home · Other · The Mannaz rune is reversed as advice to a person’s character. Rune Mannaz: Meaning and interpretation. What questions should you ask yourself when meditating on Mannaz?

The Mannaz rune is reversed as advice to a person’s character. Rune Mannaz: Meaning and interpretation. What questions should you ask yourself when meditating on Mannaz?

The main meaning of the Mannaz rune is the image of a person. It is a symbol that can be used to designate a specific individual or group of individuals. Mannaz is practically not used as a single rune; it should be combined with other elements of the Elder Futhark. Mannaz is often used as a rune of help if you need to find your place in a team, establish cooperation, or receive support from higher powers.

Magic Application

The Mannaz rune inscription in combination with other Futhark elements is used if you want to achieve the following effects:

  • Build constructive relationships with family or team
  • Feel harmony with nature
  • Know yourself
  • Unleash your intellectual potential

We present to your attention several stakes made using the Mannaz symbol. These signs can be cut out on a wooden plank or depicted in red paint on a blank sheet of paper. To activate the runes, you need to touch each symbol one by one with the fingers of your left hand and say its name.

This becoming will allow you to achieve your intended goal. It can be deciphered as follows: Fehu - money, career; Mannaz is a person; Teyvaz - victory in competition with competitors; Vunyo - joy, success.

The following combination will be useful for schoolchildren, students and those who need to quickly acquire new knowledge. This becoming greatly enhances a person’s ability to learn. The formula includes three symbols: Fehu, Mannaz, Laguz.

This will help you get rid of a bad habit, such as alcohol addiction or gambling addiction. The first is the Soulu symbol, which, surrounded by the Mannaz rune, indicates a clear, unclouded consciousness. What follows is (overcoming limitations). Finishes by becoming a symbol of victory - Teyvaz.

Talisman with Mannaz symbol

The energy emitted by this sign helps a person fight excessive suspiciousness and uncertainty. Mannaz has the opposite effect on vain people - they become less ambitious, which allows them to set achievable goals. Mannaz influences the intellect and makes it possible to awaken creativity.

A single Mannaz sign can be used for quality and success. However, it must be borne in mind that this rune helps only serious, purposeful people. It will be very useful for a businessman or a person who wants to achieve career growth. But it will be of no use to gamblers or lottery lovers at all.

To activate the amulet, you need to be alone. It is advisable to leave the city apartment for a while and get out into nature. Place the talisman on your left palm, and cover it with your right hand on top. You need to sit in silence for some time, listening to your feelings. If you feel heat in your palms, tingling or like a slight “electrical discharge,” this means that the rune has awakened and is ready to work.

Other runes of the Elder Futhark

First att of Frey and Freya

Heimdall's second att

Third att of Tyr

The meaning of the Mannaz rune in the ancient tradition of the Germanic and Scandinavian peoples was inextricably linked with society. With this symbol you can achieve success. And in fortune telling, she will tell you exactly where and what your problems may be.

In the article:

The meaning of the Mannaz rune, inextricably linked with people

Located in the third atta relating to god of war Tyr, the Mannaz rune is a rather peaceful symbol. She is twentieth in the alphabetical series and fourth in the third atta. As the fourth symbol of the atta, it is a midwife rune, which has a very direct bearing on its meaning. Translated into Russian, the name of this rune is designated as “man”. And the runic poem of ancient Iceland characterizes it this way:

Man is human joy,
Adding ashes
Ship decoration.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz - the personification of a person in Scandinavian magic

It is quite difficult to understand the interpretation of these mysterious lines if you do not know the allegorical traditions of the Icelandic sagas. However, this rune is also mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon version of the rune poem, which is distinguished by greater simplicity of the syllable:

A man is in joy with his dear relatives,
Although separation is destined for everyone.
For she will be betrayed by the lord's decree
This flesh is fragile, damp earth.

The runic poem clearly states that the fate of a person is to be born, live and die. The allegory of the ancient Icelanders called birth in this case “the addition of dust.” Ancient people were much calmer about death and knew about its inevitability. In this rune, the human essence is revealed as fully as possible.

It can be used for many purposes, and its interpretation in divination can be very confusing. At the same time, it practically has no negative or positive connotation in itself. The final result of its magical use or the final interpretation during fortune telling will depend on the action of other runes and various third-party factors.

Interpretation of the Mannaz rune in an inverted and upright position

First of all, in most fortune telling, the Mannaz rune itself indicates either the people around a person, or his own awareness of himself as part of society. This symbol is always associated with interpersonal relationships and is the personification of humanity as part of the Universe. Based on this, it is quite easy to learn about the interpretation of Mannaz in fortune telling.

Thus, direct Mannaz in fortune telling about the situation tells that the answer to the question you are interested in is in the people around you. Perhaps you should be more attentive to the advice of your friends or family. It is in the people around you that the answer to your question will lie. Inverted Mannaz warns that you have an enemy. This could be a colleague trying to take your place, an envious person, or a thief lurking in your social circle. This is not a random person, but someone with whom you are relatively familiar.

In fortune-telling about relationships, Mannaz can tell you that you are trying to suppress your partner and are forcibly pushing him into your framework. You should be a less assertive person. Inverted Mannaz indicates that you are the one who has fallen into the sphere of influence of the one you love. This person takes advantage of you and dominates the relationship. But it is not a fact that this is the result of conscious actions. It is very likely that your significant other simply does not understand how such an attitude affects you.

Overall, Mannaz is a very good rune for clarification. Together with other runes, it necessarily points to a person or a certain group, or to the questioner himself. Other runes can easily help clarify any interpretation and find the answer to the question in the people around you.

Using the Mannaz rune in magic

In magical art, the use of the Mannaz rune helps, first of all, to easily find contact with other people. With its help, you can achieve career growth, become the life of the party and simply easily attract others to you. This symbol is relatively safe - it can be painted on clothes, carried with you as a talisman or amulet. Moreover, this rune can be applied to the body, even as a tattoo. Of course, like any Nordic symbols from the ancient runic alphabet, excessive exposure to this rune may not be beneficial.

Mannaz = person

Thus, abuse of the magical power hidden in this symbol can make a person dependent on his environment. Or - to attract excessive attention and fame to him, which will only interfere with his life. If you use Mannaz by itself, without other runes and without creating scripts, then you can forget about loneliness throughout the entire duration of the created talisman. Therefore, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, realizing what rash handling of runic signs can lead to.

