home · Appliances · Ways to promote a product: from classic to options on the verge of shocking. Product advertising: successful examples. How to advertise a new product launch

Ways to promote a product: from classic to options on the verge of shocking. Product advertising: successful examples. How to advertise a new product launch

A well-written text of an advertisement with the obligatory inclusion of psychological elements makes it possible to provide potential consumers with information about a product, service, as well as planned promotions. The most advantageous offers for customers about discounts, gifts for purchases, holiday events accompanied by prizes will not be effective and will not attract the expected number of customers without organizing their information.

How to attract buyers

To achieve success in promoting a product or service, you need to effectively declare the subject of your business activity.

Timely drawing attention to planned marketing activities will increase the effectiveness of their implementation among numerous potential clients. Advanced entrepreneurs take advantage of the modern capabilities of specialized Internet platforms. They allow you to quickly, and in some cases free, post current news in specialized services and on social networks. All resources provide the opportunity to select target audiences based on interests. If you already know your target audience, you can order printing of your brand or slogan on clothing from FairPrint, which will undoubtedly be effective in attracting attention to your product or activity.

Features of advertising text

  1. The headline should reflect the essence of the trade proposal, as well as the benefits of cooperation. There must be an element of intrigue.
  2. The text part should take into account all channels of human perception and detail the advantages of the proposal.
  3. Text advertising must take into account the interests of the target audience for which it is intended.
  4. The use of specific facts and precise information expressed in numerical terms is encouraged.
  5. The product should be concise and not intrusive.

Algorithm for presenting information

Customers' interest in a product is directly dependent on the way information is presented. His choice depends on the social affiliation of the citizens for whom the product or service is intended, and on the place where the advertisement is published.

The best examples of advertising texts contain a bright headline that is informative. They are characterized by clearly formulated rules for the promotion and price parameters of the product. And the offer to purchase is always veiled and expressed in the form of a motivating offer.

The advertising text for any product can be published on social networks, on specialized platforms, on your own website, in newspapers and magazines. Placing it on billboards is effective. Distribution to the mailing addresses of regular customers and, through patronage, their acquaintances is effective.

Read also: How to start your business from scratch without money

Before creating your own advertising brainchild, you should study various examples of product advertising in order to copy the best ideas that are a feature of the product in question. To compose your own advertising, you should first think through all your wishes, as well as compile a list of information that was relevant and useful at the time of creating the brand.

A marketing model must be chosen based on the advertised product and the target audience that might be interested in it. In this case, only one parameter of the model should be taken into account, aimed at activating attention, understanding, desire, and, as a consequence, actions. The technique of identifying with a well-known brand has a good effect.

By adding a unique style to your advertising, you can give your entrepreneurial idea an exclusive image, which will ensure product recognition and significantly expand the target audience. The use of slogans will add an element of originality and uniqueness, and a well-written text structure will allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.

When advertising is ineffective

Advertising is a powerful sales tool. However, if used incorrectly, it can ruin the reputation of a business entity. It must reflect truthful information. It is unacceptable to embellish with events or additional services that are not relevant to the advertised product. There is no need to intrusively attract the buyer; this always creates the impression of lack of demand in the market for similar goods or services. You need to be able to masterfully present relevant information. If this rule is violated, all marketing and advertising efforts to promote your product are doomed to failure.

Determining the target audience

In advertising activities, it is important to competently determine the target category, since this parameter has a direct impact on the effect of the information offered for review. Its main feature is that the potential client belongs to a certain social status, age, gender, and place of residence.

Advertising stunts

Advertising is necessary so that a business entity can stand out among thousands of similar companies with their own offers. To do this, it is not enough to simply tell your potential consumers about the availability of a quality product and encourage them to buy it. To attract the attention of customers, it is recommended to use several marketing schemes, following which allows you to advertise correctly. This will ensure maximum results from its publication. Promotion methods such as a unique selling proposition and the classic sales model, in which the buyer is accompanied at all stages of the purchase, are popular.

Modern technologies make it possible to choose more colorful and effective methods that daily drive home the idea to a potential consumer that it is impossible to exist without this item.

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Types of advertising activities

The advertising business of our country is relatively young; before the revolution, this type of earnings and sales developed successfully, then faded away under the influence of time, and has now acquired the appearance of a civilized content.

Advertising is a tool with the help of which a product, object, service is promoted in trade with constant, heated interest of a wide range of consumers. Analysts present the concept as a form of communication that exists due to disseminated information and a clear financial source. Advertising figures use various means to expand the area for their product, effectively influence the buyer, make him buy the item.

