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Eyvaz runes and their meaning. The meaning of the Eyvaz rune. Symbolic field of Eyvaz

Since ancient times, the Eyvaz rune was credited with magical powers and was identified with the symbol of knowledge. Eyvaz helps to reveal mysteries and illuminate the most carefully kept secrets.

The runic symbol "Eyvaz" helps illuminate the most closely kept secrets

A fortuneteller who has the Eyvaz rune is on the path of self-knowledge will soon have a very important secret revealed to him. Eyvaz is a strong rune, a powerful sign that should be used only for its intended purpose, so as not to harm yourself.

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune in the upright position for different areas of life

The literal translation of the runic symbol is horse. Ancient people used horses not only to participate in competitions and to help with housework, but also as the main form of transport. Therefore, the meaning of the Scandinavian rune Eyvaz is identified with physical strength and the possibility of spatial movement.

This is where the secondary meanings of the direct position of the rune appear: endurance and the desire to achieve goals; speed of reactions and the presence of a large amount of energy; pressure in performing tasks of various kinds.

Often the direct position of the rune is interpreted as a journey that will bring only useful acquaintances and skills to the fortuneteller. It may mean a change of place of residence, and matters related to such changes.

The appearance of this runic symbol during fortune telling prepares a person for the coming time of resolution of all active problems and difficulties. A fortuneteller will easily find a way out of difficult situations if he actively gets down to business.

In almost all books on the interpretation of runes, the direct position of Eyvaz promises:

  • Beneficial relationships at work, concluding contracts on the best terms for the fortuneteller, and establishing stability in the financial sector.
  • Success in love affairs. Already existing relationships will be harmonious and pleasant, and will definitely lead to a strong marriage. For those who are lonely, the Eyvaz rune has prepared a swift love adventure full of joy.
  • Luck and success in all areas of life. Fate favors the fortuneteller and constantly provides opportunities for self-improvement and development.
  • The Eyvaz rune prepares the questioner to travel by land.

The runic symbol “Eyvaz” prepares the asker for traveling by land

Some interpreters of runes say that the evaz rune requires the fortuneteller to change internally, to look at himself from the outside. Such internal changes will only be beneficial and all areas of life will be filled with positive moments.

Sphere of love and relationships

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune in fortune telling is ambiguous. It can be interpreted as harmony in love and relationships, and sometimes the meaning in love speaks of the desire of one of the partners to take a dominant position in the couple. Just like Perth, the Eyvaz rune in a relationship is interpreted as a fateful connection.

Beloved are destined for each other from above and must enter into a strong marriage. Sometimes the description of Eyvaz in a love scenario also contains information that the lovers were connected in a past life. In this life they were destined to meet again, since there were unresolved issues in the past.

When fortune telling for love involves a description of the object of desire, its character or material well-being, then the interpretation of the rune has a clear answer. The object of fortune telling is pleasant to talk to and has an easy-going character. They say about such people that they are easy-going. The subject easily makes new acquaintances and business relationships, knows how to carry on a conversation, and is intellectually developed. Such people are rarely low-income.

Situational interpretation

Depending on which runes lie next to Eyvaz in the layout, it is interpreted differently. Most often, the Eyvaz rune has a favorable meaning.

If the fortuneteller’s question is related to the financial sphere, then this runic symbol describes the onset of a period of financial growth. There is significant progress in business, all previously impossible tasks seem simple. The questioner easily makes new profitable acquaintances and develops his own business.

In a health scenario, Eyvaz indicates the absence of any complications in the nature of the disease, or the presence of hidden diseases. All illnesses remain in the past, the patient is on the mend.

If a fortuneteller asked a question about a certain plan that he cannot realize due to various circumstances, then the appearance of eyvaz is a sign of decisive action. The favorable moment has arrived and there is an upswing in all areas of life.

In its main meaning, Eyvaz is associated with travel and long trips. Therefore, if the fortuneteller asked a question about family relationships, it was time to visit distant relatives.

The runic symbol "Eyvaz" may indicate the need to meet with relatives

If the rune falls in an upright position, then the visit will be timed to coincide with a pleasant idle event. If the rune is in an inverted position, then a visit to distant relatives will be overshadowed by their painful condition.

Another meaning of this runic symbol in situational fortune-telling for relationships with loved ones is the onset of harmony and conflict resolution.

Reversed rune meaning

This inverted rune in the layout does not carry complete negativity. The main negative meaning is the impossibility of quickly implementing all planned plans. Things will have to be postponed for a while, as new unexpected details will be revealed that will slow down the process.

During your trip, unexpected obstacles may occur that require you to return home immediately. After eliminating such troubles, the journey can be continued without fear.

Sometimes an EVAZ in an inverted position indicates the impossibility of carrying out any business trips or urgent trips for work. The problems will be related to papers, nothing critical will happen.

If we summarize all the information, then the most complete interpretation of evaz speaks of the onset of changes in life, which carry a negative meaning only because of their suddenness. Such large-scale and excessively rapid changes are confusing, make you think and stop for a while.

But the interpretation of the layout will be incomplete without taking into account the neighboring runes in the layout with Evaz. If the alignment itself is negative and predicts the onset of an unfavorable period, the worse its meaning, the worse the meaning of eyvaz is interpreted.

If the fortuneteller is limited to a certain time frame, then the prediction will last only this period of time. Therefore, all serious activities should be postponed until the end of the unfavorable period.

