home · On a note · Sagittarius - horoscope for September. Love horoscope for the Sagittarius sign for September What awaits Sagittarius in September

Sagittarius - horoscope for September. Love horoscope for the Sagittarius sign for September What awaits Sagittarius in September

Sagittarius will have to complete all previously started tasks. In addition, right now they can get great benefits from any endeavors. Representatives of the sign need to pay attention to the circle of people who surround them; perhaps someone does not tolerate their presence.

It cannot be said that September will be the most successful month for Sagittarius this year, but their affairs will improve compared to the past. Those things that have been haunting them for a long time will work out as best as possible.

By nature, representatives of the sign are very sensitive, they get along well with others and understand them, they can help in difficult times, cheer up, and console. Now there will be several people in the circle of Sagittarius, if the representatives of the sign do not miss these people, then in the future they will be the ones who will be able to help them in a major matter.

Closer to the middle of the month, Sagittarius will be able to go on vacation to distant countries. Those who want to spend their time with their family should remember that it is very important at this time not to refuse the support of people close to them.

Only representatives of the sign have the right to decide what their future life will be like and how to manage it. If they want, they can move mountains. It is on the desire of the representatives of the sign and their diligence that their entire future depends. At this time, you should not miss out on profitable contracts and deals.

Sagittarius Woman: Horoscope for September 2020

This month is not the best time for gambling, you should avoid it. The best option would be to refuse any games, even on the love front. Often, women who are unfaithful to their men can soon pay for this with loneliness.

Adventurous ideas will not lead to the expected victory. At this time, fate will dictate that you will have to do almost everything honestly, there will be no place for persuasion, deals and fraud.

The stars advise Sagittarius women to spend as much time as possible in a calm environment, relax more often, and organize joint trips with their loved ones. This will protect them from depletion of vital energy, fill them with new strength and allow them to continue the fight.

Now the Sagittarius woman’s mood will be primarily influenced by Mercury. Therefore, she can often seem sentimental, suspicious, and unable to do anything. However, at heart they are quite strong individuals who know what they want and achieve it at any cost. Often you will have to be pragmatic.

Sagittarius Man: Horoscope for September 2020

It is worth focusing your attention on personal affairs and successes. There is no need to try to get everything at once, this will ultimately lead to nothing. It's time to learn to act in a planned way, show organizational skills and not be afraid of failures.

Under no circumstances should Sagittarius men put off resolving important issues until Monday. Everything needs to be decided quickly and thoughtfully, only then such decisions will be effective.

The strong desire of the representatives of the sign, the ability to find a common language with society, the desire for development and hard work will help to successfully eliminate all rivals. However, while Sagittarius men are too worried about their affairs, someone may get ahead of them with their actions. Therefore, it is necessary not to think for a very long time, but to try to implement your ideas into life.

September is the month of friendship for Sagittarius men. Lonely representatives of the sign are unlikely to be able to find love now. However, there is a very high probability that they will find a good friend and ally in a woman. You should not try to deceive fate, because at this time it has not prepared new romantic relationships for the representatives of the sign. It's time to learn to accept exactly as much as fate gives.

Stunning discoveries await Sagittarius lovers in September 2019. There is no need to guess how these events will affect relationships with chosen ones. Just read the exact love horoscope for September 2019.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2019

Only in September can Sagittarius feel like heroes of melodramas. This month the stars give them wide scope for action. If you want to grieve about unfulfilled hopes, you will experience unrequited love. If you dream of sublime feelings, take the opportunity and build relationships immediately.

Sagittarians are very susceptible to the influence of emotions. They can regard even the slightest failure as a sign warning of the futility of feelings. Filled with the energy of the Sun and imbued with the power of their patron Jupiter, Sagittarius will be surrounded by admirers.

