home · Appliances · Scenario of a competitive game program for Mother's Day. Scenario of a competitive game program dedicated to International Mother's Day

Scenario of a competitive game program for Mother's Day. Scenario of a competitive game program dedicated to International Mother's Day

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Navashino Gymnasium

Competitive and game program

for children and parents

for Mother's Day

"Daughters - Mothers"

Developed by:

Social teacher

Goal: to instill in children love, respect for women - mothers, care

about your loved ones.

Form: competitive game program

for children and parents on Mother's Day.

Preparatory work:

Think over the decoration of the holiday;

Prepare a festive concert, gifts;

Set up a stand with reproductions of artists;


Music Center;


Recorded discs;

Design on the board

Musical series: songs “Mama”, “Russia, we are your children”,

"May there always be sunshine."

The progress of the holiday

IN 1: There are a lot of kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
Two syllables simple: "ma-ma"
And there are no words more precious than it.

AT 2: The words “mother, mother” are among the most ancient on earth. All people respect and love mothers. The word “mother” is also used to describe one’s homeland in order to emphasize that it treats its children like a mother.

There is probably not a single country where they do not celebrate Mothers Day. In Russia Mothers Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin No. 000 " About Mother's Day" dated 01/01/01, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' work and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children.

Mothers Day- this is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the closest and dearest person, to pay tribute to love, to generous mother’s hearts, to their caring and affectionate hands.
Mom, mommy! This is what we call our dearest and most beloved person. The first word every baby says is the word “mom”. In all languages ​​of the world it sounds affectionate, warm and gentle.
Mother– our first teacher, a wise mentor, she takes care of us. It is from the mother’s lips that the child hears the first songs in his life. All today's performances - songs, poems - are heard only for you, our dear mothers!
Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, arrange a holiday for them, and give them gifts.

Yes, indeed, for each of us, be it a small child or an already graying adult, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world. And today we once again congratulate our mothers on the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and a caring attitude from their loved ones. But as you know, mothers are not born, mothers are made. Once upon a time, our mothers were restless, cheerful girls who loved to play different games. Therefore, today we invite mothers to remember their childhood and feel like little girls again and take part in our competitive game program “Daughters, Grandmothers and Mothers”. ______ teams take part in the game:


Well, we’ve met the teams, let’s meet the jury who will evaluate the performance of our participants.

Today the jury consists of:_________________________________________________


Musical number

1 contest. Well the time has come first competition, and this is a competition - a warm-up

Now we will test the memory and observation skills of our mothers. You need to answer the questions:

1. Which fairy tale first shows the mechanism of family contracting? (“Turnip”)

2. How many times did the old man go to the sea in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? What did the net bring and what did the old man ask for? (The old man went to the sea six times: a net came with only mud, the first time he went - a net came with sea grass, a net came with one fish; the second time - he asked for a trough, the third time - a hut, the fourth - his wife wants to be a pillar noblewoman, the fifth - a free queen, for the sixth time - the mistress of the sea.)

3. Which fairy tale talks about the poor work of the director, his evil character and the plight of the actors? (A. Tolstoy. “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key.”)

4. How many times did Prince Guidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times: mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)

5. What were the names of the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”? (Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister, Wolf-clicking teeth, Bear.)

2nd competition – “Button”.

You need to sew on a button quickly and efficiently. (The button is cut from cardboard with a diameter of 20

3 Competition “Flower Mosaic”

1. An ancient legend tells: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily, and Eve felt cold. Then, feeling sorry for her, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Seeing this, Eva became cheerful and hope came to life in her. Since then, this flower has become a harbinger of spring, the approach of warm days. (Snowdrop)

2. Once upon a time there lived a wonderful young man. Many girls sought his love, among them was the nymph Echo. But the young man rejected everyone. The Greek goddess Nemesis punished the proud man. One day a young man leaned down to a stream to drink, saw his reflection and fell in love with it. He admired his reflection day and night until he completely withered away. And in this place a white fragrant flower grew - a symbol of narcissism. (Narcissus).

3. When the goddess Flora appeared on earth, she began to give names to flowers. She gave all the flowers names and was about to leave when she suddenly heard a weak voice.

Don't forget me, Flora!

The goddess looked around - no one was visible, she looked closer and saw a blue flower - very tiny.

“Okay,” she said, “I won’t forget.” You will be called... (Forget-me-not).

4. The stem of this flower is lined with small white jugs, and from each jug flows the finest, incomparable aroma. And according to the ancient Russian legend, the sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, and he gave his heart to Lyubava. The saddened Volkhova went ashore and began to cry. And where the princess’s tears fell, flowers grew - a symbol of pure and unrequited love. (Lily of the valley).

5. According to an ancient Russian legend, a mermaid and a plowman fell in love with each other. The mermaid began to call him to her water element, and the young man invited him to settle near the arable land. The fellow turned out to be unyielding. The Mermaid turned it into a modest blue flower, which became the eternal companion of the rye field. What is this flower that bears the name of the plowman? (Cornflower).

Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day.
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand next to you
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's a pity I just can't hear
Mom my song

Musical number

4 Crossword competition for moms
1. Lip paint. ( pomade)
2. A lock of hair. ( curl)
3. A joyful event.( holiday)
4. A substance that is added to jelly. ( gelatin)
5. Clothes for the kitchen. ( apron)
6. A permanent place for stuffing cones ( forehead)
7 Fortune teller flower. ( chamomile)

5th competition “Pantomime”

Teacher: Guys, you have gradually grown up and have already begun to learn your first children’s poems with your mothers. And when you confused the lines, your mothers tried to tell you. How did they do it?

So, the mother receives a note with the beginning of the poem and a pantomime hint showing the movements of the characters in the poem, and her child guesses and recites the poem to the end.


“The bull is walking, swinging...”

“They dropped Mishka on the floor...”

“The owner abandoned the bunny...”

