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Animal year compatibility. Ideal union: compatibility by year of birth

Chinese astrology is one of the oldest astrological systems that helps in understanding a person's personality, behavior and character. The Chinese calendar is based on the movement of the moon. The full Chinese lunar cycle is 60 years, which is divided into 5 more minor cycles. Each 12-year repeating cycle begins with a specific animal in the order that the Buddha once determined. Each astrological animal symbol represents not a month, but a year.

There are many myths about why animals represent the 12 year lunar cycle. One of the most popular tells that Buddha, before leaving our world, called all the animals to himself. Only 12 of them came, and as a reward, upon the arrival of each one, he named the next lunar year after him and gave him the authority to rule his year. The Rat got there first, swimming across the river on the Bull's back and arriving before him. Other animals came running after them, the last to arrive was the Boar (Pig).
The Chinese believe that the year a person was born is the main factor that determines a person's personality, physical and mental properties, manners, degree of success and happiness throughout life.

If you have already analyzed, then you know that not all astrological signs are compatible with each other. To create a complete picture of future relationships, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the compatibility table by year of birth.

Chinese astrology has divided these animals into four groups. Animals in each group have similar personality traits and temperaments.
1st group: Rat, Dragon, Monkey.
Individuals belonging to this group have extraordinary intelligence and strong character. Relationships with them can be very passionate.
Group 2: Ox, Snake, Rooster.
These are people with a calm character, thinking, patient, and carefully performing any work. Paired with each other, they form a successful union.
Group 3: Tiger, Horse, Dog.
These are realists who objectively assess the surrounding reality. They are able to get along and form good relationships with representatives of any sign.
Group 4: Rabbit, Goat, Boar.
People belonging to this group are peaceful and sympathetic. They are usually good friends and business partners.

Astrological compatibility is divided into two main types. The Western version divides the year into 12 zodiac signs, which are compatible with each other or not, and the Eastern version covers 12 years, which correspond to totem signs. For us, the first, Western option is more traditional. A good addition to it is the Chinese (Oriental) compatibility horoscope, which allows you to clarify compatibility by year of birth. Another method to analyze the compatibility of horoscope signs is a numerological forecast based on a combination of full name and dates of birth. Each method works, see for yourself!

Compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs


Aries is a person with a warm heart, stormy, lively emotions and open, sincere feelings. An Aries in love is always gentle, caring and attentive to his partner, while through a romantic and touching attitude one can feel enormous inner strength, pride and determination. In the compatibility horoscope, Aries will be able to find an ideal life partner who has the same rich, vibrant world and fine mental organization.


The practicality and seriousness of Taurus' intentions always attracts the opposite sex. Taurus, being in love, surrounds his life partner with incredible tenderness, care and attention. His tenacity is difficult to resist, and as the compatibility horoscope says, such tactics work flawlessly, which especially applies to representatives of the elements of Earth and Water. They, just like Taurus, are committed to long-term, strong relationships, loyalty and devotion to the family.


The unpredictability and frivolity of Gemini sometimes surprises even time-tested partners. Today Geminis are light, spontaneous and charming, but tomorrow they seem darker than a cloud. This leads to the fact that Gemini does not accept any serious obligations, giving in return a constant feeling of celebration and novelty. But thanks to the compatibility horoscope, active and loving Geminis will easily find life partners suitable in temperament.


The Cancer representative is favorably distinguished by his sophistication in love affairs and the ability to combine a subtle sensitive nature with pragmatism and prudence. Experiencing the most tender feelings, Cancer is ready to talk for hours about the most extraneous everyday things. A partner who is not put off by apparent rationality and prosaicism will subsequently see in Cancer an impeccable family man, a passionate lover and a caring parent. Thus, from the compatibility horoscope it is clear that Cancer will be best understood by the signs of the related water and earth elements.


Despite the pronounced egocentrism for Leo, love and feelings occupy one of the main places in his life. Leos are quite amorous, and they treat every new feeling with the utmost seriousness. Leo's generosity and caring nature can conquer any of the signs of the zodiac circle, but do not forget that for a long-term and happy relationship he needs to feel like a complete master of the situation, which is not acceptable for everyone. The secret of the compatibility horoscope for Leo is an alliance with representatives of the fire and air elements.


