home · Lighting · Vocabulary words with double ss. How to correctly write double consonants in the root of a word - examples. Borrowings with one consonant

Vocabulary words with double ss. How to correctly write double consonants in the root of a word - examples. Borrowings with one consonant

Words with double consonants are fundamentally subject to the simple rules of the Russian language, which are studied in high school. For correct spelling, You should learn in advance to parse the word components: roots, suffixes.

In contact with

Double letters at the junction between the root prefix

  1. If prefix and root start with the same letter, then double consonants are written. Having parsed words into morphemes, it is easy to understand how these words are written. The rule applies to words such as: threshold, appeal, lawless, introduce, support, restore, anger, provoke, unscrupulous.
  2. Words with prefixes that end in –s and the same root word “quarrel” also written with double consonants.

Examples: quarrel, quarrel.

Note! Despite the fact that in the cognate word “quarrel”, together with the prefix, three letters C are formed, only two are written. There cannot be a triple in Russian. The same rule with the absence of a triple consonant also applies to other words.

Compound nouns with a double consonant

Nouns with a double consonant may be complex, consist of two semantic roots or bases. A double consonant is written if there is no connecting vowel between the roots, but they begin with the same letter.

Example of such words: Mossovet (Moscow Council), glavvrach (chief physician), Communist Party (Communist Party)

Spelling of double consonants in foreign words

Borrowed nouns, which are written with double letters are the most common type of words.

It is impossible to check them, you can only memorize them, or use a spelling dictionary.

Here are a few such words: ballast, hippopotamus, massage therapist, millimeter, occupier, ottoman, offshore, palazzo, passenger, pessimism, pizza, pleated, potpourri, programmer, professor.

Words with double RR are one of the most extensive groups of words. Examples: terrace, platform, terrorism, arrosion, corrector, hemorrhoids, cirrhosis, terracotta, barricade. These words are related to Latin and Greek words and represent medical or professional terms.

It is difficult to determine the stem of a word in words such as highway, attraction, collection. The root in the word alley is also written with two -LL-. All these words are foreign language by origin, their derivatives also have two identical letters at the base.

Important! Derivations from words with a pair of double consonants in the root are usually also written with two consonants.

  • Highway - highway.
  • Collection – collectible.
  • Compromise is a compromise.

An exception to this rule are formations that have become Russified over time. Usually double –НН- turns into single if the suffix –К- is used after it.

  • Column - column.
  • Manna - semolina.
  • Crystal - crystal.

To check these words, it is better to use a dictionary.

Moreover, in some cases, even in the absence of the suffix -K-, derivatives from foreign words with a double letter in the root form shapes with one letter. Examples of these exceptions:

Operetta - operetta, operetta.

Column – columnar, columnar, columnar, columnar. Other derivatives are written with two –H-. For comparison: colonnade, columned.

Crystal - crystal, little crystal. This rule applies only in cases where the combination -L- occurs in words. For comparison: crystalline, crystalline.

Double consonant in words with Russian origin

Spelling words with traditional Russian roots determined historically. There are rules that will help you check words with a double consonant.

Doubled –LJ-:

  • In words formed from “burn.” Examples: burning, burned, burning.
  • In native Russian words, doubled consonants are found in words such as: reins, juniper, buzz.

Advice! Combinations of letters zzh-zg-zd can be perceived by ear as double consonants in native Russian words.

Examples of such words: grumble (grumble), squeal (squeal), rattle (rattling).

Exceptions to the rule are also the words ground beetle and bryzhi. Their writing is connected with historical development.

Double consonants are at the root of the word Russia and its derivatives. The spelling of these words is not checked by the rule, remember them. Some of these words: Russia, Russian, Great Russian. But when the root changes to Russian, one consonant remains in the root: rusist, Russify.

This rule is used unless the second -C- appears in the suffix.

Examples of such exceptions: Belarus, Russian.

Double consonant in proper names

Names with double consonant often found, so you need to remember to write them.

Female names: Alla, Anna, Rimma.

Male names with a double letter: Kirill, Savva.

Diminutive forms of proper names with the suffix –K- are written without doubling the consonant.