If you don’t want to start relationships with unworthy people, show maximum prudence in choosing partners. In September, the most important task for Sagittarius is to reject prejudices and temptations. By starting an affair with a good person, you will find long-awaited peace. Those who previously caused a real stir in your fantasy will not become reliable companions, at least in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius women for September 2019

Until September 22, 2019, Sagittarius women will have a unique opportunity to return their former love. Mercury is moving in the opposite direction before this period, so it is better not to miss the chance to restore relationships. In the near future, this will no longer happen and the stars will not show favor to those who look at their past with loving eyes.

Towards the end of September, representatives of this zodiac sign will finally feel peace. Even if they fail to find their soul mate now, this fact will not bring any frustration.

The intimate life of Sagittarius girls deserves special attention. The love horoscope for September promises them increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Very close relationships with some of them will only make you happy.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius men for September 2019

In September 2019, single Sagittarius men will have a thousand and one reasons to start an affair with an experienced woman. Such a desire will be provoked by Mars, which will converge favorably with Uranus in the middle of the month. Unbridled sex and enthusiastic words addressed to you during this period will be guaranteed to you.

Modest but charming Sagittarius men who have already found a mate will have a hard time. Your chosen one will not match your sexual activity. To maintain harmony in relationships, it is better to direct your energy to the spiritual sphere. In September, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius pay attention to joint hobbies, designed to bring couples together even stronger.

Sagittarius men are told by the stars themselves to get married in early autumn. However, an alliance should be concluded only if you are confident in the seriousness of your own feelings. The best dates for marriage: September 3, 16 and 25. Children conceived by Sagittarius will be born into a financially secure and loving family, so men should be grateful to the onset of pregnancy in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for other months of 2019

Sagittarius's career and external success will dominate family and emotional problems in September 2018. Your ambitions are at their peak and you want to climb the career and social ladder. Sagittarius wants more power in their hands to help society. Right now, family and emotional problems are at a standstill, and you can hardly do anything about them. You will redirect your energies to help other families in September.

In September, Sagittarius will be able to command situations and people in order to follow their course. You don't rely on social charm or adaptability skills. Home problems and career disruptions can be easily overcome by you as you have an added advantage to deal with them.

The main areas of interest in September for Sagittarius will be relationships and social activities, career, personal pleasure, increasing personal attractiveness.

Professional growth will be very productive in September. However, there is a discrepancy in your career interests, personal desires and family commitments. Your success depends on the balance of these different activities. Your interest in nurturing people's psychological health will be active in September. You can expect a promotion in your official position at work coupled with financial rewards.

Financial well-being will be consistently good for a longer period than usual. Currently, your financial expectations are too high, which makes your earnings look low. Be patient and wait for the cash to flow. You should try to balance your budget by reducing your expenses.

Sagittarius's love in September is cautious and sluggish. Your confidence is low and therefore there will be less romantic activity. Another important factor that will be a barrier to a good relationship is your communication ability, you must be clear about your love needs and must communicate this to your partners in certain conditions. After September 22, the time comes that is not favorable for major activities such as marriages, divorces and pregnancies.

The attitude towards health in September should be extremely delicate, especially before the 24th. Pleasant, sincere relationships with family, rest and relaxation will help improve your well-being.

September 2018 in the life of Sagittarius is a progressive month for career and financial situation, and love relationships and health will often cause concern, but with your current approach to solving problems, everything will work out.

Choose another zodiac sign:

The positions of the main planets indicate that in September many representatives of the sign will be decisive, active, and energetic. If they distribute resources wisely and are able to choose the right moment, they will achieve excellent results. The main thing is not to force things, even when you want to achieve your goal as soon as possible.

Lucky color of the month: indigo.
Good luck talisman: key.
Motto of the month: “We don’t confuse courage with recklessness!”

