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Salad m arugula. Delicious and simple salads with arugula. Unusual appetizer with chicken liver

Pretty green carved arugula leaves with a fresh pleasant taste (it has a spicy nutty tint) are especially loved by those who are not indifferent to Mediterranean cuisine. Arugula is added both to main dishes and salads, because all the components of this salad, and not just the leaves, have found application in cooking. So, arugula flowers are very popular fresh, and delicious oil is made from seeds.

It's also good to know that:

Arugula is rich in vitamins (E, B, C, A, K) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, manganese and iron), therefore it is always useful, but especially during the period of beriberi, which lasts longer for us. half a year.

100 grams of arugula contains only 25 kilocalories, which makes the salad an excellent dietary product.

Arugula is indicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it has a beneficial effect on digestion, improving metabolism. It should also be introduced into the diet of those who regularly suffer from colds: lettuce leaves help fight viruses and bacteria, increasing immunity and body defenses. This salad also contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, blood sugar and water-salt metabolism.

Due to the high content of vitamins and other useful trace elements, arugula has a good effect on the condition of nails and hair.

5 Recipes for Remarkably Simple and Incredibly Delicious Arugula Salads

With arugula and corn salad

arugula and corn salads - 70 g each
beets, carrots, pumpkin - 200 g each
walnuts - 50 g
feta cheese - 100 g
pesto sauce - 3 tablespoons
olive oil, salt, pepper

Dice the beets and pumpkin, cut the carrots into circles. Put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment, sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and send to bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Put arugula and corn in a salad bowl, send baked vegetables (cooled down a bit), diced feta, crushed walnuts, season all the pesto.

With arugula and shrimp

arugula - 70 g
shrimp - 300 g
cherry tomatoes - 70 g
parmesan - 40 g
pine nuts - 30 g
olive oil, balsamic vinegar - to taste

Clean the shrimp and fry in vegetable oil. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves. Cut the cheese into thin slices. Put the arugula, half the tomatoes on it, put the shrimps on top, and slices of cheese on them. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with pine nuts.

With arugula and turkey pate

smoked turkey breast - 200 g
pork ham - 30 g
port wine - 2 tbsp. l.
orange juice - 2 tbsp. l.
20% cream - 3 tbsp. l.
cottage cheese - 100 g
olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
a bunch of arugula
thyme to taste
lemon juice - 1 tsp
balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
zest of 1 lemon
thyme, salt, pepper

Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice into a separate glass. Chop thyme leaves. Whip cream. Add thyme and lemon zest and beat well again. Cut the turkey and pork ham without skin and fat into pieces. Put the meat in a blender, adding cottage cheese, port wine and orange juice there. Combine the creamy and meat masses, salt and pepper. Transfer the resulting mixture to a container, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Divide the arugula among bowls and drizzle with the lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and olive oil mixture. Place the chilled pâté on top. Serve with white bread toast.

With arugula with tuna

canned tuna - 400 g
arugula - 80 g
cherry tomatoes - 200 g
eggs - 4 chicken or 8 quail
half an onion head
balsamic vinegar
olive oil

Boil the eggs - cut the chicken into circles, quail - in half. Cut tomatoes into halves. Onion cut into half rings. Mix everything in a bowl with arugula, season with olive oil and balsamic. Mix again gently. Break the tuna and put it in a bowl with salad, gently mix with large beds.

With arugula, tomatoes and mozzarella

cherry tomatoes - 100 g
mozzarella cheese - 300 g
arugula - 100 g
balsamic vinegar
olive oil

Cut the mozzarella, cut the tomatoes in half. Put the arugula in a container, adding mozzarella and tomatoes to it. Stir. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic. Stir.

In order for your arugula dishes to be always tasty, bring maximum benefit and please the eye, you need to follow some rules. We know the secrets of success and are happy to share! I really want you to fall in love with this pungent greenery and feel it for yourself (it rejuvenates, heals nerves, increases hemoglobin levels and (attention!) Is an excellent aphrodisiac). Cook, dear, and enjoy!

