home · Appliances · A simple mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle. A simple mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle. Methods for making traps

A simple mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle. A simple mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle. Methods for making traps

The situation is similar with birth. celestial bodies. There are a number of theories regarding the birth of planets. There are also assumptions for asteroids and comets, and all of them, of course, have as their central point the attraction of particles of the protoplanetary disk to each other. After a star emerges, there are only tiny particles of dust in its accretion disk, and they have a long way to go to large stones, planetesimals, planets. This process remains a mystery, the main part of which the high-altitude interferometer helped to solve.

Computer simulations show that dust particles in the star's surroundings can stick together during collisions. However, a particle enlarged in this way, colliding with its own kind at enormous speed, is destroyed. The process stops long before reaching the size of asteroids. If for some reason the particle avoided dangerous collisions or survived them, another danger awaits it. Having increased in size, it begins to experience greater resistance when moving through the protoplanetary disk. Its orbit decreases and it eventually falls into the star. It turns out that there must be places in the disk where dust particles have a chance to grow to large sizes, after which they become harmless typical problems smaller brothers. The lifespan of such a dust trap should be hundreds of thousands of years. This is how long it takes for a large dust particle to “grow up”. After the trap ceases to exist, the particles that were in it continue to move in close orbits and decay very slowly, which favors further growth.

Images from ALMA (green - millimeter wave, 450 nm) and the Very Large Telescope (orange - infrared, 18 nm) (eso.org)

Models of such a process were proposed a long time ago, and their observational confirmation was received only a few months ago. Luck was with Ninke van der Marel, an employee of the Leiden Observatory. Of course, it was not the equipment of the ancient observatory that was used. The ALMA interferometer, recently put into operation, made it possible to observe the protoplanetary disk around the star Oph-IRS 48. The distance to the star is about 400 light years. The observations were made before the interferometer was officially launched using less than half of its constituent radio telescopes. The work was carried out in the range of 0.4–0.5 millimeters (in this range the interferometer so far has the best resolution). Previous observations of this star using the Very Large Telescope showed that dust in the disk collects in disk-shaped structures, and the first observations using a radio telescope showed that very similar holes can be seen in the gas disk, which were initially attributed to those already born in the disk planets, large asteroids or even a companion star.

“At first, the structures found in the dust cloud images came as a surprise,” says Marel. “Instead of the ring we expected to see, what appeared before us was the exact shape of a cashew nut. We had to spend a lot of time convincing ourselves that this structure was real, and the high spatial resolution and clarity of the ALMA image left no shadow of doubt. Then we quickly realized what this discovery meant.” The discovered structure is the very area where large dust particles are trapped, but protected from destruction and can continue to grow. This is an ideal dust trap from a theoretical point of view. “Apparently, what appears before our eyes is a factory for the production of comets. The conditions inside the trap are just ideal for dust to grow from tiny millimeter-sized particles to full-fledged nuclei of future comets. The formation of a full-fledged planet at such a distance from the star seems unlikely. Soon, however, the ALMA interferometer will be able to observe dust traps closer to the star, and exactly the same mechanisms should be at work there. All that remains is to wait for the discovery of the cradles of the planets in the dust.”

Dust traps form when dust particles enter areas of high pressure. Modeling showed that such areas of high pressure can be born when gas moves at the edge of an area practically devoid of it - just the same one that was discovered in the early stages of observation. “Combining modeling and observation work with a high-precision interferometer makes the work unique,” ​​says Cornelis Dulemo, a researcher at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Heidelberg, who is responsible for the theoretical part of the work. – Just at the time of obtaining observational data, we were working on models that predicted the birth of such structures. Amazing coincidence!

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Today we will talk about another cool and very popular rotating spoon - Mepps Comet . Honestly, my acquaintance with Mepps turntables in general, it happened just with this bait, a small spinner Mepps Comet No. 1 Golden color with red dots. The catchability of this bait exceeded all my expectations and my confidence in the lures of the French company began to grow like a snowball - along with the presence of these lures in my arsenal.

