home · Appliances · Rating of manual tile cutters in the year. How to choose a manual and electric tile cutter: recommendations from experts. Advantages of manual tile cutters

Rating of manual tile cutters in the year. How to choose a manual and electric tile cutter: recommendations from experts. Advantages of manual tile cutters

But do not forget that the accuracy and quality of the upcoming work will depend on the chosen tool. Read our selection recommendations now and make the right choice.

First you need to decide on the following points. First, it’s worth understanding whether you need a tile cutter for one-time home repairs or frequent professional use. Another important nuance is whether you will be cutting only wall tiles or floor tiles as well. Floor tiles or porcelain tiles, just like heavy-duty applications, require professional models with more durable construction and a longer, more rigid platform.

Advantages of manual tile cutters

  • Independence from the power grid - in comparison with electric ones, this is a significant saving;
  • Compactness - they do not take up much space, they are more convenient to work with;
  • Light weight - the tile cutter is easy to move to any convenient place;
  • Low price.

Types of tile cutters by design

  • Manual - the simplest tile cutter; cuts with a roller made of hard alloy.
  • With a guide on bushings - a tile cutter with a rigid carriage, characterized by increased accuracy, copes even with very hard tiles.
  • On bearings - used for especially durable tiles (up to 16 mm thick); It has a soft ride, since there are bushings on two bearings.

Main selection criteria

  • Durable frame. The tool must be able to withstand loads well.
  • Length. Don't save money by buying short models. Only with a universal tile cutter you can easily achieve tile cutting depths from 3 to 30 mm, for walls and floors, and cut diagonally.
  • Smooth ride. Bearings facilitate smooth sliding of the cutter. The mechanism should work smoothly and clearly, and the tiles should break strictly along the cut line.
  • The base should not slide (this is facilitated by a special coating or fastenings for the desktop).
  • It is advisable to equip it with a protractor. This will eliminate the need to use additional tools.
  • If you know in advance that you will encounter obstacles such as pipes, water supply or plumbing, purchase a tile cutter with a “ballerina”. It will help cut holes where the obstacle cannot be removed.
  • No defects or other external defects. Be sure to visually inspect the model before purchasing. The quality of the workmanship and the condition of the materials is very important to the quality of the job, and of course the life of your tile cutter.

Among the manufacturers are the following: IRWIN, FIT, RUBI, SANTOOL, STAYER, VIRA, BISON, EUROTEX, etc.

  • Apply a little oil to the guide and mark it on the tile with a marker - this will immediately improve the quality of the work.
  • Carefully fix the tiles on the platform - this will help to avoid vibration and sliding of the material.
  • If necessary, the cut edge can be smoothed with sandpaper or a grinding stone.

A manual tile cutter is a special tool that is designed for straight, shaped cutting and breaking of tiles. Below we will take a closer look at what needs to be considered when choosing a quality tile cutter, as well as its main features.

What is a tile cutter

A manual tile cutter is one of the most necessary devices when laying tiles. It is equipped with a measuring ruler that allows you to process the workpiece without marking. Some models also have a so-called “ballerina”, through which holes are cut.

In general, a tile cutter is a very useful device, but it is worth considering that with cheap tools, a ballerina cannot cope with her task properly. According to experienced builders, you should purchase only professional models from popular manufacturers.

Absolutely all tile cutters have a small disadvantage, which is that they do not cut off, for example, four to five millimeters from the edges of the material. In such a situation, as a rule, a grinder or wire cutters are used.

Manual tile cutter: choice

When purchasing this device, you should definitely take into account its basic parameters.

Frame strength

A manual tile cutter with a weak frame has a low service life and is not capable of performing a large volume of work. Consider the thickness of the metal of the frame. The fact that the tool is of high quality is indicated, first of all, by the rigidity of the base. Poor and cheap devices often begin to vibrate when cutting tiles, which will lead to damage. If the tile cutter has a strong handle, then the lever will be powerful, which is especially useful when working with porcelain stoneware material.


The longer the tool, the higher its functionality. The small one will allow you to work only with tiles of certain sizes, and the long device is suitable for processing absolutely any floor and wall tiles. It is worth noting that the price of a tile cutter strictly depends on its length. But you shouldn’t save money and buy a short device. It’s better to pay more right away, but take a universal tile cutter, with which you can lay tiles diagonally without any problems. Otherwise, you will have to use a grinder, but it will leave a lot of dust in the room.

Smooth ride

Tile cutters equipped with bearings have the smoothest running. This parameter can only be checked in practice by cutting several tiles. The tool should provide an even cut and glide smoothly. The tile should break along the line that was marked.

How does a tile cutter work?

The main element of the presented tool is a steel cutting roller. Over time, it becomes dull, which negatively affects its productivity. The roller cannot be sharpened, so you will need to install a new one. Some models have a rotating ruler, which makes it possible to cut the material at an angle.

High-quality devices include additional settings necessary to change the thickness of the tiles. Due to this, the stroke of the shearing legs can be significantly reduced, thereby preventing the edge from crumbling during the cutting process.

