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How many people suffer from chickenpox? How long does chickenpox last? Mild form of the disease

A disease such as chickenpox is characterized by an acute course, and infection occurs through airborne droplets. In this case, the skin becomes covered with a very itchy rash, and during its treatment, all rashes are treated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.

This pathology refers to childhood infectious diseases, but this does not mean that an adult is not. When considering the clinical course, it is better to undergo it in childhood, because in older people the body tolerates chickenpox more severely.

How much?

The incubation period is on average the same and for children is 10-23 days. After which a prodromal period begins, lasting up to 2 days. Period of appearance of the rash lasts from 3 to 10 days. After its completion, a recovery period begins, lasting 5 days. How many days do you need to be at home: 2-4 weeks.

How many days last for children is easier to predict than for older ones. Because various factors can increase the duration of the incubation period, and the course is unpredictable and depends on the state of the immune system.

Routes of infection

Airborne transmission of chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. Infection occurs through airborne droplets, or through constant contact with things or the patient themselves. The risk group includes children of preschool and school age.

Due to the high contagiousness after a case of chickenpox, preschool and school institutions may be closed for quarantine, which lasts 2 weeks, that’s exactly how long.

The incubation period is the time that reflects the period from the moment the virus enters the body until the appearance of clinical manifestations. How long chickenpox lasts depends on your age and overall health.

They can suffer from this disease if they did not have this infection in childhood, because in the future a stable immunity to it is formed. But sometimes, it is possible, but only in the case of severe immunodeficiency in a person. And the presence of concomitant diseases causes frequent development of severe cases with various complications.

Symptoms in children

The first clinical manifestations begin to appear several days before the appearance of rashes on the skin of the body, and they are in many ways reminiscent of a common cold:

  • body temperature rises;
  • aches throughout the body;
  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • general weakness.

After which, after 2 days, rashes begin to appear on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, while the emerging bubbles are filled with transparent contents. The appearance of a rash provokes the development of severe itching, which can intensify at night. The rash can be single or multiple on any part of the body.

In severe cases, the rash is located everywhere, including on the scalp. The period of appearance of new rashes lasts from 3 to 5 days, after which the blisters burst. The resulting ulcerative defects are covered with dry crusts, which should not be removed due to the risk of scars remaining after healing.

Signs in adults

The main symptoms do not differ from the clinical manifestations in childhood, but the presence of concomitant diseases and dysfunction of the immune system causes the appearance of intoxication in the patient’s body:

  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, which is difficult to reduce with medication for 5 days;
  • chills;
  • there is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes - cervical, submandibular, axillary and inguinal;
  • severe malaise and general weakness.

Against this background, a rash begins to appear, which can cover the entire surface of the body, including the genitals. The bubbles burst 2-6 days after their appearance, after which dry crusts appear at their location.

It is difficult to say exactly how long it lasts, because such patients often have a complicated course. It is characterized by the appearance of swelling of the brain tissue, a severe cough, and a feeling of nausea, which is replaced by vomiting. There is a lack of coordination, muscle cramps, and photophobia.

Complicated course in children

This is noted when there is insufficient functional activity of the immune system at the time of infection or the initial treatment was carried out incorrectly, so sometimes it can be said that how long does it take for a child illness becomes difficult. The following complications are noted:

  • acute laryngitis;
  • chickenpox croup;
  • pneumonia of viral origin;
  • rheumatism;
  • when the virus enters the central nervous system - convulsive syndrome, coordination is impaired, encephalitis, meningitis;
  • when the virus enters internal organs, damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs is possible, which is manifested by corresponding symptoms.

Complicated course in adults

may last longer than in babies

Preceded by severe immunodeficiency, the body is unable to fight a viral infection, which leads to the development of complications such as:

  • the functioning of internal organs is disrupted;
  • pathological changes in the functioning of the central nervous system - swelling of brain tissue;
  • possibly damage to the organs of the endocrine system by the virus;
  • from the lungs - inflammation in the upper and lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • in case of liver damage - toxic hepatitis or liver abscess;
  • with kidney damage - nephritis;
  • with damage to the cardiovascular system - myocarditis and thrombophlebitis;
  • with damage to the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, synovitis and myositis.

The course of viral pneumonia with chickenpox is long, accompanied by cough and general malaise. In some cases, there is a sharp and persistent increase in temperature, a severe cough with scanty sputum, which may contain blood.

