home · Tool · DIY ways to update your kitchen cabinets. How to update a kitchen set and its facades with your own hands: interesting ideas and useful tips Do-it-yourself restoration of kitchen furniture with film

DIY ways to update your kitchen cabinets. How to update a kitchen set and its facades with your own hands: interesting ideas and useful tips Do-it-yourself restoration of kitchen furniture with film

Thrifty apartment owners correctly believe that there is no point in spending money on new furniture if the appearance can be changed with your own hands. It’s not difficult and exciting, as there are a lot of ways. It takes a little time to update, and the result will pleasantly surprise your household and guests. How to do it yourself, let's find out.

It’s easy to make a new kitchen facade with your own hands, the main thing is desire

Materials and tools

Depending on the chosen transformation method, a variety of tools will be required..

Among them:

  1. Carpentry - cutters for carving if the home craftsman has the appropriate skills.
  2. Carpentry tools. It makes no sense to list them - each option requires its own set. However, a screwdriver and a jigsaw will probably be needed.
  3. Fittings - handles, hinges, decorative cladding - adding even a small part of the decor will transform the set, bring novelty or change it beyond recognition.
  4. Material for making doors, if the owners are completely satisfied. For this, as a rule, MDF, chipboard or natural wood is used.

Sometimes experience is not required at all - the main thing is imagination and the desire to create. And “step-by-step recipes” for the work can be found in any “corner” of the Internet.

Options for creating facades

Ideas for updating an old kitchen are not new.

Everything new is something that has already been tried and therefore you can choose any design

These include painting, gluing decorative film, aging, post-forming, making new frames and inserting the selected material. Details:


A simple job, accessible to the apartment owner without experience. The stages are as follows:

This is a cheap and effective method to transform old drawers in your kitchen. A variety of films and papers will allow you to decorate the set with any imitation or change them as often as the owners want.

Taping with film is a cheap and popular option


Decorative renovation of kitchen facades involves applying plastic to smooth out the straight ends - the plate smoothly transitions to the reverse side. Thanks to this design, the strength of the facade and countertops increases - the plastic is impervious to scratches and pressure. At home, it is impossible to do the work accurately and comparable to factory preparations, but no one forbids you to try. The following tools are required for production: router, mallet, laminate glue, jigsaw.

  • Blanks made of MDF or chipboard are sawn to size, and then their edges are rounded with a router.
  • Plastic for postforming is measured with a margin going to the wrong side.
  • Doors and shelves are coated with glue. They do the same with plastic. Then it is pressed to the surface and tapped with a mallet for greater adhesion.
  • Transitions and ends are cleaned with sandpaper for smoothness. Hidden handles are installed - they are not visible on the surface.

Of course, the result is far from factory. But independent actions will help you become beautiful, for example.

Postforming is a very progressive idea for furniture nowadays.


One way is how to update a wooden kitchen. There are many aging methods - using stain, craquelure. The steps are simple and the results are great. For craquelure you will need several shades of paint. You should focus on the prevailing colors of the interior.

  1. The removed doors are freed from fittings - hinges, handles and existing covering. Wooden parts are cleaned and degreased with some composition combined with future paints. The ends are cleaned.
  2. Apply a white layer without waiting for the yellow one to dry completely. Then, using a dry sponge, rub the not completely dry surface in one direction - the previous one will appear through the top layer of paint. Subsequent layers are applied again and cleaned off in the same way.

The effect of old age is achieved due to contrasting shades of paint appearing through each other - the look of a cabinet or sideboard that has been painted many times.

Suitable for making by hand, made from natural wood without adding plastic, varnish, film or other decor. First, the facades are cleaned with a metal brush, acting harshly - scratches and grooves remain on the surface. Then they pass the surface with a blowtorch - the resulting defects from the brush should be charred. Next, the soot is rubbed into the doors with a soft brush and the resulting effect is varnished.

Firing aging can be used in many styles and room designs

Rattan facade

The popular use of rattan is beautiful, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. How to do:

  1. The rattan fabric is soaked for swelling for 30 minutes. You can’t overexpose it, as it warps when it’s overdried.
  2. The façade frames are being prepared. You can use straight sheets and attach purchased strips to them.
  3. The fabric pattern is attached to the door with paper clips or glue.
  4. On top of the finished door, slats are secured, sawn at an angle of 45⁰.