A really good instrument sells for a fairly high price. Its price depends on the characteristics, as well as on the manufacturing company.

Manual tile cutter from popular brands

In addition to quality, the cost of the device is also influenced by the brand. Let's get acquainted with the manufacturers of tile cutters that have gained the most popularity.


Tools from this company are in great demand in many countries around the world. They are quite expensive, but are characterized by excellent quality, long service life and excellent assembly. Due to the rigid base and firmly fixed guide, the devices cut tiles perfectly evenly.

Separately, it is worth noting the RUBI TM-70 model, with the presence of an adjustable high-power separator. These tools can be used to process porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles. The separator is fixed in the range from six to twenty-one millimeters. The device is equipped with a chrome-plated guide, and its roller cutters reach twenty-two mm.

The Rubi company produces both inexpensive devices costing 2-3 thousand rubles, as well as professional tile cutters costing from 12 to 30 thousand rubles.

From Matrix

The most popular models from this manufacturer are the Matrix 600 and 500 mm manual tile cutters. The length of the frame of the first of them, as the name implies, reaches six hundred millimeters, which is quite enough to perform any work. At the same time, a manual tile cutter has only one guide rail. The package includes a ballerina for cutting shaped holes. The steel roller is capable of processing material up to sixteen millimeters thick. The tool has a high-strength frame, which guarantees its durability.

From Sigma

This company was born in the mid-90s of the last century, and over a long period has established itself quite well as a manufacturer of high-quality instruments. Sigma tile cutters are in demand both in the European and domestic markets.

It is recommended to pay attention to the 3CM model (MAX series - 72 cm). This is an excellent tool with a separation power that exceeds a thousand kilograms. With its help, it is possible to work even with the most difficult and thick materials. The device has a steel base, and the ruler is located close to the tiler, which is very convenient.

From Montolit

The presented company produces professional tools that allow you to carry out a large amount of work on processing materials of various sizes and strengths. Features a rigid design that provides excellent cutting without any defects. This device can easily handle even high-strength ceramic tiles.

From Stayer

It is worth paying attention to the Stayer 3310-60 model with a circular cutter, which is necessary for working with ceramics no more than fifteen millimeters thick. The tool makes circular cuts with a diameter of up to eighty millimeters. The maximum rotation speed reaches 1400 rpm, which is quite enough for high-quality cutting of thick and thin tiles.

Basic Plus 60

This is a high quality device for finishing work. Often it is necessary to adjust the material to certain conditions, in such a situation this model will help. The tool is ergonomic and convenient to use. It is small in size, but powerful and does not damage the tiles during processing.

The bed is made of aluminum, which makes cutting material easier and faster. The two nickel guides are highly rigid, giving an oval profile. The tool carriage is made of polymer. The extended handle significantly reduces cutting effort. The device can last for a long time without breakdowns.

How much does a tile cutter cost:

The average price on the market is 1500 - 4000 rubles. As already noted, you should not choose the least expensive models because... In addition to not being durable and not being easy to use, it is possible to ruin ceramic tiles, which are also not cheap.

Ceramic tiles have such a wide range of advantages that they are used almost everywhere in both residential and business premises. Its practicality, hygiene, and resistance to many aggressive influences are constantly expanding the scope of its application, and the owners of an increasing number of houses and apartments decide to use it in their homes as a finishing material.

If you are also planning to carry out a renovation and decide to lay tiles during it, then be prepared for the fact that at some point you will need tiles of non-standard length and width, i.e. tiles will have to. That is why, before starting work, you should always think about how to choose and purchase a good tile cutter.

Types of tile cutters

Since tiles have different characteristics depending on their purpose, the devices for cutting them also have some significant features. These devices are either electric or manual. The first ones are designed to carry out large-scale work and are, naturally, quite expensive. For home renovations, a good manual tile cutter is sufficient.

Ideal for small jobs, a manual tile cutter is quite easy to use. It consists of a cutting element, a protractor, a floating base and a guide that eliminates the formation of backlash. Using a manual tile cutter you can cut tiles up to 1.5 cm thick.

You can often find tile cutters in the form of tongs, which look like pliers. They are used, as a rule, when it is necessary to adjust the size of a very small number of tiles. When using such a tool, an incision is made along the tile enamel using a diamond disk, then the tile is broken along the incision using a metal corner. Some manual tile cutters have a circular cutter that allows you to make circular cuts of the required diameter.

What to look for when choosing a manual tile cutter

Frame reliability

You should make sure that the frame frame is really strong, since this greatly determines the service life of the entire device. To avoid shock absorption during the tile splitting process, the base must be steel and must be of sufficient thickness. The presence of depreciation can cause an increase in the scrap rate. If you have a choice of several manual tile cutters, then preference should be given to the one with the longest handle. The length of the handle determines the moment of force when pressing, which is especially important when working with porcelain tiles.

