home · networks · The Russian wrestling team showed the worst result at the World Championships in history. The Russian wrestling team showed the worst result at the World Championships in history

The Russian wrestling team showed the worst result at the World Championships in history. The Russian wrestling team showed the worst result at the World Championships in history

The Russian freestyle wrestling team won seven medals at the World Championships in Budapest: four gold, one silver and two bronze. Abdulrashid Sadulaev became a three-time world champion, Magomedrasul Gazimagomedov became a two-time world champion, and Zaurbek Sidakov and Zaur Uguev won the first champion title.

Champion Quartet

“Each gold medal at the World Championships is special,” said Dzambolat Tedeev. “Zaurbek Sidakov worked hard at the training camp, he worked himself so hard, but at the World Championships he still fought beyond his capabilities: he defeated Burrows, beat Chamizo. And in the final he I fought with a reserve, I was ready to improve, but this is the World Cup final, there was too much at stake. Do you remember how Zaurbek Sidakov, when he did not get to the European Championship, kissed the T-shirt with my image? That's when I realized: a capable guy, he will go to the World Championship and win. It's all because of that kiss (laughs)."

“Zaur Uguev has long been the best wrestler in the world, he just needed to be revealed a little, to work on his psychology,” continued Dzambolat Tedeev. “Today on the mat you saw the possibilities of Zaur, but he will continue to open up, become even stronger. victory at the very end, when there were less than two seconds left on the scoreboard - this speaks both of his experience and his excellent functional readiness. We must pay tribute - Adam Batyrov fought better than ever, but Gazimagomedov was able to beat him. Well, Abdulrashid Sadulaev is tank. Your colleagues will not let you lie: even before the World Championships, I was not shy about saying that Sadulaev would beat Snyder, he’s just ready for the World Championships. A year ago, he wasn’t ready, he had to be forced to come to the gym today. with great desire, his coach was kicked out of the gym. With his struggle, he proved how much his class is higher, and our mountains do not know shame (smiles)"

Rashidov's silver and red card

“We won four gold medals, but Gadzhimurad Rashidov should have been the champion, from whom the judges took the victory,” said Dzambolat Tedeev. "Sometimes it's enough to run away for a second to get a point with a warning, today his opponent ran away for the whole period, stood up for the carpet, and the "challenge" that I clicked on did not work. Yes, I was sent off, but let me always have a red card , if only the guys would perform like that, and the Russian team would blow everyone out of their way."

Bronze Budapest for Akhmedov - Chakaev and Gadzhdimagomedov

“There are also questions about the refereeing in the fight between Chakaev and the Japanese - it ended with a score of 15:10. But Akhmed Chakaev passed both the world champion Stieber and the Olympic champion Khinchegashvili - wrestlers whom he had lost before. He will draw the right conclusions and win for the third time Moreover, today he is fighting in the Olympic category, which means he has taken a step forward compared to the silver of the European Championship and the bronze of the World Championship. admitted that he blew the whistle. And when the score became too big, Gadzhimagomedov was confused and could not turn the fight in his favor. We have two bronze medals, which we will soon, at the next championships, melt into gold."

Three steps forward by Anzor Khizriev

“Khizriev has taken three steps forward in a year, and at the moment there is no better heavyweight in our country than him. Next year he will definitely be on the podium. He fought well, he has tricks - but today he lacked a little. Kurugliyeva is a different story. The whole team was ready, so Dauren was ready too, he just didn’t have enough self-confidence. And the young guy Batyrbek Tsakulov burned out a little, but the defeat will do him good. If the young guys don’t get such experience, the result they will not, we must know their potential and their capabilities, while there is still a year and a half before the main start."

Results and further events

"Did you pay attention to our T-shirts? It says: Besik Kudukhov, we dedicate the victory to you. We performed well - for our worthy champion. In addition, we made a gift to the President of the country. And now to say that I am satisfied is to say nothing, because I am happy! I am proud of how the team approached this championship and how it performed in it.We have three golds in the Olympic weights, and in the categories up to 65, 86 and 125 kg we will increase competition within the country and achieve our goal by the Olympics. we won’t have much - in a little more than a month we will begin the selection for the new season - the Alana tournament, which will serve as a selection for the Ivan Yarygin Grand Prix. The most important year begins, which will end with the pre-Olympic world championship. "

On October 23, the tournament of freestyle wrestlers as part of the World Championship in freestyle, Greco-Roman and women's wrestling ended in Budapest. And there is a lot of good news - both for our country and for everyone who is interested in this sport.