“Our Tanya is crying loudly...”

“Teddy bear...”

6th competition “useful thing”

Make useful things from an ordinary newspaper for your home, for your family, for yourself.

7th competition “School Menu”.

The Shkolnik restaurant offers the following menu:

cutlet “Deuce again”;

geometric potatoes;

cocktail “Chemical reaction”;

“Cool” cake;

“Excellent” salad.

The participants’ task is to describe what these dishes are made from.

Leading: Oh, mom, mom!

The name is golden.

Oh, how much light and warmth there is in it.

Oh woman.

Oh, an unearthly miracle!

Oh mom, how beautiful you are!

Divine, bright, unique

Both your soul and your youth.

Day and night I repeat the name -

Oh, mother, mother, my dear!

Oh, affectionate, kind!

I give you all the flowers of the earth.

I kiss your hands and hug you.

And I bow, I love, I adore.

Love, respect, take care of your mother, do not hurt her

with your words and actions. Thank her for her efforts and

take care of you, be kind, sensitive, responsive.

Constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy,

Mom expects a kind word from you. A gift for all mothers

musical greeting.

Musical number

The time of our meeting has flown by unnoticed, and I would like to once again wish you peace and happiness in your home. Peace and happiness on the land you walk on, mom!

Used Books

1. “Children under 16 are allowed entry” - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2004.

2. School holiday calendar/Auth. comp. , . – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2006.-288p.

3. “Holidays for schoolchildren” - Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2007.

4. “Holiday of good mood” - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2006

6. , Tolstukhova N. S., Obukhova forms of work with parents. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005.

7. “Encyclopedia of school holidays” - M.; Pilgrim, 1999

“The day before his birth, the child asked God:

  • I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

  • I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.
  • But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language?
  • The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.
  • How and when should I return to you?
  • Your angel will tell you everything.
  • What is the name of my angel?
  • It doesn't matter what the name is, he has many names. You will call him "MOM".

Leading: Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to call the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Our dear mothers, we greet you and these words are for you:

The greeting is accompanied by a slide show with photographs of mothers and children.

Children greet mothers:

1 student: In the world

Kind words

A lot lives

But kinder than everyone else

And one thing is more tender -

Of two syllables

A simple word "ma-ma"

And there are no words

More dear than it

2nd student: Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

A hundred paths, roads around

Travel around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother!

3rd student: I believe that a woman is

Miracle of the earth

What on the Milky Way

Can't find it.

And if a woman

Holy word

That is thrice sacred -

"woman is mother."

Children give mothers flowers made using the Origami technique and a balloon in which the team number is hidden.

Children sing the song “My Mommy”

Leading: Our dear mothers, please accept a musical gift from us.

Ditties about mom

  • Galya washed the floors,

Katya helped

It's just a pity, mom again

I washed everything.

  • Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math.

We then decided with my mother

Something he couldn't decide.

  • The soup and porridge were burnt,

Salt was poured into the compote.

When mom came home from work,

She had a lot of trouble.

  • Our mom is at work

He works, he tries,

Well, dad is unemployed

Cleans the house.

  • To make mom surprised

We were preparing lunch.

For some reason, even the cat

She ran away from the cutlets.

  • Vasya painted a picture,

He is an artist, no doubt about it.

But why did he paint his nose?

In red, yellow, blue?

  • Vova polished the floor to a shine,

Prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do:

There is no work.

  • I found a broom in the kitchen

And he swept the apartment for them.

And what's left of him

Three straws in total.

  • We sang to you as best we could,

We're just children,

Just know - our mothers -

The best in the world.

  • We stop singing ditties

And today we promise

Always listen to you in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers. Today we invited you to a holiday to give you a little joy, warmth, our love, to show you how much we can do and to play with you a little….

(The numbers on the balls help mothers split into 3 teams)

  1. Competition 1: "Dating"

Teams need to prepare a story about themselves, about their team, come up with a funny name, motto, song.

Leading: Our mothers are the bravest. They are ready to do anything for their children. They are ready to go on stage and take part in our family game: “Mom and Me!” We invite you to the stage: Team "...".

Presentation of teams.. Mothers briefly talk about the merits of their son (daughter), the child talks about his mother (my mother is the best..., my mother can..., etc.).

  1. Competition 2: "Recognize your child by... palm"

Do you know your children well? (question for moms). And you will never confuse your child with someone else's? Yes? Let's check it now.

(Moms are blindfolded. They are brought to the children. Each child extends his hand. Mothers must find out whose hand belongs to her son or daughter.)

  1. Competition 3: "Warm-up"

Participants need to answer humorous questions. The team that gives the most answers in a minute is considered the winner of the competition.

  • Worst river? (Tigris River)
  • One man was driving a large car. The headlights were turned off. There was no moon in the sky. A woman was crossing the road. The driver stopped. How was he able to see her? (It was sunny outside).
  • Shortest month? (May because it consists of three letters)
  • How to write the word "mousetrap" in five letters. (Cat)
  • What stands between the river and the river bottom? (Letter "I")
  • What can be easily picked up from the ground, but not thrown far? (Pooh)
  • Boiled fruits or berries in water. (Compote)
  1. Competition 4: "Button"

You need to sew on a button quickly and efficiently. The difficulty is that the button is cut out of cardboard and has a diameter of 20cm.

Playing with the audience.

Name the songs where the word “mother” appears.

  1. Competition 5: "Musical"

You need to sing the children's song “Let them run clumsily” as it would be sung:

  • cat camp;
  • a group of little piglets;
  • stray dogs ensemble;
  • chicken vocal group;
  1. Competition 6: "Braids"

You need to attach as many rubber bands as possible to the girl’s hair in just one minute.

  1. Competition 7: "Gastronomic"

The bag contains fruits (tangerine, orange, apple, pear, kiwi...). Moms take out one fruit blindfolded and guess it.

