home · Lighting · SUPER revealed the identity of Lena Temnikova’s husband, whom she hid for a year. The secret life of Lena Temnikova’s “husband” Who is Lena’s husband

SUPER revealed the identity of Lena Temnikova’s husband, whom she hid for a year. The secret life of Lena Temnikova’s “husband” Who is Lena’s husband

Lena Lenina is a very shocking person. For those interested in her biography and personal life, read our article.

The queen of Russian outrageousness, Lena Lenina, will celebrate her 40th anniversary in 2 years. At least that's what the star himself says. However, her fans believe that Lenina is much older. After all, the celebrity already has an adult son, who is over 20 years old. It is unlikely that the star gave birth to him while underage. In addition, Lenina often advertises anti-aging cosmetics. Naturally, customers should not know how old their idol really is. All this time, Elena manages to keep the secret of her age behind seven seals.

Lena Lenina: photo

In this article, we will delve into the biography of Lena Lenina and find out where the legs of her shocking “grow” from, and whether Elena is really as unbridled in her personal life as her fans are accustomed to seeing her on TV.

What is Lenina famous for, besides her outrageousness? Let's start with the fact that Elena actually has a different last name. Lenina is a pseudonym. The celebrity's name is Elena Suverneva. The surname is dull and not memorable. Her nickname is part of her image. Without him, Elena would not be as recognizable as she is now.

Fans follow not so much Elena herself, but her outfits and hairstyles. The latter are amazing.

In addition to shocking, Lenina is known for her writing. The celebrity also has his own business. Lenina is a co-owner of a chain of manicure salons. There are more than a hundred of them in Russia.

Plus, Lenina is engaged in the modeling business and hosts a TV show. And finally, another type of activity that Lenina is involved in is conducting courses on seducing men.

Biography of Suverneva-Lenina

You can find several videos online where Lena Lenina herself talks about her biography and answers questions from journalists about her personal life.

Lenina was born near Novosibirsk. At that time it was an academic town. Her parents were not associated with creativity. This was the case in many celebrity families. If the parents are ordinary hard workers, then most likely the son or daughter will grow up to be not quite ordinary people.

Lenina's father was a professor at the center who worked in the field of cancer and AIDS treatment. Elena's mother worked in cardiology. She has more than 17 scientific papers in the field of medicine. Apparently, the skill of writing was passed on to Lena from her mother. The celebrity's grandfather was an engineer.

Everything connected with France did not appear in Lenina’s life by chance. After all, since school she has been actively studying French. The girl studied in a class with in-depth study of a foreign language.

As a child, Lenina had an interesting nickname for a girl - Torpedo. That's what they called her because Lena always hit the target. She absorbed determination with her mother's milk. When Lena became an adult, this greatly helped her to advance in life and become famous.

There is an exact year of birth in the biography of Lena Lenina - this is a dark spot, that is, something that Elena loves to be proud of and always tells journalists about it. She wrote her first story at the age of 6. It was published in the local newspaper "Muse".

Another interesting fact from Lenina’s life is that she won a poetry declaration competition in French. It is not known whether this helped her in any way in her personal life, but at school the girl was respected even more after that.

After school, Lenina entered college. Elena's alma mater is Novosibirsk State University. For those close to Lenina, it became quite expected that she entered the geological department. During her studies, Lena was constantly offered to appear in commercials. She was also often invited to photo shoots. The girl did not refuse them. Later Lenina realized that she wanted to devote herself to creativity. The future celebrity was no longer interested in her specialty.

Everything turned out so that Lena did not complete a single university course. The desire to devote myself to modeling, advertising and everything related to show business turned out to be stronger.

Lena Lenina connected her life with show business

How did Lenina get into the modeling business? One day, her friend invited Lena to audition. After this, Lenina became a student at a modeling school. The girl began to bring money home. Of course, her parents supported her endeavors without much enthusiasm. They wanted Lena to go into science.

