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An instructive tale “Journey to Vrunland. Entertainment script “Fairy Tale Journey”

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don

"Center for Extracurricular Activities "Leisure"

Holiday scenario


methodologist Kolosovskaya G.Yu.

Participants: leaders of DMO SVD 2nd grade schools in the district

Presenters: presenter, storyteller, Emelya, Kolobok, Firebird, Frog Princess, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Vasilisa the Wise, Scientist Cat.

Design: - map of the country “Lukomorye”

Pictures of Russian folk tales

- “Lukomorye” (from letters)

Celebration progress:

(The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” plays. The presenter comes on stage)

Ved: Hello, dear boys and girls!

Skaz: Hello, friends!

Leading. Listening or reading a fairy tale, you comprehend its unique, magical world. Untrodden paths lead you to the ends of the earth. There rise, rising to the very blue sky, beautiful palaces made of snow, wild swans fly over the endless sea, and pink clouds are reflected in that sea. Overcoming many dangers and adventures, the little helpless boy becomes strong and brave. Intelligence and resourcefulness help him in an unequal duel with a cruel snake. Fairy tales are often filled with various miracles. Then the evil sorcerer turns the beautiful princess into a frog. Then the swan geese steal their brother from their sister. Then the naughty Ivanushka, after drinking water from an enchanted hoof, becomes a little goat. Then the apple tree rewards the kind girl with silver and golden apples. All this is so interesting and tempting. There are many wonderful fairy tales in this world, among which each of you has the most precious ones. Today we will remember our favorite fairy tales. We will take a trip to the country of Lukomorye, where many fairy-tale characters live, familiar to you from many fairy tales. And the Storyteller will help us make the journey; she will guide you around the country “Lukomorye” and introduce you to its inhabitants - the heroes of your favorite fairy tales.

(The Storyteller comes out)

Tale: Hello, guys!

I know that our children

Everyone in the world reads fairy tales

And they love heroes, both good and evil,

Stupid, desperate and mischievous.

They love Yaga and Koshchei of the forest,

The frog princess and the merman.

They love fairy tales from different countries:

About Mowgli, Carlson and the monkeys,

About Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood,

A good fairy tale and not a terrible one.

Guys, you can’t help but love the fairy tale!

In it, everyone can do good deeds.

Fight evil and defeat it.

Tale: So, we begin our journey and our first stop is at Emelya Zapechny.

(Music sounds. Emelya comes out)

Emelya: Hello guys! I'm glad to meet you. I am Emelya from a Russian folk tale. What is it called? (children’s answer: “At the behest of the pike”). A very talented young actress came with me - Evgenia Melakhoyan.

(“Equilibrium on reels” - circus studio “Rian”)

Emelya: And I also want to play a warm-up game with you, I will call one name, and you should continue together:

"Add name"

Fly Tsokotukha);

boa constrictor... (Kaa);

donkey... (Eeyore);

Brer Rabbit);

monkey... (Chichi);

poodle... (Artemon);

Sivka... (Burka);

fox... (Alice);


bee... (Maya);

chicken... (Ryaba);

turtle... (Tortilla);

fawn... (Bambi);

The Little Humpbacked Horse);

piglet... (Piglet);

Winnie the Pooh);

Crocodile Gena);

Koschei the Deathless

Elena the beautiful

Vasilisa is beautiful

Sister - Alyonushka

Boy - Thumb

Finist - clear falcon

Ivan Tsarevich

Brother - Ivanushka


Andrey - shooter

Nikita - Kozhemyaka

Tiny - Khavroshechka

Marya - Morevna

Hare - boasting

Tale: And what fairy tale is this hero from?

Looked a little like a ball

And rode along the paths.

Rolled away from everyone

Except for the “redhead”, what a laugh! (“Kolobok”)

(Music sounds. Kolobok comes out and sings his song)

Kolobok: Hello boys and girls! You, of course, recognized me, I am Kolobok. Do you remember the fairy tale? (children's answers). So I'll check this now.

(The game is being played "Get in order": 2 teams of 7 people each, they are given drawings of fairy tale characters. Then all the children – the “heroes of the fairy tale” – stand in a common circle. Cheerful music sounds, and together they all follow Kolobok around the hall. As soon as the music stops, the children must stand in their team, and stand in order of the content of the fairy tale: grandmother, grandfather, bun, hare, etc.)

Tale: On our way is the kingdom of Koshchei. To pass through his kingdom, you need to complete 2 tasks. 1 task : look at these pictures, they show fragments of fairy tales and you need to name them (children guess the fairy tales from the picture: “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Brave Little Tailor”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Battle on Kalinov Bridge”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” , “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

Tale: Well done boys! But the second task is more difficult: you need to put together a fragment of a Russian folk tale from cubes.

(Competition “Compose a Fairy Tale”: 4 teams put together their own fairy tale (1 picture) using cubes. Which team is faster?)

Tale: Well, we have safely passed through the kingdom of Koshchei. And ahead of us awaits the beautiful heroine of a Russian fairy tale. Guess who it is?

Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day. (Firebird.)

(Music sounds. The Firebird comes out.)

F-P: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to participate in your holiday and brought you my gift. Look.

(Amateur performance number: plastic sketch “East” - Kolodyazhnaya Anna, folk circus studio “Rian”)

F-P: I suggest you solve a fairytale crossword puzzle.

Competition "Fairytale Crossword"


WITH and ine-eye R ukavitsa

TO pelvis at dot

A Lenushka WITH Morodina

Z mei WITH Ivka

TO oshchey To he

AND van And zbushka

E grinding

On the tablet hangs a grid with a drawn crossword puzzle. The words “Russian Fairy Tales” are written from top to bottom. These will be the capital letters of the words being guessed.


S is the name of the girl from the fairy tale “About rejuvenating apples and living water.”

K - five tried to eat him, but the sixth succeeded

A is Ivanushka’s sister.

Z - reptile with three or more heads

K - a fairy-tale hero whose death is in an egg;

I is a male name in fairy tales.


R - with this object Ivan tried to wake up his brothers.

U - this bird sometimes turned into a crooked girl.

S - on which river did Ivan fight with Chud-Yud?

S is the nickname of a fairytale horse.

K - most fairy tales cannot do without this pet.

And - the home of Baba Yaga.

E is the name of the hero.

J-P: Well done, you know fairy tales so well. And I really liked you. Then your path lies to the Bogatyrskaya outpost. I wish you success.

(The Firebird leaves.)

Tale: Only the strong, resourceful, fast and skilled are allowed through this outpost. What about you guys? (children's answer) We'll check this now.

Competition "Teremok"

Tale: In an open field,

Where there are no roads

It is not low, not high,

Everyone is invited to the door

This house... (teremok).

First, let's remember who lived in the little house: Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister and Mosquito-squeaker. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower. Let's try to play out this fairy tale in a relay race. Only 6 people will participate in it - according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. And the role of the tower will be played by the hoop. “Mouse” starts the relay race; she runs to the finish line, where the “teremok” hoop lies. Having reached, he threads the hoop through himself, puts it in place and runs after the next participant. Now they run to the “teremka” together, always holding hands. Having arrived, the two of them climb through the hoop without releasing their hands. Then they run after the third, etc. up to the sixth participant. Five people put on the hoop and hold it at waist level. The “Bear” takes the hoop with his hand and pulls it along with all the participants to the start. Whoever “tells” the plot of this tale faster wins.

