home · electrical safety · Order on those responsible for the organized transportation of children. Rules for organized transportation of a group of children on a bus

Order on those responsible for the organized transportation of children. Rules for organized transportation of a group of children on a bus

For maximum safety of persons under the age of majority, rules and regulations have been prepared and approved by law for the period of organized group travel on a bus. Requirements apply to the person driving the bus, the vehicle itself, and the organization of escort.

Transport for group transportation of minors, technical standards - GOST R 51160-98

Rules and regulations have been prepared by the Ministry of Transport. The set of standards is enshrined in Government Decree No. 1177. The legislative act approved the following provisions regarding the transportation of persons under the age of majority:

  • travel of minors (under 16 years of age) by non-route transport;
  • organized transportation for groups of more than eight people;
  • travel of minors without persons representing their interests.

Important! Persons representing the interests of minors are allowed to have an accompanying person, a person with a medical education. The set of rules is not relevant for all events in which parents who are not declared accompanying persons take part.

The rules for organizing group transportation of minors presuppose:

  • compliance with the order of boarding and disembarking of minor passengers;
  • preparation of a certain package of documents;
  • compliance of the driver, as well as all accompanying persons, with current regulations;
  • escort of the transport convoy by representatives of the traffic police.

Changes in legislation

Changes have been made to the standards for the transportation of minors, fixed by Government Resolution No. 652.

The following terms have been added to the wording specified in the old version of the document:

  • transportation is carried out unaccompanied by two persons representing the interests of minors (they can be declared as accompanying persons, workers with medical education);
  • the minimum number of people in a group is 8;
  • if the planned duration of the trip exceeds four hours, the minimum age of minors is seven years;
  • the bus cannot make unscheduled stops not provided for in the route list, transport other persons and perform the functions of public transport;
  • the column consists of at least 3 buses;
  • the driver must have a certificate issued by the state traffic inspectorate - since 2016, at the request of a traffic police representative, it is allowed to present a copy;
  • upon completion of transportation, the driver’s license is stored in the state traffic inspectorate for three years;
  • transportation of children is carried out from 6-00 to 23-00, the only exception is if the event is associated with the departure of other transport (train or plane);
  • if you are planning an overnight trip, the maximum distance between the points of departure and arrival is 50 km.

Important! If a group of minors is accompanied by persons representing their interests, security measures are entrusted to them; accordingly, the requirements and standards of transportation should not be met.

Requirements for the driver and bus

Only drivers who meet the following criteria are allowed to transport persons under 16 years of age:

  • have a category D license;
  • have a license to provide relevant services - transportation of minors;
  • minimum driving experience behind the wheel of a bus – 12 months out of the last 36 months;
  • a medical certificate confirming that the driver is cleared for the flight.

Before the flight, the driver undergoes detailed instructions about the rules and regulations for transporting children. There should be no facts of deprivation of rights or other administrative violations in the traffic police.

Certain rules apply to buses, approved by GOST 33552-2015.

  • A sign is installed in front and behind the bus: “Transportation of children.”
  • In accordance with the approved standards, the body of the bus is yellow, and the inscription “Children” is applied to the side parts.
  • The maximum age of transport is 10 years.
  • Before departure on a flight, the vehicle undergoes a technical inspection, the report is kept by the driver.
  • A satellite tracking device is installed on board.
  • Each bus is equipped with a tachograph in order to control periods of work, driver rest, and speed limits.

Good to know! Buses are equipped with a supply of water and food.

Flashing Light

Organized group transportation of minors is carried out only if there is a flashing light - yellow or orange. It is necessary to take into account that such a beacon is not an advantage on the road; it is used solely to warn road users that there are children in the vehicle.

Rules for organized group transportation of minors in 2019

The standards established by the Government Resolution define clear requirements for the process of boarding and disembarking minors, and the actions of accompanying persons during stops.

The process of boarding and disembarking minors

Before the organized boarding begins, the attendants check the presence of all passengers by checking the list. Children must be collected at a distance of at least 15 m from the landing site.

After checking passengers with the lists, baggage is loaded. At the same time, the dimensions of hand luggage are checked.

Instructions are provided to minors:

  • behavior while the bus is moving, as well as during stops;
  • the process of boarding and exiting the vehicle;
  • actions in the event of force majeure or emergency situations;
  • actions in the event of a deterioration in the health of one of the passengers.