Such activities acquired the following types:

  • trading
  • commodity
  • corporate
  • political

To do this, use the following methods:

  • informative when products are initially launched for sale
  • persuasive - time to gain popularity of the product
  • reminiscent - a period of strong strengthening of the object on trading floors
  • reinforcing - sellers create various bonuses if an item is purchased

During the promotion of products on the market, various means are used to ensure constant sales and establish mutually beneficial trade relations.

Determining an effective distribution medium

A scheme was created to disseminate information using:

  • direct delivery of advertising brochures, letters, leaflets, mailings
  • printing materials on posters, calendars, postcards, catalogs
  • screen placement on television, films, slides
  • magazine, reference, newspaper press
  • outdoor poster distribution in supermarket windows, along highways on banners, running line
  • public transport on the vehicles themselves, printed advertisements inside and outside buses
  • posters pasted on the walls of airports, train stations, subways
  • areas of active sales, sketches on trade items, as well as signs, signs, packaging
  • small forms by painting on souvenirs, bags, fountain pens, rulers, notepads

The main methods that convey information about the existence of a product, introducing its properties and methods of use are listed.

Planning for success

To promote products, increase do not choose one way. You need to use all available means to make the most successful one clear.

For this purpose the following is carried out:

  • thorough analytical work
  • reconciliation of results
  • comparison of several methods
  • identifying weaknesses and strengths
  • finding out the reasons for failure
  • carrying out improvements
  • preparation of specific proposals
  • achieving excellence

Forecasting happens:

  • subjective - they take a consumer assessment, an expert assessment, when they combine the emotional acceptance of the product and the professional one in order to determine the actual level of quality of the product
  • objective - they find out the intensity of advertising actions, evaluate these steps, achieve attraction of glances, memorization, impact of informative sounds
  • on the left or right page, in the top, bottom corner, the best place is considered to be the top right corner in the printed publication if it is the right page
  • magazine readers will pay attention to the colorful sentence at the very beginning, open the middle, and be sure to visit the last page, but what is located in the core of the magazine is perceived by few
  • voluminous full-page advertisements about the sale of the best putty, an offer to make a high-quality one, to visit an entertainment center will definitely interest you with its attractiveness and size
  • Nobody pays attention to black, faded colors anymore, we need brightness, selection of colors

A consumer who is purposefully looking for a product, service, or a specific product will not pay attention to its shape, color and size; he needs contacts to contact the seller and get what he wants faster. Marketers are trying to create an advertising campaign for a wide audience. Therefore, a constant search for ways and means is carried out, and a forecast is carried out.

Product promotion scheme

By combining marketing components in one chain, you will be able to effectively offer your products.

The scheme consists of points:

  • market research
  • advertising
  • PR

To do this you will need to:

  • choose an advertising strategy where online platforms are less expensive
  • development of corporate symbols
  • creating information bursts

Studying the competing market is of great importance.

You will need to know:

  • how the products are packaged
  • product offers
  • advertising places and promotion methods
  • activities carried out
  • receipt of shares
  • disadvantages of the company, reviews

You will need to decide on the target audience and study the needs of the potential buyer:

  • his gender
  • age
  • education
  • income

Research of a person is necessary to the very last detail; you have to communicate with him, your own target audience using advertising booklets, so that they understand every word, there is a desire to look at the product, touch it, and then buy it.

An example is:

  • search engine ad contexts
  • in social networks
  • by email

Both the product and the service can be demonstrated by distributing:

  • Test Drive
  • video clip
  • statements from the assembled focus group

The ability to convince, to choose the right word, is the first necessary quality of an advertiser. The uniqueness of the product offering will allow it to become a brand. To do this, you don’t need to copy, but create your own packaging, offer excellent service, a guarantee, and connect words with deeds.

If the buyer has a desire to return, it means that he will share his opinion with friends and acquaintances, which is why the list of consumers will expand from public advertising, a knitted item they liked, a sewn dress, a high-quality repair, or a cargo delivered on time.

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Every entrepreneur knows: if his product is correctly assessed and understood by the consumer, then the proceeds from its sale will grow. Marketing is needed to promote products. In our article today we will look at how products are distributed on the market and through whom, as well as what methods of promoting a product exist.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Old methods that bring real results
  2. Modern product promotion on the verge of shocking
  3. Different and effective ways to promote a product on the Internet
  4. Ways to promote on social networks

Classic ways to market a product

Methods of promoting a product on the market mean certain activities aimed at making sales more effective. Such events involve a communicative impact on partners, consumers and staff.

It is necessary to promote a product in order to maintain the company’s reputation and increase demand for the product. Promotion allows you to:

  • create an image of prestige, innovation and low prices;
  • provide consumers with information about products;
  • change the standards of perception of it;
  • maintain the popularity of services and products;
  • increase the popularity of high-value goods and services;
  • stimulate the sales system and its participants;
  • spread favorable information about the company.

