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Old brick wall. White brick wall as a trend. Let's draw - we'll live

Brickwork, in which the strict pattern of the seams is harmoniously combined with the “individuality” of each stone laid in the wall, is the calling card of the loft interior style.

Many people like the idea of ​​reproducing the skillful work of a mason in their apartment. To implement it, it is not necessary to take up a trowel and a hammer. It is enough to make an imitation of brickwork on any wall or on a separate section of it.

There are two options for performing this work: using gypsum tiles that imitate brick, and applying a masonry pattern to wet plaster. The second method is not only cheaper, but also simpler than the first. We will talk about it in this article.

Examples of brick-like plaster in the interior

Before we begin to study the technology of finishing brick walls using plaster, we will get acquainted with several examples of performing this work.

The photo below shows the original version of imitation brickwork. Its author deliberately avoided the straight lines of mortar joints. The result is an interesting surface, as if carelessly put together by a mason.

And here is a typical example of untinted gypsum plaster “like brick”. The work was done with high quality, so even at close range the imitation is indistinguishable from natural facing masonry.

Painting bricks white with dark seams is a common decoration technique. It is often used in Scandinavian-style interiors.

Red brick is good, but white “Scandinavian” is better!

To create a beautiful surface, you need to carefully mold the raw plaster into brick shapes. In addition, it is necessary to carefully process the “face” of each stone, giving the array the appearance of aged masonry. We see a successful example of this approach in the photo below.

The master worked on the surface of each “brick”, giving the wall a unique texture and color

Standard masonry stone of regular shape with sharp edges is not the only option for decorative plaster. Designers love to use imitation brick in the interior with smooth and torn edges.

Brick-like plaster can be used to decorate not only a solid wall. With its help you can make an apron in the kitchen, decorate corners and doorways.

Plaster imitating masonry looks like expensive clinker tiles

How to finish a brick wall with plaster yourself?

First, let's look at the starting conditions of this technology. Without their observance, the work cannot be completed efficiently.


The thickness of the finishing layer imitating brick is relatively small (0.5-1.5 cm). Therefore, a wall intended for such decor should not have large depressions and protrusions. Before starting work, you need to measure the level of curvature of the surface using a long rule. If the deviation of the wall from the vertical exceeds 2-3 cm per 1 m of length, then it must be leveled with a plaster mixture and allowed to dry for several days. Only after this can you start decorating.

Whatever master class on imitation brickwork you watch, everywhere a mandatory operation is to prime the surface before applying the mortar. Without it, the layer of decorative plaster will peel off over time. The type of primer is selected based on the wall material.

There are two technologies for applying brick decor:

  • With cutting seams using a scraper.
  • Using masking tape to form seams.

We will consider both options and give our comments on each.

Cutting masonry joints with a scraper

The main tool for applying and leveling plaster is a steel spatula 20-25 cm wide. For ease of use, you can use a narrower spatula (5-10 cm) with it. With its help, the solution is applied to a wide instrument, and small protrusions and pits are corrected.

The work is carried out in separate sections - occupations. Their area depends on the amount of solution that is prepared at a time (10-15 liters).

First, gypsum plaster is spread over the primed wall surface with a wide spatula, periodically leveling its layer.

After the solution has dried a little, the seams are marked. It is most convenient to do this work using a long rule (1.5-1.8 m). It is applied to the surface of the plaster and seams are drawn along it with a sharp plate. Their width is chosen within 0.5-1.0 cm.

The “pattern” of the masonry depends on your preferences. In this case, the dimensions of a standard brick should be observed (length 250 mm, height 65 mm and width 120 mm). You can’t draw bricks on the wall haphazardly. When making markings, you need to take into account the dressing of the seams.

After the seams are drawn, the scraper comes into play. This could be a narrow carpenter's chisel or a homemade device made from a bent steel strip.

They are carefully guided along the seams, removing the plaster. The depth of the seams depends on the thickness of the decorative finishing layer and can range from 3 to 6 mm.

Working with a chisel is not so convenient. Excess mortar from the seams forms a “fringe” that constantly has to be removed.

There is another tool for forming seams - jointing. It is used by masons at the stage of finishing masonry. Using jointing, seams can be given a convex or concave appearance.

When cutting plaster, start with long horizontal joints, and then move on to short vertical ones. Having done this work, the plaster needs to be given time to gain strength. Before doing this, you should eliminate all the mistakes and inaccuracies in the drawing, since this will not be possible on the hardened layer.