Competition "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

Participants will have to portray the Little Humpbacked Horse. To do this you will need a volleyball or a balloon. Participants bend at the waist, take the ball and place it on their back. The ball can be held with your hand while remaining in a half-bent position. During the race, “Humpbacked Horses” overcome obstacles, but everything must be done quickly and not lose the “hump.”

Tale: Well done! And it's time for us to move on.

(Music sounds. The frog princess comes out)

Ts-L: Hello guys! Help me please! Again Koschey bewitched me into a frog.

Tale.: How can we help you?

C-L: We need to guess fairy tales.

Tale: We will definitely help you. Children know our fairy tales and will certainly guess them.

(The Frog Princess conducts the quiz “What fairy tale is this from?” and the game “Find Your Mate”)

“What fairy tale is this from?”

    “And her owner had three big daughters. The eldest was called One-Eyed, the middle one was called Two-Eyed, and the youngest was called Three-Eyed...” What fairy tale are these girls from? (“Little Khavroshechka.”)

2. “The needlewoman began to whip up the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and meanwhile her, poor, hands were numb and her fingers turned white, like the poor people who rinse their linen in an ice hole in winter: it’s cold, and the wind is in the face, and the linen it’s freezing, it’s stuck, but there’s nothing to do—poor people are working.” What fairy tale is this excerpt from? (“Moroz Ivanovich.”)

Z. The fox is carrying me through the dark forests, over the high mountains, Brother Kitty, help me out! ("Cat, Rooster and Fox")

4. The fox sat on the wolf’s back. He took her. Here is a fox riding on a wolf and slowly singing: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten!” ("The Fox and the Wolf")

6. As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets. (“The third bunny, the fox and the rooster”)

7. Who said this about themselves: “That was when beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived amicably and cheerfully, but one day a fragment of a troll mirror fell into my eye, and I began to see everything as evil and ugly (Kai, the hero of H. H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen”)

8. On what type of transport did Ivan take Princess Zabava away? ("Flying ship".)

9. Which fairy tale are these lines from? “I really wanted to be given a dog - a true friend. But for some reason my mother was against it. And yet I made a friend. The best friend in the world: a moderately plump man in the prime of life, the world's best steam engine specialist, the world's best pie eater, the world's best nanny." (A. Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof”)

10. Oh!...Oh! Oh! Oh oh oh! There's such a commotion here!

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping, they are shouting: “Where? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly out of frustration and shame.

But everything ends well:

Everything returns to its place

Everyone forgives the guilty -

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promises them not to dirty them or beat them.

(K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief.”)

“Find your match”: “Who is it?”

Plays 2 teams of 10 people. Each player of the 1st team is given cards with the names of heroes, each player of the 2nd team is given cards with the names of animals. Players of the first team must find their pair from the second team: “Bambi the deer, Kaa the boa constrictor, etc.”

1. Bambi. 1. Turtle.

2. Winnie the Pooh. 2. Fawn.

3. Tortilla. 3. Calf.

4. Gavryusha. 4. Donkey.

5. Eeyore. 5. Teddy bear.

6. Rikki-Tiki-Tavi. 6. Crocodile.

7. Kaa. 7. Cat.

8. Matroskin. 8. Mongoose.

9. Gene. 9. Boa constrictor.

10. Alice. 10. Fox.

(Answer: 1-2, 2-5, 3-1, 4-3, 5-4, 6-8, 7-9, 8-7, 9-6, 10-10.)

(After the guys have answered all the questions, the frog princess sheds her “skin” and appears before everyone as a beautiful princess)

Ts-L: Thank you guys so much, you saved me.

(Music sounds, Baba Yaga and Kikimora run out, their skit is on. At the end they declare that they will let the children through only if they complete a number of tasks)

B.I.: Look, they were so cunning, they wanted to slip through my forest just like that. But it still wouldn’t work out. I have assistants, they will never let anyone through, just look.

(The dance “Cats” is performed by the modern dance ensemble “Fiesta”)

B.Ya.: Have you seen my assistants? Their claws are sharp and will scratch anyone who dares to pass through my forest without my permission.

Tale: Yes, our children will cope with any of your tasks.

B.Ya.: We'll see.

(Baba Yaga and Kikimora conduct: “The Riddles of Baba Yaga” and “Name the Fairy Tale”)

"The Mysteries of Baba Yaga"

I was flying on a broomstick

She baked pies in the ashes,

I chased the cat around the hut,

Yes, I wrote riddles.

I went to visit Leshem,

I forgot all the answers.

Help me guys

Guess my riddles.

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya.)

At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high

They look far away. (Swan geese.)

Ivan had a friend

A little hunchbacked

But made him happy

And rich. (The Little Humpbacked Horse.)

This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone to their fullest,

That she is herself

Full of delicious food. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let a wolf into the house...

Who were these

Small children? (Seven kids.)

Escaped from the dirty

Bowls spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And she sheds tears on the way. (Fedora's grandmother.)

He managed to catch the wolf

He caught a fox and a bear.

He didn't catch them with a net,

And he caught them sideways. (Goby is a tar barrel.)

She was an artist

Beautiful as a star.

From the evil Karabas

Escaped forever. (Malvina. “The Adventures of Pinocchio”)

"Name a fairy tale"

1. This is a scary giant. He is red-haired, mustachioed, growls and screams, and can move his mustache. All the animals are afraid of him and scatter through the forests and fields as soon as they see him. They sit and tremble under the bushes, hide behind swamp hummocks. (Cockroach. K. I. Chukovsky “Cockroach”)

2. This is a small but brave animal. On the night when the moon was full and bright, his mother sent him to the fast stream for the first time in his life to get crayfish. He had to cross a large tree that was thrown across a pond. But someone was bothering him. Neither a big stone, nor a stick, nor scary faces helped, but it helped to complete the assignment... a smile. (Little Raccoon. L. Muur “Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond.”)

3. This animal lives in Africa, in the desert. It is very musical, loves to lie in the sun and hum funny songs to itself. He has a friend named Rrr-meow, who takes him for rides through the desert. They love to lie in the sun together and sing. (Big turtle. S. Kozlov “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song.”)

4. When he was born, he was huge and ugly, not like his brothers and sisters. His mother believed that although he was ugly, he had a kind heart, and that when he grew up, he would become prettier or smaller over time. He was offended by everyone for a long time, he suffered a lot of grief and misfortune. And in the end he became the most beautiful among the beautiful, but did not become proud at all: a good heart knows no pride. (The Ugly Duckling. G.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling.”)

5. Who says this: “I would love to go to Africa. I love monkeys and I'm sorry they are sick. But I don’t have a ship...” (Dr. Aibolit.)

6. Who says these words: “They also assured me, but I just can’t believe this, that you supposedly know how to turn into even the smallest animals. Well, for example, become a rat or...” (Puss in Boots.)