Love and relationships

The inverted position of Eyvaz indicates the onset of an unfavorable period in the relationship. The lovers quarrel over all sorts of trifles, but the breakup is still far away.

The runic symbol “Eyvaz” foreshadows the onset of an unfavorable period in relationships

The runic symbol Eyvaz tells the fortuneteller that he made a mistake in choosing the ideal partner for himself. Such relationships will not be cloudless and are doomed to failure.

If you look at the layout in more detail, the combination of the Eyvaz rune with other symbols will tell you how to get rid of problems in your relationship with your partner and avoid their further occurrence. Sometimes runes indicate the need to receive advice from a more experienced and benevolent patron.

When Eyvaz falls in an inverted meaning to a lonely person, all this indicates the emergence of problems in his personal life due to high self-esteem and the desire to surpass his partner.

Fortune telling about the situation

An inverted evaz rune in a situation chart indicates the impossibility of resolving it at this time. But this does not mean that you should abandon your plan. You just have to wait out the unfavorable period and get down to business again with renewed vigor.

If the alignment itself is unfavorable for the fortuneteller, then Eyvaz also tells him about the onset of an unfavorable time, when it is better to postpone all matters until later.

If the alignment is positive, but this runic symbol falls in an inverted position, then the fortuneteller will soon find a solution to all his problems. The only condition is to accept the changes taking place around him.

When a fortuneteller asks a question regarding his business or work, Evaz gives a clear answer about the need to make a temporary stop. Even in your favorite business, which consistently generates profit, problems will appear.

To avoid serious financial losses, you should take a break for a while and think about restructuring. And new projects should be frozen for a while, otherwise you shouldn’t expect great results from them.

Sometimes EVAZ can indicate the machinations and intrigues of competitors. In such a situation, you should not cut from the shoulder; it is better to wait for some time until competitors reveal themselves. Then it will be easier to eliminate them, and their evil plans will not yield results.

Using the Eyvaz rune in the magical sphere

The main magical meaning of this rune is the activation of hidden processes. Evaz can transfer energy and strength to a business that has long lost its fast pace and stands still.

Eyvaz has the power to stir up and bring out even the most closed person from a spiritual stupor. The rune will give him new strength to move forward and open up new energies of life, all pre-existing conflicts will be resolved.

The rune helps to make the situation more flexible and suitable for manipulation, thereby it can be resolved in the shortest possible time and directed in the right direction.

Many healers use Eyvaz in their mystical rituals and conspiracies. It is intended to improve physical condition in the presence of chronic diseases. The disease will move from a dead place, the patient will begin to feel improvement.

If a person is afraid of a long journey, then this rune will help overcome fear and make the trip successful and safe in every sense. All movements will be easy, there will be no obstacles on the way. This rune is often recommended for drivers who make long journeys.

If we consider the meaning of the journey of this runic symbol in more detail, then astral movement can also be classified as a similar journey. This rune is often used by shamans, as it helps them easily move between worlds. Evaz is used in initiation rites and complex spells.

The advice of the rune is to constantly move. You shouldn’t get hung up on one thing, you need to be flexible, easily succumb to various changes and adapt to them. But we should not allow all these changes to be forced into life; this process should be guided. Proper distribution of strength and energy will help you find peace with yourself and improve your situation in all areas of life.

Keys of meaning: Protection, averting forces. Yew is an evergreen tree. Archery shot. Delay. Signs, risk. Danger warning. Clear mind. Fight for life. Assertiveness. Achieving your plans.

Long life. Reliability and trust. Frankness and openness in feelings and intentions. Perseverance. The problem is resolved.

Resistance to external factors. Negation. Changes. The desire for success and victory. Going out hunting. Rebirth. Connection of times. Rune of protection, or rather defense. Rune of a planned attack and overcoming obstacles. The connection between life and death, communication with the lower world. Temporal connection - past, present and future. Symbol of ancestral help. The classic meaning of the Eyvaz rune is a warrior and a weapon.

Element – ​​water.

Writing Runa Eyvaz. The first line is drawn from top to bottom. Next, an angle of 45 degrees is measured from the top point and a line is drawn down. Then an angle of 45 degrees is measured from the bottom point, and a point is placed for the third line. The third line is drawn from top to bottom. That is, from the measured point to the base.

Mottos of Rune Eyvaz. Refusing hasty action does not mean giving up persistence.

Insight comes from experience.

Anyone who remains a realist is always protected from ill-wishers.

Intuition is based on understanding the nature of universal connections and their interchange.

To find a middle ground, it is always worth considering alternative solutions to the problem.

The values ​​of Rune Eyvaz are emotional balance, contentment with little and satisfaction.

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune is the tree of life and death. This is the personification of strength, risk and hunting. This is a symbol of the internal processes that happen to a person. A testing time when you have to bend so as not to break.

Like a small sprout breaking through the asphalt. He is preparing to become a full-fledged trunk. Future tree. This is how a person breaks stereotypes, bends, but grows as a person.

A person finds himself on the edge of an abyss or in any other dangerous situation, that is, on the verge of defeat, if he cannot understand in time what state is necessary or what points should be relied upon.

The image of Eyvaz is both the tree itself and the personification of a hunting bow. A lot depends on how strong the bow is and whether it is flexible. This is a direct association with human life and human goals. The rune tree is Yew. It is traditionally used as a material for making bows. By properly aiming his bow, a man can direct his destiny.

