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Body drying for girls. Body drying for girls. Contraindications to drying the body

Today we can talk about an ideal figure without a shadow of a doubt, because every woman or man imagines this very ideal in completely different ways.

From generation to generation, the concepts of beauty and perfection corresponding to a certain time have changed.

In modern days, the fashion for a beautiful and well-groomed body has not sunk into oblivion; on the contrary, more and more women and men want to make their body slim and fit. But, unfortunately, it does not always turn out that by regularly working out in the gym, you can bring your muscles to an ideal state. And to be more precise, not everyone is able to make them more prominent.

But there is a way out - in order to achieve your plan, you need to use a special body drying program.

But what is this technique, and what kind of feedback has it collected from people? Of course, there are a huge number of opinions about drying the body, and they are extremely contradictory. Some argue that this approach is very dangerous for health, while others, on the contrary, believe that it must be carried out regularly. In this article we will try to figure this out.

What is drying? The mechanism for creating a relief body.

This method of losing weight has recently become popular among ordinary girls who do not like to waste their body. However, it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because the correct techniques for drying the body take years to learn. Drying properly means actively losing fat, not liquid, and also managing to ensure that the fat layer is transformed into muscle.

Drying is based on a set of special measures aimed at reducing the percentage of fat mass in the body to a certain level. Often this level (8-12%) allows you to significantly express your muscles and see the treasured abs.

Drying measures include:

  • following a specific strategy for cutting carbohydrates;
  • drinking more water;
  • reducing NaCl in the diet;
  • increased lean protein intake;
  • reorientation of training from heavy strength to isolated, high-repetition, block-training exercises.

The drying process itself is tied to manipulation of carbohydrates. They are the most affordable and fastest way to replenish energy in the body. And the main player in energy processes is glucose. All carbohydrates (simple and complex) are broken down in the human stomach under the influence of various substances involved in the digestive processes. The breakdown of carbohydrates is a complex biochemical process that results in the formation of a monosaccharide chain called glucose. For better absorption of glucose, the body needs the transport hormone insulin, secreted by the pancreas.

Excess carbohydrates

When you eat carbohydrates, the body enters an intense mode of increasing and storing glucose. It begins to quickly accumulate in muscle fibers and liver cells, forming a reserve of such substances in the form of a glycogen depot. If the control of carbohydrates is not moderate and the latter continue to enter the body, and their quantity exceeds the norm, and the muscle fibers and liver cells are “clogged” with glycogen, then glucose is converted into fat. This excess fat is stored in fat cells, adipocytes. This process is reversible, so if the body lacks glucose, it takes it from glycogen. Once the source is exhausted, the production of glucose from fat cells begins. The process of breakdown/destruction of fats (lipolysis) is complex and requires significant energy expenditure.

Lack of carbohydrates

With acute glucose deficiency, the process of fat breakdown is not complete, and under-digested residues and ketone bodies accumulate in the body, the blood becomes acidic, which leads to the development of ketoacidosis. To suppress this process, burn ketones and help the body, you need to refuel with carbohydrates. Otherwise, poisoning and intoxication of the body increases, and the person may fall into a coma.

Conclusion: “no carbohydrates” really leads to the breakdown of fats, but it is dangerous because... leads the body to ketoacidosis.

Are drying and losing weight the same thing?

Due to the scarce information regarding giving the body a sculpted appearance, many young ladies (and not only) do not understand the conceptual apparatus precisely and often equate drying with losing weight. However, these are two completely different processes.

Drying is the process of developing muscles by reducing the level of subcutaneous fat to a certain percentage (8-12%). Its main goal is to bring muscles to the forefront, i.e. cutting them out from under the fat mass. Weight loss is a general loss of body weight, and not necessarily just fat. The goal of losing weight is, for example, to fit into your prenatal (or simply favorite in your youth) jeans, and not by pushing and compacting your body, but by entering smoothly, like clockwork.

Drying the body involves carrying out the following work preceding this process:

  • strict adherence to a mass-gaining training program in a certain number of repetitions and approaches;
  • increased caloric intake to help maintain an anabolic environment for growth;
  • development (in a certain ratio) of fat and muscle tissue.

So, as you already understand, drying the body implies the initial presence of total mass - both muscle and fat, otherwise the process will resemble bone carving. I mean that if a girl weighs 45 kg and is 175 cm tall, then there can be no talk of any drying. The optimal starting material for a girl 170 cm tall is a weight of 60 kg and the corresponding ratio of fat to muscle mass. In particular, the initial level of subcutaneous fat should be within 20-25%.

It is also important to remember that burning muscles is much easier than fat, so during the drying period they need qualitative and quantitative nutritional and strength support. Muscle is an energy-consuming structure, while adipose tissue consumes much less calories. Therefore, the goal of cutting is to simultaneously preserve muscle and get rid of fat.

Body drying diet and its features

We all know that the basis of any diet is the body's insufficient consumption of calories; to be more precise, we must expend a little more calories throughout the day than we consume. This was the first rule, and the second says that in order for your body to work correctly, it is necessary to maintain a high level of metabolism in it.

This is due to the fact that your body, finding itself in such nutritional conditions, begins to “think” that a hunger strike will soon occur, and begins to carefully spend the energy received from food, also storing all previously deposited fats for a “rainy day”. As a result, already in the second or third week you completely stop losing weight plus the development of weakness, lethargy and dizziness.

To prevent this from happening to you, there are strict rules for drying the body that you need to adhere to, these are:

  • Consistent daily calorie deficit.
  • Maintaining a high metabolic rate.

If everything is clear with the first point, then what to do with the second!? In order for your metabolism to work like a well-oiled mechanism, you need to adhere to the basics of fractional nutrition (eat often, but in small quantities), which, in fact, is the main condition for a good result. Divide your breakfast, lunch and dinner into several parts and eat throughout the day.

At the first stage of drying, you must completely stop eating carbohydrate foods. But this should happen smoothly, without stressful situations for the body. Next, try to eat carbohydrates and fats in the first half of the day, without leaving them for the evening. Drying the body for girls involves maintaining a strict diet, which should be based on easily digestible protein.

Also, don't forget about heavy weight training programs, because exercise is very good for maintaining a stable metabolic rate. In the last days of your diet it will be a little harder for you, because this is when you need to give up vegetables and other foods.

Basic rules for drying the body

During the drying process, it is very important to obtain not only the desired effect for the body, but also to avoid negative consequences for the body. Compliance with the following rules will help you solve these problems.