Virgo's relationships, as a rule, are of a partnership and friendly nature. She does not need easy, non-binding connections. Virgo is looking only for reliable and faithful partners for life. As the Virgo compatibility horoscope says, relationships with flighty and daydreaming people will not bring joy and satisfaction to either party. However, the horoscope will not only warn, but will be able to suggest which life partner the sensible Virgo should choose.


Typical representatives of Libra are easy-going, spontaneous and loving. They are highly adaptable, diplomatic and very friendly. Despite the changeability of character, one interesting trend can be noticed in the compatibility horoscope - Libra is able to get along with almost each of the twelve signs of the zodiac circle, but Libra can build the most comfortable and harmonious relationships with representatives of the air or fire elements.


Scorpio takes the choice of a faithful life partner seriously and very pickily. Such an intellectual and esthete is ideally suited for partners who have the same goals in life as Scorpio. In addition, Scorpio is jealous and in search of an ideal spouse, he cannot do without the help of a compatibility horoscope, which can suggest good options for relationships with related water signs and faithful, balanced signs of the Earth element.


An amorous and active Sagittarius, when the first romantic feelings arise, is ready to constantly amaze the object of desire with incredible charm and charm. At the same time, his independence will require from his life partner exactly the same free and easy attitude towards love. Otherwise, misunderstandings, quarrels and constant jealousy are inevitable. From the compatibility horoscope, Sagittarius will be able to find out which partners have the same internal qualities and views on relationships.


A reasonable Capricorn, as a rule, is not inclined to rush headlong into the whirlpool of love passion. He takes relationships extremely seriously, always planning for a long-term and strong partnership. According to the compatibility horoscope, Capricorns are recommended to connect their lives with equally practical representatives of the Earth element. However, this zodiac sign is not alien to tender manifestations of love, gentleness, and care. In this case, sensitive representatives of the Water trine can become ideal life partners for Capricorn.


The friendliness and activity of Aquarius undoubtedly attracts and intrigues the opposite sex. He always knows how to surprise, amuse and interest his life partner. Aquarius will be unbearably bored with pedantic or quiet, dreamy partners. With the help of a compatibility horoscope, it becomes clear that it is difficult to imagine more suitable zodiac signs for Aquarius than the bright, sociable representatives of the element of Fire and related air signs.


Such finely organized natures as romantic and dreamy Pisces are usually not inclined to take the first steps. Pisces are recommended to choose active zodiac signs as partners, prone to firm, strong-willed decisions. In the compatibility horoscope, representatives of the Earth trine and related water signs are ideally suited for this role. It is to them that Pisces will gladly entrust the dominant place in the family, leaving for themselves the impeccably fulfilled responsibilities of a caring parent and a tenderly loving spouse.

How to check the compatibility of signs in love

The consistently high interest in compatibility astrology is supported by the desire of lovers to preserve mutual feelings for as long as possible and build strong, reliable relationships. It is the compatibility horoscope that allows you to understand your partner’s inner world and gives recommendations that can improve the relationship between a man and a woman.

Compatibility analysis by horoscope helps to find out what the main problems of a couple are, find the most effective solution, and carry love through many years.

The advice of professional astrologers is not limited to compatibility according to typical zodiac signs. It has long been known that the Moon also has a huge influence on the mood, emotions and subconscious of partners, so it should be taken into account that it is comparable to the influence of the Sun.

The compatibility horoscope can not only influence the relationship between spouses, but also helps mutual understanding between other family members. Wise parents use a horoscope to determine the most striking character traits of the child, to prevent and smooth out the inevitable problems associated with the formation of the child’s personality.

You should not think that an ideal compatibility horoscope will ensure a cloudless future. Relationships between people are always painstaking work that requires complete mutual understanding and sensitivity. In this case, to make the picture more accurate and detailed, it is recommended to use additional tests and online services to determine compatibility.

Similarity of temperament, character, unity in achieving goals and common life values ​​will help determine.

It can be useful for an accessible assessment of the interaction and harmony of two people.

Another important factor for building a happy couple is considered, because as impartial statistics show: the happiest people in marriage are those people whose names consist of identical, similar frequency and pitch scales. is a guarantee of trusting, close relationships based on similarity of interests and complete mutual understanding.