Anna - Anka.

Rimma - Rimka.

Kirill - Kirilka.

If the diminutive form is formed using particles, female and male names are used with a double letter. For example: Kirillushka, Annushka.

Spelling a double consonant at the junction of a suffix and a stem

Between root and suffix a common combination SS or NN. In this case, one letter is at the base of the word, the other is in the suffix. Most often, this spelling is observed where there are suffixes -STV-, -N-, -SK-.

Words such as lemon, cast iron, seed are subject to this rule.

We study double consonants in the root of words, examples

Words in Russian with double consonants


Spelling doesn't seem so difficult when you know the rules and can easily answer how to spell double consonants at the root of a word. Remember examples that cannot be verified! If you have a particularly difficult word in front of you, it is best to use a spelling dictionary, which gives the correct spelling of the word and its derivatives.

Double consonants at the root or after a prefix are a simple topic. But some words in oral speech include a voiced sound, which displays not one, but two letters in writing. Examples in which doubled consonants occur are presented in the article.

To justify those who do not have one hundred percent literacy (and they are the majority), it is worth saying that the speech that Pushkin used is one of the most difficult in the world. Therefore, spelling rules need to be repeated from time to time. Let's look at the most common spelling mistakes

Double "w"

There are many words in the Russian language whose spelling does not correspond to any rule. So, double “w” is written in the following words:

  • burning;
  • yeast;
  • rein;
  • buzz;
  • juniper.

But in the case of alternating sounds “zh” and “z” it is written differently. For example, the verb "squeal" comes from the noun "squeal." Therefore, despite the fact that double consonants are heard in oral speech, it is still written “zzh”.

Difficult words

Units of language called compound abbreviations often give rise to doubts when written. If the first part of a word ends with the letter with which the second begins, double consonants occur.

  • maternity hospital;
  • head physician

These cases should not be confused with words formed from two parts, one of which includes double consonants:

  • gramophone record (gramophone record);
  • konarmiya (cavalry army).

But if the adjective is formed from a stem in which there are doubled consonants, the above rule is observed. It must be followed when writing other parts of speech. The main condition is that the double consonant precedes the suffix. Below are examples of sentences that contain words with double consonants.

  1. Gauls- these are tribes that existed in the so-called Gallic period.
  2. His work was rated five points By five-point system.
  3. Hunnic bow is a weapon created by nomads who are known in history as Huns.
  4. After nine participants left the project, it was no longer group, but small group.
  5. The postman used to use diminutive forms in his speech: letter, telegram, parcel.


But there are lexical units formed from words with double consonants, but which do not fall under the rules given above. These exceptions need to be remembered.

  • crystal, but crystalline;
  • Finnish, but Finnish;
  • column, but column;
  • a ton, but five ton.

Exceptions include derivatives from proper names.

  • In those distant times she was not yet Alloy Petrovna is a formidable and powerful woman, but stupid and naive Alcoy.
  • One of the characters in Furmanov's work was a girl named Anna, better known as " Anka-machine gunner.”
  • His name was Philip. And of all the works of classical literature, he most disliked Tolstoy’s story “ Filipok».

At the junction of prefix and root

In such cases, words with double consonants are written. But this rule also has exceptions. In words such as appeal or fake, the prefix ends with the letter with which the root begins.

You should not confuse the spelling of the verbs “give in” and “give in.” In the first case we are talking about an action that can be expressed as follows: “to be influenced, to agree”, in the second - “to go”.

Words of foreign origin

The spelling of borrowings must be checked using a spelling dictionary. Or study foreign languages. After all, words such as abbreviation, accommodation and application are of Latin origin. No need to study. Derivations from many Latin words are found in modern English, German and French.

Those who do not want to spend time on the grammar and phonetics of a foreign language need to memorize the spelling of foreign words. Below are sentences that contain borrowings with double consonants.