Mepps Comet turntables(full name - Mepps Comet Decore) have a petal of medium width, something intermediate between and. In this regard, this spinner has the glory of a universal bait. Mepps Comet can be successfully used both in standing reservoirs and in currents, when catching a very wide range of different predatory and not very fish

Thanks to the average width of the petal, the pinwheels Mepps Comet rotate with an angle of deflection of the petal from the axis of the spinner by 45 degrees. Accordingly, Comet is less stubborn than Aglia, but more stubborn than Long.

Mepps Comet spinner colors There are only Silver and Gold colors with metal, as well as black ones - BlackFury, which are often separated into a separate category, although their petal shape is the same Comet...

Red or blue dots are painted on the metal surface.

Such a bright, variegated color attracts fish very well - fact!

Numbering of Mepps “Comet” turntables: No. 00; №0; No. 1; No. 2; No. 3; No. 4; No. 5.

Mepps Comet Decor turntables No. 00 and No. 0. Excellent ultralight baits that mow down not only bass and pike, but also a variety of whitefish and peaceful fish, including crucian carp...

Spinner Mepps Comet Decor No. 1. My favorite spinner for fishing in spring and early summer on rivers and river bays. Of course, by the end of summer and autumn it is wiser to use larger turntables, but in the spring, until July, a single Comet works perfectly! This summer I caught pike, perch, chub, asp, rudd, white bream, roach, and silver bream on Comet No. 1. Solid for a spinning bait! Both Gold and Silver work well in the red dot. I used the comet mainly on grassy river shallows; in areas with slow flows, near niches in steep river banks; on shallows, edges of weed bays and lakes. Especially the perch just goes crazy about this spinner!

Rotating Mepps spinner Comet Decor №2. Universal spinner. It successfully catches medium and large perch, large chub, and pike is already steadily starting to be caught. Working depths up to 2-2.5m. It doesn't fly well. In a word, a good, catchy spinner!

Spinner Mepps Comet Decore No. 3. Lure for large perch. Pike also react well, even trophy specimens.

Spinner Mepps Comet Decor No. 4. A fairly large bait for catching pike on lakes and other types of bodies of water with standing water.

Mepps Comet Decor №5. A large spoon - apparently as inconvenient as the Aglia of the same number... I have never used this horror...

I usually apply a small upgrade to Mepps Comet() - I do . And it attracts fish, like better and less twisting of the line.

With the arrival of the long-awaited summer, we all have the opportunity to enjoy not only warm days and romantic evenings, each of us can expect more than one encounter with annoying insects - mosquitoes. Of course, today we have enough tools in our arsenal to allow us to effective fight with a small bloodsucker, what an electric, homemade or mechanical mosquito trap is is what we will discuss in this material.

Of course, everything known remedies protection is indispensable in certain circumstances: on a picnic you cannot do without a special spray or ointment. But the trouble is that the protection applied to the skin can cause allergic reactions. Fumigators can be used in the bedroom, but special insert plates last a limited time, and replenishment requires material costs. It is much easier to build a special trap for harmful insects, you can even with my own hands– then annoying mosquitoes will not bother you with their annoying squeaks and unpleasant bites.

Video “Ultraviolet traps”

From the video you will learn the principle of operation of mosquito traps.


The old “old-fashioned” way to combat unwanted insects indoors is with ordinary adhesive tape. Such a trap for annoying mosquitoes, placed near the switched on lamp, will help clear the room of insects.
Of course, this product works much more effectively with larger representatives of insects, but mosquitoes will not be able to avoid the placed nets. The effectiveness of the method is determined by the fact that, even slightly touching the sticky surface of the tape, the mosquito will no longer be able to free itself.

Electrical traps

Electronic modern mosquito traps work on the principle of emitters: spreading heat or carbon dioxide, they attract insects, giving them the illusion of the presence of a person or mammal. Such funds are divided into several types:

Another remedy that has recently appeared on the market domestic marketultrasonic repeller insects This small device, resembling a keychain, which, by creating certain ultrasonic vibrations, can repel insects.