Delays in the development of the situation can be given so that a person learns to correctly receive and accept support from above. Runa Eyvaz calls for expectation, teaches to ask, and sometimes even demand support or protection from a stronger one.

The meaning of the direct rune

Rune Eyvaz in an upright position means that a person is safe. His work is impeccable. There is no reason to be afraid, but there is no need to lose your head. Harmony and patronage from above work for the benefit of man. Now is a good time to achieve your goals.

Having received it in the layout, you can prepare for changes. The path will not be easy. There are difficulties ahead. A person will be able to overcome them. There is nothing to be afraid of. You need to be prepared. In return, the person will gain valuable experience. Thanks to this, achieving goals will be more fruitful.

When trials come into our lives, we gather our strength to neutralize or prevent blocking from ill-wishers and protect ourselves from defeat. At the same time, non-acceptance of the situation develops within us, which gives rise to stress and depression. If obstacles arise along the way, you should know that they can be beneficial. The most important thing is to stop in time and look around. You should not boldly rush forward, since now may not be the time or the situation when your actions will yield tangible results.

Be patient, know how to wait. Don't force yourself to act rashly. Don't regret the outcome of things. Now is a period of difficulties, overcoming which you will open the doors to a new life. Perhaps this will be a period of waiting in order to replenish your strength and gather your thoughts. Perseverance and forethought are the main qualities that must be demonstrated. Human wisdom lies in the ability to foresee the consequences of one's actions. All difficulties can be prevented by analyzing the situation and taking the right actions. We are not always the ones who make decisions, in most cases we are the ones who do. When the decision is conscious, action does not require much effort.

Any development comes through feelings of discomfort and anxiety. Now is a difficult period, but very important. Put your thoughts in order, clean the house, do what you love, achieve your goal, and most importantly, be sincere, first of all with yourself.

Foresight and intuition play an important role.

To see correctly means to soberly assess the current situation, to see the situation without any preferences. After this, clarity is brought and it becomes clear in which direction to move and what can be preferred.

The meaning of the reversed rune

In a positive scenario, Eyvaz means that important things have come to an end. Now is the time to leave the past behind you. It doesn't affect the future in any way. You need to live in the present.

In a negative version, the meaning of the rune is a warning. A period is coming when a person is vulnerable. He does not control the processes of his life. It will take a lot of effort to stay afloat. Otherwise, the “ship of life” risks sinking.

Rune Eyvaz in magic

  • The use of Eyvaz for magical purposes is used for:
  • Used to protect against evil spirits, damage, the evil eye and other misfortunes.
  • With its help, you can win “battles” with evil. Also, it is favorable in competitions.
  • Helps deal with obstacles by breaking them into fragments. Increases the chances of achieving the goal.
  • Help in eliminating rivals and adversaries.
  • Achieving victory in competitions.
  • Awareness of all levels of life.
  • Preventing negative impact from ill-wishers.
  • Getting rid of fears.
  • Help in finding harmony with yourself and nature.
  • Increased endurance. Stress resistance.
  • Help in revealing or seeing the body's hidden resources.
  • Strengthening power.
  • Gaining the ability to focus attention on priority matters. Set priorities.
  • Concentration of attention.
  • Receiving the truths of wisdom.
  • Help in bringing things to their logical conclusion.
  • Help in overcoming fears, primarily the fear of death.
  • Helps in healing. Directly connected to the spine.
  • Helps a person feel his perfection. Gives strength.
  • To use it in runic magic, you need to contact a specialist. It is the most magical rune. Wrong actions can lead to unpleasant and sometimes disastrous consequences.

The only method that can be used by a person personally is healing. It is used to treat the spine. A person should visualize its image on the affected area. The represented color is blue, turquoise, light blue.

Rune Eyvaz in fortune telling

In love

The appearance of Eyvaz in a love scenario speaks of dramatic changes. Partners who have been in a relationship for a long time will make a serious decision. Possible wedding or wedding. If this is not enough, the couple will learn about the imminent addition to the family. Those who have been harboring grievances against their spouse for a long time will be able to sort things out. The time has come for reconciliation and forgiveness.

Also, this is a time of global change for spouses who are not happy together. It’s better to figure everything out and get a divorce now. Discord must not be allowed; decisions must be made peacefully and calmly. Restraint of desires and emotions is necessary.

Reconciliation after discord or renewal of former passion, meeting after separation is possible.

If the question relates to the sphere of whether partners are suitable for each other, then the Eyvaz rune gives the answer that yes they are suitable. Also in these relationships, a process of getting used to and getting along together is possible. No matter how difficult this period may be, you must go through it with your head held high. It's worth it.

In a negative scenario, it is not the best time to make hasty decisions and demonstrate feelings that may not actually exist.

In health

Bad news for a sick person. Deterioration of condition. The period is difficult. The condition may worsen to the point of death. It is worth paying attention to your surroundings. Perhaps the outcome will be positive. A person will be able to get out of the clutches of the disease. He will need to be specifically concerned about changing his habits. Think about how to improve your condition and not get sick.

In progress

For a person, the Eyvaz rune has prepared many “surprises” along the way. Victories don't come easy. In this situation, the individual may become confused in his beliefs. How much patience do you have to endure humiliation at work? Or maybe it's time to change your field of activity? These are the thoughts that will come. Victories may require sacrifices, primarily financial ones.

Dismissal, or a difficult situation at work, or maybe just not the right thing, can become a direct impetus to action.

The man is worth more, and he has great plans. To bring benefit to the world and enjoy the profession. Difficult events will become an impetus for action. Change of job.

