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Presentation on the importance of bacteria for humans. Presentation on the topic of bacteria in human life. Learning new material

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Kurgan region, Petukhovsky district, municipal educational institution "Novogeorgievskaya secondary school"

Completed by: teacher of biology and chemistry of the first qualification category Yakovleva Larisa Aleksandrovna

The importance of bacteria in nature and human life

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Classification of bacteria

Bacteria of decomposition and decay; - soil bacteria; - lactic acid bacteria; - pathogenic bacteria.

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1. Bacteria of decomposition and rotting

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The soil contains a huge number of bacteria - hundreds of millions per gram. In poor tundra soils or sandy desert soils there are up to a billion of them, in slightly podzolic soils - up to a billion, and in chernozem rich in organic matter - up to 2 billion and more. This is about 35 dry weight of the soil.

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Bacteria take part in the weathering of rocks and minerals. Thus, iron bacteria formed large deposits of iron ores.

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2. Nitrogen-fixing (soil) bacteria

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NODULE BACTERIA - a genus of bacteria that form nodules on the roots of many leguminous plants and fix molecular nitrogen in the air under conditions of symbiosis with the plant. They enter into symbiosis with leguminous plants. Settling in the roots of legumes, they cause the formation of nodules on them, for which they received the name nodule bacteria. The plant supplies the bacteria with the carbohydrates and mineral salts they need for growth and development, and in return receives nitrogen, which the nodule bacteria are able to fix.

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3. Lactic acid bacteria

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Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the creation of fermented milk products. Fermented milk products are a group of dairy products produced from whole cow's milk or its derivatives (cream, skim milk and whey) by fermentation with starter cultures. Lactic acid products are also made from the milk of sheep, goats, mares and other animals.

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Dairy products

Ayran; - acidophilus; -kefir; - yogurt; -ryazhenka; - Varenets; -matsoni; -Koumiss.

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Ayran is a type of fermented milk drink or a type of kefir among the Turkic and Caucasian peoples. In different languages ​​and among different peoples, the exact meaning of the name and preparation technology vary slightly, but the common thing is that it is a dairy product produced with the help of lactic acid bacteria. It has different levels of fat content. Bashkirs love to quench their thirst while mowing.

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It is produced from milk fermented with pure culture starters, one of which is acidophilus bacillus. In 1910, the Russian scientist Hartier E.E. proved that acidophilus bacillus can be successfully used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases, and that this bacterium cleanses the intestines of putrefactive and some pathogenic microbes.

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Kefir is a fermented milk drink made from whole or skim cow's milk by fermented milk and alcohol fermentation using kefir “fungi” - a symbiosis of several types of microorganisms: lactic acid streptococci and rods, acetic acid bacteria and yeast

Kefir starter

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Yogurt (a fermented milk product that is made from whole milk by fermenting it with special cultures - Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus).

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Ryazhenka is a fermented milk drink made from baked cow's milk by combined lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. Fermentation is carried out with thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus, fermented for 3-6 hours. It has a yellowish-brownish tint and a traditional fermented milk taste. In fact, it is a type of unflavored yogurt.

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Varenets, along with yogurt, is an ancient Russian fermented milk drink. To prepare Varents, baked milk was used, evaporated in a Russian oven in clay jars. Prepared baked milk was fermented with sour cream. The milk froth on the surface of the drink gave Varentz a special taste. In the modern dairy industry, baked milk is used to prepare Varenets, which is fermented with fermented milk cultures and Bacillus acidophilus.

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Matsun or matsoni - Armenian and Georgian yogurt made from boiled cow, buffalo, sheep, camel or goat milk. The main microflora of these drinks is Bulgarian bacillus and heat-loving lactic acid streptococci. Milk is fermented at elevated temperatures (48-55 °C) and fermented in a device that retains heat for approximately 3-4 hours.

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Kumis is a whitish fermented milk drink made from mare's milk, obtained as a result of lactic and alcoholic fermentation using Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid rods and yeast.

summary of other presentations

“Bacteria are pathogens” - Bacteria cause human diseases. The role of bacteria. Bacterial cell. Bacteria. Bacteria are causative agents of acute diseases. Black potato leg. Pathogenic bacteria. Damage to the national economy. Several “lines of defense” against pathogenic microorganisms. There are especially many bacteria in the soil.

"Vibrios" - Disease. Epidemic disease. Vibrios. Straight or curved sticks. Facultative anaerobes. Nitrogen content. Vibrio cholerae. Team. Genus of bacteria. A set of restrictive measures. Cholera. Prevention. Classic cholera. Sensitivity. Treatment.

