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Benefits of lychee for health and weight loss. Lychee fruit, beneficial properties and contraindications

    I choose lychees that are about 3 centimeters in size. It is better that the color is rich pink. The peel is quite thick, so I use a sharp knife, cut it crosswise and remove the skin.

    Then I put the fruit in my mouth and eat it)). I eat it carefully, there is a bone there.

    This is an easy way to eat.

    You can also lightly press on the pulp and release the seed. It doesn’t slide out right away, the juice leaks, so I don’t like this method. But it is also used.

    A very unusual fruit with an exquisite aroma. I agree that it tastes like grapes and grapefruit. But there is something else mixed in there... very unusual!

    My MCH doesn’t like this). He says it's chemistry.

    Lychee is a very interesting and very tasty tropical product.

    Externally, it is very similar to a small round chestnut of red-raspberry color.

    In terms of taste, it cannot be compared with anything, because it has its own original taste.

    In order to eat it, you need to peel and separate the pulp from the peel, and then sit this delicacy.

    This is what Lychee looks like:

    Those who have tried lychee are delighted with it taste and aroma. There are no special sophistications in extracting ripe light pulp from under the rough skin.

    peel You can remove it with a knife, or you can cut it slightly and remove it with your hands, like we peel tangerines.

    bone we throw it away, and eat and enjoy the pulp, which resembles the pulp of grapes.

    Of course still worth buying ripe quality fruit. It should be bright red in color, without dark spots, and quite dense.

    Grows in India and China.

    Dragon's eye (as the Chinese call it) is not only tasty, but also very useful. Lychee contains a lot of water and minerals, so it helps quench thirst and gives tone. Lychee is also considered an aphrodisiac and promotes weight loss.

    First of all, before buying this exotic fruit, you need to pay attention to the ripeness, that is, the peel of the fruit should be somewhat dry. First, you will need to tear off the peel, that is, you need to press with your fingertips in the middle, mainly with your nails (if that doesn’t work, then pry it off with a knife), and the peel will slowly begin to crack and separate from the deliciousness itself. Just like a peach, there is a pit in the center, the eating process is essentially the same as a peach, carefully eat everything, and leave the pit accordingly)

    Lychee- This tropical fruit, very tasty.

    Its peculiarity is rough and lumpy skin.

    Pulp in lychee tender, sweet and sour.

    What to do with lychee:

    Wash the fruit, then take a knife and carefully separate the rough skin from the pulp.

    Remove the pit. The pulp is eaten like, for example, cherries.

    You can put lychees in a glass of champagne. Champagne will acquire an unusual, pleasant taste.

    Lychee can be used to make ice cream. Lychee pulp is used as a filling for sweet pancakes.

    See below for how to clean it for consumption. .

    You only need to eat the pulp, which has a whitish color. Separate the red (sometimes pinkish, and sometimes crimson red) color of the rough peel and discard it.

    It is, of course, advisable to wash the lychees first (not everyone does this). After this, peel off the peel with a knife (precisely as you peel, for example, kiwi). Cut and remove the bone. The pulp is used.

    Bon appetit.

    Lychee is a very tasty fruit. In eastern markets it is sold directly on the branches. To try it, you need to peel the pulp. This is very easy to do, no special equipment is needed, just your hands.

    This interesting Asian fruit is also called Chinese plum in addition to its main name Lychee. When the fruit is ripe, the peel becomes dry and to separate the pulp, you just need to press it into the center with your nails. The peel will crack and you can easily get to the pulp, which is already edible. If you get a fruit that is not quite ripe, and supermarkets often sell such fruit, then simply peel the Lychee with a knife like a potato or a vegetable peeler. Remember also that in the middle of the white pulp there is a large bone.

    There are several options for eating lychee. But at home, the best option is to wash the fruit, cut the skin with a sharp knife and simply peel it off with your hands, like we peel tangerines or oranges. Be very careful when doing this, try not to damage the flesh - it is very juicy and tender.

    Yes, there is a seed inside the fruit. Naturally, we don’t eat it, but simply throw it away, like cherries.

    The taste and aroma are incomparable. But some people think that it is the scent of the perfume that these people do not like. That's why the fruit is memorable. And in appearance, lychees are unusual - their skin is dense and with pimples. But I smell grapes, grapefruit, something else pleasant, and I really like lychee. Our cost is just over two hundred rubles per kilogram.

    Such an interesting fruit as lychee is an oriental delicacy. To eat it, you first need to peel it, which should be slightly dry. After peeling, you can eat, leaving, of course, the bone.