All that remains is to clean the seams and varnish the structure. Thus, updating your kitchen furniture is easy. The process is quick - it will take a couple of hours, provided that the components are ready.


The described ways to make your own headset new are not all. Home craftsmen have many options for other decors and materials for creating them. It is important to consider them all and choose your own individual version.

Is your kitchen set worn out and lost, but you don’t have the money to buy a new one? Don't despair, it's better to make your own furniture. Before you begin the process, carefully inspect the furniture for breakages and damage. Think about whether there is any point in restoration, because it will be too expensive to update furniture made from low-quality material with your own hands. In some cases, its cost is equal to the price of a new set. repaired several times. And if the restoration goes wrong, don’t despair, it’s quite possible that you’ll end up with a completely new-looking kitchen. Technologies and ideas for remodeling furniture with your own hands will help you correctly carry out independent restoration work and at the same time show your imagination. In this article you will learn how.

Renovated kitchen, but looks like new

Decorative ways to update an old set

If there is no significant damage to the furniture, and only scratches or stains appear in some places, put off repairing the kitchen set yourself until better times. Here you can get by with decor. For these purposes, vinyl stickers or decoupage are used.

Vinyl stickers will help hide a crack in your furniture in a few minutes and at the same time give it a new look. , are presented in a large assortment, are easy to clean and can withstand temperature changes. If you want such stickers to last for a long time, purchase only certified products.

─ no less popular option. Select the image you will transfer. Use the top layer of napkins with a pattern. Degrease the surface, then apply decoupage glue in the required place and press the image onto it. Once the glue has dried, apply acrylic varnish.

DIY furniture reconstruction methods

Like any other furniture, it can be cosmetically tidied up by applying, painting, or varnishing with clear or tinted varnish. Considering that the furniture in the kitchen is used intensively, and the climate in the catering unit is aggressive, the materials used must be resistant to temperature changes, high humidity, exposure to chemicals (varnishes, paints, films), and also environmentally friendly, since most surfaces are kitchen comes into contact with food. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

The film is cheap, but very practical in everything

We are restoring a kitchen made of chipboard

The two previous methods are used for minor damage; in other cases, serious action cannot be avoided.

It is worthwhile to dwell on the repair of chipboards yourself. After all, kitchen sets made from this material are popular due to their affordability. Let's look at common damage and how to fix it:

  1. Chips. Using a chisel, the edges of the chips are leveled and filled with molten wax. Unnecessary wax is cut off, giving the required angle to the surface. Next, using a special felt-tip pen, the texture is restored and opened with varnish;
  2. Scratches can be removed by applying furniture wax to them. As in the previous paragraph, the texture is leveled and fixed with varnish;
  3. Scuffs are eliminated with a piece of microfiber cloth, which is moistened identical to the surface. Spoil the damage lengthwise, then apply varnish;
  4. Cracks. Fill the crack with PVA glue. It is more convenient to do this with a syringe and needle. Place a clamp on the side of the crack and pull it off. Wipe off excess glue with a cloth and leave to dry for a day;
  5. It is better to replace the torn edge. To do this, a new laminating edge is placed on the end and smoothed on top with an iron.

Self-adhesive film for finishing kitchen furniture

The stores have a very large selection of films - no problems finding them

DIY furniture is often used. Basically, it is used to paste over the facade of furniture. Before gluing the film, prepare the surfaces. For convenience, remove the facades and fittings. Wipe the surface thoroughly with sandpaper, degrease and, if possible, prime. Take the necessary measurements from the facade.

To apply self-adhesive film without bubbles, follow the instructions:

  1. Cut the film according to the dimensions obtained. This is easy to do thanks to the centimeter scale on the back. Don't forget about 2 cm wide allowances;
  2. Peel off 5-10 cm of the protective film and slowly press the decorative layer to the facade, smooth it with your hand or a special scraper from the middle to the edge;
  3. Continue unwinding the film onto the furniture and gluing it in small sections;
  4. If it turns out uneven, tear it off and re-glue it.