The special correspondent of the "Championship" Evgeny Slyusarenko, summing up, will do something unusual for him - he will praise the Americans. Yes, our direct competitors.

Of course, it is impossible not to say good things about ours. It's not even that we became the first - both in the points standings, and in a more understandable one, in medals. This is exactly what the Russian freestyle wrestling team has done more than once in the past.

Russia overtakes the United States in the medal standings of the World Championships in freestyle wrestling among men

It's about perspective. Just a year ago, it seemed that the team's reserve was exhausted - at the World Championships in Paris 2017, our team not only did not take a single gold medal, this could happen sooner or later. The problem was that behind that team there was no support group visible, those who did not come, but were about to turn on. And the explanations of the head coach Dzambolat Tedeev did not look convincing at all.

Failure entrance. Five bad news we learned at the World Wrestling Championships

Russian wrestlers could not win a single victory at the World Championships. The world will never be the same.

A year later, the Russian team has four world champions. Let's relish their names again: Zaur Uguev (up to 57 kg), Magomedrasul Gazimagomedov (up to 70 kg), Zaurbek Sidakov (up to 75 kg) and Abdulrashid Sadulaev (up to 97 kg). And most importantly, three of these four (Uguev, Sidakov and Sadulaev) represent the Olympic weight categories. That is, they have the most direct and immediate chances at the Tokyo Games in two years. Three clear contenders in six Olympic weights is decent. By today's standards, even a lot.

Obviously, the coaching staff drew the most fundamental conclusions from last year's failure. First of all, it is clear that they began to work with the team more individually, with the involvement of personal and senior coaches. This most targeted work definitely gave at least two new world champions (Uguev and Sidakov) - those whose names a year ago at such a level were hard to imagine.

“Parents were so scared of Beslan that they stopped letting them go to training”

And before the World Cup, the national team coach kicked him - the future winner - out of the hall. Why?

And now great news for all freestyle wrestling. The Americans are back! No, of course, they did not disappear anywhere and took their one or two victories steadily. But to win the overall standings with such strength and confidence has not been threatened since the 1996 home Olympics - more than 20 years ago.

The Americans themselves felt that they were ready for big things - watch this pre-launch video presentation of the team. “We have come to win one of the most spectacular and memorable titles in the history of the World Cup” - nothing more and nothing less.

For world wrestling, the presence of the US team is excellent, I repeat, news. This is fresh blood, this is the return of the eternal confrontation with Russia, this is, after all, professional promotion and money. And wrestling really needs promotion and money - MMA is coming and pressing. And in the US team there is someone to promote.

The final performance of Sadulaev, of course, overshadowed everything in Budapest, but on the first medal day on the carpet in the weight category up to 86 kg, David Taylor III, nicknamed The MagicMan, reigned. At the start, he managed to defeat the 2016 Olympic champion Iranian Hassan Yazdani, losing after the first period 2:6. And for the next three minutes he took nine points - 11:6. In the semi-finals against our Dauren Kurugliev, he was first knocked down with a heel to the head (unintentionally, of course), then he lost the first period with a score of 1:5, and then he performed three actions for six points. And the finale - well, the Turk Erdin was simply deposed there (12:2).

Or take Kyle Dyke in the weight category up to 79 kg, who completed his fights without a single missed move and with a score of 37:0 in the sum of all fights. Well, power.

Of course, it can be argued that the same Dyck or Michael Cox (up to 92 kg) won non-Olympic weights and, when trying to break into the national team in Tokyo 2020, they will have to knock out other leaders of the US team, but we still have to live before that. In the meantime, the Americans have made the strongest impression. And if Abdulrashid Sadulayev had lost to Kyle Snyder in the final match of the tournament, then the US team would have come first, not Russia. Everything was hanging by a thread.

Well, right up to the moment when Tank caught Snyderman in a mistake. It's worth seeing it again to make sure we've seen one of the best freestyle wrestling world championships in years.

Today in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, the first finals of the World Championship in wrestling took place. The awards were played by masters of freestyle wrestling. Special attention of fans was riveted to the finals in two categories: up to 61 and 74 kg.

In the first of them, the Russian Gadzhimurad Rashidov and the Cuban Yovlis Bonne met. The duel turned out with a slight touch of scandal. The Cuban performed a throw, which the judges scored 5 points. The Russian equalized. When the match ended, the score was 5:5. But the last technical action was won by the Cuban. Dzambulat Tedeev, the head coach of our national team, threw out the challenge. He was not satisfied, and after Dzambulat Tedeev entered into a skirmish with the judge, pushed him and was removed for this. As a result, Gadzhimurad Rashidov won the silver of the World Championship for the second year in a row.