Syn: Chinese plum, lisi, liji, laysi, paradise grapes, dragon eye.

Lychee is an evergreen fruit tree with a spreading crown, complex pointed leaves and fragrant pink fruits with lumpy skin. Lychee fruits have good taste and medicinal properties, and are used for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases of the digestive, respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

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In medicine

Lychee is not a pharmacopoeial plant in Russia, but it is popular in Eastern folk medicine and is an active component of some dietary supplements. Oligonol is a pharmacological drug with the same name as the polyphenol contained in lychee, the active component of which is lychee extract. Lychee fruit is processed in the Japanese city of Sapporo at a pharmaceutical plant. The drug Oligonol restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, activates blood circulation, eliminating “cold extremity syndrome,” controls the level of antioxidant production in the body, promotes active metabolism, preventing obesity. The drug is recognized by professional cosmetology, as it helps cleanse the skin of the face and lighten its pigmented areas.

The Chinese consume lychee fruits to prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and reduce blood cholesterol. Having expectorant properties, lychee fruit is useful for colds, bronchitis, asthma, and tuberculosis. Providing a diuretic effect, lychee fruits are used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. This product also promotes weight loss and actively fights fat deposits in the body. Regular consumption of fruits normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and blood sugar levels, and eliminates chronic constipation. Decoctions from the peel of lychee fruits or tree flowers help with fatigue, depression and neuroses. Chinese lychee in the East is a well-known aphrodisiac, a remedy that gives men sexual strength. Regular consumption of fruits reduces the risk of developing cancer. Medicinal mixtures, including lychee fruit, are used to treat cancer in the initial stages of the disease.

Contraindications and side effects

If we talk about the benefits and harms of lychee fruit, then the only contraindications for consuming this tasty and medicinal fruit are individual intolerance and a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions. Children are allowed to consume no more than 100 g of lychee per day, as skin rashes may occur. Overeating in adults affects the oral mucosa and develops flatulence. Those who adhere to protein diets should be careful when consuming lychee, since intestinal disturbances (diarrhea, flatulence) are possible.

In cooking

The fruits of the lychee tree are eaten fresh, dried or canned. Various desserts, sweet dishes, jelly, and ice cream are prepared from these fruits. The pulp of the fruit is close in taste to white grape varieties; inside it is a brown oval seed. Dried lychee fruit is also a valuable food product called lychee nut. In its dried pulp, the bone rolls like a ball. Traditional Chinese wine is made from lychee fruits. Canned seedless fruits are exported to different parts of the world. Lychee goes well with fish. Sweet and sour sauce is also prepared from the fruits, which is served with meat dishes. Black leaf tea infused with lychee peel is an excellent tonic drink called Congou. It is consumed not only hot, but also chilled, with the addition of pieces of ice. Saketini is a traditional Chinese aperitif, which includes sake, dry vermouth and aromatic lychee syrup.

In cosmetology

Lychee fruits are successfully used in professional and home cosmetology. Lychee fruit extract is an active ingredient in many skin and hair care products. Lychee is often present in anti-aging and sunscreen cosmetics. Lychee fruit is considered an excellent antioxidant. The plant extract is used to treat problematic, dry skin. The drug "Oligonol" based on lychee fruit is used to lighten pigmented spots on the face. Masks based on Chinese lychees well moisturize the skin of the face and body due to the presence of essential oils in the fruits. Hair using lychee-based shampoos acquires a healthy shine, and as a result of using the fruit extract, the growth of hair follicles is activated.

In other areas

It is known that lychees are excellent honey plants. Lychee fruit honey is golden in color and aromatic. Lychee wood is quite hard and durable, practically not subject to rotting, which is why it is often used in construction, as well as in the manufacture of some carpentry products.


Lychee or Chinese lychee (lat. Litchi chinensis) is a subtropical fruit tree growing in tropical and subtropical climates. Belongs to the large Sapindaceae family. There are approximately 150 genera in the family, and about 2000 species.

Botanical description

Lychee is an evergreen fruit-bearing tree, usually reaching a height of up to 15 meters. It has a spreading crown of a round shape and a gray smooth trunk. The leaves of the plant are compound, dark green, shiny, pair-pinnate (less often imparipinnate), consisting of 5-8 oval or lanceolate-shaped leaflets with a pointed end. The seedling tree begins to bear fruit in the fifth to ninth year of life; lychees grown vegetatively produce fruit at the age of four. The yield of the tree increases every year; after the 20-year mark, the number of fruits decreases. The lychee tree grows quite slowly. Lychee fruit is an oval pink-red fruit, weighing up to 20 g. The top of the lychee fruit is covered with a lumpy soft peel, which is easily separated from the pulp. Under the skin there is a juicy, whitish, sour-sweet pulp with a seed-bone inside. Lychee fruits ripen in May - early June. Fragrant lychee flowers have a yellow-green calyx, without petals, the flowers are collected in lush inflorescences-umbrellas, about 70 cm long. Both male and female flowers develop on the same plant, and the male ones usually bloom earlier. Of the many flowers, only a few produce fruit. Bees facilitate pollination.