Almost everyone knows the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, which helps to harmonize and arrange any space, but few people know that it is also a great way to improve your intimate life and a chance to establish healthy sexual relationships within a couple.

It will be useful for business and establishing new connections. The knowledge gained will allow you to resolve any conflict with business partners, colleagues or management, and will also help you maintain profitable relationships and climb the career ladder.

Modern people often have to make important decisions. Each situation should be approached carefully, taking into account all factors. Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions we have to make in our lives.

You can determine the compatibility of partners and predict their relationships using various horoscopes. This could be an eastern horoscope, a zodiac horoscope, a flower horoscope, etc. This will allow you to better understand the person, understand his character and temperamental characteristics, and understand whether it is worth creating a couple with such a person.

One of the most popular ways to compare two people and try to determine their present and future relationships is the compatibility of zodiac signs according to the eastern calendar, that is, by year of birth. This will help you better understand your potential partner and help build a happy and harmonious relationship.

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope

Unlike the horoscope according to zodiac signs, the Eastern system divides people by birth in a certain year. The cycle consists of 12 categories. Each of them corresponds to its own animal, according to the Eastern calendar:

  • Rat;
  • Horse;
  • Dog;
  • Rabbit;
  • The Dragon;
  • Boar;
  • Monkey;
  • Snake;
  • Sheep;
  • Tiger;
  • Rooster.

That is, if the astrological horoscope divides people into 12 periods during the year, then the Eastern system is determined by 12 time cycles. Each cycle lasts 1 year.

All people born during a certain year are patronized by one of the 12 animals, symbols of the Chinese (Eastern) horoscope. In the photo you can see the table of correspondence between the animal and the year of birth. For example, the Rabbit patronizes people born in 1963, 1975, 1987, etc. The Rooster is the patron saint of those born in 1981, 1993, 2005. Also, other animals enter their phase every 12 years.

Using this system, it is possible to determine the behavioral characteristics and fundamental character traits of a person whose date of birth corresponds to a certain symbol. Having learned such details, you can assume your compatibility with a specific person if you know his year of birth.

All the information that can be gleaned from various kinds of compatibility tables for various parameters, such as year of birth, zodiac sign, names, etc., will be useful only to those who believe in all this. Knowing this data, the interested person will be able to have a more detailed understanding of his future partner and understand whether it is worth starting a serious relationship and family with him.

How to Determine Compatibility

It is believed that animals according to the Chinese calendar are characterized by their own special energy flows that affect the Universe at certain times of the year. They can affect more than just compatibility. The cosmic elements affect all representatives of the year, giving them similar characteristics.

This way you can find out about:

  • Character traits;
  • Relationships with others;
  • Compatibility with other people.

To calculate compatibility, you only need one thing. Know the year of birth of both people. Knowing the years, determine their sign according to the Eastern system and check the compatibility horoscope.

It is important that perfectly compatible people simply do not exist. The following compatibility table is based on three principles of compatibility:

  1. Good;
  2. Average;
  3. Low.


To quickly understand the principles of compatibility according to the Eastern calendar, you need to familiarize yourself with each sign:

