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The right hand of the devil. The right hand of the devil The right hand of Satan

Lilith Saintcrow

Right hand Devil

Dante Valentine-3

Dante Valentine-3

Original: Lilith Saintcrow "The Devil's Right Hand"


In the blue crystal hall of death.

Transparent crystal souls swirled around me. I’m used to it - after all, I’m a necromancer - but I didn’t see one soul among them. No unique features that I could recognize, no crystalline replica of the wheat-gold tousled hair and blue eyes that was forming.

I looked for him and was glad when I didn’t find him. If he's not here, then we won't meet.

My gaze fell on the other side of the bridge, where Death stood; his graceful canine head tilted slightly in greeting.

Behind my god stood a dark figure, flames crackling around the woman's features. An orange light surrounded her lion head. For a moment a stream of fire and smoke blinded me; I raised my sword, protecting myself from the energy that could burn me to the bone.

The last theory is the most intriguing: what if the Awakening itself was caused by the collective evolution of the human race. The psion talent, before the Awakening, was considered unreliable. The Parapsychologists Act, which gave psions the opportunity to develop their abilities, could not independently calculate the emerging Talents and magical abilities until they were enshrined in law - despite the loud protests of the Adrian Freemen.

The implications of the theory of collective evolution are a clear concept for which other minds are responsible. Ancient sayings about demonic interference in humans genetic code were superficial and discussed so many times that they became clichés. But any Magi will tell you that the effects of demonic charm on humans cannot be explained, besides, they helped our evolution, as they claim.

The first law when working with demons is their possessive nature. A demon would rather destroy the object of his love than allow him to escape; in this they are similar to people. The second law is very important: demons and people have different ideas about the truth. For demons, truth can be anything that helps achieve a certain goal or a certain conclusion. This is how a popular joke emerged that lawyers make good Magicians, which the author can believe. But one thing is certain: we also learned jealousy and deception from demons, or they adopted this tendency from us as a disease - and the latter is unlikely, considering how ancient their race is...

– from Theory and Demonology: A Manual for Magicians.

Adrienne Spocarelli.

Chapter 1

“This is for you,” Japhrimel said shyly. For a moment, his eyes glowed with green fire in an angular runic pattern, and then went dark again, becoming almost human.

I blinked and took the bag. It was heavy, wrapped in blue satin with a wide white silk ribbon tied in a bow. I pushed aside the large leather-bound book and rubbed the back of my head, my hair falling in heavy waves over my shoulders. Due to the long reading and solving of codes, I could not focus my vision, the white marble behind Japhrimel turned into a blurry stripe. For a moment his face looked strange.

Then I recognized him again and inhaled the familiar smell of burnt cinnamon and musk. The mark on my shoulder flared at his proximity, a familiar sweet pain that took my breath away. The room was dark except for a circle of light from a full-spectrum sconce lamp with a green shade.

Certainly. - Japhrimel touched my cheek with two fingers, slowly sending, even casting, liquid fire down my back. His long black coat with a stand-up collar moved slightly as he straightened up, reluctantly removing his fingers from my cheek. - The most beautiful necromancer in the world.

This made me laugh.

Flattery helps everywhere, doesn't it.

I think Gabe is prettier, but you have a right to your own opinion. - I stretched, turned my head back, stretching my stiff muscles. - What is this? “The package was the size of my hand, from wrist to elbow, and its weight resembled metal or stone.

Japhrimel smiled, his lips curved and softened, his eyes dark with an almost human expressiveness. It suits him very well - he was terribly gloomy, as always. His gaze was gentle and, as usual, my body was filled with a strange warmth. I looked at the package and touched the tape.

The last gift was a well-preserved copy of Perezrevertov's The Nine Portals of Hell, in excellent leather binding, written in old Venice about a thousand years ago - and has lain untouched since then. The house was also a gift, a snow-white marble villa on the outskirts of Tuscany. I said I was tired of traveling and, one night at dinner, he gave me a key to the house.

The darkness of the library surrounded me; not a single lamp worked anymore. Now that I looked up from my research, I didn’t need to listen to hear footsteps in the corridor - servants and cooks, security network There was a buzz around the house, everything was as it should be.

Why was I so worried? If I didn't know myself, I would say that my nervousness is a warning. Premonition, my little gift of foresight, works constantly.

Oh gods, not this. Now I have everything I could want.

I rubbed my eyes again and pulled at the silk ribbon that slipped between my fingers. Another yawn escaped my lips. I've been deciphering the codes for three whole days and soon I need to let off some steam.