  1. Aggression often becomes a consequence of alcohol poisoning.
  2. Symptoms acclimatization manifest themselves differently in each person.
  3. In this store you can buy not only clothes, but also various accessories.
  4. Ammonia has a high level of toxicity.
  5. Finishing is a complex and time-consuming process.
  6. A method that involves replacing some objects with others is called approximation.
  7. Collegiateassessor, who lived next door, was a mysterious, secretive person.
  8. The witch brewed fragrant potions and prepared strange essences.
  9. There were many in the city waste heaps, to which visitors often mistook for real mountains.
  10. Representatives of the Russian intelligentsia in search of salvation they were forced to leave their homes.

Borrowings with one consonant

There are also a number of words of foreign origin that do not have double consonants, but for some reason it is in their spelling that mistakes are often made:

  • attribute;
  • balustrade;
  • dealer;
  • amateur;
  • impresario;
  • wolverine.

And finally, a well-known word that contains double consonants in the root: quarrel. Of course, in the verb derived from it there is no need to write three letters “s” (to quarrel). Words formed according to this scheme can contain only two consonants.

Russian language is a basic subject at school. But over the years, the skills acquired in childhood and adolescence are lost. In writing texts, seemingly educated people often make serious mistakes. Not everyone can answer the question of in what cases it is necessary to write double consonants. And only a select few are gifted with the so-called innate sense of language. Therefore, the rules of the Russian language must be repeated throughout your life.

What words are there with a double consonant ss?

    Words in the spelling of which you can find two letters C are mostly borrowed, but there are, of course, also of Slavic origin.

    A double consonant can be at the junction of morphemes, at the root of a word. In relation to the position in the word, at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end of the word.

    Russia russian,

    Belarus, but Belarus,




    Preparing to search for words with a double consonant C (ss), I took a fairly extensive spelling dictionary and found in nm about 1000 such words, not including letter and letter-sound abbreviations.

    Consequently, our task is not to recreate such a huge list of words, as far as I understand, but to try to select from it, as an example, several words that are characteristic of certain characteristics. For example, according to morphological. And break these examples into several relevant subgroups:


    Pool, abscess, Kuzbass, Donbass, baroness, vassalage, Novorossiya, accessories, glossematics, secretary of state.


    Dishonorable, shameless, traceless, sleepless, timeless, incoherent, inglorious, fearless, Honduran, skeletonless.


    Rising, rebelling, glossing, glorifying.


    Glorify, grace, press.


    Dispassionately, shamelessly, without a trace.

    Others words.

    Bravissimo, Massachusetts, Bergstrasse.

    There are just a ton of words with the doubled consonant ss, you can’t even remember to write them all:

    1. boss;
    2. CPU;
    3. vassal;
    4. clown;
    5. essay;
    6. cashier;
    7. indisputably;
    8. weight;
    9. researcher;
    10. mission;
    11. Russian;
    12. argument;
    13. regression;
    14. progress;
    15. trade wind;
    16. abrasion;
    17. director;
    18. cassette;
    19. Class;
    20. cinematography;
    21. highway;
    22. Messiah;
    23. passage;
    24. abscissa;
    25. Commissioner;
    26. aggression;
    27. crossword;
    28. sneaker;
    29. commission;
    30. congress;
    31. narcissus;
    32. precession;
    33. compress;
    34. Cassiopeia;
    35. remission;
    36. dissident;
    37. dawn;
    38. installment plan;
    39. expression;
    40. medical examination;
    41. pie;
    42. patroness;
    43. masseur;
    44. delivery boy;
    45. nursery;
    46. passenger;
    47. profession;
    48. professional;
    49. sewer;
    50. story;
    51. transmission;
    52. princess;
    53. prejudice;
    54. Professor;
    55. pickle;
    56. high school student;
    57. quintessence;
    58. eleventh grader;
    59. turbocharger;
    60. classification;
    61. savings loan.
  • I will list the following words with the double consonant ss, I hope they will be useful for children to work on mistakes in the Russian language:

    ka ss a, a ss orti,

    pre ss a, pa ss azhir,

    class, ka ss eta,

    compre ss, congre ss,

    ss ora, cut ss er,

    ra ss vet, po ss yip.

    I think that's enough.

    Words with double s in the Russian language. Most words are borrowed from other languages: passive, passage, passenger, pool, discussion, essence, chassis, highway, route, dissertation, spring, repression, mission, compromise, compressor, assistant, colossus, commission, press, process, mass, reason , loan, class, profession. Words of Slavic origin - Rus'-Russia, Belarus, story, quarrel, dawn.