Based on the appearance of the leaves, two main types of lychee are distinguished: Chinese lychee (Litchi chinensis subsp. сhinensis), whose habitat is China and Indochina. Leaf blades of this species have 4-8 leaf lobes. In the Philippine lychee species (Litchi chinensis subsp. philippinensis), common in the Philippine Islands, on the island of Papua New Guinea and in Indonesia, the leaves are dissected into only 2-4 leaflets.


Currently, lychees are cultivated in China, Japan, many countries in Southeast Asia, Africa and South America, as well as in the southern states of the United States. Many countries in Southeast Asia are exporters of lychee fruit. Fruit trees grow well in the subtropics with relatively cool, dry winters; in the humid equatorial climate, lychees usually do not bear fruit.

Procurement of raw materials

The fruits of the lychee tree have healing properties. It is better to store fruits frozen, peeled, for about 3 months, since lychees are classified as perishable food products. Fresh fruits of the lychee tree have a short shelf life - only 3 days at room temperature. Therefore, lychee fruits are difficult to store and transport to distant countries. The fruits are carefully picked from the trees in whole bunches. At above-zero temperatures of up to 7°C, lychee can be stored for about 30 days. When buying lychees in a store, you need to know how to select high-quality fruits. If the fruits have been picked a long time ago, the peel will be dark brown and hard. Bright, pink-red, soft to the touch fruits are especially aromatic and suitable for consumption. Lychee fruit retains its beneficial properties even in dried form.

Chemical composition

Lychee fruits are rich in vitamin composition, so the benefits of lychee are essential for the human body. Fruits contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates, pectins, proteins, fiber, vitamins B, E, C, PP, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, copper, zinc, iron, fluorine, selenium, manganese; organic acids, among others which are found to have a high content of nicotinic acid.The calorie content of lychee is approximately 76 kcal per 100 g of product.

Pharmacological properties

Due to the high content of nicotinic acid in lychee fruits, the fruits prevent and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. In the course of scientific research, American scientists found that lychee fruit contains a unique active substance - polyphenol oligonol. It is a powerful antioxidant and antiviral agent that helps the body get rid of many free radicals. The presence of free radicals is the main cause of aging and decreased immunity. Oligonol is able to protect the liver from various unfavorable factors, and also prolongs the youth of the body, preventing premature aging of cells. Possessing a large amount of beta-carotene, lychee fruit has anti-tumor properties. Chinese scientists have proven that regular consumption of the fruits of the lychee tree helps reduce the level of stress hormone, thereby protecting the nervous system from the negative effects of stressful situations and emotional tension. In addition, due to the presence of polyphenol in its composition, lychee fruit, when consumed regularly, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart muscle and improves immunity.

Use in folk medicine

Due to its unique composition and the presence of many beneficial properties, lychees have found wide use in Eastern folk medicine. The Chinese consume fresh or dried fruits to prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, to cleanse the blood of harmful cholesterol and normalize metabolic processes in the body. The high content of ascorbic acid in lychee allows the fruit to be used to treat colds, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and improve immunity. Syrup made from fruit pulp is recommended for anemia. Lychee fruit is an excellent decongestant for kidney diseases. Ten fruits eaten per day normalize blood glucose levels; fruits are good for diabetes. Fruits in any form are useful for diseases of the pancreas, liver, and digestive organs (ulcers, gastritis). Fiber-rich fruits promote regular bowel movements, relieving chronic constipation. A decoction of lychee seeds relieves neuralgic pain well. A decoction of lychee flowers is used to gargle for sore throats, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. Tea infused with lychee peel is an excellent tonic for the body. Used for neuroses, depression, fatigue. In Eastern countries, lychees are considered the “fruit of love” - an aphrodisiac that stimulates potency in men. As part of medicinal preparations, together with lemongrass, the Chinese use lychee to treat cancer. Diets with moderate consumption of lychee give good results - low-calorie fruits satisfy hunger, have a diuretic effect and promote fat burning.