It’s not always possible to do everything correctly, even if you follow the instructions. If the furniture does not lie tightly, bubbles appear, despite all efforts, try smoothing them towards the edge, piercing them or cutting them in the center. After this, release the air.

When repairing kitchen furniture, mirror self-adhesive film is also used. It has high moisture resistance, tolerates temperature changes well, is easy to care for, and is scratch-resistant.

We paint kitchen facades correctly

The painting method is used not only when restoring furniture, but also when changing the style of the kitchen.

The advantage of painted facades is that by changing the design you can easily repaint them in the desired color

Painting old furniture with your own hands is easy:

  • Remove the facades, then unfasten the fittings and decorative elements from them. If there are glass inserts, remove them or cover them with film;
  • Clean all elements intended for painting thoroughly from dust and dirt, then degrease;
  • If there are deep damages on the surface, putty them;
  • Apply a primer suitable for the façade twice;
  • Before using spray paint, protect all surfaces that may come into contact with it. Pick up the can and shake for half a minute. Apply the paint slowly, keeping a distance of 20-30 cm. After the first layer has dried, apply one or two more. You can use a roller or brush for painting. And even better, both. For hard-to-reach places, a brush is suitable; in other cases, a roller is suitable. Don't add too much paint, otherwise it will run;
  • When the facade is completely dry, coat it with varnish. Depending on what you want the surface to look like, choose a glossy or matte varnish. It will highlight the color and protect
  • Let the varnish layer dry. Attach the fittings to the facade and install it in place.

Varnishing of kitchen facades and countertops

You can restore old furniture with your own hands using the varnishing method. First, we will look at the main stages that make up this process, and later we will focus on the repair of specific kitchen furniture.

The glitter polish looks great

You can update old wooden furniture using varnish like this:

  1. Unfasten the kitchen facades and countertops, free them from fittings. If there are glass inserts, seal them with tape.
  2. Completely remove the old varnish layer using sandpaper. Shake off the dust or remove with a vacuum cleaner, then wipe the surface with a damp cloth and wait until it dries completely.
  3. Spread the primer evenly and let it dry.
  4. Apply a thin layer of varnish. If you are going to refresh your furniture, take a clear varnish, and to change its color, purchase a colored one. After drying, apply several more layers. Mahogany furniture can be finished with stain instead of varnish.

Advice! The glue is quite toxic, so restoration of furniture using it should be carried out outside an enclosed space.

Features of self-repair of basic kitchen elements

Repair of a kitchen set is not limited to the facade; other elements are also subject to restoration.

Restoring chairs with your own hands is quite possible, the main thing is to put in a little effort and use your imagination. First, get rid of the old topcoat. Remove the upholstery using a hammer and screwdriver. Let's begin the hardest part of the job - removing the coating. Sand the surface thoroughly. To make work easier, moisten it with water from a spray bottle. The old varnish will become viscous. After drying, go through it again with fine sandpaper.

It's easy to update your headset yourself

Subsequent actions depend on your imagination and capabilities. Cover the surface with primer, and then paint or apply varnish in two layers. Choose contrasting seat upholstery. Remove the old one along with the foam rubber. Cut the upholstery fabric with extra space for hems. Cut out new foam rubber according to the old measurements. To fasten the parts together, use a furniture stapler. Place the seat in place and screw it on.

You can restore a chair in a simpler way. It is enough to sew a cover for it, decorating it with decorative elements. Select the fabric based on your preferences. It’s better to sew several sets of covers ─ for every day and for festive moments.

The countertop of the work area wears out faster than other elements of the kitchen set. The following methods of restoration are used:

  • varnishing;
  • painting;
  • decoupage;
  • pasting with film for furniture;
  • tile finishing.

We have already talked about the first 4 methods. Let's focus on the latter. To work, you will need ceramic tiles and glue, which is applied to the countertop in small areas. Press the tile to the surface and hold for about a minute. When finished, carefully sand the seams.

No less susceptible to damage. Updating an old table with your own hands is not difficult. If the tabletop is made of wood, restoration is carried out by painting or varnishing. The polished table can be painted or decoupaged.