Responsibilities of the attendants:

  • monitoring the well-being of passengers;
  • behavior control, tracking nutrition schedule;
  • route control;
  • settlement of a force majeure situation.

You can enter the transport only after it has stopped. Accompanying passengers in a certain, organized order (children under seven years of age stand in pairs) lead passengers to the bus. Boarding is carried out through the door closest to the driver.

Important! Carry-on luggage is laid out in transport so that it does not pose a danger and does not limit the driver’s clear view.

After the vehicle stops, the accompanying persons leave the vehicle and only then the passengers. Disembarkation is carried out exclusively through the door closest to the driver.

During the stop, accompanying persons stand at the doors of the vehicle - one at the front, the other at the back. Care must be taken to keep children away from the road.

Important! If necessary, the list of passengers is changed unilaterally before the start of the event - the trip organizer changes the composition of the group and has the right not to notify the carrier about this.

Escort of transport convoy by law enforcement agencies

Escort is required when the transport convoy consists of at least three buses. To organize an escort, you must submit an application to the state traffic inspectorate no later than two days in advance. The document is submitted by the event manager or sent by email to the official Internet resource of the state inspection.

The document must include the following information:

  • date and duration of the event;
  • exact route;
  • full name of the accompanying person;
  • full name of the driver, driver's license details;
  • number of passengers for each bus;
  • list of state license plates of all vehicles.

Important! If the event involves fewer than three buses, the trip organizer is also required to notify the traffic police department. To do this, you need to draw up a similar application and submit it to the traffic police. A document with a mark from the traffic police that law enforcement agencies have been notified of the event is retained by the driver.

Required documents

Documentation for organizing the transportation of minors must contain the following information:

  • a complete list of children;
  • copies of documents permitting the transportation of minors;
  • list for organizing boarding - an exact plan indicating the place for passengers;
  • notification from the traffic police department (copy of the application for necessary support);
  • bilateral agreement between the customer and the carrier company;
  • full last name, first name, patronymic, contact and passport details of persons accompanying children;
  • agreement with a medical officer (necessary if the duration of the trip exceeds 12 hours);
  • driver data;
  • a complete list of food products for each vehicle.

Important! When drawing up a route, it is important to provide for a movement schedule, plan the places and duration of short stops - snacks, physiological needs.

Thus, buses, transportation organizers, and drivers are subject to certain requirements approved by law. In case of non-compliance with norms and requirements, the responsible persons bear administrative penalties. All organizers of such group trips across Russia can undergo detailed instructions at the state traffic inspectorate departments.

April 4, 2019, The distribution of 700 million rubles for the creation of model municipal libraries in 38 constituent entities of the Federation was approved Order of March 30, 2019 No. 598-r. In 2019, it is planned to create 110 model libraries.

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April 3, 2019, Eurasian Economic Union. Integration in the CIS space The Government submitted to the President of Russia a proposal to sign an Agreement on a mechanism for the traceability of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union Resolution of March 30, 2019 No. 385. The agreement establishes mechanisms to confirm the legality of the circulation of goods when moving them between the EAEU states and to ensure control over the circulation of goods. The agreement is aimed at countering gray imports and shadow circulation of goods in the EAEU space, and the use of various schemes for evading customs duties and taxes.

April 3, 2019, Road maintenance More than 70 billion rubles are allocated to the regions for the development of road infrastructure and transport networks Orders of March 29, 2019 No. 581-r, No. 582-r, No. 583-r, No. 584-r. The distribution of transfers in the amount of 65,824 million rubles between 28 constituent entities of the Federation for the development of highways of regional, intermunicipal and local significance and 5 billion rubles between 15 constituent entities of the Federation for the development and modernization of a network of public highways of regional, intermunicipal and local significance within the framework of the national project was approved “Safe and high-quality roads.”

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April 2, 2019, Air transport On subsidies to ensure the affordability of air travel from the Far East and back Order of March 29, 2019 No. 572-r. 2.5 billion rubles are allocated from the Government's reserve fund to provide subsidies to airlines to ensure the availability of flights on routes from the Far East and back. This will allow transporting at least 378.5 thousand passengers on preferential terms.

April 1, 2019, Public finance management tools Long-term budget forecast approved Order of March 29, 2019 No. 558-r. The budget forecast of the Russian Federation for the period until 2036 was approved. The key goal of the budget forecast is to assess, on a variable basis, the most likely trends in the budget system, which allows, through the development and implementation of appropriate decisions in the field of tax, budget and debt policy, to ensure stable macroeconomic conditions and the achievement of strategic goals of the country’s socio-economic development.