Excess mortar remaining on the edges of the bricks after cutting the seams is removed with a dry cloth immediately after completion of this work. After this, if desired, you can smooth the edges with a damp sponge.

The last operation is painting an imitation brick wall made of plaster. It is performed in two stages. First, the entire array is tinted with a brush or spray. After this, carefully paint the seams with a narrow brush, making sure that the paint does not get on the surface of the “brick”.

To create an imitation of masonry, many craftsmen use Volma gypsum plaster. Cement tile adhesive should not be mixed with gypsum plaster. Different types of binders do not get along well with each other. Therefore, the finishing layer may peel off from the base over time.

Based on the consumption of the plaster mixture, we can say the following. With a layer thickness of 1 cm, its consumption per 1 m2 of wall is from 8 to 9 kg. In this case, a standard bag (30 kg) is enough for 3.5 m2. With a bag price of 450 rubles, one “square” of plaster will cost 128 rubles (450/3.5). If we add to this the price of primer and paint, then the final cost figure will be at the level of 180 rubles / m2.

For comparison, let's say that the minimum cost of gypsum tiles imitating brick is 400 rubles/m2. Adding the price of glue, we get 480 rubles/m2. This is more than 2.5 times more expensive than imitation gypsum plaster.

Forming seams using masking tape

In this option, after priming, mark the seams on the surface with a pencil and stick narrow masking tape on them.

The ends of the tape are brought beyond the border of the area to be plastered and the gypsum solution is applied with a spatula directly to the tape. After leveling the plaster and letting it dry a little, carefully pull the ends of the tape. The adhesive tape removed from the plaster layer leaves a pattern of seams on the wall.

It should be noted that making an imitation of brickwork with your own hands using tape is more difficult than removing the mortar with a scraper. This work takes longer and requires additional cleaning of the edges of the bricks.

In inept hands, the tape does not always separate evenly, dragging part of the solution with it. Therefore, we recommend that beginners use the technique of forming a pattern using a chisel or scraper.

Decorative brick is an imitation of brickwork, which is used to decorate a wall instead of wallpaper, plaster, or wood. Many will say that such material is uncomfortable, as if we are on the street and not indoors. Others will argue: the good thing is that due to the contrast of cold stone and warm carpet, a cozy sofa and beautiful curtains, style is created. The more pleasant it becomes warm and soft when there is an aggressive brick wall nearby.

Decorative stone is perfect for decorating the living room walls.

This is what decorative stone looks like in the interior of a room

Decorative stone wall

This decoration is appropriate for any room: part of the hallway, a wall in the kitchen or in the bedroom, living room. Brick must be combined with something: most often with plaster or plain wallpaper, this creates a greater emphasis on the masonry pattern. It is also possible to decorate parts of the wall: a corner, a doorway, an electric fireplace.

Such material can be of any color: often red or white, like natural, it can be painted, and the variety of such coatings is wide, and you can choose a more pleasant shade for your eye. Such a brick can be the same color as the walls, for example, white, and can contrast with other surfaces, separating one living area from another.

Loft - brickwork reminiscent of the outer wall of an old house. It gives the impression that you are not in an apartment on the 10th floor, but in a hundred-year-old building of an abandoned factory. Such an aggressive style can be complemented with rough wood floors; the more contrasting bright rugs, soft sofas, clean pillows, and home flowers will look in such an interior. But many types of indoor plants can complement the impression of abandonment, including vines and ivy.

Wall decoration can be done with decorative stone

Decorative stone will perfectly complement the decor of the room

Country is a more neat, antique style, but looking at it does not make you feel as unbearably sad as in the loft style. Here the brick is lighter, more beautifully laid, it seems that we are in the attic of a cozy old European house. The impression is completed by the massive wooden beams on the ceiling. A kitchen apron, a wall in the bedroom or a fireplace in the living room can be decorated in country style.

High-tech - suitable for interiors with geometrically correct proportions and clean, monochromatic colors. These are white or gray perfectly shaped rectangles that give the room a business style - here you no longer wear fluffy orange slippers, here minimalism is combined with the correctness of shapes.

English style - we are in a cozy house in an English village. The large kitchen, connected to the living room, is finished with neat brick. The sun is shining outside, sheep are walking in the green fields. Antique sideboards and a lot of natural wood turn this room into an old fairy tale, where giants and forest fairies live around the corner.