By the way, when a friend took Lena with her to the audition, she was sure that they would definitely not take her. According to some reports, at that time Lenina had already given birth. She was breastfeeding

From Elena’s memoirs it is known that while still at the university, the director of a local studio saw her. A man was looking for a girl to photograph medical equipment. Lenina was perfect for this role. This was her first experience. From the first days of working on camera, Lenina felt very confident in front of the camera.

What did Lenina do after leaving university?

Lena Lenina's biography changed dramatically after she dropped out of university. At the age of 19, she opened a company where commercials were filmed. Nothing is known about the star’s personal life at this time. Look at the photo. In her youth, Lenina was very attractive. It is unlikely that such a girl remained for a long time without fans.

The name Lenina chose for the studio was the not very creative “Helen-Video”. Surprisingly, the only employee of the company was Elena herself. She looked for customers herself. After that, I looked for girls and boys who fit the concept of the commercial. In general, she did everything related to filming exclusively herself. Despite the fact that Lenina did not have her own office. There wasn’t even a telephone to contact Helen-Video. Instead of a personal number, Lenina used an ordinary street machine.

Despite the lack of basic elements for running a business, the company subsequently began to generate income. After this, Lenina could afford to hire employees to help her with filming.

Lena Lenina opened her studio

Another completed stage in Lenina’s life (by the way, the name of the star’s first husband is Povalyaev) is Novosibirsk television. There she worked as a presenter. At the time of work, Elena appeared under the name of her first husband. Then she moved to Moscow.

In the capital, his TV career continued. Lenina worked on the programs “Paris Revelations” and “Business Fever” (TVC channel).

TV presenter work

After that, Elena decided that she had had enough of Russia. She decided to try her luck in France. Thanks to the fact that Lena studied at a school with advanced knowledge of French, she was able to easily find a job. Of course, it’s hard to call it work. Lenina wanted to be creative. In France they offered to take part in the Nice people show. She didn't stay there long. Within a week, Lenina dropped out.

Then Lenina starred in the film “Johann Bach and Anna Magdalena.” It hit the big screen in 2003. Now you can watch it in good quality online.

Lena Lenina at the Kansky Festival

Lenina's modeling career continued. In France there were more offers for her than in her native Russia. In 2003, she made her debut at the Cannes Film Festival. After that, she began to participate in it every year. It is here that you can see how extravagant Lenina’s outfits can be.

The hairstyles are also quite unusual. As a rule, this is raised hair in the form of a wide variety of shapes. Lenina’s integral companion is her handbag. A few years ago, she appeared in public with a bag in the shape of a tea bag.

Lenina's writing activity

Before you learn about Lena Lenina’s personal life, as well as about her son, let’s talk about the celebrity’s writing activities. There is also such a point in the star’s biography.

Lenina's first book was published in French. Cours, cours, camarade" (“Run, run, comrade”) is a novel about how a simple girl can become famous in a matter of minutes. On the one hand, this is a book akin to an autobiography, on the other hand, there are a lot of inconsistencies in it. It is impossible to say for sure what Lenina wrote about herself. It is possible that she took her own story as a basis. However, there are differences between Lena’s biography and the biography of the main character of the book.

Cours, cours, camarade" (“Run, run, comrade”) - the first novel by E. Lenina

The book is popular among readers. As soon as Lenina realized that she had made the right decision by releasing her first novel, she established her own prize. It is awarded by an outstanding figure in the world of culture and business. The award is intended for Russians.

Lenina returned to Russia in 2005. Immediately after this, she published another of her books, “Perfection. Passion for excellence." After that there were several more books. In one of them, Lenina tells how to win a man, and in the other, how to build a career.

Lena’s writing activity was appreciated not only by readers and her fans; even literary critics speak positively about the star’s books.

After the last two books, Lenina wrote several more - in Russian and French.

Lena Lenina: personal life

In addition to her biography, fans of Lena Lenina are interested in her personal life, as well as her children. Look at the photo. The only son of the star is depicted here. His name is Clementy. Lenina gave birth to him in 1991.

It is known that Lenina was already married in her youth. The surname of the first husband is Povalyaev. This is the father of her child. The marriage fell apart very quickly.

In 2012, Lena got married for the second time. Her chosen one was the French Count Pascal Florent-Edouard. Their union did not last long. After 2 years, the couple divorced.