Rule #1

Maintain a stable sugar level throughout the day, without ups and downs; to do this, stick to split meals (5-7 meals) and the right foods.

Rule #2

Consume amount of clean water = [your weight]x0.03. Cool water allows the body to expend more energy on its utilization.

Rule #3

Learn to count calories and gradually reduce your intake, but remember that cutting calories from carbohydrates can eventually deplete your glycogen stores, which can cause active muscle tissue to burn. Increasing carbohydrates by 100-200 grams once a week will replenish glycogen reserves enough to avoid muscle loss.

Rule #4

A proper drying process should take 8 to 12 weeks.

Rule #5

Cutting training involves high intensity (high repetitions, light weights, combinations of exercises in sets/supersets) or strength volume training (better for men).

Rule #6

When reducing your diet through carbohydrates, increase your intake of lean protein so that the body does not burn muscle, in particular from the figure of 1.5-2 k/1 kg to 2-3 g.

Rule #7

If there is a sharp restriction of calories, the body will try to store energy in reserve, slowing down its metabolism. A moderate reduction in calories (a weekly reduction of 100-200 kcal) allows the body to switch to burning fat and not put the metabolism into a tailspin.

Rule #8

Thermogenic/thermogenic fat burners effectively stimulate the central nervous system, increase norepinephrine production, help prevent metabolic slowing, and allow fat cells to release and burn fat.

Rule #9

Glutamine “spares” the burning of branched chain amino acids, which are used in large quantities when calories are reduced. Glutamine also increases metabolic rate and fat burning. Take 5 grams of BCAAs before and another 5 grams after training, as well as at breakfast and before bed.

Rule #10

Over time, all diets cause a slowdown in metabolism, when you “get to the point” and realize that your metabolism has frozen, load yourself up with good carbohydrates and fats for 1-2 days. This unloading will shake up the thyroid hormones, and when you return to the diet, you will continue to burn subcutaneous fat.

Rule #11

Avoid non-fibrous carbohydrates (white rice, bread); slow-digesting carbohydrates (brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes) will result in greater long-term fat loss. High insulin levels are associated with greater fat storage and less fat burning. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which control insulin levels.

Rule #12

Sometimes it is necessary to go to extremes, for example, arranging a critically low-carbohydrate day once every 10-12 days, limiting carbohydrate intake to 50-80g. This can trick the body into losing more fat by reducing glycogen stores. This enhances fat burning.

Rule #13

A pre-workout meal should include fast-digesting protein (whey protein) and slow-digesting carbohydrates, oatmeal, and whole grain bread.

Rule #14

Fats from most types of fish can compensate for FA deficiency and stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, you need to include fish in your meals at least once a day.

Rule #15

The main goal of the diet, besides preserving muscle mass, is to maximize growth hormone (GH). It prevents muscle burning and stimulates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. GH levels rise in the first 90 minutes after falling asleep, but the total amount of glucose (from digested carbohydrates) in the blood affects the release of growth hormone. Low glucose levels promote maximum release of the growth hormone. Therefore, if your workouts end in the evening (after 7), and you go to bed at 23-00, then refrain from taking carbohydrates in the last 1-2 meals before bed.

Contraindications to the body drying diet

It is strictly prohibited for people with liver disease, kidney disease, cardiac and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as those who have a deficiency of muscle mass or diabetes mellitus to experiment with nutrition. During pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to postpone the diet if you have an important and responsible task ahead, for example, passing a test.

Diet and diet menu “Drying the Body” for girls

The diet in this case should be quite strict. Remember and strictly follow the rules, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain! Avoiding the following list of products will bring great benefits to the body, because they are beneficial only in small quantities and when taken infrequently. So, you should forget:

  • Sweets (any) - replace them with fruits and honey;
  • Flour products - replace with porridge (no more than 200 g);
  • Milk fats;
  • Animal fats are replaced with fish.

What products are welcome:

    • Buckwheat;
    • Lean meat;
    • Legumes;
    • Vegetables;
    • Cottage cheese;
    • Fruits;
    • Milk

Diet by week:

First seven-day period: During the day you can take no more than two grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight. It is necessary to gradually give up foods so as not to injure the body. But remember - in order for you to have everything under control, it is good if you keep a diary where you can fill out a table of the foods you eat.

Under no circumstances should you eat fruit in the first week, but fiber will be just right for you. Give your preference to whole grain porridges, which will be carbohydrates for you, for example, buckwheat, which has a low glycemic level. You can also include boiled chicken breasts, chicken eggs (preferably without yolk), baked white fish, squid fillet, and cottage cheese in your diet. Avoid using salt, seasonings and oil as much as possible.

The amount of protein consumed should be approximately 50%, fat no more than 20% (preferably less), all other percentages are carbohydrates. It is better to take complex carbohydrates in the morning, and in the evening give preference to protein.

Second seven-day period: This week you can only consume one gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight and you must completely avoid salt. The amount of protein consumed must be increased to 80%, fat remains the same and very few carbohydrates.

You can safely eat low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and milk, boiled beef and chicken breast, fish and seafood, one spoonful of bran every day, greens, fresh vegetables: tomato, cucumber, cabbage.

Third seven-day period: the daily carbohydrate intake of the previous week should be reduced to 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight. If you smell acetone on your breath or on your skin and feel constantly dizzy, you can drink some sweet juice, which, by the way, should always be with you during the drying period, at least a small bag. During this period, try to consume only proteins and fats, less water, preference is given to distilled water.

You can also take low-fat dairy products this week. Do not forget that it is best to eat one white in eggs; give the yolk to someone who is not on a diet. It’s better to avoid beef, but you can eat chicken breasts, just without the skin. Take bran three times a day. You can also add multivitamins.

Fourth seven-day period: This week you have two options to choose from. First: you eat everything exactly the same as in the third week; second: you can conduct it in the same way as the second - the choice is yours.

Fifth seven-day period: it must be carried out in exactly the same way as the first one. Taking carbohydrates a short time before any competition will tone your muscles and help restore the desired, or rather previous, volume.

I would like to immediately note that as soon as the body drying diet ends, you can immediately gain weight. This method is used mainly by athletes; for everyone else, this program is difficult, because few people can withstand it.

In addition, while cutting, you must adhere to the correct training regimen, and under no circumstances skip them, otherwise all your efforts will go down the drain, and you will definitely not see a sculpted body, but you are guaranteed a constant feeling of hunger and a not very impressive look.