This complication requires urgent hospitalization and antiviral therapy, with the drugs administered intravenously. Sometimes such pneumonia can occur without pronounced symptoms, but the addition of a bacterial infection leads to the appearance of symptoms: fever, and a dry cough quickly becomes wet, with purulent sputum expelled.


For chickenpox, treatment begins with the prescription of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. When a rash appears, patients are prescribed antihistamines to reduce itching.

Effective use of antiviral drugs for oral administration - Zovirax, . Or their use for topical treatment of an existing rash.

An alcohol solution of brilliant green is used to dry the rash, which reduces itching and prevents secondary bacterial infection from existing ulcerative defects that form after the blisters burst.

In this case, it is necessary to treat each bubble with brilliant green until they stop appearing. Instead of brilliant green, you can use fucarcin. If it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Carrying out preventive measures allows you to increase the body's resistance to infection and carry out timely vaccinations in childhood. Well, if infection does occur, then the disease will be tolerated by the sick child much easier. This is why it is necessary to get vaccinated in a timely manner. And without the risk of developing severe somatic complications.

It is worth noting that at any age, strong immunity will prevent the development of the disease or it will proceed without pronounced clinical manifestations. And if you identify contact with a patient, you should monitor your condition.

When identifying and having contact with a patient, it is better to come to an appointment with an infectious disease specialist, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Early initiation of effective treatment, especially for adults, will avoid the development of symptoms of severe intoxication of the body and complications.

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Chickenpox is a disease that often causes indignation and panic among parents. Some mothers are concerned about how many days they have chickenpox, while others are concerned about how it is treated. This disease has a viral etiology, so it is very easy to become infected. The duration and severity of chickenpox in children depends on many factors. Mothers should be aware of its main manifestations and treatment methods in order to help their baby cope with the disease as soon as possible.

The duration of chickenpox depends on many factors, and each child has its own severity of the disease.

Stages of chickenpox development

Chicken pox is one of the most common diseases among children who go to kindergarten and school. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and very quickly enters the body of babies. A child with chickenpox can easily infect all the other little ones. Accordingly, children aged 4-7 years are most often exposed to it.

Chicken pox usually occurs in children without any complications, except for general malaise and fever. On average, children suffer from chickenpox from 10 to 21 days, although these indicators are purely individual and depend on immunity, as well as the duration of each stage of the disease.

Chickenpox in children occurs in four stages:

  • incubation;
  • premonitory;
  • period of rashes;
  • period of recovery and convalescence.

Parents usually identify chickenpox in the penultimate stage, when small pimples appear on the skin. It is almost impossible to identify chickenpox in the first two stages without special medical knowledge, since all the symptoms are very easy to confuse with other diseases.

Incubation period in a child

The stage of the disease before the first visible signs appear is called the incubation period. At this time, the virus enters the internal respiratory tract, after which it begins to actively multiply.

Even doctors argue about how long the incubation period lasts. This indicator depends on the degree of development of the baby’s immune system, that is, the body’s readiness to fight the virus. There are no external manifestations. The baby's general well-being and mood do not change.

Prodromal period

The prodromal period of chickenpox is a stage that lasts several hours. At this time, there is a transition from the incubation period to acute manifestations of chickenpox. This is a kind of reaction of the immune system to an infection that has spread throughout the body. During this period, the baby becomes a carrier of chickenpox and poses a danger to others, and especially to all children with whom he comes into contact.

The main symptoms of the prodromal period of chickenpox are very similar to the symptoms of a cold. Having noticed them, parents often begin to treat ARVI, not suspecting that we are talking about a more serious disease:

  • general malaise with a slight increase in temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • complaints of headache.

The prodromal period is very short; may be asymptomatic or resemble the onset of acute respiratory viral infection

The manifestation of these symptoms depends on how good the baby’s immunity is. In some children, the prodromal period is asymptomatic.

Appearance of rashes

The appearance of rashes on the body is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature within 38-39 degrees. Experts say that the temperature in the first days directly determines the level of severity of the disease. In some children, the illness lasts 10-14 days with a temperature of 37 degrees and minor rashes (see also:). Other babies with chickenpox suffer from terrible itching and high fever for 14-20 days.

