home · electrical safety · Easy to brew pu-erh tea. Pressed pu-erh: brewing features and varieties. In order to brew wild Pu-erh in a gaiwan, the following manipulations are performed:

Easy to brew pu-erh tea. Pressed pu-erh: brewing features and varieties. In order to brew wild Pu-erh in a gaiwan, the following manipulations are performed:

In this article we will tell you in detail how to properly brew pu-erh tea using the pouring method - "Ping Cha" and the infusion method in a glass teapot. How you brew pu-erh will determine whether you enjoy your tea or pour bitter, spoiled pu-erh down the sink. Pu-erh can be brewed in different ways. Some people prefer the traditional pouring method. Someone prepares an infusion in a thermos, mug or kettle.

There are several methods for brewing pu-erh.

Brewing method "Gong Fu Cha" or “highest art” allows you to get maximum pleasure from the tea ceremony. This ceremony will require from you a certain set of Chinese tea utensils, good water and, if possible, the presence of a tea master. However, in everyday life, for regular tea drinking, the pouring method is more often used, or "Ping Cha". There are also fans of cooking pu-erh; for them, the Lu Yu method is considered the best option.

Brewing method from "Lu Yuya". In a large teapot, preferably made of tempered glass, in boiling water, a funnel is spun with a spatula or spoon, and pre-washed tea is dropped into the center of it. After the rotation stops, when the tea leaves sink to the bottom, then the pu-erh tea can be considered ready.

How to choose water for brewing tea.

To brew Pu'er tea correctly, we recommend using filtered water or commercial bottled water, because tap water is quite hard and contains various chemicals and minerals that can only harm the taste of the tea.

How much tea leaf is needed for brewing?

For one person, 3-5 grams of tea (1-2 teaspoons) per 150 ml of water is enough. The easiest way to separate the required amount of tea from pressed Puer is with a special Puer knife, but you can also use a regular knife or just your hands.

It is better to layer pressed Pu-erh for brewing layer by layer, trying to separate whole leaves, because a small broken leaf can cause the tea to be excessively bitter.

What should the water temperature be?

To brew Shen and Shu Pu'er, use different water temperatures. For example, for young Shen Pu'er, up to 3 years of aging, the recommended water temperature is 85-90°C, remove the kettle with boiled water from the stove and wait 3 minutes, the water temperature will be approximately 90°C. For more mature shengs, water at a temperature of 95°C is suitable, and Shu Pu'er It is better to brew with boiling water at 100°C. If you feel that the taste and aroma of the Shen Puer infusion is not rich enough, try adding a little more tea leaves and increase the infusion time, but be careful, otherwise the Shen Puer infusion may turn bitter.

What is the best container to brew pu-erh tea in?

Pu-erh can be brewed in a clay teapot, in a glass teapot with a filter glass, in a convenient isipote, in a gaiwan or a regular mug, the main thing is to follow some recommendations to get tasty and aromatic tea.

Step-by-step instructions on how to brew pu-erh tea correctly:

Warm up the container before adding tea.

Rinse the dry tea leaves for 5-10 seconds in the kettle and drain immediately.

Drain the first brew.

Washing the tea leaves is necessary to rid the tea of ​​dust, and also allows you to steam dry pressed leaves. Rinsing tea helps to better open the leaf, aroma and taste of the drink.

Pour water into a kettle with steamed tea leaves. The first infusion should be kept for approximately 15-20 seconds. This especially applies to shen puerh, otherwise the infusion may be too tart, and if shen puer young (1-2 years of aging), then a little bitter. With each subsequent brew, increase the infusion time to taste.

Once the tea has brewed to the desired strength, immediately pour the tea from the teapot into a separate vessel or directly into cups. If the tea was brewed in a teapot with an infuser mesh or a filter glass, then remove the tea leaves (filter) from it, otherwise the infusion will become too tart and may taste bitter, and subsequent brews will be too weak.