1. Choose fresh arugula with medium-sized leaves. Make sure that there are no dark specks on the surface of the leaves.

2. Wash arugula only under cold water. Let it drain well, you can dry it with a paper towel.

3. Do not cut arugula with a knife. Put the leaves whole or tear them with your hands to make them a little smaller.

4. Arugula has a slightly bitter taste. Soften it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice.

5. Combine arugula with tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, beets, grapes, avocados, salted fish, shrimp, boiled liver, chicken, canned tuna. Of the cheeses, Parmesan, mozzarella, feta, Adyghe are excellent. Arugula "pillow" is an excellent solution for a beautiful serving of meat, poultry, fish, stewed vegetables.

Beet salad with arugula

INGREDIENTS: 3 beets, a bunch of arugula, 100 g of cottage cheese, salt, 5 shallots or one red onion, 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, black pepper, 2 slices of loaf, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce

COOKING: Wrap the beets in two layers of foil and bake in the oven for an hour. Clean and cut into slices. Wash the arugula. For the sauce, finely chop the shallot (or red onion), mix it with mustard seeds, lemon juice, soy sauce, oil, salt and pepper. Pour the beets with half the sauce and place on a plate, then put the arugula and pour the remaining sauce. At the end, add pieces of dried loaf and cottage cheese.

Baguette with arugula, tomatoes and mozzarella

INGREDIENTS: baguette, 200 g mozzarella, half a bunch of arugula, a sprig of cherry tomatoes, salt, butter

COOKING: Wash and dry the arugula and tomatoes well. Cut the baguette lengthwise, brush thinly with butter. Mozzarella (you can cheese, feta) and cherry tomatoes cut into circles. Put everything on the bottom of the baguette, a little salt. Cover with the second part of the baguette, press lightly.

Arugula with cucumber, avocado and salmon

INGREDIENTS: 1 avocado, 100 g lightly salted salmon, 1 fresh cucumber, arugula, olive oil, lemon juice

COOKING: Cut the avocado in half, peel, remove the pit and cut the flesh into pieces. Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut it into strips. Fish - thin slices. Then mix everything thoroughly and salt to taste. Lay down the arugula leaves, tearing them with your hands. So the salad will become even healthier and tastier. Drizzle everything with olive oil and squeeze a few drops of lemon.

Arugula Sauce

INGREDIENTS: 100 g arugula, 50 g grated cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of hazelnuts, juice of 1/2 lemon

COOKING: Whip the arugula and cheese with a blender until smooth. Add oil, lemon juice, chopped hazelnuts and beat again with a blender.

Chicken salad with vegetables

INGREDIENTS: 1 chicken breast, half a bunch of dill, 2 cucumbers, 5 cherry tomatoes, half a bunch of arugula, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, salt

COOKING: Boil chicken breast with bay leaf and allspice. Cut the dill, tomatoes and cucumbers. Wash the arugula and dry it. Arrange the leaves on a plate, then the vegetables and the chicken. Mix olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Pour over lettuce, sprinkle with dill.

On the Italian menu, you can see a dish called Insalata di rucola - salad with arugula. So in Italy is called a salad, where the leaves of this spicy plant are used as one of the ingredients.

Rucola is a plant with a long history, the ancient Romans began to use it, and now in Mediterranean cuisine it is used as an additive in salads, pizza, risotto, and pasta. Instead of basil, it can be part of the pesto sauce. With its pronounced aroma and sharp mustard-nut flavor, many dishes begin to sound in a new way. Why did she win the hearts and stomachs of gourmets so much?

In our country, no one knew about it for a long time. Today, it is becoming a real symbol of utility; legends are literally being written about it. The cultivated Russian walker, a close relative of the dandelion, is no longer considered a weed. Trendy restaurants provide arugula dishes without fail - and all because no other salad has such a positive effect on metabolism as this plant with a pleasant light bitterness and a nutty note.