Modern marketing divides methods of product promotion into the following: four types:

Direct sales or personal

The basis of this method of product promotion is oral communication with the client in order to convince him of the need to purchase the product/service. This method does not require investment.

The level of business organization using the direct sales method is high, in contrast to the provision of household services or banal retail trade. If you do not develop direct sales, this will lead to a drop in sales volumes even if all other marketing conditions are met.

The essence of personal sales is as follows: they require an ordinary operator who takes orders to transform into an active sales manager.

Personal selling as a way to promote products has the following advantages:

  • individual approach to the client, providing him with a large amount of information;
  • feedback from consumers, making it possible to adjust the entire advertising campaign;
  • costs that do not bring financial results are minimal.

Promoting a product this way requires a lot of turnover costs and this is the downside. The effectiveness of personal selling is highest when the seller has an exclusive product.

Advertising as a way to promote a product

Advertising is needed to inform customers about the company’s activities and the consumer properties of the product. It must be viewed from this position. No amount of advertising, even prestigious and very expensive, will help sell a product if its relevance and demand among consumers is very low.

There is a dependence of product promotion on the content of the advertising message. It should be a highly unique sales message (“Buy our products and get a specific benefit”).

Typically in marketing there are three types of advertising perception:

  1. Information is in demand; it is clear, accessible and easy to remember.
  2. The information is random and it is difficult to remember it.
  3. The information is unnecessary, irritates consumers and is therefore ignored by them.

When the consumer understands that he needs the advertised product, he is ready to make a purchase. This is the way to promote a product through advertising.

Sales promotion

This is a combination of various activities whose task is to promote a product. The recipients of sales promotion are the following:

1) Buyers. Customers are encouraged to purchase more products using the following methods:

  • loyalty programs;
  • games, lotteries, competitions;
  • promotional demonstrations of products;
  • promotions for new product names;
  • free provision of product samples.

2) Counterparties. They are encouraged to increase the volume of trade transactions. You can stimulate sales in the following forms:

  • train sales staff;
  • provide equipment for trade and promotional materials;
  • authorized leadership, holding competitions based on sales results;
  • You can provide related services (informational, in the field of jurisprudence).

3) Sales personnel. Trade workers are encouraged to do their best to attract new customers and improve the quality of service. You can stimulate:

  • materially (bonuses, bonuses), morally (gratitude, certificates);
  • organizing sales volume competitions between employees;
  • paying employees who work flawlessly for vacation (a trip to a sanatorium/resort);
  • compensating the costs of treatment, training and retraining of workers.


This is a way of interacting with society that does not involve personal contact or payment. That is, demand is stimulated by disseminating information of a commercial nature, as well as image information, both through intermediaries and independently. The purpose of propaganda is to attract the attention of potential customers without spending money on an advertising campaign.

Propaganda is carried out through the following tools:

  • events (online meetings, press conferences, contests, competitions, etc.);
  • publications (newsletters, prepared reports, articles in newspapers and magazines, brochures, etc.);
  • news (positive reviews of products in local media);
  • identification means (room design, development of a unified style, multi-color printing, watermarks, etc.);
  • sponsorship (material and monetary assistance in organizing and conducting sports events, as well as charitable ones).

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The recipients of these tools are:

  1. Counterparties.
  2. Consumers.
  3. Municipal and state authorities.
  4. Key journalists.

These are no longer new ways to promote products, but they bring real results.

A good effect can be obtained if you combine the methods of promoting a product on the market presented below.


  • direct telephone sales to potential customers;
  • establishing interaction with existing audiences;
  • using relationships to bring new products to market;
  • identifying real “tips” from general mailing lists;
  • conducting post-completion events for direct marketing programs;
  • bringing back disappointed customers by offering them new products that may be of more interest to them;
  • further work with sales leads attracted by an advertisement, direct marketing event or through intermediaries;
  • conducting marketing research, assessing customer response to new products or innovations in the field of sales by conducting surveys and surveys;
  • establishing contacts with consumers as part of a relationship marketing program.

Telemarketing also makes it possible to obtain various information from respondents and use the results obtained as a result of their analysis for organizing and implementing marketing activities in the future.


Merchandising is needed to make products easily accessible and attractive, and the purchasing process easier. This promotion method has the following functions:

  • monitoring the availability of products on store shelves, tracking the popularity of certain products;
  • organizing points of sale and supplying them with all necessary materials;
  • ensuring the display and location of products, that is, the presentation of specific product items.