April 1, 2019, Territory development tools. Investment projects of regional importance A list of projects that are being implemented as part of the complex investment project “Yenisei Siberia” has been approved Order of March 29, 2019 No. 571-r. The goal of the complex investment project “Yenisei Siberia” is to enhance the socio-economic development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tyva, remove infrastructure restrictions and accelerate economic growth, increase tax revenues to budgets of all levels, and create new jobs.

April 1, 2019, Inland water transport and maritime activities About the expansion of the Sabetta seaport Order of March 28, 2019 No. 554-r. A decision was made aimed at implementing a new investment project for the construction of an LNG transshipment terminal in the seaport of Sabetta. The terminal is needed for the development of the Salmanovskoye (Utrenneye) oil and gas condensate field on the Gydan Peninsula.

March 30, 2019 , Aircraft industry On budget investments in the aircraft industry Resolution of March 27, 2019 No. 326. PJSC United Aircraft Corporation is provided with budget investments in the amount of 2.22 billion rubles for capital investments in production infrastructure and after-sales service for Il-114-300 aircraft. The commissioning date for the facilities is 2021.

March 30, 2019, Territories of rapid socio-economic development in the Far Eastern Federal District The boundaries of the Petrochemical ASEZ in the Primorsky Territory have been expanded Resolution of March 27, 2019 No. 328. To implement an investment project in the production of mineral fertilizers, 73 land plots were added to the boundaries of the Petrochemical ASEZ.

March 28, 2019, On the creation of the innovative scientific and technological center of Moscow State University "Sparrow Hills" Resolution of March 28, 2019 No. 332. The center is being created in order to implement the priorities of scientific and technological development of Russia and increase the investment attractiveness of the research and development sector.

March 28, 2019, Power engineering Decisions were made to create high-power gas turbine production in Russia Resolution of March 21, 2019 No. 301. The decisions made will make it possible to create a line of high-power gas turbines for enterprises in the fuel and energy complex, ensure the competitiveness of Russian gas turbine units in the domestic and world markets, and ensure the country’s technological sovereignty in the field of gas turbine technologies.

March 28, 2019, Methodology and tools of state planning Changes have been made to the Rules for the formation and implementation of the Federal Targeted Investment Program Resolution of March 26, 2019 No. 316. The process of approval of changes made to the FAIP with the Russian Ministry of Finance is simplified.

March 28, 2019, Housing policy, housing market About the unified information system for housing construction Resolution of March 26, 2019 No. 319. The requirements for technological, software, linguistic, legal and organizational means of the UISHS, the procedure for placement, storage and processing of information have been established. The system defines a list of information that is required to be placed in the Unified Housing Information System by developers, authorities that control the sphere of shared-equity housing construction, and authorized banks that control the purpose and amount of spending by developers of funds raised for shared-equity construction.

March 27, 2019, Production, transportation, export of oil and petroleum products On the procedure for determining the indicative tariff for oil transportation for calculating the tax on additional income from the production of hydrocarbons Resolution of March 26, 2019 No. 317. The procedure for calculating the indicative tariff for oil transportation to determine the estimated costs of hydrocarbon production at a subsoil site has been approved. The indicative tariff for oil transportation will be determined based on three main components: the cost of transporting oil across Russia, the cost of transshipping oil in Russian ports, and the cost of transporting oil outside of Russia.

March 26, 2019, Federal contract system. Government procurement Changes have been made to the rules for assessing applications for construction work during public procurement Resolution of March 21, 2019 No. 293. It has been established that when choosing a contractor for the construction of highways and especially dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects, the customer will give priority to such non-cost criteria for evaluating applications as the total number of completed construction contracts, their total cost, the highest price of one of such executed contracts .

