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Tips on how to make a Libra man fall in love with you. Timid, shy, but such a charming Libra man in love. Video: Libra Man in Relationships

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Many girls ask the question “How to win a Libra man”? It is impossible to draw up an unambiguous plan of action, because this is perhaps one of the most unstable and unpredictable signs. Their mood can change at the speed of light. Don't be surprised if their balanced state suddenly becomes very anxious. It is not difficult to fall in love with a Libra man, but keeping him close to you is very problematic, since they are an emotionally unstable type of people.

They will always be able to find a reasonable excuse for their behavior, they may even apologize, but this does not mean that sudden mood swings will no longer occur. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to conquer a Libra man (as well as Leo or Aquarius), but who said that this height is not for you? If you like thrills, but at the same time stability and balance in life, then you should not miss your chance. So how can you please a Libra man? First, you must stand in front of the mirror and honestly evaluate yourself, because this type of man chooses, first of all, by external signs.

How to make a Libra man fall in love with a woman?

In his circle it is not enough to be a pleasant person, you need to be the most beautiful so that he can proudly introduce you to friends and family members. By the way, astrologers are sure that if this step has already been completed, you can safely put a tick next to the items: beauty, intelligence, charm. Well, let’s say a woman managed to fall in love with a Libra man, but this does not mean that he will be devoted to her. Of all the signs, Libra is the most unreliable because they are unsure which of the cups is greater today. Maybe I love you, or maybe I don’t love you - such thoughts often visit these ladies’ men. Until a certain age, they generally avoid relationships with a serious and permanent bias. Now you probably understand that attracting a Libra man will not be difficult for a beautiful and smart woman, but conquering a Libra man is more difficult.

How to please Libra men?

After all, this man can push away those who approach him in a couple of seconds. Once again I want to emphasize that Libra men are easy-going. They know how to admit that they acted badly and basely. And here it is very important to forgive them quickly, clearly understanding that these outbursts of rage are only some uncertainty of this type of person. To please Libra men, you just need to not demand responsible decisions from them. They like to shift their problems to other people. Why carry a heavy burden when you can throw it on someone else’s shoulders? These shoulders will be yours, and don’t even think about making a scandal about it.

How to interest a Libra man?

Not only does this zodiac type not accept responsibility, but he is also so careful that he can easily be compared to a gopher that stands on its hind legs and looks far, far into the future. Libra men are very good suitors, despite the fact that they think for a long time, look closely, analyze and weigh all the time. This fact is not at all surprising. Libra men, as a rule, are always elegant, very eloquent and, believe me, they know how to look after perfectly, driving women crazy. So how can you actually seduce a Libra man, tame this ever-elusive, elusive migratory bird that strives to fly to another nest?
For complete success, a woman needs to interest a Libra man and be able to become a completely irresistible person, and attention that will be incredibly expensive. Sometimes girls wonder how to get a Libra man back. I repeat, but this is a fact, become a brilliant beauty who, in addition to her beauty, will be smart and able to support almost any small talk.

How to understand that a Libra man is in love?

You already know that this is an emotionally secretive type of man who is unlikely to tell other people about his feelings, but don’t wonder: my Libra man, how to understand that he is in love. You don't need this because you will find it out easily. He will literally burn with happiness, become absent-minded and radically change his behavior towards the girl he likes. He will show her all sorts of attentions. He may give her a book “About Love”, ask her to give her a bouquet of flowers, write a postcard, but at the same time forget to sign, etc.

If you prefer this sign, then it’s a good idea to focus on how the Libra man behaves. By his special actions you can recognize his emotions. He consistently displays excellent parenting and a lack of conflict, which is considered a topic of pride for him. Being in the center of the ladies' interest, he does not find this a reason for jealousy. Jealousy is offensive to him if he is actually crazy about you.

3 important signs of a Libra man in love

  • His calls are becoming more frequent. Having called, he doesn’t know what to chat about. This property is especially clearly expressed if a woman doubts her preference between him and another man. How should a Libra woman behave with a Libra man? When meeting, you enjoy listening to jokes, because he wants to shock you with his wit and simply have fun.
  • If he frankly likes a girl, then he will also directly show interest in her health, mood, work and affairs.
  • He clearly became interested in a woman if he began to pay sharp attention to his appearance, for example, going to the gym. If this happens, then in order to understand how a Libra man loves, you can wrap him in a “goldfish” for a certain time. If he fulfills women's desires, then he will be crazy about you. But you shouldn’t be too capricious, so as not to scare off the man.