But by combining the Mannaz rune with other signs, you can achieve not only positive results. So, you can destroy someone’s relationship with the entire environment by using it together with this symbol. Or - send damage to loneliness by using. Runic magic provides a huge number of opportunities to achieve any goals.

In general, knowing everything that the Mannaz rune gives people will make it much easier to achieve all goals related to a career or relationships with society. This is a rather soft and easy-to-understand symbol, the power of which is unlikely to cause serious harm. Therefore, interpretations of fortune telling with it and the creation of runic talismans will be available even to a novice magician who is just learning the full power of sacred Scandinavian signs.

Mannaz is a rune that symbolizes man and humanity as a whole. The ego is formed under the influence and interaction of personalities. The variety of relationships between people is characterized by the rune and reflects concepts such as:

  • mutual assistance;
  • optimism, ingenuity;
  • friendship and compassion;
  • the presence of psychological problems, internal conflict;
  • personality self-esteem;
  • understanding.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz

Relations between people are far from perfect and are often ambiguous - this is reflected in the interpretation of events with the help of runes. The appearance of Mannaz in the chart is a symbol of the onset of the most successful life cycle. However, a successful period cannot arise on its own - it is possible only as a result of working on oneself. To do this, it is important to change your rhythm, to show moderation and modesty in everything.

If the Mannaz rune appears in the reading, then the fortuneteller can be sure that a wonderful time is coming for him, which will bring success, both professionally and in life situations. Everything is moving in the right direction and now there is no need to fight with fate. During this period, you should not expect financial losses or various troubles. However, you must be absolutely clear about your desires and confidently move towards your intended goal.

Don't doubt your endeavors. Life planning, efficiency and intelligence, responsibility, concern for mercy and generosity will bear fruit. Success guaranteed. Another interpretation of the Mannaz rune is described by the union between a woman and a man, which is created for the birth of a new life. The graphic symbol resembles a plexus of hands, smoothly turning into a unifying “we”.

Main meanings of the runes

The rune advises people to search for God not in distant countries, but in their own hearts. It reminds us of the connection between man and the divine. To do this, you should learn to see in the most ordinary things and in people not banal manifestations, but what is above everyday relationships. Find the strength within yourself to get rid of everything superficial and superfluous; in your aspirations, rely on restraint and modesty.

The main meaning of the upright position of the rune is human relationships and connections. Mannaz symbolizes intelligence, one's own Ego, ancestral memory and a sense of dignity. Uneven, complex, confusing relationships among close people are described by ambiguous interpretations of the rune.

Love and relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the rune makes it possible to understand that a person is not completely owned only by himself. Often situations in which a person is ready to obey rather than insist on his own indicate that it is necessary to maintain dignity. Having your own living space is another recommendation from Mannaz. With its help, a person gets the opportunity to retire to understand himself.

Work and career

Mannaz's direct position regarding work and career can be interpreted as the need for self-education, establishing contacts with business partners and colleagues. However, success will become possible only with a decent attitude towards yourself and others. A person must show common sense and intelligence. Therefore, you should adhere to moderation in all matters, but do not perceive the description of the alignment as a call to expect a miracle.

The meaning of the inverted rune Mannaz

If an inverted rune appears in the layout, then it symbolizes the beginning of actions by enemies, which will lead to disruption of plans. In this case, the person will not receive help from friends. Therefore, we can state that the person found himself alone with his problems. Moreover, the appearance of an inverted Mannaz is related to both the external and internal problems of the fortuneteller. It indicates that unresolved internal problems are preventing you from achieving the desired result.

Vanity, pressure and unjustified haste can influence the lack of success. Reversed Mannaz is often used to overcome old habits. It can describe relationships with a person who has a completely different culture, worldview, and also interpret hidden phobias and complexes that significantly complicate the life of a fortuneteller.

Love and relationships

The position of Mannaz in reverse can be an interpretation of selfishness, alienation of partners, lack of love. The layout describes the situation that arises between people trying to find a flaw in their partner. If there is a feeling of unfair treatment from a partner, then the appearance of an inverted Mannaz should be perceived as a warning. All attempts to counteract a partner can be programmed by the opponent.

Work and career

The inverted Mannaz that appears in the scenario gives the person a description of the possibility of the appearance of competitors. A person should consider his own shortcomings. Traits such as achieving what you want at any cost, short-sightedness, and forgetfulness can cause significant harm.

The advice of the rune in the upright position is aimed at demonstrating maximum modesty, the absence of demands for immediate reward. Slowly prepare yourself for self-improvement, for the search for the meaning of life.

The inverted position of the rune encourages you to search for the source of the problem in your internal state. Clear recognition of the negative sides of your personality helps you change for the better. Help can come from the most unexpected quarters - often in the form of advice.

Magical use of Mannaz

The Mannaz rune can influence a group of individuals or an individual, as well as an organization. Its power is used in attempts to attract supporters and pacify enemies. A rune is used to designate a person if his name cannot be found out. The energy of the rune is aimed at creating a favorable environment in the team. Can be used in meditation. With the help of the magical power of Mannaz you can:

  1. implement your ambitious projects;
  2. harmonize relationships in the team;
  3. attract the attention of the required object;
  4. find a person with whom you have not had contact for a long time;
  5. resolve the conflict;
  6. get support during a difficult period of life;
  7. heal a person from a distance.

Talismans and amulets made from runes

Mannaz is used to create a talisman for success and money. However, it provides support only to purposeful people, and does not help gamblers or gambling individuals. The energy from the talisman helps to get rid of uncertainty and excessive suspiciousness. Awakens intelligence and creativity.

The connection of the rune with higher powers endows the owner of the talisman with magical abilities, develops the ability to interpret mystical phenomena and signs; opens the gift of prediction. With the help of Mannaz, changes occur in a person’s inner world and true knowledge is acquired. To create such a talisman, oak, maple, pine or ash are used.

The meaning of the Mannaz rune as a tattoo

To use the magical power of a rune, it can be applied to the body in the form of a tattoo. The tattoo is placed on an area of ​​the body in such a way that it does not catch the eye of strangers, otherwise they will not patronize it.

The meaning of the tattoo is enhanced if combinations of different runes are used. Their exact combination for a specific situation provides a solution to a life problem.

