home · Installation · Is it true that Yegor Creed is dating? Yegor Creed and Dasha Klyukina are dating or not after the Bachelor project, it is interesting for all fans of the TV show to know. Olga Buzova intervened in the love story of Creed and Klyukina

Is it true that Yegor Creed is dating? Yegor Creed and Dasha Klyukina are dating or not after the Bachelor project, it is interesting for all fans of the TV show to know. Olga Buzova intervened in the love story of Creed and Klyukina

All the women of the popular singer Photo: Instagram. 5 years ago, Yegor Creed released his first hit, “Love on the Net.” On June 25, the author and performer of the singles “The Most Samaya” and “The Bride” will celebrate his birthday. Despite the fact that the guy will only be 22 years old, he already has a whole army of fans. Having become a popular performer, Yegor dreams of personal happiness, plans [...]

All the women of the popular singer

Photo: Instagram.

5 years ago, Yegor Creed released his first hit, “Love on the Net.” On June 25, the author and performer of the singles “The Most Samaya” and “The Bride” will celebrate his birthday. Despite the fact that the guy will only be 22 years old, he already has a whole army of fans. Having become a popular performer, Yegor dreams of personal happiness and plans to start a family in the next couple of years: according to the singer, if he becomes a father at a young age, he will be able to be on the same wavelength with his future children.. Note that all the singer’s girls are real beauties! Yegor himself says that he used to be amorous, but now everything has changed, and no one is attracted to him.

First love

Egor's real name is Bulatkin. He grew up in a wealthy family in Penza. The star's father Nikolai Bulatkin is the general director of a large Penza nut processing company, and his mother Marina is deputy director. While still at school, Egor began composing songs and filming videos that were shown on local TV channels. The guy was one of the most notable students in his Lyceum No. 2, and even won the “Mr. Lyceum” competition.

His first love was his classmate Victoria Suchkova, with whom Egor sat at the same desk. Classmates talked a lot, walked together. But this was just a youthful hobby; the guy was seriously involved in music. Then, five years ago, Yegor Bulatkin was in 11th grade, and his track “Love on the Net” received more than 5 million YouTube views. The guy received an invitation to Moscow from the producer and immediately left for the capital, even missing the prom. Bulatkin moved to Moscow, then signed a contract with a music label. He began his solo career under the name Yegor Creed. He rarely visits his native Penza, but, according to friends, the guy does not have star fever.

Egor's models

A single, handsome, popular, wealthy guy is surrounded by female attention. Among the girls who occupied his heart for a long time, the names of several models are known. The star starred in a clothing advertisement with Diana Melison. He and the sexy brunette starred together in a photo shoot for a clothing collection. Diana, commenting on her relationship with the singer, admitted that he courted her, wrote to her on the VKontakte social network, called her, and then brought bouquets of flowers. The girl gave in under the pressure of beautiful courtship. Yegor didn’t really like the fact that his girlfriend was starring in an underwear commercial. The couple broke up allegedly because Creed flirted with other girls; he spent time with other beauties.

They say that the author and performer wrote the song “I Don’t Stop” (it contains the words “I tried to change you - I cheated on you”) shortly after breaking up with Diana. By the way, after breaking up with the star, Diana happily arranged her life.

Soon rumors appeared about his affairs with Victoria Daineko (even before she met her husband and wedding) and Anna Zavorotnyuk (daughter of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk).

In addition, Creed had an affair with the famous model Ksenia Deli. The model from Moldova signed a contract with a famous American modeling agency, starred on the cover of Playboy, in a Justin Bieber video, and participates in advertising for world-famous brands. The singer met Delhi by messaging her on Instagram. The couple met in Los Angeles and Moscow. The reason for the separation of two young and beautiful people is not known. 26-year-old Ksenia recently married a 62-year-old Egyptian billionaire.