Historical reference

The first mention of the lychee fruit dates back to the 2nd century BC, during the reign of the Chinese emperor Wu Di. According to legend, the ruler wanted to grow an exotic tree in the northern regions of China, since until that time lychees had been successfully cultivated in the south of the country. For his unsuccessful attempt to introduce this fruit into the culture of northern China from the southern part of the country, Wu Di became angry and gave the order to execute all the gardeners at the court. The fruit tree was brought to European countries in the mid-17th century. Currently, lychee is considered the most popular fruit in Southeast Asia.
French botanist and traveler Pierre Sonnera brought exotic young lychee trees to Europe. In the book of the Spanish writer Gonzalez de Mendoza, Europeans could read a description of the exotic lychee fruit trees. The author claimed that lychees are similar to plums, but overeating them does not cause heaviness in the stomach. Now “Chinese plum” is one of the names of the lychee fruit. The juicy pulp and elongated brown seed inside gave rise to the fruit being called the “eye of the dragon.” The first lychee plantation already appeared in 1764 on the island of Reunion; a little later, lychees began to be grown en masse in Madagascar, which has become a supplier of fruit almost to this day. Gradually, over time, the range of lychee expanded, trees grew in southern Japan, Burma, India, South Africa, in America - Honduras, the southern states of the USA, Brazil.


1. Plant life. In 6 volumes / Ch. ed. member-corr. USSR Academy of Sciences, prof. Al. A. Fedorov. - M.: Education, 1981. - T. 5, Part 2. Flowering plants. Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - P. 263.

2. The world of cultivated plants. Directory / Baranov V.D., Ustimenko G.V. - M.: Mysl, 1994. - P. 300-302. - 381 p.

3. Novak B., Schultz B. Tropical fruits. Biology, application, cultivation and harvesting / Transl. with him. - M.: BMM AO, 2002. - P. 59-60. - 240 s.

4. Samoilenko M. Healing juices. - Litres, 2015. - 489 p.

Lychee is a small fruit covered with a red skin with tubercles. It tastes sweet and sour and very pleasant. Just a few years ago this fruit could not be seen in our stores. Now, although it is rare and expensive, you can still buy these unusual fruits and enjoy their taste. What kind of fruit is this, where and how it grows and what beneficial properties it has, all this is in the article.

How does lychee grow?

Lychee is one of the popular fruits of Southeast Asia. But its popularity is not limited only to this region. It is gaining more and more fans around the world for its taste and aroma.

Lychee fruit is the fruit of an evergreen tree. It can reach 20-30 meters in height. But, as a rule, it is only 10-15 meters. China is considered the birthplace of this fruit, where, according to sources, its fruits were eaten as early as the 2nd century BC.

Over time, lychee spread first to neighboring countries and then to many regions of the globe with a tropical climate. This fruit was brought to Europe in the 17th century. It was first described by the Spanish writer Gonzalez de Mendoza, who was interested in the history of China.

The lychee tree belongs to the Sapindaceae family. The crown of the tree is spreading. The pinnate leaves have from 4 to 8 elongated ovate or lanceolate leaflets.

The flowers of the plant cannot be called such in the usual sense. They have no petals and are collected in lush umbrella-shaped panicles, the length of which can be up to 70 centimeters. Of all the inflorescences, only 3 to 15 fruits can be formed. The rest fall off after flowering.

The fruits themselves are round or oval in shape and covered with a thick skin with numerous tubercles. Inside, underneath there is a juicy jelly-like white pulp with a dark oval-shaped bone inside.

The diameter of the fruit is about 2.5-4 centimeters. The peel is bright red. The weight of a ripe fruit is about 20 grams.

Lychee is also called Chinese plum, laysi, lisi, liji. The Chinese call it "dragon's eye".

Lychee fruit taste

Only the white flesh of the lychee is edible. Neither the peel nor the pit is used for food. They are inedible. The pulp itself is juicy, aromatic, and has a jelly-like consistency. The peel peels off easily.

Everyone describes the taste of lychee differently. To some it resembles something between strawberries and grapes, and to others it resembles pineapple. Lychee perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst.

Lychee chemical composition and calorie content

Lychee contains many useful substances that are beneficial for the human body. Found in it:

Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H (biotin), K (phylloquinone);

Minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, fluorine, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, iodine;


Alimentary fiber;



The amount of sugar depends on the area where the tree grows and can fluctuate.

100 grams of fruit pulp contains almost 80 grams of water, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fat, 0.9 grams of proteins. The calorie content of 100 grams of lychee is 60-70 calories.