Formulas with the rune Mannaz

Application of various combinations of Mannaz with other runes:

  1. Mannaz - Ansuz - Yera - mental processes are enhanced. The thought process develops harmoniously and influences self-knowledge.
  2. Mannaz - Isa in the scenario warns about the presence of internal stagnation.
  3. Ansuz – Mannaz – Jagaz – finding balance in the midst of chaos. Symbolizes striving forward. Directs the flow of thought in the necessary direction.
  4. Mannaz - Raido symbolizes achieving success as a result of creative, intellectual research.
  5. Perth - Mannaz characterizes a person as having the abilities of a psychic, a magician. Having learned about this, a person needs to begin their development.
  6. Raido - Mannaz - Ansuz suggests choosing the right path, which is prophesied to a person by higher powers.
  7. Yera - Ansuz - Mannaz-Yera strengthening the moral principle, manifestation of wisdom.
  8. Laguz - Mannaz - a combination of runes describes the ability of a partner who wants to become an excellent adviser, a true friend.
  9. The Algiz-Mannaz runes inverted indicate a person’s tendency to take actions and concede in resolving issues without their own benefit.
  10. Ansuz - Mannaz - Algiz influences the search for a companion, totem, guardian angel. Helps to establish a connection with them.
  11. Soulu – Yera – Mannaz is a formula aimed at self-realization and gaining a well-deserved reward.
  12. Odal - Mannaz - the mutual influence of these two runes indicates increased attention to the material side of the matter, otherwise problems may arise associated with loss of reputation.
  13. Teyvaz - Mannaz demonstrates the losses that accompany an assertive and hurrying person.
  14. Mannaz - Teyvaz - Nautiz helps solve many problems, including getting rid of bad habits (smoking).
  15. Fehu - Teyvaz - Vunyo - Mannaz, this type of formula allows you to defeat your competitor and occupy the desired position that promises financial prosperity.

Bor (Scand.-German. Boer, Borr, Bur, “Born”): one of the original gods of the Old Norse pantheon. He wooed the giants' daughter Bestla, and three sons were born to them - Odin, Vili and Be, also known as Ingvion, Germinon and Istion.

Heimdall: guardian of the gods and brightest of the Aesir: born of 9 mothers. People are his children. Stands guard near the Bifröst bridge so that the sons of the fire giant Muspel do not break out of Muspelheim. According to the myth, he lost his ear, but received the gift of unusually acute hearing - just as Odin, having lost his eye, became all-seeing. X. is a symbol of power, giving the ability to hear the unspoken and receive silent knowledge.

Astrological archetype: Aquarius (Saturn + South Node).
Archetype of the Arthurian cycle: The chivalric ideal, the “code of bushido”.
Tree: grape (vitis).
Zodiac: 1st floor sign of Libra (September 22 - October 8).
Number: 15 or 8.
Character: magnetic rune.
Essence: reversible rune.



Heimdall /Odin /Heimdall/Odin

Rock crystal;Citrine;Amethyst.


Genus See rune Anzus
Prove/Prono/ Ancient god of justice.

All runologists unconditionally associate Mannaz directly with a person. But in this case, a person manifests himself primarily as a creator. I think I won’t be much mistaken if I say that Mannaz is the Rune of the Creator, since the microcosm is similar to the macrocosm.

Varg Vickerens in his book “Varg’s Speeches 2” writes that the name Bor comes from the word borr - “man”. It would be quite logical to assume a connection between Mannaz and Bor. There is also an obvious connection with Buri, a creature freed from the ice by the cow Aumdula (aka Zemun in Slavic mythology). So Buri is translated as “Parent” (as Anna Kaya states in her book “Runes”). In Slavic mythology, Rod accommodates both characters Buri and Bor, since Buri and Bor form the Parent-Man connection, and Rod, according to some beliefs, gave birth to itself. Therefore, we can establish the following connection Mannaz – Rod (Storms (Bor)).

The Mannaz rune symbolizes the Self or Ego. This rune is literally “roof-flying.” But, as you know, a strong and wise person is adapted to any realization - “a good roof flies by itself.”

Have you noticed what happens when you listen to your favorite music? You become imbued with the music, merge with it, identify with it. Stop! And where is the person himself at this moment? In a good meditative experience the Self actually dissolves. And the fact that this I then reassembles does not mean at all that at the moment when a person experienced merging with space, the Ego existed. He really wasn't there. The experience of freedom from oneself, the loss of the boundaries of one’s own Self, gave a person energy and connected him with the Force. Man was not just imbued with Power - he became space, he ceased to be himself.

People unconsciously strive for such experiences - losing oneself, dissolving individuality. Where is a person when he merges in love with another? Where is the “I” of a woman rushing to protect a baby? It includes the child. It is inextricably linked with him. Where am I of a person going to great deeds? Where is it? There is only one answer. He's gone. It is in such moments of personal eruptions, ecstasies, explosions of humanity that we do not observe a person. We do not see a limited form. A picture of the omnipotence of someone who just a minute ago was called a man is revealed to us. We see his omnipotence, absorption in the process, his complete sacrifice. Sacrifice in this case is a rejection of oneself and one’s own limitations.

The rune Mannaz has another name - humanity, people; because the Ego is a product of human interaction. God in the form of people plays with himself and calls the pieces of the mosaic people.
Helping others as overcoming selfishness. When we help from the heart, from the soul, just like that, at the behest of a higher inspiration, at that moment we are not there. And if help is aimed at getting something, this is already selfishness. The ego is designed in such a way that it obeys only its own interests. It directs all its forces to maintaining itself, delimiting itself from the environment and dividing into its own/not its own.
The rune personifies Man, his inner self. With the help of its energy, man gathers the world around him. In many cases, it depends on the person in what kind of world he lives. Mannaz makes it possible to project the world through oneself; a person always evaluates what is happening around him and inside him. The rune allows you to soberly assess your place in life, to find your niche in the vast field of this world. Mannaz gives you the energy to follow through life with a purpose, develop your Spirit, and fulfill your tasks. The rune develops thinking aimed at creation, allows you to direct internal abilities and talent in the right direction, develop yourself as an individual and as a unit of a billion consciousnesses. One of the main signs by which a person is perceived is intelligence; Mannaz develops intelligence, along with consciousness. But internal abilities and talents must be understood and conveyed to people, this is what Mannaz does. Of course, it is not necessary to open your talent for everyone to see, you can live quietly, calmly, go to work like everyone else, give birth, raise children, nurse grandchildren, be an honorary pensioner, but somewhere in your garage you can paint amazing pictures and compose incredible music , disassemble and rebuild the world piece by piece, Enlighten. This will also be a manifestation of talent, because it is not at all necessary to have universal gratitude and increase the sense of self-importance. For some, a small shack in the forest is enough to be happy, while others build huge skyscrapers, buy islands and make back billions. But this does not mean that the second one is happier. The main aspect of this rune is to find yourself here and now, to live in harmony with yourself, to develop intellect along with consciousness, to strive to take the maximum you need from life and give the same amount.
It is recommended to start all personal amulets with the Mannats rune. Why? You will understand this when we look at this rune in detail.