She becomes a real friend of losing weight girls, as it has a low calorie content, it contains almost only water. This storehouse of vitamin C and iodine is able to remove cholesterol and increase hemoglobin levels. And having felt the tonic effect on the whole organism as a whole, we can conclude: this plant is a real natural energy drink.

Salad with arugula - food preparation

Probably, arugula would not have taken root in the menu of many countries if it were not so juicy and tasty. But there are dishes with her presence immediately after cooking, as she quickly releases juice. Like all salads, it is recommended to tear it with your hands, but in many recipes, its young shoots act as the basis of the whole form. Arugula goes well with many products - vegetables, seafood, various cheeses and meats, so there are a lot of salads with its participation. As a rule, miniature handsome cherry tomatoes are indicated in the recipes - well, of course, they can be replaced with ordinary tomatoes from the dacha. The main thing is to decide on the filling - and here Mediterranean cuisine has many options.

Arugula salad - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Arugula Shrimp Salad

A simple summer salad with shrimp and arugula can be a great alternative to a full dinner. What else is needed for complete happiness? Of course, a glass of white wine and fruit for dessert.

Ingredients: arugula (250 grams), shrimp (10 pcs), cherry tomatoes (1 cup), olive oil, basil, chili pepper, parmesan (50 gr), balsamic vinegar (1 tablespoon), black pepper hammers.

Cooking method

My baby tomatoes and cut into halves. Rinse and dry the arugula, peel the shrimp. Dressing: chop the pepper and mix with olive oil and spices, add finely chopped basil, put the shrimp in the resulting marinade for half an hour. We form a salad. We spread the arugula in the center of the dish, distribute the tomatoes over the dish, pour over the filling, put thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bparmesan pieces and shrimp strung on skewers on top. This is such an original dish worthy of the most sophisticated restaurant.

Recipe 2: Rocket Tuna Salad

Sea gold - tuna - is not inferior to meat in taste and does not lose its useful properties during canning. Combining it with arugula, we get a real energy blow to the blues and poor health. And besides, it's very tasty!

Ingredients: canned tuna (2 cans), arugula (50 gr), cucumber, tomatoes (2 pcs), pitted olives (1 can), a quarter of a lemon, olive oil,

Cooking method

Grind the tuna with a fork, cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Cut the olives in half, add the arugula and lemon juice. Fill with oil and mix. Decorate with sesame seeds.

Recipe 3: Arugula Salad with Avocado

This is just a super-salad for a romantic dinner - it contains solid aphrodisiacs. The mustard flavor makes this salad not just delicious, but exquisitely delicious.

Ingredients: arugula, avocado, cherry tomatoes (250 gr), lemon, olive oil, mustard, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Mix olive oil with mustard and freshly squeezed lemon juice, add salt, black pepper and mix again. Cut the tomatoes and fill with filling. Add chopped arugula.

Recipe 4: Arugula Salad with Quail Eggs

Those who have tried quail eggs know that they taste like chicken eggs, but there are much more useful substances in them. Another plus is that they just ask for a salad, small and neat, a real salad decoration. And if in any other salad cherry tomatoes are desirable, but optional, then with quail eggs we simply have to use only cherry tomatoes. This composition of babies looks very elegant framed by arugula. A real mini salad with the flavor of Provence rights - well, who can resist this temptation?

Ingredients: arugula, cherry tomatoes, quail eggs. Dressing: olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar, garlic, herbs de Provence.

Cooking method

Everything is very, very simple - tomatoes, quail eggs, arugula, a beautiful dish, filling - our salad is ready. A little about pouring: the aroma of Provence herbs should be barely noticeable, so we add a small pinch. Combined with garlic and balsamic vinegar, our sauce becomes one, and you get an amazing flavor.

Recipe 4: Salad with Oranges and Arugula

This very interesting salad has a combination of fruity sweetness and bitter taste. In it, real life is sweet and bitter, in general, extremely diverse.