Sample menu for the week

The first day.

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge, 2 egg whites, a glass of tea.

Dinner: boiled breast, cucumber salad.

Afternoon snack: a small portion of buckwheat in water.

Dinner: stewed fish with cabbage.

Second day.

Breakfast: egg white omelette, a glass of skim milk.

Dinner: a piece of boiled beef, a salad of pepper and parsley with butter.

Afternoon snack: boiled fish with asparagus.

Dinner: cottage cheese with kefir.

Day three.

Breakfast: buckwheat in water, boiled egg.

Dinner: a portion of fish soup without potatoes, a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, a piece of fish.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with 2 pcs. dried apricots.

Dinner: stewed fish and cabbage salad.

Day four:

Breakfast: oatmeal, tea.

Dinner: stewed squid with a spoonful of sour cream, bell pepper salad.

Afternoon snack: cauliflower soup.

Dinner: cottage cheese with kefir.

Day five.

Breakfast: 2 egg white omelette, cucumber, tea.

Dinner: mushroom soup, boiled chicken, greens.

Afternoon snack: salad of cucumbers, bell peppers.

Dinner: steamed fish, cabbage salad.

Day six.

Breakfast: eggs with tomatoes, tea.

Dinner: beans stewed with chicken breast, greens.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with kefir.

Dinner: buckwheat with boiled breast.

Day seven.

Breakfast: a plate of oatmeal with a handful of raisins, tea.

Dinner: stewed fish with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: vegetable salad.

Dinner: baked squid, portion of cottage cheese.

Other diet menu options

Option 1: For breakfast, prepare a small portion of oatmeal, eat a banana, and drink green tea.

For lunch, prepare vegetable cream soup, boil 200 grams of veal.

Exercises for girls to help dry the body

Pay attention to problem areas - for some it is the arms, for others it is the thighs and buttocks, for others there are no abs... And do exactly what you need. But remember one thing - several approaches without rest or with a break of no more than 1 minute.

  • Bicycle rides;
  • Squats (including with a load);
  • Push-ups (as well as vertical wall presses);
  • Plank;
  • Swing your legs (in horizontal and vertical positions);
  • Swimming and so on.

That is, any active sport or recreation.

Drying without disruption for 5 weeks gives excellent results. Controlling nutrition after drying is a long and lasting effect.

So, the time has come for useful information not only for men, but also for girls! Today we will discuss how dry your body for girls at home if you can’t go to the gym.

I would like to note right away that drying the body and losing weight are slightly different things. Drying the body means that you burn only subcutaneous fat and at the same time try to preserve muscle. At the same time, the goal of simple weight loss, which you can so often hear about at every step, is only to reduce the numbers on the scales. And how this will be done - just with fat loss or with burning your muscles and removing water from the body (dehydration - which most often happens) - does not matter. Therefore, drying the body is a more complex and responsible process, in contrast to simple weight loss. But if you have motivation and desire, then you will succeed!

What do we need to dry the body at home?

Let's assume that most girls reading this text have never encountered the concept of body drying, and are not particularly familiar with sports. Therefore, we will start from the very basics.

For drying the body at home we will need:

  • A well-designed nutrition plan, because... proper nutrition is 75% of success.
  • Training program.
  • Equipment for training. However, if it is not there, then it is not scary, and you can also do without it. For example, dumbbells can be replaced with bags of something heavy (such as sugar, fruit, or water bottles).

Now we will analyze in detail each point of drying the body for girls at home.

1. Proper nutrition.

Basic nutrition rules while drying the body the following:

  • You need to expend more energy (calories) than you get from food.
  • Your meals should be frequent (8-12 times a day) – i.e. every 2 hours. This is necessary so that your metabolism (metabolism) is always fast and does not slow down.
  • You need to eat the same foods (which will be compiled according to a certain schedule throughout the day) in order to control the number of calories consumed. To do this, it is advisable (and even necessary!) to get electronic scales to weigh food exactly in grams.
  • Do not eat anything sweet: sweets, pastries, cookies, etc. This is necessary so that there are no spikes in your blood of insulin - a transport hormone, which, in large quantities - spikes when you eat something sweet or other food with a high glycemic index - begins to store energy in fat deposits. The glycemic index is a measure of how much the blood glucose level increases after eating a food. After every sweet you eat, your fat burning process will stop. Therefore, you need to give up all sweets, flour and other spices, but all this can be replaced with fruits (though also in small quantities). I think this point will be one of the most difficult, which is why it is so necessary. This will be a pleasant addition.
  • Drink plenty of clean water - from 2.5 to 4 liters per day. It is also better to give up coffee (if someone drinks it often), because... it removes water from the body, and replace it with green tea.
  • Once a week you can do a fasting day, i.e. eat what you want, but not in large quantities! This is necessary for your psychological relief, this will make it much easier to maintain the regime. If you have the will and patience to maintain a constant diet, then you are great!

So, this was the main theory of nutrition for drying the body. You can also read the article - Although it is called “lose weight”, it also contains a lot of useful information. Perhaps this will also be useful for you and will be a good addition to this article.

Now let's move on to the menu itself. Sample menu for the day:

  1. (7:30): Glass of water 200 ml.
  2. (8:00): Oatmeal 40g + 1 whole egg + 1 orange (or a glass of juice).
  3. (9:30): Buckwheat 30g. + 50g chicken breast + 1 whole egg + Vegetables.
  4. (11:00): Buckwheat 30g. + 50g Chicken breast + Vegetables + 1 tsp Olive oil.
  5. (13:00): Buckwheat 20g. + 50g chicken breast + 1 banana (or a glass of juice).
  6. (15:00): Cottage cheese (low-fat) 100g. + 1 tsp Flaxseed oil.
  7. (16:00 - 17:00): Training. During training, you can drink amino acids, or, if you cannot buy amino acids, drink half a glass (100 ml) in the middle of training.
  8. (17:00): Immediately after training also either amino acids or 100 ml
  9. (17:30): Rice 30g. + 50g. Chicken breast + vegetables + 1 tsp. Olive oil.
  10. (19:00): Buckwheat 20g. + 4 boiled egg whites + vegetables + 1 tsp Flaxseed oil.
  11. (20:30): 50g Chicken breast + vegetables.
  12. (22:00): Cottage cheese (low-fat) 100g.

Drink as much water as your body requires. When drying, as we noted above, it is advisable to drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day.