    Mass, cash, press, lasso, glossary, glossite, permanent, immortal, (immortality), heartless (and heartlessness), shameless, insomnia (and sleepless), passage, massage, Ulysses (Odysseus), passion, breaststroke, cross-country, boss , colossus (and colossal), impressionism, art.

    There are such words: Session, collection, cash desk, cashier, art, sneaker. There may be a great many more such words, but that’s all I have for now.

    Many borrowed words are written with a double consonant ss. Consonant doubling also occurs in cases where different morphemes are merged: root and suffix, prefix and root.

    Double consonant ss at the root of a word - examples

    Here is a small list of words that are written with a double ss at the root: Russia, Russian, Russian, quarrel, quarrel, quarrel, quarrel.

    In most cases, words with double ss are words borrowed from other languages. The following words come from Latin: aggression, association, assistant, cassation, class, classic, passive, congress, essence, pessimism.

    Many words come from French: assortment, assembly, accessory, assignation, assonance, pool, train, mousse, passage, highway, essay.

    The following words are borrowed from German: trade wind, grandmaster, classicism.

    Words of Italian origin involved in banking: collection, collector, collect.

    Words that come from English: crossword, cross, congressman.

    Doubled consonants ss at the junction of morphemes

    Words where consonant doubling occurs at the junction of prefix and root: shameless, fearless, heartless, study, wither, wither, sit, restore, make laugh, arrange, question, shoot, sort, etc.

    At the junction of root and suffix -sk the following words are written: Polesie, Cherkasy, Russian, Arzamas.

    Vocabulary words you just need to remember: vacuum cleaner, depression, stress, Assol, impressionism, impresario, espresso.

    Words with the suffix -ess- denoting females: viscountess, popess, poetess, grandess, lawyer, critic.

    Words with double C at the junction of prefix and root: powerless, shameless, angry, seedling, perpetual, exile, rebellion.

    Words with double C at the junction of root and suffix: sailor, Rhodesian.

    Double consonants ss are present in a number of Russian words:

    quarrel, quarrel, Russia, Russian, Russian woman, Russian, Russian.

    The rest are all words with double spelling ss are fundamentally borrowed. I will indicate foreign words

    Latin origin:

    ass, assistant, assimilate, association, assist, bisector, depression, dissident, dissociation, dissertation, mass;

    French origin:

    assorted, assonance, assembly, assyure, pool, vassal, cassette, lasso, highway, chassis, massage, array, massive, massage;

    words English blood:

    boss, cross (hence the Russian sneakers), crossman, crossword, crossing over.

    From German language bestowed the words:

    ledger, grandmaster, lss, glaze,

The roots of Russian words use only double consonants ss And LJ . There are few such words.

Letters ss written in a word argument and related words derived from it, for example: By ss yell at ss yell; and also in words Ro ss and I(from obsolete Ross), ro ss Iisky, Belor ss and I(But Rus', Belarusian).

Letters LJ are written in words in LJ and, dro LJ and, zhu LJ ah, mo LJ evelnik and related words formed from them, for example: zhu LJ aniye, mo LJ evel. Letters LJ are also written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (tourniquet), For example: LJ meaning, connection LJ tion, LJ eat, LJ yes, with LJ no.

Double consonants at the junction of prefix and root

Double consonants in Russian words are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: be ss porno, in ss tanning, in zz thinking, according to dd hold on, oh tt imagine.


1. With letters ss words formed from the root are written -counts- using the attachment races -, For example: ra ss read, ra ss read. Words with the same prefix and root -even- are written with one With , For example: calculation, prudent(But countless, from no account).

2. Double consonants can occur in suffixes and at the junction of a root and a suffix, for example: traditional NN oh, unity NN oh, sailor ss cue. We will consider these cases later.

Double consonants in foreign words

Most double consonants are found in foreign words, for example: appeal, intellectual, occupant. These words, like words with unverifiable spellings, need to be memorized. Below is a list of the most common words with double consonants.