Pour the tea into cups. Pu-erh should be drunk slightly cooled, in small sips, this is the only way you will feel all the facets of the tea’s taste and aroma.

How to brew pu-erh so that it sticks?

This is often associated with the so-called “Cha Qi” effect - “the power of tea” or the “tea state”. This largely depends on the quality of the puer, on what tea raw materials are used, for example, puer from ancient tea trees from the village of Lao Ban Zhang “hits the balls” very hard, and of course this applies to shen (green) puer than in shu (black) pu'er. Although some people prefer to achieve the “Cha Tsi” effect by increasing the recommended infusion time, while others believe that they only insert boiled pu-erh. Be that as it may, everyone determines for themselves their favorite varieties and their own convenient method of preparation, the main thing is to listen to yourself and your condition. Whether pu-erh relaxes or inserts is rather a matter of individual perception rather than brewing. Shens tend to be more relaxing. But the same pu-erh can invigorate one person and put another into a state close to tea intoxication.

How to brew pu-erh in a teapot. Video.

How to brew pu-erh in Tipoda. Video.

There are hundreds of types of black, green, white and other teas in the world, and each of them requires special treatment, or rather, following the brewing rules. This is not a fashion, not a tradition, but the very condition that, when met, produces a drink with taste and aromatic qualities characteristic only of it.

A little about tea

True Pu Er is one of the most expensive and strong teas, which differs in production technology and, of course, taste. Before you buy it, you need to get acquainted with the properties and recommendations on how to brew Pu-erh tea correctly. First, let's talk about what kind of product this is. Pu-erh is a tea with a long period of fermentation, which can last for decades. The longer it is stored, the more valuable and varied its taste. Few manufacturers today use traditional technology for manufacturing this product, because it requires a minimum of 10-15 years. That is why today many people use accelerated production technology, which allows them to obtain tea with a similar taste in just 6 months.

  • Shu Pu Er - produced using accelerated technology, pressed as traditionally into tablets, bricks and other forms;
  • Shen Pu Er aged - made using traditional technology involving post-fermentation. The color of the product is dark green. Taste with pronounced sweetness, multifaceted aroma;
  • Mao Cha - green leaves, not pressed, used for the production of Pu Era Shu and Shen.

The traditional, and therefore the most popular form of leaf pressing is a flat cake, which can weigh from 20-30 grams to a kilogram. The longer this cake is stored, the better the tea becomes. Under the influence of microbes and enzymes, the leaf ripens, new organic compounds, sugars, tannins are formed in it, and earthy notes disappear. Pu Er is an aged tea that is also compared to cognac and cheese, which become even better over time.

Brewing rules

Why do you need to know how to brew Pu-erh tea? In order to evaluate its taste correctly. Many who have not tried this drink before often refuse to taste it again, and all because they brew it incorrectly and choose a non-optimal amount of brew.

Tea cakes are stored in special conditions for a long time, so they require washing before brewing. It is better to break off a piece from the cake with a sharp knife; special tea knives are even sold for this. This must be done so that the cake itself does not crumble. For one serving of tea you need about 1 tsp. tea leaves Be sure to brew it in a teapot.

This is how the infusion changes color from brew to brew.

The technology is as follows:

  • put the broken piece of tea into the teapot;
  • boil water, let it cool to 90 degrees;
  • pour and wait 20 seconds to allow the sheet to open slightly and get rid of dust;
  • drain the water, refill for 1 minute;
  • pour into cups.

Direct brewing time may vary depending on the variety and aging period. How long does it take to brew Pu-erh on average? From 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes, and the longer the infusion period, the stronger the drink will be. It acquires a tartness, is slightly astringent, but strongly invigorates and restores strength. Pu-erh tablets are brewed in the same way, but before pouring water into the tablet, it is better to mash it, so the drink will be richer in taste and aroma. Tablet tea, like classic tea, is brewed up to 10 times. You can drink it with dried fruits.