Nutrient summary:

Proteins: 120-130g.
Fats: 25-30g.
Carbohydrates: 110-120g.
Calories: 1600-1700kcal.

The compiled menu is designed for a girl aged 25-35 years and weighing 62-65 kg. If your age is not within this range, in particular if you are over 35 years old, then you need to slightly reduce carbohydrates, because... Metabolism slows down slightly with age. If you are under 25 years old, then you can even add a little carbohydrates. Also with weight, if your weight is less than 62 kg, then slightly reduce the carbohydrates of the compiled menu, but if it is more than 65 kg, increase it.

Main rule the following: once a week (let’s say on Sundays) you step on the scale and see how your weight has changed.

  • If you have lost 0.4-0.8 kg, everything is going according to plan, and do not change anything in your menu.
  • If you have lost more than 1 kg, then add a little carbohydrates. In this case, for example, it could be 10-20 grams of buckwheat.
  • If your weight has not changed or fluctuates with an error of 100-200g, then reduce carbohydrates, for example, by the same 10-20g of buckwheat.

We have sorted out the basic rules of nutrition and menu, now we move on to training.

2. Training.

To conduct training at home, we will need the following equipment:

The main task during training is to keep your heart rate (HR) within 120-130 beats per minute. It is under such conditions that fat burning processes are best launched, and it also strengthens the heart muscle. Our training duration will be 45 minutes.

The training plan is as follows:

  • Monday, Thursday, Saturday – crossfit style workouts(circuit training).
  • Tuesday Friday - slow running(or brisk walking). The pace must again be selected so that the heart rate is 120-130 beats per minute.
  • Wednesday, Sunday – rest.

Program crossfit style workouts(circuit training) on ​​Monday, Thursday, Saturday:

  • Medium grip push-ups – 15 reps.
  • Squats with dumbbells (or other weights) – 20 reps.
  • Lifting legs while hanging on a horizontal bar or (if there is no horizontal bar) lying on the press – 15 repetitions.
  • Jump rope – 60 seconds.
  • Rest – 40-50 seconds and repeat the split again in a circle. This circle needs to be repeated 8-9 times per workout, and that will give you about 45 minutes of active training.

It is advisable to do exercises during the split without rest. But again, your main guideline is your heart rate. If your heart rate rises to 140 beats per minute or higher, take a short break and wait until your heart rate drops to 120 beats, and then you can continue to exercise.

A good helper for you would be to purchase a wrist heart rate monitor - fortunately, they are inexpensive, and the benefits from this will be enormous.

Slow running(or brisk walking) at TU and PT:

  • You also need to run for 45 minutes.
  • The pace, namely what it will be for you - fast walking or slow running - needs to be selected based on heart rate indicators, i.e. in the range of 120-130 beats per minute.
  • You can run in place, for example, in front of the TV. Because the main point is not in running as such, but in maintaining a certain heart rate rhythm.

During all workouts, you can turn on music - this will create a certain mood for the workout. Just make a playlist of songs for the entire workout in advance so as not to be distracted during the workout. :-)

Recovery and rest in SR and SV:

  • On these days you recuperate, so we do not train on these days.

3. Conclusion.

That's it for the article body drying for girls at home has come to an end. Drying the body is a rather difficult process, but in practice, when all the stages are clear, it becomes not such a difficult task. The main thing is to have desire and motivation. Imagine that you are like a robot - every day you complete a certain list of tasks, and you will not stop until you complete everything completely, and upon achieving the goal you will receive a prize - a reward for your efforts. And then any task will seem not only difficult, but even pleasant!

If you have questions, ask them in the comments.

We wish you success!

Sincerely, Vlad Fomenko and Dima Marchenko

Your personal trainer online

Important! If you are determined to achieve results and want to achieve your goal as soon as possible (lose weight/reduce weight or dry out your body by properly creating a diet/meal plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

Athletes with beautiful, toned, sculpted bodies are often shown on TV. Of course, every representative of the fairer sex would like to have such a worthy figure. But, due to the current rhythm of life, it is not always possible to visit the gym, and even more so, do VIP training.

Many girls give preference to body drying at home, as it gives visible results in a short time. Also, classes can be conducted at home - it is effective and economical.

The concept of “drying” the body, which came to us from bodybuilding, refers to carbohydrate starvation. That is, an artificially created carbohydrate deficit in the body triggers the process of active breakdown of proteins in order to extract the missing energy from the body. If the supply of carbohydrates runs out, then after three days active burning of fat begins, and after a few more days, the body gets used to the stressful situation.

This technique of forming a sculpted body is not given to all girls, and it is not so simple. Carbohydrate starvation is stress for the body.

It is worth knowing that professional athletes are under constant tension and stress for several months due to a monotonous diet and a special set of training. Training, in turn, must be frequent to maintain the achieved level of muscle mass. Also, athletes use sports nutrition, which does not exclude the use of steroids in small quantities.

Professional trainers claim that girls do not need drying, but nutrition (switching to a calorie deficit) and training aimed at burning fat.

In order not to stress your body by drying, you should reduce the amount of calories consumed per day by 200-300 units, add cardio exercise and the weight loss process will begin.

Another important aspect is the presence of pre-developed muscle tissue. If the muscles are not trained, then drying will not give the expected results. This will lead to sudden weight loss and the result may be disappointing.

And yet, if a girl wants to urgently lose weight and tighten her figure, you can turn to this method. But following a number of rules so as not to cause harm to health.

Basic drying rules

To properly approach body drying for girls at home, you need to prepare yourself in advance. Drying is the last stage of a special diet, the results of which must be supported by a set of training, proper nutrition and a well-designed daily routine. You need to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates and exercise.

Almost 90% of success is a well-designed menu. To prepare for drying, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Make a meal plan. In order to correctly calculate the number of calories required for a specialized diet, it is necessary to take into account the person’s age, weight and physical activity;
  • Make a water consumption plan. This is also an important point in drying, since without water balance the body will not withstand such a regime. It is necessary to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of water, not counting other drinks;
  • Structure your daily routine. When drying the body, it is important to eat frequently from 6 to 10 times a day and exercise, which takes an hour on average. Based on this, create a schedule for the day;
  • Prepare a training plan. It must be taken into account that all muscle groups should be involved in the training. It is recommended to combine aerobics with strength exercises. Another important element is jumping rope and walking or running. Be sure to take into account rest days;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment: jump rope, expander, dumbbells, scales, etc.;
  • Consult a specialist about taking extra vitamins and supplements. A low-carbohydrate-protein diet is quite difficult for the body, so you should not deprive the body of important nutrients. Various complexes of vitamins and minerals can help with this, which will help maintain tone and good health even with a strict diet and training;
  • Smooth exit from drying. After drying is completed, it is not recommended to abruptly return to your usual lifestyle and diet. It is worth maintaining the result by training, at least 3-4 times a week and following a diet, but not excluding carbohydrates.