7. In what fairy tale did the king give his word to the water king that he would give him back in fifteen years, something he doesn’t know at home now? What did the king not know? (“The Sea King and Helen the Beautiful.” The king did not know that he had a son.)

8. This hero went through thick and thin, won four battles, and died tragically in the fifth. (Kolobok.)

9. Mom determined the height of this hero to be 5.5 cm, and six-year-old Lidochka - 3 cm. And, interestingly, they are both right! (Tom Thumb.)

10. The tale was given its name by the interesting beard of this king. (“King Thrushbeard.”)

Tale: Well, Baba Yaga, did the children cope with your tasks?

B.Ya.: We did it... Will you take me with you? Otherwise I'm bored alone.

Tale: Only if you don't do anything dirty!

B.Ya.: I won't, I won't!

Tale: We will now go through the Vodyanoy swamp...

Kikimora(interrupts): I know how to pass quickly, I already tried to pass. We need to answer these telegrams and questions about fairy tales.

Tale: Well then, let's answer and move on.


- “Peep-pee-pee, grandfather and woman! Your Ryaba Hen laid a golden egg! It's time to strike! Who could have sent this telegram? (Mouse-norushka. “Chicken Ryaba”)

- “Everyone, everyone, everyone! My daughter, Princess Nesmeyana, has been laughing non-stop for three years, three days and three nights. I heard that there is a medicine called “time for business, time for fun” that stops laughing. I will give half the kingdom to the one who gets the medicine.” Who is asking for help? (Tsar.)

- “Citizens! Please do not throw paper, peels and any other garbage into milk rivers with jelly banks. There’s nowhere to splash around! “Which of the fairy-tale characters do you think could give such an announcement? (Swan geese.)

- “Baba Yaga, dear, move your mortar from the parking lot “At the forest edge” to the “dense forest” parking lot! We need to free up some space, otherwise on Friday the 13th a delegation of oriental sorcerers will arrive with a caravan of camels for the Lukomorsky cutting and sewing courses...” What is the name of the fabulous owner of the parking lot? (Nightingale the Robber.)

- “I darn and mend: flying carpets, walking boots, magic cloaks with stars and invisibility caps.” Who could give such an announcement? (Brave Tailor.)

- “Save! My children were eaten by a gray wolf."

(Goat. “Wolf and seven kids.”)

- “I won’t be able to come to the holiday. My trousers escaped me."

(Dirty. “Moidodyr”)

- “The fishing ended successfully, only the tail remained in the hole.”

(Wolf. “Sister Fox and Gray Wolf”)

- “Dear guests, help! Destroy the villain spider!”

("Fly Tsokotukha")

- “Please send some drops.

We've eaten too much frogs today,

And our stomachs hurt.” (Heron "Telephone")

"Question answer"

Each team answers 20 questions from the host, receiving 1 point for each correct answer.

Questions for the first team:

1. What animal was the princess? (Frog.)

2. The dog who lived in the village with Uncle Fyodor. (Ball.)

3. The bear who taught Mowgli the Law of the Jungle. (Balu.)

4. Kangaroo from A. Milne’s story “Winnie the Pooh and that’s all.” (Kanga.)

5. The old woman’s rat Shapoklyak. (Lariska.)

6. Flax from the fairy tale story by E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.” (Chandra)

7. The animal that tried to get into Ellie’s hut during her first night in Fairyland. (Badger.)

8. Leader of the Flying Monkeys. (Warra.)

9. Poodle Malvina. (Artemon.)

10. The turtle who gave Pinocchio a golden key. (Tortilla.)

11. The leader of a pack of wolves who sheltered Mowgli. (Akela.)

12. The dog, whom the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka helped find a friend. (Tobik.)

13. Fox, companion of the cat Basilio. (Alice.)

14. Crocodiles from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”. (Totosha and Kokosha.)

15. Ellie the dog. (Totoshka.)

16. The Queen of the Field Mice in the book “The Wizard of Oz.” (Ramina.)

17. Rat from the fairy tale story by E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.” (Lariska.)

18. Owl of Doctor Aibolit. (Bumba.)

19. Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka. (Gena.)

20. The cow that Matroskin the cat bought. (Murka.)

Questions for the second team

1. Bear, Mowgli's friend. (Balu.)

2. Doctor Aibolit's duck. (Kiki.)

3. Jackal, Mowgli's enemy. (Tobacco.)

4. Panther, Mowgli's friend. (Bagheera.)

5. The little pig who built the strongest house, protecting him and his brothers from the wolf. (Naf-Naf.)

6. The dog that helped grandfather and grandmother pull turnips from the ground. (Bug.)

7. The dog that the boy Tema pulled out of the well. (Bug.)

8. With whose help did Thumbelina fly away from the mole’s hole to warmer climes? (With the help of a swallow.)

9. Who swallowed the evil Barmaley? (Crocodile.)

10. Who in the Russian folk tale drove the hare out of his house? (Fox.)

11. Who helped Gerda get to the princess’s palace? (Crow.)

12. Uncle Fyodor's cat. (Matroskin.)

13. A character from a fairy tale by D. Rodari, whom Cipollino met in a dark cell. (Mole.)

14. Doctor Aibolit’s dog. (Abba.)

15. Birthday fly. (Tsokotuha.)

16. Rat from the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.” (Shushara.)

17. On whom did Doctor Aibolit fly to Africa? (On the eagle.)

18. Who stole the sun in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale? (Crocodile.)

19. Mister Carrot’s sniffer dog from the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino.” (Hold-Grab.)

20. Who said “meow”? (Cat.)

Tale: Now we are approaching the Kalinov Bridge. Who remembers what fairy tale he was in? (“Battle on Kalinov Bridge”). Who did Ivan fight with on Kalinov Bridge? That's right, with the Serpent-Gorynych. This three-headed snake is unlikely to just let us through. Oh, look, a note (reads the note) “You will cross my bridge if you guess three of my words. Dragon". Well, guys, let's guess? (children's answer)

(The game “Field of Miracles” is played)


Question 1.

The action of this action movie unfolds rapidly. The main character, who has loved nuts and toys since childhood, fights a seven-headed monster and defeats his army. The noble origin and excellent appearance of the hero make it possible to win the heart of a young lady. What is this superman's name? ( Nutcracker.)

Question 2.

And this is a popular women's novel. A couple in love meets at a party. But by the will of fate they separate. Name the item that helped them find each other again. ( shoe.)

Question 3.

A young man is looking for a bride who meets his ideals, and finds her only when he has already lost hope in everything. One famous garden plant helped the young man. Name it. ( Peas.)

(Music sounds, Alyonushka comes out)

Alain.:And my name is Alyonushka. And I live in many fairy tales, and which ones, can you tell me? (children's answer). Yes you are right. Today I came to you from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. And I suggest you play a little: collect the proverb, cut into pieces (on apples) and restore the fairy tale.

"Add the proverbs"

1. The fairy tale, the song, is red, in style, in harmony. (“The fairy tale is beautiful in its structure, and the song is in harmony.”)

2. A lie, yes, a hint, a fairy tale, kind, a lesson, in, well done, her. (“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”)

"Restore the fairy tale"

Children are asked to create a fairy tale from the mixed up letters. Who will do it faster?

