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Surah from the eye. Dua against the evil eye and damage - texts and reading rules. Rules for reading surahs against the evil eye

Dua against the evil eye, envy and corruption is a series of prayers that Muslims read in various life situations. The power of the word when turning to Allah in Islam is of particular importance for believers who ask for healing, purification, or help from jinn (analogous to evil spirits in other religious movements). The reading of prayers must be carried out in a certain place and time, making the process a mysterious rite.

This question is of interest to a number of readers who want to receive informative information or begin the above process. In this article we will look at:

  1. what are duas and when are they read;
  2. the significance of damage and the process of cleansing the house in the Muslim movement;
  3. a variety of prayers and surahs;
  4. the correct process of reading surahs, choosing a place and time;
  5. other features that must also be observed.

As you know, Islam is the youngest and second largest Abrahamic religion. The method of turning to God here, dua, is a full-fledged analogue of Christian prayer, which has received its own dogmas and features:

  • if you are adherents of another religion (a non-believer), do not comply with the tenets of Islam or violate them (are a sinner), reading the dua will not bring any result;
  • Since the Koran is divided into suras, it is very important to know their meaning, which affects further use. For example, a request for treatment should not be made by reading a sura against the evil eye. This makes it important to prepare in advance and study additional information;
  • a strong Muslim dua against the evil eye and damage and its other analogues should be reproduced exclusively in Arabic. Reading from the source is not allowed, the suras must be memorized;
  • You should turn to prayer only when a corresponding need arises;
  • only faith in the word and sincerity will help achieve results. This way you will be able to use the sacred teaching for its intended purpose.

Reading the Koran from the evil eye and damage and cleansing the house

The evil eye and damage are of great importance in all religious movements. Envy, the use of sihr (as Muslims call the process of witchcraft or spells) and other evil intentions of the “curser” can impose on you a series of misfortunes, health problems and other troubles. This can apply to one person or the entire family.

The ruqyah proposed by the Koran is a method of conspiracy that allows one to expel evil spirits (jinn). This is the most important process when cleaning your home. This has nothing to do with the ban on sihr; ruqyah is permitted by the Koran. In this case, a talisman can be charmed to protect a person and his home. This question is quite complex, as there are many different opinions.

For example, the use of talismans from the Jahiliya period of Islam is prohibited.

How to use Muslim duas

“Call upon Me and I will answer you,” was said in the Koran, which helps clarify a number of questions about the possibility of reading prayers. You can turn to Allah for help through dua in everyday situations, but this should be done only when such a need arises. Additionally, studying the sacred word (Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad can help. Here we clearly demonstrate a variety of examples when believers can ask for help from the Almighty. The main thing is to remain confident that your request will be heard and you will receive blessing and protection.

There are also some rules:

  • the prayer must be said out loud. The tone is quiet, but legible;
  • it is necessary to mention the name of Allah;
  • beginning reading - praising God, respecting the forgiveness of the Prophet Muhammad in peace;
  • dua should be made facing Mecca. There are also recommendations for when reading will be most effective.

Prayers for damage and the evil eye

As we have already discussed earlier, reading the Quran against the evil eye and damage should be justified. The concept of corruption dates back quite a long time and is mentioned in the scriptures. Thus, the infidel placed a curse on the Prophet, because of which he fell ill, and his ailments only began to intensify. The prophet reads a prayer. An appeal to God and the help of the angel Jamail helped to identify the true cause and overcome it.

Let's look at the main signs that will help you identify these “curses”:

  1. the appearance of severe physical weakness, uncontrollable headache;
  2. drowsiness, reluctance to do anything;
  3. state of depression: constant moral depression, causeless despair;
  4. sharp manifestation of diseases, decreased immunity;
  5. It seems to you that a “dark streak in life” has begun and you are being pursued by a series of failures.

If one or more of the above points fit your condition, turning to Allah for help can be considered justified. For children, the situation is similar: they can feel the signs of the evil eye even more acutely, but they themselves cannot seek help. A cleansing prayer can be said by parents.

Surahs against the evil eye and damage

The Holy Scripture Koran is divided into suras that can be read to relieve certain ailments. Be sure to follow the established sequence. This does not mean that you need to reproduce the entire contents of the scripture. The suras against the evil eye and damage from the Koran were specially highlighted and designated for these purposes. Let's consider them separately.


The first surah, mandatory reading. Information is provided here:

  • the significance of the Koran as a holy scripture for every Muslim;
  • the principle of monotheism, the need to worship and praise Allah is established;
  • sins and punishments for apostates (sinners) and unbelievers are interpreted;
  • the lives of those who have found bliss and the fate of apostates;
  • other information that allows one to comprehend the Divine.