The initial task is to create the necessary stock of goods, then you need to place them at points of sale in a certain range and volume. In merchandising, the correct choice and placement of advertising materials (price tags, stands, booklets, coin holders, posters, hanging and floor models of products) is very important.

One of the most important merchandising methods is product display (exposition).

Exposure refers to the procedure for placing goods on specialized retail equipment. The rapid growth of product sales is facilitated by its display in places that attract the attention of potential consumers. In addition, the presentation of product packaging is very important.

Event marketing

Another name is creative marketing. But in reality it is event-based, since it involves promoting products/services through events.

A striking example of Event marketing is the main music and technology festival Alfa Future People, held by Alfa Bank. Below is a link to a video from this event held in 2016. It amazes with its scope.

But what if your organization is not that large? Everything is quite easy! If possible, participate in various events and use event marketing to the maximum. For example, on City Day, you can distribute balloons with the company logo to people. It really works!

The owner of one coffee shop, on the eve of City Day, prepared balloons with the establishment’s logo and distributed them to children who ran around the city with them all day. It is worth noting that at the end of the holiday, many families with balloons came to this establishment. They were given loyalty cards to keep in touch in the future.

Territorial marketing

This is a relatively new concept (appeared in 2002), meaning marketing in the interests of the territory. In simpler terms, area marketing aims to “sell” an area to potential clients in order to improve the lives of the people living there.

The most famous examples of territorial marketing are advertising expenses in order to increase the flow of tourists. For example, Greece's costs for attracting tourists/advertising resorts are approximately 100 million euros per year.

A well-known domestic territorial marketing project is the Olympics in Sochi. According to official statistics, investments in the construction and promotion of the Olympic Village amounted to approximately $52 million, and revenue from the Games amounted to about $80 million.

Modern methods of product promotion on the verge of shocking

The following methods of promoting goods and services are now popular.

Guerrilla Marketing

This method of promotion is low-budget. With the help of guerrilla marketing, you can organize effective promotion of a product/service, attract new customers and increase your income with minimal investment or no investment at all.

This method is an alternative to television and radio advertising, since it involves the use of inexpensive advertising media, various tricks and tricks.

Here are some types of guerrilla marketing:

  • Word of mouth

For example, one of the restaurants does not spend any money on advertising. The main expense is free lunches for hairdressers. Moreover, their quality, as well as the level of service, is quite high.

Everyone knows that people usually trust their hairdressers, makeup artists, and stylists (after all, you cannot trust your transformation to a stranger, especially women). They constantly communicate with clients and share news. It’s not hard to guess that they also talked about free visits to the restaurant.

  • Scandalous action

Guerrilla marketing can be effective, even if it involves holding a high-profile event that will be talked about by all the media. A good example is the advertising campaign of the cellular operator Tele2.

At a cellular communications exhibition in St. Petersburg, promoters under his brand carried a coffin with the inscription “Dear Communications.” Naturally, people were shocked, and the promotion was subsequently broadcast by many media outlets.

  • Collaboration

In general, our opinion is that guerrilla, viral marketing, which requires minimal investment, is a partnership or, in modern terms, collaboration.

For example, in a dental office, a company that produces toothpastes and mouth rinses placed a sign on the ceiling: “You don’t want to see that boring ceiling again? Our toothpaste will help you! Everyone knows: sitting in a chair during dental treatment, people have to look at the ceiling.

Stars in advertising

The practice of inviting celebrities to advertise products is common all over the world, including in our country. But no famous person can give you guarantees of sales growth and successful PR. You can find examples of both successful and not so successful involvement of stars in brand advertising.

Neither world nor Russian practice has “win-win” options for celebrities. Firstly, stars are not universal. Everyone has a certain image, character, experience, which may not fit with some brands and products.

Secondly, the work of a star's image is rarely good in isolation from a creative idea. If the idea is weak, then even the most successful celebrity will not help promote the brand. Thirdly, involving stars in marketing campaigns is comparable to playing the lottery, in which you can not only win big, but also lose big.

The clip was shot in the style of the movie "Tron". The filming process was supervised by the son of famous director Ridley Scott, Jake. The creator of Gladiator and Alien himself was the producer of the video, who called it a “dynamic short film.”

Any celebrity is, first of all, a living person, so his behavior is unpredictable. An example of this is the situation with the Nike brand, which involved Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius in advertising its products.

Hidden advertising in cinema

Nowadays there are many different hidden advertising mechanisms. It's safe to say: films are used to promote almost all types of products. However, the specifics of countries also influence the content of product placement to some extent.