In the finals up to 74 kg, Zaurbek Sidakov competed without the prompting of the head coach of the team. However, this did not stop him from defeating the Georgian Avtandil Kenchadze. There was also an equal fight here, and the Russian could also win it due to the last technical action. Note that both of our finalists received cuts.

Anzor Khizriev lost to Parviz Hadibasmanzh from Iran in the fight for bronze in the category up to 125 kg.

Semi-final fights in freestyle wrestling in the weight categories up to 57, 65, 79 and 92 kg were also held today. Only Zaur Uguev made it to the final in the category up to 57 kg. In it, he will meet with Nurislam Sanaev from Kazakhstan. Akhmed Chakaev reached the semi-finals in the category up to 65 kg and lost in a stubborn fight to the Japanese Takuto Otoguro. He will compete for bronze, as well as Batyrbek Tsakulov in the category up to 92 kg. True, he needs to get through the consolation round. Akhmed Gadzhimagomedov in the category up to 79 kg lost ahead of time to Kyle Deik from the USA in the semifinals.

Results of the first medal day of the World Championship in Budapest:

Category up to 61 kg:

1. Yovlis Bonnet (Cuba)

2. Gadzhimurad Rashidov (Russia)

3. Joe Colon (USA)

3. Tuvshintulga Tumenblek (Mongolia)

Category up to 74 kg:

1. Zaurbek Sidakov (Russia)

2. Avtandil Kenchadze (Georgia)

3. Bekzod Abdurakhmonov (Uzbekistan)

2. Fatih Erdin (Türkiye)

3. Hassan Yazdanishariati (Iran)

2. Live Deng (China)

3. Parviz Hadibasmanj (Iran)

3. Nick Gwazdowski (USA)

Russian Greco-Roman wrestlers won six gold medals at the 2018 World Championships in Budapest. This is a sensation - the seemingly unshakable record of the national team, set in 1994, has been surpassed. The total number of first places among "freestyle wrestlers" and "classics" is also unique - there are ten of them! This happened to us only in the days of the USSR.

Dmitry Simonov, Dmitry Somov from Budapest

World Championship. Greco-Roman wrestling
Up to 67 kg.
1. SURKOV. 2. Stefanek (Serbia). 3. Sanakyan (Poland) and Shermakhanbet (Kazakhstan).
Up to 60 kg. 1. EMELIN. 2. Chobanu (Moldova). 3. Sultangali (Kazakhstan) and Saylike (China).
Up to 77 kg. 1. CHEKHIRKIN. 2. Lorints (Hungary). 3. Nemesh (Serbia) and Hyonwu Kim (Korea).
Up to 87 kg. 1. Bashar (Türkiye). 2. Beleniuk (Ukraine). 3. Kobliashvili (Georgia) and Shaginyan (Armenia).
Up to 97 kg. 1. Evloev. 2. Milov (Bulgaria). 3. Aliarifeizabadi (Iran) and Kadzhala (Serbia).
Up to 130 kg. 1. SEMENOV. 2. Kuhn (USA). 3. Minseok Kim (Korea) and Hinds (Cuba).

The capital of Hungary is a city-symbol for wrestling. In the 21st century, the World Cup was held in Budapest three times, and each time very important events were associated with it. In 2005, the tournament was visited by the then President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Jacques Rogge, and following the results of his visit, an alarming “message” was sent to the wrestlers. But the ex-head of the international federation Rafael Martinetti the call for renewal was not heard - and as a result, over time, the question arose of whether wrestling was necessary in principle in the program of the Olympic Games. In September 2013, the IOC took over Thomas Bach, and then, at the session in Buenos Aires, wrestling held its position in the Olympic family, not without difficulty winning the competition from baseball and squash. As if in honor of this victory, a week later the World Championship started in Hungary.

And now, after another five years, the wrestlers again came to Budapest. And for the first finals of the “classics”, on Friday, Bach appeared on the podium, having visited the World Championship in wrestling for the first time. It is noteworthy that nand the meeting of the head of the IOC with the leadership of world wrestling, the head of the UWW Commission "Sport for All" Georgy Bryusov gave him his book - "Fight for the fight." It is dedicated to the events of 2013 - and, in particular, talks about how Russia led the way out of the crisis and rallied bitter competitors when the situation seemed hopeless.