You shouldn't have given me... oh god...

Satin fell, revealing a figurine of a woman with a lion's head sitting on a throne, made of perfect, shining obsidian. The sun disk around her head was made of pure gold and shone in the dim light. I let out an ecstatic sigh.

Oh Japhrimel. Where are you…

He sat down in the chair opposite me. Because of the soft light from the spectral lamp, shadows slid across his gloomy face, making the green fire in his eyes look like sparks from a fire. The sparks in his eyes always lit up when he looked at me.

Do you like it, Dante? - The usual question, as if he doubts it.

I took it in my hands and felt the irregularities on the smooth stone. Like all his gifts, she was

According to most current opinions, the demon Beelzebub is one of the supreme rulers of hell. Because of his power and strength, the Slavs often called Satan directly by his name. Most often it is believed that Beelzebub is the patron of flies and other unclean insects.

In the article:

Demon Beelzebub in ancient history

In fact, many associate the name Beelzebub with the Semitic, the cult of which was especially popular in ancient Carthage, however, this comparison is not entirely correct. It should be noted that in most territories where various Semitic peoples lived, the word Baal in many traditions and languages ​​directly denoted the main god who patronized a certain aspect of life or element. And in Canaan, for a long time supreme god was considered precisely Baalzebub, or the God of Flies, whose worship was condemned directly on the pages of the Bible. The idol of Beelzebub, according to some surviving monuments, required constant human sacrifices and was literally covered with live flies, which flocked to the smell of fresh blood, which was poured over the wicked statue.

The existence of Beelzebub there was ensured by the appearance of a corresponding cult. Beelzebub, according to ancient biblical sources, was able to stop the spread of the plague he himself sent, and in return demanded unquestioning worship and obedience from the Canaanites. They depicted Beelzebub in the form of a fly with royal attributes - a crown and a scepter. A number of Semitic parables and stories are associated with the name of Beelzebub, which can be read on the pages of the Old and New Testaments.

So, the Old Testament king of the Jews Ahaziah, once fell from the roof of the palace and ended up getting very sick. During his illness, he turned to his people to go to Ekron and ask the local god, Beelzebub, if Ahaziah would recover. Having learned about this, the prophet Elijah found himself in terrible anger and went to the king. Elijah asked if the Jews didn’t have their own God, that he sent people to the pagan idol and, as a result, promised him with a prophecy that he would no longer get out of bed and would die because of his unbelief.

There is a story about Beelzebub in one of the most ancient grimoires - Testament of Solomon, a book whose authorship is attributed directly to the legendary wise king of Israel. This book says that Beelzebub was called by Solomon, spewed flames at him, but submitted to the power of the ring and, in the end, literally disappeared. This also explains the fact that in another famous grimoire, the name of Beelzebub is not mentioned at all among the demonic aristocracy, although most other sources endow him with power almost equal to Satan himself. In the New Testament, Beelzebub appears several times as a demonic prince; the Pharisees try to attribute exactly this origin to the miracles of Christ. But Christ answered them with the words that not a single kingdom that fights against itself can stand, which means that he himself cannot drive out demons with the power of demons, otherwise they themselves will eventually fall. Accordingly, Satan can only be cast out by the power of the Lord.

It should be noted that the name Beelzebub itself can be interpreted in two ways, even in the Hebrew tradition. What is certain is that the first part refers to Baal as a designation of god. The second part of the name could be interpreted as “zebul” - sublime, and as “zebub” - flies, and as “zabal” - the process of throwing out sewage, which, in principle, was clearly applicable to the cult of Baal Zebub. Separately, it should be noted the connection of the fly, as an animal associated with uncleanliness, with the sacred Egyptian scarab - the ancient Jews for a long time tried to get rid of the Egyptian influence on their people, which could well have led to the unequivocal demonization of most of the sacred Egyptian symbols and creatures.

Lord of the Flies Beelzebub in the medieval magical tradition

The study of the almost forgotten Beelzebub had a huge influence on the study of medieval magicians and theologians, who diligently studied every page of biblical texts and records. Eventually, most scholars, both demonologists and ecclesiastics, accepted the importance of the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, in the infernal hierarchy. In Christian demonology, he is almost always described as the second most powerful demon, who was a seraphim angel before the fall, second in strength after Satan himself.