"Shaam and the Dweemd." ("Masha and the Bear")

“Shokupet - lozoito bekosher” (“Cockerel is a golden comb.”)

(Music sounds, Vasilisa the Wise comes out)

Vasil.: I am Vasilisa the Wise, I welcome you on the fairy-tale road. You have almost reached your destination. The scientist cat is already waiting for you behind this black stone. And I invite you to guess what is in the black box.

"Black box"

    With the help of the object inside, you can make different things yourself, or you can kill a terrible villain character from Russian fairy tales. (Needle.)

    Here is the thing that the crocodile ate. Tell me what kind of thing it is, what the fairy tale is called and who its author is. (Washcloth. K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr.”)

3. What object made the old man and the old woman cry after the little animal’s trick. They calmed down when they received in return the same object, but of a different color. (Egg. Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”.)

Tale: Finally, we came to the oak tree.

(The scientist cat comes out)

Cat: Hello, boys and girls. You have come a long and difficult path to me. You have already completed many tasks, and I also want to offer you several challenges.

(Holds competitions: “From Pushkin’s fairy tales”, “Switch places”)

"From Pushkin's fairy tales"

Cat: What happened to the priest from “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” after Balda demanded payment for a year of his service?

Answer. Poor pop

He raised his forehead:

From the first click

The priest jumped to the ceiling;

From the second click

Lost my pop tongue

And from the third click

It knocked the old man's mind out.

Cat: What did each of the three girls from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” dream about if they became a queen?

Answer. Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.

“If only I were a queen,”

One girl says,

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast."

- “If only I were a queen,”

Her sister says,

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove canvases"

- “If only I were a queen,”

The third sister said,

I would for the father-king

She gave birth to a hero."

Competition "Swap Places"

Cat: The task for the teams is to swap the mixed up lines in an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” and bring them into the correct form.

The wind blows across the sea

The ship is ordered to land

He runs in the waves

And the boat speeds up

Past the big city

Past the island of steep

With sails raised

Guns are firing from the pier

Answer. The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With sails raised

Past the steep island,

Past the big city;

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Cat: Well done boys! You coped with all the tests perfectly and we are very glad to see such brave, strong, resourceful, smart, talented...

Tale: In general, the guys from the “Union of Faithful Friends”, who today so successfully coped with the tasks of all the fairy-tale characters of Russian folk tales. And as a keepsake, I present these commemorative diplomas to you.

(Hands out diplomas)

Tale:. There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

(The dance “Magic Country” is performed by the ensemble “Fiesta”)


Map of the country "Lukomorye"

Summary of direct educational activities

"Fairytale Journey"

for children 6-7 years old with OHP

Kuklina Olga Viktorovna,

teacher of MBDOU No. 8,




— to form in children an interest and value-based attitude towards Russian folk tales;

— introduce children to a new way of evaluating a literary work;

— to clarify children’s ideas about the history of the creation of various objects, to bring them to the understanding that a person improves objects, making his life around him more comfortable.


- develop children’s ability to more accurately characterize the hero of a fairy tale, a fairy-tale situation;

— improve coherent speech skills;

- develop expressiveness of movements, imagination and creative activity.


- evoke an emotional response to a work of fiction, encourage people to talk about their perception of a specific act of a literary character;

— to cultivate the desire to act in a coordinated manner, to agree on who will do what part of the work, how individual images will be combined into the overall picture.

Preliminary work: reading and telling Russian folk tales: “Sivka-Burka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “At the Pike’s Command”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation made in the program, hats of 4 colors (red, yellow, black, green), white paper circles, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Organizing time.

Educator: Hello guys. Today we have an unusual activity, we have a lot of guests, let's say hello to them. My name is Olga Viktorovna, what is your name? (Children say their names and introduce themselves.)

1 slide

I invite you on a virtual journey through books. Virtual means traveling using a computer.

2 slide

Now we will find out which books we will use to travel. Please look at the screen. Illustrations from which books do you see on the screen? (Children’s answers, clarification of names). What word can be used to unite these books? (Fairy tales). Can you tell me which fairy tales exactly? (Russian folk tales - suggest). Why do we need fairy tales? (Children's answers).

Option 1: Is this really so, we will find out on our journey

Option 2: I propose to find the answer to this question on our journey.

3 slide

So, let's go on a journey through the fabulous city. Guys, sit down on the chairs.

4 slide

Here we are in a fairy-tale city. On the shore of the lake stands the house of a master hatter. He sews kokoshniks for princesses and caps for buffoons. He made magic hats for us. They have wonderful properties. (The hats are in order: yellow, black, red, green).

(Shows yellow hat). If a person puts on a yellow hat, he sees only the good, the positive, the positive qualities of people and fairy tale heroes in everything.

(Shows black hat). If a person puts on a black hat, then he sees only the bad in everything, all the shortcomings. It's a critic's hat.

(Shows red hat). If it’s red, then he can talk about his feelings.

(Shows green hat). And if it’s green, then he becomes a very creative person, a dreamer. Let's experience the effects of these magic hats.

5 slide

On the screen are illustrations for a fairy tale that is well known to you. Which? ("Princess Frog"). Who will try to put on a yellow hat and tell you what moments you liked in this fairy tale? Which characters did you like? Why?

Now let's try the black hat. Who's brave? What didn't you like about this fairy tale? Maybe you didn't like some of the characters' actions?

Now let's try the red hat. Let me remind you that this hat helps you talk about your feelings. What feelings did you experience when this fairy tale was read to you? Remember the moment when the egg fell into the sea. (When Ivan Tsarevich broke the needle).

Now let’s try the green hat, the hat of dreamers and inventors.

6 slide

Here is an illustration from the same fairy tale, The Frog Princess. Imagine that the picture has come to life. What sounds do you hear? What can Ivan Tsarevich say at this moment?

Now let's try to revive the picture. A magic box will help determine who will be who. (I show the card and ask you to remember the character or object being depicted).

Imagine that this carpet is our painting. Take your place in the picture (I help myself and involve children in helping). I ask each person in turn what sound they will make and what action they will perform.

And now there is silence. Attention! 1,2,3 – bring the picture to life! Viewers, did we manage to bring the picture to life? Applause!

7 slide

Our journey continues. We stopped at the Museum of Fairy Tale Things. It contains magical objects from Russian folk tales. In the old days, Russian people had to work a lot, as they say from dawn to dusk, so people dreamed of inventing things that would help them, make life easier and more comfortable. They talked about such things in fairy tales. And many of these dreams came true.

8 slide

Look: in the fairy tale, Tsarevich Ivan was brought to the kingdom of Koshchei by a magic ball. What object helps us find our way now? Baba Yaga's stupa now? (Helicopter). Emelya rode the stove, and we? Is this a flying ship?

In the fairy tale, overseas countries and distant lands were shown by a magic saucer, but now? Magic buckets brought water to Emelya’s house, but how does water get into our house now?

Slide 9

And this is an invisible hat. Do you think there is an object in our time that makes everything invisible? It turns out that scientists have invented a cloak that, when worn, can be seen to see what is behind a person. Maybe soon we will be able to purchase such raincoats.