Work and money

The Sun is located in the 1st house of the horoscope for almost the entire month (career, success), and until mid-September it is supported by Venus (work, money) and Mercury (business, connections, travel). Many Sagittarius will have great ambitions; they will want to find a more responsible job and significantly increase their income. And at the beginning of the month such an opportunity will present itself - thanks to a successful aspect between Saturn (career) and Pluto (big money) to the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars (activity). So, be lucky and don’t miss your finest hour! Take advantage of all favorable opportunities, be prudent - and very soon your dreams can come true. After the 8th, we recommend curtailing your frantic activities and moderating your ambitions - otherwise you risk falling out of favor with management, as warned by the difficult aspect between the Sun and Jupiter (bosses, social success). Try to consolidate your position, and postpone the implementation of new goals until better times.

Love and family

Venus (love, prosperity) and Mercury (communication) travel together with the Sun through the 10th house of the horoscope until mid-September. This position of the planets is ideal for a career, but difficulties in family life are not excluded, since many representatives of the sign will be too keen on storming the career ladder.
To avoid any cause for conflict, do not forget about your loved ones. Even if at work all your thoughts are occupied with work, urgently switch to “home mode” in the evenings and weekends. In the middle of the month, avoid a showdown: Venus (feminine) and Mars (masculine) form a difficult aspect to Neptune (misconceptions), because of this there is a risk of serious conflicts due to misunderstandings. One said something or looked at something wrong, the other understood it wrong - and in the end the scandal was out of nowhere. So no disputes or sensitive topics!
At the beginning of September, single Sagittarians have a chance to meet an interesting and wealthy man. It is quite possible that it will be your boss or business partner of the company. If the relationship becomes serious, look for a new job. In the second half of the month, when Venus moves to the 11th house of the horoscope (friends, like-minded people), it will be easier to find a common language with your partner. Even if you seriously quarreled or broke up for a while, now there is a chance to restore mutual understanding. For many Sagittarius, it is important that their spouse is not only a provider and lover, but also a friend, so now common interests and beliefs will help you get closer and leave all differences in the past.

Health and beauty

Having the Sun (general well-being) and Mars (physical activity) in the 10th house is a strong position. So typical representatives of the sign in September will be energetic, active, and most Sagittarius will not have to complain about their health. Just please do not abuse star bonuses. Don’t spend all your energy on conquering career heights, otherwise you risk developing chronic fatigue syndrome and a lush bouquet of chronic diseases in addition. It is important to find the right balance between work and rest. And it will be great if you prefer active relaxation to sofa relaxation. Cycling, jogging, fitness classes, swimming will bring great benefits and will help you keep yourself in good shape and in excellent physical shape. For those who want to lose weight, we recommend consulting with a trainer: let him choose the optimal program for you. And if there are too many extra pounds, first visit an endocrinologist and nutritionist.
No matter how busy you are, forget about snacking on the run. No fast food or donuts: you need a complete, balanced diet and enough time for each meal - otherwise gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract will not keep you waiting.
And also, dear Sagittarius, don’t forget about your appearance! Natural beauty is wonderful, but it needs care. So be sure to visit a cosmetologist in September. You can also change your hairstyle, and radically: you will probably like the new look.

Favorable days: 4, 18, 28 September.
Unfavorable days: 9th, 13th, 25th.

Sagittarius Man

Typical representatives of the sign enthusiastically storm the career ladder in September. Some Sagittarius may have the idea of ​​starting their own business, perhaps with the support of relatives or friends. Be that as it may, you, dear companions of Sagittarius, have nothing to be offended by. Even if your husband throws himself into work, know: he is trying for the sake of the family, striving to provide you and your children with the best conditions. So be sure to support your companion’s career ambitions, and create a comfortable atmosphere at home so that your hero can relax and recuperate without worrying about everyday trifles.
By the way, if it is customary in your family to discuss each other’s official affairs, in the middle of the month gently advise your spouse to take a break: now is not the most favorable time to communicate with management and business partners. In the last ten days of September, it is undesirable to enter into financial agreements due to the difficult aspect between Mercury (business) and Pluto (big money). It's up to the husband to decide, of course - but give me a hint.