So, the first rune that we will study is the Mannaz rune. You can see her image on the board.

The meaning of the rune is Man. Me. A group of people.

The rune symbolizes interdependence, the mental order of the gods, and the request for mutual help from others. This is the power of the rational mind. One of the key runes in compiling runescripts for an individual or a certain group of people. If we are talking about cooperation, connection or the love action of an amulet, then runes are built around the Mannats rune, symbolizing any circumstances and situations. So, according to their importance in the weaker side, runes are built around Mannats. We will study how this is done a little later.

In addition, this rune is very convenient in its shape for tying and stringing other runes onto it, because it contains elements of many runes, which means that when they are connected, many lines will overlap each other, which will significantly reduce the complexity of the runescript itself. This rune belongs to the invertible ones (that is, it can be placed in the runescript both in a straight image and in an upside down one, although special attention should be paid to the fact that the vector of influence of the rune in this case changes to the opposite), but in practice (in amulets ) you almost never need to do this, unless to pursue the goals of punishment or complete neutralization of a person or group of people.

Summarizing all of the above, the use of this rune can provide:
1. Help from others
2.Development of memory and mind
3.Increasing personal power

So, as I already said, it is best to take the Mannats rune as the basis for a personal amulet. At the same time, one must clearly realize and even imagine that this rune symbolizes a specific person. During the entire compilation process, it is advisable to imagine its image, as, in fact, the purpose of this work. When writing, each subsequent rune should be felt exactly in the meaning in which you want to use it. All runescripts must be symmetrical, at least horizontally, and the runes in the runescript should be located closer to the center, the more important their meanings are for a given amulet.

A well-composed runescript is a runescript that can easily be imagined composed of matches and placed vertically in the form of a spatial structure. After all, all the runes are not flat, but three-dimensional, this can be seen if you look closely at them. Each rune seems to rise from the sheet - it is three-dimensional, and when rotated, initially invisible edges appear. Seeing them is very important - we will need it when studying rune spells.

Receiving this Rune indicates the long path that you had to go through to get to where you are now. Remember to give credit to yourself and those who have mentored you. Allow yourself to feel the joy of innocence once again and know that you are healing. For through healing we regain our lost innocence.

If you cut the Rune of Innocence in half, you will see the Rune of Serenity along with its mirror image. There is a promise and there is a blessing. After all, when serenity looks at itself in the mirror and recognizes its own likeness, then peace and understanding come to it - the companions of self-acceptance. Use this day to simplify your life. Bring harmony where you see strife and balance where there is none. Find time for prayer of remembrance and thanksgiving, offering prayer with childlike innocence.

If the MANNAZ rune appears in the reading, then we can say that good days are coming, bringing a positive aspect both in life and in the professional field. You have been walking through the desert for a long time, so that today you can start harvesting, sometimes even where there shouldn’t be any. Finally, you don’t need to fight fate, everything goes on as usual. The experience of life provides you with the opportunity to fully understand and feel that you have had happy moments in love, work, and health. Your work over time has provided opportunity for growth. Feel like a winner, you are capable of achieving amazing results. At this time, you should not live in anticipation of loss of material resources, deterioration of health, or simply unpleasant accidents.

You must clearly know what you want, what you expect from life, how to go towards your goal without succumbing to doubts in your endeavors. In this case, success is guaranteed.

Plan your life and actions. At present, intelligence and efficiency will help you. Be responsible, do not forget about generosity and mercy.

In the opposite sense, it will lead to vagueness in work, greed, which leads to financial problems. Aggression and arrogance will prevail in your actions. Take your appearance seriously; it must match your business qualities.

Having known ourselves, having determined our place in the world to realize ourselves as a Creative person, we can find the Divine Spark within ourselves. Those. some Talent. Here we will refer to the Kenaz rune. Insight. Voice of the Heart. But then you need to formulate this Something, present it in some form suitable for the world. Those. realize your talent in the world. This can be done with the help of intelligence. The second quality of the Mannaz rune. It is the intellect, the developed consciousness that makes it possible for the Inner Voice to sound in the world, to convey information to the world.

Isolation tests the boundaries of the ego.

The Mannaz rune symbolizes the Self or Ego. This rune is literally “roof-flying”. But, as you know, a strong and wise person is adapted to any realization - “a good roof flies by itself.”

Have you noticed what happens when you listen to your favorite music? You become imbued with the music, merge with it, identify with it. Stop! And where is the person himself at this moment? In a good meditative experience the Self actually dissolves. And the fact that this I then reassembles does not mean at all that at the moment when a person experienced merging with space, the Ego existed. He really wasn't there. The experience of freedom from oneself, the loss of the boundaries of one’s own Self, gave a person energy and connected him with the Force. Man was not just imbued with Power - he became space, he ceased to be himself.

People unconsciously strive for such experiences - losing oneself, dissolving individuality. Where is a person when he merges in love with another? Where is the “I” of a woman rushing to protect a baby? It includes the child. It is inextricably linked with him. Where am I of a person going to great deeds? Where is it? There is only one answer. He's gone. It is in such moments of personal eruptions, ecstasies, explosions of humanity that we do not observe a person. We do not see a limited form. A picture of the omnipotence of someone who just a minute ago was called a man is revealed to us. We see his omnipotence, absorption in the process, his complete sacrifice. Sacrifice in this case is a rejection of oneself and one’s own limitations.

The rune Mannaz has another name - humanity, people; because the Ego is a product of human interaction. God in the form of people plays with himself and calls the pieces of the mosaic people.


Helping others as overcoming selfishness. When we help from the heart, from the soul, just like that, at the behest of a higher inspiration, at that moment we are not there. And if help is aimed at getting something, this is already selfishness. The ego is designed in such a way that it obeys only its own interests. It directs all its forces to maintaining itself, delimiting itself from the environment and dividing into its own/not its own.

Mannaz is ruled by Neptune (the energy of sacrifice, bestowal, service - non-egoistic states or, as they are called, impersonal). In helping others, a person becomes God. He merges with the other and views his action as service to himself. If a person is sincere in service, this is how it actually turns out.

When Neptune turns on, the boundaries of the human Self are blurred, and it’s as if we don’t exist.

