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Solar heating of a private house: options and design diagrams. Methods for solar heating of a private house Using solar energy to heat a house

Recently, non-traditional methods of heating rooms have become increasingly relevant. People are striving to find a more efficient and cheaper way to heat their homes. One such method is to use solar energy.

Solar heating for home

Today, special collectors are used to transform solar energy into thermal energy. Our article will tell you how you can heat your home using such devices.

Solar system and its advantages

Heating home premises with solar collectors will significantly reduce costs that were previously spent on the traditional method of heating a house using batteries. Solar systems consisting of such batteries have many advantages:

  • solar energy is free. Of course, you will have to spend money on creating a system and connecting it to the house. But the savings will be noticeable immediately upon the onset of cold weather;
  • this system is environmentally friendly and does not harm the environment;
  • it conserves natural resources such as coal and natural gas;
  • is an effective solution to the energy problem for the home;
  • the solar collector is capable of providing efficient heating of the house when used mixed with other systems;
  • long service life;
  • The system is autonomous, which eliminates dependence on utility companies. Autonomous heating is especially important for private houses;
  • safe operation;
  • the ability to do it yourself;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • the ability to select a collector according to parameters.

Solar collectors

You should not think about installing a solar system for your home yourself if your area of ​​residence has a sufficiently large number of sunny days throughout the year.
To get all the above benefits from heating your home or cottage with solar collectors, you should know:

  • availability of high-quality insulation of home premises;
  • You can combine heating using solar energy with other heating options: gas and electric;
  • for regions with low insolation (solar flux), it is necessary to correctly calculate how much area the collector should have;
  • Installation rules must be followed. Otherwise, the system will not function correctly;

Note! Collectors should be installed at an angle equal to the geographic latitude of the area. In this position they have maximum efficiency.

The correct option for installing the collector

  • Solar panels should be placed on the south side, since the maximum intensity of insolation will be observed in the middle of the day;
  • installed batteries should not be shaded by neighboring buildings or trees.

If the heating system of the house using solar collectors was organized with your own hands, then in winter the angle of inclination of their surface will need to be slightly increased. But in this case, in the summer, the efficiency of the batteries will decrease slightly. However, against the backdrop of an overabundance of lighting, this fact will remain invisible.

Variety of installations

Before you start creating a solar heating system for your dacha and home with your own hands, you need to find out what kind of batteries even exist. Today's solar collectors come in the following types:

  • vacuum. In the design of such a battery, there is a vacuum between the shell of the unit and the heating body. With this device you can heat water up to 300 degrees. The downside here is the inability to independently clean snow and frost;

Vacuum manifold

  • flat. Externally, such a collector looks like a transparent outer panel. This type of solar cell has tubes inside it, and the back is equipped with a thermal insulator. There is more heat loss here, but the structure is easy to assemble with your own hands. In addition, you can clean it yourself from frozen snow and ice. Heats water up to 200 oC. The disadvantages include the presence of a large load on the device’s clamps in strong winds, since the battery has a poorly streamlined shape;

Flat-plate collector

  • air. Air acts as a heat carrier here. Such batteries can easily be made with your own hands. But the main disadvantage here is the inability to use the device to heat water, as well as the low efficiency of the device;

Air manifold

  • tubular. A unit of this type consists of four tubes filled with a base coolant. Its circulation is carried out due to the temperature difference between the battery and its lower zone. Such devices are characterized by a large surface plane;

Tubular manifold

  • a mobile system used to heat a house with solar energy. These are specially designed installations that can rotate according to the movement of the sun. Today, there are various models capable of rotating their various parts.

Movable solar panels

Despite the different structure, the operating principle of solar collectors will be almost identical.

The principle of operation of the devices

Heating a house using homemade solar panels is carried out based on the simplest laws of physics. According to one of them, a liquid with a high density will naturally displace a less dense one. This operating principle is used for heating systems operating on the natural circulation of the main coolant.

The principle of operation of the solar collector

Heating of the coolant has the following form:

  • the coolant in the tubes is heated by the sun's rays;
  • The heat obtained in this way is accumulated in a heat accumulator.

Most often, water heated by the sun's rays acts as a coolant. The water is in a vertical coil. When heated, the water in such a device rises upward. Next it goes into the container. Liquid will be drawn from it.
For the solar battery to operate efficiently, it is necessary to achieve a process of natural circulation of liquid. In a situation where the coolant has cooled down, it must return to the collector to undergo a repeated heating cycle.
To ensure that the water heating process does not stop, additional devices are needed - pumps.

Options for self-assembly of the heating system

Today, there are several ways to assemble a solar heater with your own hands. Let's look at the most popular assembly methods.
First option. Here you need a galvanized container for water. It should have a volume of approximately 100-200 liters. The technology for creating a solar battery has the following algorithm:

  • We place the container on the roof. It should be installed on the south side of the roof;
  • the roof surface must be covered with a metal sheet with a shiny surface;
  • we put pipes on top of it;
  • we connect them to a barrel and a container for heated water.

Homemade solar collector option

With the help of such a battery, 100 liters of water can be heated by 60 degrees. This installation has high efficiency. But in winter, such a unit will not be effective.
Second assembly option. To create this type of collector you will need:

  • steel boxes;
  • several flat steel radiators;
  • glass;
  • metal-plastic elements - fittings and pipes.

The system builds in this case proceed as follows:

  • steel boxes are mounted on the roof;
  • radiators are placed there;
  • Cover them with glass on top. This will reduce the water heating time;
  • the tubes must be laid with a downward slope;
  • be sure to ensure that the top of the device is located below the storage tank;
  • A plastic barrel with water is installed in the attic. Suitable volume - 160 l;
  • it must be connected to the radiator and water supply using metal-plastic devices - fittings and tubes. The water tube itself needs to be connected slightly above the middle of the tank;
  • Drain valves are installed at the bottom of the radiator. With their help, water is drained during the cold season.