Ingredients: arugula (200 gr.), oranges (5 pcs), olives. Dressing: shallots, fresh mint, Dijon mustard (2 teaspoons), olive oil, sugar (1 teaspoon), salt.

Cooking method

We tear the arugula into pieces. Peel the oranges and remove the white skin. We cut the pulp into pieces, while collecting the juice separately, it will come in handy for us in the filling. Finely chop shallots, mix with chopped mint, lemon juice and mustard. Gradually pour in the oil, add sugar, salt and pepper. Mix half the sauce with oranges, pour the remaining filling on top. We spread the olives - and immediately on the table.

271 cooking options for the recipe "salad with arugula" step by step with photos on the site

Ingredients (10)
150 g pasta
6 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
50–60 g parmesan
50–60 g soft goat cheese
50 g pine nuts
Show all (10)

Ingredients (15)
ground black pepper - 5 g
red chili pepper - 1 pc.
sesame oil - 15 ml
olive oil - 20 ml
red onion - 1 pc.
Show all (15)

Ingredients (14)
turkey fillet (about 300 g)
3 cucumbers
150 g arugula lettuce
2 teaspoons peanut butter
3 art. spoons of peanut butter
Show all (14)

Ingredients (11)
arugula - 2 bunches
red onion - 2 pcs.
bacon - 150 g
pine nuts - 100 g
parmesan - 50 g
Show all (11)

Ingredients (11)
white beans - 200 g
mini mozzarella - 140 g
arugula - 100 g
olives - 50 g
sun-dried tomatoes - 3 pcs.
Show all (11)

Ingredients (11)
brown rice - 150 g
arugula - 100 g
pistachios - 70 g
oranges - 0.1 kg
red onion - 1 pc.
Show all (11)

Ingredients (9)
chicken liver - 250 g
arugula - 150 g
portobello - 70 g
olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
Show all (9)

Ingredients (12)
Spicy arugula Belaya Dacha - 500 g
red onion - 1 pc.
olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
salt, freshly ground black pepper
feta cheese - 150 g
Show all (12)

Ingredients (11)
handful of pine nuts
arugula - 100 g
lemon juice - 1 tsp
avocado - 1 pc.
leaf lettuce - 0.5 heads
Show all (11)

Ingredients (12)
2 chicken breast fillets
150 g cherry tomatoes
50 g arugula
1 sweet pepper
1 medium zucchini
Show all (12)

Ingredients (9)
150 g arugula
150 g thinly sliced ​​cured ham
2 medium heads of fennel
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1 large bunch of green onions

Salad with arugula - general principles and methods of preparation

On the Italian menu, you can see a dish called Insalata di rucola - salad with arugula. So in Italy is called a salad, where the leaves of this spicy plant are used as one of the ingredients.

Rucola is a plant with a long history, the ancient Romans began to use it, and now in Mediterranean cuisine it is used as an additive in salads, pizza, risotto, and pasta. Instead of basil, it can be part of the pesto sauce. With its pronounced aroma and sharp mustard-nut flavor, many dishes begin to sound in a new way. Why did she win the hearts and stomachs of gourmets so much?

In our country, no one knew about it for a long time. Today, it is becoming a real symbol of utility; legends are literally being written about it. The cultivated Russian walker, a close relative of the dandelion, is no longer considered a weed. Fashionable restaurants provide arugula dishes without fail - and all because no other salad has such a positive effect on metabolism as this plant with a pleasant light bitterness and a nutty note.

She becomes a real friend of losing weight girls, as it has a low calorie content, it contains almost only water. This storehouse of vitamin C and iodine is able to remove cholesterol and increase hemoglobin levels. And having felt the tonic effect on the whole organism as a whole, we can conclude: this plant is a real natural energy drink.