Favorable days: 4, 16, 30 September.
Unfavorable days: 7th, 11th, 21st.

Sagittarius Child

Little Sagittarius are smart, sociable, inquisitive and... too independent. In any case, they try to be like that. The phrase “I myself!” will sound constantly, which will not always please parents and teachers. In addition, in September, kids will persistently test the boundaries of what is permitted. Think maybe it's time to expand them a little?
Schoolchildren study well, diligently completing assignments even in “hated” subjects. It is now important for young Sagittarius to prove to everyone (and first of all to themselves) that they are the best. So encourage your child to practice. If you have problems with your studies, find a section or club of interests where young Sagittarius can reveal his talents - it is now very important for a child to find his own island of success.
Most high school students already know about their strengths and weaknesses and in September will strive to become leaders in the class or company of their peers. And many will succeed. However, even if Sagittarius fails, he will cope with his experiences.

The sober, cold mind of a representative of this sign is always a companion to the desire to learn something new. However, in moments of indignation, Sagittarius's mind is drowned out by emotions. They become overly straightforward, tactless and even cruel people. However, this cheerful and simple-minded sign has a lot of positive qualities, which the love horoscope for September Sagittarius will help you understand.


A representative of this fiery zodiac in love always naively and sublimely idealizes the object of passion. She simply needs a partner who would strive with the same enthusiasm to bring her love relationship closer to perfection. She is good-natured and frank, but will not tolerate insincerity of feelings from her companion.

When trying to catch a Sagittarius woman in your love network, you should not be assertive. It is important for her to have freedom of choice. Being consistent in everything, she wants to get to know her partner gradually:

  1. Common interests;
  2. Friendly communication;
  3. Love experiences.

Prepare yourself for a small fly in the ointment at the last stage. The Sagittarius woman loves big companies and is extremely careless in everyday life.

This independent and freedom-loving person will never sacrifice her habits to the detriment of her individuality. If a man wants something from her, then he will have to act exclusively through requests. Since childhood, she was not used to being commanded.

The horoscope determines that the Sagittarius woman is not favorable to family ties. A man can enter into a love marriage with her only if he tries a lot and places convincing bait. She is sentimental, although she doesn't show it. A love melodrama, a heartfelt verse can bring tears to her eyes. She will cherish all the mementos she received from her loved one.

Like all fire representatives, this woman blossoms in love. This is especially evident in September. But love is not the only thing that fuels her this month. A man must clearly understand that this lady needs a partner who truly shares her interests. This could be travel, active sports or outdoor recreation.

According to the horoscope, September for this woman promises the resolution of many problems at home. Everything that was holding you down will unexpectedly recede and time will appear for personal development. The stars bless you for exciting trips.


He is a bright ray in the routine of everyday life. Sagittarius's witty statements can become the talk of the town, and the nobility of his actions and generosity lift him to the highest level of the pedestal. The company of such a man is always desirable, but can he belong to one woman? Big question.

The love horoscope for September Sagittarius claims that it is still possible to become the center of his Universe. To do this, you need to at least understand its nature. Main features of Sagittarius:

  1. Initiative. He expects active actions from a woman only when he is going to make love to her;
  2. The phenomenality of memory. He always remembers everything and reciprocates any attack;
  3. Generosity. As a child, he usually does everything for his friends, and when he grows up, the benefits go to the family;
  4. Eloquence. He loves and knows how to talk both on philosophical topics and everyday issues.

The horoscope says that for him there are no norms and rules of behavior, except those that he sets for himself. All he wants is to live as he would like. If this does not suit someone, then usually this fact does not bother him much.

According to the horoscope, such a man needs, first of all, a like-minded woman. Love for him is not when the gaze is directed at each other, but when they look in the same direction. Like any man, Sagittarius can also be carried away by a spectacular beauty with large breasts and long legs, but as soon as he discovers a lack of depth of feelings, or non-acceptance of his lifestyle, he retreats. The horoscope says that this man will find solace in the arms of a less showy, but more understanding woman.

