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Tag Archives: positive words. Positive and negative words and phrases

Encouraging, comforting, positive words, whether written down or spoken out loud, have incredible power to heal, inspire, and change thoughts and emotions.

During the day we have to deal with different people, each of them has their own individual style of communication. Some use sarcastic phrases, others use constructive criticism, give compliments, and say caring and kind words. Have you noticed the impact that interacting with these people has on you?

Did you know that the words, phrases and sentences that we use in our speech are a projection of our inner world? A person can easily be deceived or misled by words, but there is one thing that cannot be hidden - non-verbal communication and body language.

And what about you? How do you express your thoughts and opinions when communicating with other people? Do you watch what you say or do you make light of your speech?

The best way to practice using positive words is on yourself. We constantly have an internal dialogue with ourselves. This is why the constant repetition of negative thoughts is one of the biggest reasons why most people do not succeed in personal growth and cannot fully enjoy life.

How to learn to use positive words?

Watch what you say

If you want specific answers, ask specific questions and use positive words. Instead of asking yourself or others why you always fail at something, formulate your statements differently, ask yourself what experience you can learn from it and what actions you can take to fix it.

Your words can bring you both suffering and joy. They can determine your next actions, so be careful what you tell yourself.


Making it a habit to think and speak positively will have a powerful effect on your behavior, morale, and motivation. Your words will be reflected in your perceptions and feelings.

Here are some examples of metaphors that have an immediate impact on feelings and emotions:

1. Life is like a piece of pie, easy and enjoyable.
2. “Life is a tightrope. Take it one step at a time and never look back." - Jay Cochrane
3. I'm in seventh heaven.
4. How to eat an elephant? One piece at a time
5. There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Read a lot, expand your vocabulary

They say that a limited vocabulary brings limited life experience. To improve your knowledge and use it to express your thoughts, emotions and experiences, constantly expand your vocabulary with new positive words.

Reading books and magazines will help infuse your words with power. When a limited vocabulary will only characterize you as an illiterate person.

Make a list of positive affirmations and read it every day

Affirmations are positive statements that are needed in order to get rid of limitations and direct your internal dialogue in a positive direction.

Examples of positive statements:

1. I feel confident and my self-confidence is growing every day.

2. I'm healthy
3. I am successful in everything I do.
4. Every day I acquire more and more knowledge and skills
5. I'm successful
6. I am constantly developing, success and personal growth await me.

List of encouraging, positive and kind words, statements and phrases:

1. You can
2. If others can do it, so can you.
3. Why not? Why not now? Why not me?
4. I love you
5. I trust you
6. I believe in you
7. Keep going
8. When action becomes difficult, difficulty becomes action.
9. It's not a defeat, it's just a reaction
10. Time heals all wounds
11. This too shall pass
12. Just do it
13. Every problem is an opportunity for personal growth and self-development.

Conscious and unconscious trust.

1. A necessary condition for any communication is the presence trust: If there is no trust, then there is no communication. There are two types of trust: conscious and unconscious.

2. Conscious Trust has to do with how well you know the person.

3. Subconscious Trust not connected with how long you have known the person. It is connected with how similar he is to you, how much his inner world coincides with yours, how human Mine.. And in communication this is the main thing.

The chart shows an impact analysis during a telephone presentation. At the same time, about 70% – Voice(tone, intonation, rhythm, timbre) and about 30% of the word itself.

WHAT SHOULD BE DONE BEFORE PICKING UP THE HANDBOOK? ______________________________________________

Read the following 150-word paragraph aloud. Record yourself on tape and use the table below to rate the quality of your own reading.

“When talking to a client on the phone, I sometimes think about how my speech is perceived by ear. I have a normal voice, but the phone does not convey it as it is. There is always some distortion. I have often noticed that over the phone, many people's speech sounds monotonous and monotonous, while in personal communication they can give it a fairly strong charge of expression. Because I spend hours every day on the phone trying to make callers feel good about myself, my company, and its services, I can't help but wonder how I'm perceived on the phone when I know my voice sounds distorted. Boring? Insincere? Tired? Too pushy? Does the interlocutor understand everything I say? This is very important for me, since speech is my only tool for telephone communication. This is why it is so important to be able to assess your ability to fully communicate over the phone. So, what effect do I have on the other person when I talk to him on the phone?”

Speech characteristics test table.

Loud speech on the phone is often less intelligible because the device settings are selected for normal, average volume levels.

Professionalism in telemarketing is defined as the ability to speak on the telephone in a natural, friendly manner, as if you were face to face with a friend, and politely offer him the opportunity to buy or not buy the product you are offering. At the same time, the client should not feel pressure.

ã Speech speed. The normal speaking speed is 125 words per minute. The average speaking speed on the phone is 150 words per minute.

ã Diction. Even if you speak slowly, if you do not pronounce sounds clearly, you may be difficult to understand.

Positive and negative words and phrases

The choice of words used during a presentation is extremely important. Words alone can cause persistent negative emotions L, other words J- positive emotions.