Option with plastic barrel

Third option. It is used to heat a fairly large room. Has an efficiency of 45-55%. To create this type of heating system you will need the following materials:

  • any thermal insulation material;
  • wooden frame with a plywood bottom;
  • black metal mesh;
  • deflector;
  • transparent polycarbonate sheet;
  • several fans

The structure is assembled as follows:

  • drill round holes in the ramp. They are cut through for air intake;
  • to remove hot air we make rectangular holes at the top of the frame;
  • We put thermal insulation material on its bottom. A metal black mesh will act as a heat accumulator;
  • fans built into round holes;
  • then we install the support strips for the deflector. After this, we install the deflector itself. It will shape the air flow;
  • We install a transparent sheet on top.

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to green energy and there are several reasons for this, including the struggle for the ecology of the world around us and the decline in global reserves of traditional fuels such as coal, oil and gas. In addition, having an installation powered by renewable energy sources (sun, wind, water and earth energy), you can create a completely independent system, the operation of which will not depend on energy supply organizations.

Solar heating of a private house This is one of the types of use of solar energy, which, through conversion in special devices, is transferred to the coolant circulating in the heating system.

Device types

To convert solar energy into thermal energy, special technical devices called collectors are used. Depending on the design, they can be divided into two types:

  1. Flat-plate collectors - this design is based on a flat box, closed on the outside with glass, in which tubes are placed through which the coolant circulates. Insulation is laid between the tubes, and an absorber is laid under the glass, a material that has the ability to accumulate thermal energy. The collector is connected to the external network through pipes mounted at the inlet and outlet of the pipes being laid.
  2. Vacuum collectors - this group of devices is based on the use of vacuum tubes, which are mounted on a special frame and their upper part is placed in the coolant layer. The vacuum tube consists of two tubes, one of which is copper, placed in a larger glass one. A material with a high degree of absorption is placed in the interior of the glass tube. The air is evacuated from the glass tube, thereby creating a vacuum, which improves the characteristics of the device in terms of heat accumulation and transfer.

There is another type of solar collectors, these are flat air devices. In this design, air is used as a coolant, but due to the low efficiency of such models and inefficiency, such collectors are practically not used for heating houses.

How to choose the best

In order to make the right choice and not make a mistake with the choice of the type of solar collector and its brand, you need to follow the selection criteria, which for such devices are:

  • Possibility of using a solar system in the region where the equipment is to be installed;
  • The power and performance of the device must correspond to the required values ​​and usage indicators;
  • The amount of heat loss - determines the efficiency of a particular model and the required number of collectors capable of providing the heated object with thermal energy;
  • Possibility of installation in one or another location of the intended installation (geometric dimensions and weight);
  • Quality of workmanship and reliability of assembly (manufacturer's brand);
  • Service life and warranty period;
  • Device cost.

By following the above criteria and studying reviews on a specific model and company that produces similar products, you can choose the best option from those offered on the relevant market.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a solar collector, in addition to the criteria given above, you need to pay attention to a number of points, taking into account which you can avoid inconvenience during further operation of the device.

It should be remembered that:

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any technical device, solar collectors have their own advantages and disadvantages, which determine the ability to use such products in certain operating conditions.

The advantages of use include:

  • Environmental safety for both the environment and humans.
  • Renewability and inexhaustible resource of energy used.
  • Possibility of creating a completely autonomous heating and hot water supply system from external energy sources.
  • Long service life.
  • Possibility of upgrading the autonomous system and its integration, if necessary, into a centralized heating system (from external energy supply sources).
  • Optimization of the heating system of a single facility in accordance with specified parameters.
  • The high cost of equipment and installation work determine the need for significant financial costs at the initial stage of use.
  • The efficiency of work depends on weather conditions, the region and landscape of location, the design of the building elements on which the collectors are installed (the shape of the roof, walls or free-standing elements).

Average prices

At the moment, a fairly large number of companies from different countries of the world are represented on the market of solar systems used for heating and hot water supply. The cost of the models depends on the type of collector, its technical characteristics and the company that produces it. Average prices for the most popular models are:

  1. Products of the Vaillant company (Germany):
    • Models "auroTHERM plus VFK 135/2VD" and "VFK 135/2D" - flat solar collector with an area of ​​2.51 m 2. The cost is from 60,000.00 rubles.
    • Model “auroTHERM exclusiv VTK 570-1140” is a vacuum manifold, with an area of ​​1.0 m2 - cost from 73,000.00 rubles, and with an area of ​​2.0 m2 - from 145,000.00 rubles.
  2. Solar collectors from ARISTON (Italy):
  • Model “KAIROS CF 2.0 ARISTON”, flat collector, area 2.0 m 2. Cost – from 37,000.00 rubles.
  • Model “KAIROS VT 15B ARISTON” is a vacuum model, costing from 86,000.00 rubles.
  1. Products from FPC (China):
  • Model “FPC-1200d” is flat type, with an area of ​​2.01 m2. Cost from 25,000.00 rubles.
  • Model “ES 20R-5” is a vacuum type, costing from 36,000.00 rubles.
  1. Products of the company "YaSolar" (Russia):
  • Model, article number 2900152 – flat solar collector, area 2.0 m2. The cost is from 21,000.00 rubles.
  • Model “VU-10” is a vacuum type, costing from 23,000.00 rubles.

Where can I buy

A solar collector is a product that can only be purchased from specialized organizations and companies that either produce similar devices or are focused specifically on selling equipment that runs on alternative energy sources.

The most correct way to purchase is to find a dealer of the manufacturer of a specific device model, and then enter into an appropriate purchase and sale agreement with him. If there are no dealers of companies producing solar collectors in the region where the potential buyer lives, then you can find an organization that specializes in this group of products. These two purchase options are the most optimal, because... specialists from such companies can provide assistance in choosing a model and suggest how to perform installation.

If the above listed acquisition methods cannot be carried out, then you can turn to the Internet, where a fairly large number of companies operating specifically in this area of ​​energy are represented. The advantage of this purchasing method will be the lower cost of the products, but the negative point is that there will be no advice or tips on choosing a model and its installation; you will have to decide everything yourself.

Are the costs justified?

The cost of the equipment included in the solar installation kit is quite high, so always, before deciding to purchase such products, you need to calculate the cost of the required kit and the financial return that can be obtained from using such installations.

The set of equipment that will provide autonomous heating of the house, in addition to the collector, includes a number of technical devices, which is also reflected in the amount of costs for the entire set of equipment.