For example, in domestic films, up to 60% of hidden advertising is for food products, with cosmetic products in second place (about 10%). The rest of the market is accounted for by cars, banking services, electronics, resorts, hotels, and communications.

There is rapid growth in the alcohol and tobacco market segment in product placement, since direct advertising of beer, alcoholic beverages and tobacco is prohibited by Russian legislation.


Such different and effective ways to promote a product on the Internet


Almost all users visit the first three web resources of search results. Only 20-50% scroll to the end of the first page. If you want to attract users, then your site must be in the top ten. SEO optimization will help with this.

It involves correcting resource errors, editing its content taking into account key queries on your topic, often changing the structure of the site and other important work that is invisible to people, but taken into account by search engine bots.

You can’t underestimate the importance of SEO by thinking that content is for humans and bots will figure it out. SEO is now the main tool that needs to be used first, and then turn to other promotion methods.


  • relatively low costs;
  • high conversion rate;
  • easy identification of the target audience;
  • almost complete absence of negative effect;
  • increase in traffic.


  • results can be obtained only after 3-6 months;
  • complex changes to the site root are required;
  • you need to constantly edit content;
  • It is necessary to take into account the high demands of search engines.

contextual advertising

For example, citizen N decided to purchase a steamer. He goes into the Yandex search engine and enters “I’ll buy a steamer” in the line. And a miracle happens: advertisements for your best steamers appear in first place in the search results.

Display advertising

These are exactly the banners that make you want to immediately turn on AdBlock when they appear. However, if they are bright, original and appear in a timely manner, then you want to click on them. This type of media advertising was initially rejected on the market, but new technologies have made it modern and quite effective.

Native advertising

This internet marketing tool is progressive and made in the form of interesting “live” content. Not everyone can even understand that this is native advertising, since it fits harmoniously into the content of the site/application.

This includes special projects in popular publications, tests (for example, Buzzfeed with the test “How would you die in Game of Thrones?”), useful information from your experts on external platforms, and demonstration of the brand in films.

Email marketing

Often this type of marketing is ignored by companies because they don't want to spam their customers. However, email newsletters are a great way to stay in touch with consumers, persuade them to purchase a product, increase loyalty, and send information about upsells and special offers. But this is the case when working with mailing lists of high-level specialists.

Viral Marketing

Since the advent of this method of promoting goods, there have been many positive examples of its use (for example, the Mercedes-Benz commercial with chickens or Jean-Claude Van Damme’s epic splits in an advertisement for Volvo Trucks). However, such marketing does not always bring results, especially if the focus is on viral content.

Partnership programs

They involve business cooperation between a seller (company) and a partner, under the terms of which the partner is entitled to a certain percentage or amount from attracted clients if they perform a certain targeted action (at the discretion of the seller).

The principle is simple, and the following work models exist: PPC (pay per click), CPA (cost per action), CPS (cost per sale). That is, leads in affiliate programs can be the following: clicks, registrations, applications, orders, sales.

Ways to promote a product on social networks

Ways to promote a product on Instagram

Instagram is a convenient service that allows users to share photos and videos. Not so long ago there was skepticism towards it, but now it is considered as an excellent platform for posting advertisements. Users like bright photos and short captions for them.

Users of the service can earn money, especially if their pages are popular. Young people view the accounts of their idols with interest, so the cost of celebrity advertising posts is very high.

Ways to promote a product on Facebook

In the first case, the advertiser will need to set a daily budget and the cost of 1000 impressions. In the second, only targeted user actions are paid after the fact. Their price varies from 8 to 20 rubles, which depends on the selected settings. You can pay for advertising with a bank card or using PayPal.

Ways to promote a product on VKontakte

Until recently, VKontakte was considered a network for schoolchildren. However, the developers, following the example of other successful social networks in the field of advertising, decided not to lag behind.

We have developed our own targeting tool for VKontakte. The source of information about users on Facebook and others is the computer’s IP address, and VK takes it from the information specified in the person’s profile. What is the convenience?

A person living in the capital and coming to Barnaul for work for two days is unlikely to be interested in the new products arriving in Barnaul showrooms. VKontakte shows users advertising related to the localities in which they live permanently.

Like other social media, VK allows you to place advertisements in various formats. Large images or community advertisements are quite popular. You can post ads yourself or through the group administration.

To place an advertisement in a community, you need to pay from 200 rubles, the amount depends on user activity and the number of subscribers. For 200 rubles you can publish an ad in a group with 50 thousand followers.

If a community has an audience of millions, then the price of placement will be much higher. The cost of independent publications is 6-10 rubles per 1000 impressions. It depends on the audience coverage and the selected settings.