  1. Competition 8: "Dance"

You need to dance “Gypsy”, “Lambada” and “Tango”. During the dances, music is turned on that does not at all correspond to the dance. The participants' task is not to lose their way.

  1. Competition 9: "Mummy"

Each team is given two rolls of toilet paper. One of the mothers needs to be “turned into a mummy,” i.e. wrap it in paper.

Leading: Another funny gift for moms. Scenes - miniatures.

  1. Conversation between a young son and his mother:
  • Well, okay, choose what you want?
  • Sweetie!
  • No, let's do something else!
  • Another candy!
  1. Dad and son:
  • How did mom guess that you didn’t wash your face?
  • I forgot to wet the soap!
  1. Mom, buy me ice cream!
  • You just ate!
  • I almost didn't eat it! It dripped onto my dress!
  • What problems? At home, put the dress in the freezer, and then scrub it off!
  1. Dad sits in a chair, rests, reads a newspaper. His son approaches him:
  • Dad, I can't solve the problem!
  • Mom will come and help!
  • Dad, I want to eat!
  • Mom will come and feed you!
  • Dad, the kitchen is on fire!!!
  • Mom will come and put it out! Oh!!! Why didn't you say it before!!!

After the miniature scenes, the children shout in unison: “Moms, we love you!”

Game program for Mother's Day for primary schoolchildren "MOTHERS-DAUGHTERS"

Scenario for an entertainment program dedicated to Mother's Day

Z al is colorfully decorated. In the corner there is a huge box where the Doll is hidden.
The music starts and the presenter comes out.

Presenter: Hello guys!
I am very glad to meet you!
And it’s a wonderful reason for a meeting -
Let's talk about different holidays.
We can talk about them endlessly,
After all, there are a great many of them!
Every day is a date.
We'll sort them out with you guys.
I'll show you the sign,
And I’m waiting for an answer from you -
I need to guess the date
Tell me the name of the holiday!
Game “Name the Holiday”
The presenter shows a sign with the inscription, and the children name the holiday:
January 1 – New Year
January 7 – Christmas
February 23 – Defenders of the Fatherland Day
March 8 – International Women's Day
May 9 – Victory Day
June 12 – Russia Day
November 4 – National Unity Day
The presenter shows a sign with the inscription “November 29”
What holiday will we celebrate on November 29? (children answer)
On November 29 we will celebrate Mother's Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1998 on the last Sunday of November. This year it falls on November 29th.
Among the many holidays. Mother's Day holds a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
Guys, how do you think we can celebrate this day?
What proposals will there be? (children answer)
Absolutely right!
Give a gift to mom
Which is made by hand.
It's not a secret to anybody -
A wonderful bouquet will delight your mother!
Your mother will remember this day
If you need help around the house!
A knock is heard.
Presenter: Guys, which of you knocked?
The knock is repeated.
The knocking comes from this box...
I wonder what's there?
Opens the box. Music plays, a doll comes out of a box and dances
Doll: Hello, hello, hello!
What are you celebrating here?
So many guys! I like this place!
Presenter: Hello! Who you are? Would you like to introduce yourself?
Doll: I am a Doll!
Presenter: What is your name?
Doll: I've just come from the store.
My name is probably Zina,
Maybe Masha, or Dasha,
And perhaps Natasha too.
Ksyusha, Sveta, Veronica,
Tanya, Lena, or Vika.
I'll tell you a secret -
No name yet!
Presenter: We will solve your problem -
There will definitely be a name!
Now the guys are calling names -
You choose your own name!
Auction "Names"

Doll: The word “Marina” sounds beautiful -
This will be my name!
So, I am Marina! What's your name?
We'll get acquainted in five minutes:
How can I say the number three?
Everyone is loud, very loud
Say your name! One two Three!
(children scream)
Oh, how quiet! Isn't it already
Did you eat little today?
One more time: one, two, three -
Say your name!
(children scream)
Well done! What a class!
That's how strong you are!
Even though you screamed indistinctly,
I realized something
Nice to meet you -
Now I know your names!
And I also want to know
What holiday have you decided to celebrate here today?
Presenter: Today we are talking about Mother's Day, which is our
the country will celebrate on Sunday – November 29!
Here we are talking about what to give mothers for the holiday...
Doll: Understand the essence of this issue
It's very simple:
I suggest to all of you
Put yourself in moms' shoes!
Presenter: Tell me, Marina, how is this?
Doll: You need to do it like this:
There is one entertaining game,
It's called "Mothers and Daughters"!
Presenter: What kind of game is this?
Doll: Listen to everyone - I explain!
Mothers and Daughters is a children's game that imitates an adult family game.
life. Not only girls, but also boys play it.
For the game, as a rule, dolls and all kinds of
children's "equipment" - toy dishes, linen, interiors
furniture, household items.
I have two wonderful girlfriends -
Masha doll and Dasha doll (shows)
They will be daughters,
And all the guys are their parents, the girls are their mothers, the boys are their dads!
Presenter: Well, how to play this game:
There are many parents, but only two daughters?
Doll: By the way, we
Let's take turns playing!
They play first
Who will guess the riddles?
When a child is born,
He needs many things.
There will be riddles about these things.
Guess them, guys!
Puzzles(select 8 people)
1. A piece of fabric,
Mom really needs it.
They will have a mother
Swaddle the baby………….NAPPY.
2.These children's pants
The little ones need…..ROMPERS.
3.This shirt cannot be buttoned,
It can be opened.
All the boys and girls
As a child, they wear…………..BUNTS.
4. This item will be useful for the baby,
Until he starts asking to go potty…….DIMPERS.
5. While the legs are small,
They will not wear sandals or boots.
Little baby's first shoes
It's called………………..Booties.
6. So that the baby doesn’t cry,
They give her a pacifier called……….DIMMER.
7. If you shake it, it will thunder,
The baby is having fun.
This is the first toy
And it’s called…………….RATTLE.
8. One more question remains to be answered:
What is the name of the child’s first hat?.......... CAP.