Most most…

The main girl in the musician’s life was the singer Nyusha. When their relationship began, Creed was an aspiring singer, and Nyusha was the favorite of millions. The star helped the debutant build a career, even sang backing vocals in his track “The Most-Most.” The singer does not advertise her personal life. But Egor told in an interview the details of his relationship with the star. He admitted that Nyusha was the first woman with whom he wanted a serious relationship, children, a wedding. Egor dedicated his main hits “The Most Samaya” and “The Bride” to Nyusha. After breaking up with his beloved, Creed recalled how he arrived at the studio and cried while recording the song “Shore.” Performing this composition at concerts, Creed remembers his former lover. The song contains the following lines: “I’ll talk to God, let me ask something stupid. To be with her, even for a minute."

Creed announced the reason for breaking up with Nyusha “to the whole world.” At his concert, he performed Nyusha’s song “Only”, adding a verse of his own composition to it. Creed blamed Nyusha’s dad for the breakup of their couple: “I write about love so often that love, stuttering, will write a story about me. And she and I made a bet, I got your name on my left hand. And in fact, the weeks flew by, everyone kept telling you: he has no money. What the hell is love! Your dad's opinion is stronger. You lie a thousand times, throw out a thousand phrases... Then a thousand tears about where you are now. Strong in words, but all hopes are in ruins. You were the best, and now you are my fear.” This track was removed from the Internet at the request of Nyusha: her copyrights were violated, not to mention the ethical component of this act.

The singer was surprised by the behavior of her ex-boyfriend, who spoke about personal matters in public. And in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, she voiced her version of the separation, so that fans would not have the wrong opinion: “A lot of things in life were easy for him. He once told me that he succeeds in everything. This was probably one of the main tests after his arrival in Moscow - not to succumb to the euphoria of the big city and first success, not to catch the “star fever”. We talked about being grateful for what you have. And don’t forget about the people who take part in your development. Some people are drawn to luxury, while others want to do what they love. Our opinions about life values ​​differed.” Different worldviews and diverging views on the future became the reason for the separation, according to Nyusha.

Now Yegor Creed has a lot of work: tours, concerts. A housekeeper helps him maintain order in the house. But he is already ready for a mistress to appear in the house. True, there is no bride yet. But for such guys this is not a problem, especially when Instagram has more than two million subscribers...

Page description: Egor Creed personal life latest news from professionals for people.

Interest in who Yegor Creed is dating now, in 2018, is caused by his participation in the show “The Bachelor”. The program ended in early June and the singer’s chosen one was the Ural model Dasha Klyukina. Fans of the artist and fans of the scandalous show about love expected a beautiful continuation of the equally beautiful relationship between the young people. However, at the next Muz-TV award ceremony, Creed appeared with his parents, leaving his chosen one without attention.

Journalists bombarded the young man with questions about his incomprehensible behavior. The artist had to tell them that the wedding ring in the last episode of the show turned out to be just a tribute to tradition. In fact, Creed remained on friendly terms with the girl who won the competition for his heart.

Egor Creed and Dasha Klyukina

Yegor had no long-term plans for Dasha Klyukina. In addition, the artist is firmly convinced that public representatives of the fair half of humanity are not suitable for a strong family.

Difficult choice

Supporters of the show were unhappy with the behavior of the main character. Shortly before the finale, journalists talked about the singer’s secret dates with another participant in the program, Victoria Korotkova. According to the paparazzi, there was clearly sympathy between the young people, which confused the reporters. By the time the last part of the show was released, viewers' opinions about the winner were divided.

The artist's choice of Daria Kryukova was also met with ambiguity. Passions flared up in earnest after several scandalous antics of the participants on the program. Even then, it was unclear who Yegor Creed would meet now, in 2018. In addition, many former friends of the artist say that with the growth of fame, the young man’s needs and requirements for loved ones have changed significantly.

As for the winner of “The Bachelor,” she is not that popular yet. Thanks to her participation in the show, Daria Klyukina became recognizable. This helps a hardworking and ambitious girl in obtaining lucrative advertising contracts.