The temperature in children with chickenpox may not fluctuate for a week, with the exception of severe forms of the disease. Children's doctors advise not to knock it down if the readings do not exceed 38 degrees. In pediatrics, it is generally accepted that the child’s body must learn to fight infection on its own. This strengthens the immune system and makes it more resistant to other diseases.

The first rash with chickenpox appears on the child's face, since the infection first affects the respiratory tract. In a matter of hours, pink-red pimples cover the baby's entire body, causing itching. As a result, he becomes irritable because he wants to scratch them. Parents should show maximum attention to their child during chickenpox and not allow these pimples to be scratched.

Small red dots turn into bubbles filled with liquid. They crust over after a few days, after which new rashes appear on the body and go through the same cycle. This period takes 5-10 days.

Children's recovery period

A few days after the rash stops, a period of complete recovery begins. By this time, the crusts disappear, the itching disappears, and the baby develops strong immunity to the disease for the rest of his life. Cases of re-infection are extremely rare. The duration of this period is 5-7 days.

Duration of illness depending on the form of chickenpox

In pediatrics, there are 2 main forms of chickenpox - typical and atypical. Typical chickenpox occurs in one of three main forms - mild, moderate and severe. A mild form of chickenpox is characterized by a slight increase in temperature. In this case, rashes on the body appear only in some places and last for several days.

Chickenpox in its moderate form occurs in a child with a rise in temperature to 38 degrees and a massive rash. The blisters on the toddler’s body do not go away until 7-10 days. He experiences severe itching and sleep disturbances.

Severe disease is an extremely rare occurrence, since it most often affects adults. In this case, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, lasts a long time and does not go away for 10-14 days, and the patient’s skin is completely covered with blisters. Fever, nausea, and vomiting are common manifestations of severe smallpox.

Atypical chickenpox is rare in children. In this case, all clinical symptoms appear much stronger than in all previous forms, and the temperature lasts up to 3 weeks.

Does the duration of the disease depend on age?

Chickenpox is a childhood disease, so the severity and duration of its course directly depends on the age of the patient. In infancy, chickenpox is usually mild. Teenagers suffer this disease much more severely - with elevated temperatures and massive rashes. Similar symptoms of chickenpox occur in infants. A sick baby under the age of one year is exposed to high fever, severe itching and massive rashes, as a result of which his appetite and sleep deteriorate.

How long do the fever and itching last?

The main signs of chickenpox are a rash and fever. There are several main factors that influence how many days the baby will need to fully recover:

  • age;
  • functioning of the immune system;
  • form of the disease.

On average, the rash lasts 4-12 days from the moment the first pink spots appear. The rash on the patient’s body has 4 main stages and appears in the form of spots, blisters, wet wounds and crusts that complete this cycle.

At the stage of transition of blisters into wet wounds, toddlers experience severe itching. Temperature changes often occur before the rash appears. Its indicators directly depend on the form of the disease. On average, the temperature lasts from 3 to 10 days, however, with chickenpox, these figures can be considered conditional.

Frequency of rashes and duration of skin healing

The first spots on the patient’s skin turn into blisters after 2-5 days, after which a new cycle of their appearance follows, and the baby breaks out again. Chickenpox ends with the appearance of dry crusts that disappear within a few days.

After this, the skin may remain brown for some time. Recovery takes about 3 weeks from the moment the first spots appear, provided that all child care rules are followed. If parents allow the baby to scratch the blisters, he may develop complications leading to the formation of scars.

Parents should monitor the condition of the blisters on the child’s body and not allow the baby to scratch them

Is it possible to speed up recovery?

A quick recovery of the baby is guaranteed if the following rules are observed:

  • Taking necessary medications. Treatment of chickenpox involves the use of antipyretics and antihistamines. They help relieve fever and minimize the discomfort of itching.
  • Bed rest. Children with chickenpox should rest as much as possible so that their body can recover as quickly as possible.
  • Drink plenty of fluids regularly. Teas and compotes help remove infection from the body, so consuming them speeds up the baby’s recovery.
  • Hygiene. Parents should monitor the condition of the blisters on the child’s body, regularly treating them with brilliant green or Fukortsin.

Adults can get chickenpox, and the symptoms of the disease will differ from chickenpox in children. How many adults suffer from chickenpox, and what features may the disease have?

