrogant, impudent and cynical, consume food in unreasonable quantities and spend money recklessly. Suitable areas of activity:

  • travel business;
  • work as a translator;
  • traveling mediation;
  • Horseback Riding;
  • cycling;
  • football;
  • excursions;
  • horse breeding;
  • writing philosophical books;
  • education;
  • working with foreign currency;
  • various types of part-time jobs;
  • international relationships;
  • work in a casino;
  • scientific cooperation.

Astrologers advise how to recognize your planet without problems. It is enough to have an idea of ​​your solar zodiac sign, which corresponds to the day and month of birth.


This strict planet took responsibility for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius. People in whose horoscope Saturn is strongly expressed are tall, thin in build, and have a reserved appearance “a la the Stone Guest” or “The Snow Queen”. The skin color is either very pale or, on the contrary, very dark. These individuals are characterized by rigor, conservative views on life, asceticism and the desire to subordinate everything to laws and certain algorithms. Time and work are the most important values ​​for “Saturn” people, which is why they love wearing watches so much and try to achieve high positions in the service. Everything must be on time, no delays. With the “inharmonious” aspect, a person is often dissatisfied, can fall into prolonged depression, force himself into exhausting diets, walk dirty, and disfigure himself. Suitable areas of activity:

  • management of something;
  • work in the mountains;
  • skiing;
  • growing plants;
  • farming;
  • agriculture;
  • laying asphalt;
  • medicine;
  • work with calculations, problem solving;
  • construction;
  • study of stones and minerals;
  • working with clocks.

How to find out which planet is in your Zodiac sign? For a more in-depth analysis, it is necessary to indicate the exact time and place of birth.


The most freedom-loving sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius, falls under the extraordinary planet. The strong influence of Uranus gives a person unconventional thinking, the desire to be an individual, without conforming to generally accepted stereotypes and rules. Freedom is one of the main values ​​of Aquarius and all “Uranian” personalities. Their time is not here and not now, but in the very distant future, when the world will be filled with robots and all kinds of technical innovations. All innovations, surprises, changes, brilliant discoveries are accompanied by Uranian influence. Height, aviation, the World Wide Web, the Internet and outer space are also under the control of Uranus. With an unfavorable aspect, a person can become an anarchist, a destroyer of all traditions, who blindly submits to imaginary independence. Suitable areas of activity:

  • invention;
  • the world of technological progress;
  • astronautics;
  • astrology;
  • modern medicine;
  • programming;
  • electrician;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • freelancing

You can find out your planet in a sign, as well as consider the detailed aspects of Uranus, from astrologers who construct both natal and transit charts in detail.


The ruler of all the world's waters, drugs, chemistry and art rules the very last sign of the Zodiac - Pisces. Under strong Neptune, gifted individuals, creators, philanthropists, capable of self-sacrifice are born. They have a subtle, receptive nature, strong overwhelming emotions, and a desire to be alone. Romance, trembling feelings, illusions are the place of residence of many “Neptunians” and zodiac Pisces. Cunning, secrecy, and resourcefulness in any situation are no less expressive traits of those born with a strong expression of this planet. With a tense arrangement of aspects, these people run the risk of setting foot on the path of bad habits, tormenting themselves with a deplorable mood, and thinking about leaving life. Occupation:

  • charity;
  • working with shoes;
  • art, especially music and choreography;
  • chemical industry;
  • all types of psychology;
  • treatment of infections and fungal diseases;
  • seafaring;
  • work in the bathhouse;
  • fishing and fish trade;
  • winemaking;
  • working in a bar.

For a deeper study of your astrological chart, astrologers recommend finding out the planets in the houses. In this way, a person can understand his character and actions, and also find a clue for a congenial activity that brings good profit. Having studied all these tips and recommendations, a person can easily catch a fish out of a pond and understand how to recognize the planet in the sign of the zodiac constellation.

> Planets of the zodiac signs

Usually the position of the representatives of the zodiac horoscope is determined by where the Sun is located. It is this that reveals the most obvious traits of appearance and character. It's like our ego. But it happens that these characteristics are not so noticeable or that others appear instead. What's the matter? The bottom line is that everyone also has a personal planet, the features of which may contradict the solar ones, which are noticeably diminishing.

Planets and their meaning for character

The zodiac horoscope is a constant that stands in one place. But life moves, and this activity is represented by the planets, which take turns visiting everyone. That's why it's so important to know what exist stewards(major planets) and what they mean.

There are 10 in total patrons influencing the formation of our destiny. The sun represents vital energy and rebirth. This is the ability to dominate oneself and others. The Moon is emotional and mental depth, knowledge of secret and intimate thoughts, the habit of withdrawing into oneself. Mars makes the zodiac warlike, courageous and courageous. Moreover, the gender of the carrier is unimportant, since the planet will declare itself in the heat of an argument or scandal. Mercury is calculating and thinks everything through in advance. Venus always brings love, a desire for beauty, creative impulse and art. Jupiter makes the sign fixate on inner spirituality as well as outward expansion. Uranus provokes change, revolution, and the collapse of stereotypes. Neptune encourages daydreaming and illusions. And Pluto is a dictator, stimulating the zodiac to strive for power and suppression.

Power of planets in zodiac signs

The strength of celestial bodies directly depends on their position. The zodiac itself is inert and releases its properties only when a planet stops in it. At the moment of communication, their characteristics coincide. The ruler will receive maximum power, because he is in his home territory. In addition, its power and influence also depends on its position in the hierarchy. For example, Neptune will be able to perform better in Pisces, but its potential will increase if it moves to Sagittarius.

Strengths Weaknesses





Gemini, Virgo

Sagittarius, Pisces

Taurus, Libra

Scorpio, Aries

Aries, Scorpio

Libra, Taurus

Sagittarius, Pisces

Gemini, Virgo

Aquarius, Capricorn


Pisces, Sagittarius

Virgo, Gemini

Scorpio, Aries

Taurus, Libra

But the planet may weaken, and then the sign will take control into its own hands. This happens during a period of exaltation. The weakest position is “exile.” This happens when a sign resists the influence of a celestial body. This refers to the lowest position in the hierarchy. Then she is pushed into a hostile zone, where she is not allowed to express herself. There is also a “fall” when she feels discomfort when opening. But to understand yourself, you need to understand how to identify a planet.

How to recognize a planet in a zodiac sign

There is no need to invent a wheel and turn to astrologers, since each sign is connected to celestial bodies, and there is a special table, which demonstrates your situation in detail. In it you will find your zodiac, as well as planetary influence and their position (strong or weak). In accordance with this, you can understand how this will affect your behavior in a given period and what character traits are inherent to you.

The location of the planets in the zodiac signs

You can also check the clear arrangement in the houses of Natal, provided by the natal chart. These are 12 sectors corresponding to the zodiacs. It is important to know what planets located in specific houses. The point is that managers objects, as well as any combination, affect various life circumstances and the degree of our self-realization. This is an individual destiny card that can be created for everyone. To do this, you just need to know the date, time and place of birth. The table calculates everything itself and shows not only what is inherent in you, but can also predict the entire subsequent path.