How to keep a Libra man?

Unfortunately, Libra is often characterized by this course of action: they conquer the lady they like, confess their feelings, and then back down. And girls can’t find a place for themselves and are thinking about how to make peace with a Libra man? This happens because they are not sure whether this woman is the right one or whether it is worth extending these ties. Libra men know a lot about amorous play. They captivate, enchant and fascinate with their manners and charm. The number of broken hearts is often incalculable. But if a girl is really to blame, she should admit it, show attention to Libra, be affectionate and gentle. Only after this can you forget about the quarrel.

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Orthodox calendar

Tuesday, June 18, 2019(June 5th old style)
1st Week after Pentecost (Trinity)
Sschmch. Dorothea, bishop Tyrian (c. 362)
Saints' Day:
Mchch. Marciana, Nicandra, Hyperechia, Apollo, Leonidas, Aria, Gorgias, Selinia, Irinia and Pambona (c. 305-311). St. Anuvius, the hermit of Egypt (IV). St. Theodore the Wonderworker (VI). St. Abba Dorotheus, from the monastery of Abba Serida (c. 620). Transfer of the relics of the blessed one. Igor, lead. book Chernigov and Kyiv (1150). St. Constantine, Metropolitan Kyiv and all Russia (1159). Blgv. book Theodore Yaroslavich (brother of St. Alexander Nevsky), Novgorod (1233). Finding the relics of St. Vassian and Jonah of Pertominsky, Solovetsky miracle workers (1599).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Mikhail Votyakov presbyter (1931); sschmch. Nikolai Rurikov presbyter (1943).
Day of Veneration of the Icons of the Mother of God:
Igor's Icon of the Mother of God.
Trinity Week is continuous.
There is no marriage ceremony.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Rom.1:1-7,13-17 Ev.: Matthew 4:25,5:1-13
In the morning: - Ps.46-54; Ps.55-63 For eternity: - Ps.64-69

Was the hero of your night dreams born under the sign of Libra? Witty, caustic, insightful, rationalistic, idealistic and pragmatic at the same time - women have no chance to resist. But perhaps, behind his ridicule or extravagant behavior, he hides a deep feeling - for you.

Looking for the perfect lady

Cavaliers under the protection of this zodiac sign have a refined taste. This applies to clothes, hobbies, interior design, relationships with women.

Brutal showdowns of cave times are not for them. They value grace and harmony in relationships.

Without finding this for a long time, they can remove restrictions and indulge in excesses: in alcohol, food, sex. That's why Libra needs a reasonable, decisive lady, unquarrelsome and sophisticated.

Most Libra gentlemen suffer from idealism and perfectionism. They are waiting for the Great Love of the Ideal Lady - exactly that, with a capital letter. There are special, purely “Weights” chips.

For example, these men are very clean: dishes not washed on time can cause a tragedy worse than Othello. And a keen sense of beauty sometimes takes such forms that Libra’s mood is spoiled for a week because of the provocative color of the curtains.

All these shades of mood his lover must guess. And they will analyze her actions, express their conclusions, hesitating to act. Are you still ready to hunt this exotic “beast”? Let's try to find out more about his habits, find out how to make a Libra man fall in love with you.

School of carnal love

Let's start with the most interesting: with behavior in bed a man in love under the sign of Libra. Their mating games are contradictory, just like themselves.

This sign is constantly in doubt, hence the indecision: the pressure of a predator is not about him.But if we managed to overcome doubts, this one of the most tender, hot lovers.

Male abilities can even shock a girl who does not have the habit of making love several times a day. We need to be honest about this. One of the characteristics of a man under the sign of Libra is that he is an attentive partner., values ​​frankness very much, he is a good teacher in carnal love. With him, a woman will get the maximum from the real thing.

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First day in an exotic country

Horoscopes say that Libra is crazy about languid beauties with mermaid hair and a gentle disposition. But at the same time, energetic Aries, eccentric Gemini and extravagant Aquarius suit them on the path of life.

How can this be? Very simple. Libra enjoys the fickle charm of Pisces, the cold beauty of Capricorn, the strict style of Virgo, or the secretive sophistication of Cancer. But Capricorns and Virgos are too tough, even critical, while Pisces and Cancers are too detached and very touchy.

