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How much does a Chinese metal door weigh? Weight of a metal door. How to take the correct measurement

The weight of the entrance door to an apartment or house plays an important role, especially when installed in thin walls. If it is too large, the opening will have to be strengthened or such a product will have to be abandoned altogether. The weight of the product must be optimal for specific conditions. This indicator must also be taken into account if it is decided to choose a door closer as an additional option. This mechanism is designed for a certain load, and if it is exceeded, it will quickly break.

Factors on which the weight of a metal structure depends

The weight of a steel door depends on:

  1. Steel sheet thickness, used in manufacturing. Modern technical models weigh on average 45-70 kg (finished product). In this case, the thickness of the steel is 2 mm.
  2. Types of insulation or fireproof filling. Expanded polystyrene, used to insulate technical models, is weightless. Basalt wool, which is used to fill the door leaf in fire protection products, will add a little weight.
  3. Type of finishing. Powder coating does not weigh down the product at all, just like vinyl artificial leather on foam rubber or plastic panels. Laminate is a little heavier, MDF, depending on the thickness, can add an extra 3-7 kg to the structure. The heaviest finish is solid wood.
  4. Masses of fittings and locks(a small percentage, but sometimes it also matters).
  5. Additional options. If you decide to order a model with a mirror inside, you need to take into account that it will weigh more than the standard one without a mirror insert.

The weight is directly affected by the number of steel sheets and stiffeners used to produce the blade. Cheap technical models without a thermal insulation liner weigh less than doors with a thermal break or fire doors.


The bare mass indicators of different types of structures speak for themselves:

Plastic with glass
up to 35 kg
up to 40-45 kg
To the apartment
45-60 kg
With thermal break
up to 80-85 kg
Fire protection
up to 130 kg
up to 150 kg

Products from the Middle Kingdom can be very light - only 40-45 kg. However, you can open such a canvas with an ordinary can opener without much effort.

How to choose the right one

The entrance area must not only be well protected from breaking and entering by thieves, but also made attractive. The hallway is always decorated in a certain style, so the door should fit into it as organically as possible. Or be bright - this option is often chosen by lovers of contrasts.

To choose the right door, follow these rules:

  1. Finishing. Products finished with powder paint look inexpensive and stylish (experiment with textures - crocodile, silk, moiré, hammer effect, and colors - any shade from the RAL catalogue). Economy class option, almost weightless, while giving the entrance area a sophisticated look - vinyl artificial leather on foam rubber. This is an ideal solution for entrance doors to an apartment. For a private home, thin (10-15 mm thick) MDF panels are suitable.
  2. Thermal insulation. For apartments located from the second floor and above, it is not necessary to insulate the entrance. But, if you really want, you can order the canvas and box to be filled with expanded polystyrene (foam plastic). This thermal insulation material weighs nothing.
  3. Quantity of sheet steel. For both a private house and an apartment, a sheet of 1 sheet, a frame and stiffening ribs is quite sufficient.
  4. Accessories. Choose the one you like. There is no point in saving on grams.
  5. Locks. For good protection, always order 2 mechanisms - cylinder and lever, and in addition to them an internal latch.

The STROYSTALINVEST plant offers customers custom-made production of entrance metal structures of any complexity. For detailed information, call the phone number listed on the website.

In matters of home security, it is still difficult for people in the post-Soviet space to rely entirely on law enforcement agencies, so our compatriots do not risk using simple doors made of aluminum, plastic, or wood. A proven solution for them is door blocks made of steel - stronger, more durable, more massive.

If you haven't made your choice yet, take a look at our offers

The relatively large weight of metal doors is both pros and cons of the finished product. The downside is that installation becomes more complicated and you need to take a different approach to design, and the plus is that this is often a sign of a more reliable design.

Entrance doors cannot weigh lightly. It’s just that the weight of the door block directly depends on the burglary resistance of the structure. That is, the higher the door’s class in terms of resistance to unauthorized entry attempts, the more massive the components used, the more of these elements there are in the design. We can definitely say that if the task is to give a steel door some special bonus properties (fire resistance, additional sound and heat insulation, bulletproof protection...), then this will inevitably affect the weight. It is interesting that with an increase in the class of a door for some of the additional properties, the weight inevitably increases.