I propose to continue our virtual journey, but for this we need to perform magical eye exercises.

We close our eyes, these are the miracles!

Our eyes are resting, the exercise is being performed (eyes closed).

Now we'll open them

Let's build a bridge across the river (they open their eyes and draw a bridge with their gaze).

Let’s draw the letter “O”, it turns out easy... (draw the letter “O” with your eyes).

Let's lift up, look down (we raise our eyes up, lower them down).

Let's turn left, right (eyes look left, right),

And we’ll come to the hotel (with eyes looking up and down).

10 slide

Educator: A ball of fairy-tale heroes was announced in a fairy-tale land. A hotel was built for them and rooms were prepared. All that remains is to hang an emblem on each room so that the hero can find his room. The emblem for Ivan Tsarevich is already ready. Please note that they did not draw Ivan Tsarevich himself, but depicted the objects that he used. You will now be divided into pairs based on the color of your badges. Find your match. I suggest drawing an emblem for the number of the hero whose photo is on your table. The two of you will draw one logo. First you need to agree which of you will draw what. We will work secretly from other couples. And then your friends will try to guess which hero you have prepared a hotel room for. Attention: you must finish the work as soon as the fairytale melody ends.

11 slide(Music turns on - children draw).

Now let's guess who drew the emblem for whom.

Well done, all fairy-tale characters will find their numbers.

6. Exit from the fairy tale. Unfortunately, our virtual journey has come to an end. Can you now answer the question, why do we need fairy tales? (Children's answers).

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

A lesson to good fellows.

The fairy tale teaches all people

Be wiser and kinder.

A fairy tale is a treasure trove, a clear light,

An answer to any question.

Good fellow, come on,

Open the book of fairy tales!

You will enjoy

This is a magical read!

In conclusion, I would like to present you with diplomas from real experts in Russian fairy tales as souvenirs.

Scenario for entertainment based on fairy tales: “Journey to the land of fairy tales.”


generalize children's knowledge about Russian folk tales; activate and develop clear speech; enrich vocabulary; cultivate interest in reading; skill to work in team.


1. Expand children’s understanding of folk tales. Improve the ability to recognize fairy tale characters.

2. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher and a peer; be a friendly and correct interlocutor.

3. Develop logical thinking and attention. To teach children to make independent judgments.

4. Cultivate a culture of verbal communication, the ability to interact with peers, the ability to cooperate, and friendliness.


Tell me, please, do you like fairy tales?

D: Yes

IN: Do you like to solve riddles?

D: Yes

IN: Do you know that in every fairy tale there are riddles?

D: children's answers

IN: Well then, let's move on to our first competition, which is called “Mysterious”.

Competition "Mysterious"

IN: I will give each team riddles based on fairy tales, and you must guess what fairy tale it is. If a team fails to complete the task, then the turn is given to the other team. So, let's go...

1. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

Carrying her home (Masha and the Bear).

2. The people are surprised:

The stove is moving, there is smoke

And Emelya on the stove

Eats large rolls (At the command of a pike).

3. The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood).

4. Those who didn’t want to work

Did he play and just sing?

To the third brother later

We ran to a new house (three little pigs).

5. The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What awaits her in this fairy tale?

The toad will steal it in the morning,

The unscrupulous mole (Thumbelina) will hide you in the hole.

6. The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears!...(Snow Maiden).

AT 2: Well, well done, you completed this competition. Let's continue our journey. And our next competition is called “Say the Word”

Competition “Say the Word”

IN: Many fairy tale heroes have unusual and very interesting names, let's remember them. I tell you the beginning of the name, and you will try to continue it. Two teams participate in this competition; the one who answers faster wins this competition. Begin…

1. Boy...(with a finger)

2. Nightingale... (Robber).

3. Sister...(Alyonushka)

4. Fox...(Patrikeevna)

5. Scarlet... (Flower)

6. Geese... (swans)

7. Tiny...(Khavroshechka)

8. Brother...(Ivanushka)

9. Baba...(Yaga)

10. Sivka…(Burka)

11. Red…(Cap)

12. Sleeping…(Beauty)

13. Zayushkina...(Hut)

14. Winnie...(Pooh)

AT 3: You have completed this task again, well done! But this was a small warm-up, and now the tasks are more difficult. I have a magic ball with which we will remember unusual objects that help fairy-tale characters. You will pass it to each other and name the magic item. For example, a magic ring, a flying carpet, etc.

Competition “Name the objects and pass on the ball”

Children call: a ball, boots, boots, a harp, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, an airplane carpet, a magic ring, a magic mirror, a silver saucer and a pouring apple, Baba Yaga's broom, a golden key, an arrow, a magic book, a feather, a stove Emeli, egg, chest, mirror, shoe, etc.

IN: We strained our smart little heads a little and now it’s time for the next competition, which is called “Guess the Melody”. You need to listen carefully to the work and guess the name of the fairy tale.

Competition "Guess the melody"


    Little Red Riding Hood

    Three piglets

    The Bremen Town Musicians

    Cheburashka and crocodile Gena

    The wolf and the seven Young goats

    Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all.

IN: You have very good knowledge about Russian folk tales. Well done!

We have another very interesting competition ahead, called “Explainers”

Competition "Explainers"

Your task is to try to explain an object from a fairy tale without words; you can use facial expressions, gestures and your body; if the guys cannot guess, then you can give a hint. The presenter will tell you a word and you will have to show it.

    Carpet plane

    Walking boots

    Invisibility hat

    Seven-flowered flower

IN: And the last competition for today, it’s called “Confusion”

Competition "Confusion"

The teacher will tell you a phrase from the title of the fairy tale, you will need to unravel it.

    Ax soup (Porridge)

    According to the hare's command (Pike)

    Green Riding Hood (Red)

    Puss in Shoes (Boots)

    Two little pigs (Three)

    Wolf and five puppies (Seven kids)

    Sister Tanyushka and brother Ivanushka (Alyonushka)

    Boy with a palm (with a finger)


Guys, today we remembered Russian folk tales, took part in competitions, played games and had fun. Well done!

Game – journey “The Mysterious World of Fairy Tales” (scenario)

What a delight these tales are!
Each is a poem!
A.S. Pushkin

- deepen and generalize children’s knowledge in the fairy tale genre
- develop cooperation skills in children;
- develop reading independence.
- attract children's attention to the authors of the books they read.
- to cultivate in children a love for folk and literary fairy tales.

Equipment: book and illustrated exhibition “Island of Fairy Tales”, posters with illustrations of folk and literary fairy tales, portraits of storytellers (A.S. Pushkin, G.H. Andersen, P.P. Ershov, K.I. Chukovsky, C. Perrault, Brothers Grimm by A.N. Tolstoy), fairy-tale crossword puzzle, basket with objects, multi-colored petals.
Fairy-tale characters: Queen Book, Fairytale Fairy, Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood.