Words with double consonants

  • aggressor
  • apparatus
  • association
  • allegory
  • appetite
  • attache
  • annotation
  • artillery
  • certificate
  • cancel
  • assistant
  • attraction
  • appeal
  • ballad
  • barricade
  • fiction
  • vote
  • pool
  • newsletter
  • group
  • discussion
  • thesis
  • differentiation
  • illusion
  • illuminations
  • illustration
  • classic
  • a comment
  • concession
  • team
  • communism
  • correspondent
  • colloquium
  • communique
  • crystal
  • column, colonnade
  • compromise
  • crystalline, but crystalline
  • colossus
  • congress
  • cross
  • commission
  • weight
  • metal
  • mission
  • an occupation
  • opposition
  • opponent
  • parallel
  • pessimism
  • progress
  • passive
  • press
  • profession
  • platform
  • program
  • director
  • spring
  • repression
  • symmetry
  • surrogate
  • telegram
  • territory
  • track
  • tennis
  • terror
  • troupe
  • terrace
  • a ton, but five ton
  • tunnel and tunnel
  • hockey
  • celluloid
  • cellulose
  • chassis
  • highway
  • expression
  • Effect

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Target: to develop knowledge, skills and abilities about writing words with double consonants.

educational: improve knowledge of the spelling of words with double consonants in the root; develop spelling skills;

learn to express your thoughts and understand the position of your interlocutor;

developing: to develop students’ spelling vigilance, calligraphic writing, verbal and logical thinking, sustained attention, children’s vocabulary;

educational: to cultivate a sense of collectivism, respect for work and working people, familiarity with the profession of a journalist.

Equipment: cards for TIO, disk “Russian language 2nd grade” (V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky), spelling dictionaries, presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

You came here... (to study).

Don't be lazy... (but work).

How to work? .... (diligently).

How to listen? ... (attentively).

Today the Russian language lesson will be held in the form business games“Meeting of the newspaper’s editorial board.” You are editorial staff: journalists, journalist assistants, correspondents, proofreaders (the proofreader checks the text for errors), and I am the editor-in-chief.

Open your business notebooks and write down the number. The effectiveness of your work will depend on how actively you participate in the discussion of all issues.

Whatever work you and I do, it all starts with a warm-up. Our warm-up is a minute of penmanship.

2. A minute of penmanship.

Twin letters:

bb jj kk ll mm nn pp ss

Write the letters with the correct connection.

3. Lesson topic.

Today our conversation will focus on unusual words in which these twin letters live.

But first... A telegram arrived at our editorial office. (Slide No. 2)


Guys! I want to come to your classroom ss on ru ss cue language. After all, in this lesson you will get acquainted with a new spelling mm Ouch.


The spelling we will get acquainted with is in the words of the telegram text.

Who guessed what topic and what spelling we will be working on today? (Words with double consonants).

Right. We will look at spelling words with double consonants.

Which target our meeting, what should we learn? (Learn to write words with double consonants)

Do you think it is possible to check the spelling of words with double consonants? ( Disk, Consonant sounds. Animation. item 5). Writing words in a notebook.

Rule in the textbook, page 117.

Listen and tell me what rule are we talking about here?

These letters are twins
Well done guys.
You finish the line alone,
And start with the other one . (Hyphenation)

(Disk, Consonants. Animation. clause 6.) Writing words in a notebook.

For your convenience, I have written down frequently occurring words from a spelling dictionary (helper memo).

Words with double consonants need to be remembered!

bb – su bb ota

LJ - draw LJ and, in LJ and, zhu LJ at

kk-ho kk to her, and kk urate, and kk hord, and kk ordeon, and kk hurriedly

ll - a ll her, co ll active, mi ll ion, co ll section, arti ll eria, inte ll agent, byu ll eten, ba ll ada, ba ll They ll Yuzia, tro ll Eibus, and ll jumination, and ll Justration, Krista ll, meta ll, A ll A

mm - gra mm atika, telegra mm ah, su mm ah, kilogram mm, gram m, E mm ah, Ri mm a, si mm etria