Every wise woman takes a love union with him seriously and treats his hobbies with understanding. Even if she doesn't like them. You need to either be with him or not interfere.

In September, Sagittarius men will express a desire to return to a warm, cozy home. The love horoscope advises: create an atmosphere of sincerity for him, feed him tasty food and listen carefully.

A man of the fire zodiac is capable of much if he knows that they believe in him. In September, according to the horoscope, there will be a great opportunity to support him and cheer him up with his optimism.

Being honest, he demands the same from his beloved. If a Sagittarius man discovers a lie, then you will forever lose his trust. Horoscope advice to a woman - be frank with him and do not make irreparable mistakes.

In September, representatives of the sign are especially positive; you won’t be bored with them. They can have childish fun and infect those around them with a joyful mood. Those who think otherwise simply did not keep up with them one day or were unable to catch and tame them.


The period is open to wide possibilities. You feel the energy inside that makes you achieve results. The horoscope predicts previously unconsidered projects in September, and the concentration of forces will be so high that you will feel omnipotent.

The horoscope for 2017 indicates that sincerity and honesty in relationships will be encouraged. In difficult times, unexpected help will appear, but you will have to do the main work yourself.

In the sphere of love and relationships, this period will be stable. Only in September will the likelihood of changes requiring attention increase. You will notice some changes in your partner and immediately want to figure it out. The accurate horoscope warns not to overdo it and not to violate the personal space of your companion.

A single Sagittarius man can take advantage of the stars' favor on a first date. His intelligent assertiveness has a hypnotic effect on women. They like it when you demonstrate both strength of character and tact at the same time.

To maintain self-control, family Sagittarius will have to make some sacrifices. The love horoscope focuses on your attitude to what is happening. If you repeatedly take actions that do not lead to results, you need to think and stop. September is the best time for this. The correct exit falls in October. Then you will understand that you initially set the wrong task.


The coming year of the Earth Dog is significant for Sagittarius with rapid changes. Finally, you will be able to solve internal personal problems and increase self-esteem. These changes will also be appreciated by those around you. They will now see you as a confident, persistent person, and not as an eccentric teenager who rushes from one extreme to another.

The horoscope for 2018 warns that from the beginning of the year you will have to work hard, then by September you can reap the first fruits. This applies not only to the business sphere, but also to the desire to find a lasting love union. Even the stars are jealous of your perseverance this year. Attend events and friendly parties more often.

In mid-September you will have to sacrifice your career interests for the sake of loved ones. Judging by the horoscope, the sacrifice will be justified and new horizons will open next month.

The creative dream that Sagittarius has been cherishing for several years now will get off the ground in September. According to the Sagittarius love horoscope, this will be facilitated by either a new muse or a new spiritual mentor.


2019 promises to pass under the symbol of “luck”. Everything that we managed to accumulate over the previous year, be it finances or connections, will work for Sagittarius men and women this year. The horoscope recommends continuing to work on creating a career, but not at the expense of your personal life and relaxation.

The love horoscope assures that relationships with lovers will also change for the better. A more accurate forecast should be expected from a horoscope based on date of birth.

“For Sagittarius, who have been married for a long time, September of this year threatens with minor failures that will lead the family into despondency. You should seek support from your spouses, and not on the outside, otherwise acute conflicts bordering on assault are possible. Be wiser and do not allow small troubles to enter your home."

Judging by the love horoscope, Sagittarius men and women will be extremely popular with the opposite sex. Their love of life and charm will double, and they will feel in demand. Don’t get carried away and be able to distinguish flattery from a sincere compliment in time.

In any case, by September 2019 a new admirer or charming passion will appear. Free Sagittarius will have a dizzying but short-lived romance. Sagittarius family men are likely to get carried away by love passion, however, even here the relationship will not last long.