“Mother of the Book” is the most common prayer. The accepted order of prayer begins with Fatiha, which speaks of the meaning of the sunnah for every believer. This way you can praise Allah, accept faith and enter the path of God.


112 surah, consisting of 4 ayakts. Its significance is interpreted by a person’s appeal to the Messenger of Allah. The man considered that the volume of the sura was too small, to which the Messenger replied that Al-Ikhlas in its significance represents a third of the content of the Koran. In essence, this reflects the recognition of Allah as the one and eternal God.

When considering suras against the evil eye and damage, Al-Ikhlyas should come immediately after Al-Fatiha. Forming a holistic picture of prayer. Help from the Koran from damage and the evil eye can only be obtained when a believer turns to the Almighty. Reading Ikhlyas will prove recognition and agreement with this.

Al Falyak

Having accepted the faith and unity of God, one should read Surah 113 “Dawn”. Here the Almighty helps from:

  1. evil and intrigues;
  2. evil eye and damage;
  3. material and intangible troubles;
  4. magic and witchcraft;
  5. genies.

This is explained in detail in the hadiths. The Messenger uses Al-Falyak to obtain protection not only from people, but also from evil spirits (jinn). The Sura is read in the process of full prayer, or separately, hoping to receive protection from their Creator. Turn to God for help, believing in him, and it will become easier for you.


The final surah of the Koran and prayers against damage and the evil eye. Like Al-Fatih, it has a special meaning among Muslims. Turning to God will help not only to receive protection, but also to succumb to the temptation of Satan. Thus, when the name of the Almighty is mentioned, the tempter (evildoer) goes on the run.

How to read suras?

Having familiarized yourself with the list of surahs necessary for reading, you need to pay attention to studying certain rules and recommendations:

  • you need to read them in a specific sequence, otherwise you will not get any results. The prayer begins with Al-Fatih and ends with An-Nas;
  • the reading of sacred scripture should be done exclusively with good intentions. This is a key adab, the violation of which is considered a sin;
  • You can touch the Koran only after partial or complete ablution;
  • the ritual must be performed at night, and the reading of the last sura is permissible before dawn. The issue of time and place requires additional consideration, which will be given a separate subsection;
  • Prayer in the original (Arabic) is most effective. The original source (Quran) must be used. If you don't have such a book at hand, you can easily find it online. Check the credibility of the source;
  • scripture should be read slowly and thoughtfully. The original lines can be read from the book, this is how you demonstrate worship of Allah. This method of reproduction is called “tarji”, which means lengthening the consonants with the vibration of the voice. It is recommended that you read this issue further.

Time and place for reading

According to the contents of Surah al-Waqiya, you can begin to read the prayer only after ablution. This makes it necessary to search for an appropriate place where this procedure can be performed. Let's highlight some requirements:

  1. It is forbidden to place the holy book on the ground. Prepare a special stand in advance, or use a regular pillow for this;
  2. your clothes should be clean, as should the place where you read;
  3. the face should be turned towards the Kaaba. This concept is called qibla. The question is quite complex, as it requires determining the exact current side in relation to Mecca;
  4. Toilets are not permitted as reading areas.

The order and rules of reading are regulated by tajweed - the science of reading the Qur'an. This way you can learn not only all the rules, but also prevent distortion of the final meaning. Even if you have just begun to comprehend religion, you need to be afraid of making mistakes. This is a complex process that requires time and certain conditions to understand.

Dua against evil eye and damage

Duas aimed at curing the evil eye and damage are called ruqya. The process of reading such prayers is different from the Christian religion: you must memorize what is written in the sacred scriptures. The greatest efficiency is achieved when pronouncing the original text in Arabic. It is worth understanding that just as committing bad deeds completely affects your children, reading prayers brings benefits and blessings.

Cases of placing a curse on trade and other matters are common. If you do not have a copy of the scriptures, verses, suras, duas and ruqyas can be found online. It is worth checking the source for authenticity first, because only then will saying the prayer be effective.

Correct reading of the dua

Before reading the dua against the evil eye for children and for other purposes, let us familiarize ourselves with some of the rules stated in the hadas of the Messenger of Allah. Let us note the basic norms:

  • you must strictly refrain from wearing prohibited clothing, observe food rules and refrain from illegal activities;
  • reading the dua will only become effective if it is performed with good intentions;
  • It is obligatory to mention and praise Allah, as well as accept him as the only God;
  • when making dua, your face should look towards the Qibla;
  • Realizing your helplessness and dependence on the Almighty, you must show humility;
  • duas read by the Messenger of Allah must be made in their native language;
  • while reading the prayer there must be faith in a positive outcome;
  • at the end of the prayer, “Amin” is pronounced;
  • sitting in the tashahhud position, the arms should be directed upward;
  • Rhyming of original phrases is not allowed;
  • the sequence must be followed: first you read the dua for yourself, then for your children and relatives;
  • the voice should be quiet and the speech intelligible.