Lychee fruit beneficial properties

Thanks to the substances contained in lychee, this fruit has many beneficial properties. Vitamins, minerals, plenty of water, dietary fiber and more all have a positive effect on the human body.

Vitamin C and potassium have a healing effect on the cardiovascular system. This fruit can lower cholesterol levels. In China, this fruit is consumed to prevent atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Lychee fruit has a tonic effect on the human body. In the east, it is considered an excellent natural aphrodisiac. It is not surprising that in India lychees are called the fruit of love.

Due to its high water content, it perfectly quenches thirst, normalizes the functioning of the intestinal tract, eliminates and prevents constipation. And its low calorie content makes it an excellent product for losing weight and getting rid of extra pounds.

The Chinese believe that lychee, when combined with lemongrass and other herbs, is very effective against cancer.

But in addition to the fruit, its peel is used in folk medicine. Regular consumption of peel decoction improves body tone and prevents fluid accumulation in tissues.

Lychee is useful when eaten fresh. But when canned or dried, it also has many beneficial properties and does not lose its taste.

Benefits of lychee for the body

The whole benefit of this small fruit called lychee lies, again, in its chemical composition. It looks like there might be some water there. But we can say with confidence about this fruit: “The spool is small, but expensive.” It is a pity that its fruiting season is short and it is not stored for a long time.

The main benefits of the “dragon eye” include:

Strengthening immunity;

Beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels;

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack;

Prevention of atherosclerosis;

Removing bad low-density cholesterol;

Prevention of constipation;

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal system;

Prevention of anemia, as it contains iron;

Cleansing the body of harmful substances and toxins (rich in fiber and pectin);

Antioxidants protect the body from the oxidative process of free radicals;

Prevention of premature aging;

Increasing tone and energy balance due to the right carbohydrates and vitamin composition;

Simple sugars satisfy hunger for a long time;

It has a relatively low glycemic index and can be consumed by patients with diabetes.

Lychee fruit harm and contraindications

The only contraindication to consuming this exotic fruit can only be individual intolerance. It may manifest itself as an allergic reaction.

Adverse reactions may occur from overuse of this fruit. But this applies more to those people who go to tropical countries on vacation during the lychee harvest season. For the rest, you just need to take note. Still, these fruits are rare in our country, and they are expensive.

Such side effects can manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea and flatulence. Therefore, eat these fruits in reasonable quantities. A few pieces a day will be enough. Children are allowed to eat no more than 100 grams of fresh lychee fruit.

How to select and store lychees

During the harvest season, which happens mainly in winter, lychees can be bought at any large chain store. What to look for when purchasing?

Firstly, the color of the peel. It should be deep red and undamaged. A brown peel can indicate that the fruit has already gone bad. Light red or yellow in color - the fruit was picked not quite ripe.

Of course, the fruits should not have any traces of mold or rot.

If you have the opportunity to smell the fruit, do so. Lychees have a pleasant fruity aroma. When the fruits are overripe, the smell is sweet.

Lychees do not last long. This is the reason for their low prevalence. However, transportation takes some time.

At room temperature, their shelf life is 1-2 days. They can keep in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days. Therefore, having bought fruits, it is better to eat them immediately.

If you need to preserve fruits for a longer period, it is better to freeze them. In this case, they can be stored for several months. They may or may not be peeled before freezing. Peeled frozen fruits resemble sorbet ice cream in taste and appearance.

How to peel lychee

There shouldn't be any difficulties here. The peel is easily removed. You can cut it with a knife or lightly press on the fruit to peel it. Do not swallow the bone!

What to cook with lychee

Mostly fresh fruits are used in cooking. They are used to make fruit salads, make jams, preserves, marmalade, and squeeze juice. Used for desserts and as a filling in baked goods.

Lychees are also dried. When dried, it looks like large raisins. It is often used to decorate cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

These fruits serve as a marinade for meat or fish, and sauces are made from them.

Lychee ice cream

For 500 grams of peeled lychee fruits take:

1 cup cream (at least 20% fat)

125 grams sugar

1 packet vanilla sugar

Peel the lychees and remove the pit. Puree in a blender. Add cream, sugar and vanilla. Beat everything well and put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, remove the container with the fruit mixture and beat again. This is necessary in order to break frozen pieces of ice. Place back in the freezer.

Do this several times until the ice cream is completely frozen.

Lychee jelly

You can take fruits according to your taste or based on availability. Since lychee is an exotic fruit, its companion in this jelly recipe will be the same.

Take mango and lychee. Wash, peel and cut into small pieces.

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of apple juice, adding sugar to taste.