March 25, 2019, Electric power industry: generation, power grids, electricity market About a pilot project to create supply and demand aggregators in electricity markets Resolution of March 20, 2019 No. 287. The EnergyNet roadmap of the National Technology Initiative provides for the creation of a new entity in the electricity and capacity markets - supply and demand aggregators. The decisions made will make it possible, in pilot mode, to test a mechanism for the creation and development of such aggregators, ensuring the unification of consumers of electrical energy, distributed generation facilities and storage of electrical energy for the purpose of joint participation in the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

March 25, 2019, Urban Economics. Urban environment The methodology for determining the quality index of the urban environment has been approved Order of March 23, 2019 No. 510-r. The federal project “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment” provides for an increase in the quality index of the urban environment by 30% by the end of 2024, and a halving of the number of cities with an unfavorable environment in accordance with this index. To determine the quality index, 36 indicators will be used to characterize the state of the urban environment and living conditions of people.

March 25, 2019, Relocation of emergency housing On the implementation in 2019–2021 of regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock Order No. 446-r dated March 16, 2019, resolution No. 278 dated March 16, 2019. In order to monitor the implementation by the constituent entities of the Federation in 2019–2021 of regional targeted programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock, recognized as such as of January 1, 2017, target indicators for the implementation of such programs were approved. For each subject of the Federation, the total area of ​​emergency housing stock subject to resettlement and the number of citizens subject to resettlement have been established.


The rules for transporting children on buses were developed to ensure maximum safety for minor passengers during organized trips. Special regulations stipulating the rules for transporting children on a bus are approved by law. There are specific requirements for the driver, vehicle and escort.

When and who approved the rules

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has developed rules for the organized transportation of groups of children. The document was approved by Government Decree No. 1177 of December 17, 2013.

The term “bus transportation of children” means:

  • Any transportation of minors, in the amount of 8 people or more.
  • Transportation by non-route vehicles.
  • Transportation of groups of children without their representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians).

An exception may be made if the representative is:

  • A medical professional, and his presence is mandatory for transportation.
  • Accompanying the children's group.

Transportation under parental supervision

If children are transported in the presence of their parents, adoptive parents or guardians who are not accompanying the group, the rules for organized transportation of children by bus do not apply to it.

Organized transportation of children

Transportation rules mean:

  • Accompaniment of buses with minors by representatives of the traffic police.
  • Driver compliance with regulations.
  • Preparation of a set of documents for transportation.
  • Compliance with requirements for accompanying persons.
  • Compliance with the rules for boarding/disembarking passengers into a vehicle.

Accompaniment by traffic police representatives

Buses with children are accompanied by law enforcement officers only if they travel in a convoy consisting of three or more vehicles.

When transporting children, you must obtain a permit to transport children from an authorized representative of the automobile inspection. The driver has the original document. At the first request of a traffic police officer, it must be provided.

The original permits are retained for 3 years from the date of transportation.

Trip organizers must submit a written application for escort to the regional office of the State Traffic Inspectorate no later than two days before the planned trip. The document must indicate:

  • The time for which support is required.
  • Number of children transported.
  • Full name of the accompanying person.
  • Travel route.
  • Description of each bus with the obligatory indication of the license plate number, full name of the driver and registration data of his driver’s license.

A response is drawn up in writing and sent to the applicant.

If children are transported by one or two buses, a notification about the upcoming trip is also sent to the traffic police department. The document must indicate:

  • Information about the company that organizes transportation.
  • Date of transportation.
  • Route indicating the starting and ending points.
  • Number of children transported, indicating age.
  • The make of the bus and its registration number.
  • Full name of the accompanying person.

The document must contain a notification from the traffic police that they are aware and do not interfere with the transportation of children. The notice or a copy of the application with traffic police marks must be kept by the bus driver at all times.

We prepare documents

When organizing transportation, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  • The contract of carriage signed by the customer and the transport company.
  • An agreement with a medical professional to accompany a group of children (if the movement of the convoy lasts more than 12 hours).
  • A copy of permits for transporting children.
  • A copy of the application for escort or notification from the traffic police.
  • List of accompanying persons indicating full names, passport details and telephone numbers.
  • List of transported children.
  • List of food products available on the bus.
  • Information about drivers (full name, driver's license numbers, contacts).
  • Boarding document indicating the seat for each child.

Who draws up the boarding document

  • Travel organizer.
  • Representative of the carrier (if such a clause is specified in the contract).
  • Medical worker (the document takes into account the individual characteristics of each passenger).
  • Escort.

When indicating your travel route, you must note:

  • Travel schedule with travel times indicated.
  • Places of planned stops for rest, food and excursions (indicating organizations, hotels).
  • Dates and times of stops to meet the physiological needs of passengers.