As already mentioned, for drying the body at home, the most important thing is nutrition. The first week should be the mildest in order to minimize stress on the body and not undermine health.

Girls first need to give up various sweets and fast foods, everything containing sugar and flour. Add water-based porridge, fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meat and eggs to the menu. You should also reduce your salt intake so as not to retain water in the body.

Approximately, with a girl’s body weight of 50-60 kg, at least 100 g of protein is required per day. As a percentage, we consume 45-50% proteins, 20-25% fats, and the rest carbohydrates. This menu must be followed for two weeks.

From the third week, you can eat slow carbohydrates and stick to this regime for 1-2 weeks, then reduce their amount to 2-3 grams per 1 kg of weight. The next stage lasts 1-2 weeks and carbohydrate consumption is reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of weight with a gradual decrease to zero.

Girls mistakenly believe that a complete abstinence from fats is necessary during drying. This is wrong. You should consume polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are consumed either in the form of supplements - Omega-3, 6, 9, or by adding fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, etc.), flaxseed and hemp oil, nuts, avocado and seeds (sunflower, flax, soy, etc.) to the menu .d.)

The last stage is the actual transition to drying the body. Period of a low-carbohydrate-protein diet. During this time, it is important to monitor your overall health. If you feel deterioration, weakness, drowsiness, you need to stop drying immediately. As a percentage, protein consumption is 80% of the total diet and 20% fat.

When drying their bodies, girls should always remember about water balance and drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

Calorie calculation

There is a formula that can be used to calculate the approximate number of calories per day for girls. The result obtained from the formula must be multiplied by the activity coefficient; the main thing is not to overestimate yourself.

BM (basal metabolic rate) = (9.99 * weight (kg)) + (6.25 * height (cm)) - (4.92 * age (years)) -161

And the activity coefficient is calculated as follows:

  • Coefficient = 1.2 for a sedentary lifestyle (level of physical activity - very low);
  • Coefficient = 1.3-1.4 - occasional walking and exercise (level of physical activity - short);
  • Coefficient = 1.5-1.6 - playing sports on a regular basis 3-5 times a week (physical activity level - average);
  • Coefficient = 1.7-1.8 - active lifestyle and regular sports (level of physical activity - high);
  • Coefficient = 1.9-2 - heavy daily physical work plus sports (level of physical activity - extreme).


Let's take a closer look at the list of foods that should be consumed and that should be excluded from the menu. Nutrition must be correct from a nutritional point of view. Since when drying we spend more energy than we receive, we need to follow certain rules - do not reduce the overall level of calorie content of your diet by more than 15-20%, otherwise the level of production of hormones such as cortisol and leptin will increase. They affect the reduction of muscle mass, and not the reduction of body fat.

You cannot completely refuse or seriously reduce food intake, since metabolism slows down, and the body in a stressful state begins the reverse process, i.e. store fat in reserve.

Below is list of products that are suitable for successful drying for girls:

  • Lean meat: boiled chicken breast, turkey, veal, beef;
  • Seafood: white and red fish, shrimp, squid, etc.;
  • Dairy products and eggs: cottage cheese with a fat content of 1-5%, kefir 1%, Greek yogurt, milk 1-2%;
  • Slow carbohydrates: herbal bread, water porridge, brown and brown rice, millet, ;
  • Fruits: , green apple;
  • Vegetables: any in sufficient quantities, except those containing starch.

Girls should avoid the following foods:

  • Any sweets;
  • Muchnogo;
  • Canned;
  • Smoked;
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets);
  • Coffee, cocoa, juices;

It is definitely worth reducing your salt intake so as not to retain excess water in the body.

Diet during drying

There are a huge number of different menus that are designed for proper drying of the body. Of course, it is necessary to individually calculate the required grammage.

The five-week plan should look like this:

  • First week: eliminate fast carbohydrates and replace with cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • Second week: keep track of substances entering the body, taking into account the weight you are striving for;
  • Third week: reduce carbohydrates by 50%;
  • Week four: reduce carbohydrates by another 50%;
  • Fifth week: only protein foods.

Below is a sample menu for girls for five weeks.

First week- period of adaptation to drying. The body gets used to the diet, but not as strict as it will be in the following weeks. From the presented menu for seven days, some products will be gradually subtracted:


  • Breakfast: 40 g of oatmeal with water and an omelet of 2 eggs;
  • Snack: 250 ml low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch: 250 ml chicken broth in third water, 40 g rice, 150 g chicken fillet;
  • Afternoon snack: 3 walnuts;


  • Breakfast: 30 g phytobread, drinking dietary yogurt;
  • Snack: 1 grapefruit;
  • Lunch: 250 ml pea soup, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g boiled fish;
  • Afternoon snack: 2 egg omelette;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, 200 g of seafood;
  • Last snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. linseed oil.


  • Breakfast: omelet of 2 eggs and phyto-bread, vegetable salad;
  • Snack: 1 peach or 250 g strawberries;
  • Lunch: 250 ml vegetable soup, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g chicken fillet, steamed vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, 150 g of boiled fish;


  • Breakfast: 30 g phytobread, 2 boiled eggs;
  • Snack: nuts or seeds;
  • Lunch: 250 ml of pea soup, 40 g of pea puree, 150 g of boiled beef, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack: dietary drinking yogurt;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, 200 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • Last snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil.


  • Breakfast: 40 g unsweetened corn flakes, skim milk;
  • Snack: 2 egg omelet with steamed vegetables;
  • Lunch: 250 ml of vegetable soup, 50 g of pearl barley porridge, 200 g of boiled fish, baked vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, 200 g grilled salmon or mackerel;
  • Last snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. linseed oil.


  • Breakfast: 40 g of oatmeal with water, dietary drinking yogurt, fruit;
  • Snack: nuts and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: 250 ml of chicken soup in third water, 50 g of rice porridge, 200 g of boiled beef, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack: 2 egg omelette;
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet with stewed vegetables;
  • Last snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. linseed oil.


  • Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, fruit;
  • Snack: nuts and dietary drinking yogurt;
  • Lunch: 250 ml of vegetable soup, 50 g of lentils, 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, 2 egg omelette;
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml low-fat kefir, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled chicken fillet with stewed vegetables;
  • Last snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. linseed oil.

On second week Fruits and fitness breads are excluded from the diet and carbohydrate calculations begin using the formula 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Portions of porridge are also reduced. The rest remains on the menu as in the first week. The amount of proteins increases and they account for approximately ⅘ of the entire diet, and fats make up 20%. Consumption of fats and carbohydrates is allowed only for breakfast and lunch. The second week is easier, due to the fact that the body gradually gets used to the diet.

Third week- transitional, since carbohydrates are reduced by 50%. The consumption of cereals and grains is reduced by exactly half. In order to maintain the body in the right mode without harm to health, it is recommended to introduce multivitamins this week and continue to take them until the end of drying.

On fourth week carbohydrates are reduced from the remaining amount by another 50%. In general, the menu remains the same.

Fifth week- the most difficult, since carbohydrates are completely excluded and only protein foods remain. In addition to eliminating fruits, grains and grains, dairy products are also excluded.

To get out of drying smoothly, a girl should introduce excluded foods from the menu in reverse order by week.


At home, when drying the body, girls should pay attention to workouts that are significantly different from the usual ones. All muscle groups must be involved in order to work out the correct relief.

The emphasis is mainly on cardio training. They increase your heart rate and trigger the fat burning process. It is important to know your fat-burning heart rate zone so as not to overdo it and harm your cardiovascular system.

The fat-burning heart rate zone is 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

Strength training is also necessary; this is what creates relief, forming and improving muscle mass.

Generally accepted training rules:

  • Training should be at least 45 minutes a day, 5 times a week throughout the drying period. The two days of rest should not follow each other;
  • The workout ratio is 3 cardio for 45 minutes and 2 strength training for 60 minutes per week. It’s also better to distribute the workouts so that they don’t go back to back;
  • Eating before training should be 1-1.5 hours and also after - 1-1.5 hours later;
  • During training, drink water in the amount required by the body. That is, if you are thirsty, drink. There are no serious restrictions on water consumption.

Exercises for drying

Each girl chooses exercises for herself independently, based on her physical condition and activity. CrossFit-style training (circular) involves performing blocks of 10-12 exercises, both cardio and strength, following each other (rest is minimal). An approximate sequence of exercises: interval running, jumping rope and then strength exercises with and without dumbbells. Below is a CrossFit workout plan by day of the week.

Monday, Thursday, Saturday:

  • Warm-up - 10-15 minutes;
  • Push-ups from the floor – 15 times;
  • Squats with dumbbells – 20 times;
  • Lying press crunches – 15 times;
  • Jump rope – 60 seconds;
  • Rest – 40-50 seconds and repeat the block in a circle, approximately 8-9 times.

Tuesday and Friday. Running - 45 minutes with a pulse of 120-130 beats. It is important to monitor your heart rate based on the calculated rate. If it has increased significantly, give yourself a rest and your heart rate will return to normal.

Wednesday and Sunday. Let's give the body a rest. Training is completely excluded, including cardio. These days, it is recommended to give rest not only to the muscles, but also to the body as a whole. You can go to the solarium, sauna or massage.

To make training more effective at home, girls can use various supplements that are available in sports nutrition stores. L-carnitine brings positive results, which speeds up metabolism and allows you to burn fat faster, especially in problem areas. It also helps produce additional energy, which is so necessary during training.

After classes, they often drink protein shakes, which are easy to prepare at home, or a complex of amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Contraindications to drying the body

Drying the body is a big stress for a girl’s body, and this method of rapid weight loss is not suitable for all representatives of the fair sex. The following categories of people should not conduct such experiments on their bodies:

  • Suffering from diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Patients with diabetes;
  • Having malignant and benign formations;
  • People with underweight.

With the wrong approach to drying the body, even a completely healthy person can get a number of negative consequences:

  • Insomnia and depression (since even small amounts of carbohydrates contribute to the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness);
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Ketoacidosis may occur against the background of impaired carbohydrate metabolism. In this case, the content of acetone in the blood increases, which poisons the body. Ketoacidosis coma may occur;
  • The production of hormones may be disrupted. This negatively affects reproductive function.

Drying should not last longer than five weeks. The active phase of intensive training in combination with a carbohydrate-free protein diet should not exceed two weeks. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Nutrition and exercise after drying

After drying, girls often return to absorbing large amounts of calories, to their favorite “forbidden” food. This is absolutely impossible to do, since the body after drying is under great stress and is ready to fill the “fat gaps” every second. If you don’t eat right, the pounds will return within a few weeks and you can say goodbye to your defined muscles.

To stay in shape after drying the body, girls need to stick to their usual diet, giving up only fatty foods, sweets and alcohol - things that quickly worsen their figure. Portions should be kept small and meals taken frequently.
It is also necessary to continue training in order to maintain the acquired relief shape and, if possible, improve it. You can train 3-4 times a week, also alternating cardio and strength exercises.

The term “drying the body” is increasingly heard among gym regulars and simply lovers of physical activity. But, in fact, this question concerns professional athletes and bodybuilders, and they are asked during preparation for competitions.

What is the secret of such tests, what will an intense fat-burning sequence of training and special dietary nutrition provide, how necessary are special supplements, medications, and what consequences of an incorrect approach to self-drying the body at home can await you on the path to an ideal body?

Let's figure it out.

What is drying

Drying the body is not just an active process of losing weight, it is a whole set of measures aimed at intensively burning subcutaneous fat to create a beautiful relief.

Based on the definition, the conclusion follows: cutting is necessary for those who have gained sufficient muscle mass, actively carried out cardio and strength training to reduce volumetric fat deposits (no more than 20% of total body weight).

Accordingly, if you are just paving the way to the desired proportions, then before drying you need to go through the process of gaining weight.

Drying and dieting are completely different things!

Dietary nutrition is a rational approach to the choice of food consumed to maintain a healthy state of the body; it is chronic in nature and observed throughout life, and not from time to time. In other words, diet is a lifestyle.

And drying, in turn, is a short-term event to briefly bring the body to certain standards.

Cutting is actually stressful for the body and reducing fat to 5% under normal conditions does not seem necessary; our body is programmed for moderate fat content and will always strive for this. This is an extreme reduction in fat mass.