Unconventional ways to promote a product on the Internet

Website with virtual reality elements

When developing advertising for the RAV4 in South Africa, Toyota took into account the characteristics of the target audience as much as possible. These are people with an active lifestyle, they are not afraid of off-road conditions, they love sports, and do not spend a lot of time at the computer. An unusual event with elements of virtual reality was organized for them.

We created a 1.8 km route for cyclists that simulated exploring the site. The analogue of the cursor was the cyclist himself. Participants of the action stopped at various points along the route - sections “Models”, “Safety”, “Salon”, “Design” and “Order a test drive”.

Access to additional information was opened after hitting the “button” with the palm of the hand. Some of the elements were made of wood, and information posters were also used. If a participant, finishing, hit the “Refresh” sign with his hand, then an invigorating shower would be poured onto him from the arch.

News of the unusual site quickly spread, resulting in a 400% increase in traffic and a 433% increase in test drive applications.

Discount amount, which depends on weather conditions

During the cold season, the demand for women's Venus machines in Sweden dropped significantly. Then the Gillette company invited users to post on Instagram the riots of the elements captured in the photo, putting the action hashtag under them.

An automatic comparison took place of the weather conditions in the place from which the photo was posted with the weather observed there over many years. The lower the temperature and darker the sky, the greater the discount the user was offered to purchase the Venus machine.

The partner of the promotion was an online store. The winning author was awarded a trip to Miami.

Advertising in exchange for 10 trips on the subway

The largest Brazilian publisher of pocket-sized books, LP&M, organized an action in the metro. It consisted of placing stands with free books - masterpieces of world literature - at the entrance to the station. A ticket for 10 trips was built into the cover of the books. Book lovers received free travel, which helped improve their perception of the brand.

Those who were not attracted to reading could fall in love with books during the time they carried a travel book with them and became clients of the LP&M publishing house. In addition, the “pass” was assigned a unique number, by which the ticket was “recharged” on the promotion website: the person entered the code and received 10 more trips (for example, to give a book to a friend).

The publishing house also implemented another idea for promoting its products: it found the small format convenient and placed advertisements on pockets! More precisely, on the lining of jeans pockets, having concluded an agreement with a local manufacturer.

Excerpts from prose or poetic works, as well as the publishing house’s logo, were used as advertising text. The message of the campaign was: “great books can fit in your pocket.” The project made it possible to increase traffic to the publisher’s online store by 24% and sales by 13%.

How to complement the consumer qualities of your goods. Here you need to take two steps. Compare your product with the qualities of competitors' products. And the second step is to try to convince them that you are the best. This trick will allow you not to think about how to promote your product. And the target audience will understand that your products are more profitable than those on the market.

Develop and implement branding. For promotion goods It is necessary to establish frequent contact between your target group and the brand. The contact can also be visual. After all, promoting on the Internet is one thing, but promoting a virtual office is quite another. It is necessary to make your website very informative, fairly easy to navigate and accessible to search engines.

Create information bursts. If possible, appear often on the pages of both electronic and paper media. So you know how to promote your product in order to arouse genuine interest with a press release not only from the end consumer, but even from editors of newspapers and magazines.


High quality releases depending entirely on how quickly you promote

If you decide to start your own business, do not create illusions, you must very soberly assess your strengths and capabilities, your market value. In order to be expensive, you need to “promote” your product, to become not just a product or service, but a whole brand.


Research your target audience.
Describe in detail the person who is a potential buyer of your product A. Who is he, what family is he from, what gender and age, education. Does he hold leadership positions or, on the contrary, is he a performer? Does he travel or use public transport? Does he watch TV or doesn’t have time for it? Perhaps he has children or pets? You must not only see this person in your imagination, you must get used to the role, understand what he wants, how he feels, what pleases him and what disgusts him. The more accurately you describe your target audience, the more accurately you will identify the very value for which the client is willing to pay extra? Maybe it will be prestige for people with high . Maybe safety for family people, or sexuality for young people.

Unique product offer.
In order to product has become a brand, it needs to be unique. Offer people something that your competitors don’t offer, unique packaging, excellent service, warranty service. Do everything so that your customer not only wants to come back to you again and again, but also tells all their friends and acquaintances about you.

Starting to promote your company, it is important to decide on the three components of a marketing policy. Answer the questions: what do you produce, for whom do you produce, how do your products differ from those of your competitors. Having received the answers, you can start promotion.

You will need

  • brand book, list of industry and business media, computer, phone


Develop a brand book in which you describe your concept and the main services it offers. Don't forget the target audience - with demographics as well as consumer preferences. Such research can be purchased from large marketing agencies, but it is preferable to develop it yourself. After all, only in this case the consumer niche will be determined as accurately as possible. In addition to this data, the brand book should contain a reflection of your competitive advantages.