Compassion and friendship also act as an experience of impersonality. What is the expression “Giving your life for a friend” worth - the same experience of overcoming selfishness. Unfortunately, modern civilization is centered on the problems of the Ego, and everything that is done in our culture is a complete egoistic action. The principle of competition is normal; Doing good for others so that you can feel good is normal; help another so that he can later save you - that’s right. But just to help, without thinking about yourself?! Modern man does not understand this. He does not allow, in principle, the possibility of serving another as oneself. But misunderstanding lasts as long as it seems to a person that he exists. Having become a saint (when he is no longer), a person easily makes friends, helps and gives part of himself (body, time, soul, etc.) to another. The principle of impersonality is precisely to help anyone else. Because the members of our family are not completely different. For example, many parents boast that their children are the smartest. But the main thing is not the children, but the fact that these are their children, their own.

Helping family members is forced to be a very subtle form of serving the Ego. But impersonal help to no one knows whom and no one knows why is a truly holy act. Such actions are holy not in terms of the level of accomplishment (a holy man!), but in terms of the psychological mechanism. A person seemingly sacrifices his part for others and seems to have to feel the loss, but for him this sacrifice simply does not exist. The essence of a true sacrifice lies precisely in the absence of the feeling of sacrifice: “Here, take it, take it away!” How can you destroy or lose something that doesn't really exist?

The Ego has a powerful tool for strengthening itself - memory. It is known that when a person loses his memory, he seems to lose himself. He can't remember where he is, who he is or where he comes from. You've probably noticed what horror awakens in us when in a film we see a hero who has lost his memory. The wife laments over Vasya’s bed: “Vasya, it’s me, your wife. And this is your son, Petya. Vasya, wake up, where are you?” And Vasya became a saint. He loves this person, and this, and the other, and all together. But she doesn’t like this kind of love: “Why, this is my Vasya. He should recognize me first of all and our son Petya.” No, he did not forget either his wife or Petya. He just loves them like everyone else. “How is it - everyone? We are closer to him,” the wife is indignant.

The mind is also hidden in the chest of tools of the Ego - a means of exalting individuality, separateness. It was mentioned earlier that the mind is built on opposition. The activity of the mind is based on negation, polarities, opposites. Therefore, the development of intellect, reason, mind inevitably separates a person from the environment. Only feelings and experiences can unite a person and the world. Reason, mind, intellect, formulations - all these are defining phenomena that separate us from the world. The development of reason is fraught with the growth of pride. Therefore, the Christian tradition declared civilization to be rational, demonic. Having gone through numerous tests, the saints said that the Ego is strengthened by the development of the intellect. If a person wants to overcome his selfishness, to abandon the Ego, then he should not rely on reason in this. Reason is an instrument of fixation, assertion of one’s isolation, formation of one’s individuality.

In the symbolic field of Neptune there is also the religion "nisudh". We determine the importance or unimportance of something from the standpoint of the Ego: pleasant or unpleasant, painful or not painful, etc. The path to liberation from the Ego is through the awareness of “nisudh” (it doesn’t matter). Whenever something good happens to us, we should remember nisudh. If something bad happens - again nisudh. This word is the antidote to selfishness. It dissolves the framework of personal isolation in a Neptunian way. Like acid, the word nisudh corrodes the walls of the Ego and unites a person with the world. Someone ate someone - nisudh. Someone gave birth to someone - nisudh. This does not at all push a person into total indifference. This is a cure against excessive self-importance and giving something a very high status from the standpoint of the Ego. Nisudh eliminates excessive emotional tensions provoked by the Ego and frees one from the chains of attachment.

The central concepts of Mannaz are modesty and humility. Mannaz symbolizes not only the provision of help, but the ability to receive it.

People often feel a strange sense of pride when they are lucky. Pride is justified if, for example, you have done something for someone: “That’s how big, influential, and giving I am.” Or in case of confrontation: “Wow, how strong I am, try to eat me!” But pride is completely incomprehensible when a person is lucky: he wins the lottery, receives a gift, or successfully builds a career. Mannaz requires that accepting help be humble. A person must understand that the recipient, i.e. he does not deserve help, because it is always a miracle. And any luck is also a miracle. A person is happy when there are no economic relations between him and the world: you - to me, I - to you. When he begins to lay out his relationships with the world on a calculator, that is, to interfere with his reason in the living, unpredictable, uncontrollable flow of exchange with the environment, then he becomes unhappy.

A person is unhappy when he receives too much, because he fears that this cornucopia will be taken away. And a person is also unhappy when he receives (according to his ideas) too little. He wonders where is everything else? However, you will never know how much you are entitled to. There is no large computer in nature that counts sins in a past life and displays the measure of retribution or retribution. In fact, all this is nisudh. In nature, some kind of total, comprehensive, living exchange takes place, where no one counts who got and how much.

This great lie of the egoists has crept into the Theosophical teaching and corrupts people who constantly turn to the words “karma”, “merit”, “retribution”, etc. Karma is a system of interactions and exchanges. And it is never possible to determine who deserved what, who received what rightfully or undeservedly. Karma is not a calculation. If karma is interpreted in this way, it will lead to the strengthening of the Ego, which is the opposite of the task of esotericism: freeing a person from the power of the Ego. It is impossible to get rid of the Ego itself. Otherwise, the person simply will not exist. It will dissolve. The ego is an apparatus that holds cells, atoms, molecules, knowledge together. As long as we are human, the Ego remains with us. But to get rid of its pressure, to stop being neurotic, to stop being a slave to one’s own delusions - this is the goal of esotericism. The profane interpretation of karma only cements the Ego. In this regard, the following motto is very indicative: “In the face of the Absolute, nothing is deserved, but everything is wonderful and gracious.”

Reading the books of Friedrich Nietzsche is of great benefit in this regard. His books are healing in that they sweep aside the rational calculations of fate, free a person from the stupid philosophy of “you owe me” and bring you closer to the realization that life is mysterious and unpredictable. The most striking and closest in style and mood to the symbolism of the Mannaz rune is the work of F. Nietzsche - “Human, too human.”

The rune Mannaz itself, the Ego itself, is something very human, fundamentally not inherent in nature, at least in the form in which the Ego has now reigned on the throne of humanity, triumphing in the minds of tormented people.

The ego creates barriers, walls, limitations. Protection, defense, struggle give rise to fear. It makes us look like people defending a village from which everyone has left. We are protecting the borders of a non-existent state, defending what no one needs. And as soon as we begin to realize the illusory nature of egoic constructions, we truly gain freedom. The desire to overcome the framework of the Ego releases colossal forces in a person, because a huge amount of them goes to maintaining the illusion of separation, barriers, protection, struggle, defense, fears, anxieties, possession, possessiveness, etc. Almost all the energy that can be directed to joy, love, freedom is spent on what does not exist.