Moreover, very often Beelzebub was characterized by complete patronage of one of the seven deadly sins. Some rare demonologies suggested that this infernal prince patronizes pride, however, subsequently both churchmen and demonologies decided that the Lord of the Flies must be responsible, first of all, for gluttony.

Beelzebub also had a special effect on people in several carefully documented cases of possession. So, he prophesied through the mouth of Nicole Aubrey from Vervain, emerging from her body during an exorcism like a giant bull. Also, he possessed Martha Brassier from France, and sister Madeleine Demandol, as well as the famous Salem witches. One of the last cases of possession by Beelzebub happened at the dawn of the 20th century, where Beelzebub, along with many other demons, settled in the body of Anna Ekland.

It is worth noting that Beelzebub also enjoyed great respect directly from witches and sorcerers, who, even without torture, proudly admitted their worship of him and told stories about his appearances and blessings during various unholy rites calling on him. At the same time, the information received both from cultists and from those possessed by a demon was extremely accurate and repeated down to the smallest detail, which makes even the most inveterate skeptics convinced of the reality of this creature.

At the same time, he had a clearly defined antagonist in the Christian faith, like most other demonic commanders and leaders. And acted as a fighter against the demonic power of Beelzebub - the Lord of the Flies, the saint catholic church- Francis of Assisi. Moreover, he lived already when no traces remained of the ancient cults of Baal, which is also another evidence that Beelzebub is an entity separate from Baal, with which Jewish and Christian priests, preachers and prophets fought at all times.

Beelzebub in Slavic mythology

Despite the fact that most Slavs adopted Christianity in a relatively early periods- between the 8th and 11th centuries, the fight against pagan traditions and their assimilation continued until the beginning of the 20th century. The image of Beelzebub also underwent changes. So, Beelzebub Slavic mythology appears in the image of Satanail and is almost completely identical to Satan. However, there are a number of important differences from the classical church interpretation of the essence of Satan. Yes, in almost all Slavic traditions there is a clear dualistic understanding of Satanail, as a being not created by God, but one of those who originally existed in this world.

According to some legends, from ancient times he lived in the sea and called himself a god, nevertheless recognizing that the true god is the lord of lords. According to one legend, obeying the will of God, he dived into the surface of the sea and took out sand from it, from which God subsequently created the earth, as well as flint, which became mountains. According to the same legend left half God gave the flint to Satanail, and this flint became his underground kingdom, and kept the other one, the right one, for himself.

In these legends there is an ancient reflection of the primordial pagan dualism of Chernobog and Belbog, without whom the world cannot exist, just as a person cannot live without the change of day and night, and there cannot be light that does not leave a shadow. Also, in Slavic traditions it is often mentioned that demons are not fallen angels, but a simple attempt by Satanael to create his own angels as servants. Just as hell is just a pathetic attempt by the Slavic Beelzebub to create his own heaven, which belongs only to him.

How to Summon Beelzebub

It should be noted that Beelzebub's call is extremely dangerous event, which carries a very high risk. It was precisely because of the power of Beelzebub himself that no pentagrams or protective circles were given in any of the grimoires - his power is so great that it would simply be impossible for a mere mortal to restrain him. One of the few relatively modern esotericists who called upon a second demon in Hell to help him, who called Beelzebub to kill his main competitor in the magical community, McGregor Mathers, from the world.

Beelzebub can help you achieve almost anything, and an agreement with him is almost the same as an agreement with the devil himself. However, he may not always need the soul of the caller as payment, so this method of working with a demon is considered relatively more convenient for karmic consequences. It is worth noting that Beelzebub in the demonic hierarchy is revered not only as the King of the Flies, but also as the patron of immediate life force - this is noticeable both by his status in some Slavic beliefs, and by the fact that he really protected his followers - the Pharisees and Philistines before how his cult was destroyed by the Jewish priests.

However, this same characteristic may also require the caller of Beelzebub to offer true, ongoing worship in response to his help. This demon is extremely cruel to his enemies, but he is just as loving and generous to his followers.

It is believed that one of the rituals of invocation or summoning of Beelzebub is the ancient Sumerian hymn of Enlil, a deity who was subsequently clearly associated with Beelzebub:

Gate of heaven
Bars heavenly,
Heavenly mounts,
Celestial gates
You open
You are spreading
You're letting go
You clean up.
Come to me, Beelzebub!
Come! Come! Come!

This address should be said alone, removing all Christian symbols from the room. As one of the most senior angels in the past, Beelzebub is the most vehement opponent of everything related to Christianity.