However, it is necessary not to fall under the influence of the common myth “the heavier the better. If you are offered a heavier door, this does not 100 percent mean that it is better at resisting unauthorized entry, that it is warmer, quieter, or more reliable.

Why is it even necessary for some consumers to know the weight of an iron door?

This is important for many if they decide to buy a finished product in a store, organize delivery on their own (by transport company or personal vehicle), lift the new item to the floor and install it themselves.

But there are also some technological issues. The main thing is the requirements for the load-bearing capacity of enclosing structures. Walls are not always able to support large doors, so the opening will need to be strengthened. Restrictions may apply to walls made of cellular materials, foam blocks (foam concrete, shell rock, etc.), special attention is paid to multi-layer frame walls.

The problem is that the massive canvas creates too strong tearing and deforming loads. The door, of course, is unlikely to fall out, but it may warp over time, weakening the strength of the fixation in the opening.

What determines the mass of a steel door?

First of all, the larger the door in dimensions, the heavier it is. Some manufacturers estimate the average weight of a steel door block to be about 40-50 kg per square meter. It turns out that a door measuring 2100 X 900 will pull about 80-100 kilograms. Naturally, as the opening increases, the material consumption and weight of the door increases.

The next point is the thickness of the door structure. The principle is the same, if the mounting thickness is greater, it means that more materials (rolled metal, etc.) were used to create the canvas and the box.

The fundamental design of the door block also affects. So, if the doors are double-leaf, then the weight per square meter can increase by up to 10-15 percent, compared to a single-leaf block of similar dimensions. The presence of blind elements, on the contrary, reduces weight - for example, a non-opening transom will be much lighter than a movable sash.

There is a difference in the weight of products depending on the type of load-bearing frame of the canvas and the characteristics of the metal sheathing sheet. So, if a bent profile, rather than rolled steel, is used to create the frame and stiffeners, then the weight will be reduced by about 10 percent. Naturally, the more stiffening ribs are used, the heavier the canvas will be. It is important to understand that the frame corner is almost twice as light as a profile pipe and about a third lighter than a channel.

A canvas sheathed with a 3mm thick sheet will be approximately 40 percent heavier than one that uses 1.5mm sheets. Another up to about 30-40 percent will have to be added to the sheet that is used for the interior lining.

The design of the door block frame made of steel will also be significant, since the thickness of the frame, and, consequently, the metal content, differs. For reference: corner-type boxes are narrower than those used for end execution, although they do not use platbands. The frames that cover the opening are made 20-30 cm wide or more. It is also necessary to take into account how complex the vestibule the designers came up with. Let's say that intricate multi-circuit configurations will definitely be heavier, as well as options with an anti-removal labyrinth.

Other structural elements of the canvas and frame should not be discounted either. Doors won't be any easier if crab mechanism bolts are used, protective plates and strips are integrated, and pockets are created.

The weight of the door necessarily depends on the characteristics of the material that is used as a cavity filler. Of course, the lightest are technical doors without finishing and insulating layers inside the leaf and frame, but they cannot be used, for example, at the entrance to a cottage. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam, EPS, foam - they all differ in specific gravity, and each material has variations in its density, which will affect the weight of the steel door.

The finishing of entrance doors is one of the main factors in shaping the mass of the product, especially since it is used on both sides. Different types of finishes weigh differently; thickness and density determine a lot. The heaviest will be cladding with natural wood, even a simple lining on one side is plus 10-15 kg. to the total mass, not to mention complex arrays with deep carvings (here products weighing 150 or more are not uncommon).

A couple of kilograms will be covered with foam rubber and vinyl leather. The powder coating weighs less than 300 grams; the polymer film and conventional painting weigh about that. We add approximately 15 kilograms for 10 mm MDF with milling, and add 25 kilograms if a 16 mm thick MDF panel is used.