Attractive appearance contributes to the growth of fans, and although the hero of “The Bachelor” made fun of his chosen one on the “Evening Urgant” program, it does not seem that she was very upset. It’s unlikely that after such boorish behavior, Daria cares who Yegor Creed is dating now, in 2018.

Egor Creed: photo

Life after the project

According to attentive fans of the artist, it is easy to understand who Yegor Creed is dating in 2018. This lucky girl was Victoria Korotkova, although the celebrity did not provide direct evidence of a romantic relationship. According to attentive subscribers, the following points indicate the continuation of a love relationship:

Yegor Creed broke up with Daria Klyukina after the end of the show

  • after the end of the program, the couple was repeatedly spotted together in several public places in the capital;
  • On her Instagram page, the girl stubbornly posts a photo of a tattoo made on a project under the influence of Creed. According to observant subscribers, such activity speaks of Vika’s true feelings;
  • the other day, designer Artem Krivda announced his work with the Timati production center, in which Creed and Vika worked together. Considering the popularity of the artist and the low degree of fame of Korotkova, it can be assumed that it was the singer who was able to protect the beauty in front of his manager.

Victoria Korotkova is on friendly terms with Yegor Creed

Of course, it is difficult to call such arguments explicit. In addition, the artist himself has repeatedly said that he was disappointed in love and had difficulty with long-term commitments.

Yegor Creed’s participation in the popular TV show “The Bachelor” led to interesting twists and turns and changes in the artist’s personal life in 2018. Now his fans are intrigued by whether the relationships with the girls on the television project were sincere, and who the performer chose. Interest is fueled by revelations from public pages dedicated to the stars, in photographs and videos of which Egor currently appears in an embrace with an unknown girl.

There were no serious ups and downs and dramas in the artist’s biography. His life is an example of how talent and hard work can make your way and bring success, no matter how old you are.

Read also: Personal life of Creed Egor

Creed is a pseudonym, according to his passport, singer Bulatkin Egor Nikolaevich. He was born in 1994 on June 25. His mom and dad were wealthy people. His father still has his own business and both parents hold management positions at the Unitron company.

Egor Creed with his parents

The singer’s family is exemplary; in addition to a son, there is also a daughter. Egor's sister is Polina Nikolaevna. She also tries herself in the vocal field, performing solo. True, so far not as successful as my brother.


Yegor Creed's career growth started back in school. In his teenage years, he became interested in music, wrote his own songs and performed them himself.

His first hit was the track “Love on the Net.” Having taken the required amount of funds from his father, Egor and his friends shot a video for the composition, which, after publication, rapidly gained views. A year later he became the winner of the “Star – VKontakte” competition.

Creed's musical career began in school

In the same year, he performed and recorded a cover of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy.” This was still a stepping stone to success. The founder of the production label noticed the young talent, and since 2012, the Black Star corporation began to take care of Creed’s career.

Interesting: Timati: secrets of his personal life, latest news

Writing hits, participating in popular shows, numerous photo reports from social events, where Yegor appeared in the company of show business stars, contributed to the guy’s even more rapid growth. The result of perseverance, talent, hard work and competent PR was the first album of 2015 and a large solo concert held in the capital in 2016.

Egor Creed and Timati

In parallel with his career growth, Creed entered the Gnessin Academy of Music. The singer chose the “Producing” specialization, but the singer failed to obtain a diploma. Busy work got in the way.

Interesting: Sergey Lazarev became a producer

Over several years of his career, Yegor Creed performed hits and shot videos with famous stars of Russian show business:

  • Alexey Vorobyov;
  • Hannah;
  • Molly;
  • Polina Gagarina;
  • DJ Smash;
  • Timati.

Egor Creed and Alexey Vorobyov

In 2018, Yegor Creed also continues to be actively involved in the further development of his career, the latest news includes the video he released for the song “Tear” and the demonstration of his personal life, secrets and revelations in “The Bachelor”. Fans from all over the country can watch the artist’s emotions and his communication with interesting, beautiful girls.