Make sure that as much as possible is known about your site by competently and meaningfully describing the site, which should be completely ready by the time of promotion. Never distribute materials online that are posted on a site whose development has not yet been completed.

Video on the topic

As competition intensifies, companies enter into price wars. This strategy is not suitable for small companies. We have to attract customers with services and services that are not interesting for large companies. From simple services, small firms build a bridge to further cooperation, retaining clients with goodwill and quick response in case of problems.


Attract customers with something free. The challenge is to gather a client base and establish trusting relationships. Prove to potential buyers that you are an expert in your chosen field. This is done through trainings and seminars. Train future customers on how they should act to solve problems associated with paid products/services that you will provide in the future. Receive feedback from clients, ask for their opinions and ask for contact information.

Sell ​​something inexpensive. People are reluctant to part with money until they know how conscientiously the seller fulfills his obligations. Your task is to show customers that the company is safe to do business with. If customers are satisfied with the service, they will make a larger purchase next time.

Sell ​​related products. Make a call to every first-time customer. Ask how things are going and offer another product that complements the previous purchase. You will have a sales system. For the chain to function, it is necessary to maintain statistics for each person from the database collected in the 1st step.

Sell ​​the same product in a different form. If the customer purchased a physical product, offer an audio course that teaches the intricacies of using the product. After the audio course, offer training in -format. Then invite to a meeting on the same topic. Display books, stickers, bookmarks, and other merchandise related to the product. Make a different packaging, change the appearance of the packaging, etc. If a client likes something, he will purchase it in different forms.

Sell ​​an expensive product. This is easy to do if the buyer is used to repeat orders from the company.

Start with step 1, gradually promoting the next expensive product. Build a system of relationships with clients, gradually complicating it.

Video on the topic

The video blog format is gaining more and more popularity in Russia, and in the West it has long become one of the most common ways to express yourself on the Internet. However, in order to attract viewers to your video diary, you will have to make some efforts.

Beginning craftsmen who want to sell their products online are faced with the problem of selling their goods. Economic education does not fit well with the creative component of life, so it is often absent, and along with it the skills of trading on the Internet.

Let's start with the fact that the offered product has its own life span: birth - promotion to the market, growth - a period of stable, systematically growing sales of services or goods, maturity - sells well, is well known, decline - the market is saturated with the product. Each period has its own characteristics. At first glance they will be similar, but if you dig deeper, the differences become noticeable.

  1. At the stage of introducing a product to the market, work should be carried out to form the USP of the product, its competitive advantages or characteristics of services. Actively work with the audience, carry out branding online.
  2. At the growth stage, in order to strengthen and speed up promotion, in addition to the above, work on web analytics is added. The conversion level is monitored and bottlenecks are eliminated. A “safety cushion” is being created in case there is a need to order contextual advertising services during a recession.
  3. The level of maturity is characterized by the need for further work on branding the site and the services offered.
  4. The level of decline requires reaching new target audience groups on the Internet; accordingly, the product will be promoted to new markets, and product promotion will begin anew.

Analysis of the target audience and competitive environment

Even before launching a product on the market, it is necessary to take several steps, without which promoting the product on the Internet is simply impossible. We will not now consider technical issues such as creating a website, purchasing a domain name, etc. Let's assume that we are talking about a product that is already presented on a website that has its own showcase for selling products and a corresponding list of services.

  1. Get to know potential consumers of your products or services online as closely as possible. You must know literally everything about them and, moreover, maintain close friendly contacts with as many people as possible. Create a written profile of your average online buyer. This should not be the “ideal” buyer, and not someone who pesters you endlessly before and after purchasing the product. It should be something in between. A character with gender, age, a certain level of income, social status, with his own fears, beliefs, moral and ethical values, family or without, etc. This is what you will need to focus on when preparing content.
  2. Assess the competitive environment from the perspective of “Why is my product better?”, record in writing how competitors promote their products online? What product characteristics do they indicate? Which forums do you visit most often, on which social networks? What range of related services do they provide? Be sure to check the external links and keywords used to promote their sites online.
  3. Based on the first two points, create a unique selling proposition for your product or service on the Internet. Include in it those characteristics that, on the one hand, characterize your product, distinguish it from competitors’ products, and on the other hand, solve the problem of customers, work with their fears, give some pleasant emotions, and entertain.
  4. Develop a “voice.” The manner in which content is presented on the Internet can be different: emotional, dry, laconic, detailed, rude, affectionate, caring, tough. Depending on what target audience you are targeting, write down a description of the tone in which you will communicate with them. In most cases, this happens unconsciously. We attract those who we ourselves are, so the manner of communication is the same. But when it comes to a website on the Internet, it is better to document the approach in presenting the material, so that under the influence of a change of mood or a copywriter, an unpleasant “patchwork quilt” effect does not occur. If the presence of a large number of authors writing in different styles is not the leitmotif of your site development policy, provide copywriters with clear instructions regarding the intonation of writing texts.