Requirements for the vehicle and drivers

Drivers will be allowed to transport children if:

  • They have a driver's license with open category D.
  • Bus driving experience is at least 1 year out of the last 3 years.
  • Over the past year they have not committed any administrative offenses and have not been deprived of their rights.
  • They underwent mandatory training on transporting children.
  • We received medical clearance for the flight.

Vehicle requirements

New rules for transporting children by school bus, regarding transport for transporting children, will come into effect from 01/01/2017. They stipulate:

  • Mandatory presence of a technical coupon or diagnostic card confirming the serviceability of the vehicle.
  • A bus for transporting children must be no older than 10 years from the date of release.
  • Each vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph that monitors the speed of the vehicle and the driver’s sleep and rest patterns.
  • The Glonass satellite navigation system must be installed to be able to determine the location of the bus at any time of the day.

Accompanying children

A group of children must be accompanied by adults. Their responsibilities include:

  • Control the route and coordinate the movement of the bus in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Monitor the diet, behavior and health status of children.

The number of accompanying adults cannot be less than the number of doors on the bus. During travel there must be one attendant at each door. If there are more adults, one main person is appointed among them, who coordinates the work of the rest of the accompanying persons.

Who can be allowed on the bus

The group is formed from children of different ages. For children under 7 years old, there is a restriction - they can stay on the road for no longer than 4 hours. Otherwise, transportation of minors is prohibited.

Children who have previously been included on the list by the manager will be allowed on the bus. In this case, before the bus starts moving, the list can be changed unilaterally by the manager. This means that the group leader or trip organizer can change the list without notifying the carrier.

In the Russian Federation, the rules for transporting children on buses are becoming stricter and stricter every year. It should be noted that if previously a regular GAZelle could easily be used for these purposes, now it is possible to transport children and schoolchildren only using specially equipped buses.

What rules and innovations have occurred this year and what should the group leader know about the buses in which his charges will travel?

Rules governing bus transportation of children

Basically, the rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by bus are created in order to ensure the safety of young people during public events. They are dangerous, first of all, due to the presence of a large number of people in transport. That is why the organizers of such events must comply with some requirements of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Now all the rules are described in detail in Resolution No. 652, which was adopted on June 30, 2015. Before this change, the Resolution adopted in 2013 was in force.

After the update, the rules for transporting children on the bus received new requirements for the necessary documentation, vehicles, drivers and other aspects. You need to understand this topic.

When the rules for transporting children on the bus do not apply

The main change that has appeared in the rules is now a ban on the presence of both parents of the child or their representatives. Parents of children or their legal representatives can participate in the transportation of a children's group only if they simultaneously serve as a medical worker or accompanying person.

How to understand these rules for transporting a group of children on a bus? They mean that if their parents or official representatives are also present with the children, then it is not necessary to comply with all the requirements. When transporting children, parents are required to independently monitor the safety of minor passengers, and the accompanying person and driver are no longer responsible for the group.

Primary requirements

Of course, a lot of improvements have been made this year, however, it is necessary to highlight a few main ones.

  1. According to the rules for organized transportation of children by bus, there must be at least eight minors in transport.
  2. During transportation, the bus should not be a regular bus and perform the function of public transport.
  3. The traffic police issues a special permit to the driver, a copy of which he must carry with him. After completion of transportation, the document must be kept for three years.
  4. Children's bus trips can only be carried out from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Driving at night is possible only if the bus is connected to air or railway transport, and if weather conditions have delayed it during the day.

It is also worth noting that the maximum night speed cannot exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

Coordination with the traffic police

So, when there are more than 8 minors traveling, the organizer is obliged to report it to the traffic police. If this does not happen, then the inspector may take it for a deliberate violation of the rules for transporting children by bus.

When planning a trip, the manager must first select a transport company in accordance with the requirements and enter into a charter agreement with it. By the way, it is not necessary to involve a transport company. This may be another individual who meets the requirements. After this, the charter agreement is sent to the inspectorate and a notification is automatically generated. This notification will be quite sufficient for a small group, which will consist of no more than two buses.

If the trip involves three or more buses, then the organizer will be required to submit an application to the traffic police to order an escort vehicle.

It is important to remember that any notification, including an application, must be submitted several days before the event. Otherwise, inspection staff may simply ignore the notification, and then the trip will have to be postponed.