You need to stand in 2 teams -
We will explain the game!

Props: tables – 2 pcs., doll – 2 pcs., scarf – 2 pcs., diaper – 2 pcs., bedspread – 2 pcs., ribbon – 2 pcs.

This is a changing table
There are babies and special objects on it:
Scarf, diaper, blanket and ribbon -
We will need all this for the game.
The first one must come running -
Tie a scarf for the baby.
The second one swaddles the baby
In a diaper.
The third task is
The baby is wrapped in a blanket.
The fourth one completes the relay -
Ties a ribbon!
The task is clear to you,
Or repeat it again?
One two Three -
Let's start the relay race!
Relay race “Swaddle the baby” music in the background

Doll: We played great -
The baby is swaddled!
Now it's time to feed.
Who will do this?
Presenter: I have one game!
You guys will have to try.
The best food for a baby is porridge.
He will go feed the children,
Who will call me porridge?
Auction "Porridge"
(children call porridge, select 10 people)
You need to stand in 2 teams -
We will explain the game! (line up children in 2 teams)
The doll arranges the props and shows what needs to be done.
Props: tables with dolls and plates,
In front of the teams is a box containing dummies: vegetables, fruits.
Each team has a spoon.

There are products in the box here.
You feed your child vegetables,
You are fruit.
The first one puts the product on the spoon
And off we go.
runs to the table,
The product is placed on a plate,
And join the team as fast as you can,
So that the next one can start the task.
Whose team will complete the task faster and not make mistakes -
She is recognized as the best mother!
One two Three -
Feed the baby!
Relay race “Feeding the baby” music in the background

Presenter: We fed the child
Now it's time to go for a walk.
Who will perform this task?
Doll: The first transport for babies is a stroller,
Presenter: Unfortunately, it’s not safe to walk down the street with her!
Doll: Who follows traffic rules?
He won't get into trouble.
You will be the one to go for a walk with the child,
Who will give the correct answers to my questions?
Questions about traffic rules:
(select 10 people)
1. Which traffic light allows you to cross the street?............ GREEN;
2. What do you use when crossing the street?................................................. ............PEDESTRIAN CROSSING;
3. Which organization monitors compliance with…………………..State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;
4. What is the name of the place in the middle of the street where a pedestrian feels safe?.................................... ........SAFETY ISLANDS;
5. How should you get around a bus standing at a stop?....................FROM BACK;
6. Where should you stand while waiting for the bus?....................AT THE STOP;
7. On which side should you walk on the sidewalk?........................RIGHT.

Doll: You need to stand in 2 teams -
We will explain the game! (line up children in 2 teams)
The presenter arranges the props and shows what needs to be done.
Props: skittles - 8 pcs., baby strollers - 2 pcs.

Parents will go for a walk,
Put the children in strollers.
The presenter puts the dolls in the strollers.
How will you walk?
You need to go around obstacles -
Go this distance.
First, the first one performs the relay race,
Then the second, third, fourth, fifth...
Is the task clear?
One two Three -
Let's start walking!
Relay "Walk" music in the background

Just a great walk!
There is another game for you.
I give you a hint, friends -
Let's talk about fairy tales now.
Children ask for their mother
Tell a bedtime story.
And all mothers and fathers should know a lot of fairy tales.
I'll tell you fairy tales
You must be careful
If something goes wrong I’ll tell you -
Stomp diligently!
Game “Find the mistake in the fairy tale”
1. Good Doctor Aibolit
Sits under a birch tree (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Dear Doctor Aibolit,
He is sitting under a tree.
2. Fly-fly Tsokotukha
Silvered Belly (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Fly-fly Tsokotukha
Gilded Belly
3. A fly walked across the field
A fly found boots (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) A fly walked across the field
The fly found the money!
4.Mukha went to the market
And I bought a sandwich. (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Mucha went to the market
And I bought a samovar!
5.Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman
And they had Little Red Riding Hood ( children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer) Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman
And they had Chicken Ryaba.
6. Grandfather is crying, woman is crying, and the chicken is laughing...
How will be correct?
(children answer) Grandfather is crying, woman is crying, and the chicken is clucking
7. Grandma swept the box, scraped the bottom of the barrel,
I collected flour and baked pies!
How will be correct?
(children answer) Grandma swept the box with a broom, scraped the bottom of the barrel,
I took some flour and baked a bun.
8. Grandma answers: “Pull the string, my child, the door will fall off.” (children stomp)
How will be correct?
(children answer)“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.”
9. Little Red Riding Hood asks: “Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big hands?”
And the wolf answers her: “To rake in more money!” children stomp
How will be correct?
(children answer) And the wolf answers her: “To hug you tighter, my child!”
Doll: Dear dads, moms, you are here all day today
We fed the child, walked, played,
You were not too lazy to swaddle him.
But then evening came, everyone was very tired,
Time to go to bed, good night everyone!
Presenter: Let's all do it together
Let's sing a lullaby for the baby.
Song “Tired toys are sleeping”
Tired toys are sleeping,
The books are sleeping
Blankets and pillows
The guys are waiting
Even a fairy tale goes to bed,
So that we can dream at night,
Close your eyes

You can ride in a fairy tale
On the moon,
And rush across the rainbow
On horseback
Make friends with a baby elephant
And catch the feather of the Firebird,
You wish her -
Bye - bye.

Bye bye, all people should
To sleep at night,
Bye-bye, it will be tomorrow
Day again
We were very tired during the day,

Sleep - go to sleep,
Bye - bye.

We were very tired during the day,
Let's say good night to everyone,
Sleep - go to sleep,
Bye - bye.