The design of the room is made in one color scheme

The fireplace can be covered with decorative stone, it will look very beautiful

Design of a living room with wall decoration with decorative stone

Main types of imitation brick for interior decoration

Brick wallpaper is a budget-friendly and at the same time interesting option. They are easier to stick on the wall; you can calculate the required number of rolls right in the store. There are more options here: leaves and flowers can be added to the wallpaper, but it is recommended to glue them only on small areas, otherwise a repeating pattern will be visible. However, upon closer inspection, you will see that this is just a picture with minimal texture.

The walls of the corridor are decorated with decorative stone

The corners of the walls can be made with decorative stone

Decorative panels - plastic panels are not afraid of water, dirt, and are attached to the surface using self-tapping screws. A good option for a balcony, where temperature changes and humidity have a bad effect on the wallpaper, or for the kitchen, since they are not afraid of any contamination and are easy to clean. Volumetric, inexpensive, easy-to-install brick panels are a good option if you want to decorate a small part or area of ​​the room.

Brick tiles, or clinker tiles, have a more expensive price and are more difficult to install, but they are more durable, are not afraid of any mechanical damage, and are resistant to dirt. And most importantly, this surface even up close looks like a natural material, surprising guests with its unusualness.

A large clock against a brick wall will look stylish

A great idea would be to place the TV against a brick wall.

A brick wall will perfectly complement the interior

Advantages of decorative bricks

Originality - your friends don’t have anything like this, boring wallpaper doesn’t catch the eye, but you really want to catch the admiring glances of your guests;

Stylish - with the help of such a fireplace you will give the room a special coziness that is so lacking in cold, dark winters;

Durability - such a coating will last for many years, will not peel off, will not fall off, will not fade, and in ten years it will look the same as it does now;

Good heat and sound insulation due to a thick and heterogeneous layer.

White decorative brick will perfectly complement the interior

A wall made of decorative bricks will look very beautiful

Decorative brick: types

Decorative brick for interior decoration should be distinguished from decorative stone. The stone, natural or artificial, does not have a smooth rectangular shape and creates a more “wild” interior, reminiscent of a medieval castle.

Clinker brick is a natural imitation of brick, containing clay. Perhaps the only difference is the thickness and a little more accuracy than that of the building material. It has high resistance to mechanical damage and temperature, therefore it is suitable for cladding balconies.

Gypsum decorative brick is not an expensive material; you can make it yourself. It can be smooth or corrugated, initially white, and can be tinted at the manufacturing stage or after installation. It can be broken, but if we are not going to throw anything heavy at the wall, it is good for indoors.

Decorative brick can be painted in various colors

When decorating walls with decorative bricks, the main thing is to do everything in the same style.

Decorative brick in the interior looks very unusual

Ceramic decorative bricks have the same properties as imitation wall tiles. Unlike gypsum, it is not afraid of moisture, it is very strong, and it is almost impossible to break it. The only material that can be stronger is porcelain stoneware, which is used for finishing both interior and exterior spaces.

The technology for working with decorative imitations depends on their type. Wallpaper is glued to a flat wall using special glue, plastic panels are attached to the wall using screws, self-tapping screws or nails. Clinker, gypsum, ceramic and porcelain tiles are attached to a cement or special adhesive solution, as for any type of tile. The use of cross-shaped beacons depends on whether you want to leave a distance between the “bricks”; if not, the material consumption will be greater.

A wall made of decorative bricks will perfectly complement the interior

Wall decor can be made from decorative stone

Homemade wall design options for brickwork

  • Homemade gypsum brick is a beautiful, original material, easy to create.
  • Ordinary polystyrene foam with melted edges and an uneven surface, attached to the wall and covered with a layer of paint will be a good imitation. Cheap, fast, beautiful.
  • Plastering walls using a stencil - in this case, the surface will be too neat, but if you like an unobtrusive pattern on a plain wall, this is your option.
  • The second option is to apply a design using masking tape onto the wet plaster, press it a little and remove it - a relief will appear.

A sofa against a brick wall will look practical

In large rooms, the walls can be decorated with decorative bricks

The walls in the corridor can be decorated with decorative bricks

Decorative brick for interior decoration and its application

Where can such original material be used?