Optimization of the virtual site

  1. In order to improve the visibility of a resource on the Internet for free, create a semantic core using the Wordstat services from Yandex and Adwords from Google. Include in it those phrases by which users on forums and social networks are searching for your product, as well as those by which competitors are promoting, if you find them interesting enough. Use internet search engine suggestions. After the semantic core has been compiled, work to optimize the existing content and add recommendations for creating new material to the content calendar.
  2. Carry out work to optimize the conversion funnel. If there is no traffic on the site at all, ask your friends to go through the path of a simple buyer on your site to assess the presence of bottlenecks. A bottleneck is a segment in a process that cannot handle the volume it is supposed to complete, resulting in missed targets. Eliminate any identified deficiencies. Pay special attention to distracting elements: redundant graphics, animated elements, pop-ups, unnecessary set of services, etc. – in large quantities they can not attract, but scare away the buyer.
  3. If the traffic is more than 50 people per day, you can connect the Yandex.Metrica and Google.Analytics analytics services. Systematic analysis once a week will allow you to track the occurrence of problems before they become an avalanche. It should be remembered that an increase in website traffic on the Internet leads not only to an increase in the number of sales, but also to the emergence of a greater number of visitors dissatisfied with the service or quality of services. At the initial stage of product promotion, you have a choice: spend time now working with each client, eliminating shortcomings, or in the future, when there is high traffic, justify yourself to visitors on all kinds of “reviews” on the Internet.

Branding, Working with forums

Once the work on the site is established, you can begin to attract additional audiences, bypassing the search results. The best way to do this is for free through social networks and forums. At the stage of analyzing the target audience, you may have already found those sites on the Internet where your target audience is particularly well represented. Register your accounts there, carefully fill out your profiles, and build yourself a reputation as an expert over some time. Plan to publish some particularly good materials that may be useful and interesting to your visitors. Be based on solving those problems that users encounter on a regular basis, but do not find a complete solution on the Internet. Place a link to this material on forums or social networks in appropriate threads, comments, groups, posts.

The main condition is that the material on the site must answer the user’s question as accurately and comprehensively as possible or help him solve the problem that has arisen. This way you can build up your link mass for free and improve site traffic.

Subscriber database collection

E-mail marketing has been “buried” several times throughout the history of its existence. Today's pessimistic forecasts regarding the further development of this tool in the future are nothing more than ordinary gossip. E-mail marketing provides a unique opportunity to reach every user who wishes to leave their contact details for free; it is unlikely that this property will cease to be used by marketers in the future.

If your site does not yet implement an algorithm for collecting subscriber data, fix this error. Offer notification of new promotions, a free book, or access to valuable video content. Prepare a series of email newsletters for which you outline the goals: collecting data about the target audience, identifying errors on the site, offering to enter into a direct dialogue, establishing contact, solving problems in the lives of users, and so on.

Building a product promotion strategy

Once all the preliminary information has been collected, you can proceed to planning the product promotion process.

First, write down the goal you want to achieve. It must have a clearly defined time frame for its implementation, and it itself must be expressed in numbers. For example, “by September 3, 2016, 8,000 copies of the book had been sold, each costing 300 rubles.” The wording: “Sell as much product as possible”, “Increase a large target audience” - these are not goals, these are wishes to yourself for the New Year, which, as you know, do not come true.

Plan intermediate goals, that is, write down intermediate results in monthly increments. Do the same operation with weekly and daily results. The more specific your action plan is, the better.

Highlight the main areas of upcoming work: conversion optimization, web analytics, working with forums and social networks, collecting subscriber data, preparing viral content, etc. For each area, write down the actions you plan to take. For example, working with content: creating a content calendar, analyzing the content available on the site, optimizing it for key queries, assessing whether it meets user expectations, quality of design, photographs, analyzing content on competitors’ sites, working with content on forums, etc.

Rank the actions by degree of importance (“analysis of the content available on the site” should come before “optimization for key queries”) and write down the dates by which you plan to close this aspect. If it's too big, break it down into smaller pieces. For example, “content analysis on competitors’ sites” fits perfectly into the task of “analyze 1 competing site daily.”

Review your work plan weekly, adjust or supplement if necessary, most importantly, move slowly but persistently towards your intended goal. And then you will definitely succeed.