Personal life

Youth, popularity and an actively developing career could not leave Creed without fans and an entourage of the best, most spectacular and prettiest girls. Rumors about his numerous novels, secret and not so, actively flashed in the press. Whether they were PR or a real relationship, one can only guess.

Egor Creed with Anna Zavorotnyuk

The first girl with whom Yegor tried to publicly build a relationship was Anna Zavorotnyuk, the daughter of a famous actress. The singer did not go further than walks with her.

She was replaced by negligee model Diana Melison. Yegor Creed’s personal life during this period was stormy, and the romance was passionate; according to the artist’s admission, made only now, the reason for the breakup was jealousy on his part. The young people separated in 2013.

The reason for the breakup with Diana Melison was candid filming and the guy’s jealousy

The next on the list of star girls were singers: Victoria Daineko and Nyusha.

Egor with Victoria Daineko

Interesting: Nyusha’s personal life: biography, husband, news 2018

Later, rumors from Nyusha’s inner circle leaked to the press that this relationship was a profitable PR for the young man. All his public suffering associated with the breakup benefited Creed’s career, while the singer was turned inside out by this relationship.

The romance between Creed and Nyusha was loud

Afterwards, the young star’s list of girls included long-legged models: Ksenia Deli and Vika Odintsova. The latter even appeared in one of his videos. However, the romances were short-lived.

Creed and Victoria Odintsova

In 2018, a famous show appeared in the biography of Yegor Creed, in which the artist is invited to arrange his personal life by choosing a contender for the role of lady of the heart from the 20 best girls who passed a large casting.

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Egor and Ksenia Delhi


PR or love?

One of the loudest scandals in Yegor’s life was his relationship with Nyusha, or rather the actions of the artists, who did not hesitate to expose each other in public.

Nyusha herself stated that Yegor, in one of the hits he performed, used the lines of a song written by her, without informing the artist about it. She was also dissatisfied with his loud statements that he wanted to get married to her and have children.

Every appearance with a girl turns out to be a reason for the press to attribute a new romance to the singer

The situation with Nyusha obviously hasn’t completely let Creed go, as small scandals and swearing continue to surface. Verbal battles are now taking place between the artist and the singer’s husband. The scene of the clashes was one of the Moscow clubs and the Instagram network.

Plagiarism and 4 million compensation

The song “Daddy's Daughters” became the reason for a scandal with accusations of plagiarism. The claims came from the Young Starz Music label. As a result of the altercations, the clip was removed from the singer’s personal channel, and representatives of the injured party demanded compensation in the amount of 4 million rubles. After the material claims were voiced, the authorized representatives of Black Star announced that the proceedings were moving into the legal field.

Creed is one of the richest young performers in Russian show business
  • According to Forbes magazine statistics, for the last few years Yegor Creed has been among the ten richest musicians in Russian show business. In 2017, he rose to seventh place in the ranking with an income of $4 million.
  • On the sky map there is a star named after Creed. It was given to the singer by a fan during his first solo concert in the capital.
  • The artist generously decorates his body with tattoos and currently wants to remove one of them. This is a tattoo with the first letter of the name of one of his ex-girlfriends. The artist does not admit who she is.
  • Egor was born into a family of successful businessmen whose hobby is music. The whole family is related to her and none of them interfered with her son’s choice of career path.
  • The artist has a second rank in chess, which he earned while still at school.
  • Yegor Creed drives a Mercedes Gelandewagen worth 9 million rubles with a personal driver and also the singer’s bodyguard. The artist himself also has a driver's license. He did not receive it right away; Yegor had to take the exams twice.
  • One of Yegor's favorite vacation spots is Los Angeles.
  • Creed is not only a performer, but also a songwriter.
  • The singer is prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. The reason for such a refusal on the part of the neighboring state was a tour of Crimea.