Specifically on nutrition

The most important thing during the period of drying the body is to almost completely eliminate carbohydrates. But here you say: there are carbohydrates in absolutely any product! We will say: yes, everything is true, but we focus on food where the carbohydrate content is reduced to an absolute minimum, and protein prevails.

Protein-rich foods:

  1. Low-fat fish: hake, cod, pollock, blue whiting, river perch;
  2. Meat: chicken fillet (without skin and fat), rabbit, veal;
  3. Seafood: squid and shrimp;
  4. Unlimited egg whites ;
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese .

What can you do from carbohydrates:

  • Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge (in the initial stages of drying);
  • green vegetables and fruits, including avocados (in the first weeks of entry); vegetables, if desired, can be seasoned with valuable oils (sesame, flaxseed, olive, hemp, etc.);
  • honey (with gradual reduction to meager consumption).

1-1.5 weeks before the expected end of the drying period, carbohydrates (except vegetables) are reduced to the very minimum values.

What we completely exclude from the diet:

  • dressings, sauces and other gastronomic waste;
  • salt (can be replaced with lemon juice);
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • dairy products (except cottage cheese).

Important: drying is not synonymous with hunger. Professional bodybuilders eat up to 6-8 small meals a day!

This accelerates metabolism and does not lead to loss of muscle mass, which can be destroyed faster than fat tissue.

entrance and exit

As in any balanced diet, health-improving fasting and therapeutic diet, there should not be a sharp reduction in the volume and quality of food during the drying period.

Approximately 1-2 weeks, or better yet a month before the planned drying of the body at home, you should gradually reduce the non-recommended list of consumed products.

Coming out of drying (in terms of nutrition) is even more important than entering: the body needs adaptation, since all enzymatic and digestive processes require restructuring.

What's wrong with the water?

If you don't want to drink, don't. The common belief about the benefits of drinking large amounts of water is a misconception.

Focus on your thirst and don’t force yourself, you get enough fluid from food and drinks. During the final days of drying, drinking a lot of liquid is not at all recommended and even undesirable.

One, but important piece of advice: you can drink no later than 20 minutes before meals and no earlier than 2-3 hours after meals; the food you eat will be digested as efficiently as possible.

Postulates of nutrition

The diet is dominated by easily digestible protein with a sufficient amount of vegetables. It is better to forget about culinary masterpieces during the drying period - the simpler the food is prepared, the better: protein omelettes, vegetables with a drop of oil, cottage cheese without additives, seafood and fish with lemon juice.

And don’t forget about the carbohydrate window, which will open 15 minutes after the end of the workout, and the protein window (30 minutes later).


If you haven’t gained weight, there’s no point in drying out. An intensive process of burning fat is necessary for drawing muscles, but if they are not there, drying will be ineffective and no aesthetics will be observed.

Cardio load

Bodybuilders do cardio up to 8 times a week when preparing for competitions.

It is advisable to divide aerobic training into two blocks, perform it as intensively and at intervals as possible. This will prevent you from burning valuable muscles.

Anaerobic work

No one excludes pumping muscles. You perform all the same exercises as during the mass gain period.

But! Hone the quality by performing approaches more slowly (drawn out), you can take lighter weights, but perform the exercises without the slightest inertia.

Don’t forget to breathe: inhalation and exhalation accompany the movement throughout the entire amplitude, at the maximum point of contraction, make a powerful release of oxygen until the last drop and hold for a 2-second honest, after which immediately begin a calm inhalation.

In the lower phase, hold for one second and maintain maximum tension in the muscles being worked until the end of the approach. Try to isolate the area being honed: there should be no tension in other parts of the body and even the facial muscles should be relaxed.

While pumping your abdominal muscles, do not strain your neck to avoid injury and greater emphasis on the abdominal muscles themselves; your fingers barely touch your head.

Sandwich-type training is effective: at first, do intense cardio for 15 minutes (after a good warm-up). Next, you begin working out individual muscle groups and finish everything off with interval cardio exercises for 30-40 minutes.

A set of exercises for girls on drying the body and nutritional issues are discussed in the video.

Dietary supplements

Whether or not to use additional drugs is an individual question, and this is especially true for drying at home.

Do not confuse supplements with steroids and other “chemicals”


If you do not eat enough protein per day (3 g per 1 kg of weight), then the muscles you have gained will go nowhere. If you see an athlete with a shaker after training, it is immediately clear that he is closing the protein window with protein powder and additional elements.

In most cases, one scoop of mixture equals approximately 10 egg whites. Calculate the amount of protein in food consumed per day and draw conclusions.

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are three essential amino acids that cannot be produced independently by the body: leucine, isoleucine, valine. During periods of limited nutrition, a regular supply of these amino acids is of particular importance.

They participate in muscle building, high-quality protein absorption and the processing of lactic acid and other by-products of the breakdown of substances into glycogen.

The most rational intake regimen is half an hour before and immediately after training in an amount of 5-10 g. About 200 g of beef can cover the daily need for these amino acids.


The need for a sufficient supply of vitamins increases during the drying period. Of particular importance are B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobolamin, etc.) and minerals (especially chromium), which are present in the largest quantities in liver, whole grain bread, cereals and yolks.

But, as we remember, we removed these products from the diet, so we cannot do without vitamin complexes.

Let us separately highlight L-carnitine, which is easily available in the pharmacy at an affordable price; it is a natural vitamin-like supplement that will give a surge of strength by stimulating the oxidation of fats in the mitochondria (energy generators in cells), increase metabolism and accelerate the process of fat burning.

The utilization of lactic acid from tissues will also increase, and the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease. As a bonus, you get increased immunity, since levocarnitine has antioxidant properties and protects cells from free radicals.

4 g of levocarnitine is enough for tangible results in increasing workout productivity, but 8 g of the substance per day will be effective. You can find L-carnitine in tablets, capsules and solutions.


Dear diet lovers! Real drying lasts up to 1 month as a means of preparing for going out (for example, for competitions) and stretching this process for several months is absolutely not recommended if you do not want to exhaust your body with all the ensuing consequences.

The optimal period for drying is 12 weeks.

Professionals can do it in 5 weeks, but it requires a lot of effort from the body.

Absolute refusal of carbohydrates is fraught with ketoacidosis, which can be recognized by the smell of acetone on the breath. This is an extremely dangerous condition and signals the need for nutritional adjustments.

It is better to keep sweet juice or a piece of dark chocolate with you in case of fainting.