Salad with arugula - food preparation

Probably, arugula would not have taken root in the menu of many countries if it were not so juicy and tasty. But there are dishes with her presence immediately after cooking, as she quickly releases juice. Like all salads, it is recommended to tear it with your hands, but in many recipes, its young shoots act as the basis of the whole form. Rucola goes well with many products - vegetables, seafood, various cheeses and meats, so there are a lot of salads with her participation. As a rule, miniature handsome cherry tomatoes are indicated in recipes - well, of course, they can be replaced with ordinary tomatoes from the dacha. The main thing is to decide on the filling - and here Mediterranean cuisine has many options.

Arugula salad - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Arugula Shrimp Salad

A simple summer salad with shrimp and arugula can be a great alternative to a full dinner. What else is needed for complete happiness? Of course, a glass of white wine and fruit for dessert.

Ingredients: arugula (250 grams), shrimp (10 pcs), cherry tomatoes (1 cup), olive oil, basil, chili pepper, parmesan (50 gr), balsamic vinegar (1 tablespoon), black pepper hammers.

Cooking method

My baby tomatoes and cut into halves. Rinse and dry the arugula, peel the shrimp. Dressing: chop the pepper and mix with olive oil and spices, add finely chopped basil, put the shrimp in the resulting marinade for half an hour. We form a salad. We spread the arugula in the center of the dish, distribute the tomatoes over the dish, pour over the filling, put thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bparmesan pieces and shrimp strung on skewers on top. This is such an original dish worthy of the most sophisticated restaurant.

Recipe 2: Rocket Tuna Salad

Sea gold - tuna - is not inferior to meat in taste and does not lose its useful properties during canning. Combining it with arugula, we get a real energy blow to the blues and poor health. And besides, it's very tasty!

Ingredients: canned tuna (2 cans), arugula (50 gr), cucumber, tomatoes (2 pcs), pitted olives (1 can), a quarter of a lemon, olive oil,

Cooking method

Grind the tuna with a fork, cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Cut the olives in half, add the arugula and lemon juice. Fill with oil and mix. Decorate with sesame seeds.

Recipe 3: Arugula Salad with Avocado

This is just a super-salad for a romantic dinner - it contains solid aphrodisiacs. The mustard flavor makes this salad not just delicious, but exquisitely delicious.

Ingredients: arugula, avocado, cherry tomatoes (250 gr), lemon, olive oil, mustard, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Mix olive oil with mustard and freshly squeezed lemon juice, add salt, black pepper and mix again. Cut the tomatoes and fill with filling. Add chopped arugula.

Recipe 4: Arugula Salad with Quail Eggs

Those who have tried quail eggs know that they taste like chicken eggs, but there are much more useful substances in them. Another plus is that they just ask for a salad, small and neat, a real salad decoration. And if in any other salad cherry tomatoes are desirable, but optional, then with quail eggs we simply have to use only cherry tomatoes. This composition of babies looks very elegant framed by arugula. A real mini salad with the flavor of Provence rights - well, who can resist this temptation?

Ingredients: arugula, cherry tomatoes, quail eggs. Dressing: olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar, garlic, herbs de Provence.

Cooking method

Everything is very, very simple - tomatoes, quail eggs, arugula, a beautiful dish, filling - our salad is ready. A little about pouring: the aroma of Provence herbs should be barely noticeable, so we add a small pinch. Combined with garlic and balsamic vinegar, our sauce becomes one, and you get an amazing flavor.

Recipe 4: Salad with Oranges and Arugula

This very interesting salad has a combination of fruity sweetness and bitter taste. In it, real life is sweet and bitter, in general, extremely diverse.

Ingredients: arugula (200 gr.), oranges (5 pcs), olives. Dressing: shallots, fresh mint, Dijon mustard (2 teaspoons), olive oil, sugar (1 teaspoon), salt.

Cooking method

We tear the arugula into pieces. Peel the oranges and remove the white skin. We cut the pulp into pieces, while collecting the juice separately, it will come in handy for us in the filling. Finely chop shallots, mix with chopped mint, lemon juice and mustard. Gradually pour in the oil, add sugar, salt and pepper. Mix half the sauce with oranges, pour the remaining filling on top. We spread the olives - and immediately on the table.