Reasons influencing the duration of the disease

Many factors influence the duration and severity of chickenpox. It is known that in adults this disease is much more complex and severe than in children. How many days you have chickenpox depends on the severity of the disease.

What factors influence how many days chickenpox lasts:

  • state of the immune system;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • patient's lifestyle;
  • type of disease;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • time to start treatment;
  • stress, depression;
  • presence of secondary infections.

The incubation period for chickenpox in adults lasts 5-20 days, depending on the characteristics of the body. The disease enters the acute phase when a person’s temperature rises sharply and blisters begin to form on the skin. High fever can last up to three days.

Important! The carrier of chickenpox must be quarantined, as it poses a danger to others, especially to pregnant women. Infection with chickenpox during pregnancy leads to fetal pathologies.

Mild form of the disease

Adults may get chickenpox several times in their lives. How long does chickenpox last in adults if a person already had it in childhood? With secondary infection with chickenpox, the disease may have virtually no effect. Thus, an adult who has already had chickenpox in childhood can become infected with the disease again from a child during a weakened immune system. At the same time, a person may not even realize that he is sick. This is mild chickenpox, how many days you have it depends on the body's resistance. The mild form usually takes 7-15 days.

In this case, chickenpox can make itself felt:

  • mild weakness;
  • headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sensitivity of the skin;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • fatigue;
  • single bubbles.

In this case, there will be no multiple and painful rashes on the body, and single blisters can be mistaken for pimples or irritation. With this course of the disease, it is also advisable to stay at home and limit contact with people, but most adults continue to go to work and school in this state. However, this is not the right decision; you must stay at home for at least a week.

Attention! A “mild” course of chickenpox in adults acquired a second time does not mean that the person is not a spreader of the infection. Visiting public places endangers not only the health of the carrier of the disease, but also the lives of other people!

How long does quarantine last for ordinary chickenpox?

How long can you get chickenpox without complications? In the normal course of the disease, quarantine usually lasts two weeks. Of this time, a person feels very bad for the first three days, when the temperature is significantly elevated. At this time, a blistering lesion actively appears on the skin. Then severe itching may persist for about a week. But during the last week of illness, the ulcers heal, and the person feels satisfactory. At this time, the patient is recommended to rest in bed and avoid mental and physical activity.

During quarantine, you cannot go outside or communicate with other people. In addition, chickenpox in an adult requires reducing eye strain by giving up reading, prolonged use of gadgets and watching TV. Chickenpox goes away when blisters stop appearing on the body.

Note! During chickenpox, any strain on the eyes can lead to serious vision impairment. It is important to stop using the computer and reading.

What complications are possible during the normal course of chickenpox?

  • infection of open sores;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • encephalitis;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • arthritis;
  • meningitis;
  • blindness;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis.

How long chickenpox is treated depends on compliance with the doctor’s instructions. Most complications are caused by violations of treatment rules and non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations. How many adults suffer from chickenpox if complications arise? If there are complications, recovery may take months, and the rash will have a wave-like character. In some cases, hospitalization will be necessary.

  1. Skin infections. The rash disrupts the protective functions of the skin. Chickenpox rashes should not be scratched or otherwise injured. Otherwise, infections can get into the ulcers, causing suppuration, necrosis, inflammation, and tissue scarring. In this case, a skin infection can cause serious changes in the structure and functioning of the skin, including chronic diseases.
  2. Liver disorders. Diseases in an adult may be accompanied by severe intoxication and processes that affect the functioning of the liver. Without prompt treatment, the liver can cause chronic pathologies of the organ.

Important! Call an ambulance if the patient's skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow. This is one of the signs of liver dysfunction that requires immediate medical intervention!

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies. Fever, intoxication and other signs of chickenpox can cause serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, including cardiac arrest. Chest pain, arrhythmia, shortness of breath are signs of complications.
  2. Infections of the mouth and throat. Blisters can appear not only on the skin, but on the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth. Damage to the blisters can cause serious infectious diseases, including laryngitis and purulent sore throat.
  3. Pneumonia. Chickenpox can weaken the immune system so much that a healthy person can suddenly develop pneumonia or other respiratory diseases. Without proper treatment, the disease can be fatal.

Note! Complications from the respiratory system can cause chronic respiratory failure and other pathologies.