Lena Lenina with her husband Pascal

Now Lenina is alone. She is often credited with having affairs with the most eligible bachelors of Russian show business.

Last year, information surfaced online that Lenina had an affair with Prokhor Chaliapin. However, subsequently the rumors were never confirmed.

Why did Lenina's marriage break up?

Having read that Lena Lenina’s biography lists two husbands, readers will be interested to know why their personal lives did not work out. After all, Lenina’s children (son) were not an obstacle to this.

Those fans of the star who actively follow her personal life know that Lenina’s marriage to a Frenchman was not successful. For many, it is a mystery how this could happen. After all, Lenina is a woman of success. She is beautiful, sexy, shocking. You definitely won't get bored with her. Even if you are a rich, spoiled Frenchman.

Lena Lenina's wedding

In her interviews, Lenina says that it was her ex-husband who was to blame for their divorce. The fact is that the man was jealous of Elena. The ex-husband wanted him to own 100% of the star's time. By definition, this cannot happen if you live with a public person.

Pascal could not admit that his beautiful wife wanted freedom. She needs to attend noisy parties, engage in creative activities, shock the public - and do all this without her husband.

Lenina believes that the only man to whom she can belong completely is her son. She is ready to devote all her free time to this person. A husband is an adult man who can take care of himself. Elena did not understand why Pascal constantly demanded her presence.

Perhaps Elena’s ex-husband needed a completely different woman who would depend on him. He could not attract Lenina financially. The star provided for herself perfectly. The only thing he could give her was love and care. But all this sometimes becomes boring. Especially if crowds of loving fans constantly walk around a woman, as was the case with Lenina.

Lena Lenina with friend Sergei Zverev

Many of her business partners are men. Many of them perceived Elena not only as a businesswoman, but also simply as a beautiful woman who they wanted to conquer. Naturally, Pascal was unpleasant to realize this. The man felt vulnerable. After all, his beloved wife could cheat on him at any moment.

There is nothing left of Pascal in Lena Lenina’s biography. They had no children together. The man knew with whom he linked his fate. However, Pascal never understood the difference between private and public life. Lenina could freely kiss anyone on camera. At the same time, she had no feelings for this man. All this was needed for PR, nothing more. Pascal didn't believe it. For him, Lenina is a traitor who skillfully disguised her romances.

Pascal's beautiful courtship

Despite the fact that the marriage broke up, there were good moments between Lenina and her ex-husband, which the woman is pleased to remember.

Elena says that her ex-husband did not know how to look after her beautifully. Nevertheless, he was able to win her heart. He borrowed several ideas from Lenina's book. For example, Pascal gave her a ring that he hid in an oyster. The star recalls that it was a miracle she didn’t choke on it.

Lena Lenina: photo

Lena is one of those women who doesn’t like flowers. The men had to rack their brains to be able to surprise her. Of course, Pascal did not immediately understand why his luxurious bouquets did not make any impression on Lenin. Subsequently he realized his mistake. Instead of a candy-bouquet period, he and Lenina had a fruit-candy period.

Every day Pascal looked for a reason to meet and invited Elena for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The star's ex-husband is an introvert by nature. On dates, he was often silent, looking at Lenina with loving eyes. The touching gentle Frenchman captivated Elena. Pascal is not the kind of man who can talk a woman into his home in a few hours. He needed time to open up. And Lenina let Pascal do it.

Star's marriage story

Lena Lenina wanted to hide some elements of her biography from the public. For example, the star believes that personal life is private and should not become the property of everyone and everything.

The lovers got married in Bali. There were no photographers at the wedding. Even the guests did not film the wedding. Lenina wanted their holiday to be hidden from everyone.

The second wedding took place in Moscow. It was organized for those who could not come to Bali. Journalists were present here.

Marriage of a star

Lena says that the atmosphere in which she and her ex-husband got married remained unforgettable for her. The hotel where they were vacationing provided them with a beautiful table and an area where they and Pascal were alone. The romantic mood and lack of formalities did their job. Lenina was happy.

