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Presentation on the topic William Shakespeare on literature. Presentation Shakespeare presentation for a literature lesson (9th grade) on the topic. In our hearts you yourself built

William Shakespeare: life and work

“He was a man for all seasons.”

Ben Jonson

William Shakespeare

English playwright, poet, actor of the Renaissance. In world history, he is undoubtedly the most famous and significant playwright, who had a huge influence on the development of all theatrical art. Shakespeare's stage works are still performed on theater stages all over the world today.


Renaissance, or Renaissance(French Renaissance, Italian Rinascimento) - an era in the history of European culture that replaced the culture of the Middle Ages and preceded the culture of modern times.

Chronological framework of the era: XIV-XVI centuries.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

William Shakespeare is born April 23, 1564 year in the English town of Stratford-upon-Avan.

The surname "Shakespeare" can be translated from English as "spear-shaking".

William Shakespeare's father, John, was a craftsman, merchant (wool trader), and in 1568 became mayor of Stratford.

William's mother, Mary Ardenne, was the daughter of a farmer from Wilmcote.

From some sources it is known that William Shakespeare studied at a grammar school.

Shakespeare House

The architecture of the house is typical of that time. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a large hall with an open fireplace and further along the corridor - the workshop of the owner of the house. On the second floor of the house there are three bedrooms. A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later.

In 1582, William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway.

In the mid-1580s, Shakespeare and his family moved to London.

Shakespeare made money by guarding horses at the theater. This position was followed by behind-the-scenes work at the theatre.

Only a few years later, William Shakespeare received his first small role.

Before working in the theater, Shakespeare also had to master the profession of a school teacher.

The Globe Theater where Shakespeare worked

The GLOBE is a public theater in London.

It operated from 1599 to 1644.

At the entrance it was written: “The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors.”

The name was borrowed from Greek mythology and refers to Hercules, who held the globe on his shoulders.

Under King James I, the theater received the status of "Royal" .

In 1612, Shakespeare left the theater and returned to Stratford, where he lived until his death. The last plays written by Shakespeare for his troupe date back to 1612-1613. After this, the playwright fell silent. Researchers suggest that Shakespeare was ill for the last four years of his life.

The great playwright died at the age of 52 and was buried under the altar of the Church of the Holy Trinity in his hometown.

"Oh, good friend, in the name of God,

Don’t touch the ashes under this stone,

Do not disturb the sleep of my bones;

Damn be the one who touches them!

"Shakespearean Question"

  • Could a person from an illiterate family be a genius?
  • If Shakespeare is the author, where is the evidence: there is not a single manuscript of his plays.
  • This is easy to explain: the Globus Theater burned many times, during the fires the scenery, costumes, and manuscripts were burned.
  • As for illiteracy, we can recall Russian self-taught writers: Maxim Gorky, Sergei Yesenin.

Shakespeare's works

Shakespeare's legacy is

154 sonnets,

several small poems, poetic cycles,

37 plays (comedies, tragedies).

Literary theory

  • Comedy((Greek) - song of a cheerful crowd) - a type of drama in which the action and characters are interpreted in funny forms or imbued with the comic (Molière, Beaumarchais, Griboyedov, Gogol).
  • Sonnet- a poem of 14 lines with a special rhyme.
  • Tragedy((Greek) - song of the goat) - a type of drama based on a particularly intense, irreconcilable conflict that ends in the death of the hero.

Tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"

Shakespeare sharply condemns feudal foundations, the arbitrariness of parents, who became an obstacle to the happiness of their children and led them to death.

The main thing for Shakespeare is the man himself, and not his origin and condition.

  • Shakespeare had a gigantic vocabulary - from 20 to 25 thousand words, but a modern Englishman with a higher education uses no more than 4 thousand words.
  • Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined.
  • Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived.
  • According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare “knew a little Latin and even less Greek,” although, as his plays show, he was fluent in foreign languages ​​- French, Italian, Greek and Latin.
  • Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate.
  • Shakespeare's direct line was interrupted in 1670 with the death of his granddaughter Elizabeth.

Shakespeare in theater and cinema

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet"

Shakespeare in theater and cinema


"King Lear"

Shakespeare in theater and cinema

Film "Hamlet"

Shakespeare monuments

In our hearts you yourself built

An imperishable and dazzling temple...