nn-that NN a, a NN otation, va NN oh, in the morning NN yay, weight NN oh, ose NN yay, rah NN yy, long NN y, A NN ah, Suza NN a, Ge NN hello, those NN is, colo NN a, yu NN aty ante NN ah, slow down NN O

pp - gru pp a, a pp it's like pp arat, and pp lication, gris pp, gi pp opotam

rr - co pp respondent, those pp history, those pp asa, co R rectorship, those pp op, ne pp He

ss - ka ss ah, ma ss And what ss e, cla ss, Komi ss ya, pa ss azhir, ra ss kaz, ba ss ein, compromise ss, compre ss, prof ss or ss istent, ss ora, cut ss er, cro ss, warm up ss, process ss, pre ss, mi ss iya, ru ss cue, cla ss ik, Ro ss Iya, Ode ss oh, yeah ss designer, lawsuit ss yours, ka ss ir, ma ss as much

ff - su ff X

4. Exercises.

In order for the meeting of the editorial board to be harmonious, we need to complete several exercises and remember as many words as possible with double consonants.

To write an article or note, a journalist needs to know the lexical meaning of words.

5. Game “Meanings of words”. Disk. Consonant sounds. Exercise No. 5 (or textbook p. 118, exercise 190).

6. Physical exercise. (Slide No. 3–9).

7. Work in pairs. (Slide No. 10).

Write the words in two columns: in the first - with a double consonant, in the second - without a double consonant.

Passenger, calendar, team, Russian, phone... background, collection, space... space, pool, road. ..ka, drawing...unok.

Self-test. (Slide No. 11).

8. Puzzles. (Slide No. 12).

Write down the words, dividing to carry over. (Mas - sa, group - pa, kas - sa).

9. - Now we will try ourselves as a proofreader.

Dunno sent a letter along with a telegram. Read it. (Slide No. 13).

I'm in second grade. We have a friendly team. On Saturday we go to the pool. I love playing hockey with my friends.

What did you notice? (Error analysis)

Write the text correctly, without errors. Selecting spellings.

10. Homework.

Try to complete the work without errors, using the rules for spelling words. To do this, you are asked to complete a number of tasks using cards.

Card No. 1 (blue) – performed by journalist assistants

1. Insert the missing double consonants into the given names of professions.

Ho___eist, professor___or, director___er, a___istent, co___respondent, dre____performer.

2. Divide into words and write down the resulting sentence. Highlight the basis of the sentence (main members).

It’s good to walk along the flowering alley in the spring.


3. Write down the words, separating them with dashes for hyphenation.

Russian language, passenger train, autumn rain, new highway, spring flower, Anna.


Card No. 2 (green) – performed by journalists

1. Replace these phrases with one word with double consonants.

Place where tickets are sold - ________________________________

Sports game with a ball or puck - _______________________

Sixth day of the week - _____________________________________________

Room for children's activities at school - _________________________

Path lined with trees - ___________________________

Workmate - _____________________________________________

Animal training - _____________________________________

Sports running - ________________________________________

Words for reference: colleague, cross, cash desk, hockey, training, alley, Saturday, class.

2. Insert suitable words with double consonants.

The guys are doing _______________________ exercises.

It's boring ______________________ rain.

On ______________________ day we went to the cinema.

The teacher entered ________________.

3. Write two female and two male names with double consonants.


Card No. 3 (red) - performed by correspondents.

1. Answer these questions by writing words with double consonants.

What day of the week is BB? ________________________________

In what game - kk? _______________________________________

In what game - nn?________________________________________________

What disease? _____________________________________

In what language is ss? ________________________________________

2. Change the words according to the model.

Early, call - early call

Class, room - ________________________________________

Horse, troop - _____________________________________________________

Autumn, days - _____________________________________________

Passenger, train - ________________________________________

3. Read. Find and correct errors. Write it down correctly.

Girl Ala, going to loess, second grade, yeast dough, take a bath, curd mass.


11. Summing up.

Conclusion. What is a double consonant in a word? (Spelling).

How can you check the spelling of words with double consonants? (In the spelling dictionary).

How to correctly hyphenate words with a double consonant?

12. Reflection. Slide with emoticons No. 14.