Device length

The greater the length of a tile cutter, the greater its versatility. If the length of the tile cutter is short, then the range of work with it will be limited only to tiles of a strictly defined size. If the machine is long enough, then it can be used to process any floor and wall tiles. It is worth emphasizing, however, that the cost of the tool is directly proportional to its length.

Smooth ride

The smoothest running is for those flat cutters that are installed. This parameter can only be checked in practice by cutting several tiles. The tile cutter must produce an even and straight cut, and the sliding must be smooth. The breaking of the tile must occur strictly along the intended line.

Materials such as ceramic tiles are widely popular in construction. This material has many advantages, but a significant drawback is the need to use special tools for cutting tiles. One of the effective construction tools for working with tiles is a manual tile cutter. Before buying such a tool, you need to know the features of your choice.

The basis of the design of a manual tile cutter is the following elements:

  • Platform, base or bed.
  • A cutting roller equipped with a foot for breaking tiles.
  • Guide rail.
  • A handle that is combined with a roller.

A good manual tile cutter is usually made from high-quality steel. Not only the efficiency of the tool, but also its reliability and durability depends on the quality of the material.

The bed is the basis of the tool, so this element is made of solid stamped metal. To ensure the immobility of the tiles that are being cut, the platform is equipped with stiffening ribs and is also covered with rubber strips. The platform can be equipped with an additional ruler and protractor. The length of the tool base starts from 300 mm. This tile cutter is suitable for cutting small-sized ceramic tiles. There are products of longer lengths designed for larger building materials.

The cutting roller complete with the carriage moves along guides. The design of the carriage may vary, depending on the cost of the tool. The roller is made of high-strength steel, the quality of which may vary depending on the price of the tile cutter. Typically, the rollers can be replaced when the cutting part becomes dull.

Guides are often presented in the form of tubes. With their help, the carriage moves. The stability of the tool depends on the strength of the guides. The handle and cutter are connected into one unit, the movement of which is ensured by guides. Manual tile cutters are divided into three main types:

  • Roller. The cutting element is a roller.
  • Mechanical. Equipped with a rigid carriage with a handle.
  • Bearing. Used for cutting thick and durable ceramic tiles.

Characteristics of manual tile cutters

The operating principle of a tile cutter is similar to that of an ordinary glass cutter.

The tile cutter has a special diamond coating, which allows you to scratch the cutting line, after which the tile breaks easily. The frame allows you to securely fix ceramic tiles of different thicknesses. A cutting wheel or roller runs along the entire length of the bed. Depending on the size of the tile, the roller moves along the guides, thereby cutting the tile.

The advantages of manual tile cutters are due to the following factors:

  1. Device mobility. The tool is quite compact, so it is not only easy to transport, but also to store.
  2. Compactness.
  3. Light weight. The weight of the tool depends on the length of the bed, but usually it does not exceed 2-3 kg.
  4. Independence from electricity. The tool does not require a network connection, as it works manually.
  5. Safety.

If you previously had to resort to using a grinder to cut tiles, which resulted in damage to the material, now you can purchase a manual tile cutter and forget about the problems.

We will learn more about how to select a manual tile cutter below.

What to look for when choosing

To purchase the best manual tile cutter, you need to pay attention to the following important factors:

  1. Appearance. When choosing, you should pay attention to the base of the tool, which should be thick, rigid and durable. The ability to apply great force to cut the material and the accuracy of the cut depend on this.
  2. Working area length. To avoid having to buy another tile cutter later, you should first decide on the size of the tile that you plan to cut. The optimal length of a manual tile cutter is 600 mm, but you can take more.
  3. Handle length. The longer the handle, the less effort the master will have to apply to cut the tiles. This is especially true when you plan to work with porcelain tiles.
  4. Smooth running of the carriage. The movement of the carriage along the guides should be smooth and there should be no jams or jams. If the tool has bearings, then this is good, but such a tile cutter will be many times more expensive than an analogue without them.
  5. Cutting roller. The roller should not have any play, and it should also be possible to replace it. If the roller becomes dull, it can be replaced. If the tool does not have the ability to replace the roller, then after it is dulled, the entire unit will need to be disposed of.
  6. The presence of a ballerina. It is a device that allows you to cut holes in tiles. You should purchase products with a ballerina only if such an option is necessary. The quality of ballerinas on tile cutters is low, so you should not count on long-term operation of this device.

How to choose a manual tile cutter? This question is asked by every craftsman who has to work with tiles. Experienced specialists know how to choose a good and reliable tile cutter. Which tile cutter is best to choose also depends on the manufacturer. Tile cutters from popular brands will cost more, but you can be sure of their quality and reliability. Popular models include the following instruments: RUBI, Sigma, Stayer, Matrix and others.

Although manual tile cutters are one of the safest tools, it is important to follow safety precautions when working with them. The presence of a cutting roller can lead to injury, but since the tool is manual, this probability is very low.

To prevent splinters from flying into your eyes when cutting tiles, you should wear special glasses. When working, use work gloves to prevent serious injury.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is recommended to store the tool in places with low humidity to avoid corrosion. The tool is quite reliable and practical, which will always be a faithful assistant when working with tiles.