So, to create a heating system based on a solar collector you will need:

  1. Collector.
  2. Heat accumulator tank.
  3. Expansion tank.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Pipes and valves.

Of all the equipment listed, the most expensive unit is the collector itself, therefore, in order to determine whether the costs of installing such a system are justified, you need to decide what is the prerogative in this matter, because the cost of boilers operating on gas or solid fuel , comparable to the cost of a solar collector.

In this regard, the decision on the advisability of installing this particular type of heating, and accordingly the cost of equipment, is determined by the criteria for selecting such systems, as well as the pros and cons of their operation, which were described above.

Is it true that solar heating is 20 times cheaper than typical gas heating?

How many times solar heating is cheaper than gas heating can be calculated by each user individually, because everything depends on many factors, such as the presence of low and high pressure gas lines, the type of gas, if any, and of course the factors that determine the possibility use of solar power plants.

An undoubted advantage, in comparison with gas boilers, will be the fact that when using solar collectors, after the initial costs of purchasing and installing equipment, thermal energy is subsequently generated free of charge, in the required volumes.

In addition, the use of solar energy is an environmentally friendly and safe production, eliminating many of the negative consequences that can occur when using gas equipment.

How to make your own air solar heating

Anyone can make their own heating system based on a solar collector, as long as they have the desire, the ability to work with hand tools and free time.

Since the main element, as already written earlier, in such a heating system is the solar collector, therefore its manufacture will be discussed.

The easiest way to make a flat type model is to do this you will need:

  1. Material for making the frame (lumber, metal profile or dense plastic).
  2. Copper tube.
  3. Insulation – mineral wool or other (polystyrene or analogues).
  4. Absorber – metal foil.
  5. Durable glass that serves as an element that protects the insulation from precipitation and other negative influences.

The design of a flat-plate solar collector is as follows:

The frame of the collector and its body are made from lumber (board, plywood, etc.) or a metal profile (aluminum, ferrous metal). Insulation (thermal insulation) is laid on the lower surface, onto which a copper tube is mounted. It is necessary to provide fittings or a threaded connection at the ends of the tube to connect the collector to the heating system. Insulation is also laid on the sides. The joints of the housing elements are sealed to prevent heat loss. An absorber is placed on top of the tubes, covered with a layer of transparent thermal insulation and glass (collector cover). Pipes with coolant are supplied to the fittings, the device is ready for operation.

Features of solar heating

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, but not in all regions it shines equally, in some places the number of sunny days is less than when there is bad weather outside, in others the strength of the sun’s rays is not great (northern regions). In this regard, I would like to note that, having the opportunity to use traditional heating methods, you should not abandon them completely; it is better to consider options for the combined use of both systems.

When installing a completely autonomous system based on the use of solar collectors, it is necessary to provide a significant power reserve, which will help to avoid problems with heating the house.

Methods for connecting to the heating system

There are only two ways to connect solar installations to the heating system, which depend on the quality of such a system; it is the main source of thermal energy or a spare one that complements the traditional heating system.

Depending on this, the connection is made as follows:

In this heating system, cold water, which is the coolant, is recharged from external water supply sources. The thermal energy storage device is a storage tank, from which heated water is supplied to the heating and hot water supply systems of consumers.

In a combined heating system, the collector serves as an additional source of thermal energy, while the main source is a heating boiler operating on a certain type of fuel. In certain schemes, depending on the availability of external distribution networks, the boiler may be absent; in this case, the coolant from external heating networks flows directly into the buffer storage tank.

The main criterion for comfort in a private cottage or apartment is warmth. In a cold house, even the most luxurious furnishings will not help create comfortable conditions. But in order to maintain the optimal temperature for living in the room not only in summer, but also in winter, you will need to install a heating system.

This can be done easily today by purchasing a gas, diesel or electric boiler as a heat source. But the problem is that fuel for such equipment is expensive and is not available in all localities. What then to choose? The best solution is alternative heat sources and in particular solar heating.

Design and principle of operation

What is such a system? First of all, it should be said that there are two options for solar heating. They involve the use of elements that are different both in design and in purpose:

  • Collector;
  • Photovoltaic panel.

And if the equipment of the first type is intended purely to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, then solar panels for heating a house can be used to generate electricity and heat. Their operating principle is based on converting solar energy and storing it in batteries, which can then be used for various needs.

Let's watch the video, everything about this collector:

The use of a collector allows you to organize only a solar heating system for a private home, using thermal energy. This device operates as follows. The sun's rays heat the water, which is a coolant and comes from the pipeline. The same system can also be used as hot water supply. The composition includes special photocells.

Collector device

But besides them, the solar heating package includes:

  • Special tank;
  • Forecameras;
  • A radiator made of tubes and enclosed in a box with a front wall made of glass.

Solar panels for heating the house are placed on the roof. In it, the heating water moves into the front chamber where it is replaced with a hot coolant. This allows you to maintain constant dynamic pressure in the system.

Types of heating using alternative sources

The easiest way to convert solar energy into heat is to use solar panels to heat your home. They are increasingly used as additional energy sources. But what are these devices and are they really effective?

Let's watch the video, types and their operating features:

The task of a solar heating system collector installed on the roof of a home is to absorb as much solar radiation as possible, then converting it into much-needed energy for humans. But it should be taken into account that it can be converted into both thermal and electrical energy. Solar heating systems are used to generate heat and heat water. To generate electric current, special batteries are used. They accumulate energy during the daytime and release it at night. However, today there are also combined systems. In them, solar panels produce both heat and electricity.

As for solar water heaters for home heating, there is a wide range of them on the market. Moreover, models can have different purposes, designs, operating principles, and dimensions.

Various options

For example, according to the appearance and design of the heating systems of a private house, they are divided into:

  1. Flat;
  2. Tubular vacuum.

According to their intended purpose, they are classified into those used for:

  • Heating and hot water systems;
  • For heating the water in the pool.

There are differences in the operating principle. Solar heating using collectors is an ideal choice for country houses, as they do not require connection to the electrical network. Models with forced circulation are connected to a common heating system, in which the coolant is circulated using a pump.