Arrange the chopped fruits in small vases and wide glasses. Pour over the prepared jelly. Place in the refrigerator until it hardens.

Interesting facts about lychees

For us, this fruit is considered exotic. But in countries where they are native and familiar, they have learned to use it to solve many of their problems and goals. Very briefly interesting facts on the use and use of lychee.

Use in folk medicine

  • A decoction of the root, flowers and bark is used as a gargle for a sore, sore throat.
  • The stone is used as a sedative for orchitis and neuralgic disorders.
  • Lychee provides relief from cough.
  • It helps in the treatment of tumors, gastralgia and enlarged glands.
  • Fruit peel tea helps treat smallpox rashes and diarrhea.
  • In India, the crushed seeds are used for certain intestinal and stomach problems.
  • In China, lychee is used for neuralgic pain.
  • Flowers are used for bleeding, sore throats and to prevent burns from ultraviolet rays.

In nutrition

  • They are added to fruit salads.
  • Topped with whipped cream and pistachio ice cream for dessert.
  • The halved fruit is placed on top of the ham during the last hour of cooking in the oven or grill. Also used in cooking steak.
  • Pureeed lychee pulp is added to the ice cream mixture.
  • Lychee juice is used to make ice cream and jelly.
  • In Thailand, India and China, lychees are preserved in sugar syrup.
  • It is included in sour and sweet dishes in Chinese cuisine.
  • Lychee is also used as a mixed salad with avocado pieces.
  • Lychee also mixes well with juices such as banana, strawberry, mango and papaya juice, and coconut water.

Other facts

  • Flowers can be green, white or yellow.
  • The lychee flower blooms in the northern hemisphere from November to February and in the southern hemisphere from April to August.
  • Fragrant flowers attract bees, which are the main pollinators of plants.
  • After pollination, lychee matures in 100-120 days.
  • Lychee has a floral aroma and a sweet taste that resembles a mixture of pear and grape.
  • Lychee is called Chinese strawberry because it originated in China and looks like a strawberry.
  • In China, lychee is considered a symbol of romance and love.
  • China and India are the largest producers of lychee in the world.
  • Dried lychee has a smoky aroma.

Learn more about the beneficial properties of the exotic lychee fruit and how it is beneficial for the human body in the video.

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I love trying exotic fruits. Now it has become more convenient than ever to buy them. You walk around the supermarket, looking at interesting finds. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was intrigued by an exotic fruit - Lychee.

At first glance, this is an absolutely unattractive fruit: small, hard to the touch, odorless. I love it when the aroma emanates from fruits, then my appetite and thirst are stronger to try. But even then my curiosity got the better of me, I still bought myself some lychee.

Fruit in boxes

How can you choose something you have never eaten? I stood near the boxes filled with lychees, sorting through the fruits, trying to intuitively choose the tasty and ripe ones. But they were all very similar to each other. They differed only in size (a little larger and a little smaller), as well as color. Some lychees had a beautiful reddish hue, while others were slightly brownish. I tried to crush one to see what was inside, but it turned out to be quite hard.

How to eat lychee fruit correctly and what it tastes like

When I returned home, I delighted my family with my find. I asked everyone to gather for a tasting. Everyone looked at this hard, wrinkled red nut with some disbelief. But these were only flowers, you should have seen their reaction when they looked at what was inside!

To get to the edible pulp, you need to make a cut or cut with a knife. After this, push the peel to the sides and release the pulp out.

Lightly cut the peel

Lychee pulp looks like slug. Honestly, I don't go overboard. Or like a piece of brain. But it did give off a rather pleasant aroma. I was the first to bite into the exotic lychee. The juice immediately started to flow from it, so much so that I completely threw it into my mouth. Inside was an oblong bone.

This is what the fruit looks like inside

If you close your eyes and forget what it looks like, everything is very tasty. It's hard to find words to describe the taste of lychee. There is a mixture of shades: mint - citrus notes intertwined with strawberry and grape. The taste is very rich, I would even say invigorating. 3 pieces were enough for me to eat. Still, you need to get used to the exotic gradually.

If you want something exotic and unusual, lychee is what you need! The appearance is unusual, but the taste is like nothing you’ve ever eaten before.

It is also called the Dragon's Eye. I was wondering where the fruit got its name. It turns out that if you cut a lychee in half and look at the cut, it seems that the cut looks like an eye.

Another name for it is Chinese plum.

Bones come in different sizes

Lychees are eaten both fresh and made into jam and jelly. And the Chinese make their traditional wine from it. The fruits can also be dried, the pulp becomes dense, and in this form the fruit is called lychee nut. On supermarket shelves you can often see canned jars of this fruit, just like pineapple or apricot.