Monitor your rate of fat burning: it is optimal to lose 1 kg per week. Otherwise, there is excessive muscle wastage.

Contraindications to drying the body:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Common sense

Although we are talking about drying the body at home, this issue should be considered from a professional point of view, since the effectiveness of drying depends on a comprehensive, thorough approach to nutrition and training, daily routine and saturating the body with the correct concentrations of biologically active substances.

Drying your body at home is absolutely possible. An absolute advantage will be a consultation with a doctor and individual advice from an experienced trainer who, taking into account the structural features of your body and other parameters, will give advice on the types of training and their intensity.

In the video - exercises for drying the whole body at home.

In contact with

Body drying is a series of special techniques, the purpose of which is to burn subcutaneous fat without harm to the body and muscles. But do not forget that beauty requires sacrifice and this case is no exception. When using this technique, it will take a lot of effort and willpower not to abandon what you started. But if you still decide to start, then you need to properly prepare and study the description of the technique and its features.

The principle of operation of the technique

When eating food, a person receives useful substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. These substances are carbohydrates. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with them, but sometimes it happens that carbohydrates are supplied in excess. Then the human body is not able to consume all the carbohydrates received, which in this case are deposited in muscle tissue. Further, when overeating, they tend to turn into fat, which no girl has ever dreamed of. But by eating healthy, low-calorie foods and special exercises, you can reduce the amount of carbohydrates you receive to a normal state, after which the body itself will begin to turn to its reserves. The technique must be continued until the fat disappears from the problem areas. The average time to receive results is about 4 weeks.

Diet for cutting

This diet, like any other, is based on the principle of spending more than you receive. The second main principle is to maintain a high metabolic rate.

So you need to remember: if you reduce your food intake to a minimum or refuse food altogether, you will greatly slow down your metabolism and will not achieve anything at all. The body, having sounded the alarm due to a hunger strike, will begin to put aside all the nutrients it receives “in reserve” and will stop consuming subcutaneous fat. As a result, in the second or third week of a strict diet, you will stop losing weight altogether, plus you will develop lethargy and dizziness, not at all from success.

So the basic rules for proper body drying for girls are:

  • calorie deficit
  • high metabolic rate.

The first point, of course, will be fulfilled. But how to achieve the second? It’s very simple - using the principles of fractional nutrition. Divide your breakfast, lunch and dinner into several small meals and eat many times a day.

At the first stage of drying, you should completely abandon carbohydrates. In subsequent stages, carbohydrates and fats should be consumed only in the first half of the day. The basis of the cutting diet is easily digestible protein.

Don't forget to exercise too - training with heavy weights also helps keep your metabolic rate high. And get ready for difficulties, especially at the end of the drying period, when you even have to give up vegetables.

Body drying for girls: nutrition


Fats are divided into 2 types - saturated and unsaturated

Saturated These are “bad” fats. They are included:
- high-fat dairy products: milk, eggs (yolks), cheeses, mayonnaise, butter;
- meat: pork (the most harmful is lard), lamb, any poultry skin;
- cocoa butter. Therefore, the most delicious milk chocolate is at the same time the most dangerous.

Unsaturated These are "good fats". They are included:
- sea fish - it contains a lot of both protein and healthy Omega-3 fats, which help to quickly get rid of fat reserves. But remember: you should not buy canned fish - there is too much salt.

Orekhov. Choose hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts. Ignore salted nuts.


Carbohydrates can be of two types - simple and complex, or fast and slow.

Complex carbohydrates are very important and worth focusing on. Complex: porridge, rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta.

Simple carbohydrates- these are sweets and fruits. They contain sugars, maltose, fructose. You have to be very careful with them. There is no need to completely exclude them from the menu - you just need to consume them in the first half of the day or immediately after training, even if it is in the evening.


They come in animal origin (meat - poultry, fish, beef) and plant origin (beans, beans, peas). Men have a harder time digesting plant protein, while women have an easier time digesting it due to the female hormone estrogen.

Unfortunately, during drying you will have to give up even such obviously healthy foods as fruits. Reduce vegetable oil to 1-2 tablespoons per day, reduce salt intake.

Body drying products

You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. This accelerates metabolism for subsequent fat burning. The fact is that when a person eats twice, or even once a day, the body perceives this as limited food and stores carbohydrates and fats in reserve. As a result, subcutaneous fat accumulates.

If you sometimes don't have the opportunity to eat every three hours, take protein shakes or BCAA capsules with you.

Grocery list

1. Meat. But in no case is it fatty; boiled chicken breasts are ideal - it’s pure protein.

2. Seafood. You can fry fish (only without oil), eat seaweed.

3. Dairy products and eggs. Choose low-fat dairy products: the fat content in cottage cheese should not be higher than 5%, choose one percent kefir.

4. Slowly digestible carbohydrates. Eat bread and cereal for breakfast (just not instant!).

5. Fruits. You can consume it in small quantities, for example, 1 apple per day. Grapefruits and lemons are allowed, but in no case are bananas allowed!

6. Vegetables. The exception is potatoes. Green vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

You should not eat anything 2 hours before and 1.5 hours after training, as your recovery and energy will come from the fat layer under your skin. You need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. To avoid losing muscle, keep an eye on your protein levels. Eat 6 times a day in small portions, after 6-7 pm do not eat porridge and cereals. The best foods: lean meat, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, low-fat kefir, milk and cottage cheese, fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes.

Rules for drying the body

  • Controlling caloric intake.
  • Gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Before six in the evening you need to eat 70% of your daily calories ().
  • The last meal should be taken 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • During drying, it is optimal to carry out 4 cardio workouts per week lasting 30-45 minutes and two strength training sessions lasting an hour. Adhere to the following scheme: 20 repetitions per set, rest between sets - 30 seconds, rest between exercises - up to 5 minutes. It is best to focus on basic exercises and full body training.
  • Eat an hour and a half before training and an hour and a half after it.
  • Don't forget to drink water during your workout.
  • Harmless fat consumption is up to 1 kg per week.
  • Weigh yourself every three days in the morning.

Remember that drying the body for girls is a method that is unsafe for the body. A no-carb diet can cause serious health problems and should not be followed continuously. Our body is accustomed to obtaining energy easily and quickly - from glucose, that is, from carbohydrates. This means that cutting out carbohydrates forces the body to use up old fat reserves. After going through the drying stage, you can stick to your normal diet, giving up only fatty and sweet foods - those that disfigure your figure in the shortest possible time.

Photos of transformations