Pascal was the first to propose marriage. For Lena, it was just a formality. If the man had not insisted, it is possible that they would never have gotten married.

According to the celebrity, the ex-wife and husband had no problems with dividing property. After all, both Lenina and Pascal were wealthy people. Otherwise, their divorce could drag on for a long time.

If you are interested in the biography of Lena Lenina and her personal life, follow the star on social networks. There she posts many photos from her life and the life of her son. Little is known about the guy’s biography. In her interviews, Lenina says that he lives and studies in France. He has his own business there.

Lena Lenina, whose biography and personal life is of genuine interest to many, is one of the brightest personalities. Facts from her life are often embellished with incorrect information, rumors and speculation, which, in order to maintain interest in her own person, she sometimes spreads herself. This article will present reliable facts from the life of this glamorous woman.

Childhood and youth

Lena Lenina (the biography of the queen of outrageousness testifies to this fact) was born in the beautiful city of Novosibirsk. She prefers to hide the exact date of her birth, but, according to information from trusted sources, it happened in October 1979.

The girl’s mother and father worked in the medical field: the future writer’s mother was a cardiologist, and her father was engaged in research work. He worked on developing a vaccine against AIDS and malignant tumors. Lena has a brother, Vitaly.

In the family that lived in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, a scientific atmosphere reigned, and the children were raised in strictness. Lena and her brother often spent their leisure hours reading books.

Lena Lenina (the biography of a socialite proves this fact) studied French in depth at school and speaks it perfectly. Since childhood, the girl had a sense of purpose and a strong-willed character. In sixth grade, Lena wrote her first story, which was published in a local publication.

Student years

After graduating from school, Lena Lenina (her biography indicates that this is her creative pseudonym, and the real name of the talented girl Razumov), entered the Novosibirsk University at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics.

Lena did not graduate from university because she plunged headlong into her own business. A beautiful girl, right in the university corridor, received an offer to work as a fashion model. She liked this activity; Lenina began to combine modeling work and study.

At the age of 19, she decided to go into commerce, dropped out of university and opened her own agency producing commercials.

First business

Developing a business in Russia in the nineties was difficult; it was necessary to work in difficult conditions. Lena had neither an office nor a home telephone. She had to negotiate with clients from a street pay phone.

Lena Lenina (the biography of a successful businesswoman is evidence of this fact) already at that time, thanks to her entrepreneurial abilities, was able to earn her first million. The girl acquired useful contacts and learned the basics of business.

The future famous TV presenter hosted a program on Novosibirsk television. She became a famous person in her hometown.

Moving to Moscow

In the early nineties, Lena moved to live in Moscow, where she began to conquer the modeling Olympus. The girl became a popular model, officially changed her last name and became Lenina.

Lena Lenina, the biography of a talented TV presenter confirms this, also made a successful career on television. After some time, she became the host and producer of rating programs on the TVC channel: “Business Fever”, “Parisian Secrets”. She was a successful and popular person who was known throughout the country and often attended metropolitan parties and events.

Conquest of Paris

The next significant stage in Lenina’s life was her move to permanent residence in France. Over the course of several years of living away from her homeland, Lena Lenina (biography, photos of that time testify to this) was able to achieve the status of the most famous Russian woman living in France.

She successfully continued to develop her modeling career in this country. Lena became the face of Russian and French manufacturers of cosmetics, perfume, and clothing for the fair sex.

In 2003, she became a participant in a popular show, an analogue of the Russian reality show “Behind the Glass.” After filming was completed, the first book of the aspiring writer Lenina, “Cours, cours,” was released. This book described Lena's life path and talked about her steps towards a successful life.

The talented writer did not stop at one creation; her new books, written in Russian or French, were published every year.

Having lived in Paris for more than 10 years, a successful businesswoman decided to return to Russia with her family. In 2005, she returned to her homeland, where she continued to write new books.

Personal life

Lena Lenina (biography and personal life confirm this) created her first family while studying at the university. The chosen one of the attractive girl was a handsome student with blue eyes.