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Shakespeare I don't know how to hide my feelings: when I have a reason for sadness, I should be sad and not smile at anyone's jokes; when I am hungry, I must eat and not wait for anyone; when I feel sleepy, I must sleep without worrying about anyone’s affairs; when I'm having fun, laugh - and never fake anyone's mood.

Born in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1654. He came from a family of merchants and artisans. He studied at the “grammar school”, where the main subject was Latin and the basics of Greek. At school he gained extensive knowledge of ancient mythology, history and literature, which was reflected in his work. Birth

MOVING TO LONDON At the turn of the 1590s. Shakespeare comes to London. During these years, his first play was created - the chronicle "Henry VI". Having become a fairly prominent figure, Shakespeare immediately received a jealous attack from one of the playwrights of the “university minds” group that reigned on the stage at that time, Robert Greene, who called him a “stage shaker” (a pun on Shakespeare’s surname: Shake-speare, that is, “spear shaker” ") and the crow, which "dresses itself in our feathers" (an altered quote from "Henry VI"). This was the first surviving review.

The emergence of a new playwright In 1592-94, London theaters were closed due to the plague epidemic. During an involuntary pause, Shakespeare creates several plays: the chronicle "Richard III", "The Comedy of Errors" and "The Taming of the Shrew", his first tragedy (still in the prevailing style of "bloody tragedy") "Titus Andronicus", and also publishes for the first time under his own name the poems "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucretia". In 1594, after the opening of the theaters, Shakespeare joined the new cast of the Lord Chamberlain's troupe, so named after the position of its patron Hunsdon. The “university minds” left the stage (died or stopped writing for the theater). The era of Shakespeare begins.

Creative takeoff. "Globe" In the 1590s. (the period that is considered to be the first in Shakespeare's work) Shakespeare creates all of his main chronicles as well as most of the comedies. In 1595-96, the tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” was written, followed by “The Merchant of Venice” - the first comedy that would later be called “serious”. In the fall of 1599, the Globus Theater opened. Above the entrance are the winged words: “The whole world is a theater” (“Totus mundis agit histrionem”). Shakespeare is one of its co-owners, an actor of the troupe and the main playwright.

UNEXPECTED DEPARTURE The reason for the unexpected termination of such a successful career as a playwright and departure from the capital was, apparently, illness. In March 1616, Shakespeare draws up and signs a will, which will subsequently cause so much confusion about his identity, authorship and will become the reason for what will be called the “Shakespearean question.” It is generally accepted that Shakespeare died on the same day that he was born - April 23. Two days later, burial followed in the altar of the Church of the Holy Trinity on the outskirts of Stratford, in the registry of which this was recorded.

SHAKESPEARE'S QUESTION A source of grief and doubt for Shakespeare's biographers was his will. It talks about houses and property, about rings as keepsakes for friends, but not a word about books or manuscripts. It was as if it was not a great writer who had died, but an ordinary man in the street. The will became the first reason to ask the so-called “Shakespearean question”: was William Shakespeare from Stratford the author of all those works that we know under his name?

INTERESTING FACTS Shakespeare had a gigantic vocabulary - from 20 to 25 thousand words, but a modern Englishman with a higher education uses no more than 4 thousand words. Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined.

Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived. Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate.

Let's summarize: Shakespeare is the highest expression of English Renaissance literature, moreover, of all English literature: there is no equal to him in terms of creative greatness, significance and vitality of his legacy in the literary history of England. A national genius, Shakespeare belongs to the geniuses of European and world literature, to a small number of writers who have had and are having an intense impact on the development of many national literatures and on the entire spiritual culture of the world. Shakespeare's view of things is extraordinarily real. They have grasped everything, given a real price to everything. This feeling, this reality and sobriety of perception and transmission of reality are the essence of his realism.

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His father, John Shakespeare, was a wealthy glover and moneylender and was often elected to various public positions, and was once even elected mayor of the city. He did not attend church services, for which he paid large fines. His mother, née Arden, belonged to one of the oldest English families.

The house, built in the 16th century, is located on Henley Street in the city centre. To our contemporary eyes, the house seems simple and very small, but in those days only a very wealthy person could afford such a home. It is known that Shakespeare's father, John Shakespeare, was a glove maker and a wool trader.

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Shakespeare House

The architecture of the house is typical of that time. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a large hall with an open fireplace and further along the corridor - the workshop of the owner of the house. On the second floor of the house there are three bedrooms. A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later.