Wherein they like to be surprised, because deep down in their souls they are sure that they know everything, have foreseen everything. A woman who can treat every day as if it were her first in an exotic country, will easily attract the attention of such a guy. If she can save you from eternal doubts and torment, these gentlemen will think about marriage.

Qualities that repel/attract a connoisseur of harmony

Repel Attract
Sloppiness. Even if you adore ripped jeans or punk sweaters, you should always smell fresh, a neat manicure and pedicure are a must - Libra notices every little detailStylish. You can be extravagant, unusual, the main thing is that the image is in harmony with your inner world. A guy of this sign will especially be pleased if your image matches the one he has chosen.
Power struggle. Even sophisticated representatives of this sign are well aware of their masculinity. He will be the main one in the relationship, even if only formallyFriendship and equality. A simple mistress or housekeeper will not suit such a man. But it won’t fit under your heel either
Narrow outlook and criticism. Libra's opinion should be listened to, especially since it is usually thoughtful and balanced. Moreover, you cannot criticize your lover’s hobbies. On the contrary, the best way to “harpoon” a Libra is to find out his hobbies and ask him to teach him, for example, fishing or astronomy. These men are always not averse to playing the teacher-student game. And they simply melt from the praise of their belovedHigh intellectual level. Like all air signs, they don't mind chatting about anything and everything. They are often ready to replace actions with pleasant conversation. Hence, another important female quality that such men idolize, although they are not recognized, is the speed of decision-making. But not in a commanding voice, tapping the table with a rolling pin

Three external signs of lovers

Let's figure it out by what external signs You can identify a Libra man in love, how to understand that he is in love with you.

  • He changed his clothing style.

All Libras are rare aesthetes; they believe that an external image is one of the important ways to tell the world about hidden emotions.

If your friend used to prefer one style, and then began to appear in a completely different image, this is a sure sign of the seriousness of his feelings.

Sometimes Libra radically changes their appearance, tuning in to the lady they like. A gothic, sophisticated young man turns into a classic nerd in a couple of days? His heart is clearly in the wrong place because of some intellectual. A radical change in the smell of eau de toilette is also a sure sign of Libra’s interest.

  • He tries to control the movements of his fingers.

If a usually calm person begins to tap his fingers on the table, straighten his clothes or straighten his hair, and then comes to his senses and abruptly stops doing this, it means that he is not indifferent to the interlocutor. And Libra, who is brighter in external manifestations, when the object of passion appears, restrains the usual active gestures.

  • He constantly tries to look in the mirror.

It catches its reflection in shop windows, in car windows, even in puddles. It's all due to the idealism of the sign. If this man decided that he was lucky to find his lady, then he should be perfect next to him. What if there is a stain on your trousers or a loose tie?

Actions that reveal hidden feelings

Let's try to find out how Libra men in love behave.

  • He makes scenes of jealousy.

Although emotional, they hate conflict or intense drama. Is it clear that such a man is jealous? He is no longer able to hide the passion of his soul.

  • He hides a special attitude towards the lady of his heart.

This happens when a man is not confident enough in his preferences.

When a man finds it difficult to understand how he feels, get ready: he may become sarcastic or rude, testing the strength of the object of his sympathy. If you can handle the blow without stooping to mockery or cruel coldness, you will soon be thinking about a wedding dress.

  • He invites you on a date to his home.

His home is a quiet haven where he tries to prevent the wind of passions and changes. Preferring to meet on neutral territory, such a man will bring home only his true beloved.

  • He decided to introduce him to his parents and is ready to meet yours.

Family is incredibly important for this sign: if it comes down to parties with relatives, then the relationship has reached a high level.

Unpleasant moments in relationships

  • He is in no hurry to conquer his beloved.

Don’t expect the Libra man to confess his love anytime soon, no matter how much you might like it. First you need to take a closer look, analyze, draw conclusions.

  • Emotionally unstable.

Either he is crazy about you, then he suddenly cools off. He is very offended if you did not wait for his decision - even to the point of binge drinking.

If your admirer is convinced that the feeling is correct, then he will never leave you, will smooth out conflicts, seek compromises, and tolerate extravagant antics. This sign is the initiator of separation in rare cases. Even after a breakup, you can maintain friendship and do business.

  • He will always have his eye on beautiful ladies.