It turned out symbolically that it was right in front of Bach (I am sure that our country, after all the ups and downs, became practically his own), the Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team (and with it the entire wrestling team) began its path to a historical record for the number of gold medals. However, it is hardly worth considering the head of the IOC as the talisman of our team, since even before his arrival the results were brilliant - four first places in freestyle wrestling. Against the background of all this magnificence, the unpromising zero in the column "medals in women's wrestling" looks sad. But this is an occasion for a serious conversation with individual specific people, while most of the team and the leadership of the federation deserve only applause for this tournament. Deafening!

Saturday: Day of Mordovia

Newly made captain of the Russian "classics" team, future world champion Artem Surkov already after his success, he said: at the equator of the championship, the “freestyle wrestlers” who won as many as four gold medals deliberately tried to provoke their comrades, kindly urged them to show at least no less loud result. And unexpectedly for many, the Greco-Roman wrestlers really surpassed their colleagues. The experiences after the 2017 World Cup in Paris were quickly forgotten, when the first places sensationally did not go to the Russians at all. And by the end of Saturday, after the victories Stepan Maryanyan(up to 63 kg), Sergei Emelin(up to 60 kg) and Surkov(up to 67 kg) was set the best achievement in the last 20 years. In 2003, our team had two gold medals in Greco-Roman wrestling. The results of the 1990s remained unconquered (4 gold in 1998 and a record 5 in 1994), when the team included the greatest Alexander Karelin and the current head coach of the national team Gogi Koguashvili. By the way, for Kogiashvili-coach this is generally a personal breakthrough: he led the national team in 2006, and since then the team has not taken more than one gold at the world championships.

October 27 became the day of the Mordovian wrestling school, which was represented by two comrades - Emelin And Surkov. The final in the category up to 67 kg was especially bright. Serbian Olympic Champion Rio 2016 Davor Stefanek was determined to take revenge Surkov for the defeat in the final of the 2017 World Cup at home. Despite the fact that the Russian won all the major tournaments this year, including the European Championship, the Serbian, it seems, was absolutely sure that he would take revenge. He even prepared a T-shirt with a picture of his wife and child, apparently intending to dedicate the victory to them. But superiority Surkov turned out to be undeniable - 7:1. Disappointed Stefanek shouted in the mixed zone like a victim - because of this, it was even hard to hear that he was speaking into microphones and voice recorders standing nearby Surkov. The Serb constantly waved his hands in the direction of the 25-year-old Russian and insisted that at a venerable age it is very difficult to resist a younger and opponent. By the way, all three champions in Rio, who fought in Budapest, were left without gold - Stefanek, Armenian Aleksanyan and Cuban barero.

Sunday: Semyonov and Evloev dominate, Chekhirkin does the impossible

Even after three victories in the Russian team, they were afraid to give too optimistic forecasts about future records. However, in the first two final battles on Sunday, the superiority of the Russians turned out to be undeniable.

heavyweight Sergey Semenov, who randomly grew a beard, dealt with ahead of schedule Jacob Kuhn from USA. Smiling, he confirmed to reporters that, like wrestlers, Americans always have a special attitude. However, Semenov still has something to strive for - at the 2018 World Cup, he never met with a three-time Olympic champion Mikhein Lopez, who came to Budapest, heavily drove weight, but eventually gave way to an understudy, without speaking at the tournament. Judging by the mood of Sergei, defeating the Cuban is a matter of honor for him.

Going out to reporters Semenov expressed confidence that the speaker in the next final Musa Evloev(up to 97 kg) will not let you down. And so it happened. Although for Evloev the more important fight was the semi-final, where it was necessary to take revenge on Aleksanyan, which Musa lost in the 2017 World Cup final. For gold Evloev went to Paris - but took his own a year later. Great story of overcoming.

But the most incredible story unfolded in the final fight of the day - the final of the weight category up to 77 kg, where against the Russian Alexandra Chekhirkin host of the tournament, Hungarian Tamas Lorints. For the sake of this fight, the organizers even technically replayed the scheme of the day (started with heavyweights, instead of completing the program with them), so that the audience would stay in the arena until the victory and cheer for their own. Of course, the situation gave rise to a "conspiracy theory" - Russia already has a lot of medals, why not "thank" the hospitable hosts. But - nothing like that! The confrontation turned out to be tense, equal and, most importantly, honest! Much became clear in the episode when Lorints received a painful blow to the jaw area, bumping into the elbow Chekhirkin. But the arbitrators, after watching the replay, made a decision - the Russian is not to blame. After Alexander was declared the winner, the athlete simply had no words for joy and fatigue. The head coach spoke for him Koguashvili:

There are always fears, but we always tune in to all rivals in the same way - as for the last fight. And Chekhirkin knew perfectly well that if he did not jump over himself, then it would be impossible to win. Still, the guys who fought before him won their finals easily - because they were head and shoulders above their rivals. And here - about the same level, and even the enemy at home. So Sasha did the impossible! Honor and praise to him!