Soon, a son, Clementy, appeared in the young family, but the couple began to quarrel often. One day, after another stormy showdown, Lena made the final decision to leave her husband. Together with the child, she set out on an independent life. The famous woman still tries not to mention her first marriage in her numerous interviews.

Despite her resounding success with rich and famous male representatives, Lenina was in no hurry to marry again until she met the French count with a billion dollar fortune, Pascal Florent Edouard.

They were introduced to each other at his party by the Duke of Orleans. Pascal actively began to court the beautiful woman and subsequently invited Lena to become his wife. Lena Lenina (biography and personal life, the photo below confirms this fact, she has developed) agreed to marry the count. The lovers got married in France, and then went on a honeymoon to Bali.

Lena became the full-fledged mistress of her husband’s mansion and at first they had harmonious family relationships. However, two years later, Lenina’s second marriage broke up. According to the socialite herself, Pascal was constantly jealous of her and made demands that she leave her job and spend more time with her family.

Son of a star

Currently, Lenina has built a family nest in the Moscow region with her son and mother. A woman who has achieved success in many areas of life, she still works hard. This is how she is, Lena Lenina: biography and personal life, her children arouse genuine interest among the public. She claims that the children, in the person of her only son Clementy, are her main value. She dreams of a daughter, but is afraid that her son, who wants to be the only one for his mother, may not like this.

Lena, due to her busy schedule, sometimes does not have enough time to communicate with her child. However, she tries to instill in him the qualities necessary for a real man and fill his life with harmony.

According to the beautiful and successful woman Lena Lenina (the biography and personal life of this person confirms this), she achieved her entire life through her labor.

She loves to shock the public with her provocative outfits and hairstyles, and enjoys the effect she has on others.

Just yesterday we reported the good news that the star of the Kvartal 95 studio. It is known that the star mother gave birth to so-called royal twins: a girl and a boy. In connection with the happy event in the family, many fans of the actress began to wonder about her husband, Sergei Kravets. That is why we decided to find for our readers some interesting information about who Sergei Kravets is.

Elena Kravets's husband, Sergei Kravets, is not a frequent guest at social events, but still sometimes general shots of the star couple end up on the Internet. Therefore, we are publishing everything that we could find about who Sergei Kravets is, the beloved man of the star of “Kvartal 95”, Elena Kravets.

The love story of Elena and Sergei Kravtsov began with the KVN university games. The friendly relationship lasted for quite a long time and only after some time developed into a romance. Both KVN players, cheerful, funny, with common interests and views, they became a couple. In one of her interviews, she told how she decided that Sergei Kravets was her future husband.

One day I noticed that Seryozha had not appeared at rehearsals for several days. Probably got sick. There were no mobile phones then, and he didn’t have a home phone either. Standing at the bus stop, I hesitated for a long time, and then I got on the trolleybus and went not to my home, but to his. The door was opened by his mother, Natalya Mikhailovna. "Helenochka, come in!" I walked in, looked around and realized that I would live in this house - it was as if my inner bell was ringing.

After living together for some time, Elena Kravets found out that she was pregnant. More than 13 years ago the couple got married. More than 100 guests were invited to the celebration, which, by the way, was mainly paid for by the newlyweds, because the KVN teams made good money on tour.

In 2003, the couple became parents for the first time. Their daughter Masha is now 13 years old. Sergei Kravets dotes on his baby. Now having twins will further strengthen the marriage.

When Sergey Kravets and his wife moved to Kyiv from Krivoy Rog, where their personal and creative life was concentrated, everything started anew. Now Elena Kravets’ husband practically does not speak on the price, but now Sergei Kravets is one of the creative authors of the Kvartal 95 studio. The acting profession largely reveals the creative abilities of Elena Kravets’s husband. Common interests greatly help maintain harmony in relationships.

For several years now, Sergei Kravets has had an unusual hobby: he is actively involved in auto racing and even takes part in international competitions in this rather dangerous and extreme sport. Moreover, he takes prizes.

My family is not trying to dissuade me from my hobby. This is my hobby and they understand it. On the contrary, they support me and even come to support me. I tried not so much to introduce my wife Lena Kravets to racing as to try to insist that she take a course in emergency driving. This is important even on normal roads. But she is very busy - concerts, filming, traveling... It’s hard to find time. But I will wait until this question, because I understand that this is important.