  • The rat is the first animal in the Chinese horoscope cycle. People of this sign are talented and do everything with optimism and passion. Many representatives of this sign become leaders in many areas of life, even in marriage. When entering into an alliance with a Rat, the partner must be prepared for squandering and excessive emotionality. Good compatibility with Rat, Dragon and Monkey.
  • The Ox is a hardworking and resilient sign. They are touchy, but quickly move away. They love order and thoroughness. They cannot tolerate betrayal and betrayal. All these features must be taken into account before starting a relationship. There will be no good alliance with the Dragon, Goat and Horse.
  • The tiger is a symbol of nobility, courage and independence. Those who want to connect their lives with the Tiger need to know about his impulsiveness, capriciousness, temper and quarrelsomeness. In alliance with the Tiger, Rooster and Boar, any outcome of events will be possible.
  • The rabbit is kind, well-mannered, reasonable and careful. People who connect their lives with the Rabbit will be surrounded by tenderness and love. They give their warm feelings without demanding anything in return. A good alliance will develop with the Goat, Dragon and Dog.
  • Dragon - they are characterized by insight and sentimentality. Although at the same time they are purposeful and self-confident. In marriage they will be very practical and trusting. It is unlikely that they will be able to get along with the Ox, Dog and Tiger.
  • Snake - people who surprise with their intuition and diplomacy, and at the same time are very fickle. Almost all Snakes are spenders. They are also characterized by sensuality and romance. In marriage, they will demand reciprocity from the partner. Normal relationships can develop with Rabbit, Horse, Dog and Rat.
  • Horse - people thirsty for adventure, capable of any adventure. They are endowed with talents and hard work, but can deceive and commit dishonest acts. They do not shine with constancy. A horse cannot be called a monogamous person. Despite all the shortcomings, an alliance with a goat, a tiger and a dog will be successful.
  • Goat – characterized by generosity and indecisiveness. They are fearful and irresponsible people. They are not mercantile people, but will be support and support for their other halves. They can be Rabbit, Boar and Horse.
  • The Monkey is a smart person, an intellectual. Good friends, but in work they will be good rivals. In marriage, Monkeys are good partners, but in everyday life they are quite sloppy. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build an alliance with the Tiger and the Horse.
  • Rooster - They are straightforward, practical and hardworking. They will be a good partner for family life, but they will be demanding of their partner and ask for attention to themselves. There is a chance for a good relationship with the Bulls, Snake and Dragon.
  • The dog is characterized by modesty and devotion to the other half. They are honest in all matters and demand justice in everything. The family will not tolerate scandals, and they will not be able to simply forgive betrayal. They will not be able to build long-term relationships with the Goat, Rooster and Dragon.
  • Pig - A generous person, quick-tempered, but easy-going. In marriage they show their romanticism and will be able to forgive a mistake. Your partner will feel comfortable with him. Especially if it turns out to be a Rabbit or a Goat.

It is important to remember for everyone who is trying to predict the development of relationships based on horoscopes that determining compatibility based on horoscopes is not a death sentence. Knowing all the problematic sides of each other, you can avoid possible disagreements and sharp corners, and build a long and happy relationship. You need to constantly work on yourself and your relationships, paying enough attention to your loved one.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The material in this article contains only useful data, through which you can really quickly determine the parameters of compatibility between girls and boys.

Compatibility by year of birth: tiger and bull, dragon, snake, rabbit, rooster, rat, pig, dog, monkey

The tiger is a very bright and ardent representative of the zodiac signs; intimate relationships and the ability to pursue a partner are very important to him. Therefore, he will have a good relationship with a loyal dog or an original horse. A fight for leadership is possible with a dragon, just like with a rooster.

The rabbit will give up its position too quickly and will become uninteresting to the king of beasts. A rat will repel you with its passion for hoarding, but a pig can attract attention and, if it is in constant good shape, will be able to keep the tiger near it for a long time.

The snake will be able to wrap the dragon around its finger and thereby make him happy, and the tiger in love will be her devoted admirer.

Compatibility by years woman tiger man dog

This is a stable couple, bound by mutual respect and sympathy for each other. They complement each other well, creating a single system where each gives the other what he lacks.

Compatibility by year of birth: horse and bull, monkey, dog, goat, dragon, rooster

Representatives of the Horse sign are very efficient and patient, so they are good partners for marriage, although not for all signs.

Relationships with representatives of the Ox sign are very complex, since the partners are completely different and conflicts will constantly arise between them, both on the basis of everyday relationships and in the sphere of feelings. However, relationships are possible if both partners are capable of compromise.

Relationships with a horse and a monkey are also difficult, especially in the area of ​​emotions, where the partners do not understand each other well.

The horse and goat easily come to an agreement. This marriage is one of the most likely, and if the goat does not butt too much and the horse does not buck, a long and happy family life awaits them.

A relationship between a horse and a dog is possible, but it will require maximum endurance and patience from both partners, but the result can be very happy.

The horse and the dragon interact well on a spiritual level, they understand each other perfectly and share gains. Only in everyday life both are not wealthy, which can destroy the marriage.

A horse and a rooster have similar qualities, and it is this fact that can destroy their relationship. Patience is the key to a successful marriage in this case, and it will be required primarily from the horse.