Some locks weigh. Some models, especially dual-system ones, can reach 5 kilograms or more. The weight of a fully equipped door will also be affected by: closers, latches, massive handles, powerful hinges, complex eyes, integrated security systems.

The weight of a steel door will be significantly affected by the use of decorative and protective forged elements, windows, embossing, and bumper bumpers.

There will be no excess weight if the opening is correctly measured, and the door is correctly designed for specific conditions, that is, its configuration and components are selected so that the product meets the specified characteristics. If the steel door being designed and built is heavier than average, the burden of problem solving usually falls on the manufacturer, from design to delivery and installation. In this case, issues of optimizing the fastening of the block in the opening are resolved, for example, by increasing the fixation points in the wall or selecting a more suitable standard size of hardware. One of the important measures is the use of additional loops.

To ensure reliable protection of your home from unauthorized entry, a metal door is most often used; it is reliable and durable. The weight of a metal door determines its resistance to mechanical burglary and its susceptibility to deformation during operation.

All metal doors depend on the design and affect the degree of burglary resistance

Requirements for metal doors

First, let's look at what requirements apply to an entrance door made of metal:

  • Reliability. Only a high-quality product can guarantee home protection from mechanical burglary and entry by opening locks. When choosing, it is important to consider not only the design and thickness of the steel sheets, but also the locking mechanism system.
  • Thermal and sound insulation. To retain heat in the house, a thermal insulation layer must be placed between the metal sheets, which also serves as sound insulation.
  • Durability. When installing a new metal door, residents count on its reliable, long-term operation. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the weight of the steel structure and hinges; they must be designed with a margin of safety. Otherwise, over time, problems with opening/closing may arise due to misalignment.

Strength and reliability are the main requirements for a metal entrance door

What components affect the weight of the structure?

The main component that determines the weight of the product is the thickness of the metal sheets used. In general, the weight of the door consists of the following factors:

  • thickness of steel sheets;
  • weight of the metal box;
  • number of stiffeners;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • sheathing;
  • additional accessories.

Design features directly affect the weight of the door

Sheet steel used for the manufacture of metal doors comes in two types: cold and hot rolled. Hot rolled steel is cheaper but is susceptible to corrosion. This alloy has the designation 19903 according to GOST. Cold rolled sheet (19904 according to GOST) is more expensive, resistant to humidity, temperature changes, and suitable for external doors of private houses or entrances.

The thickness of a thin steel sheet is 0.8 mm, a thick one - 4 mm. For the entrance door to an apartment, the optimal value should be at least 2 mm. And for reliable protection of a summer house or cottage, you should choose 4 mm sheets.

To reduce weight and add greater rigidity to the structure, the ribs are made from rolled products with a complex profile that cannot be bent mechanically. The number of ribs is selected from the reliability/weight ratio. The minimum number of stiffeners laid during the manufacture of a door is two vertically, one horizontally. But to ensure protection against hacking, it is better to increase their number.

To make the structure more reliable, metal doors are equipped with stiffening ribs, the number of which determines the weight of the product

For heat and sound insulation of housing, a special heat-insulating layer is placed between the steel sheets of the door structure. As a rule, polystyrene boards or mineral wool are used as insulation. To give an aesthetic appearance, steel sheets are sheathed with veneer, MDF or laminated panels. Each of these parts increases the total weight of the structure.

Modern door models, as a rule, combine several locks of different types; the weight of such a locking mechanism can reach 7 kg. Moreover, the more the finished product weighs, the more loops there will be. The standard entrance design is equipped with two loops. For heavy specialized products, 3-4 loops will be required.

How much does the finished product weigh?

So, how much does a metal door weigh? The lightest are Chinese metal products, they weigh about 40 kg, are usually powder coated with a sheet thickness of no more than 2 mm and do not have any additional linings. Such products are not able to provide reliable protection for the apartment. The optimal weight of a metal door for an apartment is 60-70 kg; such doors are most often covered with laminate, veneer or MDF panels. Structures finished with solid natural wood often weigh more than 100 kg.