Progress of the event

Queen Book comes out
Queen Book: Hello, dear friends! I'm glad to meet you. As you may have guessed, I invite you to the world of kindness and beauty, to the world of fairy tales. You will meet your favorite fairy-tale characters and take part in fun competitions. And in order for us to find ourselves in a fairy tale, we need to find out its secret.
Queen Book reads a poem.
Fairy tales travel around the world
Night harnessed to a carriage.
Fairy tales live in the clearings,
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.
The world, illuminated with miracles,
Fairy tales fly over the forests,
They sit on the windowsill,
They look out of the windows like into a river.
And the Fairy will rescue Cinderella...
Gorynych the snake will no longer be...
Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
“Let evil be cunning on tricks,
But GOOD still wins!” (Children repeat).
Queen Book: Guys, we have to get into the magical world of fairy tales, but we can’t open the door? And a fairy-tale hero with a golden key will help you open the door to the book world.
(Pinocchio appears)
Pinocchio: I am made of logs
To the delight of the kids,
My precious key
Will open doors to you.

Queen Book: Who is it? From which book? Who is its author? (Children's answers)
Pinocchio: Hello, guys! Do you want to get into a fairy-tale world? But we can’t just go to the magical land. You face the first test - a fairytale crossword puzzle. If you guess it, well done, but no, you’ll have to come back. And from the letters in the highlighted squares form a magic word. Then a map of our Country will open before us. Fairy tale crossword. Annex 1
Queen Book: What word did you form from the highlighted letters? (fairy tale).
Pinocchio: Well, well done, guys. You completed my task correctly. And now I will open the door to a fairyland for you. Welcome!
Queen Book invites children to the decorated hall (library). Children find themselves in a fairy-tale world.
Pinocchio: Well, now I must leave you. Happy Travel. Other guys are waiting for me.
Fairytale music turns on. The Fairytale Fairy appears.
Fairytale Fairy: Good afternoon! Guys, I came to you from a distant, beautiful country, where the sun never sets in evergreen gardens, where Queen Fantasy reigns, I need to return home, but I can’t do this because I lost my magic wand.
Queen Book: How can we help you?
Fairytale Fairy: Guys who like to read fairy tales and know fairy-tale characters can help me. I have a map of the route, but the road home is difficult and difficult. I can't cope with difficulties alone. I am glad to welcome you to this magical country.
In this room today
Miracles await.
Do you hear? They come alive here
Good voices of fairy tales.
We must believe in miracles!
And then a fairy tale will come to you.
Queen Book: Far, far away lies an immense state, an unprecedented kingdom - a land of fairy tales, miracles and magic. Wonderful country! The trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, the monsters are the most terrible, the friends are the most faithful. It’s not proper for good fellows to lie on the stove, and for fair-haired girls to sing songs and husk seeds. I suggest you go on a journey - a path: to see the world, look at people and show yourself, and perhaps learn some wisdom. We have a long way to go. We begin our journey. And the first city on our way is the city where the author’s fairy tales and their heroes live. Why are these fairy tales called that? (Children's answers). Right. Author's fairy tales are fairy tales written by writers and poets.
Fairytale Fairy: This is a very large city with a huge number of inhabitants. And without an exact and detailed address - the title of the fairy tale and the name of its author, it is impossible to find them. Therefore, at the entrance to this city, there is an address bureau on our way.
Competition 1: (Each team is given a piece of paper with the name of the fairy tale and the surname of its author on it. They need to be connected in pairs to find the correct address of residence of the heroes of fairy tales.) Appendix 2
Queen Book: Well done! You named the correct addresses of the heroes of the author's fairy tales. It’s immediately obvious that you love and know fairy tales. Now let’s check if you know the heroes from these fairy tales. (Children guess riddles).Appendix 3.
Fairytale Fairy: How smart you are. You know all my fairy tales. We completed the tasks well.
Queen Book: Now try together to guess a common riddle that will lead you along the path to the next city in a wonderful country. Appendix 4.
And the riddle led us to the city of amazing fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Where do you think such an unusual name comes from? Who lives in this wonderful town? Guess which fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin are discussed in my riddles. (Children guess). Appendix 5
Fairytale Fairy: We did a great job. We want to rest.
Queen Book: Guys, close your eyes and with the help of your imagination and imagination we will go into the dense forest. Open your eyes, look, there is a hut on chicken legs (illustration of Baba Yaga's hut). It’s not difficult to guess who lives in this hut. (Children's answers).
Fairytale Fairy: How do we get there? To do this, we need to pass the following test. (Illustrations for fairy tales are on the table). Look at the illustrations and name the fairy-tale characters. Appendix 6
(Baba Yaga appears)
Baba Yaga: Disgrace, well, disgrace! How did you get here without my consent? We thought we could sneak through unnoticed, right? Ha! That’s why I sensed Baba Yaga! (wiggles his nose). I don't have a nose, but a pump. Yes! (sneezes). A-pchhi! Are you laughing? Above me. And aren't you afraid? And we will check this now. (runs up to one then to the other, scares). Look, they're laughing! How cunning, you know, he who is having fun is not afraid! Be happy, I'm just in a good mood today.
Fairytale Fairy: Baba Yaga, how old are you?
Baba Yaga: (embarrassed), yes, I’m still young, a bride anywhere, just a flower - a seven-flowered one. In general, who asks such questions to a young lady? I’ll take you all and eat you now.
Queen Book: Baba Yaga, don't be angry. She didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to ask if we can go through your forest?
Baba Yaga: Well, you’ll pass! First I'll play a game with you. Do you like fairy tales? (Coquettishly). How I love reading books about various fairy-tale characters, but in my hut there were mice and they gnawed half of the books. Help me figure out the names of my favorite characters. Otherwise I was completely confused.
Boy... (from a finger)
Ali - ... (Baba)
Koschei the Deathless)
Mouse... (King)
Sivka - ... (Burka)
Old man... (Hottabych)
Brownie... (Kuzya)
Dr. Aibolit)
Dad... (Carlo)
Signor... (Tomato)
Tiny... (Khavroshechka)
Crocodile Gena)
Sister... (Alyonushka)
Baba Yaga: Wow, how smart you are! All questions were answered. I don't want to let you go. I'll play with you again.
The game is called “Baba Yaga” (to any cheerful tune).
How to play: The player stands with one foot in a mortar (basket), the other on the ground. He holds a broom in his hand. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance to the chair, go around it, return to the starting point and pass the broom to the next player. This task is performed by all team members.
Baba Yaga: You charmed me. I'll have to let you go. But next time you won’t get away from me (he shakes his finger and leaves).
Fairytale Fairy: Well, we got out of the dense forest. We are on the path leading to a new city. So the city with painted towers stretched out before us. This is the city of Russian folk tales. To warm up, remember their names. (Children name one by one).
Queen Book: And now for your next test.
Fairytale Fairy: Guys, I’ll tell you fairy tales and riddles, and you have to guess who and what they’re talking about fairy tales and riddles:
1. I knew it would end like this. I’m too shabby and old, I’ve been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone would settle in me - but there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed. (Fairy tale “Terem-Terem-Teremok”).
2. What a tail this mouse has! It cannot be compared with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment “now everyone would admire me, I would be lying in the most visible place...” (“Ryaba Hen” - egg).
3. There are frequent stars on the azure dress, there is a clear moon on her head, such a beauty - you can’t even think of it, you can’t guess it, you can only tell it in a fairy tale. (“The Frog Princess” - Vasilisa the Wise.)
4. “Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, beauty? ("Morozko")
Queen Book: You guys are just great! How smart you all are. Are you ready for the next final challenge?
Fairytale Fairy: Of course, we are ready. Really, guys?
Little Red Riding Hood appears. In hand is a basket with items.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good afternoon! Friends, I want to ask you for help. I was walking through the forest to my grandmother and found someone’s lost things. Help me return them to fairy tales. What is this in my basket? What fairy tale are these things from?
Game "Magic Basket". In the basket: a rolling pin, a golden egg, a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller ones, a feather, an arrow, a bun, a slipper, a mirror. (Children choose fairy-tale objects and explain in which fairy tale they occur
Children's answers: Fairy tales: “A fox with a rolling pin” - a rolling pin;
“Ryaba Hen” – golden egg;
“Three Bears” – a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller ones;
“Finist-clear falcon” – feather;
“The Frog Princess” - the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich.”, “Kolobok”, “Cinderella”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess”.
Little Red Riding Hood: Well done, guys. You helped me a lot.
(illustration of a fairytale castle)
Queen Book: Here she comes to the meeting. I am very happy for you guys, you withstood all the difficulties of the journey with dignity, which means you love reading fairy tales.
Fairytale Fairy: Thank you guys. Finally I reached my home, the Magic Castle. As I say goodbye to you, I want to say that you are wonderful and very talented guys. I love you all.
No, Russian fairy tales didn't lie
About Koshcheev’s death, about the magic carpet.
No, it was not idle people who composed those fairy tales,
And the seers, in whose plans the truth lives.
Queen Book: Our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic ends! But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy-tale path is endless. Once you open the book of fairy tales, you're on your way! Let them teach us to be kinder to people, to our friends. You did a great job today. And who was the best? Count the number of your petals (Summary).
Goodbye. And see you again. Now let’s remember the song “If you are kind.”
Phonogram of the song “If you are kind” from the cartoon adventures of Leopold the cat.
Annex 1
Fairy tale crossword
1. The name of the girl who lived with the seven dwarfs (Snow White).
2. The main character of the fairy tale story by E. Uspensky, friend of the Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka).
3. The Mistress of the Glass Slipper (Cinderella)
4. A little boy with a huge hat on his head, who even managed to visit the Moon (Dunno)
5. Dog from the fairy tale “Turnip” (Zhuchka)
6. The most terrible African villain (Barmaley)