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London. The beginning of creativity

It is believed that Shakespeare studied at the Stratford “grammar school”, where he received a serious education: the Stratford teacher of Latin language and literature wrote poetry in Latin. In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a local landowner, who was 8 years his senior; in 1583 daughter Suzanne was born, in 1585 twins were born: son Khemnet, who died in childhood (1596), and daughter Judith. Around 1587 Shakespeare left Stratford and moved to London. The Globe Theater, where Shakespeare's troupe worked.

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Globus theatre"

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    The actual dimensions of the Globe are unknown, but its plan can be reconstructed almost exactly based on scientific research conducted over the past two centuries. These data indicate that it was a three-tiered, open, high-walled amphitheater with a diameter of 97 to 102 feet (29.6-31.1 m), which could accommodate up to 3,000 spectators. The sketch by Wenceslas Hollar shows the Globe as a round building. Later, in the same form, the no longer existing theater was included in its engraved so-called. "Long Landscape" of London (1647). However, in 1997-1998. the discovery of a small part of the Globe's foundation showed that it was a polygon with 20 (or possibly 18) sides.

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    Along the inner side of the theater wall there were boxes for the aristocracy. Above them there were galleries for wealthy citizens. There were three levels of seating in total. Some privileged spectators were right on the stage.

    At the base of the stage there was an area called the stalls (or, in the back of old inns, the yard), where, for 1p, people (groundlings) had to stand to see the performance. Groundlings ate hazelnuts during the performance - during the excavations of the Globe, many nut husks were found preserved in the mud - or oranges.

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    Globus theatre"

    Sometimes a tent was pulled over part of the stage - blue if they were playing a comedy, and black with gold stars if they were playing a tragedy.

    Streams of blood spilled onto the stage from bull bladders hidden under clothes.

    If a villain died, the blood was black.

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    In 1592, Shakespeare became a member of the London acting troupe of Burbage, and from 1599, also one of the shareholders of the enterprise. Under James I, Shakespeare's troupe received royal status. For many years, Shakespeare was engaged in usury, and in 1605 he became a tax farmer of church tithes.

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    The Shakespearean canon includes 37 plays; 18 appeared during Shakespeare's lifetime, 36 were published in the first collected works of Shakespeare (1623, "Pericles" was not included). Attempts to establish the chronology of Shakespeare's work have been carried out since the 2nd half of the 18th century. Below is a list of Shakespeare's plays with the dates of their writing, the periodization of creativity and the genre definitions accepted in Shakespearean criticism.

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    First period (1590-1594). Early chronicles: "Henry VI", part 2 (1590); "Henry VI", part 3 (1591); "Henry VI", part 1 (1592); "Richard III" (1593). Early comedies: The Comedy of Errors (1592), The Taming of the Shrew (1593). Early tragedy: Titus Andronicus (1594). Second period (1595-1600). Chronicles close to the tragedy: "Richard II" (1595); "King John" (1596). Romantic comedies: "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" (1594); "Love's Labour's Lost" (1594); "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1596); "The Merchant of Venice" (1596). The first mature tragedy: "Romeo and Juliet" (1595). Chronicles close to comedy: "Henry IV", part 1 (1597); "Henry IV", part 2 (1598); "Henry V" (1598). The pinnacle creations of Shakespeare as a comedian: “Much Ado About Nothing” (1598); "The Merry Wives of Windsor" (1598); "As You Like It" (1599); "Twelfth Night" (1600).

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    Third period (1600-1608). Tragedies that marked a turning point in Shakespeare’s work: “Julius Caesar” (1599); "Hamlet" (1601). "Dark Comedies" (or "problem plays"): "Troilus and Cressida" (1602); “The end is the crown of the matter” (1603); "Measure for Measure" (1604). The pinnacle of Shakespeare's tragedy: Othello (1604); "King Lear" (1605); "Macbeth" (1606). Ancient tragedies: "Antony and Cleopatra" (1607); "Coriolanus" (1607); "Timon of Athens" (1608). Fourth period (1609-1613). Romantic tragicomedies: "Pericles" (1609); "Cymbeline" (1610); "The Winter's Tale" (1611); "The Tempest" (1612). Late chronicle: "Henry VIII" (1613; possibly with the participation of J. Fletcher). Outside the canon: "Edward III" (1594-1595; authorship doubtful); "Thomas More" (1594-1595; one scene); "Two Noble Kinsmen" (1613, together with Fletcher). Some Shakespeare scholars (including Soviet ones - A. A. Smirnov) divide Shakespeare's work into three periods, combining the 1st and 2nd (1590-1600) into one.