The only way to somehow protect yourself from this demon is indicated in the Commandments of Solomon. It says that only the name of the one who protects - Emmanuel, as well as his holy number 644, is capable of driving away Beelzebub. Thus, it is advisable for you to prepare an appropriate number of small identical objects as a safety net, and the banishing phrase itself should invariably contain the name Emmanuel and the order - Elect. Thus, if you want to break contact with the hellish clerk and right hand of Satan, you should immediately throw an armful of 644 objects in his direction (these could be matches or even simple foam balls) and shout:

Emmanuel! Elect!

It should be remembered that Beelzebub is extremely vengeful and after such an expulsion a person can still face many deadly problems that await him literally at every step. No wonder those who dared to challenge Beelzebub were often found dead from asphyxia.

After another mission, the necromancer mercenary Dante Valentine, together with her lover, the fallen demon Japhrimel, barely alive, come to their senses in an old house in Tuscany. But they are unable to enjoy their vacation and completely heal their battle wounds. Suddenly, the Prince of Darkness calls them again, this time the devil wants to hire Dante and her friend to destroy four demons who have escaped from hell. The trail of demons leads them to the east of Europe, to Sarajevo, the monastery evil spirits and all kinds of dangerous creatures from the underworld. Only here Dante and Japhrimel begin to gradually realize what the devil’s true goal was in sending them in pursuit of demons.

One of the brightest mystical series recent years brings to the stage a new cult heroine - an experienced necromancer and a desperate fighter against evil spirits, Dante Valentine!

The work belongs to the Novels genre. It was published in 2010 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the Twilight series. On our website you can download the book “The Right Hand of the Devil” for free in fb2, epub format or read online. The book's rating is 4.21 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Dante Valentine - 3

Dedicated to Kazuo, my best friend.

Non satis est ullo, tempore longus amor.

We will indulge in love while we have the opportunity,

Because it is not durable, alas, but it is transitory.

Sextus Propertius. Elegies, 1. XIX . 25

Warlord: You are looking at a man who can pierce you with a sword without blinking an eye.

Monk: You're looking at a man who wouldn't bat an eyelid if you pierced him with a sword.

The most intriguing is the last theory: perhaps the Awakening was the result of the general evolution of the human race. Before the Awakening, any manifestation of the psionic gift was notorious for its extreme unpredictability, and even the Decree on Parapsychology, despite its noisy praise by Adrien Ferriman's apologists, only laid the foundations for codification and opened the possibility of training psions. However, the sudden rise and widespread spread of psionic and magical abilities cannot be explained by the simple fact that they were included in the legislative field.

The theory of general evolution with inexorable logic leads us to a hypothesis that considers this phenomenon as the result of the intervention of another mind. This conclusion seems self-evident, and the thesis cited by its supporters about demonic intervention in the human genetic code has already set teeth on edge, turning into a banal cliché. Any sorcerer will explain to you that the human fascination with demonism can hardly be explained without recognizing that demons, as they themselves claim, have had a hand in our evolution in one way or another.

When it comes to dealing with demons, it is important to consider the following. Firstly, their possessive nature. Demons (in which, admittedly, they are similar to people) would rather destroy an object dear to them than allow it to free itself from its influence. Secondly, when entering into a deal with demons, it is important to understand: as in the case of the loa or the etrigandi, their idea of ​​truth does not coincide at all with the generally accepted human one. Often what they consider to be “true” is that the best way meets the requirements of the moment or contributes to the achievement of a goal. Hence the well-known joke that the best sorcerers come from lawyers, and the author of these lines is quite ready to believe it. Strictly speaking, in terms of envy and falsehood, we and demons are equal to each other: we could learn from them, just as they do from us. However, the latter is unlikely, because their species is much older than ours...

Adrienne Spocarelli. Theory and demonology:

guide for beginner magicians .

Chapter 1

“This is for you,” Japhrimel said embarrassedly, and before his eyes again became almost human, a runic pattern flashed in them with green fire for a moment.

I blinked and accepted the hefty package, wrapped in blue glossy paper and tied with a wide white silk ribbon. Then she pushed aside the thick leather-bound book and rubbed her stiff neck under the heavy wave of hair. After many hours of reading and deciphering the text, my eyes began to glaze over. White marble behind Japhrimel I saw as if through a veil, and even his face at the first moment seemed unfamiliar.

Then I recognized him and sighed, taking in the familiar smell of cinnamon and musk.