Only if you follow the above instructions will you be able to get help. Like any other prayer, dua requires preliminary preparation, and believers who have recently converted to religion may not succeed. Do not be discouraged and afraid to turn to God; the sacred scriptures support such endeavors.

At what time should you read dua?

Unlike a sura, there is no specific time requirement for reciting a dua. It is necessary to say prayers when danger or other necessity arises. We have already discussed the basic requirements in this material; without complying with them, you will not achieve the required result.

However, some scriptures highlight the most auspicious time for saying such a prayer:

  1. as with the suras, the last third of the night is the best time for prayer;
  2. during fasting;
  3. after reading the Koran and performing namaz;
  4. night of Predestination;
  5. a number of other cases that you can find out about yourself from original sources.

Reading place

Since the whole earth is a single place for worshiping Allah, where you perform the prayer does not matter. In this case, the face should be directed towards Mecca. Your clothes and thoughts must be pure. The original Arabic text is learned by heart and must be pronounced out loud and with intonation. Reading from original sources is allowed, which will help only those who have accepted the faith.

Every religion has its own ways of communicating with God. As a rule, in order to turn to the Almighty, a person must read some sacred text, usually a short one. In Islam, such short texts are called “dua”. This prayer against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft is quite long and taken entirely from the Koran. There is also a dua against the evil eye, envy, and witchcraft.

Rules for reading dua

Sacred texts, duas, unlike Christian prayers, can only be found in the main book of Muslims? Koran. It is believed that dua can be read at any time when a person feels the need to turn to Allah.

If we talk about a specific place for reading dua, then such a place is the desert. It is there, according to the muftis, that a person finds himself closed from the penetration of the outside world. Since in modern realities it is quite difficult to find a desert nearby, you can retire to some room or other room that is visited by a small number of people.

Strong dua against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft

There are several duas against corruption and witchcraft, which are recommended to be read in privacy in a closed room. In general, witchcraft is considered one of the most terrible sins in Islam. It can even kill a person.

If a person knows for sure that he has been damaged, he can protect himself by reading 54-56 verses (verses) of Surah “Barriers” (Araf), but in order to completely eliminate the negative consequences of witchcraft? The 35th verse of Surah “The Story” 7 times after the night prayer.

Reading the 87th verse of Surah “Prophets” for 40 days helps eliminate the consequences of damage. You need to read the verse after morning prayer 121 times. Here is his text: “There is no god but You, most pure are You! Verily, I was from the oppressors." Before each new reading, you need to say the word “Salavat”.

The following message helps well against corruption and witchcraft: “In the name of Allah and through Allah, in the name of Allah and what Allah desired, in the name of Allah, and there is no strength and might except with Allah! Musa said: “Allah will destroy what you brought from witchcraft. Allah does not correct the deeds of the wicked.” And the truth was fulfilled and made a lie of what they had done, and they were defeated there and returned humiliated.”

On paper these words look like this:

????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ?? ????????? ???? ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ??????????? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ??????? ? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????

And under no circumstances should you write a translation, only a message in Arabic! Otherwise, the dua will not work.

Finally, I do not advise muftis to turn to fortune-tellers and psychics if they suspect damage or witchcraft, since in Islam it is believed that all magicians communicate with shaitans, genies, and therefore receive information not from the Almighty, but from demons.

Dua against evil eye and envy

If your relatives or you have been jinxed, you can take measures to energetically protect yourself and your home. To do this, you need to read surah 112, 113 or 114 of the Koran. These are the so-called amulets suras.

By the way, if you don’t know Arabic, any Muslim can read the surah for you. While reading, you can ask Allah for mercy, but you need to ask without malicious intent, without the desire to punish the offender. Otherwise, the amulet will not work.

If you are not sure that you have been jinxed, but simply want to ask for strengthening of strength, protection in previous matters, turning to Allah with a sura against the evil eye will be incorrect, because according to Muslim customs, a person must rely primarily on his own strength.

In addition to the dua against the evil eye and envy, the dua for protecting children stands out. This is the same 112th sura called “Al-Ikhlas”. The Surah must be read 3 times in a row, and then say: “May Allah make this blessed.” Interestingly, in Islam you can jinx a child either with an unkind look or with excessive praise. In any case, words about Allah’s blessing will help the child avoid the fate of an outcast in the future.