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    Shakespeare's work absorbed all the most important radiations of the Renaissance - aesthetic (synthesizing the traditions and motifs of popular romantic genres, Renaissance poetry and prose, folklore, humanistic and folk dramas) and ideological (demonstrating the entire ideological complex of the time: traditional ideas about the world order, the views of feudal defenders -patriarchal structure and political centralization, motives of Christian ethics, Renaissance neoplatonism and stoicism, ideas of sensationalism and Machiavellianism, etc.).

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    Best works

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    "A dream in a summer night"

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    "Romeo and Juliet"

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    "King Lear"

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    "Twelfth Night"

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    "The Taming of the Shrew"

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    last years of life

    In 1612, Shakespeare retired for unknown reasons and returned to his native Stratford, where his wife and daughters lived. Shakespeare's will, dated March 15, 1616, was signed in illegible handwriting, leading some researchers to believe that he was seriously ill at the time. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616.

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    Burial place

    Three days later, Shakespeare's body was buried under the altar of Stratford Church. The epitaph is written on his tombstone:

    Friend, for God's sake, don't swarm
    The remains taken by this earth;
    He who is untouched is blessed for centuries,
    And cursed is the one who touched my ashes.

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    The last years of his life he retired from literary activity and lived quietly and unnoticed with his family. This was probably due to a serious illness - this is indicated by Shakespeare's surviving will, clearly drawn up hastily on March 15, 1616 and signed in a changed handwriting. On April 23, 1616, the most famous playwright of all time died in Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined.

  • Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived.
  • According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare “knew a little Latin and even less Greek,” although, as his plays show, he was fluent in foreign languages ​​- French, Italian, Greek and Latin.
  • Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate.
  • Shakespeare's direct line was interrupted in 1670 with the death of his granddaughter Elizabeth.
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    Who are you, Mr. Shakespeare?

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    Shakespeare's works are unusually multifaceted. At one time, doubts were expressed that they could come from the pen of one person - especially such a relatively poorly educated one as the far from brilliant actor from Stratford. The celebrated plays, with their intricate plots and unforgettable characters, amaze with the depth and breadth of human feelings and reflect the author's knowledge of history, literature, philosophy, law and even court etiquette. How did this provincial, who belonged to the lower strata of society, know how aristocrats behave and lawyers speak? Perhaps the actor allowed his name to be used by an educated person who occupied a high position and wanted to keep his authorship secret?

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    Despite intriguing hypotheses about a mysterious author hiding under the name of a country actor, most scholars today recognize William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon as the author of great works. Shakespeare was recognized as a genius during his lifetime, and his contemporaries did not have the slightest doubt about his authorship. It is useless to try to explain where he got the experience and talent necessary to create his masterpieces. Wouldn't it be better to be grateful to that young man who 400 years ago went to London, leaving his humble past behind him? His action made the world a much richer place.

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    “He was not a man of an era, but of all times.” -Ben Jonson

    If you stop loving - so now, Now that the whole world is at odds with me. Be the most bitter of my losses, But not the last drop of grief! And if grief is given to me to overcome, Do not strike from an ambush. May the stormy night not be resolved by Rainy in the morning - in the morning without joy. Leave me, but not at the last moment, When I weaken from small troubles. Leave me now, so that I immediately comprehend, That this grief of all adversities is more painful, That there are no adversities, but there is one misfortune - to lose your love forever .

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    English playwright, poet, actor of the Renaissance. In world history, he is undoubtedly the most famous and significant playwright, who had a huge influence on the development of all theatrical art. Shakespeare's stage works are still performed on theater stages all over the world today.

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    Shakespeare was born in the small provincial town of Stratfort, located on the Avon River. Shakespeare's father was a wealthy artisan and merchant. Shakespeare spent his childhood among ordinary people, deeply mastering the living folk language. William Shakespeare, father John Shakespeare, mother Mary Arden.

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    The future playwright received his primary education at Stratford Grammar School, where the main subject of study was ancient languages. Here Shakespeare learned Latin and Ancient Greek. This was the end of his official education, since at the age of fourteen he was forced to help his father in business.