An entrance door covered with laminate or MDF panels weighs about 70 kg

The weight of heavy-duty metal structures with a double or triple layer of steel can reach 150 kg or more.

Of course, such a door will provide the most reliable protection, but too massive structures can cause certain inconvenience during installation, and, moreover, heavy doors sag over time. Therefore, during long-term use, it is necessary to regularly adjust the position of the blade by adjusting the hinges.

When choosing a metal structure, you should focus not only on its weight, but also on the manufacturer. Companies that care about their reputation will not use low-grade raw materials and unnecessarily make products heavier, and will direct all efforts to the strength and reliability of the design.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine any home without an entrance door. The door simultaneously performs several essential functions: protective, aesthetic and heat-insulating. A metal door is considered the most reliable and durable today. But when choosing the right product, you should take into account some characteristics of materials and designs.

Basic requirements for metal structures

  • Protection against possible hacking. The front door must have a good margin of safety. This is the only way to protect your home from unauthorized burglary;
  • Preventing the possibility of intelligent hacking. The design must not only be durable, but also “smart”. Therefore, you should choose products with reliable locking systems;
  • Possibility of observation. A high-quality entrance door, at a minimum, is equipped with a peephole. More expensive designs are additionally equipped with video surveillance systems;
  • The metal structure does not retain heat very well, so it must have fillers for sufficient thermal insulation;
  • Product weight. You should pay special attention to this parameter, because the degree of protection of your home directly depends on it. If a door that is too heavy is hung on hinges that are not designed for such weight, the reliability of the equipment will leave much to be desired. After all, such equipment can be knocked out of the doorway without much difficulty.

Entrance door weight

The weight of metal equipment depends entirely on the type of material used and its thickness, i.e. The greater the thickness of the input sheet, the greater its weight.

As a rule, input metal sheets have a small mass, which ranges from 40 to 50 kg. At the same time, there are models of the middle category with a weight of 60 to 75 kg and special models (fire doors), the weight of which can reach 130 kg.

The weight of all equipment is also affected by the door frame. At the same time, the design features of the canvases (frame design, thickness of the metal sheet) can affect the total weight of the equipment. In any case, the equipment with the box should weigh no more than its practical purpose requires. This rule is used to guide the calculation of the optimal weight of the product.

Insulated entrance equipment

It is clear that this type of device will weigh much more than usual. But at the same time, manufacturers try to minimize the weight difference between both types of products. This became possible thanks to the use of the latest heat-insulating materials. The presence of thermal insulation allows you not only to maintain heat in the house, but also to significantly reduce the level of extraneous noise coming from the street or entrance.

A similar insulated structure with a box is equipped with rubber seals. The photo shows such a model of the canvas. Also, plywood, wood panels and other materials are sometimes used as filler.

What should the weight of the input sheet be?

As it turned out, the weight of the equipment directly depends on the configuration of the model. Therefore, the weight of the fire door and the insulated model will significantly exceed the weight of a conventional device.

The metal structure can significantly “gain weight” during the installation of an additional grille. But even with this additional weight, the door block weighs less than an ordinary entrance door.

Weight of fire protection products

A fire door is a special type of structure, the main characteristics of which are refractoriness and fire resistance. The weight of the product is affected by several features: the thickness of the sheet steel, the type of box configuration and the fire resistance of the materials used.

There are two types of fire protection structures:

  1. first generation products. They consist of rectangular pipes and steel sheets up to 2 mm thick. This fire-fighting model weighs about 50 kg per square meter. m. The photo shows this type of fireproof equipment;
  2. second generation products. The design consists of a bent metal profile, the thickness of which reaches 2 mm. The fireproof structure weighs about 40 kg per square meter. m.

To determine the exact weight of the product, the formula is often used: the mass of a square meter of leaf is multiplied by the total area of ​​the door block.