Difficulties or delays in decisions can be beneficial. Be patient and try to look through all the options to solve the problem to prevent unwanted consequences.

Do not fall for dubious offers and adventures, calculate your steps. Be careful.


Human life is like a house of cards. It takes a long time to build, but with one wrong move it crumbles. Also in life, a “fragile” period begins. Many decisions made now will determine which direction life will take. It is imaginable that everything is in the balance. Any action can affect the outcome of events. Everything is in the hands of man. If he sees the target and knows how to “shoot”, then he can safely aim and shoot!

Let's face it. Now is not the most favorable period. You have already lost something, and there are still difficult situations ahead. Fight for what you started. You are a strong and outspoken person with emotional stability. You are surrounded by honest people; they do not hide their sincere feelings and emotions.

Perhaps your strength is not enough to solve the problem. Most likely, you should seek help. It is also very important to overcome the reluctance to make a choice, because you will have to choose.

It is worth changing your behavior and attitude towards the situation, since it is this condition that has led you to a dead end. Act calmly and measuredly.

Runa Eyvaz encourages you to analyze, reason (you can even talk out loud), draw reasonable conclusions and, based on the information received, act in the right direction.


The rune indicates a Reliable person. It’s a pleasure to do business with such a person, because all conversations remain with her. A very intuitive person, prone to introspection. Great patience allows him to achieve his goals. People with this character do not like outside interference in their lives. Privacy is important to them.

You have created a good and strong defense around yourself and do not let anyone through it. With any attempts to pull you out of your defense, you withdraw into yourself even more. You are a very patient person. Your strength is silence. You know how to keep other people's secrets well and will not give them away under any pretext. You also know how to give a business the right impetus to make it successful.

You can trust your intuition. With the help of intuition, you cope with complex matters faster and with minimal sacrifice. You will not tolerate outside interference in your affairs and personal life. You are not demanding about your material condition. But you really need space for autonomy and the opportunity to live in accordance with your own rhythms and principles. You can easily go against the flow.

A person has protection, but not from problems, but from their consequences.

Eyvaz is protection. The ancient Scandinavians called this yew, which served as a talisman for them to defeat the enemy (hunting and military bows were made from yew), and was also a symbol of the Great Tree. The rune does not have an inverted position, which noticeably narrows the range of its not exclusively positive meanings.

In general, Eyvaz means that the goal has been chosen correctly, and that there is enough strength and opportunity to achieve it. At the moment, a person may have doubts about unconditional success, however, time will put everything in its place.

Of course, the rune does not predict radiant victories that require no effort. But efforts must also be made wisely, so that on the one hand they do not go to waste, and on the other hand, they do not force the questioner to rush past his goal “at full speed” (including with an inverted Odal).

If in the scenario Eyvaz finds herself in one of the significant positions (the future, the essence of the problem, etc.), then no matter what other runes fall out, the outcome of what was planned will still be positive for the fortuneteller. And the remaining runes will then serve only as clarifying aspects that should tell you where to expect trouble, what to pay more attention to, etc.

Love and relationships

In this regard, the Eyvaz rune can mean some annoying, but not critical difficulties in relationships, which should be mitigated by determination (with Uruz), intuition (in particular, in tandem with Laguz), and reasonable actions. However, it may seem that the problem is still big. But, even if this is so, there is no need to worry too much, since the rune predicts that today’s apparent defeat will certainly turn out to be a personal triumph in the future. By the way, the Eyvaz-Inguz couple characterizes this situation very accurately.

If the question concerns the compatibility of two people, or the fortuneteller is concerned about how good his choice is, then the Eyvaz rune convincingly indicates that the partner suits him very well, and even if he has to go through a grinding-in period with this person, then it is worth it.

In addition, in combination with Ansuz, the Eyvaz rune can serve as advice to no longer put off a responsible conversation, but to finally decide and go for it.


In such scenarios, Eyvaz predicts success, which may require some sacrifices. The sacrifices may concern financial losses, health problems or anything else, but they will not be decisive and will not have any serious consequences. And maybe they will even do some good. That is, if, for example, in the scenario, along with Eyvaz, the Isa rune also appeared, which is usually interpreted as procrastination, stagnation, then in this context it should be considered as a period during which a person, without being busy solving fundamentally important problems, can allow yourself to gather your strength, think everything over, and, finally, just relax. When the Yer rune is present in the layout, this means that the current problems will be satisfactorily resolved, and the person will certainly receive what he deserves and will be very pleased with the result.

You are protected. But not from problems, but from their consequences. That is, you can be sure that if you don’t lie on the couch in the hope that the difficulties will disappear “somehow,” you will certainly get a positive result. So, analyze, reason, draw reasonable conclusions and act.

Eihwaz can be called a very interesting and important rune. Its graphic image and semantic meaning correspond to the world tree Yggdrasil, connecting earth and sky, penetrating into any space and time region.

The appearance of the Eyvaz rune in a reading on any of the defining positions, when interpreting the future or identifying the essence of the problem, means a positive result. Moreover, the situation improves regardless of what runes Eyvaz finds herself surrounded by.

The direct meaning of the rune Eyvaz

In the minds of ancient peoples, Eihwaz is associated with the yew, an evergreen tree that was often planted in cemeteries to protect the dead from attacks by demonological entities.