Feelings such as envy can be easily weakened by reading the pre-dawn prayer to Allah. Under no circumstances should you envy yourself, so that Allah does not send you suffering from those who are envious of your success.

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The Koran is the most famous and most sacred book of the strongest people, which has a huge influence on people. It is known that Muslim magic and religion are very strong and can overcome a lot, which is why there are no curses or damage in Islam, since every person has strong protection. Surah from damage and the evil eye is the most effective method to protect your energy and family.

What is sura and how does it work?

Today, suras against damage and the evil eye are one of the most reliable ways to protect yourself from various damage and the evil eye, as well as curses. Surahs against the evil eye are often read when no one is at home, in complete silence, and at a certain time, more precisely only at night.

Sacred lines from the Koran are used for reading when cleaning the house and aura. It is very interesting that the sura against witchcraft and damage and the evil eye helps absolutely everyone, even a person who belongs to a different religion or does not believe in God or Allah at all, but at that moment turned to the sura for help.

There are several ways you can work with a surah. You can try to speak in the original language or listen to suras from the Koran against the evil eye, damage, again in the original. It is very useful to listen to the suras from the Koran against the evil eye of damage, cleansing the house of Yasin in exactly this way, you can ensure the protection of your roof so that no hatred, damage or evil eye remains on the energy level in the premises.

The relationship between the Koran and magic

The ancient world of Islam is known for stories that Islam has the most powerful black magic, from which there is practically no protection. Every year Islam gained more and more popularity, and then the secret spells of paganism began to change to ordinary and classic spells from the Muslim book.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not belong to Islam and does not know the language to read it in the original, so you can recite the sacred lines in translation. The Koran al is the holy book of all Muslims, although they say that there are Korans that are modified.

The very word “Koran” comes from the Arabic language - read aloud, edification. As history says, the Koran, if you go by Islam, is a certain collection of various revelations that were written, spoken and read in the name of Allah, who is the prophet Muhammad.

An interesting fact is that such a religion does not approve of magical actions at all, even if these are ordinary protective amulets, various conspiracies and damage. Even such relatively strict frameworks do not limit Muslims from performing various rituals and spells in order to create protection for the home and the creation of protective amulets. For rites and rituals, it is suras that are used, that is, chapters that consist of ayahs - verses. Therefore, in order to protect yourself and your home, as well as your loved ones, it is necessary to recite sacred texts.

Basic rules for reading the sura

Today, there are several main rules for reading, especially if you speak Russian. If you recite poetry in order to cleanse your energy and remove all the bad and negative, you need to pronounce it clearly and confidently, at this moment you need to think only about positive emotions.

  1. The first rule is that you need to choose the most correct and optimal day to read poetry. It is believed that the most favorable day for reading text is Friday.
  2. As mentioned earlier, it is best to read texts only at night, but it is strictly forbidden to do this in the morning and during the day. The main condition is that it should already be dark outside. Before the first rays of the sun envelope you, the last verse should already be finished. This is due to the fact that in Islam it is believed that morning is the time for the activity of evil spirits and various shaitans.
  3. Prayers of a cleansing nature must be read only after a person has performed namaz. Also, one of the main conditions is that a person must be a true believer, observe all the necessary fasts, prayers must be read once a day (no less). You can only read when you have bright thoughts and an absolutely clean body, and even hair.
  4. The fourth main rule is that all verses must be read only from the Koran. It may be an old and tattered book that is barely even readable, but you must hold it in your hands when you pronounce the words.

Read the ayati correctly and clearly, they all have a protective nature. The most important rule that should never be broken is that if you said a bad word that day, you can no longer read the verse. The main thing is to find exactly the ayati that suits you. In fact, everything is very simple, read confidently without feelings of envy, with protective intentions. Beware of the devils, they can operate even at night to prevent you from carrying out the cleansing.

Main suras from the Koran

  • For example, Sura No. 1 is used to protect your home from various black magic, as well as for aura healing methods. “Bismil-lyahi rrahmaani rrahiim. In the name of Allah, Who is merciful and merciful!”
  • Al Falaq may also be suitable since this verse is universal. “I ask the Lord of the dawn to protect me from the evil of the night when its darkness becomes dark.”
  • Surahs from the Koran against strong witchcraft and the evil eye are perfect for cleansing the soul and heart, the first verse is perfect for this, it also has the name “Opening” or al fatiha. It is he who consists of seven different verses.
  • In addition, four verses are used quite often, although there are only one hundred and twelve verses. They also have the name “Purification of Faith”, called al ikhlas.
  • Also for a similar purpose, you can use the 113th verse, which is known as “Dawn”, it is represented by the heels of the verse, and another 114th verse called “Morning” - an us.
  • In addition, the 36th sura, called Ya Sin, is considered to be quite strong and powerful. But a small disadvantage is that the verse consists of 83 verses, so it will take more than a night to read such a “conspiracy.”