Personal life now

At the moment, Yegor Creed is actively engaged in writing new lyrics and recording songs. He also travels around Europe.

The personal life of Yegor Creed, until May 2018, will remain classified as secret. Prohibiting the dissemination of information about the relationship between participants is one of the rules of the show about relationships. At the moment, neither the girls nor the artist are talking about what happened on the set and who won.

Creed and Daria Klyukina. Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

After “The Bachelor,” it will be possible to really find out whether the artist has found his other half. Although it is worth remembering that he himself went to the project solely for new emotions. Looking for a wife, as he admitted, was not part of the artist’s plans.

Full name: Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin

Stage names: Egor Creed, KReeD

Age: 23 years old

Father: Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin

Mother: Marina Petrovna Bulatkina

Zodiac sign:♋ Cancer

Place of Birth: Russia, Penza

Nationality: Russian

Height: 185 cm

Family status: single

Annual income:$4 million (2017)



The real name of Yegor Creed is Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin. He came up with the nickname Creed in his youth, at the age of 14.

Yegor Creed's family

Egor was born into the family of Nikolai and Marina Bulatkin. The boy demonstrated his love for music from childhood; his parents always supported him and helped him develop his creative abilities.

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Where and when was Egor born?

Yegor Creed's birthday is June 25, 1994. The musician’s hometown is Penza. The rapper has never been ashamed of his origin, declaring that he does not consider himself “an advanced Moscow major.”

“This boy didn’t yet know how much was waiting for him.”

His parents still live in Penza, Egor often visits them. In addition, the young man enjoys giving concerts in his hometown and communicating with fans.

“Mom, Dad, thank you for everything!”

“I have many friends and acquaintances in Penza. Whenever possible, we meet and communicate. No one can say that I am, as they say, arrogant.”

Yegor Creed's father

The artist’s father, Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin, was born in March 1961. His nationality is Russian. He is the founder and general director of the largest nut processing factory in Russia. It was from his father that Yegor inherited musical talent.

Egor with his father Nikolai Borisovich

Nikolai writes songs and leads a local group called “B-studio”. The team often gives charity concerts, in which Bulatkin Sr. also takes part. He performs as a vocalist and plays guitar.

Parents and sister of Yegor Creed

The father did not spoil his children. There were a minimum of gadgets at home, and the guy only got a mobile phone in the 10th grade. Creed recalls that he was given pocket money after he helped with housework: “To earn money for ice cream, I had to take out the trash, go buy bread and wash the dishes.”

Yegor Creed's mother

The musician’s mother, Marina Petrovna, is from Penza, but her year of birth remains “a secret.”

Marina Petrovna: Egor's mother

She helps her husband in the family business and holds the post of deputy director of the company. Has two higher educations.

“2001, my mother brought me to first grade”

She approved of Yegor’s decision to build a career in Moscow.

"I love you!❤️"

The rapper says that his mother is his main critic: “My mother often attends my concerts, and I always listen to her opinion after them.”

Sister of Yegor Creed

Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina is 6 years older than the famous musician. She graduated from a music school in her hometown and studied in a theater studio for many years.

“Love u my sister!”

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO. Now she lives in the USA, where she is actively pursuing a career as an actress and singer.

Egor with his sister Polina

Works under two pseudonyms - Michaels and Faith.

Yegor Creed in childhood

At the age of 6, Yegor began learning English and going to a music club. Until the 5th grade I studied “excellent” at school.

“Appreciate this time. It is beautiful!"

At the age of 11, he became seriously interested in writing songs in the hip-hop style. The first composition was written at the same age. It was called "Amnesia". The artist’s idol is American rap artist 50 Cent.

Schoolboy Egor Creed

In addition to music, Yegor was interested in chess and basketball: “Mom believed that my sister and I also needed to mind our own business. We were taken to different clubs, events, exhibitions.”

Egor Bulatkin in his youth

In mid-2015, the artist entered the production department of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. There is information on the Internet that Creed took a sabbatical leave due to a busy work schedule. Whether he returned to school is unknown.