What is needed to submit a notification to the traffic police

Since this year the requirements have changed (transportation of children by bus is now organized differently), the following papers are required to submit a notification to the inspectorate:

  • exact time and date of travel;
  • precisely laid route;
  • the number of buses that will take part in the trip, as well as their make, models, numbers;
  • all information about drivers, as well as their driver’s license;
  • customer information;
  • information about the transport company;
  • all information about the person accompanying the group;
  • number of minors on the bus.

In general, to organize transportation, it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, but the accompanying person only needs to contact the transport company to transfer the necessary information.

Other documents required for transportation

In addition to notifying the traffic police, the bus driver and accompanying group must have on hand a large package of necessary documents, namely:

  1. Information about food and drinking water supplies. Previously, such data was optional for short journeys.
  2. Route and approximate time for it.
  3. The route must be written out in every detail. Particular attention must be paid to planned stops.
  4. Complete data for the entire group, including its leaders.
  5. Seating areas.
  6. Information about the medical professional who is required to be present during the trip, the duration of which exceeds 12 hours.

By the way, it should be noted that the rules for transporting children by school bus are practically no different from the requirements for one-time trips.

Leaders and organizers of the trip must remember that no one should be allowed on board while the bus is moving. If the transfer of a person is still planned, then in this case it must be indicated in all documents.

How to choose the right driver and bus

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus state that the choice of the driver and the vehicle itself must be approached especially seriously.

How to choose a bus driver?

First of all, he must have a driver's license with category D with 1 year of experience over the last three years. Also, the driver does not have the right to transport children if in the last year he has had his license revoked or arrested for violating traffic rules. Before going on the route, he is required to listen to a safety briefing and undergo the necessary medical examination.

It is worth noting that until 2016, the requirements for the driver, or more precisely for his experience, were stricter. Previously, only those drivers who had continuous experience for one year were allowed to transport children.

In addition, when organizing a trip, you need to pay attention to the year of manufacture of the bus itself. He must be no older than ten years. Also, the vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph, as well as a GPS navigator or the ERA-GLONASS system. You will also need a diagnostic card.

If at least one requirement is not met, the trip will not take place.

Punishment for violating transportation rules

Organizers of a children's trip should not hope for chance and prepare all the documents in advance. Traffic police officers warn that by violating the rules for transporting children on a bus, the organizer will find himself in an unpleasant situation: he will be subject to a heavy fine in accordance with 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

The fine issued to the driver is 3,000 rubles, officials can receive a fine of 25,000 rubles, and the fine for legal entities is 100,000 rubles.

Such punishment is provided if a charter agreement was not provided to the traffic police, lists of children were not transferred, or a route was not agreed upon. A fine is also imposed if the driver does not comply with the requirements.

If the violators were “caught” at night, then in this case the fine for the driver will be 5,000 rubles or deprivation of driving license for up to six months (at the discretion of the court). Officials will be fined 50,000 rubles, and legal entities will be fined 100,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that recently, due to high fines, violations when transporting minors have decreased significantly.

School orders for safe transportation of students.


(name of educational institution)

from "___" ___________20__ No. ____

On the appointment of a person responsible for road safety when transporting students by school bus

In order to comply with road safety rules when transporting students living in the area of ​​closed school No. ___ to the place of study (name of the educational authority) and back by school bus,


1. Appoint ___________full name________, _____position____________________,

responsible for compliance with road safety rules when transporting students by school bus.

2. I leave control over the execution of the order to ____________.

Head of educational institution

Order No. /o dated August 25, 2012


On the appointment of accompanying persons when transporting children by school bus

For the purpose of safe transportation of students living in the villages of Zozulin, Podsobnoe Khozyaystvo, Tsurevsky to the place of study at MBOUSOSH No. 2 and back by school buses PAZ 423470, E 125 EX 123 and KAVZ 397653, T 980 OH 93, orders a yu:

1. Appoint class teachers of grades 1 - x - 10 - as accompanying students when transporting them by school buses and charge them with responsibility for the life and health of children:

2. Familiarize those accompanying the school bus with the job description for signature by 09/01/2012.


3.1. familiarize students being transported with instructions on the rules of behavior during transportation with an entry in the instruction logbook until 09/01/12;

3.2. undergo training once a month on ensuring the safety of transporting children by school bus;

3.3. ensure cleanliness and order in the interior of the school bus

3.4. demand that the bus driver perform his official duties;

3.5. ensure order when boarding and disembarking children at stops;