Even when Libra's heart is already occupied, bed is not always there. He is able to change his beloved, but not with the soul and not even in search of sexual pleasure. Those born under this sign may be attracted to another woman for the sake of beauty. Sometimes aesthetic urges lead far.

The partner will have to learn to restrain her emotions and forgive her “art critic.” Drive away annoying beauties, of whom there are always many hovering around the gallant Libra. This needs to be done cunningly, without stooping to the level of a market trader. It is worth gently pointing out the shortcomings of the next candidate (even if these are advantages).

What justifies this behavior? This guy himself is not jealous, he is even ready to forgive infidelity, especially if he repents thoroughly.

  • He is unlikely to propose marriage immediately after meeting.

What justifies this behavior? You knew he was indecisive. But he goes along well with the opinions of others. Why not gently hint at the benefits of going to the altar?

  • He will not shower his beloved with gold, diamonds or sable fur coats.

Not out of greed, but because he despises trading in feelings.

What justifies this behavior? Special compliments, unusual gifts, unforgettable dates are guaranteed. If such a guy is entrusted with an important event, he will think through everything meticulously. And in originality it will surpass even the extravagant Aquarius.

Those born under the auspices of Libra are far from the easiest choice for family life. Behind his charming humor he hides shyness and vulnerability. But life with this man will never seem boring and monotonous: It will be full of emotional ups and downs.

Considering the fact that Libra strives for perfection in everything, first you must make every effort to have a flawless appearance. Appearance is the main trump card with which you can attract the attention of those born under this sign.

The Libra man is an unsurpassed esthete. Therefore, the first thing that will disgust him is negligence in the details of appearance.

Therefore you should:
- change your wardrobe - you must give up aggressive and provocative outfits and try on the image of a graceful and feminine Lady;
- do a beautiful hairstyle, light makeup and manicure;
- if you have a tendency to be overweight, join a gym and watch your diet.

After you begin to feel his interest, it’s time to move on to the next stage of conquest.

Take the initiative

It is known that Libra men are not conquerors by nature, so you will not wait for him to take the first steps towards you. Try to take the initiative into your own hands. Find common topics, flirt, but don’t go too far.

In addition, such men love to talk, so you should become an interlocutor for him with a sense of humor and spice in the conversation. Please note that Libras extol their own person, so in conversations you will be interesting to him only as a sparring partner.

Behave with dignity and don't be too intrusive. You should exude harmony and calm.

Under no circumstances should you show anger, irritation or aggression in front of him. These three emotions will lead all your attempts to charm to complete failure. Control yourself. At first, try not to scare off Libra with unnecessary interrogations (“where were you?” “Why didn’t you call?”, etc.). The ideal option would be to behave exactly like him. However, know when to stop everything, and don’t try to make him jealous. Otherwise it will turn against you.

If you feel that a Libra man is dissatisfied with something, do not pester him with unnecessary questions, but simply let him “cool down.” By learning to leave him alone at the right time, you will gain a huge advantage over your rivals. And there are quite a lot of them around him.

But don’t be discouraged, because if you still manage to do the above and reach the level of the Ideal Girl, no one can replace you. A Libra man always puts his beloved first in his life; even his mother and children cannot become more important to him than his other half. Try, improve yourself and achieve your goal!

If you met a gallant and serious Libra man and decided to win his favor, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this proud representative. Remember, the “Weigher” likes elegant, modest and well-mannered women. And your kindness and sensuality will become the key qualities in winning the heart of this good-natured man. He does not tolerate rudeness, tactlessness and sloppiness in women. This “neat guy” will immediately notice your unironed outfit or unkempt head. This born gentleman prefers classics in everything, and if he sees in you even a hint of bad taste or vulgarity, then further relations between you will cease. But if he sees in you a worthy life partner, he will idolize you until old age. Next to him you will always feel like a woman. He will respect, honor and protect you from life’s adversities. You will never hear rude statements or vulgar words from his lips. The Libra man is sophistication and gallantry. You will be very lucky if you can win the heart of this reserved man.

Although astrologers say that this is the most sensual Zodiac, you can’t call him a romantic. Practicality in everything is the motto of Libra men. So if you expect romance, long courtship, romantic evenings and various surprises from a man, then a Libra man should not be considered for this role. The Libra man's sensuality manifests itself in other ways. He really doesn't like scandals and raising his voice. He is distinguished by emotional sensitivity and tries not to enter into conflicts, quarrels or arguments. He does not allow himself to behave aggressively. But if a conflict is inevitable, the “Weigher” will still try to sit down at the negotiating table and reach a compromise in a calm atmosphere. His developed sense of justice pushes him to resolve the situation peacefully and not offend anyone. Therefore, if you want to live a calm and measured life, then this man will be the ideal candidate for this.