  1. A room completely finished in brick. The best option is white: the room does not seem overly cold and gloomy, and the unobtrusive relief is a good decoration.
  2. A brick wall is the best option for the wall behind the TV or the wall with dishes.
  3. Decorating a separate area - for example, an area with a sofa and a TV in a large living room, or a kitchen area in a studio apartment will look very beautiful.
  4. Columns - if your apartment has protruding columns - this is possible in monolithic houses after redevelopment - they will look good with a similar finish. The ideal option would be a combination with a wall in the same style.
  5. The openings between the windows, decorated with brick, will go well with the columns.
  6. Corners are often finished with similar material, especially in the hallway - this strengthens the wall, which is touched by scratching the wallpaper, and visually changes the correct geometry and numerous corners of modern hallways and corridors.
  7. Finishing a loggia or balcony with brick. If this finishing material looks uncomfortable in the living room, then a balcony with greenery outside the window and a soft sofa will be one of the favorite places in your apartment.
  8. Brick-like facing tiles have been used for interior decoration quite recently. Initially, this material was used to build houses; it is the outer layer of buildings. Then the finishing appeared - you can build from anything, and apply a beautiful finish on top solely for aesthetic purposes. But then views on generally accepted norms were revised, and street style entered our home, firmly settling in the hearts of many adherents of this style.
  9. Brickwork is beautiful, natural, laconic and simple, it is voluminous and is available in various variations and colors. However, an interior with such decor needs to be thought out very carefully - this is not a cheap material, it is difficult to install, and it will be difficult to redo an unsuccessful design project. It’s not like tearing off old wallpaper and gluing new ones.

This wall will perfectly complement the decor

A white brick wall will perfectly complement the decor of the room

Installation of decorative bricks

Installation must be carried out by specialists, just like laying tiles; this activity requires practice. You can always try to do the repairs yourself - just like wallpapering, laying decorative bricks with due diligence can become a reality even for a beginner. For installation, you need to purchase all the necessary materials, dilute the cement mortar, apply it to the wall with a spatula and begin installation. If you plan not to make gaps between the tiles, you should take into account that the rectangles of the tiles are not perfectly even and if you do not take care of this, the level may shift and the entire row will “float”.

Video: Gluing decorative bricks

50 photos of ideas for using decorative bricks in the interior:

At all times, people have strived to make their home beautiful. A variety of finishing materials, unusual furniture, original ceiling designs and much more can add style and originality to any room. But quite often a situation arises when you want to get the most effective result with a minimum of funds. This option includes finishing the walls with brick-like plaster.


A brick wall fits well into almost any interior, as it is one of the oldest building materials. Whitewashed, such walls go well with Provence and shabby chic styles. Red and brown bricks are an integral part of the loft style, and gray and beige will perfectly complement the modern urban design of kitchens, bedrooms and halls.

It is the design of a room using brick and its imitations that brings different interior styles together, as it goes well with both modern metal interior details and antique wood products.

Brick finishing in a house is always a bright, fresh solution that attracts attention. And even if there is no brick wall in the house, it will not be difficult to create one with your own hands using plaster finishing.


Plaster differs from other finishing materials in its durability and excellent appearance, variety of textures, “naturalness” and excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. In addition, it is easy to maintain and allows you to renew the surfaces in the future by painting.

There are many types of plaster. Thus, mineral plaster of a special texture will make the wall rough. By the way, it can be used for outdoor work, as well as on balconies and loggias. Venetian plaster has been very popular lately, but it is not used to imitate brickwork - it is an expensive material, which contains marble flour.

Plaster is sold in construction stores in dry form. Any plaster is based on binding materials, and sand, stone chips, fiber additives, thickeners and paint can play the role of filler. The most beautiful imitation of brickwork is obtained from gypsum plaster and “graffito” plaster, which is highly decorative. In addition to wall decoration, graffito is used to decorate fireplaces, doorways, walls on the open loggia of a country house, and so on.

If you are preparing plaster from a dry mixture, then its consistency should resemble thick sour cream, and you should not prepare too much of the mixture, because otherwise the solution will set and it will no longer be possible to apply it.

To make it easier to transfer the design to the plaster, you can make a model of the end of the brick. Thick cardboard or linoleum is perfect for these purposes. You need to mark the seams on the brick by making an indent along the entire perimeter of the workpiece (from the front side), and also mark another central seam - in the middle. The brick model is used when applying a masonry pattern to the wall and then gluing the pattern with tape. It is best to start marking from the upper corner of the wall, simply tracing the model with a pencil.