Phrases of operators to the client Situations in which they could be uttered. Adjusted wording.
Operator to client: “The quality check for your player has not yet been carried out.”
Operator to client: “He doesn’t have a last name.
Operator to client: “Good evening”
Operator to client: “Please stay on the line”
Operator to client: “Can I talk calmly and not shout?”
Operator to client: “I am not responsible for the actions of employees.”
Operator to client: “I can’t help you.”
Operator to client: “Wait for a while.”
Operator to client: “Phone model and city”
Operator to client: “Today is the weekend and we won’t be able to get through.”
Operator to client: “We’ll have to wait.”
Operator to client: “No information yet.”
Operator to client: “I don’t see any data on your phone at all.”
Operator to client: “Tell me your full name and I’ll tell you what stage your player is in.”
Operator to client: “I need the city from which you are calling.”
Operator to client: “I can’t find you.”
Operator to client: “Did you rent it exactly on March 3?”
Operator to client: “In this case, you can only leave your complaints.”
Operator to client: “Moisture got into the phone, it’s your fault.”
Operator to client: “Well, I can contact TT employees.”
Operator to client: “What do you want?”
We have a glitch in the program.
I did not accept the payment and did not see how much you paid.
Thank you so much (Big) for the long wait, sorry it took so long.
Call the number
Ale, I’m listening to you, man.
Just a minute, stay on the line.
Your problem will be solved there
Please formulate your question more clearly.
I can't help you anymore
Honestly, I don't understand anything
Not really. This was apparently a mistake.
You're wrong (You're wrong)
I can't answer this question
I have no information



What skills

Nothing motivates like the right slogans for the day. This fact is known to everyone: how you start the day is how you spend it! So start your day right.

We invite you to recharge your energy and spirit for the whole working day and look at the 25 best statuses for this week!

1. Dreams must be either crazy or unrealistic... Otherwise, they are just plans for tomorrow!

2. Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than a scream. Indifference is worse than war.

3. I’ll probably never grow up... I still believe in miracles, love and good people.

4. It’s not because of your beauty that I fell in love with you, and it’s not because of your old age that I’ll fall out of love.

5. Learn to let go. The native will always find its way back.

6. An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where he is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.

7. Live in such a way that when people encounter you, they smile, and when communicating with you, they become a little happier.

8. Sometimes in some strange ways in life everything works out on its own.

9. Happiness is when your parents are healthy.

10. By humiliating others, you will not become higher!

11. Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time...

12. Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment.

13. May the Almighty forgive us when we are dissatisfied with what we have...

14. Don't try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all their junk.

15. Everyone has their own problems - some have stale bread, and some have small diamonds. Appreciate what you have.

16. Sometimes the Almighty removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after him.

17. Do not be sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice at what does not yet exist.

18. If you don’t grab it with your soul, you won’t hold it with your body for long.

19. Everything is on time with God, so learn to wait.

20. This is real happiness, not your iPhones.

21. When your children achieve something, it is much more important than their own achievements.

22. Take care of your parents, because while they are alive, we are children!

23. Conscience is like that... It torments not those whom it should torment, but those who have it.

24. One of the greatest fears for a person is to realize that he has been wrong for a long time.

25. Many people consider it important to find a person in life, but only a few know that it is more important to find yourself.

I often taught the audience that positive news and kind words are essential in our time. And the state of our entire body often depends on what exactly we read. And now, more than ever, it is necessary to heal society from all the negativity that pours on us from everywhere.

And recently I read an interesting theory about torsion fields, which just confirms my thoughts about the negative impact of bad information on the general condition of the body. The essence of this theory is that a person lives surrounded by information fields that interact with the body at the genetic level and the general state of health depends on which field surrounds it - negative or positive.

Reference. The term torsion fields was born at the beginning of the 20th century at the suggestion of the mathematician Eli Cartan and in order to designate a hypothetical physical field that generates all of space. These torsion fields themselves are a generalized gigantic stream of data, forming a bottomless system. And each person, rotating in these fields, influences them with his thoughts, being a kind of generator.

Scientists have found that our genetic apparatus has a tendency to think and at the DNA level the body perfectly “understands” everything that happens around it. And just as we mentally feel all the information that comes from TV, the Internet and ordinary communication with people, so DNA understands speech and its meaning. Therefore, all the semantic negativity from TV and the Internet is imprinted into a person, changing his wave hereditary characteristics. And the accumulation of such distorted data negatively affects not only the person himself, but also his descendants.

In addition, one of the experiments of Russian scientists recently confirmed the negative impact of bad news on the human body. So, with the help of special equipment Ph.D. Garyaev and Ph.D. Tertyshny recorded that a “bad” word can cause a mutagenic effect, which will be similar to the effect of radiation on a person with a power of 1000 roentgens. However, if such an effect of radiation is almost immediately visible, then the negative effects of words are hardly noticeable.

A recent example of how negative words can be dangerous for a person comes from an advertising campaign by the American Association for the Welfare of Children. In it, creative managers reminded that a word can hit a child just as hard as physical force.