The description of the Eyvaz Rune presupposes targeted development, in which it is worth paying attention not to the speed of changes taking place, but to their stability and quality. You can also note a number of its beneficial properties:

  1. the emergence of new ideas that help change life for the better;
  2. establishing contacts with others;
  3. desire for development and improvement.

The rune shows people's feelings, their relationships and spiritual intimacy.

Love and relationships

The fallen rune Eyvaz indicates the need to reassess personal relationships. And this does not always have a negative meaning. Perhaps you just need to go through a period of rapprochement that allows you to get to know your loved ones much better. It is necessary to take time to adapt, to get used to the fact that it is easier to go through life together than to remain alone.

If during the process of fortune-telling the question was raised about the compatibility of people or about the compliance of a loved one with dreams and aspirations, then the Eyvaz rune directly indicates that the partners are completely suitable for each other, and the initial difficulties will be easily overcome.

Work and career

In scenarios for various types of work activities, including those related to business, the Eyvaz rune most often gives a favorable prognosis. True, success, in this case, is always associated with some costs or expenses. Small financial or material expenses and health problems are possible. However, there will be no serious losses or disruptions in the functioning of the body. Sometimes they are even beneficial.

For example, a person, due to frequent illnesses that have befallen him, can begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol and not expose himself to various troubles associated with alcohol. If the Isa rune appears with the Eyvaz rune, symbolizing stagnation in business, procrastination, then in this scenario this implies an opportunity to think about the current situation, rest before solving fundamental problems, which will allow you to make the right choice in the future. The accompanying rune Yer leads to a favorable end to protracted problems.

The meaning of the inverted rune Eyvaz

The main meaning of a rune that appears in this form indicates the presence of a certain obstacle in a person’s path. To overcome it you need to show persistence and patience. A successfully passed test strengthens character, teaches concentration and proper distribution of forces. Despite the time spent, delay will only increase the speed of achieving the chosen goal.

An inverted rune is interpreted as the emergence of internal rejection of one’s own actions and condemnation of the way of life that is currently characteristic of a given person. This provokes the emergence of complex and difficult life situations, which can only be overcome by carefully considering all the pros and cons.

In no case should you rush what is happening, since little depends on the person. What is required is a so-called “revaluation of values”, awareness. You need to refrain from hasty decisions and, if everything is done correctly, the vector of events will turn for the better.

Reversed Eyvaz for love and relationships

In its inverted form, the Eyvaz rune also does not promise anything catastrophic to loving people. It simply calls to action. Sometimes you need to be determined and at the right time, well prepared for an important step, make a long-awaited proposal to your beloved. This is especially significant for combination with the Ansuz rune. If the feelings have long faded away and the current situation weighs heavily on at least one of the parties, then it is better to consider a separation option that is acceptable to both.

Married people should “revive” their relationship, remember its beginning, the time of falling in love. To do this, you can diversify your everyday life with a romantic dinner by candlelight, new sexual games, joint travel that is of interest to both. If a married couple is already ready, both morally and financially, to become parents, then this decision will also strengthen their union.

Reversed rune for work and career

Eyvaz, which appears in such a scenario, indicates the need for global changes. You should not take half measures - there will be no results. You need to radically change the scope of your abilities. Leave agricultural activities and open a beauty salon, or leave the construction industry and organize a travel company.

If the warning received is not followed by any appropriate action, there will be no prospects for work. Moreover, such an inverted rune indicates that a mistake was made in choosing the field of activity, the person is not suitable for his occupation or profession, and a crisis will come very soon.

Feel protected. Eyvaz does not protect you from problems, but their negative consequences will always be minimal and even, in some cases, will lead to a noticeable improvement in the current situation. But you can’t lie on the couch, expecting that the troubles will somehow “dissolve” on their own. We need to act. And not spontaneously, on emotions, but deliberately and without haste.

Application of Eyvaz in magic

Working with this rune is quite difficult. The main thing about its magical properties is its invaluable assistance in overcoming a variety of obstacles and resolving difficult situations. Moreover, they can be characterized as the beginning of a new stage in a person’s life, reaching a higher level.

For all this to happen, you need to show restraint, activate your thinking abilities and begin to act at the most appropriate time. The magical effect of the rune can be described in one word - delay. The use of the thirteenth symbol of the Elder Fluthark is recommended in the following cases:

  • eliminating unresolved problems and obstacles in life;
  • overcoming fears, phobias, excessive uncertainty;
  • assistance in work, successful resolution of issues related to business activities;
  • activation of the possibility of transition between subtle worlds;
  • as protection against possible attacks;
  • to achieve high performance in sports.

Rune in amulets and amulets

Advice is used not only in runic fortune-telling, but also in the manufacture of amulets that are worn constantly. Her sign can be mentally projected onto selected objects, drawn on the ground, on a tree. In ancient times they even preferred to lay it out of stones.

Amulets can be made from any natural materials suitable for this purpose, both for yourself and for other people. During the manufacturing process, the rune is saturated with the energy of the master, so you need to concentrate only on good and bright thoughts. Upon completion of the work, the product can be considered ready and does not require additional settings for its normal functioning.

The combination of Soulu - Eyvaz runes is often used in runic stavka. This is one of the variants of the so-called “Solar Shield”, which reflects all evil thoughts from the protected person. The shield is activated after it is filled with the energy of its owner. It must be worn concealed.