Attention! If you have to plaster large spaces (a retail space or a cafe), then you should think about saving materials.

Applying plaster by machine will help with this. The mixture for mechanical plastering is cheaper than standard options. In addition, working with modern equipment will save time and use 20–25% less material.

Application technology

Before you begin work on decorating the walls with brick-like plaster, the surface must first be leveled with a primer, and all curvatures and differences of more than two centimeters must be removed. This must be done, because the plaster mixture will be applied in a layer of no more than 2 cm, and serious distortions will be noticeable. It is important to remember that concrete and wood walls require different primers. After the preparatory work is completed, it is better to wait 2-3 days for the applied composition to dry completely. Afterwards you can start plastering.

Gypsum plaster is best suited for depicting bricks. It is characterized by ease of application, lack of “shrinkage” (does not change after drying) and environmental friendliness. The mixture is applied in a layer of approximately 1–2 cm, while the total consumption of plaster will be 8–10 kg per 1 sq. m. m. Do not mix gypsum plaster with any other substances, for example, cement glue. This can lead to cracks and even peeling of the plaster.

Imitation of brickwork using a plaster layer can be done in two ways: apply seams with a scraper or use masking tape for this purpose. To apply seams with a scraper, you will need spatulas, wide and narrow. The wide one is used for applying and leveling the plaster mixture, and the narrow one will be needed for correcting corners and small depressions. You will need a scraper, but its role can be performed by an ordinary chisel or steel plate, as well as a rule of 1.5 to 1.8 m long and jointing used in stone work.

The plaster mixture is applied with a wide spatula and then leveled. The seams are marked after the solution has dried, but has not yet completely set. To mark the wall, you need to apply a rule and draw the seams. The width can vary from 5 to 10 mm; we recommend that you avoid too wide and deep seams with this method of application.

When marking, it is better to focus on the dimensions of a standard brick and use a pre-prepared model made of thick cardboard or linoleum.

After the seams are drawn, you can begin to work them out, that is, directly apply the design. You need to start with long horizontal seams, running a scraper under them and removing the “extra”, and then proceed to short vertical ones. The recommended depth of the seams is 3–5 mm, and they can be given a beautiful shape by working with jointing.

Masking tape is a popular means of depicting seams., although this method is more labor-intensive than the first. First, the walls are primed, and then future seams are drawn on top (you can use a regular pencil). Painting tape is applied along the lines, and its ends should extend beyond the area of ​​the wall being treated. The tape should overlap.

Next, the entire wall space is covered with plaster, along with seams and tape, and leveled. You can use a spatula, or you can apply the plaster with your hands, it will turn out even more natural. It is advisable to do this only with latex gloves. It is necessary, without waiting for the plaster to dry, to pull the ends of the tape and remove it along with part of the plaster. If the tape does break, you can use any sharp object to free its tip.

The main problem is that the masking tape does not always come off neatly from the plastered surface. It may be removed with more than necessary part of the solution or torn. There is no point in delaying the work, since the quick drying of the gypsum plaster will not allow you to carefully remove the tape. After removing the painting material, the edges of the bricks must be further processed with a spatula and jointing. For those who find working with tape too difficult, there is the option of using ready-made stencils. They are sold in large construction supermarkets.

Imitations of brickwork can be very different. Two common options are gypsum tiles that imitate brickwork, and a pattern on wet plaster. If everything is clear with the first option, since it is very difficult to spoil a wall tiled like a brick, then the second option raises many questions. When choosing this technique, you need to understand how to apply the drawing carefully and which image is as simple as possible to execute. There is no need to be afraid of these finishing works - they are simple, will not take much time and will even save time.

The lesson of drawing brickwork on plaster will bring joy and pleasure not only during the process, but also after completion of the work, if:

  • the seam lines will be slightly curved: a perfectly straight brick wall is extremely rare, so small errors in the outline will create the illusion of real brickwork;
  • paint the wall a natural color (beige, milky white), and make the seams darker.
  • experiment with texture and give the bricks roughness, and also further refine the edges, making them more noticeable and protruding;

  • imitation brick will be treated “antique” or painted accordingly;
  • the bricks will be of different sizes or lengths, with natural grooves or chips;
  • make the edges smoother - an ordinary damp sponge will help with this, and the remaining solution on the edges can be removed with a dry cloth.