Career of Yegor Creed

The beginning of a serious career was in 2011. Egor recorded and posted the composition “Love on the Net” on his VKontakte page. A few months later, the 17-year-old guy recorded a cover version of “Don’t Go Crazy.” With this song, Egor won the “Best Hip-Hop Project” competition.

Egor at the beginning of his creative career

That's when representatives of the Black Star music corporation noticed him. In April 2012, he signed a contract with the label. Egor moved to Moscow and became a sought-after person in Russian show business.

Timati and Egor Creed

Pavel Kuryanov, Timati’s right hand and director of the Black Star label, helped him achieve fame. In the musical field he is known as Pasha. Many people urged Kuryanov to “dump Bulatkin,” but he saw that the guy could be turned into a “sought-after, expensive artist.” As it turned out, Pavel was right.

In 2018, Creed’s career is still actively developing. He has a busy touring schedule. Egor gives 9-10 concerts every month.

Yegor Creed on the project “Bachelor”

In addition, Creed is the main character of the Bachelor season 6 project. On the show he showed himself to be a serious, intelligent and reliable young man.

Personal life

Shape Options

Height: 185 cm

Yegor Creed is not only distinguished by natural charisma, but also has ideal body parameters. What are the proportions of his athletic body, eye and hair color?


Annual income:$4 million (2017)

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Popular performers were connected not only by the stage, but also by quite serious and long-term relationships. However, they found out about their love affair and started talking only after Yegor Creed and Nyusha broke up.

This happened in March 2016. Until this moment, only close friends and acquaintances knew about their relationship. The couple carefully hid their personal life.

Passion and love relationships between the artists arose in 2014. At that time, Nyusha (real name Anna Shurochkina) was already a fairly popular singer on the domestic stage, and Yegor Creed was just beginning his creative path.

The young man was five years younger than Nyusha, he was only 19 at the time. According to the singer, he took their relationship more than seriously, saw in Anya the mother of his children and dreamed of starting a family with her.

“I would not say that I had an affair with the singer Nyusha. Romances with the singer Nyusha are carried out by those guys who want to be with her as a singer, and I had an affair with Anya. And I perceived her exactly like a real girl, and not some singer or image from the stage.

She and I met at the very beginning of my journey, when I was making almost no money. She had it all, she was a superstar. She was already driving expensive cars, and what attracted me to her was that she started dating me, an ordinary guy. So there was sincerity in it.”

Nyusha did not advertise such a relationship for a completely understandable reason: she is already famous and recognizable, and he is an aspiring soloist. The girl assumed that critics and ill-wishers would present such a relationship as dry calculation on Yegor’s part.

The lovers were happy for 2 years, but, according to the singer herself, at one point their views on their future life diverged. Yes, and Yegor began to gain popularity and, it seems, became infected with “star fever.”

“We perceived a lot of things differently. We have different worldviews. And at some point, our views on the future stopped matching... Some people are drawn to luxury, while others want to do what they love. Our opinions about life values ​​differed. I saw and see the meaning of life a little differently than he,” says Nyusha.

The starting point of their separation was Creed’s performance of Nyusha’s lyrical composition “Only”. The artist presented the song to the public at his concert. The singer allowed her single to be re-sung in the original version, and Egor added an additional verse of his own composition.

Thus, he not only violated the performer’s copyright. The content of the additional verse indicated that The culprit of the discord in the couple was the singer’s father, Vladimir Shurochkin.. The guy is sure that it was his influence and distrust of the sincerity of their feelings that led the lovers to discord.

Such an act by her ex-boyfriend infuriated the artist; she was very indignant and simply indignant. “And the accusations against relatives and friends that were made on stage and then in interviews are generally unacceptable.”

Nyusha is not a supporter of showing off all the details of her personal life. According to her, Creed did not pursue mercantile goals while in a relationship with her, but after breaking up he decided to “promote himself” at the expense of his ex-girlfriend’s fame.