  1. Blindness. Excessive strain on the eyes can cause decreased vision. But the main danger is the appearance of bubbles on the cornea, which can leave scars and cause serious visual impairment and even blindness.
  2. Brain diseases. Chickenpox can provoke the formation of cysts in the brain, edema, the development of meningitis, encephalitis and other pathologies. Without treatment, the patient may die or suffer serious problems with the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Important! If the patient complains of severe headaches, suffers from hallucinations and delusions, or has impaired motor function, call a doctor immediately!

Atypical course of the disease

How many people get atypical chickenpox? In this case, healing may take up to two months, and the disease may exhibit symptoms of herpes zoster. Atypical chickenpox causes structural changes not only on the skin, but on internal organs. The disease is manifested not only by an increase in temperature and the formation of blisters on the skin, but also by:

  • pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • arrhythmia, decreased heart rate;
  • impaired renal function.

In this case, damage to internal organs occurs not so much due to intoxication, but due to the multiplication of the virus in the cells of the internal organs. Atypical chickenpox can be fatal. This disease most often affects people with chronic diseases that reduce the immune response: hepatitis, HIV and others.

Treatment of atypical chickenpox must be carried out by a doctor; it requires constant monitoring of the condition of internal systems.

Chickenpox is a viral disease that causes a characteristic papular rash throughout the body and often on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat. How many days does it take for an adult to have chickenpox rash? To fully answer this question, we need to first understand the cause of chickenpox acne and the classification of forms of infection.

Why does the rash appear and what does it look like?

Chickenpox is caused by a virus belonging to the herpesovirus type 3 family. The infectious agent enters the human body through the air during the respiratory process. Subsequently, the virus penetrates into the cells of the upper skin layers and mucous membranes, after which it begins to actively multiply using the cellular protein reproduction system. In this case, the virus accumulates in the cells of the skin epithelium and mucous membranes, as a result of which a rash appears.

What do the rashes look like? It all starts with the appearance of small reddish spots in the patient’s face and head. After a short period of time, maximum within a day, the dots transform into characteristic papules (small pimples, no more than 5 mm in diameter, with clear liquid inside) and cover most of the body. Let us add that the affected areas of the skin are constantly itching, but it is prohibited to perform any action that could lead to disruption of the integrity of the blisters, due to the possible introduction of harmful bacteria into the wounds remaining after acne.

Let us add that the virus affects the entire human body, including internal organs, the brain and the nervous system, so in rare cases, rashes may appear on internal organs affected by the pathogen. But this occurs in a generalized form of the disease, which is characterized by severe damage to the body by the virus.

When do pimples first appear? As a rule, the first elements of the rash appear 2-3 days after the first symptoms of infection appear (fever, headache, pain in muscles and joints, etc.). The rash appears throughout the entire period of the disease from the moment of its appearance. It is believed that after the last foci of chickenpox papules appear, a person recovers after 5-6 days, although the body will be weakened for another 2-3 weeks.

It is worth noting the wave-like appearance of chickenpox. After the first rash, there is a slight lull - new rashes do not appear, and the temperature becomes slightly lower. This will not last long, 1-2 days, after which a new wave of bubbles appears, and the temperature returns to its previous level or becomes even higher than it was before. The cycle can be repeated several times.

Typical forms of chickenpox

There are 3 main types of infection:

  • Mild course of chickenpox. It is extremely rare among adults, but quite common in children. Characterized by a small number of papules and low temperature. As a rule, the rash does not last long and disappears on the 5th day;
  • Moderate infection. It is very common among infected adults in the community. It is characterized by a profuse herpes-like rash on the body and mucous membranes and a high temperature exceeding 38 degrees. Acne breaks out with this type of disease within 6-8 days;

Note that with moderate chickenpox, rashes on the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose may or may not appear. With a mild course of the disease, characteristic bubbles may also appear in the mouth or nose.