According to Buddhist concepts, the Ego is a complex of myriads of psychic particles. They either fall apart or come back together, like the mosaic of a kaleidoscope: as soon as a person turns around, there is a new rebirth. But we are not used to thinking about ourselves this way. We define, name, remember. However, all our ideas about ourselves (past, future incarnations, etc.) are an illusion of the formative intellect. As soon as we take a closer look at the mechanisms of consolidation of psychic particles of the Ego, we are convinced of their dubious existence. And then the fear of losing the Ego comes. We are afraid of losing it because we do not know other states. But sooner or later a person will have to learn to fly, swim, soar, be everywhere and nowhere. A person must learn to be different so that in the morning he does not know who woke up.

The next element of the symbolic field of Mannaz is the illusory feeling of self-worth, which bulges in immodesty and excess. There are two criteria indicating that a person is freed from egoism. Firstly, such a person stops demanding what he deserves. Secondly, he no longer artificially attracts the attention of other people.

Liberation from feelings of guilt and false responsibility deprives a person of pride and a sense of self-worth.

Only the very humble are capable of not blaming themselves. The great lie in humility manifests itself as self-abasement. True humility does not talk about itself at all. A humble person does not mean himself. He stops saying “I”. True humility in speech, in relationships between people, is very hard work, because the stream of consciousness is organized through speech around ideas about “I”. The Russian language is rather poor in terms of impersonal sentences. We define the doer and cannot define the process. This is how Chinese differs from European languages. It contains a lot of procedural expressions. With the help of this language one can disidentify with the subject and leave the action on its own.

Our language is built on the principles of the egoic civilization of divided fragments of humanity (people). That is why it is so difficult for us to unite and love. There is I and there is HE: “Why would I let myself out in front of him?” We don’t even think about the fact that no matter how you get out, you’re not there. And then the problem is removed. But we cannot agree psychologically, because we have grown in soul, because we enjoy our I-ness, our existence. A person’s maturity, his true growth, are determined by how easily he frees himself from egoic attachments, personal judgments, and self-evaluations. And then he becomes invisible, unnoticeable. He does not beat his chest and does not shout: “Guys, look how spiritual I am!” He ceases to be registered by people and noticed by them.

When Mannaz comes, it’s time to look at yourself in the mirror, that is, take an inventory of the garbage and reconsider the main mistakes. With what pleasure we sort through garbage: family albums, letters, all sorts of “crusts” and other interesting things that confirm our reality. What kind of person is this if, to confirm his own reality, he needs a “crust” or a medal, or a birthday congratulation on the radio? He lives and doubts whether he exists or does not exist. They said on the radio - that means I exist, people think so. Mannaz's action indicates the need to correct major errors. Well, the main mistake lies in the judgment that a person exists.

This problem is illuminated by the ancient Celtic motto: a person is glad for the upcoming path of a friend, although they face eternal separation.

The consequence of correcting errors is enlightenment. There was one moment in the life of our generation that was surprisingly similar to enlightenment. The country exploded into the Subtle World, but no one drew any conclusions. July 1980, Luzhniki Olympics in Moscow: "Goodbye, our little bear!" This bear is the shell of our Ego, when it inevitably leaves, flies away, when soft music sounds, lights are on and no one will pull the bear’s paw and bring it back. A slow process, painfully painful and very light. Because without the bear you feel both empty and fresh. Light melancholy, light sadness is the state of a real person. Looking at the bear, the whole country forgot about personal squabbles, sorrows, and communism. At that moment, the whole country cried and was initiated into one of the highest nirvanic states. We have actually touched the highest layers of the Subtle World. And, unfortunately, they fell back.

Mannaz teaches man another lesson. The union of Spirit and Matter is not strong. The flesh always returns to mother earth. Therefore, many runists call Mannaz the rune of funeral (funeral of the Ego). The ego is an earthy, stony, hard, carnal, artificial form. It is made, invented, designed. Sooner or later the Spirit will leave her. When receiving Mannaz, we should think about the unimportant in ourselves, what we can give up, if not now, then in the future. Gradually we free ourselves from the shells, like an onion from its peel, we become freer and finally find happiness. Shells close a person from experiencing existence. They are a spacesuit that hides from us the joy of the sunrise, the joy of love, the joy of music. Reason, intellect, all-judgment, our eternal analysis, our eternal ratio of mine/not mine, like/dislike, pleasant/unpleasant - all this interferes with the flow, the murmur, the feeling, the touch. If we have a strong Ego: many titles, a reliable post, many fans, we are already sitting in a spacesuit. We no longer see little children, we no longer feel the leaves blooming. We are not here. Although, like real madmen, it seems to us that what we wanted has finally been achieved.

Mannaz corresponds to the biblical saying: "To Caesar the things that are Caesar's, to God the things that are God's."

Mannaz is the rune of liberation of the Spirit, renunciation of the Ego, the rune of a freely flying roof, but not in terms of social madness, but in terms of freedom, disidentification with shells and power over space, but not subjugating, but loving power, the power of unity.

Only the revision and alchemization of life impressions lead to a new birth. That is, to achieve a state of non-egoism, it is necessary to free yourself from garbage. The human psyche is a living organism just like the body. And periodically, a lot of toxins accumulate in the psyche. People drink herbs, pills, chemicals, cleansing the body, but forgetting to get rid of the garbage in their own heads, although it is this garbage that creates the very same bodily pollution. The only way to receive a new birth, to gain the opportunity to be transformed, is the path of Christ - the path of refusal, but not external, not ascetic, but refusal due to revision, revaluation of values. There are many things that are very important to us that we miss; and there is a lot of unnecessary, pseudo-valuable things that we drag along with us, which do not allow us to break through the suit of the Ego. At the same time, it is very unwise to abandon the human form.

The Ego has its own mystery: it exists and it does not exist at the same time. Human language cannot convey the experience of the simultaneous reality and unreality of the Ego. Buddhists, in order to stop being proud of themselves and at the same time preserve the human form, came up with a wonderful formula: thank Heaven for giving these hands, this body, this mind, language, these people, this country, soil, etc. The feeling of gratitude is the most unegoic experience. Gratitude to the whole for what you are is the most important act of parting with your shells. The bear flies away because he played the Olympics, the process is over.