Mikhail Mamiashvili. Photo by Daria Isaeva, "SE"

"We rooted for Ukrainian brothers as if they were our own"

And here is how the coach assessed the results of the entire championship:

We have done a great job and purposefully prepared for this World Championship, since it is a dress rehearsal for the next tournament in Kazakhstan, which will become licensed. For us, there has never been a second or third place. Even a year ago, when they were left without gold at the World Championships, the team was still the first in terms of points. We have a stable team, it's just that sometimes we were unlucky, but now the result has come. We are now thinking about repeating the result not only at the next World Championships, but also at the Tokyo Olympics.

In turn, the President of the Russian Wrestling Federation Michael Mamiashvili offered to discuss sports success with the coaches of the national team, while he himself started talking about something else - about what worries us all no less than the presence and absence of sports victories.

Is there a feeling that the golden Soviet times have returned? For me personally, those times have never passed! - said Mamiashvili. - There, you see, Ukrainian brothers are sitting. So I was just as worried about them as I was about my own! If they ever need help from me or my friends, they will always get it!

From October 20 to October 28, the World Freestyle Wrestling Championship takes place in Budapest. 30 sets of medals will be played at the championship. The grand opening ceremony of the championship took place on October 20. Russia is represented at the championship by a team of professional wrestlers, which has already won 4 gold medals, 2 silver and 1 bronze.

In the table, the team from Russia occupies the first line, having 4 gold. American athletes are stepping on the heels of the Russian team. And the third place is occupied by wrestlers from Japan. In freestyle wrestling competitions among women, Japanese athletes are the favorites.

The first medal in 2018 at the World Freestyle Wrestling Championship was won on the opening day

Zaurbek Sidakov brought the first gold medal in the championship to the Russian team. Few, except for the coaches of Russian athletes, predicted victory for him. Moreover, he had a duel with the famous wrestler from the United States, Jordan Burrows, whom many saw as the favorite of the championship. Zaurbek defeated the American in the last minutes, and in the next fight the Italian wrestler Franco Chamiso suffered the same fate.

Thus, a simple guy from an Ossetian village, who traveled 10 km to get to training, proved that the Russian freestyle wrestling school is rightfully considered one of the strongest in the world.

Thanks to many hours of training and great willpower, the Russian athlete became the owner of a gold medal in such a prestigious weight category. Zaurbek Sidakov competed in the weight category up to 74 kg. This category of weight is considered special among wrestlers. And in this category, the Russian athlete Zaurbek Sidakov became the world champion in 2018.

The World Freestyle Wrestling Championship in 2018 showed the fortitude of Russian athletes

An athlete from the Russian team Zaur Uguev showed great willpower and unshakable spirit, who competed in the weight category up to 57 kg.

In a duel with a Japanese wrestler, Zaur was clearly losing on points at the beginning of the fight. There was a leg injury. The opponent, sensing Uguev's weak point, constantly held tricks on the sore leg of the Russian athlete. The problem became so serious that a medical team had to be called.

But the Russian athlete managed to turn the tide of the fight. After being examined by doctors, Zaur Uguev not only continued the fight, but also brought the Russian team a gold medal. This was proof of the great desire to win and the enormous willpower of the athlete.

Thanks to Zaur's victory, the Russian team took first place in the standings of the World Freestyle Wrestling Championship in Budapest.

The best wrestlers of the world showed their skills at the World Freestyle Wrestling Championships in 2018

The World Championship in freestyle wrestling, which takes place in Budapest, has brought together the best masters of this sport under its banner. Athletes from many countries of the world performed and showed good results in different weight categories.

The Russian team has taken a worthy place among world-class wrestlers. This is evidenced by the medals they won. Gold was also won by Russian athletes Magomedrasul Gazimagomedov, who competed in the weight category up to 70 kg, and heavyweight wrestler Abdulrashid Sadulaev, who competed in the weight category up to 97 kg. Also wrestlers from Russia won 2 silver and one bronze medals.

The absolute favorites among women at the championship are athletes from the land of the rising sun. Sportswomen from Japan have 2 gold medals. So far, they are the only owners of gold in the 2018 championship.

Silver in the World Championship was won by athletes from Belarus and Turkey. The Freestyle Wrestling World Championship gave the fans a lot of unforgettable moments, and until the end of the competition it promises to be interesting and keep the audience in suspense.