Painting will also help to add beauty and neatness; you can use either a brush or a spray bottle to apply paint.

Beautiful examples in the interior

  • Imitation brickwork looks great in any living space. If you need to delimit zones, for example, to separate the dining room from the relaxation space, then a wall with imitation brickwork will cope with this task perfectly.
  • To depict the texture of a brick, you can use different materials - a natural sponge, a metal scourer for washing dishes, a shoe brush and much more. When imprinted on wet plaster with a natural sponge, a very beautiful, natural texture pattern is obtained.
  • To make the finish look natural, the imitation is painted brick brown, and the seams can be made lighter or darker. The brick finish looks harmonious in the interiors of a modern urban loft style. It is almost impossible to distinguish a high-quality imitation from a real brick wall!

A brick wall is relevant among various interior styles, but when it is unrealistic to build it, then you can imitate in some way. In this article we will look at how you can paint a brick wall without resorting to the services of artists. Three methods will be presented, which will require simple materials, a little patience and accuracy.

What does it look like

Painting a wall to look like brick is perhaps the cheapest way to imitate it. Plus it's practical. While wallpaper can get dirty or damaged by pets, this will not happen with painting. Unlike wallpaper, you don’t have to rip off the paint if you get tired of it—you can simply repaint the wall.

Painted brickwork, of course, does not look as impressive as the original, but it will also suit any design solution. A clear example of this is in the photo below.

  • On the prepared and dried background, you need to make a stencil with narrow masking tape - these will be masonry joints. The size of the bricks may vary depending on your preferences. If at this stage you are not lazy and glue the masking tape evenly, then in the worst case it will take 3 hours, depending on the size of the wall.
  • Next, paint the entire wall brick color with a roller, but you can use a spray gun. Let the paint dry thoroughly, after which you can remove the tape.
  • In order not to get confused during marking, you can divide each brick in half - this is already a vertical masonry joint for bricks at a higher level, and mark the brick itself with a cross using a simple pencil.
  • As a result, you will get a neat imitation of brickwork.

Method 3: using foam rubber

It is advisable to take several pieces of foam rubber, in case the first one becomes very hardened by the paint. The shape and size should be like a real brick, that is, rectangular in shape, approximately 25 cm wide and 6.5 cm high.

  • Dip the foam rubber stamp into a pre-prepared tray of paint. Do not forget to remove excess paint from the stamp, it can ruin the entire composition.
  • Then apply the foam to the wall, thereby leaving an imprint.
  • Thus, leave stamps in the form of a brick along the entire desired section of the wall. Try to leave equal space between bricks.

Highlighting volume and texture

This is perhaps the most important part of finishing - without this stage, the work done will not look as natural and natural as possible. In addition, the given methods for decorating bricks are suitable for all three methods of simulating masonry.

  • To make the painted brickwork more realistic, it is necessary to add additional shades. To give the appearance of volume, the upper edge can be lightened, and the lower edge, on the contrary, can be darkened.
  • To give the wall a little “carelessness”, you can add various strokes and strokes with a sponge, thereby creating the effect of antiquity.
  • In order for the pattern of masonry joints to look “deeper”, it should be outlined with a thin brush, a shade slightly darker than the main one.
  • When you apply a drawing, mistakes in the form of random lines and extra spots are quite possible. They will need to be removed immediately, using ordinary water, because acrylic paint dries very quickly.

Even without any artistic skills, you will be able to paint a wall like a brick, the main thing is to avoid making gross mistakes.

We hope that the article was useful to you. Leave your questions and feedback in the comments below.


With the advent of the loft style in the mid-20th century, brick walls became incredibly popular. But there is not always real masonry in the room, so it is often imitated using plastic panels, wallpaper, tiles, etc. In this article we will look at how you can make an artificial brick wall using decorative plaster.

What does plaster look like under brickwork?

Decorative brick-like plaster is used for finishing walls, arches, doorways in apartments, cottages, office or administrative premises. This type of finishing can also be used to highlight individual sections or parts of the wall. Less expensive cement-based compositions are used for cladding building facades. But the most successful look are bricks made of light or red stone, pressed onto decorative plaster.

Below are photos of an imitation brick wall made of plaster in the interior of premises and the decoration of facades.