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune as a tattoo

Tattoos in the form of runes must be applied to the body with extreme caution. Many masters warn their clients about this, citing the fact that in ancient times priests, warriors, and people who possessed certain sacred knowledge covered themselves with them. A tattoo in the form of a rune has a constant influence on a person’s destiny, strengthens the worthy and helps to cope with the influence of dark forces. A tattoo of the Eyvaz rune can contribute to the following:

  • the disappearance of fear in the face of death;
  • the emergence of power and assertiveness, the ability to conduct defensive actions of any type;
  • ability to analyze and make the best decisions.

This rune is not only a symbol of new beginnings, but also the emergence of new difficulties, in overcoming which you need to act persistently and take active action in time.

Formulas with the rune Eyvaz

The clause in the formulas is fulfilled in different ways. Sometimes each rune is discussed separately at the time of drawing. But the possibility of slandering the entire staff is allowed. Eyvaz can be seen in the most important runic formulas, which allow you to improve a person’s life in several areas:

  1. Eyvaz - Hagalar - Tyr. Increases personal and civic responsibility, a person can sacrifice everything for the sake of duty.
  2. Eyvaz - Urus - Kano - Gebo - Tours. Refers to love magic. The formula applied to another will cause him to admire the sexual attractiveness of the one who activated the formula. You can bet on yourself. In this case, the circle of fans will expand significantly.
  3. Uruz - Dagaz - Yera - Eyvaz - Vunyo. Formula for laziness. It works in stages, according to the list of runes used for this. The first rune gives a kind of point for moving forward; a strong desire appears to change oneself and one’s way of life. Then the destruction of established bad habits occurs. For example, lying on the couch in front of the TV for many hours will stop. Next, bad habits will gradually be replaced by the desire to get busy, to work hard and fruitfully. And in the end - the long-awaited joy from the personal changes that have occurred.
  4. Eyvaz - Eyvaz. A journey that only real shamans can go on.
  5. Evaz - Eyvaz. The ability to penetrate the Lower World.
  6. Turisaz - Evaz - Teyvaz. Effective protection from hostile forces.
  7. Eyvaz - Isa. A lapel for unwanted people who are trying their best to get close to a person who does not want this.
  8. Rado - Eyvaz - Hagalaz. Reassessment of what has been done. Choosing a new direction or continuing in the same direction.
  9. Raido - Eyvaz - Loguz. Safety on the chosen path. The journey will not be marred by any obstacles. All problems that arise will be converted into advantages.
  10. Laguz - Gebo - Feu - Eyvaz - Kano. A formula for accelerating career advancement and improving partnerships.

The active work of formulas and changes in life do not occur spontaneously or independently of a person’s consciousness. To achieve what you want, you need to start thinking more positively, mentally supporting the runes, and not having a negative impact on them. Working with runes leaves no room for doubt. You need to remove the blocks that prevent impact, and changes will certainly begin to happen.

Runes occupy a fairly high place in magic. Almost every person who considers himself a magician is somehow connected with them. This connection can be either direct or indirect. That is why it was decided to consider runes in a more detailed form in this review.

Writing of the Germans in ancient times

One of the meanings of the word “runes” is writing. However, it is not without reason that the root of this word is “run”, which means “secret”. Runes were also used as writing symbols in Bulgaria and Hungary. Even they are believed to have had their own runes. This concept is present in most esoteric teachings. And it is much broader than just a word or a letter. It is rather a kind of cosmic principle. The ancient Germans had a whole system of rune magic, which has survived to this day.

Learning everything related to magic

How to use runes? Mages came into contact with runic forces through special poses. There is a special direction of yoga (ancient Indian teaching) - rune yoga. It would seem that there is and cannot be a connection between the Hindus and the ancient Nordic tradition, but as we study rune yoga, the similarity of some poses with ancient Germanic runes becomes obvious.

And even now they are used for magical purposes. Don't know how to use runes? You can guess on them. Magicians talk to them, ask for advice, listen to them. It is believed that by fortune telling with runes, the magician connects to the information field of the planet. He can ask any questions and receive answers, see signs, receive warnings. Runes help to understand the causes of all the difficulties that have arisen along the path of life. Skeptics will not believe it, but this is the simplest thing you can do with the help of runes. Lowest level of magic.

The energetic power of symbols can help in controlling reality

At the next level, they learn to use the energetic power of runes. With its help you can literally control reality. Prevent certain events or, conversely, initiate, accelerate and slow down. With the image of runes, amulets are made that can protect and heal by influencing the human energy field. At the next level (level of combat magic), the energy of the runes can be strengthened and accumulated. This energy can have both destructive and creative effects. You should not think that this is a “Harry Potter wand”, a toy. Such practices require high spiritual development.

At all stages, it is necessary to ensure compliance with karmic laws, violation of which can result in health problems, difficulties in personal life, etc. Working with runes on a metaphysical level requires the highest skill. Thus, it is possible to transform time and consciousness, influence the psyche, and invade people’s energy fields. The image of a particular rune is the key to external energy. The first six runes form the word "futhark", which literally translates as "alphabet".

What does the Ice rune symbolize?

Rune Eyvaz is the thirteenth rune of the ancient Scandinavian alphabet. Eyvaz is an evergreen yew tree that symbolizes the infinity of time and space.

All runes can be classified according to their belonging to one of five elements: earth, air, ice, fire and water. Rune Eyvaz symbolizes ice.