Repairing kitchen furniture is not limited to the methods considered. In fact there are more of them. But this knowledge is enough to give new life to old furniture with your own hands.

The furniture in the kitchen is subject to serious stress. It is affected by negative loads such as high humidity, temperature changes, and aggressive substances. As a result, the products lose their original appearance and shine. Therefore, there is often a need to carry out a process such as restoration of kitchen facades.

Options for solving the problem

Thus, repair of kitchen surfaces can be carried out in the following ways:

  • use of self-adhesive and photo films;
  • painting of products;
  • the use of decorative elements and inserts;

Of course, you shouldn’t forget that you can change the facades on the kitchen set.

Using self-adhesive and photo printed film

This method is considered the simplest and cheapest. Today there is a wide range of such films on the market. Particularly popular are models imitating wood, marble and other natural materials. When choosing, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the material, but also to its quality and performance properties.

When it comes to self-adhesive film, experts recommend choosing vinyl products. This popularity is explained by the fact that this material is waterproof, which allows you to reliably protect the wooden kitchen facade from the high humidity that is present in the room. The film also withstands temperature changes and mechanical stress well.

The most popular modern solution is to cover the kitchen facade with film with photo printing. This allows you to create your own unique style.

Film ordered according to the size of the kitchen The result of pasting a façade with photo printed film

To cover kitchen facades with film, you need to have a set of certain tools and materials on hand:

  • film and scraper with which it will be smoothed;
  • ruler and meter;
  • scissors and a stationery knife.

When all the tools are prepared, you can begin the direct restoration of the facade, which is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Take measurements of cabinets and all furniture elements that will be covered with film. To make work easier, it is better to remove them and place them on a flat surface.
  • Prepare elements for pasting. To do this, all fittings are removed. Wash the façade thoroughly. Particular attention should be paid to greasy stains. If such contamination remains somewhere, then during operation the decorative film for the kitchen will begin to swell and come off. As a result, the aesthetic appearance and integrity of the coating will be compromised. When finished, thoroughly wipe the items dry.
  • Cut the film according to the measurements that were previously obtained as a result of measuring the façade elements. To make the process easier, you should use a special mesh that is applied to the back of the material. This will allow you to make a high-quality, even cut of the film. Experts recommend paying special attention to models with repeating patterns. After gluing they should match.
  • Cut the film according to the markings. It is better to do this with a stationery knife. Curvilinear designs are cut out with scissors.
  • Apply the film to the facade. At this stage, all work should be done slowly. Decorative film in the kitchen is applied gradually. In this case, the protective paper must be peeled off a few centimeters at a time.

If you try to glue the entire film at the same time, it will not give the desired result. The material will lie unevenly, which will lead to repeated restoration of the facade element.

  • After all the cabinets and other products are pasted over, the headset that was previously removed is fixed on them.

At the final stage, all that remains is to hang the products in their place. Thus, restoration of kitchen facades is carried out with your own hands. . Using film you can not only restore furniture to its original shine, but also refresh the interior. The peculiarity of this material is that it can be used on any surface. It is also worth noting that vinyl film is very easy to clean, which will make it easy to keep your kitchen clean.

Painting and decorating the kitchen facade

Often, the restoration of kitchen facades is carried out using a technology such as molding; the essence is to attach decorative elements to furniture. In this case we are talking about semicircular planks. Most often they are used on flat facades. As a result of restoration, you can get completely different furniture, which will be distinguished by its originality and elegance. After attaching the decorative strips, painting is carried out, which will give the facade a finished look.

To update your kitchen furniture, you need to have on hand:

Decoration is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Prepare façade elements. First of all, they need to be removed and the fittings removed from them. After this, thoroughly clean them from dirt. Particular attention should be paid to greasy stains. Since the façade will be painted during the restoration process, it is best to carry out the work outdoors. It is first laid on film.
  • Take measurements and cut the strips to the desired size. The edges of the decorative strips are cut at an angle of 45 0. After this, you can begin attaching them to the facade. To do this, it is recommended to use high-quality glue, which will ensure reliable fastening of decorative elements.
  • When all the planks are glued, the products are prepared for further painting. It is worth considering that you need to wait some time for the glue to dry completely. After this, the surface is primed. You can use a spray gun for this. The reservoir is filled with primer and sprayed at a distance of 20 cm from the product. Before proceeding with further work, you must wait until the primer dries. This will take close to an hour.
  • Painting is carried out in the same way as priming. The prepared paint is poured into the spray gun container and sprayed at a distance of 20 cm from the surface. To paint the facade, experts recommend using deck paint, which is highly resistant to various influences. If desired, you can decorate the surface with various patterns. Stencils are used for this.