But ready-made polymer-based compounds are considered the highest quality and most durable: silicate and silicone. They are plastic, easily distributed over the surface and have high adhesion (cohesion), strength and moisture resistance.

To save money, you can make your own decorative plaster from ordinary putty .

Preparing the walls

The walls on which decorative brickwork will be applied require certain preparation.

Curved walls need to be straightened plastering or, for example, sheets of plasterboard.

Remove jet finish. If the decor is planned on an old plaster layer, then it needs to be cleaned, a rough surface created, and treated with an adhesive primer. Unstable areas are knocked off the wall, chips are cleaned and puttied. If the surface has been previously painted, the paint layer must also be removed, otherwise the plaster will not adhere firmly. This is discussed in detail in our article: “Is it possible to plaster over paint: what is the right thing to do?” Read .

Before plastering the wall is primed. For interior decoration, a universal acrylic composition with deep penetration is suitable. The primer will improve adhesion and bind small particles and dust to the wall.

Imitation of brickwork with your own hands

There are several ways to make “bricks” using decorative plaster. Let's describe each of them.

Making bricks using a stamp and roller

On sale you can find special silicone or polyurethane stamps for one or more bricks. They are carefully applied to the slightly dried plaster layer on the wall, and then also carefully, trying not to damage the print, removed.

If small defects arise when applying the “bricks”, they are smoothed out with a spatula. If the plastered wall does not dry out enough, the print may be smeared. In this case, the surface must be smoothed again with a spatula, wait a while, and apply the mold again.

Another way to create a brick-like imprint on a wall is to use textured rubber rollers. Roll the roller along the plastered wall in a horizontal direction. At a time, you get two to four brick rows (depending on the width of the roller).

Using tape

To create artificial masonry, the location of future seams is marked with a pencil on a dry wall. First, marks are made from floor to ceiling at one edge every 7.5 cm. Then on the opposite side. The horizontality of the lines can be controlled with a bubble or laser level.

Masking (paper) tape 1-1.5 cm wide is glued over the markings. It is not always possible to find such tape on sale, so you often have to buy a larger size (3 cm) and cut the mats lengthwise.

Paste the horizontal lines first, then the vertical ones. This is a labor-intensive task that will take several hours. What the markup looks like is shown in the diagram:

To make the ends of the tape easy to find under the layer of mortar, they are brought outside the boundary of the area to be plastered.

The wall is covered with mortar directly on top of the tape. Layer thickness 3-5 mm.

After alignment, they begin to pull the ends of the tape. When the tape is torn off, a clear pattern of seams remains on the surface. After complete drying, uneven edges are cleaned. This method will be clearly shown in the video below.

Cutting bricks

Masonry joints can be cut on slightly dried plaster and using available tools - a small spatula, a thick knitting needle or any other pointed objects of a suitable size.

It is necessary to “draw” the seams until the plaster has completely hardened. To prevent the wall from looking too smooth, it is better to go over it with sandpaper after finishing the work. A rough surface with marked seams will look more like a brick wall. To make the wall look realistic, you can add small scratches and chips.

Rusticized plaster

To imitate voluminous bricks or massive stones on the facades of houses, rustras are used - straight seams that divide the surface into blocks. There are several ways to create them:

  • using wooden lathing;
  • stuffing with metal strip;
  • by pulling using templates;
  • cutting out with a saw according to the rule (a construction tool in the form of a long ruler).

When creating masonry, it is absolutely not necessary to make the lines too even. There may be small irregularities at the seams, giving the wall a more expressive texture.


How to make decorative brick plaster with your own hands is shown in the following video lesson. The master marks and extrudes the masonry joint using a rule.

The following video shows how to do it using tape.

You can find other master classes on applying decorative plaster in our video section.

Painting plaster bricks

After the plastered surface has dried, it is painted with acrylic, latex, alkyd or water-based compositions. When choosing a color, you can stick with a natural red-brown or experiment by mixing them to create a unique shade.

The color can be added to the plaster mixture when mixing it. But in this case, you will have to prepare the solution for the entire wall at once, otherwise the shades in individual areas may not match.

The seams are painted separately with a thin brush. A good technique is to apply two layers of paint of different colors: the second is applied a couple of minutes after the first, that is, before it dries. Sometimes individual bricks are distinguished by a different shade from bright yellow to almost black.