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Apparently, the former lover never took their romance seriously: “What kind of children can we talk about if he himself is still a child. A man should take care of and be a support for a woman, and not vice versa,” said the singer. Egor took the breakup very hard and was very worried.

This is how he commented on his performance of the song “Only”: “More than a year has passed since we broke up. I tried not to think about her, but since I had the opportunity to perform her song, I remembered the past and thought it was time to talk about it. That performance was extremely emotional. After it I felt empty.”

Whether Yegor Creed and Vika Korotkova are together after the project is not yet known for certain. The show ended 2 weeks ago, and passions are only heating up. It became known that the singer did not have a good relationship with the winner of the project, Daria Klyukina. And rumors on the Internet do not subside that the heart of the young bachelor is occupied by the finalist of the project, Victoria Korotkova.

Creed and Korotkova together - rumors or truth?

At the finale of the program, the singer gave the winning ring to finalist Dara Klyukina. Whether it was an impulse of the soul or a planned move, fans began to figure it out. Both girls took a liking to Yegor from the first days of filming and together they reached the finals. But after the project, Yegor Creed, Vika Korotkova, and Dasha Klyukina went in different directions.

The singer's parents liked Vika more. In her they saw sincerity towards their son. In Dasha, family members sensed false notes, which they warned Creed about.

However, Klyukina won the final. After the project, the fairy tale was not continued. The young people broke up, as Yegor himself spoke about in an interview with journalists after the Muz-TV award. More and more rumors began to appear on the Internet that Creed and Korotkova were together.

Allegedly, there were photos of them together on Instagram. When the episodes were still on air, Vika and Egor were spotted together on “neutral territory.” The guys talked after filming one of the musical programs in which Creed starred. This moment indicated that the young people maintained at least friendly relations with each other.

According to rumors, Yegor could only communicate with Dasha - this was stated in the strict contract of the “Bachelor” show.

According to rumors, after the project, Yegor Creed and Vika Korotkova were seen walking together several times. The public began to suspect that the young people were in a relationship. But so far, supposedly, the guys cannot “reveal all their cards”, as they comply with the terms of the agreement concluded with the show. According to the Bachelor contract, Creed is prohibited from communicating with other participants - he must appear with the winner Dasha for at least a year. Viewers have observed the effect of this contract more than once: all past bachelors “met” their chosen ones for no more than a year.

Rumors about this couple are gaining new details. On the one hand, there are facts indicating that after the project, Yegor Creed and Vika Korotkova still meet. At the same time, new information is being published that refutes these guesses. A few days ago, information appeared that Victoria was having an affair with a certain young man - and this was not Creed at all, as everyone thought.

Vika Korotkova and Yegor Creed - new details of the novel

The controversy about the Bachelor project has not subsided for several months. And after the finale, as always happens, the audience began to wonder whether the characters actually had feelings for each other or whether it was just a “pretty picture.”

Due to the fact that Yegor broke up with Dasha, fans began to look for clues that after the project Yegor Creed and Vika Korotkova began dating. But no significant evidence, other than footage of several meetings, was found.

The other day the public was interested in another question. Vika Korotkova was spotted at a joint party with Black Star, which, as you know, includes Timati and Egor himself.

Journalists reported that the girl was able to win someone from Black Star. It turned out that, judging by the latest news, this is not Yegor Creed, but Timati’s brother Artem Yunusov. According to rumors, the finalist of “The Bachelor” is dating him now.

For the first time in Black Star, Korotkova was noticed at the music awards of the Muz-TV channel. Footage from a social event, which was filmed by Anastasia Reshetova, the lover of rapper Timati, appeared on the Internet. From the video you can see that the girls are having a lot of fun together and clearly know each other well.

Rumors about the relationship between Korotkova and brother Timati are beginning to be confirmed. Young people have stopped hiding from journalists and are increasingly spending time together. The other day, the couple visited the restaurant from where the video was shot, which appeared on Vika and Artem’s page.