It is worth noting that painting products made of wood or MDF must be done with a spray gun. Using available tools such as a roller or brush will degrade the quality of the product.

  • When the paint is completely dry, the fittings are installed. If desired, you can use new products. The main thing is that the fittings fit optimally into the new kitchen design. Next, the finished façade elements are fastened into place.

By following all the rules and the sequence of work, you can restore the facades of kitchen furniture with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right paint that will optimally match the interior of the room.

If the restoration of kitchen facades seems difficult, then contact a specialist.

Use of decorative inserts

Although these types of repair work are not very popular, restoration of MDF kitchen facades can be carried out using decorative inserts. Most often they use ceramic tiles, rattan, and decorative mesh for this purpose.

Of course, if the furniture has lost its original appearance, then it still needs to be painted, and then start decorating. As in previous cases, restoration of kitchen furniture facades can be done by yourself:

  • Preparation. Remove the façade elements and remove all fittings from their surface. Clean them from dirt. To simplify this process, it is better to use detergents. Before painting, wipe the surface dry.
  • Painting. When the products are prepared, you can start painting them. To protect the wood from negative environmental factors, it should be coated with deck paint. To apply the paint and varnish substance, you can use any tools, be it a brush or a spray gun.
  • When the paint is completely dry, you can proceed directly to decorating the facade. It is recommended to use tile adhesive to attach the tiles. The work must be done very carefully. Excess glue should be removed immediately before it dries.

Decorating kitchen furniture with tiles.

It's important to know that tiles have weight, and door hinges are not designed to support that.

To complete the decoration, molding is attached around the tile appliqué. As for rattan inserts, they are mounted into the facade using the following technology:

  • First of all, you need to take measurements of the doors, which will allow you to calculate how much rattan fabric will be needed for decoration.
  • Moisten the rattan fabric with cold water, which will allow it to slightly increase in size. After drying, it will stretch like a string.
  • At the next stage, the planks are prepared, with the help of which the rattan will be fastened. They may differ slightly in color from the decorative material.
  • The prepared canvas is cut to size and attached to the facade using planks and furniture nails.
  • At the final stage, the fittings are installed. The doors are installed in their places.

Transforming the kitchen into a classic style using furniture decors

This way you can give your furniture a completely new design. But the main thing is that you can do it yourself.

Artistic painting of the kitchen

Perhaps the most interesting, but quite painstaking, is the hand-painted art of kitchen doors. The cost of work starts from 5000 rubles. per sq.m. With this type of work, imagination is limitless in creating a design.

A beautiful, cozy kitchen is the heart of the home and the pride of its owner. I want her to always be comfortable, warm and joyful. However, objective operating conditions “age” kitchen furniture much faster than furniture in the living room or bedroom.

Causes of kitchen damage

The factors of “aging” of kitchen furniture are varied and affect it continuously for many years. This includes high humidity, various evaporations, frequent temperature changes, drops of water and fat, exposure to chemical reagents and simply mechanical damage. In such aggressive operating conditions, kitchen furniture often loses its attractive appearance, and sometimes becomes unsuitable for further use.

Types of damage

Various furniture defects do not always require a complete replacement of the set. As a rule, individual fragments of the set become unusable. Often this is a countertop that swells from water in the sink area, cabinets adjacent to a hot stove, facades with worn fasteners.

Aesthetic restoration of kitchen units

Another reason for contacting a restoration workshop is the outdated design of the kitchen set. In the case where the functionality is preserved, but after several years of use the appearance is simply boring and you want to update it, it is possible to redesign the furniture efficiently and inexpensively.