Appendix 2
Assignment: You need to connect in pairs to find the correct address of residence of the heroes of fairy tales.

Ch. Perrault "Fedorino's grief"
A. Pushkin "Three stories about Carlson"
E. Uspensky "Little Red Riding Hood"
A. Lindgren "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
A. Volkov "Dunno on the Moon"
N. Nosov "Puss in Boots"
"Crocodile Gena and his friends"
Br. Grimm "Dunno in the Sunny City"
Ch. Perrault "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
A. Lindgren "The Snow Queen"
N. Nosov "Thumbelina"
G. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"
K. Chukovsky "Pippi Longstocking"
P. Ershov "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
"The Tale of Tsar Saltan and the Seven Knights"
"The Little Humpbacked Horse"
Appendix 3
1. A funny little man lives on the roof,
Funny man chews toffee.
The funny little man is not used to being bored,
A funny man is a big mischief maker
Did you recognize him? (Carlson - A. Lindgren “Three stories about Carlson”)

2. A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.
The girl slept in a nutshell,
Who has read such a book?
He knows a little girl. (Thumbelina – H.G. Andersen “Thumbelina”)

3. Walks to school with an ABC book
Wooden boy
Gets to school instead
In a wooden booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name? (Buratino–A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”

4. Come, doctor,
To Africa soon
And save me, doctor,
Our kids! (Doctor Aibolit - K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”)

5. This one is not beautiful at all:
And pale and thin,
Tea, about three inches in girth;
And the little leg, the little leg!
Ugh! Like a chicken. (Tsar Maiden - P.P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”)

Appendix 4
Now let's talk about another book.
Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.
The old man went to the sea
He will cast a net,
Someone will catch you and ask for something
The story here is about a greedy old woman.
And greed, guys, does not lead to good.
And the matter will end in the same trough
But not new, but old, broken.

Appendix 5
Tales of Pushkin
1. The princess is a miracle:
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead the star is burning,
And she herself is majestic,
Performs like a peahen. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan".)

2. My light, mirror! Tell
Tell me the whole truth:
“Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter? (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”).

3. Balda went to the nearby forest
I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag (“The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

4. He waited a long time for an answer,
He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman -
Lo and behold, there’s a dugout in front of him again,
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough... (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

5. “Plant this bird,”
He said to the king, “on the knitting needle;
If everything around is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the outside
Expect war for you...” (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

6. “If only I were a queen,”
The third sister said,
I would give birth to a hero for the Tsar’s father (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)
Appendix 6 (illustrations)

Snow White

S n e z h a n a

m e c e v

Anna Demidova
Entertainment scenario “Fairy Tale Journey”

Target: Evoke positive emotions from collaborating with peers.

Tasks: Cultivate emotional responsiveness in children, form a positive attitude towards fairy tales, develop imagination and acting abilities, teach children to work in a team and listen to their interlocutor.

The children are sitting in the hall, the screen is turned on. Storyteller on screen

Storyteller: So, what do we have here? A! There you are! Where are you? I’m somehow lost... Guys, I urgently need to get to you! But how to do that? We need to come up with something... Maybe you can tell me the address, so I can come by taxi? For a long time? Well, yes. So, let's try it the old fashioned way: Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly take me there! It doesn’t work... I probably need you to help me. Let's get up from our seats, raise our hands up and say the spell loudly and clearly with me! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly take me there! No, we need to be even more friendly and louder, and repeat the movements after me, let's try again! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly take me there!

The storyteller disappears from the screen and appears at the front door

Storyteller: Hello, dear children! So I got there, thank you very much for your help! What great fellows you are! \Tell me, do you read fairy tales, or do you just surf the Internet?

Children's answers

Storyteller: Well, then let's check how much you love and remember fairy tales! Who had an ice hut, and who had a bast hut?

Children: Ice - from the Fox, bast - from the hare.

Storyteller: In which fairy tale could the apple tree, the stove and the river speak?

Children: "Swan geese"

Storyteller: A fairy tale in which the main character turned into a cloud?

Children: "Snow Maiden"

Storyteller: Which animal was the first to discover the little house in the forest?

Children: Little mouse.

Storyteller: What is the origin of fairy tales?

Children: In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, Once upon a time...

Storyteller: What words do fairy tales end with?

Children: That’s the end of the fairy tale... He began to live and live... They lived happily ever after... And I was there, drinking honey beer.

Storyteller: Well, I see you read fairy tales, well done! Do you want to take part in a fairy tale?

Game based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Storyteller: Guys, do you all know the fairy tale about Turnip? Let's remember it together now. We all need to stand in a circle. In the center there will be a leader - Grandfather, he will call his relatives for help: Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Bear. The grandfather will walk in a circle and when he stops, point to the participant and name the character, the one he pointed to must immediately portray this one. If there is a hitch, then this participant goes to the center and becomes Grandfather.