Fans of “The Bachelor” 2018 and the Black Star label reacted ambiguously to the news about the romance. People believe that these relationships cannot be called selfless. According to users of the social network Instagram, Victoria is playing a double game. Allegedly, she uses brother Timati and meets with him only “for the sake of money.” The finalist of the project has already even starred in one of the videos by designer Artem Krivda and Black Star. How long the girl will stay in this party is still unknown.

The question of who now owns the heart of the main bachelor of 2018 still remains open. Rumor has it that Yegor has had a girlfriend in America for a long time. And he came to the project, like all the participants, to raise ratings and PR.

The fact that everyone in the project plays roles established by the producer has been talked about for a long time. Not a single participant in all the seasons has found love on the show. However, this does not stop the program from being interesting, as evidenced by multi-million views. Viewers watch “The Bachelor” as a “beautiful picture” or “series.” And then on the forums they discuss the existing “couple” and all the intrigues around it.

Do you think the couple is hiding their relationship?

At the end of 2018, joint photographs of Russian singer Yegor Creed and foreign stage star Selena Gomez appeared online.

Initially, the paparazzi allegedly photographed the couple during a walk.

Afterwards, more clear photographs began to appear in which Selena and Egor together.

However, in the end it turned out that it was just Photoshop. Although, given the fact that Egor is very similar to Gomez’s ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, this news could well be true if Egor and Selena were in the same party.

And besides Selena, Egor has quite enough novels and girls. I suggest you remember the girls of Yegor Creed, whom the media know about.

The most famous and discussed romance of Yegor Creed, then still known under the surname Bulatkin, happened with the singer Nyusha, aka Anna Shurochkina, daughter of the composer and member of the group “Tender May” Vladimir Shurochkin. According to legend, it was Vladimir who was against the union of his daughter and the smiling womanizer.

Let us remind you that the ex-couple publicly sorted out the relationship for many years, but in the end the former lovers resolved the conflict. In November 2018, Egor congratulated Nyusha on the birth of her daughter. And the singer’s husband, deputy Igor Sivov, even supported Yegor’s musical novelty on his blog. This is the kind of family friendship.

Yegor Creed's second most popular novel is pseudo-love with Daria Klyukina, a participant in the Bachelor project.

The girl is undoubtedly pretty and suits Yegor Creed. The question is, does Yegor need a permanent relationship at this point in his life?

Egor Creed's possible passion for Olga Seryabkina was no less actively discussed.

But in reality, everything turned out to be just for the sake of work, PR articles and an excellent picture in the video. By the way, in her recent interview, in February 2019, Olga Seryabkina openly ridiculed the possibility of building a relationship with Yegor. Read more...

Yegor’s fans really liked Anastasia Gizerskaya, who played the main female role in Creed’s video “A Million Scarlet Roses.”

In one of her interviews, Anastasia admitted that she would not want to be Yegor’s girlfriend because it is not easy.

Yegor looked quite natural in the company of model from Moldova, Ksenia Deli.

By the way, Ksenia ended up marrying an Egyptian oligarch Ossama Fathi Raba Al-Shari, who is 36 years older than her.

It is unknown whether Yegor congratulated her on this event.

Also in the field of view of Yegor Credo were girls working with the popular photographer Alexander Mavrin, who created one of the most successful agencies in Russia for the selection of sexy girls, Mavrin.

So, Yegor talked with Diana Melison.

And later Viki Odintsova starred in Creed’s video.

In January 2019, during Yegor’s trip to Abu Dhabi, he was spotted in the company of the famous blogger girl Alena Venum.

At the end of 2018, information suddenly surfaced about Yegor Creed’s sympathy for Ulyana Pylaeva, a participant in the “Dancing on TNT” project.

Many are sure that this was a PR novel, an attempt to gain votes for Ulyana in the vote for victory in the most popular dance show in the country.