Everyone knows what's going on around the house
At this hour
The doze walks quietly and quietly
Near us.
It's getting darker outside the window,
Morning is wiser than night...
Close your eyes
Doll: The children fell asleep, the game ended,
Presenter: She turned out very good.
Doll: Don't forget to congratulate moms!
Presenter: And the best gift is to be obedient!
Doll: They raised you from the cradle,
Presenter: Prove your love to them in action:
Study for "five"!
Doll: Help around the house!
Presenter: Mommy will be happy with such a gift!
Doll: We wish you happiness forever!
Presenter: Happy mother if children are happy!
Doll: I’ll definitely play “mother and daughter” with you again!
And now I invite everyone to a fiery dance!

Scenario for Mother's Day 2014 with competitions

Let us praise the woman-mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from the Mother's milk, this is what saturates us with love for life.

“Let us praise the Woman – Mother...”

Dear Guys! Dear parents!

It’s so good that we have gathered together today. You undoubtedly have a lot of urgent matters and concerns, but forget about them for a while and try to have a good rest.

Of course, you already guessed who we'll be talking about today. On the last Sunday of November, Mothers' Day is celebrated in Russia. All children are preparing to congratulate their mothers. Our first graders will now tell you how they prepared for the holiday.

Song "Song for Moms"


Dear mothers, dear women

This autumn evening is dedicated to you

We only learned over the years
Find solutions for all problems.
We and the children are growing up with us,

But living life is not easy at all!
To be able to forgive, hope, love...
No longer children, not teenagers,
But how can we live in the world without a mother?

She will help and console
With one wise smile!
And let the whiskey snow in winter,
But a mother never grows old for her children!

We congratulate mothers today,
We wish you to preserve youth in your heart!
And we wish you to live a long, long time,
After all, how can we live in the world without a mother?

IN . Dear mothers and their charming daughters will take part in our competition program today. Introducing our participants _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IN. And now we would like to introduce you to the members of our jury ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: Do you know which mother has the most children? In the 19th century, Russian peasant woman Ivanova gave birth to 69 children. First, she gave birth to twins (as many as 16 times), 7 times she gave birth to triplets and 4 times to quadruplets. This is an unusual fact, even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And we will also try to remember what each of the mothers can boast of? We offer you time to think and go ahead - share your achievements.

The presenters prompt mothers if some of them doubt. For example, on the day a woman gave birth, there were 5 other mothers in the maternity hospital, but her son was born the heaviest in weight. Or, my mother once won the Miss Beauty contest. Or maybe mom was the best employee of the month.

IN. Our first competition is called “Presentation”. In this competition, our participants will have to talk about their family and joint hobbies. Before we start this competition we will hold a draw. Dear girls, come to the table, choose an envelope that will contain the serial number of participation in competitions. (Draw of lots)

(The “Presentation” competition is ongoing)

IN. Before the jury announces its decision, watch the concert number “Matryoshka”

IN . And now the jury will announce the results of the competition to us" Presentation".

(Speech by members of the jury)

IN . All children love fairy tales. And all mothers know fairy tales because they read them to their children.

Fairy tale, fairy tale! A world of colors!
A world where good reigns,
Where at the pike's command
Magic happens!

IN. Where is Princess Nesmiyana
Cries tearfully day and night
Where did the princess give birth?
Either a son or a daughter.

IN. Where is Ivan the fool, the slacker,
Surprisingly, he became a prince.
Where are the sisters under the window
Everyone talks in the evening:

IN. “If only I were a queen,
I would read all the fairy tales
In every fairy tale for yourself
I have found eternal wisdom.”

IN . Today we will see how well our participants knowfairy tales . In 5 seconds you need to find the answer to the question asked. Either mother or daughter can answer. If the participants do not answer the question, it goes to the next participant. So, we ask questions and you answer according to your serial numbers.

    A fairy-tale creature who knew how to mint gold coins with a blow of his hoof. (Antelope)

    Chip and Dale - what kind of animals they are. (Chipmunks)

    He used a heating device as transport. (Emelya)

    An epic hero from the city of Murom. (Ilya)

    The scientist cat was telling tales as he headed in this direction. (Right)

    In fairy tales it is said to make a miracle happen. (Spell)

    A genie from a bottle who performed many miracles for his savior. (Hottabych)

    What is the name of the heroine of one of the fairy tales, whose name comes from the name of the headdress (little red riding hood)

    We want to know how you know the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

    1. What did the buzzing fly find? (money)

    2. What did the butterflies eat? (jam)

    3. Where did Aibolit fly to treat animals? (In Limpopo)

    4. What did he give them? (thermometers)

    5. Who ran away with all the dishes? (Fedora)

    6. What is her middle name (Egorovna)

    7. What were the names of the sons of the crocodile from the verse. "Moidodyr"? (Totosha and Kokosha)

    8. What did gazelles ride on? (on the carousel)

    9. Whom the sparrow (cockroach) ate

    10. How was the cat driving? (backwards)

    For children:

    1. What did the buzzing fly buy? (samovar)

    2. Who is sitting under the tree? (Dr. Aibolit)

    3. What did the bears ride on? (Bike)

    4. What did the crocodile ask you to send? (Galoshes)

    5. Where did the elephant call from? (from camel)

    6. Whose blanket ran away? (they're dirty)

    7. Who bit the fox? (wasp)

    8. Where did the hippopotamus end up? (into the swamp)

    9. Who came out of mom’s bedroom? (Moidodyr)

    10. Who stole the Tsokotukha Fly? (cockroach)

Quiz:1. The very first mother on Earth (Eve) . 2. The most large mother in Russian pop culture (Valeria. She has three children) . 3. There is such a tradition in Japan. A wife always obeys her husband, a daughter always obeys her father. And who does the widow obey? (To his eldest son) 4. What is the name of your husband’s mother? (mother-in-law) 5. What is the name of your wife's mother? (Mother-in-law) 6. What are the names of dad's mom and mom's mom? (Grandmother) 7. Sing songs about mom (Song of Baby Mammoth, Song about Mom, Mom is the best friend and others)

(Members of the jury announce the results of the fairytale competition)

Everything in the world comes from mother’s hands, caring, gentle, knowing neither fatigue nor rest, now cooking, now darning, now washing.