Lychee fruit - beneficial properties of Chinese plum

This product provides great health benefits. Of course, if we talk about beneficial properties, it is important to mention where you eat it. Lychee fruits grow on a huge, spreading 10-meter tree. If you pick it and use it immediately, it will contain 100% of the beneficial substances. When purchasing from us, the utility will, of course, be lower.

Peeled fruit

The homeland of this tree is China, so you can find the reference to lychee as “Chinese plum”. It is believed that the Chinese have been eating this fruit since the 2nd century BC. e. There is even a legend dedicated to lychees. Emperor Wu Di ordered his gardeners from southern China (his homeland) to propagate the tree in northern China. And for unsuccessful attempts he severely executed and was angry, these fruits were so dear to him.

Lychee is very valuable and useful. Its pulp contains large quantities of complex carbohydrates, proteins, pectin substances, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur and vitamin C, E, BB group. Depending on the variety of lychee, it contains from 6% to 18% sugars. And this is not the entire list.

Lychee is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

But, most importantly, its advantage is the high content of nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, which helps prevent atherosclerosis. There is more vitamin PP in lychees than in apples and pears for comparison.

Nicotinic acid dilates blood vessels.

This property is also used to improve lactation in nursing women. Therefore, if you want to improve lactation, eat lychee. the nicotinic acid it contains will dilate blood vessels, and thereby improve lactation.

In China, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases are always advised to consume lychee. And also with high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Lychee is considered a strong aphrodisiac among Hindus. They call it nothing less than “the fruit of love.”

Fruit of love

Lychee helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with constipation. It is a dietary product that promotes weight loss. For diseases of the liver, kidneys, various ulcers, gastritis, it is also recommended to eat it. In China, they even treat cancer using lychee decoction with the addition of various medicinal herbs.

10 fruits can lower blood sugar to normal, so it is important for people with diabetes to eat it.

Eastern medicine uses lychee very widely. They believe that this exotic fruit for us helps to improve the health of the 3 main organs: lungs, liver and kidneys.

Harm to health from eating lychee.

This fruit has no contraindications for consumption. It is only possible that there is an individual intolerance to the product.

How to choose the right exotic lychee fruit

The average weight of one fruit is 15 – 18 grams. 20 gram specimens are already large. The size of the lychee is oval, approximately 3 cm. Of course, the larger the fruit, the more pulp it will contain.

The ripeness of lychee depends on the color saturation; it is better to buy brightly colored ones. It can be pink, red, red-brown, but rich. Lychee, which has a dark burgundy color, will already be overripe. And fruits with yellowish spots are not yet ripe. The color depends on the type of wood.

The freshness of lychee is indicated by its aroma. It turns out it has a very gentle pleasant smell. But, unfortunately, they arrive to us after various treatments, and the smell disappears from them by the time of sale.

How to store lychee.

If you bought these fruits for your home, you can store them at room temperature, but no more than 3 days. And if you have already peeled the lychee, then you should use it immediately or freeze it in the freezer. When frozen, the fruits can last for 2-3 months.

Lychee(Chinese plum, dragon's eye) is the fruit of an evergreen tropical tree that grows in countries with hot climates: Africa, America, Australia, Japan and China. The tree has a large, spreading crown, and reaches a height of 30 m. The branches of the tropical tree are covered with numerous lanceolate leaves of a dark green color. The lychee tree has yellow flowers without petals on long umbrella-shaped inflorescences reaching a length of up to 70 cm.

The fruit is collected and sold in stores in bunches; the top of the fruit is covered with a seemingly prickly, bumpy red skin. The shape of the lychee is oval and small. Reaches no more than 4 cm in length. Under the peel there is a jelly-like white pulp, from which comes a unique aroma that fully matches the taste of the fruit. In the center of the fruit, under the pulp, there is a large brown seed, which is poisonous in its raw form.

Vitamin composition

Lychee is considered the healthiest fruit belonging to the Sapindaceae family due to the nutritional components it contains.

  • Chinese plums contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C): 100 grams of pulp contains 39 mg of vitamin C. Lemon contains approximately the same amount.
  • Dragon's eye contains vitamins K, E, H and folic acid.
  • B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, thiamine.

The component composition of the very juicy and sweet fruit contains a lot of plant fiber, fiber, organic acids and oils. Lychee is extremely rich in minerals, including many micro- and macroelements: potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, etc.