The influence of suras on humans

Reading surahs is a real art. They say that suras from the Koran against the strong evil eye and damage always help a person get rid of various diseases, they also act against evil and the consequences of notoriety when a person has done something wrong. Al falyak is a strong prayer that can also be suitable for protecting children; we can say that it is suitable for all occasions, which cannot be said about other verses. A person’s eyes can immediately reveal all his secrets, which cannot be said about the soul, it cannot be seen.

Fatiha removes evil and helps children protect their energy, as well as cleanse the house, it works on the principle of falyak. Verse text:

“All verses begin with the name of Allah - he is the only and powerful creator of ours today. Muauwizatain and ruqiya, all this is Mishari and Rashid and Falyak, and all this is on a mine. After all, he is Rahad, the one who will come to me. Thanks to our great, omnipotent and mighty Allah. He is the one who gives us mercy, the one who gives us peace and happiness. It is to you that we send our dreams and desires, it is you who decide what we can count on, exactly what I want. Thank you and keep us on the path that is necessary for us, may everything, O Allah, be just like this. But do not lead us onto the path along which you lead all the unclean and infidel. You punished me, I accepted.”

Today, all Muslims truly believe that everything that happens to them on the physical and energetic level is a path and tests that they must go through and survive. Therefore, if on your life’s path you encounter something that you cannot overcome and you no longer have the strength to fight, then you need to turn to Allah. And in this case, only Allah can help you; in any situation in life, he can protect everyone from adversity. If you have previously turned to magicians, sorcerers and healers, then you will not be able to turn to the powerful. Therefore, read the conspiracies for several days in a row, or better yet, a week, and then wait for His approval to descend upon you.

For true believers, the Koran is not just a sacred and great book in its creation given by Allah, it is a guide to the earthly world. So in this book - the Koran, the name of which is translated as instructions for each and every devout Muslim, all the instructions and parting words of Allah, prescribed by Muhammad, are collected.

The Holy Quran consists of suras and, according to true believers, they help cope with many troubles. The holy scripture for Muslims contains many prayer texts that help in many life situations, as well as a sura against the evil eye and damage , We’ll talk about them and their reading rules further.

What is sura and how does it work

What is a sura? This is the chapter of the Koran itself, in turn consisting of so-called verses, poetic lines. The Koran presents not just the instructions and teachings of Allah - every line, suras against the evil eye, verses against corruption are given to people from above for protection and deliverance from many problems caused by damage.

Surahs and spoken verses against the evil eye - today they are called the most effective way of true, and therefore effective protection of every believer from negativity. They are read according to special rules. In particular, the text of the sura itself is read aloud in Arabic - this is a prerequisite for action, a sacred appeal to Allah. It is reading the text in the original language that is mandatory, but not the only condition for working with suras.

If you don’t know the rules of pronunciation or grammar of the Arabic language, you can listen to audio recordings. As modern clergy and religious scholars note, there is no significant difference in exactly how the surah sounds, with the proper attitude towards religion and compliance with the rules of faith, Allah will hear the appeal.

They resort to the effective help of suras only in the most difficult situations, when you simply do not see any other way to help yourself and your family. This type of Muslim magic is good because it differs significantly from other rituals, and also because it does not carry a “kickback” and does not ask a person for anything in return.

In practice, the following rituals involving the sura are distinguished:

  • protect yourself from damage and the evil eye - after all, in the fight against dark forces and negative influence from people, we take the words spoken by Allah and recorded by Muhammad.
  • heal the weak body and soul of even severe and hopeless patients - by expelling dark forces, restoring the body, the suras help restore strength and return to good deeds.
  • such healing words will help repel the attack of even the worst enemy - this applies to attacks not only from genies and dark forces, but also from people.
  • help to cleanse your home and workplace, save you from damage and illness - just like the Orthodox faith of Christians, Muslim suras allow you to cleanse and restore the space around you on an energetic level.
  • suras help to relieve pain - mental and physical, and provide effective protection against constant failures and future failures.

The faithful do not need to use special attributes - the main thing is to listen or read the words of the surahs and verses of the Holy Quran. But only faith and an intense appeal to Allah in the surah will give healing and relief from Allah, healing the soul and body.