Competition for our mothers"Button “You need to sew on a button quickly and efficiently. The difficulty is that the button is cut out of cardboard and has a diameter of 20cm.

- The boy chose the rose carefully,
So that the rest don’t get crushed,
The saleswoman looked worried:
Help him or not help him?

With thin fingers covered in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns,
I chose the one that revealed
There are petals in the morning today.

Scooping out your change from your pockets,
To the question - who did he buy it for?
I got embarrassed in a very strange way:
“Mom...” he whispered barely audibly.

It's her birthday, she's thirty today...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I am over forty, she is over fifty.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this.

For the competition you will need: a stopwatch, cards with words from different groups (transport, fairy-tale characters, various objects, products, etc.).

Couples of mothers and children participate. The mother explains the word written on the card, and the child must guess what it is about. Time is recorded for each pair; when explaining, you cannot use words with the same root, or point to an object if there is one in the room. If the card with the word is not guessed, then it is put aside.

For example: * "two" - five upside down * “tears” - sometimes when they are upset, they are shed * "grandfather" - there is a grandmother, and there is... * “plate” - they eat from it, it breaks easily, it can be deep and for the second one.

Families are small and large, and the relationships in them are different. Watch a skit performed by 4th graders

“On a bench, near the house”

scene for Mother's Day.

On a bench near the house


On a bench near the house,

Tom sighs heavily

Toys lie to the side

She doesn't care about her friends.

Neighbor Leila came up:

Leila: “Why are you sitting, aren’t you tired?

Let's play catch up

Hopscotch or jump ropes"

Toma: “No,” the friend answers,

Shakes his head sadly

"I have great grief,

I’m in a quarrel with my mommy.”


Leila said anxiously:

“Is it possible to argue with mom?”

Toma: “No, I wasn’t rude to my mother,

My mother stopped loving me

All attention brother

Fruits, diapers, panties,

I asked for a new doll,

But my mother didn’t buy it for me

She looked and said,

To play with the old ones.

Andryushka buys everything,

But he doesn’t notice me.”


Leila Tomu understood

And she called her sisters

She has six of them

And there is also a brother.

Leila: “Look at us, friend,

It's good for us to live with each other,

And we have enough toys,

And no one bothers us

We are a wall for each other,

How bad is it to be alone?!

We sit at the table together,

Mom knows what we need

We help her with everything

We don’t offend mommy

After all, she is the only one we have,

She gets tired during the day.

Are you helping your mom?

Do you play with your brother?


Tom felt very ashamed

She is of no use in the house

Walks and whines all day long,

She is too lazy to clean up after herself.

Tom: “I’ll go home now

And I’ll put things in order,

I'll wash the dolls' dresses

And I’ll play with Andryushka.”

Leila: “Well done, I understood everything” -

Presenter: Leila hugged Tom,

Leila: “Mom’s heart is like this,

Very kind, big,

How much love, warmth,

And it doesn’t hold a grudge.”


Tom said goodbye to Leila,

And she quickly rushed home. . .

I took a broom and dustpan

I swept in the corridor,

And then toys, books -

I gave everything to my brother,

Quietly rocking the stroller,

I told my brother a story,

I put the rompers in a stack,

I really surprised my mother:

Mom: “What happened? That's it,

Our daughter has grown up!” -


Mom said kindly

And I took out the box:

Mom: “Here, daughter, take it,

Play with your new doll."


Tom kissed his mother

And whispered in her ear:

Toma: “I won’t be capricious,

Want? I'll wash the dishes

I'm going shopping

I’ll sit at home with my brother...”

Mom: “Daughter, what’s wrong with you?”

Toma: “My brother and I are just two,

Talk to dad

And give me a little sister.”

Mom: “Tom, I’m surprised

Did you want to be alone?

Toma: “No, mummy, dear,

We need a big family,

Here we have Andryusha,

And you need six sisters,

Like Leila, the neighbor,

Dasha, Sasha, Ksyushka, Svetka...

Tom and Mom:

The world will become brighter, kinder,

Let the laughter of children ring in it!”

Contest"Collective portrait". Today we will draw the most beautiful mother and the most beautiful grandmother. We will divide the guys into two teams and line them up in columns.

For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers.

1st runs and draws the head, eye, nose, 2nd - hair, second eye - mouth, 3rd - torso, 4th - hands, 5th - legs without feet, 6th - shoes, 7th - beads, 8th - handbag. Whichever team is faster wins.

As soon as mothers do not call their children affectionately. Listen to the song “Button”

IN . Our last competition is over. We ask the jury to calculate the number of points. The jury gives the floor. (Summing up and awarding the winners)

IN . Our joyful holiday has come to an end. And we want to wish you with all our hearts.

Let love inspire you
Let friendship bring joy to hearts.
Let dreams know no barriers
Happiness will never end!

And at the end of our program we invite elementary school students to the stage (concert number)

Our mothers will have a little rest and now for you viewers the competition is called “Mysterious”. Guess the riddles:
1) These balls are on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For every taste
In my mother's box...(beads).
2) Mom’s ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver
3) Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Our mother has...(hat).
4) Name the dishes:
The handle pinched to the circle.
Damn bake for her - nonsense
This is... (frying pan)
5) He has water in his belly
Lost from the heat.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly...(kettle).
6) This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
He will pour ... (soup) into plates.
7) Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness for you.
A long hose, like a trunk nose,
The rug is being cleaned... (vacuum cleaner).
8) Irons dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He is a faithful friend on the farm -
His name is...(iron)
9) Here is the cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges there is an openwork
This is wonderful...(lampshade).
10) Mom's striped animal
The saucer begged for sour cream.
And after eating it a little,
Our...(cat) will purr.