How to return functionality to furniture?

In case of any partial damage to kitchen furniture or the need to “refresh” an outdated design, restoration of the kitchen set will help.

Contacting a specialized store will allow you to save a significant part of your budget and solve problems quickly and efficiently.

What does the customer need to do?

Firstly, determine the scope and objectives of restoration work. Make a list of problem areas: replacing a countertop or repairing a curtain wall, replacing a drawer or fixtures. In case of improving the appearance of the set, make a rough sketch of the desired changes - do you want to choose new fittings for fresh wallpaper and a suspended ceiling, or decorate the facades with decorative carved balustrades or ornaments? After making an approximate sketch, call a master measurer.

Second- contact specialists. In the salon or workshop you will be provided with professional assistance, advised on materials, decor, fittings and, of course, prices. Having a surveyor visit your home will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes and make all measurements accurately.

What you should pay attention to during restoration

When choosing materials to replace or restore your furniture, do not hesitate to ask. Modern kitchen sets are made from a variety of materials, designed in a huge color, artistic and price range. It will be better if you immediately decide on the cost that you are willing to spend on transforming your kitchen.

As a fairly voluminous, functional and visible element, the set will significantly change the overall appearance of the kitchen. Light or river pebble, glossy or matte, a new countertop can completely change the style of your kitchen set. If you choose the appropriate fittings for it, you can enjoy a completely new visual impression of the kitchen at a very reasonable price.

Restoration of internal damage is more related to the functionality of the fasteners and the strength of the materials of cabinets, drawers and shelves. Here, as a rule, there are standard solutions, color schemes and the main selection criterion is the reliability and durability of the material.

Once you have decided on the tasks and choice of material, our specialists will carry out the restoration itself very quickly. Save with us and enjoy the results!

The HauzMebel company offers the following services for the restoration of kitchen furniture and kitchen units

Restoration of kitchen facades

Restoration and replacement of kitchen facades in Moscow and the Moscow region

When your kitchen furniture has become dilapidated or you just don’t like it anymore, don’t rush to buy new ones, because, most likely, you can update it yourself. All you need for this is a couple of free hours or days, a well-thought-out idea for a remodel, some money and one of our instructions.

Method 1: Painting the kitchen with chalk paint

Do you want to update your kitchen set beyond recognition with your own hands? The best way to do this is to repaint the facades with chalk (mineral) paint. Why chalk?

  • The fact is that this type of paint has a thicker consistency and increased adhesive properties, due to which it fits perfectly on any surface - even on laminated chipboard/MDF. Moreover, chalk paints eliminate the need for tedious sanding and sometimes even without primer.

Chalk paints are also good because they give the painted surface a texture similar to that obtained when painting a wooden surface. Therefore, even the most ordinary kitchen with film facades will look much more noble after such an “update”.

  • In Russia and the CIS countries, you can buy chalk paints from designer Daria Geiler, foreign manufacturer Annie Sloan, Kazakh Vernenskaya Manufactory, etc. You can also make chalk paints yourself using recipes that are easy to find on the Internet.

Here are some photo examples of kitchens before and after restoration.

Photo of a kitchen with film facades before and after painting with Daria Geiler paint. Here the author of the alteration restored the peeling film on the facade near the stove, and then painted the furniture without removing or sanding the film

Old kitchen with veneer cabinets before and after painting with Annie Sloan paint. By the way, in this kitchen even the tiled floor was painted with chalk paint, and the patterns on it were painted using a homemade stencil

Inspired? Then it's time for a master class.

To paint the kitchen you will need:

  • Primer (special for chalk paints or alkyd if the furniture was painted with oil stain);
  • Chalk paints (preferably with a 10% margin);
  • Matte moisture-resistant varnish (acrylic or polyurethane).