A teapot made of Yixing clay is an ideal vessel for brewing

One of the main conditions for delicious tea is soft water. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to warm up all the dishes with hot water, especially the teapot itself, because the higher the temperature in it, the better the leaf will steam and give more taste and aroma to the water.

Some experts recommend crumbling a piece of Pu-erh broken off from a cake, others advise putting it whole in the teapot. There is also an opinion that hot rinsing can be replaced with cold rinsing, that is, before putting the tea in the kettle, rinse it with your hands under running cold water.

If we are talking about Shen Puer, then it can be brewed up to 15 times and with each new brew you get new notes in taste and aroma. But to do this, each time filling it with water, extend the infusion time by 10-20 seconds. You cannot steep this tea for a long time, otherwise it will become bitter and tart.

Properties of the finished drink

Every tea is useful. If green is positioned as a drink of youth and longevity, then Pu-erh is positioned as a source of strength, vigor and healthy digestion. Due to the special production technology, this type of tea has a different composition from all others, which allows us to talk about the benefits of the drink in certain areas of health.

  • Fights bad breath and prevents the development of caries.
  • Stimulates blood circulation and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Speeds up metabolism, promotes weight loss.
  • It has an antioxidant effect and fights the development of tumors.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Improves skin condition.

Pu-erh contains less caffeine than coffee, but its stimulating effect is higher. Therefore, you should not drink more than 3 cups of weak tea per day. There are categories of people for whom it is contraindicated:

  • for kidney diseases;
  • with stones in the gall bladder;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • hypotensive people

There are also individual signs of intolerance to this drink, which can be expressed in rapid heartbeat, spots in the eyes, and skin allergies. It is not recommended to drink Pu-erh on an empty stomach. Pu-erh is a tea that is worth trying, but you need to do it correctly and with an understanding of its essence. It is ideal to hold a real tea ceremony with all the attributes.

A drink like pu-erh tea is becoming more and more popular every year. Connoisseurs and lovers never tire of extolling its unique healing properties and extraordinary taste and aroma.

In addition, this type of tea, subject to certain proportions and preparation technology, can invigorate so noticeably that its effect is comparable to that of well-known energy drinks.

What is the secret of the drink and is it as healthy as they say?

What is Pu-erh?

Pu-erh is Chinese tea processed using a certain technology, which involves natural or forced fermentation. The production of traditional teas involves enzymatic oxidation.

Although there is a general belief that regular teas are fermented, and pu-erh teas are over-fermented.

Based on the type of fermentation, pu-erh is divided into Shu Pu'er is the result of forced fermentation And Shen Puer is the result of natural fermentation.

The duration of the fermentation process for shu pu'er is from 7 months to three years, and for shen pu'er - from 7 to 20 years, respectively, shu pu'er is for mass consumption, and shen pu'er is only for special occasions and very wealthy people.

Ingenuity is a quality with which the Chinese never cease to amaze the whole world. They invented pu-erh.

Such teas have no analogues, they cannot be described or compared with anything, in order to form your own opinion you definitely need to try one of these drinks, preferably of high quality and properly prepared.

Pu-erhs evoke admiring expressions even on the faces of seasoned critics.

Good tea cannot be made without good raw materials - pu-erh is no exception. For this type of tea, ideally, leaves are collected not from bushes, but from tea trees that are 50 years old or older.

Particularly valuable tea is obtained from raw materials of wild plants. Sometimes they produce blended pu-erh - flavored, prefabricated.

However, more important to the taste of pu'er than the tea leaf itself is the fermentation time it undergoes.

The longer, the more expensive - shu and shen, they use the same raw materials, but use different fermentation techniques, so their taste, color and aroma are not at all similar.

The longer the tea leaf is processed, the softer and richer its taste becomes, the bitterness disappears, and in its place a noble astringency appears.