There is an opinion that the appearance of this rune during fortune telling prophesies difficulties, incomprehensible situations, problems, as well as stagnation, a pause in all endeavors. Higher level magicians believe that this is not entirely true. The appearance of Ice runes indicates that the formation of a new structure (most likely, a new idea) is beginning. The pause seems prolonged. This is the time to think about everything, rethink. The stagnation in business will be long, but this is neither bad nor good. A person will either take advantage of the pause and prevent trouble, or not.

Is it possible to achieve your goals with the help of the Eyvaz rune?

Some runologists recommend using the energy of Eyvaz to achieve the most seemingly inaccessible goals. The Eyvaz rune symbolizes the absence of influence on a person from his past, complete openness to the future, his main mission, purpose. There is also a connection between runes and human health.

The appearance of the Eyvaz rune in the scenario indicates that you need to see a doctor, and not just any one, but one who practices a holistic approach to the body (treating the body as a whole, and not a set of systems and organs). If necessary, undergo a course of homeopathy treatment. You will need to visit a psychologist. It will help you understand yourself and understand the very purpose mentioned above. A massage course will not be superfluous. Runes help to understand the urgent needs of a person. For example, the Eyvaz rune speaks of the need for security and self-defense. Or, conversely, about an excess of psychological inhibitors, internal barriers.

What can the rune Eyvaz say?

The photo of this symbol reflects the struggle between light and darkness. To be more precise, negative and positive qualities will fight in the owner of this rune, which, in turn, reflect the balance between good and evil.

With the help of runes, you can find out the appearance of a person about whom a question is being asked to higher powers. Each rune corresponds to four characteristics: eye color, hair color, face shape, body type. The Eyvaz rune also has this property. The meaning of the symbol shows us a man with blue eyes, a brunette with a thin, elongated face, and a thin build. The rune is drawn out four times. Thus, an approximate portrait of the person about whom the question is asked appears. A rune fortuneteller must be in a special mood. The Eyvaz rune, the meaning of which is not entirely clear, can only be solved with a serene, balanced approach, when the flow of thoughts completely stops. Only the situation or question that needs to be answered with the help of a rune should remain in your head.

You don't have to dream, you have to do it!

People who are under the influence of this symbol will need to abide by the principle of honesty in absolutely everything. And this is important not only in relation to those around them, but also to oneself. If there are shortcomings that a person is not going to correct, then the rune will cause chaos and panic.

Experts who have been working with a wide variety of runes for a long time advise you to understand yourself and your behavior more often. Only with this approach can you get rid of everything that is superfluous. The Eyvaz symbol can only benefit those people who do not dream, but do - set a goal and achieve it. That is why, with the help of the rune, they will be able to most effectively and quickly realize their potential in any area of ​​human life.

What to do if you come across the Eyvaz symbol during fortune telling?

If you get the Eyvaz rune during fortune telling, its meaning should be interpreted as follows: you must show persistence and patience in all matters. There's no point in giving up what you started. No doubt about the need for certain actions, no escape. Obstacles appear only to be overcome. Runa Eyvaz in a relationship means the same thing: if any problems arise with a loved one, then they must be solved without trying to escape responsibility.

Using the Eyvaz rune you can:

1. Get rid of your main fear, which haunts you all your life - the fear of death.

2. Increase endurance and longevity.

3. Increase sensitivity to higher planes of existence.

4. Avoid all sorts of confusion and confusion.

5. Take advantage of your full potential.

What does an inverted rune mean?

The runic symbol Eyvaz, in its inverted form, is quite reminiscent of Soula. Moreover, it is not retroactive. Eyvaz is able to endow a person with enormous patience. The one who uses the inverted rune will have steadfastness in the face of numerous difficulties.

In the event that the inverted Eyvaz symbol is applied to the amulet, it will be reflected in the character of the person. He will become more calculating and cold. The bearer of the rune will gain constructiveness in thoughts, will become more responsible in carrying out certain actions and make decisions calmly. The key to making the right choice will be inner purity. It is precisely such people who should constantly maintain not only purity of mind, but also

A situation may arise when a rune in an inverted state can harm a person more than help him. This is all only because she does not tolerate bad and careless attitude towards her.

Eyvaz is a powerful means of protection and makes it possible to get closer to your cherished goal. It is also worth noting that the rune will influence surrounding people from the position of a blocker, while allowing its owner to have complete freedom of action. Can be used in all areas of activity, regardless of what result you want to achieve. With its help you can see the whole situation as a whole.

To believe or not to believe, everyone has to choose for themselves

You can believe in the magical power of runes or not, but esoteric knowledge came to us not even through centuries, but after thousands of years. Any knowledge is better than ignorance. Any theory can be cleared of magical impurities and one can see there very reasonable, useful rules of life and thoughts. Gymnastics, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques are help with stress. Esotericism is now in fashion also due to the crazy pace of life. Many techniques allow you to find peace and tranquility in just 15 minutes. And this can be confirmed not by magicians of any level, but by ordinary people living in completely modern megacities.

One more point: it is unlikely that a resident of, for example, the United States, feeling at a dead end, will go to tell fortunes using runes. He will turn to a psychoanalyst. A Russian person cannot do this. He goes to a fortune teller, a healer, a witch, or at best a parapsychologist. He needs a mystical component, magic. I wish I could learn to distinguish between scammers, ignoramuses and people who really bring Knowledge! Whether we believe in God or not, we still prefer, as in the famous joke, not to quarrel with him, just in case.

What do ancient Slavic symbols convey?