Useful tips

  • Material consumption is calculated following the manufacturers' recommendations. It is especially important to correctly calculate paint consumption. If there is not enough of it, you will have to repaint the remaining areas with paint from another batch, which, due to the nature of production, will be slightly different in tone.
  • Which varnish is better - polyurethane or acrylic? To ensure that the kitchen coating can withstand extreme loads, it is safer to use polyurethane varnish. However, if you rarely cook and do not have pets, acrylic varnish is perfect, especially since it dries faster, does not have a strong odor and is cheaper.
  • Brushes: two synthetic brushes for primer and varnish, as well as one natural or synthetic brush about 4 cm wide (a natural brush gives a more pronounced texture);
  • Degreaser, such as white spirit;
  • Sandpaper with a grain of 100–180 microns;
  • Ladder;
  • Film and masking tape (to protect non-paintable parts);
  • Screwdriver;
  • Gloves.

How to paint a kitchen set:

Step 1. Preparation

First you need to remove the handles from the facades. The floor, walls, splashback, countertop, glass inserts, fittings and other surfaces that you do not want to paint should be covered with film and masking tape. Next, clean all parts from grease (preferably with a degreaser), stains and dust.

  • Do the facades need to be removed? It is not necessary to do this, but it is more convenient to paint this way.

Step 2: Primer and/or sanding

It is not necessary to sand the old paintwork, film or lamination, but it is necessary to treat it with a primer in 2 layers. In this case, each layer of primer must be allowed to dry, and then the primed surfaces must be sanded to even out the coating and enhance paint adhesion.

  • However, if the lamination has a strong gloss, then it is advisable to remove its top shiny layer with fine-grained sandpaper - this will make the coating even stronger.
  • If you are not too picky about the result (for example, if the kitchen is temporary, very old or got for free), then you can do without a primer. All you need to do is: wash the facades from grease, then paint them in 2-3 layers and finally cover them with 1 layer of varnish.
  • Do you want to achieve the most even and durable coating? Then it’s worth sanding the surfaces after each layer of primer, paint and varnish (except for the finishing layers).
  • Before starting work, test the paint on any object.
  • If you want to save money, paint only the fronts and visible parts of the frame, and the interior walls and shelves of the cabinets can be painted cheaper or left unchanged.

Step 3. Coloring

Once the primer is dry, begin applying 2-3 coats of paint, allowing each layer to dry completely (one coat of chalk paint only takes about 30 minutes to dry).

  • It may take 5-6 coats to cover a dark finish with white paint.

Step 4. Varnishing

When the finishing coat of paint has dried, you can begin applying the varnish in 2-3 thin (!) layers with a synthetic brush (not used). It is advisable to allow each layer to dry completely for about 24 hours.

Step 5. Finally, we return the fittings and facades to their places.

Voila, the old kitchen is as good as new!

Method 2. Pasting facades with self-adhesive film

The fastest, most cost-effective and easiest way to restore kitchen furniture is to decorate its surfaces with self-adhesive film (self-adhesive wallpaper). Unlike painting, gluing film is also good because it allows you to return the look of the kitchen to its original state after some time. For those who live in a rented apartment or simply love change, this method of updating the kitchen will be a huge help.

  • The service life of furniture covered with film will be 2-3 years in good condition.
  • This remodeling method is most suitable for kitchens with solid facades without panels or relief details.

Below are photos of kitchens before and after film restoration.

It is possible to cover the kitchen with film only partially. For example, one of the tiers, the back of the set, the base or panels. Examples of such kitchen remodeling are presented in the following selection of photos.

If the facades of your set have glass inserts, then you can decorate only the back walls of the cabinets with film.

You can cut out patterns and designs from vinyl “self-adhesive” tape.

By the way, you can use film to update your apron, table top or table top, and appliances.

If the refrigerator is not built into the set and does not fit into the interior of the kitchen, simply cover it and the furniture facades with film of the same tone

To remodel your kitchen you will need:

  • Vinyl self-adhesive paper (with reserve);
  • Sharp scissors and a breadboard knife;
  • Ruler and centimeter;
  • Squeegee for smoothing with hard and soft sides;
  • Lint-free rags.
  • Screwdriver.

How to cover a kitchen with self-adhesive film with your own hands:

Step 1. Using a screwdriver, remove the handles from the facades; if you wish, you can also remove the facades themselves - this will make it more convenient to paste them over.

Step 2. Wipe all surfaces, including the ends (!), clean and dry, especially paying attention to grease deposits - it is better to remove it with a degreaser.