Watch the video and compare flat and tubular collectors:

Not all collectors are suitable for solar heating of a country house. According to this criterion they are divided into:

  • Seasonal;
  • Year-round.

The former are used for heating country houses, the latter in private households.

Compare with conventional heating systems

If we compare this equipment with gas or electric, it has much more advantages. First of all, this is fuel economy. In summer, solar heating can fully provide people living in the house with hot water. In autumn and spring, when there are few clear days, the equipment can be used to reduce the load on a standard boiler. As for winter, usually at this time the efficiency of collectors is very low.

Watch the video about the efficiency of collectors in winter:

But in addition to saving fuel, the use of solar-powered equipment reduces dependence on gas and electricity. To install solar heating, you do not need to obtain a permit and anyone with basic knowledge of plumbing can install it.

Watch the video, equipment selection criteria:

Another plus is the long service life of the collector. The guaranteed service life of the equipment is at least 15 years, which means for this period your utility bills will be minimal.

However, like any device, the collector has some disadvantages:

  • The price for solar water heaters for a private home is quite high;
  • Inability to use as the only source of heat;
  • Installation of a storage tank is required.

There is one more nuance. The efficiency of solar heating varies by region. In the southern regions, where solar activity is high, the equipment will have the highest efficiency. Therefore, it is most profitable to use such equipment in the south and it will be less effective in the north.

Selecting a solar collector and its installation

Before proceeding with the installation of equipment included in the heating system, it is necessary to study its capabilities. In order to find out how much heat is required to heat a house, you need to calculate its area. It is important to choose the right place to install the solar collector. It should be illuminated as much as possible throughout the day. Therefore, equipment is usually installed on the southern part of the roof.

It is better to entrust installation work to specialists, because even a small mistake in installing a solar heating system will lead to a significant decrease in the efficiency of the system. Only if the solar collector is installed correctly will it last up to 25 years, and will fully pay for itself in the first 3 years.

Main types of collectors and their characteristics

If for some reason the building is not suitable for installing equipment, then you can place the panels on a neighboring building and place the drive in the basement.

Benefits of solar heating

The nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing this system were discussed above. And if you did everything correctly, then your solar heating system will bring you only pleasant moments. Among its advantages it should be noted:

  • Possibility of providing the house with heat all year round, with the ability to adjust the temperature;
  • Complete autonomy from centralized utility networks and reduced financial costs;
  • Use of solar energy for various needs;
  • Long operational life of the equipment and rare emergency situations.

The only thing that stops consumers from buying a solar system for heating a private home is the dependence of their operation on the geography of their residence. If clear days are rare in your region, then the effectiveness of the equipment will be minimal.

Good owners of private houses are always looking for opportunities to save on water heating and heating costs. This has become especially relevant lately, when utility prices have a consistent upward trend almost every quarter. Nature itself comes to the rescue with its inexhaustible source of energy - solar radiation. Applying the laws of physics in practice, craftsmen find interesting ways to save money by developing and assembling solar collectors, which probably any homeowner can do on their own - they just need to apply a little effort and skill.

A do-it-yourself solar collector can be made in multiple ways and from a wide variety of materials, sometimes even from those that are simply “lying under your feet.” They are constructed from ordinary old beer cans, plastic bottles, hoses or pipes, using glass, polycarbonate panels and other materials.

Some of the methods for manufacturing collectors will be discussed below, but first it is worth studying the connection diagrams - they, as a rule, are approximately common for any solar water heating systems.

Solar water collector connection diagrams

The effective operation of a solar water heating system depends not only on what the collector is made of, but also on how correctly it is installed and connected. There are quite a lot of options for connection diagrams, but you shouldn’t look for the most complex ones, since you can quite easily use the basic ones, which are accessible and understandable.

“Summer” option of hot water supply from a solar collector

This simple solar collector connection diagram is applicable both for heating water for and for domestic needs. If hot water is needed outside in a summer building, then the tank for it is also installed in the air. In the case when hot water supply is distributed throughout the house, and the storage tank is installed there.

“Summer” option for connecting the collector

This scheme usually provides for natural circulation of water, and in this case the battery-collector is installed 800 ÷ 1000 mm below the level of the tank where the hot water will flow - this should be ensured by the difference in the density of the cold and heated liquid. To connect the collector to the tank, pipes with a diameter of at least ¾ inch are used. To keep the water in the storage tank in a hot state, which it will reach from heating by the daytime sun, the walls must be properly insulated, for example, with 100 mm thick mineral wool and polyethylene (if there is no roof over the boiler). But it is still better to provide a permanent shelter for the container, since if the insulation gets wet from rain, it will significantly reduce its thermal insulation properties.

Natural circulation is not very good for use in a system with a solar collector, since it creates a weak inertia in the movement of water in the circuit. And if the battery and the tank are far enough from each other, then the water, having passed this path, will gradually cool down. Therefore, to increase efficiency, a circulation system is often installed. This option is suitable for heating water only in the warm half of the year, and in winter the water from the system will have to be drained, otherwise, when it freezes, it will easily burst T t rubles

“Winter” connection diagram for solar water heating

If you plan to use the solar collector all year round, then in order to prevent the water in the pipes from freezing during extreme cold, a special antifreeze, that is, a non-freezing liquid, is poured into the circuit instead. The scheme takes on a completely different form - an indirect heating boiler is installed. In this case, the antifreeze heated in the solar collector will pass through the boiler’s heat exchanger coil, warming the water in the tank.

A “security group” is necessarily built into this system - automatic air vent, pressure gauge and safety valve designed for the required pressure. For constant movement of the coolant, a circulation pump is usually used.

Solar heating option

When using solar thermal energy for heating a house, an indirect heating boiler connected to the collector is also used, as well as for additional heating of the coolant - one that runs on solid fuel or gas. On autumn or spring days, when the sun is able to heat the coolant to the desired temperature, the boiler can simply be turned off.

A solar collector is also a good help for heating a house

If the winters in the region are very cold, then you should not expect great efficiency from the collector, since during this period there are few sunny days, and the star itself is low to the horizon. Therefore, additional heating of the coolant and hot water is simply necessary. The only way a solar battery will help you save on fuel is that the boiler will receive not cold, but already somewhat heated water, which means you will need to burn less gas or wood to bring it to the desired temperature.