At the everyday level, ancient Slavic runes are a symbolic system of a connected alphabet. You can indeed make words out of them, but not all of them. Even for an uninitiated person, using a rune in writing is not just a way of conveying a specific message. Scandinavian and Slavic runes have been studied quite well today.

In the traditional interpretation, ancient Slavic runes represent only the older series and their derivatives. The rune is a sacred symbol that reflects the rights of communication, peace and divine energy in their indivisibility. Each person embodies one of the laws of the Universe, accessible to understanding.

All other signs and numbers similar to the symbolism of the elder or the so-called creator are not runes. They do not have an ancient tradition and system of senior symbols. The main condition that defines the Runes: they are not in the voice, not in the letter, but in the designation of universal sacred knowledge.

The worldview that the runes carried

It has been proven that on Earth, which was inhabited by the Slavic-Aryan tribe, they used the language of runes, which began its history from the Elder symbols. However, after the Baptism of Rus' and the eradication of all pagan forms, little information remained about them. Only the so-called Vendian order of runes has been most fully studied. They are based on the traditions of the Zion tribes, have eighteen runes, divided into three groups of six each. Ancient runes are used both in everyday life and for rituals and fortune telling.

In the worldview of the Slavs, the energy of the runes was reflected in the everyday trinity of divine power. It lies in the unity of opposites: life - death, order - chaos and man - warrior. Such a force makes its way in the changing balance of these two forces. According to legend, the god Veles gave runes to the Slavs.

Ancient Slavic runes - creating sets

The set is usually made of wood or bark. The best option is considered to be birch, which is closely connected with the spirit of the Slavic people. The wood must be smooth, dry and free from defects.

Essential Principles

The ideal time for creation is morning, dawn, new moon. Having cut out the image of the runes, you should start painting. The characters can be identified from numerous pictures and photographs. It is believed that it is necessary to use your own blood. This is an ideal color option for runes, allowing you to create a stronger connection with a person. It is not necessary to use such a radical method. Regular paint or stain is enough.

Natural rune colors can be made from egg yolks. They should be mixed well with any bright red juice. After this, you need to apply the resulting mass with a thin brush onto the cut out rune.

Ancient Slavic runes and their meanings

Young symbols that were presented by the god Veles and ancestors. According to legend, they came along with the Universe as a reflection of its inviolable laws. The rune is a guide to the intricacies of the laws of the Universe. Interpreting a series of runes is difficult work. Here it is necessary not only to take into account the meaning of each symbol, but also to correctly understand the position in a certain scenario. What do the runes mean? Below are the names of the ancient symbols and their meanings.

Runes symbolizing the human principle, protection from adversity

There is a rather original rune - the Mother Goddess. The absolute female embodiment, symbolizing the beginning of the Slavs. There is also Givet - a life preserver. The Oud rune is a symbol of the God-man, perfect masculine energy. Presented as a god with horns and insatiable sexual prowess. It was believed that an amulet with the image of Oud increases the strength of men. The Dazhdbog rune symbolizes the ancient ritual of fertilization. Also, rituals were performed to ensure that the harvest was large. - the embodiment of God, a ruler who has always been in the shadows. Helps to discover deep hidden powers.

Powerful symbols that promote the development of inner strength

Rune Rainbow is a sacred bridge between worlds. She patronizes diplomats and gives the right advice and guidance on the road of life. The Krada rune embodies the world of Fire and symbolizes the need for the development of spirituality. The Tam rune is responsible for physical needs.

The Rock rune symbolizes power, tough action, determined by the gods. This is not a Roman Fatum from which there is no way out, but a great law of nature according to which man should not live. Rune Need means following our own ideas and orders, setting a goal and trying to understand what is holding us back. A person is aware of the inevitability, but this knowledge is used in his own interests.

energy - all this is typical for Slavic runes

Rune Source - the gradual accumulation of power. It signals that external conditions have not yet matured, the inner self is not ready for change, and the time for action has not yet come. Rune Strength is a sign of irony of fate, a union of opposites. Represents cyclical natural processes, a critical situation when two energies merge and complement each other. Rune Support - shamanic trance, connecting consciousness with other parts of the “I”, and then with the Universe itself. Perun's rune is an imperious connection of energy with absolute male power and control. It promotes the embodiment of the controlling power of heaven.

Human protection, a chance to overcome obstacles

Mandatory runes - god Sacrifice: purifying the victim, brings the burden of wealth, knowledge, talent, career and other similar things. Rune Bereginya is one of the incarnations of the goddess, the woman of Interworld, the guardian who guards the road between the other world and the world of the living. Traditionally, the entire tribe of Slavs, young mothers, protects.

Rune Wind is an image of divine pleasure, the ability to cope with obstacles along the way, where death is only one of the stages of life. Rune White God - the desire for a higher goal. In Slavic mythology, she belongs to the oldest family of all represented Gods, who have power over knowledge, which determines the type of power. This knowledge is accumulated with each new generation in order to best achieve the highest goal, an exalted way of life through human self-development.

The list of runes does not end there. It's big enough. Therefore, if a person wants to find a way out of any situation using runes, then he will need to carefully choose a specific symbol. His chances of achieving his cherished goal depend on this.


It was built on runes. And people believed in them and in everything that was closely connected with them. But faith in symbols is still relevant today. Naturally, she is not so unshakable. However, this faith is there. And some people are trying to find a rune that best suits their goals and objectives.

Based on all of the above, we can say that symbols can change a lot in a person, both positively and negatively. But first you just need to believe in them. Good luck!