Pu-erh fermentation technologies

First, for all pu-erh, selected tea leaves are dried in the sun for some time, and then moistened with steam and sent to special storage facilities with specified moisture and temperature parameters for about 30 days, during which the so-called internal fermentation of the raw materials occurs.

After this, the tea is dried, which stops the internal fermentation. General operations are completed, further processing is different for each type of pu-erh.

For shu, the leaves are collected in a heap, moistened and placed in special rooms, where, under the influence of artificially created conditions, their accelerated external fermentation occurs.

The raw materials are aged from 2 months to a year, during which time the tea acquires its specific characteristics. Then it is dried and sent for packaging - pressed or left loose.

For shen, the leaves are pressed immediately after the internal fermentation has stopped and stored in this form for many years, during which incomparable natural external fermentation occurs.

The main active element of the process is microorganisms that survive without the presence of air and oxygen - anaerobic, and under their influence this type of fermentation occurs. Tea matures slowly, and its value increases with age..

In China, it is forbidden to export pu-erh older than 30 years; it is already considered the property of the nation. According to experts, in our country it is possible to purchase shen pu-erh aged for a maximum of 10 years, no more.

Shu can be consumed immediately after packaging, but shen not earlier than after 3 years of special storage.

Chemical composition of puer tea

The composition of pu-erh tea is so rich that more than one scientific treatise could be written about it. Currently, there is a resource from the Puer Tea Institute, among its publications there is a lot of information about the unique properties of this type of tea.

It contains:
Saccharides – normalize blood sugar levels, anticoagulants.
Vitamins – A, C, E, R.
Alkaloids are antioxidants.
Aroma components.
Minerals – more than 30 types.
Amino acids, among them particularly valuable neurotransmitters.
Polyphenolic compounds - about 30 complex compounds - catechins, phenolic acids, anthocyanidins, flavonoids, which have antibacterial, antioxidant, antitumor effects.

A sugar-free drink is low in calories, like any other type of tea - only 2 kilocalories per 100 grams of drink.

Pu-erh tea - beneficial properties

For its high bioactivity, pu-erh tea in its homeland received the status of a remedy for a hundred ailments and the wise Chinese are right as always.

The drink is unique, healthy and has a lot of substances useful for the human body - the chemical composition is clear proof of this.

1. Tones and invigorates.

2. Clarifies thoughts, stimulates mental activity.

3. Gives a feeling of peace, satisfaction, joy.

4. Powerful antioxidant, removes toxins and radioactive compounds.

5. One of the best immunostimulants– mobilizes all the body’s defenses, promotes comprehensive healing.

6. Excellent effect on the stomach and internal organs, promotes digestion, relieves heaviness and pain.

7. Pronounced antispasmodic.

8. Natural antibacterial agent.

9. Has anti-cancer effect.

10. Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

11. Prevents stagnation of bile and inflammation.

12. Good for the kidneys and liver.

13. Anticoagulant.

14. Actively used for weight loss, accelerates metabolic processes.

15. Excellent for flushing out decay products from the gastrointestinal tract that are formed due to excessive consumption of meat foods.

16. Used to treat dysentery, diarrhea.

17. Reduces gas formation.

18. Slows down the aging process.

There are few contraindications to drinking the drink and they are traditional - pregnancy, lactation, as well as individual intolerance.

The art of preparing tea correctly needs to be learned over the years, so we will present only the general principles of brewing pu-erh, which may not improve its taste, but certainly will not spoil it.

1. For brewing, you need to take only earthenware, and you will also need a thermos to maintain the water temperature if you do not have a kettle with an indicator.

2. Water – always of the highest quality, soft, heat to a maximum of 90 degrees, pour into a thermos.

3. Rinse the clay teapot with boiling water, add 4-5 grams of pu-erh (1 teaspoon) per serving.

4. Fill the teapot with hot water 1/3 - the stage of washing the pu-erh. The tea leaves are steamed and all the dust and debris comes off, immediately drain the first water.