The couple tries to keep their personal life under seven locks, which is why information about who Sergei Kravets, the husband of Elena Kravets from Kvartal 95, is is so difficult to find. In any case, it is clear that this is a harmonious couple who have supported each other in all endeavors for more than 10 years and are now raising three children.

We wish the couple all the best and look forward to new information about the couple's newborn children.

The singer's husband was the president of the content provider Playmobile Dmitry Sergeev

Elena Temnikova, despite her frank stage image, carefully protects her personal life. The singer has been hiding her husband Dmitry from prying eyes for a year now. So far, only relatives and closest friends have been able to personally meet the new lover of the 29-year-old artist. The rest have to be content with only the man’s back and head in the photographs that Temnikova regularly publishes on Instagram. Even the money that publications are willing to pay to show the happy faces of the couple on glossy pages does not bribe Elena - the girl rejects any offers to photograph her legal husband.

On the sidelines they have long been whispering about the secret because of which the singer so zealously hides the appearance of her husband. While the public is wondering what Elena’s chosen one really looks like and why she so zealously protects him from the public, SUPER was not only able to capture the couple leaving the entrance of an elite house in the very center of the capital, but also found photographs of Dmitry.

As SUPER managed to find out, Dmitry Sergeev is from Novosibirsk. In the capital, a man has been working in the field of IT technologies for more than ten years, occupying not the last place in the computer business. Thus, Dmitry is the president of the content provider Playmobile, the managing director of the developer Shamrock Games and the operating director of the Next Media Group holding.

The company's office is located not far from the spouses' apartment, but it is almost impossible to meet Sergeev there. As befits a loving husband, he spends all his free time with pregnant Elena and personally takes care of all her affairs.

Elena Alekseevna Lenina. Born on October 25, 1979 in the Novosibirsk academic town. Russian and French writer, fashion model, TV presenter.

Elena Lenina was born on October 25, 1979 in the Novosibirsk academic town. According to other sources, the year of her birth is 1971. For a long time, the year 1977 was indicated on its official website, then a new date appeared - 1979.

His father is a doctor, scientist, and studied methods of treating HIV infection and malignant tumors.

Mother is a cardiologist.

She studied at a special school with in-depth study of the French language.

At the age of 16 she entered the Novosibirsk State University at the Faculty of Geology. At the same time, she continued to study French.

In the early 1990s, she hosted her own TV show “Helen-Video” on Novosibirsk TV under the name Povalyaev. At the age of 19, Lenina opened a company producing commercials and television programs. She worked as a model.

After university, Lena Lenina set off to conquer Moscow. In the capital, she was the producer and host of the TV shows “Paris Revelations” and “Business Fever” on the TVC channel.

Also in Moscow she was engaged in the production of television advertising and achieved success. In 2003, the TF1 channel invited her to participate in the reality show “Nice people” - the European analogue of the “Behind the Glass” program. It was this project that brought her fame. Lena Lenina became the “most famous Russian” in Paris.

In 2004, the first book in French, “Cours, cours, camarade,” was published. It tells about a period of Russian history in the late 1990s and about a simple Russian girl who one day became famous in France.

In 2005, the first book in Russian, “Perfection. Passion for excellence." In 2007, she became the federal chief editor of the Ladies' Hairpin magazine.

Since November 2007, she has been telling aphorisms in the column “Topless Blonde at the Microphone” on the radio station Humor FM.

In 2008, she participated in the RTR television show “50 Blondes.” In the same year, an album of her erotic photographs, “Lenina’s Body Lives and Wins,” was released, accompanied by comments from representatives of Russian show business and the fashion industry.

In 2008, for the book “Sexual, or How to seduce any man”, published by the publishing house “AST”, Lenina received the “Full Paragraph” anti-prize of the year, which, according to the jury, contains borrowings from the book “How to make someone else fall in love with you” by Leil Lowndes, translated into Russian in 1996.