Compatibility by year: cat and horse, rat, pig, goat

Representatives of the Cat sign are very sweet and homely creatures; they will be happy to create family comfort with a goat or horse. Such relationships are quite harmonious and can last for many years. The development of a romance with a pig is favorable; with due understanding and patience, a relationship with a rat will develop well.

Compatibility by year of birth Chinese horoscope and by year as compiled

The compatibility of partners is determined depending on the qualities that the bearers of a given sign possess. Astrologers identify the main qualities, distributing them by level of intensity, and then look at the coincidence or opposition of these properties.

Compatibility by year of birth from Vasilisa Volodina how to calculate

To determine compatibility with a partner, you need to find out your numerological birth number and your partner. If both numbers are even, the relationship will be stable and successful; if both numbers are odd, the relationship will develop based on the principle of partnership. If one number is even and the other is even, the likelihood of a favorable development of such relationships is very low.

Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth from Globa between a man and a woman

Pavel Globa suggests determining the compatibility of a couple based on the position of the sun in the zodiac signs at the moment of birth of the partners. It defines compatibility on three levels: the first is spiritual intimacy, the second is relationships built on sensual love, the third is when partners are attracted by animal magnetism.

Compatibility by year of birth in friendship, family parents and children

Compatibility by year of birth explains many situations in which it is difficult or, conversely, very easy for people to communicate with each other. And if friends or colleagues may separate, then in the family relationships with parents and children need to be built. To do this, you need to look at the horoscope and understand the characteristics of each sign, and then remember them in relationships, and not resort to means that can turn your loved ones away from you.

In this article you can find many answers to questions about who was born in January according to their zodiac sign, and also presents equally useful and interesting...

Astrology is divided into two separate directions - Western and Eastern. Western astrology includes 12 zodiac signs that correspond to our date and month of birth. The interpretation of eastern astrology is based on a 12-year cycle, for each year of which a specific patron animal is responsible. In simple terms, astrological analysis according to the Western system is aimed at studying a person’s personality type, his character and temperament. Eastern teaching allows us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a person, his deepest aspirations and methods of implementation in society. Since these directions are, in fact, sections of the same science, astrologers have developed a new type - a combination of the eastern and zodiac horoscope, which includes both Western and Eastern interpretations, and, therefore, allows a more detailed calculation of the astrological portrait of a person. We are talking about a structural or combined horoscope, which uses a division into seven personal portraits corresponding to the year, month and date of birth.

A structural horoscope provides unique information about a person’s character and talents when compared with traditional popular horoscopes. A combination of years and zodiac signs identifies 7 main types with unique features.

To find out the structural horoscope of a person born on a certain day, indicate that day. After making an online calculation, you will see one of seven structural portraits.

Structural (combined) horoscope by date of birth

Person's birthday:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1 967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2 017 2018 2019
Aries Taurus Twins Cancer a lion Virgo Scales Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Fish
Rooster 4 5 2 7 2 5 4 3 6 1 7 3
Dog 3 7 5 2 4 2 5 4 3 7 1 6
Boar 6 3 4 5 7 4 7 5 4 3 6 1
Rat 1 6 3 4 5 2 7 2 7 4 3 6
Bull 6 1 7 3 4 5 2 4 2 5 7 3
Tiger 3 7 1 6 3 4 5 7 4 2 5 4
Cat (Rabbit) 4 3 6 1 7 3 4 5 2 7 2 5
The Dragon 5 4 3 7 1 6 3 4 5 2 4 5
Snake 2 5 4 3 6 1 6 7 7 5 2 4
Horse 7 2 5 4 3 6 1 6 3 4 5 7
Goat (Sheep) 2 4 7 5 4 7 6 1 6 3 4 5
Monkey 7 2 4 2 5 7 3 6 1 6 3 4

Types of structural “combined” horoscope:

1 - King

3 - Knight

4 - Aristocrat

5 - Professor

7 - Vector

Below we will look in detail at what each of the signs of a structural or combined horoscope means:

1. King

According to the structural horoscope, Kings are given wisdom, courage, determination and insight from birth. People with the royal mark strive exclusively for the best and do not spare themselves on the path to success. Kings have enormous intellectual, emotional and physical potential. Quite often they achieve significant material or career success. At the same time, the Kings, like a magnet, attract people who are eager to bathe in the rays of their wisdom and attractiveness. It may seem that everything comes extremely easily to the Kings, but in reality, behind every small success there is a huge amount of work and dedication.