5. Now fill the pu-erh with hot water from a thermos for tea drinking.

6. Leave for 1 to 3 minutes, pour into another jug ​​(so as not to overheat), from which you can fill tea bowls.

Puer tea can be brewed up to 10 times, each time steeping for a different time, the final taste will always be different.

They drink pu-erh not scalding, slightly cooled, in portions of 30-50 grams and, of course, without sugar. Be healthy.

In our culture, which is still closer to the West than to the East, the art of tea drinking is poorly developed. Although in recent years there has been a tendency for a more reverent attitude towards this drink and the procedure for brewing it. Tea is a special drink that has many beneficial qualities. However, in order to allow these qualities to fully manifest themselves, you need to have certain knowledge in the field of how to brew pu-erh correctly.

Pu'er is a complex and subtle drink intended for connoisseurs of its multi-layered taste and delicate aroma. This is a unique drink whose soft and mature taste should be enjoyed. The secret to the magic of this tea lies in the way it is processed: it is fermented and aged for a long time.

Point 1. How to brew pu-erh correctly?

Not only its taste and ability to quench thirst depend on that. This determines its healing properties. After all, it can treat the stomach, even relieve a hangover and help you lose weight. In China, this tea is considered almost a panacea for all diseases.

So, the brewing rules.

1. Avoid any sweeteners

This rule comes first because sugar robs tea of ​​its true taste. In this case, high-quality tea suffers particularly significant losses. In addition, sugar deprives it of both its healing qualities and, first of all, its cleansing effect.

2. The right dishes

Dishes for tea must certainly be porcelain or glass. The clay from which most are made absorbs the magical aroma of tea, depriving you of many benefits.

Afterwards, rinse and dry well. Do not use dishwashing liquids for this - they are simply destructive for tea, given the amount of flavors and dyes they contain.

Chinese sages advise using rain or well water for brewing. Since this is an almost impossible task for city residents, we will dwell on another point.

To figure out how to brew pu-erh correctly, pay attention to the fact that the water should not be brought to a boil. A sufficient temperature will be 80-90 degrees. You can calculate this temperature by observing the water. After sufficient heating, first small bubbles will appear in the water, then larger ones. When the water begins to bubble slightly, you can start brewing.

4. Tea leaves

A sufficient amount of tea leaves for one mug of tea is one to one and a half teaspoons. Experts recommend lightly rinsing and frying the tea leaves before preparing tea.

5. How to brew pu-erh

Do not brew tea in a cold container. It must first be doused with boiling water to warm it up on all sides. Only after this is the tea leaves placed in the kettle and filled with water one third of the way. After a few seconds, the water needs to be drained so that the tea begins to “breathe.” Fill the kettle halfway with water again and leave for 3-5 minutes.

6. How many times can you brew pu-erh?

Puer leaves can be brewed 4 to 7 times. It depends on the quantity and quality of tea leaves. Each subsequent brewing requires more time: the first brewing - 40-50 seconds, the third - a minute, the fifth - 2 minutes. Flavors will vary from rich to light. You should not drink tea that has been left for more than an hour - it has already lost its quality. The Chinese believe that it even becomes harmful, but they know for certain how to brew pu-erh correctly.

Point 2. How to choose pu-erh?

Pu-erh tea comes in several types. This is Sheng Puer.

Shu Pu'er is the most common. This tea was aged for several months. It can be bought either in bulk or pressed. You can store tea for several years, as it only gets better with age. Shu Puer needs to be brewed with boiling water.

Sheng Pu'er, or "raw tea" as it is also called, has been aged for years. Young leaves have been aged for less than three years, and leaves that have been stored for an even longer period are considered truly “aged”. This tea can only be brewed with water brought to a boil so as not to destroy the bouquet.

When choosing pu-erh, make sure that it is in paper packaging. The leaves should have a good “tea” smell. Pu-erh leaves should have a reddish or greenish tint (depending on aging), but not black. These are the main criteria for choosing real good pu-erh tea.