“Life activity of bacteria” - Bacteria: structure and life activity. General characteristics of bacteria. Can bacteria be seen? Physical education. Living conditions for bacteria. The structure of a bacterial cell. Cell shape. Reflexive target. Complete interactive tasks. Unfavorable environmental conditions. Shapes of bacteria. Which organisms have a body that does not consist of cells? Ways to feed bacteria. Reproduction of bacteria. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

“The role of bacteria in human life” - Milk. Bacteria cause food to spoil. Salted cucumbers. Let's first talk about the structure of bacteria. Write the word “cocci” in your notebook. Vibrio. Spirilla. Bacteria are cooks. Bacteria cause disease. Staphylococcus is a whole bunch of cocci. Cocci are the simplest forms of bacteria. Kingdom of bacteria. Are bacteria harmful or beneficial? Flagellum. There are many benefits from bacteria. E. coli. Lots of different products.

The role of bacteria in nature and human life. Lesson objectives:

  • 1.Study the role of bacteria in nature.
  • 2.Study the role of bacteria in human life
Lesson plan.
  • 1. The role of bacteria in nature.
  • A. Bacteria of decomposition and putrefaction.
  • B. Soil bacteria.
  • 2. The role of bacteria in human life.
  • A. Bacteria in human economic activity (lactic acid bacteria).
  • B. Pathogenic bacteria.
Bacteria of decomposition and decay. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Nodule bacteria. Clover. There are many varieties of clover: White, yellow, red... The smell of their flowers is sweet On a clear summer afternoon. For a farmer, clover is a treasure. A wonderful gift from heaven. And everywhere they order it to be sown near the bread. He will not steal anything from the soil for nothing. He is fed and nurtured by her, he saturates the soil. It turns out that despite the huge amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere (78%), plants that so need this chemical element cannot absorb it. This can be facilitated by bacteria that settle in the roots of leguminous plants. The role of bacteria in human economic activity. Lactic acid bacteria. Pathogenic bacteria. Plague bacterium Brucellosis bacterium Tuberculosis bacterium, magnified 10,000 times. Plants affected by pathogenic bacteria The role of bacteria in nature and human life.






Decay and decay

They process organic matter (leaves, animal corpses) into humus.

They spoil food.



They decompose humus into minerals that plants need for life.

I fix nitrogen -

shchi (nodule)

They release nitrogen compounds that plants use; increase soil fertility.

On the roots of leguminous plants, in the soil

Lactic acid

Bacteria are cooks. Used in the production of food and feed.

They promote souring of milk, fermentation of vegetables, and ensiling of feed.

In various organic substances


Causes diseases in humans. They affect plants and animals.

In organisms

Life on Earth without bacteria is impossible.
  • Bacteria of rotting and decomposition turn dead plants, animals and garbage that humans create into humus soil.
  • Soil bacteria convert humus into minerals. Plants need minerals to grow.
  • Nodule bacteria live in the soil on the roots of plants and enrich the soil with nitrogen, which plants need.
  • Bacteria are involved in the creation of minerals on Earth.
If there were no bacteria,
  • The earth would be covered in a pile of dead matter, and we would simply drown in it.
  • If there were no bacteria, the minerals in the soil would be depleted. There would be no food for the plants.
  • Plants would die and the oxygen in the atmosphere would run out.
Working with signal cards.
  • Green card. I'm satisfied with the lesson. The lesson was useful for me. I worked usefully and well in the lesson.
  • Yellow card. The lesson was useful to me to a certain extent. I completed a number of tasks. I felt quite comfortable in the lesson.
  • Red card. I received little benefit from the lesson. I didn't really understand what they were talking about. I do not need it.
  • Paragraph 12, answer questions 1 – 8.
  • In the workbook: tasks No. 45, No. 47
Optional: 1.Task in workbook No. 46 - (use online sources) 2.Develop measures to prevent diseases associated with pathogenic bacteria.

"Chemosynthesis" - Methanobacteria. Some chemosynthetics (in particular, sulfur bacteria) are used for wastewater treatment. Chemosynthesis was discovered in 1887 by S. N. Vinogradsky. Chemosynthesis is... Chemosynthesis. Iron bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria. This method of obtaining energy is used only by bacteria. Information support for the lesson.

“Structure and significance of bacteria” - The cells of many bacteria have non-chromosomal genetic elements - plasmids. Bacteria play a huge role in both the biosphere and human life. Discovered in 1887 by S.N. Vinogradsky. Physiology of bacteria. Flagella. The source of hydrogen for the reduction of carbon dioxide is water. Humans also use bacteria to purify wastewater.

“Chemosynthesis of bacteria” - Molecular oxygen that appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere acted as a strong oxidizing agent. Nitrifying bacteria - oxidize ammonia to nitrates. Anaerobic chemoautotrophs. Bacteria also come into play, working with hydrogen, nitrogen compounds and methane. Back in 1887, Russian microbiologist S.N. Winogradsky discovered bacterial chemosynthesis.