And even though the price of such a device is somewhat higher in comparison with traditional methods, once you purchase it, you will for a long time Protect yourself from annoying insects without putting yourself at risk of developing allergic reactions. In addition, the action of the device is universal: during the day it can effectively fight wasps or flies, and in the evening it can build an insurmountable barrier around you for mosquitoes.

Baits with insecticides

Represent enough effective remedy- these are small containers containing a special filler that can not only attract, but also destroy insects. The disadvantage of this method of control is obvious: each container is disposable: as soon as the dead insects completely fill it, it will end its service cycle.

Mechanical traps

This DIY mosquito trap, made in the form of a special container, is not only one of the most common, but also, of course, the most inventive method of fighting insects.

Mosquitoes attracted by a special bait, once inside the container, can no longer get out. Even an ordinary jar filled with sweet syrup can serve as an improvised means of control: once mosquitoes get inside the container and wet their wings, they inevitably die.

Homemade traps

To make your own trap, you will need a regular plastic bottle. Her neck is cut off, leaving a third part from total length containers, and insert the reverse end into the rest of the bottle. The container is ready! All you have to do is fill it with the bait mixture, and your trap will start working. To prevent insects from resisting your “treat,” prepare it from a mixture of sugar, water and regular yeast: the fermentation process that has begun will inevitably begin to release carbon dioxide, attracting mosquitoes from all over the area. Then everything is simple: an insect, stuck in a sticky liquid, will never find its way back out of the container.

You can organize a less complicated way of catching mosquitoes - make sticky tape. For this you will need thick paper, cut into long strips, and a special sticky mixture made from rosin, turpentine, castor oil and sugar.

The ingredients must be prepared in a water bath until they become viscous, then apply the resulting composition onto paper, and secure the strips under the ceiling with threads, choosing a place that will be of interest to insects - near lighting fixture or any element that emits heat.

To protect your life in the summer months from annoying insects, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing numerous special means, fumigators, sprays and other latest inventions in this field. It’s enough just to go back to the roots and remember how our parents solved this problem; we are sure that you will learn many remedies that are not only effective, but also safe for the health of your family members.

build: 40 frames x 20 seconds, ISO 800, full calibration in DeepSkyStacker. Telescope BKP2501 OTA (1000 mm focal length, 250 aperture) on NEQ6Pro mount, coma corrector, Canon 60Da. No guiding.

Do you know how the telescope complex in the Hawaiian Islands works? A powerful instrument with a two-meter mirror and a 1.4 gigapixel matrix methodically photographs fragments of deep space. Comparing with previous images, the system records the movement and change in brightness of objects. The entire accessible area of ​​the sky is scanned three times a month. This is how comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) was discovered a year and a half ago. A tiny piece of ice flying at great speed in the blackness of the interstellar vacuum.

The names of modern comets are assigned according to a simple model. First the prefix.
P/ - short-period comet (that is, a comet whose period is less than 200 years, or which was observed at two or more perihelion passages);
C/ - long-period comet;
X/ - a comet for which a reliable orbit could not be calculated (usually for historical comets);
D/ - comets have collapsed or been lost;
A/ - objects that were mistakenly taken for comets, but actually turned out to be asteroids.

Let's decipher our comet: Long-period (of course! The next flyby of the Earth will be in 110 thousand years!), discovered in 2011 in the first half of June. And this is the fourth comet discovered this month.

The peak brightness of C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) occurred in early March this year. They say that the comet glowed in the evening sky comparable to the Moon and was visible naked eye. Alas, the Moscow spring spoiled us with exceptional cloudiness and unsurpassed abundance of precipitation. There is no point in taking out a telescope in such weather.

And finally, for three nights in a row, the clearest ringing sky. As luck would have it, I made a mistake in the telescope settings and was unable to observe the comet. Yesterday I made friends with technology again. I share what I saw.

Total exposure 13 minutes 20 seconds.
This frame is defective in assembly. Here the comet's nucleus was processed incorrectly and ended up elongated. However, I like this picture

The result of assembling half of the frames. I removed from the addition pictures with strong movements of the telescope.

And, traditionally, a single frame from the series. This is the kind of garbage we get pictures from.

Something like this this time...