The Libra man is very impressionable by nature; he can be deeply hurt by hostility towards his person. He does not tolerate ridicule. Despite the fact that he really does not like loneliness, he will without hesitation leave a woman who will show aggressiveness, nervousness and lack of restraint. Even the slightest criticism or remark made towards him can cause resentment and a feeling of dissatisfaction in him. But he won't show it outwardly. At any opportunity, he will try to repay you with that coin. These men know how to subtly and for a long time think through a plan of revenge. They never forget their offenders. But still, most often Libra prefers to please everyone around them. Moreover, they know how to please people. Their innate courtesy helps them in this. But often, due to their inability to refuse, Libra men find themselves in an absurd and uncomfortable position.

At first glance, it may seem to you that this man is indecisive. But actually it is not. He simply doubts for a very long time in search of the only correct solution. He is very afraid of making mistakes and doing something wrong. He experiences failures and failures very painfully, which is why he tries to think everything through carefully. Therefore, do not rush him into making any serious decisions. Give him the opportunity to think and be calm. Help him resolve this issue. It follows from this that you must be a decisive and independent woman, because sometimes you will have to take on important family issues.

In intimate relationships, this man tries, first of all, to please his partner. But he craves reciprocal feelings and emotions from his chosen one. A woman should show interest in love games, she should have a passionate temperament and a wild imagination.

Ten Commandments on how to deal with Libra

You must be:

  • virtuous and well-mannered;
  • elegant and discreet;
  • balanced and patient;
  • caring and neat;
  • sexy.

You are not allowed:

  • mock his weaknesses;
  • be rude and vulgar;
  • create scandals;
  • to be sloppy;
  • to be frivolous and frivolous.

The Libra man always strives for beauty. He has good taste and appreciates sophistication and beauty. A woman for him is a work of art that he wants to admire. Until you get bored. And he can get tired of it very quickly: a charming representative of this sign is often surrounded by women, and he always has plenty to choose from. Therefore, if you dream not just of a dizzying romance, but of a serious relationship, you will have to work hard.

Men born under the sign of Libra are distinguished by a high desire for harmony. They also expect harmony and beauty from relationships, cannot stand everyday problems and quickly lose interest when the romance passes and ordinary family life remains.

How to make a Libra man fall in love with you

Indecisiveness is another one of the most key characteristics of this sign. Libra finds it difficult to make a choice, stop weighing the pros and cons and make a final decision that cannot be replaced. Therefore, in your relationship with Libra, do not be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands.

To please him, do not forget about his craving for harmony and beauty. You must be perfect in everything. Of course, this is not an easy task, but who said that it would be easy with a Libra? He loves interesting girls with whom he can chat on any topic. Libras have a broad outlook and a great sense of humor; you will never be bored with them. He is not one of those who will demand complete frankness from a woman in everything: Libra appreciates mysterious beauties who are not ready to reveal all their cards.


How does a Libra man in love behave?

How to understand that he is in love? The Libra man knows how to look after beautifully. He will not hide his feelings for long, so at the beginning of the relationship you will be completely delighted with your new chosen one. But then Libra’s perfectionism and indecision will begin to spoil your cloudless happiness. And here the further development of the novel largely depends on your patience and ability to compromise.

Libras do not like scandals, but at the same time they often get irritated over trifles. If you too can't keep your emotions to yourself, your life together will quickly turn into a nightmare. Only a girl with nerves of iron can build a happy relationship with a representative of this sign. Peace of mind is something you definitely can’t cope without.

He will become an excellent lover for you, who always tries to make sex bright, varied and unforgettable. As in ordinary life, in bed he will strive for the ideal. A Libra man in love will try to give you as much pleasure as possible: his behavior in bed can be considered almost standard.

If you dream of a long-term relationship, consider several factors. Firstly, try to be calm and not quarrel over trifles. Secondly, let him pursue you again and again, remain mysterious and make surprises. Thirdly, do not put pressure on him in economic matters. Libra will have a harmonious union with a girl who continuously takes care of her development - both physical and spiritual.