You also need to know that the larger the solar thermal collector is, the more energy it will be able to absorb. Therefore, in order for such a system to generate enough heat to heat a house, the size of the collector area must be increased to 40–45% of the total area of ​​the house.

Option for hot water supply and heating from a solar collector

To use a solar collector for both heating and hot water supply, it is necessary to combine both previous options in the system, and use a special boiler for water with an additional tank having a coil through which the coolant heated by the solar battery circulates. Due to the fact that the internal tank is much smaller than the main one, the water in it heats up from the coil much faster and transfers heat to the general tank.

The collector can be included in the general “heating - hot water supply” system

In addition, the boiler must be connected to an additional heating source - this can be either an electric boiler or a solid fuel heat generator.

The temperature instability created by the solar battery can contribute to overheating of the coolant or, conversely, to its too rapid cooling in the heating and water supply circuits. To prevent this from happening, the entire system must be controlled automatically. Installed in the wiring controller temperature, which can either redirect coolant flows, or turn circulation pumps on or off, or perform other control operations.

In the diagram presented above, such a temperature controller is designated as a regulator.

So, in general terms there is clarity with the connection diagrams (piping). But now it makes sense to consider several options for making solar collectors yourself.

Prices for solar collectors

Solar collectors

Solar collector made from a hose or flexible pipe

Those who have a private house with a garden or a dacha, of course, know that the water remaining in the temporary light mains after watering the beds quickly heats up. This positive quality of hoses or flexible pipes was used by craftsmen to create solar heat exchangers from them. It should be noted that such a collector will cost many times less than one bought in a store, but for the manufacturing process to be successful, some effort must be made.

On the roof there is a whole battery of solar collectors

Such a manifold may consist of one or several sections into which hoses tightly coiled in a spiral “snail” are laid and secured.

"Snail" - heat exchanger

This design can be called the simplest, both in design and installation. Its main disadvantage is that it practically cannot be used without the use of forced circulation, since if the pipe contours are too long, the hydraulic resistance will exceed the pressure force created by the temperature difference. However, solving the issue of installing a circulation pump is not at all difficult. And such a system installed in a country house will be an excellent help and will quickly pay for itself, including the costs (very insignificant) for powering the pump.

Similar collectors are also used to heat water in swimming pools. They are connected to a filtration system, which is necessarily equipped with a pump. Water, circulating through the collector pipes, has time to heat up before entering the pool.

In some cases By creating the entire system, you can do without installing a storage tank. This is possible when hot water is used only during the day and in small quantities. For example, a circuit of 150 m of pipe having an internal diameter of 16 mm holds 30 liters of water. And if five or six such “snails” from pipes are collected into a single battery, then during the day each family member can take a shower several times, and there will still be a lot of hot water left for household needs.

If anyone has any doubts about the effectiveness of such water heating, we recommend watching a video that shows testing a hose collector:

Video: efficiency of a simple solar collector

Materials for manufacturing

To make such a solar water collector, you need to prepare some materials. It is not at all impossible that some of them will be found in a barn or garage.

  • A rubber hose or a flexible black plastic pipe with a diameter of 20 ÷ 25 mm is essentially the main element of the system in which heat exchange will occur during water circulation. The amount of hose will depend on the size of the solar panel - it can be 100 or 1000 meters. The black color of the hose is preferable because it absorbs heat more than all other shades.

It should be noted right away that metal-plastic pipes are not particularly suitable for making a collector, even if they are coated with black paint. The fact is that their plasticity in this case is insufficient - they break when bending a small radius and thus, even if the integrity of the walls is not violated, the intensity of the water flow will decrease.

Hoses are sold in coils of 50, 100 or 200 meters. If you plan to make a large-volume battery, you will have to purchase several bays. If you plan to use, for example, 50 or 100 m of hose in each section, then you should not buy a whole 200-meter coil, it is better to purchase a ready-made measured hose. This will help save time during installation.

The hose can be laid not only in a round spiral, but also oval, and also in the form of a coil.

As a good alternative, you can try modern PEX cross-linked polyethylene pipes. They have good plasticity, but it’s not hard to figure out how to give them black color if it’s not on sale.

  • If the slope of the roof on which the collector battery will be installed is steep, then special boxes are made from bars, plywood or metal sheets for the hose spirals. To do this, you will need bars 40×40 or 40×50 mm, plywood 6 mm thick, or a metal sheet 1.5–2 mm thick.

The blanks of the future module are treated (wood) or with anti-corrosion compounds (metal). Then a box is assembled from them into one or more spirals.

By the way, you can use old window frames as the sides of the box, onto which the bottom part is simply mounted.

  • For pre-treatment of metal and wood, it is necessary to purchase antiseptic, anti-corrosion and primer compounds.
  • Hoses (pipes) will experience considerable loads both from the mass of the coolant and from temperature changes and internal pressure. Therefore, they will try to disrupt the installation, deform, and sag, so it is necessary to provide special fastenings to maintain them in the initially specified position.

This can be a metal strip that is secured between the pipes with self-tapping screws.

Another option is a loose bundle with a tight cord or a plastic clamp-“tie” with a cross or crossbar. But still, this fastening method is more suitable for a plastic pipe than for a hose, since it can sag on the cord when the rubber expands. If a reinforced rubber hose is chosen for the collector, then this method is quite suitable for fixation.

Another fastening option suitable for a plastic pipe or reinforced hose can be nails with wide heads. They can be driven either into the bottom of the box (in this case it must have a thickness of at least 10 mm), or onto a kind of cross made of a block.

  • It will also be necessary to prepare connecting elements for the hose or pipes. There are quite a lot of varieties of such fittings, but you need to choose exactly those that are intended for the one selected for production material collector.

In addition to such connectors, threaded fittings will be required to transition from a plastic or rubber pipe to a common metal one. Such a connection will be necessary if the collector consists of several modules.

To know how many connecting elements are required, you need to draw in advance a schematic diagram of the system being created and calculate their number on it.

  • To combine all modules into a single battery, two collector - cut metal pipe. Through one of them, fixed at the bottom of the battery, cold water will flow into the heat exchangers, and in the second, fixed at the top, warmed water will be collected.