Ved: we thought and had fun,

And sometimes they even argued

But we became very good friends

Behind our game.

Today is the holiday of women, mothers -

And the young people whose babies are still in the stroller,

And the elderly who give fairy tales to their grandchildren,

And those whose children are smarter than everyone else at school.

To all mothers of all sizes, colors and positions

We bow low to the ground!

Let your house be full!

You are the best example for your children!

Natalia Kolpakova
Competitive and game program for Mother's Day.

Private educational institution "Boarding school No. 24 of secondary (full) formation of OJSC "RUSSIAN RAILWAYS" Taishet, Irkutsk region.

Competitive and game program for Mother's Day.


Cultivating a sense of love for your mother and pride in her, feelings of respect for parents.

Building mutual understanding between mother and child.

Involving parents in public events.


Formation of behavioral skills stage:

artistry, clarity, diction.

Formation of rules of conduct in public places.

Create a cheerful and festive mood in children and parents.


stage decoration (inscription "Day Mothers» , sunshine, children, daisies, butterflies on ribbons);

team names, mottos;

chamomile made of colored cardboard with tasks for mothers;

worksheets with tasks for competition"Culinary";

cards with ditties for mothers and children;

ribbons for competition"Salon";

presentation "Take care of your children" (photos of children from school life from grades 1 to 11)

Scene: “What kind of kids are these days, right?”

(4 pairs : girl and boy act out a skit)

1 pair:

M - I’m thinking, guessing,

Why are children born?

So, do you guys mind?

Let's weigh the pros and cons!

D - Why do you need all this?

M - For specific answer!

Preparation for adult life.

D - You came up with this cleverly!

M - Yes, I feel bad for my mother,

There are no problems in life.

D - Yes. We have a lot of problems.

A difficult position is mother.

It would be easier for her

Without children like us.

2 pair:

D-Ugh! What nonsense!

She will be bored then!

Yes, and in old age compote

Who will bring it in a glass?

Just imagine now

A mother without children at all!

M - It’s quiet at home. purity. Beauty!

D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!

Without children he is not alive!

M - But, I’ll say it straight,

Mom is having a nice rest.

She won't have to again

Check all lessons

Solve problems for children,

Write an essay,

For various tricks

Either scold or punish,

Kitchen, dinner, laundry,

Collect toys again.

Without sparing nerve cells,

Keep the kids away from the computer!

D - And hear it while falling asleep.

You are so beautiful

Honestly, I say honestly

Mom, I love you so much.

4 pair:

M - Yes. hmm-hmm. sounds beautiful.

What about this prospect? - "

Just raised children.

He got married quickly.

Do you want to relax now?

Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

D - So what? Play again.

Answer grandma

They sat down, stood up, ran,

All the toys have been collected again,

Workout at the stove

A cartload of domestic fuss,

M - Why do they need to live like this?

D - Complete aerobics!

Hurry up to get everything done.

There's no time to grow old

1 pair:

M - No! I still doubt it

So many nerves and worries!

I'm becoming more and more convinced:

Children are troublesome people.

It takes a long time to raise them,

And educate, teach,

Not getting enough sleep day and night,

To worry day and night

If you are sick, treat them

If you are guilty, you will be spanked,

And help with studies,

And feed and dress up.

D - What is the difficulty? I don't understand!

I dress up dolls!

M - Well, I compared it! Wow - it gives!

D - Children are troublesome people!

But for mom

More important than everyone else, I’ll say it straight out.

For mothers, children continue

Both honor and respect!

And great love.

M - And care again and again.

D - So, my friend, calm down!

Worries are fun!

While you raise the children,

You won't get bored for a moment.

2 pair:

M - Yes, I got an answer -

The meaning of life can be seen in this.

D - The meaning of life is seen in

May the house be full of children!

Every mother has a child!

All the guys in chorus:

Well, it’s better to have two at once!

So that mommy gets bored

I didn't have a headache.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers, guests of our holiday. Today we have a wonderful holiday. And even if it’s frosty outside, our holiday emanates such warmth that warms us all. This is because our wonderful mothers and grandmothers came to visit us.


Day mothers - a great holiday

For all times, for all ages,

It is very important for everyone -

And there are not enough words to express.


Happy holiday to you!

I believe that a woman is

What a miracle

cannot be found on the Milky Way,

And if “beloved” -

Holy word

That is thrice sacred -

"Woman Mother"

Leading: For you, our dear mothers, grandmothers, the kids of our school will sing a cheerful song "Hemp"!

Leading: Today we will have a fun competition and concert program “Children-Mothers”. IN competition 2 teams take part. We invite the teams to the stage.

(Introduces teams to the sound of music participants: team name, mom (first name, patronymic, then child’s name, class).

Team "Smile":

Razgildeeva Snezhanna Yakovlevna - son Alexander - 1-b

Knyazeva Valentina Vyacheslavovna - daughter Victoria - 2nd grade

Bogdanova Tatyana Mikhailovna - daughter Daria - 4th grade

Pulina Olga Mikhailovna - daughter Elizaveta - 5th grade

Plysenko Svetlana Aleksandrovna - daughter Vasilisa - 7th grade

Antonova Marina Anatolyevna - son Mikhail - 9th grade

Team "Family":

Taimasova Elena Nikolaevna - daughter Polina - 1st grade

Elmurzaeva Ekaterina Valerievna - daughter Sophia - 3rd grade

Podolina Lidiya Vladimirovna - daughter Angelina - 5th grade

Karenda Larisa Alexandrovna - son Egor - 6th grade

Chapysheva Natalya Aleksandrovna - son Ivan - 8th grade

Ivleva Yulia Dmitrievna - son Dmitry - 11th grade


We met the teams, and now we present our respected jury:

(jury presentation)

Leading: Meet! 2nd grade students greet you with a song "The sun is shining"


Leading: And now we invite you to participate in the first competition"Chamomile"

(The guys bring out a multi-colored chamomile) Mothers from each team take turns plucking petals and answering questions written on the back of the petal.