It is worth noting that a number of experts expressed the opinion that the author of Lena Lenina’s books are other persons - the so-called. "literary blacks" Lenina herself denied such accusations.

She worked as a TV presenter. In 2007-2008, she hosted the program “Naked and Funny” on the Russian channel DTV. In 2011, she hosted a Ukrainian talk show on the Ukraine channel. “Who wants to marry my son?” In 2012, she hosted the program “Reception with Lena Lenina” on Channel 8.

She is the name and face of the Russian franchise “Lena Lenina’s Chain of Manicure Studios.”

Since 2004, he regularly participates in the ceremonies of the Cannes Film Festival. She repeatedly surprised the public with extravagant outfits. The exception was 2017 - Lena Lenina refused the traditional trip to Cannes for health reasons: she injured her leg and doctors forbade her to wear heels.

Often appears on Russian TV shows as a guest and expert.

Lives in Paris in the 16th arrondissement on the Trocadero. In his spare time he enjoys singing. Recorded several songs.

Lena Lenina

Lena Lenina's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Lena Lenina:

She has a son, Klimenty, whom she gave birth to on April 23, 1991. She does not name her father; they met during her studies at NSU. According to Lena, their relationship ended when her lover broke her collarbone. The son lives in France.

According to rumors, in the 1990s she had a relationship with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. However, there is no reliable evidence of this.

In the fall of 2012, she married French millionaire Pascal Florent-Edouard, who is involved in forestry and banking. He is 2 years younger than her. We met at a reception with the Duke of Orleans. The wedding took place in an ancient French castle, and the honeymoon took place in Bali. Later (in February 2013) they celebrated their wedding in Moscow.

They lived in Pascal's mansion near Paris.

She and her husband looked happy for 2 years, but then they parted as enemies. As Lena explained, the reason for the divorce was jealousy.

"Pascal made scenes for me for any reason. It was enough for a simple passer-by to look at me with a smile, and my evening was already ruined: a skirt that was too short, a neckline that was too deep, makeup that was too bright, colors in clothes that were too loud, a look that was too free on others men and stuff like that. And my photos with other stars? He created scandals after he found in the press my kiss with Sasha Domogarov, a report about a vacation with my friend Stas Sadalsky, a photo of hugs with my friend Prokhor, and even a kiss on the lips with Marina Khlebnikova,” she recalled.

They divorced in 2014.

After her divorce from Pascal Florent-Edouard, she began a relationship with another Frenchman. According to her, her new chosen one was next to her during a difficult moment of divorce. By the way, he is a former colleague of her ex-husband, they know each other well. “I have known my new boyfriend for a long time, but only recently allowed me to get closer to me. He captivated me with his intellect. He was the best student at the most prestigious higher educational institution in France. And I like his character. And he is also very sexy,” she said.

Filmography of Lena Lenina:

2005 - Bachelor party, or Big sex in a small town - Alla
2010 - And mom is better!
2011 - Falshak (documentary)

Discography of Lena Lenina:

2004 - “Zabirai” (song) on ​​“Royal Techno Party Vol. 3"
2007 - “In my phone”
2011 - “Masquerade Ball (I See You)” (duet with Alexander Barykin)

Bibliography of Lena Lenina:

2004 - Cours, cours, camarade!
2005 - Perfection. Passion for excellence
2006 - How to win any man
2006 - How to make a career
2006 - Russes comme Crésus: Ces milliardaires venus du froid
2006 - EliteFRANCE
2007 - Séduire à la russe!: Ou Comment conquérir n"importe quel homme
2007 - Sexual, or How to seduce any man
2007 - excellent... where, with whom and how
2008 - Show business millionaires
2008 - Une blonde contre-attaque: Blagues sur les brunes
2008 - Passion of the King, or Black Pearl of Tahiti
2008 - Revenge of the blonde. Jokes about brunettes
2008 - Stars
2009 - MultiMILLIONAIRES 2
2009 - France: Editions Florent Massot
2009 - How a blonde became a model (comic story)
2010 - Les gigolos. - France: Editions Florent Massot
2010 - Alphonse, or Love Scammers
2011 - Revolution of Love
2012 - New kings