The relationship between the Koran and magic

Treatment with the Koran from witchcraft, damage and the evil eye is not just a ritual, but a solution to many life problems, because the holy book serves as a mentor in many endeavors and affairs, and as practice shows, today this is a common phenomenon, even with high achievements in the field of medicine. The sura acts as an instrument of healing and guidance - the main thing is to take into account a number of rules that are prescribed in the canons of Islam.

Of course, it is difficult for an untrained person to read the Koran from the evil eye and damage in the original, but this book has been translated into many languages ​​and presented in audio file format. Like many centuries ago, believers place the holy book at the head of their faith. The Koran contains the instructions of Allah, recorded by the Prophet Muhammad - he teaches how to live and how to act in a given situation.

The Islamic religion has a negative view of magic, even if believers use the Koran against corruption. After all, magic is evil and, above all, communication with dark forces religion considers magic, with all its knowledge and deeds, given from the shaitan. But even in this case, many true believers resort to reading suras against dark forces.

Rules for reading the sura

Priests highlight a number of mandatory rules.

  1. Friday evening is called a blessed day for reading protective Muslim surahs.
  2. It is worth reading protective Muslim suras at night, when the sunlight is hidden behind the horizon, and in the morning and during the day it is strictly forbidden to pronounce sacred words. Until the moment when the first rays of the sun rise, the last sura must be read.
  3. If prayer has a cleansing character, first of all, it is worth performing namaz. Only a person who is pure in thought and body should and can read the Koran; in all other cases, the ritual should be postponed.
  4. They read the sura from the Koran - even if it is an old and battered book, but it is precisely this that an Orthodox Muslim should hold in his hands when pronouncing the words.

It is important to take into account a few more rules.

  1. If you uttered a bad, swear word during the day, reading the Koran is prohibited. So you have desecrated your soul and for purification, it is worth going through purification by fasting and praying.
  2. The main thing is to find the verse you need in the book, a quote from the Koran - this will guarantee that the words will be heard by Allah at the right time and in accordance with the situation.
  3. Turning to Allah should be done exclusively by the person who is directly affected by the negative, without assigning this responsibility to others. But if a person is too weak and helpless, physically unable to personally read the suras of the Koran, or is in an unconscious state, this responsibility is assigned to the eldest representative in the family.
  4. They read the text itself in the original language, in Arabic - the syllable in which the holy scripture itself was written, and in which the prophet Mohammed spoke. According to the Islamic religion, holy scripture cannot be translated into other languages.
  5. Just before reading surahs from the Koran, the faithful are prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking, having fun and indulging in carnal pleasures. All this is regarded as a sin and defiles the faithful, and accordingly it is forbidden to perform prayer.
  6. To completely remove the negative impact, 1-2 nights for reading verses and surahs will not be enough - they should be recited personally for at least 7 nights in a row.

All this will allow the ritual of cleansing and protection to be carried out correctly.

Main suras of the Koran

First of all, I call the following 4 main prayer appeals to Allah the very first and main sura in the Koran of devout Muslims.

  1. The first is the verse from the Koran “Al-Fatih”, the so-called opening sura, consisting in its structure of 7 verses - short verses.
  2. Next comes the 112th sura - it is called “Al-Ikhlas”, the so-called sincerity, consisting in its structure of 4 short verses, verses.
  3. The faithful call the third main sura in Islam exactly the 113th sura from the Koran “Al - Falyak” - the dawn, in its structure consisting of 5 short verses and verses.
  4. And the list of main suras ends with the 114th - “An-Nas” (morning).

For a more effective, quick deliverance from the induced dark negativity, the faithful take these, as well as other suras, but it is the 1st that they begin the prayer and the 113th that they complete.

Surahs against damage and the evil eye

The faithful call Al-Fatiha the very first and most powerful sura from the Koran against the evil eye and damage. Only with her do they begin to carry out the ritual of cleansing and getting rid of damage and the evil eye. All the texts of the surahs are spoken exclusively in Arabic and this is the only way they will have power - they must be read by a knowledgeable person. But it’s still worth knowing for yourself what exactly they are talking about, what the person praying in the sura asks for.

“I begin only with the name of the Almighty Allah - the one and all-powerful, I recognize my creator, who gives earthly blessings to everyone in this world and heavenly mercy to all believers in heaven. I praise my Almighty Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, for everything He has given to His servants. Only to Allah do we perform the highest degree of worship - keep me on the path of Islam, guiding us along the path of the true Prophet Magomed and the angels. Protect from the path with those whom you have named and who have strayed from your true, true and good path, who have refused faith in you, the Almighty, without showing obedience to you.”