Although Mannaz is ruled by Neptune, it is also the rune of the rational mind. Mercury, reason, became a great seducer of people, inspired them with its illusory omnipotence, and led them astray by the fact that the word acquired the status of objectivity. We no longer distinguish between the name and the real thing that stands behind it. Therefore, the thought expressed is a lie.

Under the influence of the Mannaz rune, the rational mind, reason is considered a mislead, seducer and tempter. And it is very important to pay attention to Neptune, which dissolves the dead husk of the Ego. Neptune of love, gratitude, prayer releases the living principle in a person and helps him part with what should no longer participate in the further process of life.

Mercury, Gemini rules a modern machine civilization in which the Ego has become an idol: great achievements, a respected person who has achieved a lot, has risen high, owns property. Although in reality the property owns him. We worship the Ego. We have strengthened it so much that we are already afraid of losing it. But it is precisely in false ideas about the Ego that the fear of death is rooted. Those who believe that the Ego is the person himself are afraid of death. A person who is not sure of his existence does not experience the fear of death. Children are not afraid of death; madmen who have lost their selfishness; saints, heroes. There is no fear in them, because they have nothing to lose, there is no structure left in them that they consider real. For example, for a hero going to a heroic deed, the people are much more real than himself, much more valuable, higher and more objective than his own existence. For the hero, his own reality is not comparable to the reality of what he protects. Therefore, sacrifice is a normal, natural condition of life, and not something special. Being a saint is not difficult at all. It is difficult to be a saint from the point of view of a person enclosed in the shell of the Ego spacesuit. If he has lost this shell, he lives and works without a sense of self-worth. A person who has achieved a non-egoic state does not experience suffering, pain, or hope. It cannot be threatened, it cannot be intimidated or bought.

Mannaz is the rune of paradoxes. On the one hand, you need to free yourself from the power of the Ego. On the other hand, the Ego is a product of the collective human unconscious, i.e. it cannot exist without people. The ego feeds on other people's appeals to us. Here is a man standing alone, and there is no Ego in him. A hundred people thought of him as a separate being - and this compressed the psycho-emotional atmosphere of the Ego. Hence the difficult situation in which popular, and even more so loved and welcomed, people find themselves. The psychological field of fans crystallizes their Ego. The method of relieving such pressure has been known since ancient times: a person goes into obscurity, changes his last name, first name, leaves his place of residence forever and starts life “from scratch.”

The second paradox of Mannaz - the mercurial process is rooted in the Neptunian aspect, i.e. Reason is a complete delusion, a complete illusion. Reason is just a game of fragments, behind which there is no reality, it is fragments of fragments, a reflection of the non-existent in numerous mirrors. Game of mirrors.

Another contradiction. Mannaz calls for help to other people, since help is the most active renunciation of the Ego. But while helping, a person simultaneously experiences very deep loneliness. Loneliness is a great temptation and a great temptation, this is a person squared. A lonely person who has not gotten rid of the illusion of the Ego suffers. Here it is Neptune, 12th house, prison, hospital. A person suffers from his lack of expression, the unsharedness of his experiences, from the fact that no one can appreciate him, no one indulges him. For a spiritual person, loneliness is a release, a departure from the excessive self-centered attention of other people. On the one hand, Mannaz symbolizes helping others - a socially approved act of compassion. On the other hand, a person is in a state of deep loneliness. When pulling out Mannaz, we must turn to ourselves and not interfere with anyone in this intimate process. We found ourselves in complete isolation. In a situation of returning to yourself. Everything that concerns the Ego is nisudh. Helping someone is important, gratitude is nisudh.

Mannaz controls strange states similar to walking on a razor's edge: believing without believing, affirming while doubting, listening without heeding, judging without judging, acting without acting. Moreover, one cannot give preference to one of the scales, because this is no longer nisudh, not Mannaz, not the middle path.

When Mannaz arrives, it is time for a major exam for a person. Mannaz tests for modesty, sincerity, and honesty. Not in front of someone, not even in front of God, but in front of himself. How does it feel to tell yourself that you are gone? When this rune falls out, a person becomes aware of himself as a point of merging of the dense and the subtle, the individual and the collective. Man is truly the center of the worlds, the focus of all things. But not in the sense that he controls all energies. He lives on the edge of everything: higher and lower, dense and subtle, chaos and space, external and internal, significant and insignificant. It is the crossing point. That is why they say that world balance depends on people.

Mannaz teaches you to live by imitating life, to play seriously, to be serious while playing. Flow, iridescence, liveliness, flexibility, openness can be experienced, but cannot be named. Mannaz teaches you to free yourself from the bonds of language. By giving it the status of objectivity, we obscure reality, the living world, from ourselves. We define sensations, but do not feel them, write books about experiences, but do not experience them, talk about Mannaz, instead of remaining silent.

Several mottos of Mannaz

True humanity is rooted in absolute independence.

Those who don't need help truly help.

The one who is truly brave is the one who has already died.

Freedom is the state of those who have lost everything.

The truly generous is the one who has nothing left to take with him.

The first and last rule of the wizard: people are stupid, and therefore do not want to know the truth. They need a target and an enemy. The goal is to rally around it. Enemy - to defend the goal. Truth does not presuppose a goal, an enemy, or even an action. Truth presupposes life - without goal, without enemy, without action. Unfortunately, the one who wins in the world is the one who indicates the goal, the enemy and tells how to fight him and how to achieve the goal. The winner is the one who can unite people around a false ideal (or idol). That is why it is said: “Do not make yourself an idol.” All gods are forms of the same Absolute.


An inverted rune poses a number of serious problems for a person. If direct Mannaz indicates that we do not exist, then in reverse it means that we do not understand that we do not exist.

In principle, reverse Mannaz symbolizes the fight against the Subtle Seven described by A. Podvodny, the fight against negative figures of the subconscious. In general, this is not quite the struggle that people are used to. Its distinctive feature: I saw, registered the figure and - nisudh, it doesn’t matter, and don’t rush around with it like a fool with a handbag. The reverse rune indicates the following: if any non-illusory activity is possible for a person, it is dealing with one’s subtle figures of the unconscious. Moreover, a person must cope with them on his own. Reverse Mannaz says that there is no one to expect help from, and you shouldn’t expect it in principle, because these are your internal problems. No one is able to make an effort of will for you. No one can cleanse your soul for you.