The upper pipe will connect to the storage tank, that is, go to the consumer. It should have a diameter of 40 ÷ 50 mm.

Battery installation

Having prepared everything you need, you can start working.

  • First you need to treat all wooden parts of the future structure with an antiseptic.
  • Next, if the bottom of the modules is made of metal sheet, it must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound. Typically, mastic designed to cover the undersides of cars is used for this.
Known to all motorists, “anticorrosive” is what you need
  • After the compositions have dried on the prepared elements, single or common modules are assembled from them.
  • Then the hoses are laid in them, for which the holders are secured.

  • To allow pipes to pass freely through the sides of the modules, holes are drilled for them - in the upper and lower parts. Accordingly, the cold water inlet pipe is led into the lower hole, and the heated water outlet into the upper hole.
  • If several modules are mounted vertically, or one common one, into which several pipe “snails” are also placed, one above the other, then the lower end of each of the spirals is connected to the upper outlet of the underlying one - and according to this sequential principle, the entire “column” is switched. The lowest end is connected to a common metal collector through which cold water will flow. All adjacent vertical rows are mounted in the same way - with a common connection to the supply manifold.

  • Accordingly, the upper ends of the hoses of the uppermost horizontal row of modules are connected to a metal collector pipe through which hot water is discharged for consumption.
  • The spiral-shaped collector circuit can also be mounted on a metal sheet installed not on the roof, but near the house, on its southern side, or near the pool, if it requires heating. In this case, the metal base will contribute to faster heating of water and heat retention in the pipes, since it has good thermal conductivity and heat capacity.

  • Another option for a thermal solar collector can be laying the circuit on the roof plane in special boxes in long parallel rows along the entire length of the roof.

Prices for cross-linked polyethylene pipes

XLPE pipes

Video: a simple solar collector with a linear pipe arrangement

We enhance the effect with plastic bottles

The figure shows a solar collector made of hoses (pipes), the efficiency of which is significantly increased through the use of ordinary plastic bottles. What's the "trick" here? And there are several of them at once:

The effect of a plastic bottle as a casing - schematically
  • The bottles act as a transparent casing and prevent air flows from taking away heat during absolutely unnecessary mutual heat exchange. Moreover, the air chambers themselves become a kind of heat accumulators. There is a greenhouse effect, which is actively used in agricultural technology.
  • The rounded surface of the bottle acts as a lens, enhancing the effect of sunlight.
  • If the bottom surface of the bottle is lined with reflective foil material, you can achieve the effect of focusing the rays in the area where the pipe passes. Heating will only benefit from this.
  • Another important factor. A transparent plastic surface will to some extent reduce the destructive negative effects of ultraviolet rays, which neither rubber nor plastic “like”. This circuit should last longer.

To make such a solar collector you will need:

1 – Rubber hose, black metal or plastic pipes – as a heat exchanger.

2 – Plastic bottles that will become a casing around the circuit pipes.

3 - In the bottles, in their half, which will be adjacent to the base, foil or other reflective material can be inserted. The reflective part should face the direction of the sun.

4 – It will be quite easy to mount the stand from a block or metal pipe.

5 - Storage tank for heated water, which must be connected to the point of collection - tap, shower, etc.

6 - A container for cold water that can be connected to the water supply system.

Solar collector installation

The assembly of the option shown in the top diagram is as follows:

  • To begin with, a stand is mounted from a metal pipe or bar. If it is made of wood, then it must be coated with an antiseptic composition, but if it is made of metal, then it must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. It is necessary to calculate the length so that an even number of bottles are installed between the two racks.
  • On racks, at a distance width of the bottles, horizontal strips are fixed on which additional fastening for the coil can be made. In addition, they will give the frame additional rigidity.
  • Next, the required number of plastic bottles is prepared - the bottom part is cut off from them so that one bottle, with the side of the neck, fits tightly into the resulting hole.

  • Take a hose (pipe) of the required length, which will be sufficient for installation coil circuit on a ready-made frame-stand.

Stepping back 100 ÷ 150 mm from the edge of the hose, mark the place where it is attached. Then, through this edge, the required number of prepared bottles is put on the pipe, which will be enough to completely cover the area to the opposite rack. The bottles are placed tightly next to each other, so that the neck of the second one fits into the hole cut in the bottom of the previous one.

  • When the section of pipe for laying the upper section of the coil is completely covered with a box of bottles, its edge is secured on top of the left frame post. For fastening, you can use clip holders for plastic pipes with a latch of the desired size.

  • If necessary, the position of the bottles is adjusted so that the foil half of them is at the bottom, near the collector frame.
  • The pipe is then given a smooth turn and snapped back onto the clip.
  • The next step is to put bottles on the pipe again, and it is fixed to the left rack. This pattern is continued until the entire frame is filled with the collector coil.
  • Now all that remains is to “pack” the fittings through which the resulting collector will be connected to the cold water supply and to the hot storage tank.

This is what can happen in the end - it couldn’t be simpler!

Such a collector, as can be seen, absolutely not complicated in manufacturing, but it can become a good “helper” in a private home, taking on the functions of heating water.

By the way, solar energy can be used not only to heat water, but also to supply heated air to rooms. For example, you can find out how to make it yourself by following the link to a special publication on our portal.

Video - DIY solar power plant assembly

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Most of the year we are forced to spend money on heating our houses. In such a situation, any help will be helpful. Solar energy is perfect for these purposes: absolutely environmentally friendly and free.

Most of the year we are forced to spend money on heating our homes. In such a situation, any help will be helpful. Solar energy is perfect for these purposes: absolutely environmentally friendly and free. Modern technologies make it possible to carry out solar heating of a private home not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle zone.

What modern technologies can offer

On average, 1 m2 of the earth's surface receives 161 W of solar energy per hour. Of course, at the equator this figure will be many times higher than in the Arctic. In addition, the density of solar radiation depends on the time of year. In the Moscow region, the intensity of solar radiation in December-January differs from May-July by more than five times. However, modern systems are so efficient that they can work almost anywhere on earth.