Calorie content

The calorie content of lychee is 70 kcal per 100 grams of product At the same time, the fruit has a high energy value and helps to quickly saturate the body. Lychee perfectly satisfies hunger, as it contains many complex carbohydrates.

Let us describe the balance of BJU in 100 grams of product:

  • proteins – 0.8 grams;
  • fats – 0.4 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 15.2 grams.

Beneficial features

Regular consumption of lychee improves the functioning of many systems in the body and prevents certain diseases: anemia, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, hypoglycemia and digestion. The fruit extract can also be found in cosmetics, as it has pronounced anti-aging and caring properties.

  • Lychee improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is why in eastern countries it is included in diet food for weight loss. Chinese plum normalizes the acid-base balance in the body and also improves metabolism. It is recommended to eat the fruit for gastritis, peptic ulcers and pancreatic diseases.
  • Stimulates the production of digestive secretions, improves appetite and has a positive effect on the digestive process. The tropical fruit is recommended for consumption by people suffering from chronic constipation. The abundance of plant fibers present in lychee stimulates the peristaltic function of the intestines and slightly weakens it.
  • It is good to eat lychee for immunity. Vitamins increase the barrier properties of the body. If you eat fruit during the cold season, when the risk of encountering infectious diseases increases, then the likelihood of getting sick decreases significantly. In the absence of fresh fruits, you can use canned lychees, they are no less useful.
  • It is recommended to eat “dragon eye” for atherosclerosis and a number of diseases associated with impaired blood circulation and high vascular permeability. Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and B vitamins improve hematopoiesis and fluid tissue functions. For this reason, it is recommended to consume exotic fruit for people suffering from abnormal blood pressure.
  • In Asia, men consume lychee on a regular basis. The fruit has a positive effect on potency; it is often called the “fruit of love.”
  • Lychee peel is used to make tea, which treats diseases of the throat and respiratory system. The tea is sold in small balls, which open up after brewing and look like a lush flower. The taste of the drink gives off hints of honey.

Harm from consumption

Lychee is a fairly healthy and tasty fruit, the harm of which is rather exaggerated, since the fruit can be safely given even to small children. However, if you consume lychee in excessive quantities, it can lead to an allergic reaction. Most often, from overeating this fruit, a small rash appears on the face and neck, caused by an excess of vitamin C. Otherwise, the fruit does not pose any danger to the human body.

Eating stale fruits leads to digestive problems: indigestion and bloating. Lychee has the same effect when combined with protein and starch-containing products. Therefore, the daily intake of fruits should be 6-8 pieces.

To protect yourself from harmful effects, you need to check your sensitivity to the fruit. To do this, eat 1-2 fruits and wait several hours. If no negative health reactions have been identified, then lychees can be added to your menu.


Lychee actually has no contraindications, except for serious pathological disorders of the digestive system. You should also avoid eating lychee if:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding until the baby is 3 months old.

In all other cases, lychee will only be useful.

"Dragon's Eye" in cooking

Lychee is covered with a thick peel, which must be removed before eating it. Removing the inedible layer of the fruit is not difficult, which can be done with a knife or fingers. Freshly picked fruit from the tree has a soft peel that is carefully cut off with a knife. Lychee, which has been lying around for some time, acquires a denser, harder peel that resembles a shell. You can peel the fruit with your fingers, as if removing its calcium shell from a hard-boiled egg.

As for eating lychee, it can be an excellent snack, fresh or canned. The fruit has a very pleasant taste and aroma, so it is included in many recipes for desserts and meat dishes.

  1. In countries where the described fruit is more common, surprisingly tasty jam is prepared from it.
  2. Sauces for dressing desserts made from lychee are known all over the world, as well as desserts that include this fruit as an ingredient, for example, ice cream, pancakes or even cakes.
  3. Drinks, mousses, and jellies are made from Chinese plums.
  4. Lychee is also suitable for making wine, which has a sweet and sour taste and fruity aroma.

Selection and storage of lychee

Chinese plums are not sold in every store, so not everyone knows how to choose a fruit and what to look for when purchasing. Lychee is a capricious product, so the fruit is sold in bunches - this way they last longer. When purchasing fruits, look at the peel, which should be red and slightly soft. A very hard shell and an unnatural brown color indicate the unsuitability of the fruit.

The fruit can be stored at temperatures up to 7° for 1 month, and at temperatures above this mark, ripe berries are suitable for consumption for only 3 days. For this reason, when buying lychee, it is necessary to put it in the refrigerator upon returning home. After eating the fruit, you should not throw away the date-shaped seed, since lychees can be grown from the seed at home by placing it in the ground and watering it abundantly.