What did your child look like when you saw him for the first time?

What songs did you sing while putting your baby to sleep? Sing a couplet.

Say your child's first word.

Name the very first poem you learned together.

The first gift your child gave you.

How do you want to see the future of your loved one?

Leading: The competition continues! Reply word children:

Command 1 - Name the kind words that you hear from your mother.

Team 2 - Name the kind words you say to mothers.

Leading: What do mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers dream about? Of course, they want to see their children healthy, smart, and joyful! And our children try very hard.

(song "Little Boat" Diana Purlik 4th grade)


Any trouble will fade away and disappear,

Like thunder sometimes rumbling in spring,

If she is with you, if she is always near


So that there is light in both the heart and the house,

Reciprocate her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house together.

Competition 2


A third of any person’s life is spent in the kitchen. The kitchen is a kind of creative laboratory where the hostess is constantly improving her culinary art. Because given contest has to do with both cuisine and art.

And now I ask two mothers to come out.

(Moms need to sing culinary recipes in any style. Preparation takes 7 minutes with the help of an accordion player)

Place the meat in cold, lightly salted water and cook until done. Fry chopped vegetables in fat. Finely chop the cabbage. If the cabbage heads are old, they should first be immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Pour finely chopped cabbage into the meat broth, boil, add prepared vegetables, as well as a bunch of parsley and celery. Cook for 30-40 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the flour dressing, add bay leaves, peppercorns, salt, tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, cut into pieces.


Prepare flour, egg, water, a pinch of salt and knead the dough. Using a glass, cut out circles with a diameter of 4-5 cm from the dough. Place the filling in the middle of each circle and mold the edges of the dumplings. For the filling, take raw meat (it is best to cut beef and pork in half, mince the onion. Add a little water to the minced meat, add salt and pepper to taste. Cook the dumplings in boiling salted water for 5-6 minutes. Serve the dumplings with sauce and butter or sour cream.

Leading: In the meantime, mothers are getting ready, let’s conduct contest“I remember your image thoroughly”

(pairs from each team are called)

Without turning around, you need to tell everything about your mom: what she’s wearing, eye color, hair color.


Day Mother's Day - Valentine's Day.

Day of pristine beauty.

He is unique in everything

You owe your life to him.


You speak more often "Mother"

Her heart will be warmer.

And on this day - the most beautiful

Warm her with affection.

("Forest Song"-3-5kl)

Contest- culinary recipes


Grandmother! There is no higher happiness for me,

Than always being next to you!

For me, you are the best in the world!

And there is nowhere else like it!

May all the love that you gave

Coming back to you now!

I wish you happiness, dear!

Joyful, happy, long days

Leading: Our beloved grandmothers! Dedicated to you, the mothers who raised our parents.

Song 9th grade "Strong Women" Natalia Zhernova

Dance 8th grade

Leading: announce the next one contest: "Ditties", and while the teams are preparing -

Warm-up with the audience.


Leading: Name one in a word:

This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life.

This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical.

When it happens, we always admire and rejoice (miracle).

They hide under dirty nails.

They are so small that you can't see them.

They can make you sick (germs).

It happens often and in many places you have to waste time because of it.

But if you need something, you have to put up with it.

You wait as long as you need and you will get what you want. (queue).

Every person should have it, but some people have forgotten about it.

It helps you become a real person.

When you do something wrong or hurt someone in vain, she torments you (conscience)

If it is not there, then there is no joy; without it there is no life, but existence.

They always wish it to each other, especially in letters.

You can't buy it for any money. (health)

Every person dreams about him, wants everything to be good in life.

But no one knows where to look for him.

There are fabulous birds that bring it (happiness)

A person brings everything into his home, whether he needs it or not.

He doesn't like giving gifts or sharing candy.

And it’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give it anyway. (greed)

Leading: Well done! Let's listen to our ditties!

Leading: For the next competition"Barbershop" I invite boys to the stage. Moms will receive one bow. And on command, they will quickly and beautifully tie bows for the clients of the hairdressing salon. Having completed the task, mothers should raise their hand up. And the quality of their work will be determined by the boys. They will dance the lady - dance in a squat position, keeping their hands on their waists! If the bow does not fall off the client during the dance, then the mother who served this client will receive 5 points. If the bow falls off the head, then 0 points. The clients are already sitting in their chairs. Are moms ready? Let's start!

Leading: 8th grade song about mom - no announcement


The most beautiful word on earth is mom!

The kindest word on earth is mom!

This is the first word on earth that a person utters, and in all languages ​​it sounds equally tender.

Song 11th grade - “Tell me, mom!” Shcherbinin Dmitry


Leading: Our dear mothers! How many sleepless nights have you spent near children's beds? You jumped out of bed when you heard your child's voice. And like no one else, you remembered the voices of your beloved children. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to recognize your crying child. Now your children will cry, as in childhood, and your task is to recognize your child’s voice and raise your hand.

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results, the mothers of grade 5b will sing for us "Our children"

Leading: We give the floor to the jury.

(children give medals to mothers “For the desire to win!” and chocolate)

Leading: We bow to everyone women: mothers, grandmothers, sisters for your unrequited kindness, love, for your hands, which create goodness and justice on earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning.

Leading: Dear mothers! It's hard to imagine our life without children: without their joys, pranks, sorrows. Children are hope, pride mothers! And in the future - protection and support. A song for you today "Take care of your children" will be performed by the choir of teachers from our school.

Leading: Come more often, because school is your children’s second home, and therefore your home. See you! Happiness and health to you!