The problem of using solar radiation energy with maximum efficiency is solved in two ways: direct heating in thermal collectors and solar photovoltaic batteries.

Solar panels first convert the energy of the sun's rays into electricity, then transmit it through a special system to consumers, for example an electric boiler.

Thermal collectors, when heated by the sun's rays, heat the coolant of heating and hot water supply systems.

Thermal collectors come in several types, including open and closed systems, flat and spherical designs, hemispherical concentrator collectors and many other options.

The thermal energy obtained from solar collectors is used to heat hot water or heating fluid.

Although there has been clear progress in developing solutions for harvesting, storing and using solar energy, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The efficiency of solar heating in our latitudes is quite low, which is explained by the insufficient number of sunny days for regular operation of the system

Pros and cons of using solar energy

The most obvious advantage of using solar energy is its universal availability. In fact, even in the gloomiest and cloudiest weather, solar energy can be collected and used.

The second advantage is zero emissions. In fact, it is the most environmentally friendly and natural form of energy. Solar panels and collectors do not produce noise. In most cases, they are installed on the roofs of buildings without occupying the usable area of ​​a suburban area.

The disadvantages associated with using solar energy are the variability of illumination. At night there is nothing to collect, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the peak of the heating season occurs during the shortest daylight hours of the year.

A significant disadvantage of heating based on the use of solar collectors is the lack of ability to accumulate thermal energy. Only the expansion tank is included in the circuit

It is necessary to monitor the optical cleanliness of the panels; slight contamination sharply reduces the efficiency.

In addition, it cannot be said that operating a solar energy system is completely free; there are constant costs for equipment depreciation, operation of the circulation pump and control electronics.

Open solar collectors

An open solar collector is a system of tubes, unprotected from external influences, through which coolant heated directly by the sun circulates. Water, gas, air, and antifreeze are used as coolants. The tubes are either fixed to the supporting panel in the form of a coil, or connected in parallel rows to the outlet pipe.

Open solar collectors are not able to cope with the heating of a private home. Due to the lack of insulation, the coolant cools quickly. They are used in the summer mainly to heat water in showers or swimming pools.

Open collectors usually do not have any insulation. The design is very simple, therefore it has a low cost and is often made independently.

Due to the lack of insulation, they practically do not store the energy received from the sun and are characterized by low efficiency. They are used mainly in the summer to heat water in swimming pools or summer showers. Installed in sunny and warm regions, with small differences in temperature of the ambient air and heated water. They work well only in sunny, windless weather.

The simplest solar collector with a heat sink made from a coil of polymer pipes will provide the supply of heated water to the dacha for irrigation and domestic needs

Tubular solar collectors

Tubular solar collectors are assembled from individual tubes through which water, gas or steam flows. This is one of the types of open solar systems. However, the coolant is already much better protected from external negativity. Especially in vacuum installations, designed on the principle of thermoses.

Each tube is connected to the system separately, parallel to each other. If one tube fails, it is easy to replace it with a new one. The entire structure can be assembled directly on the roof of the building, which greatly simplifies installation.

The tubular collector has a modular structure. The main element is a vacuum tube; the number of tubes varies from 18 to 30, which allows you to accurately select the power of the system

A significant advantage of tubular solar collectors is the cylindrical shape of the main elements, thanks to which solar radiation is captured all day long without the use of expensive systems for tracking the movement of the luminary.

A special multilayer coating creates a kind of optical trap for sunlight. The diagram partially shows the outer wall of the vacuum flask reflecting rays onto the walls of the inner flask

Based on the design of the tubes, feather and coaxial solar collectors are distinguished.

The coaxial tube is a Diaur vessel or a familiar thermos. Made from two flasks between which air is evacuated. A highly selective coating is applied to the inner surface of the inner bulb, effectively absorbing solar energy.

Thermal energy from the internal selective layer is transferred to a heat pipe or internal heat exchanger made of aluminum plates. At this stage, unwanted heat loss occurs.

The feather tube is a glass cylinder with a feather absorber inserted inside.

For good thermal insulation, the air has been evacuated from the tube. Heat transfer from the absorber occurs without loss, so the efficiency of feather tubes is higher.

According to the method of heat transfer, there are two systems: direct-flow and with a heat pipe.

Thermal tube is a sealed container with an easily evaporating liquid.

Inside the heat tube there is an easily evaporating liquid that receives heat from the inner wall of the flask or from the feather absorber. Under the influence of temperature, the liquid boils and rises in the form of steam. After the heat is transferred to the heating or hot water supply coolant, the steam condenses into liquid and flows down.

Water is often used as an easily evaporating liquid at low pressure.

A once-through system uses a U-shaped tube through which water or heating fluid circulates.

One half of the U-shaped tube is intended for cold coolant, the second removes the heated one. When heated, the coolant expands and enters the storage tank, providing natural circulation. As with heat tube systems, the minimum angle of inclination must be at least 20⁰.

Direct-flow systems are more efficient because they immediately heat the coolant.

If solar collector systems are planned to be used all year round, then special antifreeze is pumped into them.

Pros and cons of tubular collectors

The use of tubular solar collectors has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The design of a tubular solar collector consists of identical elements that are relatively easy to replace.


  • low heat loss;
  • ability to work at temperatures down to -30⁰С;
  • efficient performance throughout daylight hours;
  • good performance in areas with temperate and cold climates;
  • low windage, justified by the ability of tubular systems to pass air masses through themselves;
  • possibility of producing high temperature coolant.

Structurally, the tubular structure has a limited aperture surface. It has the following disadvantages:

  • not capable of self-cleaning from snow, ice, frost;
  • high price.

Despite the initial high cost, tubular collectors pay for themselves faster. They have a long service life.

Flat closed solar collectors

A flat-plate collector consists of an aluminum frame, a special absorbent layer - an absorber, a transparent coating, a pipeline and insulation.

Blackened sheet copper is used as an absorber, which has ideal thermal conductivity for creating solar systems. When solar energy is absorbed by an absorber, the solar energy it receives is transferred to a coolant circulating through a tube system adjacent to the absorber.

On the outside, the closed panel is protected by a transparent coating. It is made of shockproof tempered glass with a transmission band of 0.4-1.8 microns. This range accounts for the maximum solar radiation. Shockproof glass provides good protection against hail. On the back side the entire panel is reliably insulated.