  • Severe course of the disease. It occurs in adult members of the public not as often as the moderate form, but it is not rare either. It is characterized by multiple papular rashes on the mucous membranes and on the body, and can also rash in the groin area, on the genitals and even on the organs of vision (rarely rashes in the eyes). Chickenpox lasts for 8-12 days;

In this part of the article we will look at atypical types of chickenpox, which are quite rare. There are 4 atypical forms of the disease:

  • Rudimentary or asymptomatic chickenpox. With this course of infection, the appearance of a papular rash occurs in very small quantities, and the temperature may not be observed at all or may be low-grade in nature. For this reason, a person himself does not know that he is sick, and a slight weakness is attributed to fatigue or a minor cold. With this form, the rash can last 2-3 days;
  • Gangrenous chicken pox. Chickenpox pimples with this manifestation of infection change - they increase in size, and the contents of the blisters become cloudy due to purulent processes occurring in the skin tissues. The rash, in this form, is treated with a course of antibiotics and takes a long time to heal. Gangrenous chickenpox itself is treated exclusively with hospitalization of the patient. Pimples can last more than 12 days;
  • Hemorrhagic chicken pox. It is characterized by infection of blood vessels, the rash increases in size, and an admixture of blood is added to the contents of the rash. It is very difficult to treat and under the supervision of a doctor, due to the severe infection of the body. As a rule, this type of infection proceeds intensively. Possible death. The rash may last more than 12 days;
  • Generalized chickenpox. There is widespread, severe infection of the entire body; the rash appears everywhere, including internal organs and eyes. He is being treated in a hospital. The rash lasts for more than 12 days;

Note that rudimentary chickenpox is extremely rare in adults. The reasons for its appearance are: recent completion of a course of immunostimulation using immunoglobulin, as well as emergency prevention of chickenpox using immunoglobulin or a live vaccine.

Hemorrhagic and generalized types of chickenpox can only be observed in people who have a suppressed immune system, after undergoing a specific course of treatment (after chemotherapy) or immunodeficiency (with HIV infection or AIDS).

The gangrenous nature of the infection occurs, as a rule, due to harmful bacteria entering the bloodstream when scratching the rash. With timely and correct therapy, this form is excluded.

Having examined the forms of chickenpox and the cause of the rash, we can begin to ask the question: “How many days does chickenpox last in adults?”

Based on the above, we can say that the duration of the appearance of a rash with chickenpox directly depends on the severity of the infectious lesion.

How many days does it take to have chickenpox? In fact, new rashes can appear within 4-12 days in typical forms of the disease and within 2-16 or more days.

How to speed up the healing process of chickenpox acne? To reduce the impact of the virus on the body and to speed up the treatment process for chickenpox, antiviral drugs may be prescribed. The most common antiviral agent with activity against herpes viruses is Acyclovir. The use of ointments and tablets of the same name significantly reduces the duration of the appearance of the rash in chickenpox.

Please note that if the infection is mild, it is not recommended to use Acyclovir.

Chickenpox occurs with characteristic manifestations, which can have varying degrees of aggression. Both children and adults can get this viral infection. How long does chickenpox last in adults? To answer this question, we need to find out the stages of infection development, as well as the forms of the disease.

Development of the disease

Chickenpox, like many other diseases, is divided into several time periods, each of which has its own characteristics and external manifestations of the infection. There are 4 of them in total:

Note that information about the virus is entered into the immune memory, like in a notebook, and the next time it enters the body, the immune system instantly reacts to it and the production of “weapons” begins immediately. It follows from this that the causative agent of the disease simply does not have time to develop to the scale of infection, since it is neutralized by the body’s natural defense system very quickly.

All these manifestations are characteristic of chickenpox and appear due to the body’s reaction to the infection, and some symptoms arise due to viral damage to the pain receptors of the nervous system. How long does this stage last? As a rule, it is 2-3 days;

Note that chickenpox rash is often accompanied by severe itching. Scratching the rash is strictly prohibited, as this creates a risk of bacterial infection, which can significantly complicate the course of the disease.

As you may have noted, there is a range in the duration of the stages of infection, so in order to understand the question: “How long does chickenpox last in an adult?”, we will further consider the typical forms of the disease, which differ in varying degrees of aggressive manifestations and duration of the course.

Forms of infection

Chickenpox has 3 main (typical) forms:

In fact, chickenpox is absolutely unimportant to a person’s gender, so the duration of the disease in women and men is the same.

Based on the above information, we can derive average figures. How many days does chickenpox last in an adult? If we take the moment of onset of symptoms as the starting point, the duration of the disease will be 12-21 days. If we take the actual infection with chickenpox as the starting point, the duration of the disease will be 26-39 days.


In this article we have discussed a very important question regarding the familiar viral infection - chickenpox - how long does chickenpox last in an adult patient. When symptoms first appear, you should not self-medicate, but rather seek help from a qualified specialist.