3.6.Strictly observe the schedule for accompanying children being dropped off;

3.7. in the event of unusual situations arising on the way, immediately notify the school administration about this;

3.8.ensure the safety of transporting children by school bus.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Orderdated August 31, 2012 No. /o Apsheronsk

About the work and rest hours of a school bus driver

In accordance with the job responsibilities of a school bus driver transporting children, for the purpose of high-quality and safe work of a school bus driver

I order:

1. Establish a 40-hour, 6-day work week for Bobin Vladimir Borisovich, a school bus driver.

preparatory work before departure;

bus driving time;

bus stop time (children getting on and off the bus);

Troubleshooting the bus, preparing the bus for the 1st trip of the next day.

3.Set the driver’s working hours:

3.1. from Monday to Friday inclusive – 7 hours a day;

3.2. Saturday – 5 o’clock

4. Establish an interrupted working day for the driver in accordance with the student transportation schedule:

4.1.work from 5 – 55 o’clock to 8 – 30 o’clock (pre-trip briefing, medical examination, refueling the bus, transporting children to school, returning to Smirnov LLC;

4.2. rest from 8 – 30 o’clock to 11 – 00 o’clock;

4.3.work from 11 – 30 to 15 – 30 hours (bus inspection, delivery of children from school (1st shift), delivery of children to school (2nd shift);

4.4. lunch and rest from 15:00 to 17:00;

4.5.work from 17:00 to 20:00 hours

5. On Saturday: work from 5 – 55 o’clock to 8 – 30 o’clock (pre-trip briefing, medical examination, refueling the bus, transporting children to school, returning to Smirnov LLC;

5.1. lunch and rest from 8 - 30 to 12 - 30 hours; (delivery of children from school, return to Smirnov LLC, inspection of the bus);

5.2. work from 11:30 to 14:00 (delivery of children from school, return to Smirnov LLC, inspection of the bus);

6. During school holidays - carrying out routine repairs.

7. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Director of MBOUSOSH No. 2 L.L. Tyurina

Orderdated August 31, 2012 No. /o


On organizing the transportation of students from the villages Zozulin, Tsurevskyin the 2012 – 2013 academic year

In order to comply with Art. 19 of the Law “On Education”, order of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnodar Territory “On measures to ensure the effective use of buses and road safety when organizing the transportation of students” I order:

1. Organize, from September 1, 2012, the transportation of students from populated areas along the following routes:

MBOUSOSH No. 2 – x. Tsurevsky – MBOUSOSH No. 2;

2. Transport students along the routes “MBUSOSH No. 2 – x. Zozulin – MBOUSOSH No. 2” and “MBOUSOSH No. 2 – x. Tsurevsky - MBOUSOSH No. 2" on KAVZ and PAZ buses owned by the school.

3. Approve the job description of a school bus attendant. 4. Approve the instructions for the work of a bus driver, the responsibilities of the driver, instructions for transporting students by bus, instructions for accompanying students when transporting by bus, instructions for providing first aid to victims of a road traffic accident (RTA)

5. Approve the traffic pattern for these routes.

6. Approve the schedule for transporting students to and from their place of study.

7. Approve the list of students in need of transportation for the 2011-2012 academic year.

8. Approve the schedule for accompanying students on routes

MBOUSOSH No. 2 – x. Zozulin – MBOUSOSH No. 2;

MBOUSOSH No. 2 – x. Tsurevsky – MBOUSOSH No. 2

9. Drivers must strictly adhere to the bus schedule and driver instructions when transporting schoolchildren by bus.

9. I reserve responsibility for traffic safety.

10. Responsibility for the life and health of students during movement should be assigned to those accompanying the delivery.

11.Grebennikova A.A., responsible for the transportation of students:

11.1 conduct an introductory briefing with those accompanying the school bus, drivers and students being transported with registration in the appropriate briefing logs on September 31, 2012;

11.2. draw up a schedule for passing both TO-1 and TO-2.

14. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Director of MBOUSOSH No. 2 L.L. Tyurina

I have read the order:

Orderdated August 25, 2012 No. /o

G . Apsheronsk

On approval of the list of children to be transported to MBUSOSH No. 2

In order to comply with Art. 19 of the Law “On Education”, I order:

1. Approve the list of students living at a distance of more than 3 km, on the villages of Zozulin, Tsurevsky, receiving compulsory general education.