Storyteller: Great, guys! Tell me, which of you has a grandmother or grandfather? Do you go to visit them? (phone rings) Hello! Hello, how's life? ( turns away) Sorry, kids... What are you talking about? Oh, I’m with the children now, maybe you’ll come to us? Come on! Sorry, my friend called me; her granddaughter very rarely comes to see her. She even forgot what she looks like! Can you imagine? He wants to find her, but she’s just blind... She should come to us, but she lives far away - in the forest... I need your help, let’s cast the spell again! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring grandma here! Well, you guys are not trying hard, let’s do some more movement together! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring grandma here!

Grandmother appears. He looks around and adjusts his glasses.

Grandmother: Oh, where am I?

Storyteller: Don’t worry, friend, it was the children and I who brought you here!

Grandmother: Ah... Thank you! What kind of kids are they sitting there? It seems my granddaughter is among them! I can just smell it! (looks at the children) Here you are, my Little Red Riding Hood! It's been so long since I've seen you! She’s grown up, she’s gotten prettier... Well, show grandma how you’re rushing to me! (puts a hat on the child and brings him onto the stage) So you are walking through the forest to visit me. You walk very quickly, because it’s scary in the forest. You jump up and down as if you were rushing to your beloved grandmother... You stumble, but still run to your grandmother...

Game "Pantomime" The child shows with his movements everything that Grandmother says

Grandmother: No, she doesn’t look like my granddaughter. If she ran so well, she would already be at my house with pies... Well, let me look again, maybe you are my granddaughter? (calls another child) You are so slow, sluggish. You walk slowly because you are always dreaming about something. You always turn somewhere and lose your way. You pick up mushrooms and flowers along the way, and all this very slowly, and when you hear someone coming, you immediately hide behind a tree... (the child performs the movements)

Grandmother: No, she doesn’t look like my granddaughter... My granddaughter is not afraid of anything, not even a wolf... I remember once a wolf came to me and ate me, and then swallowed her too... So she wasn’t scared one bit! (calls another child) Look, you look like my granddaughter! My granddaughter is brave and determined, she is not afraid of any obstacles! She walks with her shoulders proudly straightened and looks down on everything. My granddaughter is so beautiful, so she often looks at herself in the mirror and doesn’t pay attention to anything else...

The child shows with his movements everything that Grandmother says

Grandmother: No, and this is not my granddaughter... She’s probably doing her homework at home now, and I’m looking for her here...

Storyteller: Don't be upset, dear friend! Your granddaughter will come to you soon! (hugs Grandma and she takes out her phone and writes an SMS) Let’s play with the kids for now, since you’re already here?

Grandmother: Well, come on, I just have one interesting game! It's called "Kolobok". We all need to stand in a circle. And now we will pass the kolobok to each other, but not just pass it on, but tell the neighbor to whom you are passing it a compliment or some nice words. But, mind you, tell only the truth! And you can’t repeat yourself!

Now let's pass the ball in the opposite direction.

Now let's say nice wishes to each other!

And in the opposite direction, and remember that you cannot repeat yourself!

Game "Kolobok". Children get up from their seats and complete the task of Grandma Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandmother: How kind, sympathetic and resourceful you are! You would probably become friends with my granddaughter!

Granny's phone is ringing.

Grandmother: Oh, what is this? Yes, this is what my granddaughter gave me the last time she came! Hello! Little Red Riding Hood, honey! Why haven't you come to me for so long? Already at my place, why didn’t you warn me that you were coming to visit? You say you wrote in contact? And I don’t even know where it is! I'll be there soon, wait for me a little! What to do? I won't make it in time!

Storyteller: Don't worry! The guys and I will help you now. Close your eyes and think about home and granddaughter, and we will cast a spell and you will find yourself at home! Guys, let's get together: Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly move grandma there!

Children and the Storyteller perform an exercise. Nothing happened.

Storyteller: Guys, let's be even more friendly!

Grandma spins around and leaves.

Grandmother: Oh oh oh! Thank you guys! Goodbye! (leaves)

Storyteller: Goodbye! Such a time now, all young people are in contact... I also started a page for myself, I even have friends there: Koschey, Nesmeyana, Ivanushka, Baba Yaga... And what is it with our Yagusya? He writes in his status that life is unfair! Come on, let's call her!

Calls Yaga via video link. Baba Yaga appears very sad.

Storyteller: Hello, Yagusya, what happened to you? Why you so sad?

Baba Yaga: Hello! How can you not be sad when your favorite broom breaks! And now I’m neither here nor there! (crying)

Storyteller: Is your broom under warranty? Did you take it for repairs?

Baba Yaga: No, I didn’t wear it. I tried to fix it myself: I soaked it in water, dried it in the sun, hit it with stones, read various spells - nothing helps!

Storyteller: Well, what are you Yagusya! This business requires a master! Come to us soon, we will help you figure it out!

Baba Yaga: Now - now, just help me, otherwise my broom won’t fly...

Storyteller: The guys and I will help! Come on guys, repeat after me Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring Yagusya here! It didn’t work out again, today we succeeded the second time! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring Yagusya here!

Baba Yaga: Hello guys, hello dears! What is your holiday today?

Storyteller: We have gathered today to learn good deeds from the example of fairy tales. Guys, what do we need to do now to make Yagusya happier? That's right, help her! Yagusya, do you have instructions for this broom?

Baba Yaga: It was somewhere, but I didn’t read it, that I can’t fly on a broom or what?

Storyteller: Okay, what were you doing when your broom broke?

Baba Yaga:(Embarrassed) I swept with it... I swept up a whole bunch of garbage, and then I thought, I’ll fly to the store, but that didn’t happen!

Demonstration of a video of Yaga sweeping the assembly hall

Storyteller: Is it possible to transport the courtyard of revenge? Probably, the magic twigs just fell out of your broom, and now the broom can’t fly.

Baba Yaga: So what should we do now?

Storyteller: You need to find the magic twigs, and then your broom will fly again! The guys and I will help you!

Storyteller: Guys, let's split into two teams and look in this room for twigs from Baba Yaga's magic broom. But your main task is not just to find the lost twigs, but also to do it together, without jostling or interfering with each other. Whose team will be the most polite and collect the most twigs is the winner!

Game "Find the magic twig"

Baba Yaga: Now my broom can fly again! Thank you guys so much! And let me give you a ride on my broom for this!

Game "Ride the Broom"

Baba Yaga: Thank you very much again guys! And now it’s time for me to go home, see you again! (gets on the broom and leaves)

Storyteller: You see, guys, how important it is to be interested in each other and help each other! After all, each of us needs help, not everyone can ask for it.

Guys, let's help me write a fairy tale! Otherwise I can’t do it myself! Let's stand in a circle. I’ll start, and each of you in a circle will come up with a sentence to make an interesting story.

Game "Making a Fairy Tale"

Storyteller: What a wonderful fairy tale! Thank you guys very much! Next time I will tell the kids your story! Now let's all take a selfie together as a souvenir!

Now I have to go, the kids are waiting for me at another job! See you again!