Flat-plate solar collectors are characterized by maximum performance and simple design. Their efficiency is increased due to the use of an absorber. They are able to capture diffuse and direct solar radiation

The list of advantages of closed flat panels includes:

  • simplicity of design;
  • good performance in regions with warm climates;
  • the ability to install at any angle with devices for changing the angle of inclination;
  • the ability to self-clean from snow and frost;
  • low price.

Flat-plate solar collectors are especially advantageous if their use is planned at the design stage. The service life of quality products is 50 years.

The disadvantages include:

  • high heat loss;
  • heavy weight;
  • high windage when the panels are positioned at an angle to the horizontal;
  • performance limitations when temperature changes exceed 40°C.

The scope of application of closed collectors is much wider than that of open-type solar systems. In summer they are able to fully satisfy the need for hot water. On cool days, when utilities do not include them in the heating period, they can work instead of gas and electric heaters.

Comparison of solar collector characteristics

The most important indicator of a solar collector is efficiency. The useful performance of solar collectors of different designs depends on the temperature difference. At the same time, flat collectors are much cheaper than tubular ones.

Efficiency values ​​depend on the manufacturing quality of the solar collector. The purpose of the graph is to show the effectiveness of using different systems depending on the temperature difference

When choosing a solar collector, you should pay attention to a number of parameters showing the efficiency and power of the device.

There are several important characteristics for solar collectors:

  • adsorption coefficient - shows the ratio of absorbed energy to total;
  • emission coefficient - shows the ratio of transmitted energy to absorbed energy;
  • total and aperture area;
  • Efficiency

The aperture area is the working area of ​​the solar collector. A flat-plate collector has a maximum aperture area. The aperture area is equal to the absorber area.

Methods for connecting to the heating system

Since solar-powered devices cannot provide a stable, round-the-clock energy supply, a system that is resilient to these shortcomings is needed.

For central Russia, solar devices cannot guarantee a stable flow of energy, so they are used as an additional system. Integration into an existing heating and hot water system is different for a solar collector and a solar battery.

Thermal collector connection diagram

Depending on the purpose of using the heat collector, different connection systems are used. There may be several options:

  1. Summer option for hot water supply
  2. Winter option for heating and hot water supply

The summer option is the simplest and can even be done without a circulation pump, using the natural circulation of water.

The water is heated in the solar collector and, due to thermal expansion, enters the storage tank or boiler. In this case, natural circulation occurs: cold water is sucked out of the tank instead of hot water.

In winter, at subzero temperatures, direct heating of water is not possible. Special antifreeze circulates through a closed circuit, ensuring heat transfer from the collector to the heat exchanger in the tank

Like any system based on natural circulation, it does not work very efficiently, requiring compliance with the necessary slopes. In addition, the storage tank must be higher than the solar collector.

In order for the water to remain hot for as long as possible, the tank must be thoroughly insulated.

If you really want to achieve the most efficient operation of the solar collector, the connection diagram will become more complicated.

Non-freezing coolant circulates through the solar collector system. Forced circulation is provided by a pump controlled by a controller.

The controller controls the operation of the circulation pump based on the readings of at least two temperature sensors. The first sensor measures the temperature in the storage tank, the second - on the hot coolant supply pipe of the solar collector. As soon as the temperature in the tank exceeds the temperature of the coolant, the controller in the collector turns off the circulation pump, stopping the circulation of coolant through the system.

In turn, when the temperature in the storage tank drops below the set value, the heating boiler turns on.

Solar battery connection diagram

It would be tempting to apply a similar scheme for connecting a solar battery to the electrical grid, as is implemented in the case of a solar collector, accumulating the energy received during the day. Unfortunately, for the power supply system of a private home, it is very expensive to create a battery pack of sufficient capacity. Therefore, the connection diagram looks like this.

When the power of the electric current from the solar battery decreases, the ATS unit (automatic switching on of a reserve) ensures the connection of consumers to the general power grid

From the solar panels, the charge is supplied to the charge controller, which performs several functions: ensures constant recharging of the batteries and stabilizes the voltage. Next, the electric current is supplied to the inverter, where 12V or 24V direct current is converted into single-phase alternating current 220V.

Alas, our electrical networks are not suitable for receiving energy; they can only work in one direction from source to consumer. For this reason, you will not be able to sell the extracted electricity or at least make the meter spin in the opposite direction.

The use of solar panels is advantageous in that they provide a more versatile type of energy, but at the same time they cannot compare in efficiency with solar collectors. However, the latter do not have the ability to store energy, unlike solar photovoltaic batteries.

How to calculate the required collector power

When calculating the required power of a solar collector, calculations are often mistakenly made based on the incoming solar energy in the coldest months of the year.

The fact is that in the remaining months of the year the entire system will constantly overheat. In summer, the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the solar collector can reach 200°C when heating steam or gas, 120°C for antifreeze, 150°C for water. If the coolant boils, it will partially evaporate. As a result, it will have to be replaced.

  • provision of hot water supply no more than 70%;
  • provision of the heating system no more than 30%.

The rest of the required heat must be generated by standard heating equipment. Nevertheless, with such indicators, an average of about 40% is saved per year on heating and hot water supply.

The power generated by a single tube of a vacuum system depends on geographic location. The rate of solar energy falling per 1 m2 of land per year is called insolation. Knowing the length and diameter of the tube, you can calculate the aperture - the effective absorption area. It remains to apply the absorption and emission coefficients to calculate the power of one tube per year.

Calculation example:

The standard tube length is 1800 mm, the effective length is 1600 mm. Diameter 58 mm. Aperture is the shaded area created by the tube. Thus, the area of ​​the shadow rectangle will be:

S = 1.6 * 0.058 = 0.0928m2

The efficiency of the middle tube is 80%, solar insolation for Moscow is about 1170 kWh/m2 per year. Thus, one tube will produce per year:

W = 0.0928 * 1170 * 0.8 = 86.86 kWh

It should be noted that this is a very rough estimate. The amount of energy generated depends on the orientation of the installation, angle, average annual temperature, etc. published