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    The house where Shakespeare was born.

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    However, Shakespeare became a very educated person for his time, constantly educating himself, replenishing his missing knowledge by reading books. At the age of eighteen, Shakespeare got married, and three or four years later he went to London in search of work. His father by this time was experiencing serious everyday troubles, lost his money and the honorable position that he had occupied for some time in Stratford.

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    In London, Shakespeare changed several professions and only in 1594 he finally cast his lot with the London theater The Globe, where he played himself and for which he wrote plays. Shakespeare was also one of its owners, contributing his share of the funds to cover construction costs. The theater with this name opened in 1599. Chepelyak Anna

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    Globus theatre

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    The Globe auditorium accommodated, according to various sources, from 1200 to 3000 spectators. It is impossible to establish the exact capacity of the hall - there were no seats provided for the bulk of commoners; They were crowded into the stalls, standing on the dirt floor.

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    Privileged spectators were accommodated with some comforts: along the inner side of the wall there were boxes for the aristocracy, above them there was a gallery for the wealthy. The richest and most noble sat on the sides of the stage, on portable three-legged stools. There were no additional amenities for spectators (including toilets).

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    Therefore, the absence of a roof could be regarded more as a benefit than as a disadvantage - the influx of fresh air did not allow devoted fans of theatrical art to suffocate. Chepelyak Anna Chepelyak Anna

    William Shakespeare WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE is an English playwright, poet, and actor of the Renaissance. In world history, he is undoubtedly the most famous and significant playwright, who had a huge influence on the development of all theatrical art. Shakespeare's stage works are still performed on theater stages all over the world today.

    William Shakespeare () William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in the English town of Stratford-upon-Aven. The surname "Shakespeare" can be translated from English as "spear-shaking". William Shakespeare's father, John, was a craftsman, merchant (wool trader), and in 1568 became mayor of Stratford. William's mother, Mary Ardenne, was the daughter of a farmer from Wilmcote. From some sources it is known that William Shakespeare studied at a grammar school.

    The architecture of the house is typical of that time. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a large hall with an open fireplace and further along the corridor - the workshop of the owner of the house. On the second floor of the house there are three bedrooms. A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later. SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSE

    In 1582, William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway. In the mid-1580s, Shakespeare and his family moved to London. Shakespeare made money by guarding horses at the theater. This position was followed by behind-the-scenes work at the theatre. Only a few years later, William Shakespeare received his first small role. Before working in the theater, Shakespeare also had to master the profession of a school teacher.

    The Globe Theater, where Shakespeare worked. The GLOBE is a public theater in London. It operated from 1599 to 1644. The name was borrowed from Greek mythology and refers to Hercules, who held the globe on his shoulders. Under King James I, the theater received the status of "Royal".

    The works of William Shakespeare. Periods of creativity: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Much Ado About Nothing”; “Romeo and Juliet”; first period (1590 – 1594) – comedies “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Much Ado About Nothing”; chronicle plays; tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"; “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”; second period (1594 – 1607) – tragedies “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”; sonnets; “Cymbeline”, “The Storm”, “Winter Night”. Third period (1608 – 1612) – fairy tale plays “Cymbeline”, “The Storm”, “Winter Night”.

    Literary theory Comedy (Greek)Comedy (Greek) - the song of a cheerful crowd - a type of drama in which the action and characters are interpreted in the forms of the funny or imbued with the comic (Molière, Beaumarchais, Griboedov, Gogol). Sonnet – A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines with a special rhyme pattern. Tragedy (Greek) Tragedy (Greek) - the song of the goat - is a type of drama based on a particularly intense, irreconcilable conflict that ends in the death of the hero.

    Last years of his life 1612 - Shakespeare is already rich enough to acquire a title of nobility. He buys a house in his home town of Stratford-upon-Aven and moves there. Shakespeare lived in Stratford until his death. April 23, 1616 - William Shakespeare dies at Stratford-upon-Aven on his birthday. He was buried in the church of his hometown.

    Shakespeare had a gigantic vocabulary - from 20 to 25 thousand words, but a modern Englishman with a higher education uses no more than 4 thousand words. Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined. Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived. According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare “knew a little Latin and even less Greek,” although, as his plays show, he was fluent in foreign languages ​​- French, Italian, Greek and Latin. Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate. Shakespeare's direct line was interrupted in 1670 with the death of his granddaughter Elizabeth.