It is with this prayer line, quotes from the Koran that not only the daily reading of the Koran begins, but also the ritual of getting rid of damage, since it helps to remove from a person the negativity caused by spirits and people. Next comes Sura 112 - as it is called “sincerity” or, as it sounds in the language of the original source, Al-Ikhlas. The sura itself consists of 4 short verses and translated means:

“If Allah had spoken, he is one over all and eternal in his deeds, the Eternal Lord, he was not born and would not be born. There is no one in the world equal to him.”

This surah confirms the true belief of a Muslim in the unity of Allah and his supremacy over all. Next comes 113 surah Al-Falyak or as it is translated from Arabic the dawn and its words translated from the original source mean the following:

“In the name of our Allah, I fall to the lord of the dawn to protect from the evil that he has created, from the advancing evil of darkness, from the evil of the sorcerer and witch spitting over a tied knot, from the evil of every envious person when he envies.”

The final sura directed to Allah is called 114 from the Koran An-Nas - morning, and it sounds as follows:

“In the name of Allah, be merciful to all your servants and merciful in all your endeavors. I say Muhammad - I resort for holy help and protection to the Lord and to his true prophet.”

All these suras from the Holy Quran help to neutralize the induced negativity, guiding you on the path to leading a righteous life.

Cleaning the house – what is worth knowing?

To cleanse the house, read suras from the Ya-Sin section. Before reading the surahs, it is important to carry out a general cleaning of the house and physically clean it of dirt and evil spirits.

After cleaning the house, it is worth placing candles charged by a healer - 4 candles are placed in all rooms, and one in the pantry and bathroom. Next, walk around the house with holy water, following from the windows to the doorway, and then light the candles. While the candle flame burns, it is important to read:

- read Lailagya illa Allahu vahidahu ten times;

While you are reading, pay attention to how the candles “behave” - if at least one of them goes out, they put a new one in its place and light it. Therefore, you should always have spare candles on hand. When the candles burn down to half, the prayers are repeated again and allowed to burn out to the very end. Candle stubs should not be thrown away, as they will serve you as a protective amulet.

How to protect your baby?

Quite often, women who profess Islam over their children read the words of the Koran, protecting them from dark forces and the influence of Satan. These words are the 100th surah of the Koran “Al-Adiyat” - it helps to neutralize dark energy and protect the child from the evil eye. Since the child’s energy and protective field is still weak and not yet strengthened, his mother must come to his aid. The sura itself consists of 11 verses, and if translated literally from the text of the original source, from Arabic, it will sound as follows:

“I swear an oath to Allah, suffocating my soul! Jumping and striking sparks from under themselves, attacking at dawn, I swear. A person’s ingratitude is visible to both Allah and the devout people themselves. It is wrong to love and honor earthly goods - when the dead rise from their graves and what is in their hearts is revealed, their Allah will know about them.”

Many Muslims will say that everything is given to man by the will of Allah, regardless of whether it concerns you personally or with your family and friends. Accordingly, to get rid of misfortune, you should definitely turn to him for help and deliverance. At the same time, you should not go to witch doctors - in the Islamic religion this is considered a great sin. And such a decision and action will not end in anything good, since the latter often deal with perfumes and genies. Only many hours and repeated reading of lines taken from the Holy Quran will help get rid of many problems and misfortunes.

The influence of suras on humans

As Muslims themselves note, the pronunciation of surahs from the Holy Scriptures is not just an appeal to Allah, but a true and godly art. It is precisely due to the fact that the suras from the induced negativity act at the level of elementary energy, the latter, with vibrations from the inside, influence the physical and spiritual body, neutralizing all evil, the consequence of dark glory, if a true believer has done something wrong. Everyone who heard the surah read for the first time says that it resembles a song - with the correct voice and words from the Koran, purification occurs at the cellular level. And this statement is being proven today by scientists, physicists and nuclear scientists, giving scientific justification for the effectiveness of suras in the fight against many diseases, physical and spiritual.

If you consider it necessary for yourself, you can read 2 or more surahs from the Koran. In this case, it is worth considering not only the final goals set for yourself, but also the general condition of the person, how strong the induced negativity was, and what exactly help is needed. The main thing when reading quotes from the Koran is that all words should come from the heart and not carry negativity even towards the person who wished harm. Only in this way will everything you say personally be heard by Allah and healing will be given to you in response.