“Fungi and Bacteria” - Mushrooms. Setting lesson goals and objectives, familiarizing yourself with the lesson plan. 2.Warm up. Seaweed. "The fifth is odd." Answer the questions. Repeat and summarize the knowledge acquired on the topic. 1. Organizational moment. Lesson content: Spirogyra, chlorella, ulotrix, ulva, kelp. Hyphae, mycelium, basidia, sclerotia, rhizoids.

Bacteria of putrefaction We are bacteria of putrefaction. Unfortunately, they don't like us. We spoil your products: Meat, vegetables and fruits. We spoil everything: paper, hay. But we are needed, undoubtedly: We are the Earth's orderlies. We work tirelessly. We work tirelessly. We turn those who go into another world into humus.

Soil bacteria Well done, but without us plants would not be able to live. Plants would not be able to live. After you, we turn the humus into mineral fertilizers. And here are Mineral. And then the Root will find them in the soil, The Root will find them in the soil, and transfer them to a green leaf. The leaf will create Organic food for all living things: For animals, humans, For animals, humans, For bacteria and fungi. Therefore, without further ado, admit it, We are the best.

Nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria What kind of nonsense is this? What kind of laughter? We are special bacteria. Soybeans, clover, and astragalus trust us. We are very friendly with legumes. And it’s not for nothing that you called us affectionately nodule. You called us affectionately. We are the nitrogen of the free air We are the nitrogen of the free air Without fatigue, without rest We turn into ammonia. We are the best, aren't we?! We are the best, aren't we?!

Nitrifying bacteria In order to increase soil fertility, bacterial fertilizers created using bacteria of the genus Azotobacter and Nitrobacter are used in agriculture. In order to increase soil fertility, bacterial fertilizers created using bacteria of the genus Azotobacter and Nitrobacter are used in agriculture. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter Together in the soil an important factor. We oxidize ammonia, We oxidize ammonia, We enrich your soil with nitrogen fertilizer, which is very necessary for all plants. Who is more important than us, tell me?

Lactic acid bacteria I am in charge! You are a dweller of the soil. I won’t live in the soil. I turn it into cheese, into sour cream I turn it into cheese, into sour cream I am fresh milk. And I’ll also make squash cabbage, And I’ll also make squash cabbage, I’ll save your cucumbers and tomatoes for many days. I will turn the corn that was mowed into juicy silage. Well, tell me, who is more needed?! Well, tell me, who is more needed?!

Biotechnology is a branch of industry that uses the vital processes of microorganisms in the production of food, medicine, and feed additives. Modern biotechnology develops biological methods to combat environmental pollution.

E. coli We are more needed! We are here in the intestines. Try it without us. You'll get sick right away. Eat a salad, drink compote, - Eat a salad, drink compote, - Your stomach will swell. You will suffer until you cry. You and I are a symbiosis. Escherichia coli is the most important of all, I think.

Pathogenic bacteria We also live in the intestines. And he is sick with us. I am a dysentery bacillus, I am a cholera vibrio. I am a cholera vibrio. Try it without washing your hands, We will find you right away. We will find you right away. We won't die of boredom. We will kill you quickly!

Conclusion Bacteria participate in the cycle of substances in nature, decomposing organic substances into inorganic ones, thereby replenishing the supply of nutrients for plants. Without bacteria, life on Earth would be impossible. Bacteria play a positive and negative role in human life. Bacteria participate in the cycle of substances in nature, decomposing organic substances into inorganic ones, thereby replenishing the supply of nutrients for plants. Without bacteria, life on Earth would be impossible. Bacteria play a positive and negative role in human life.

Sources of materials used in the presentation Biology. Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade. Multimedia supplement to the textbook by I. N. Ponomareva. Ventana-Graph (1C: School) (drawings on slides 4, 5, 7, 11); Biology. Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade. Multimedia supplement to the textbook by I. N. Ponomareva. Ventana-Graph (1C:School) (pictures on slides 4, 5, 7, 11); Biology. Human. 8th grade. Multimedia supplement to the textbook by I. N. Ponomareva. Ventana-Graph (1C: School) (picture on slide 11); Biology. Human. 8th grade. Multimedia supplement to the textbook by I. N. Ponomareva. Ventana-Graph (1C:School) (picture on slide 11); Presentation by Lebedev S. N., teacher of the boarding school in the Kostroma region (pictures on slides 3, 6, 8, 9, 12) Presentation by Lebedev S. N., teacher of the boarding school in the Kostroma region (pictures on slides 3, 6, 8, 9, 12) (photo on slide 2) (photo on slide 2) Poems about bacteria - by the author of the presentation Poems about bacteria - by the author of the presentation