Reverse Mannaz indicates an internal enemy that provokes an attack from external enemies. She calls for dealing with internal enemies, i.e. with garbage activated and taking a certain form in the human psyche. Internal enemies take on various guises, pretend to be the person himself and engage in battle with each other. Unfortunately, people quickly forget that their disorders are related to the Subtle Seven. Reverse Mannaz reminds us of the need to look for the enemy within ourselves. Without disidentifying with him at the same time. That is, understanding that it is you who are playing your own strange games with yourself.

The most important motto of reverse Mannaz: secret enemies are messengers of the Absolute. They bring to life our inner phobias: what we fear, what we passionately desire, what we should give up.

Nothing is more sobering than the betrayal of friends. Moreover, they only truly betray their own people. And if we continue this wise saying, there is no one closer to you than yourself. Therefore, only you can truly betray yourself. So you are only betraying yourself. How? In the form of the Subtle Seven.

Man is always face to face with the Absolute.

The disease returns to the depths. Illness, 12th house, Neptune, punishment cell. This is the only way to go inside, rise up, understand yourself. External distractions do not add happiness.

Sacrifice is a dialogue with infinity. In this case, we are talking about the following problem: the root of any of our difficulties is in the egocentric alienation from our own Spirit and in the fact that we are too dependent on others.


A dialogue between lovers in the bedroom, farewell to the deceased, life imprisonment, illness, that is, negative external conditions - this is only a challenge from the Absolute to the actions of a person who has forgotten about prayer. These are attempts by the Absolute to return a person to himself, to his authenticity. We believe that spiritual things should be enjoyable. And we regard the unpleasant as unspiritual and erroneous.


The classic character of Mannaz is a teenager with a philosophical intoxication, entangled in logic, lost in the web of reason. The characters of the Mannaz rune include the Delphic Pythia. They never left their temple and had no right to earthly joys. Therefore, they did not depend on those who came to them, they were always frank and resolutely provided help, because they were absolutely free. Another character is blind Vanga.


“My light, mirror, tell me...” And to herself the queen adds: “Or else I’ll kill you if I don’t hear what I want.”

A jester at the king's court.

Advisor to the ruler.

Confession before execution.

Revealing a family secret on your deathbed.

Several mottos related to Neptune. We only dream of order and peace. The only form of life is flow. Although the flow itself has no form. Reality is limitlessness. There is no boundary between me and you, between me and reality. There are no boundaries in myself, no limits, for we are all fused, united. Neptune is responsible for universal love, permeating everything and embracing everyone. In this regard, all selves are dissolved into one. And the differences between them are illusory. Therefore, a person who penetrates into the essence of infinity does not fly away, does not go anywhere. He just disappears, becomes ordinary. He stops achieving and begins to carry out the life process.

We are equal particles of a single whole, carrying out the life process. This attitude dissolves many social problems, frees us from fear, from unnecessary hopes and hopes. But at the same time it gives joy to the moment. For every moment, wherever we are, whatever we do, we carry out the life process. By the right of a particle of the Absolute, by the right of one of the facets of the Absolute.

Amorphousness is the foundation of the world. Reality is all-possibility. This is a very deep motto.


Situation: self-development.
Challenge: expansion of consciousness and expansion of perceptions.
Warning: egocentrism.
Instruction: do not engage in open battle with the world or with yourself.
Advice: modesty.
Consolation: Your personality is only one of the countless facets of the Absolute.


Situation: clamping and damage.
Challenge: Inner Honesty.
Warning: Offense.
Indication: mobility.
Advice: humility.
Consolation: decide to deepen yourself.

The main problem of direct Mannaz was posed by Vivekananda in the book “Karma Yoga”: the ability to shift the emphasis from the goal to the process, from the result to the action and learn to perform it, forgetting about merits and grievances.

The main problem of reverse Mannaz is an instrumental attempt to change opinions about oneself by changing habitual stereotypes. Any habit we have is a stereotype that fixes our Self. It is enough to get up two hours earlier in the morning, break three mugs and take a bath in a milk bath, and our image of ourselves will immediately change. When a person receives reverse Mannaz, this is the first sign that he must look for himself by changing his usual way of acting. Our Self is fixed by habits, our Ego is fixed by automatically repeating stereotypical actions. And only by getting rid of them can a person touch new facets of his own being.

A few words about the archetype of water. Many astrologers believe that Neptune, not Pluto, is the deepest planet. Pluto begins a new, transhuman series. Neptune ends all human ideas, including the destruction of the Ego.

The first rule, corresponding to the archetype of water (in Neptune it is expressed extremely), says that there is no need to create illusions about complete deliverance from illusions. Illusions are irresistible. You just have to get rid of them, and it turns out that you are not there. Therefore, there will be no one to experience illusory states.

Second rule. Despite the apparent simplicity of the presentation, we are still talking about the deepest experiences. The water is bottomless, and the unconscious is quite complex. Therefore, going too deeply into these experiences is dangerous, because there is no gain in the madness of a person who has broken himself. The human form was not given to man so that he would give it up. The mystery of esotericism lies in the fact that it frees a person from the burden of the Ego while maintaining the human form.

The archetype of water is associated with the blurring of the boundaries of reason. Therefore, do not be surprised if during these experiences the words cease to work or turn out to be too contradictory. Blurring the boundaries of reason is a sign of the correctness of the experience. But you can't go too far. For a good journey, you need to stock up on strength and find out the right direction. Uncontrollable experiences are associated with water. Therefore, they should be treated with caution.

Neptune is an outwardly calm figure, but very dangerous for the human form. The bodies of the drowned dissolve without a trace, and coastal cities are erased much more effectively than Chronos and Saturn do. Neptune helps the brave, but does not forgive mistakes that are too serious or too careless. Courage is beyond seriousness and carelessness. Courage is overcoming them, an incomprehensible fusion of play and responsibility.

The archetype of the 12th house, the main house of the horoscope, because a person comes to it as a result of the completion of the cycle of earthly life. Any process comes to the 12th house. This is the last phase of the cycle. This is not just a phase of dying, it is a phase of deep transformation, alchemization of what has been accumulated, processed, assimilated. Sacrifice is a movement towards impersonality. Psychosis is the destruction of the instrument of the Self. The unconscious returns to us only what is ours. Motto of the 12th house: failures are the material of spiritual development.

Modern civilization has created a false cult of the winner, the cult of the Ego, the cult of limitation and superficiality. A true hero always loses, always sacrifices. The feat makes him pay with everything he is. And a winner always means “standing above someone, above something,” above a loser. However, failures not only can, but should also be considered as the material of true spiritual evolution. Failures are not evidence of illusory weakness or incompetence, they are a catastrophe of the Ego. This is their spiritual meaning.