To make the most of the positive characteristics of the horoscope, representatives of the King sign should get rid of vanity and the desire to command others. Real kings should not pay attention to base feelings, because their destiny is to rule, healing with their wisdom and prudence.

2. Leader

This sign embodies energy and strength. Leaders are born leaders, ideological inspirers and leaders. Most representatives of this sign know what others need, know how to interest people and direct their efforts in the right direction. To live in harmony with their own “I”, Leaders need to self-actualize, proving their own importance and strength. Ideally, people of this astrological sign should occupy leadership positions, using their natural potential. If for some reason this seems impossible, take the position of a mentor and wise teacher who helps people find their way to a brighter future. However, do not abuse your own power. Remember, if you do everything right, people will follow you.

3. Knight

The trump card of this sign is manifested in kindness, selflessness and mercy. Knights not only sympathize with the sorrows of people, but accept their troubles as their own, and strive to protect the weak, feed the hungry and shelter the lost. Regardless of profession, temperament and life preferences, Knights crave great achievements and dream of showing their heroic nature. In truth, their lives are already filled with small and large feats, because almost every day they have to save their many friends and admirers. But the Knight's fate is such that his noble deeds often go unnoticed. If, by the will of the stars, you were born in knightly armor, do not expect applause and recognition, because your destiny is pure kindness and mercy. Moreover, for such a difficult mission, fate will definitely reward you with a loving family and loyal friends.

4. Aristocrat

The aristocrat is called to bring beauty to our mortal world. People of this sign love beautiful things, stylish clothes and luxury items. Their life should be easy and comfortable, because nature awarded Aristocrats with good aesthetic taste at the expense of willpower and determination. According to the structural horoscope, representatives of the Aristocrat sign are distinguished by moral purity, sociability and outstanding talents. However, aristocratic natures sometimes refuse to develop their abilities due to natural laziness and the desire for quick results. In order not to end up stuck, Aristocrats should develop determination and consistency. It is also extremely important for these people to have mentors who, at the right time, will be able to point out their mistakes and guide them on the right path.

5. Professor

People born under the auspices of the Professor sign embody intelligence, consistency and wisdom. The strengths of this structural portrait are evident in his intelligence and ability to be guided by cold calculation. The Professor will never act rashly, like a Knight, and will never feel sorry for himself, like an Aristocrat, because he knows that success depends solely on himself. This sign partly displays the characteristics of a Leader and a King, but, unlike them, the Professor does not crave fame and love from society, since his self-sufficiency does not require any external entourage.

To show their best traits, people with the astrological type Professor should not panic or fuss, because wisdom loves calm.

6. Jester

Each kingdom has its own jester. It seems that this cheerful character entertains people all day long, living his life in endless dances and jokes. But in reality, the deepest mission of the jester is manifested in the discovery of human vices, which through the prism of a joke seem even more sinister and meaningless.

An astrological Jester is an extravagant, self-sufficient and unconventional person. He does not tolerate conventions and oppression. This person will not humbly carry his cross, but will do everything possible to achieve justice. The jester charges those around him with positivity, although he himself can be mopey and depressed. To feel like a happy person, the Jester needs an understanding environment that will appreciate him the way the stars made him.

7. Vector

People of the vector astrological type are very bright and unpredictable. Today they work hard, and tomorrow they hitchhike around the world. Representatives of this sign are constantly looking for ways to express their original nature. They are very changeable, they can change one profession after another, get involved in different hobbies, look for themselves in work or in love. It may seem that Vector is the personification of inconstancy and frivolity, but the whole point is that this astrological type has acquired the ability to subtly sense the world and the laws of justice, which is why they are often thrown in different directions.

In addition, Vector is a sign that is extremely developed spiritually. People born under the auspices of Vector can see prophetic dreams, work with their intuition, foresee events and predict the future. In order not to lose their unique features, people of the vector type need to accept their true nature and not try to remake their own worldview to fit the surrounding reality.