Step 3. We begin to glue the film. Remove part of the backing from the film and attach the canvas to the facade, leaving a free 3-5 cm on the top and sides - we will later wrap this excess onto the edges. Take a squeegee and start smoothing the film, pushing out the bubbles, gradually going down and peeling off the backing. Movements should be smooth and slow. Having reached the lower edge of the facade, step back 3-5 centimeters from it and cut the canvas.

  • If you wish, you can pre-cut the canvas to the size of the facade with an allowance of 2.5-3 cm (for facades of standard thickness).
  • The film sets completely only after a few hours, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes - all mistakes can be corrected.
  • If there are small bubbles left on the film, they can be carefully pierced with a thin needle and smoothed out again.
  • You can purchase the film in 2 colors to create a stylish contrast: light top - dark bottom.

Step 4. Now that the facade is almost completely covered with film, let's work on the edges and corners:

  1. First, cut the corner portion of the loose film at 45 degrees as shown in the photo below. This way you will have two “wings” along the two edges of the façade.

  1. Now carefully wrap the free edge of the film over one of the edges and smooth it out. Next, wrap the remaining corner onto the adjacent edge of the facade as shown in the next photo, and cut off the excess.

  1. Cover the second edge with film in the same way, but this time cut the corner at a right angle.

  1. Finally, press the seams tightly and repeat the process on the remaining corners.

Step 6. Using the described method, cover with film all the front parts of the headset, visible areas of the frame and the base. If desired, you can decorate the shelves and interior walls of cabinets with vinyl. However, this is not at all necessary.

Step 7. At the last stage, put the facades back in place if you removed them, as well as the handles, making holes in the right places using a knife or awl.

You can also watch a visual master class on how to cover a kitchen with self-adhesive film in this video.

Method 3. Kitchen decoupage

Hand painting is very beautiful, but difficult or expensive. But even a beginner can decorate boring facades of a set or hide local damage (scratches, chips, stains, etc.) with drawings created using the decoupage technique. The result is guaranteed to be excellent! We offer ideas for kitchen decoupage in the following selection of photos.

Decoupage kitchen in shabby chic style

PVA glue;

  • Pencil;
  • Acrylic varnish (matte, glossy or with craquelure effect).
    • For do-it-yourself kitchen decoupage, decoupage cards are more suitable than napkins - the designs on them fit perfectly together and can be large in size.
    • The main thing in remaking furniture using the decoupage technique is the correct choice of patterns. They should fit into the kitchen interior in color and style.

    How to transform a kitchen using decoupage technique:

    Step 1. First you need to degrease the selected area with alcohol or degreaser.

    Step 2. Carefully separate the layer with the pattern from the napkin, then cut out the desired print from it. At this stage, you can “try on” the drawing on the facade and at the same time make a note where it should be located.

    Step 3. Now we coat the back side of the cut-out design with PVA glue and apply it to the façade in the right place. Next, carefully smooth the napkin with a brush, moving it from the center to the edges, and blot the excess glue and remove it with a slightly damp rag.

    Step 4. Glue all the remaining napkins in the same way.

    Step 5. If desired, the kitchen decoupage can be finished with hand painting. When the glue and paints have dried, the design can be sealed using acrylic or polyurethane varnish in 2-3 layers (allow the design to dry completely between layers).

    Some more useful information

    1. Do you want to turn minimalist kitchen with continuous facades in classical? This is possible by gluing moldings or carved parts onto them and then painting them following our instructions.

    Also, before painting, the headset and wall cabinets can be supplemented with shaped brackets (they can be purchased ready-made or cut out yourself), and the base can be supplemented with baluster legs.

    1. For the best result, it is worth approaching the “update” of the kitchen in a comprehensive manner and, if necessary, change not only the color of the facades, but also table top With an apron , curtains, dining table and chairs.
    2. Sometimes the thirst for change can only be satisfied by replacing/painting furniture handles.

    1. Of course, before painting the kitchen or covering it with vinyl, it needs to be repaired: tighten/change the fittings, glue and iron the peeling film a little, polish the scratches, and fill the chips, cracks and holes from furniture handles with furniture putty.