Main types of fire doors

The modern market offers a huge range of metal products made from a wide variety of materials. But among all this diversity, the following main types of equipment will be distinguished:

  • double-leaf fireproof model of the second generation with a weight of up to 45 kg per square meter. m.;
  • fire protection structures of the first generation, the mass of which is a maximum of 55 kg per square meter;
  • single-leaf model of the second generation with a weight of up to 42 kg per square meter. m.

It is worth paying special attention to the manufacturers of entrance panels. An entrance door with a frame from a Chinese manufacturer is most often made from low-quality raw materials, which is why Chinese models are lightweight, because their weight can be only 30 kg. And this, in turn, indicates the low quality of the products produced.

Therefore, the weight of a metal structure does not yet indicate the good quality of the product. Conscientious manufacturers are trying to increase the percentage of device reliability, but at the same time do not burden the design with extra pounds. After all, a significant mass of equipment leads to the fact that door hinges wear out very quickly, and the doors cease to be convenient to use.

How to choose the right doors?

When choosing a door model, first of all you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the product. It is better not to save money in this matter, because the safety of the property located in your apartment or house largely depends on the quality and reliability of the design.

Don't forget about the appearance of the structure. Entrance doors can be covered with laminated panels, MDF sheets, or covered with veneer or leather. The choice of design depends both on the personal preferences of each person and on his material capabilities. The photo shows metal doors covered with various materials.

And most importantly, do not forget to take measurements before purchasing equipment. Otherwise, you will encounter serious difficulties when installing structures. It is worth deciding in advance on the type of locking system (left-handed or right-handed).

If you listen to the advice outlined in the article when choosing a product, you will be able to purchase equipment that will serve you faithfully for many years.

How much does the door weigh? It is perhaps rare that anyone is puzzled by this question unless they are planning to install the product themselves. However, it is necessary to know such information at least in order to correctly select the number of loops.

What affects the heaviness of doors?

The most popular are metal structures - they are much heavier than wooden ones, but they are also more difficult to crack. Due to their high resistance to burglary, they are increasingly being installed not only in public buildings, but also in private houses, and even in apartments.

The weight of a metal door consists of the following components:

  • number of steel sheets and their thickness;
  • insulation, finishing and fittings.

Number of steel sheets and their thickness

To facilitate structures for household purposes, one sheet is used in production. In fire-resistant ones, according to GOST, two are recommended. The same amount is installed in armored, safe and other atypical, rarely ordered models.

According to GOST 31173-2016, the recommended thickness is at least 1.5 mm, however, you can find metal structures on sale that use 1 and even 0.8 mm steel. This indicator affects not only the weight of the steel door, but also its strength. The thinner the sheet, the easier it is to open the structure using improvised means. For example, cheap Chinese products can be easily pierced with a can opener or made a dent by simply leaning on the canvas. The thicker, the stronger the product, and the greater its weight in kilograms.

Insulation, finishing, fittings

Whether the product becomes heavier or not depends on the type of thermal insulation. Expanded polystyrene is lightweight, basalt wool is much heavier. However, the share of insulation in the total mass is insignificant.

Solid wood significantly adds kilograms. It is used mainly to give a presentable, exclusive look to ceremonial metal structures, which are produced in a double-floor version. To maintain heaviness and avoid distortion during operation, each sash of such models is equipped with three hinges instead of two. The peephole, door closer, locks and other “little things” (armored plates, armored envelope, anti-burglary strip), like thermal insulation, do not provide a significant weight increase.

The mass of the product is the sum of all the listed parameters. Insulation, fittings and finishing materials, unless it is solid wood, add little weight to the structure.

The weight of a standard single-leaf fire door (900×1200 cm) made of two sheets of metal, one and a half millimeters each, is eighty kilograms.

How much does the entrance structure weigh?

The average weight of one square meter of metal structures for household use is 65-70 kg. This model cannot be opened using improvised means - the metal is thick enough to protect the living space from thieves. For finishing, in addition to powder coating, laminated panels (laminate) and MDF, as well as vinyl artificial leather and plastic are used. The weight of a square meter of fire-resistant products ranges from 45-55 kg and depends on the materials used and manufacturing technology.