Which line of the Koran to resort to, which one to choose is up to you, as well as determining the frequency of repetitions. In this matter, the faithful advise turning to the Koran and using your inner feelings to determine how long and how often you should pray. It is internal sensations that are what Allah himself tells you from above, so it is worth listening to them. It is not for nothing that Muslims say that the inner voice, intuition, is Allah himself speaking to the believer. Many people just don't pay attention to it. And this is fundamentally wrong.

But on average, clergy recommend that believers read surahs 1-2 times a day - sincere in their manifestation, an appeal to Allah, who is merciful for everyone, as well as merciful for the faithful, will save them from many problems and hardships. If you have chosen to go to a sorcerer or healer, you should not go with prayers and appeals to Allah. Faith and reading lines from the Koran for 1-2, or better yet 7 days is the right decision to earn the approval of Allah and deliverance from many adversities and trials.

The evil eye in the religion of Islam can be quite simply removed by reading certain surahs from it. They should be read in a strictly defined order and exclusively directly from the Koran itself. In addition, such reading is carried out only at night and ends at dawn, since the day is the time of evil forces.

Islam, as a religion, in no way denies the existence of magic as certain energy forces. Its presence in the world of the living is mentioned repeatedly in the most important book for all Muslims - the Koran. So, for example, Surah al-Baqarah, verse 102 tells us that:

“And the prophet Suleiman (alayhi-salam) did not become an infidel using magic, but the devils became infidels because they teach people magic.”

Basics of getting rid of the evil eye

In the history of Islam there is a separate chapter about exactly how suras healing from the evil eye and damage were given to all devout Muslims. It is based on the story of how an unfaithful Jew from the large tribe of Banu Zuraik cast an evil eye on the great Prophet himself, because of which he plunged into the abyss of a serious illness. The angel Jabrail was able to help the Prophet, who informed him that the basis of all the illness of the great Prophet was at the bottom of a deep well located in the possessions of the Banu Zuraik tribe. People were immediately sent to deliver the object on which the evil eye had been cast. It turned out to be a comb containing several hairs of the Prophet himself. They were tied with eleven knots. Then Allah gave his messenger two texts (“al-Falyak” and “An-Nas”), which he hastened to read. Each of the suras contained eleven verses, which was equal to the number of knots on the Prophet's hair. After reading one verse, one knot would unravel, and the Prophet would feel a little better. When the reading was finished, he was completely healed, as the evil eye left without a trace.

This is how the two most important suras against the evil eye appeared in the Koran: “al-Falyak” and “An-Nas”.

Technique for getting rid of the evil eye

In Islam, as a religion, there are no specific prayers against the evil eye and damage. But reading a certain text from the Koran itself can help a suffering believer. The verses that make up these surahs will help you effectively cope with the misfortune. Just remember a few rules for such reading:

  • It is necessary to read the text strictly from the Quran itself, otherwise you may not expect a positive result.
  • The time is chosen exclusively at night, and the last sura must be read before sunrise.
  • Friday is considered the most favorable day for the ritual.

The reading order is also quite strict: breaking it is not recommended. This is especially true for the first and last suras, which should begin and end the reading process respectively. In order to get rid of the evil eye and damage, you should read the following suras in full in the prescribed order:

  • 1st surah of the Koran - Al-Fatiha.
  • The 112th sura of the Koran is Al-Ikhlas.
  • The 113th sura of the Koran - Al-Falyak.
  • 114th sura of the Koran - An-Nas.

As already mentioned, reading should be done strictly from the Qur'an, but for a general understanding we will present the contents of each sura.

Al-Fatih (Opening)

“In the name of Allah. Praise be to Allah, the ruler of the world. Allah's mercy is eternal and limitless. Gracious, merciful, reigning on the day of judgment. We worship you and ask for help and support. Show us the right path of truth, so as not to encounter the fiends of hell. Guide only those who have earned your blessing, who have not angered you, and who are not lost.”

Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity)

“Say “Allah is one and eternal.” He would not have given birth, and he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him."

Al Falyak (Dawn)

“Say: “I ask the Lord for the dawn, namely, salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that has descended from the darkness. I ask for protection from sorcerers and evil envious people, at a time when envy is ripening in him.”

An-Nas (Morning)

“I seek refuge with the Lord of men, the king of men, the God of men, from the evil designs of the tempter, who tempts the hearts of men, appearing in the form of jinn or men.”

You can include other surahs in the middle of the reading, but the first and last should not change their places. The 36th sura from the Koran “Ya-Sin”, consisting of 83 verses, is suitable for addition. They read it if damage was also caused along with the evil eye.

In addition, you can read the 51st verse of the sura “Writing Reed”.