List of 10 most positive words

So, what words can help us? How to find those words that we perceive as the most positive, kind and bright. Here are ten words with a “+” sign that almost anyone perceives positively:

  • Sun
  • life
  • Love
  • happiness
  • rainbow
  • warm, gentle
  • dawn
  • kindness

For example, if you equate a person pumped up with negative news and abusive words to a person prone to alcoholism, then both will not admit that they are sick and will not want to be treated. Therefore, such people need to be pushed in every possible way to internal changes and try to help them get rid of this negative addiction.

Recently I came across an interesting portal - “ Stack". This is the original abbreviation of the name from “Stop Kaluga,” which speaks for itself about the connection with alcohol. On this portal, just like me, they have positive goals - the fight against negativity in society. Only, if my front is informational with negative news, then at “Stopka” they announced a fight against alcoholism. Moreover, the portal contains information on how not only to quickly get rid of such a harmful habit in society as drunkenness, but also how to help overcome another bad habit - smoking.

After all, if you look from the outside, then without a healthy body there will be no healthy spirit and vice versa. Therefore, if you do not help a person overcome this bad habit, then he will no longer be interested in any positive news. And a dependent person will not be able to produce healthy offspring and a healthy, full-fledged family. I believe that we need to help build a society that is not only spiritually healthy, but also physically healthy, so go to the stop-kaluga.ru portal and help everyone get rid of bad habits. In addition, there are a number of interesting bonuses - for regular communication and assistance, special points are awarded, for which you can pay for advertising of your portals and sites.

Why should you, as an internet entrepreneur, become a better writer, you ask?

Have you ever noticed the amazing ability of some writers to play with the reader's emotions?

No? But in vain. It’s precisely you, as an Internet entrepreneur, who should pay attention to this because the client ( attention secretsecret =)) buys ONLY emotions. Neither the product nor the solution to the problem, but the emotions that he receives from the work of the seller during the sale, the lack of stress thanks to your product, which prevented the problem, the positive emotions that the service can give, etc.

Just a few pages for real can make you experience the whole gamut of feelings: from excitement and tears to rage and the desire to throw a book across the room. This sign of the greatest writing skill, proof of mastery of the craft and the yardstick by which aspiring writers evaluate their work.

Of course, the ability to take the reader on an emotional rollercoaster is important for novels and short stories, but what to do with letters, blogs, resumes, commercial proposals? All of them, one way or another, are designed to influence the addressee. Their goal- transmit information, but you, as the author, are also interested so that the reader feels close to these emotions and takes the targeted action.

Maybe you need to impress them; make you worry or, on the contrary, wary; to make you angry or to push you to continue the path you have started – here the goal can be any kind of emotion. The more feelings you evoke in the reader, the greater your influence on him and, therefore, the greater the chance of achieving your goals.

Remember: it is emotion that leads to a target action (purchase, for example), you just need to be careful about what emotions to evoke in the reader for a certain target action and actually become this brilliant writer who can evoke the right emotions.

Want to know how to do this?

We have good news for you: you can achieve this too. There is an easy way. Read on to find out what you need to do.

How to become a better writer in an instant? It's simple. Use powerful words.

Instead of explaining what I mean, I I'll give you quote great Winston Churchill:

“We stand on the threshold of a severe test, one of the most difficult. We have many, many long months of struggle and suffering ahead of us. You ask, what is our policy? I can answer: to wage war. Land, sea and air, with all our strength and with all the strength that God can give us; a war against a monstrous tyranny, which nothing in the dark, sorrowful history of human crimes has hitherto surpassed. This is our policy. You ask, what is our goal? I can answer in one word: it is a victory. Victory at any cost; victory, despite all the terror; victory, no matter how long and stubborn the path to it; for without victory we cannot survive.”

Inspiring, isn't it?

Yes, there was room for inspiration there. Under threat from Germany, Britain was fighting for its survival, and somehow Churchill needed to find a way to inspire his countrymen and encourage them to fight.

He chose the words. Or to be more precise, powerful words.

Let's look at this quote again, and this time highlight the powerful words:

“We stand on the threshold of a severe test, one of the most difficult. We have many, many long months of struggle and suffering ahead of us. You ask, what is our policy? I can answer: to wage war. Land, sea and air, with all our strength and with all the strength that God can give us; a war against a monstrous tyranny, which nothing in the dark, sorrowful history of human crimes has hitherto surpassed. This is our policy. You ask, what is our goal? I can answer in one word: it is a victory. Victory at any cost; victory, despite any terror; victory, no matter how long and stubborn the path to it; for without victory we cannot survive.”

Each underlined word evokes some feeling in the audience. In this case, Churchill mixes words that cause fear(“struggle”, “tyranny”, “terror”) with words that give hope(“power”, “God”, “victory”). Especially the last, positive words are repeated again and again, causing almost a storm of emotions in the minds of the audience.

This is no coincidence. , like their speechwriters, infuse their public speeches with carefully chosen, powerful words, skillfully leading the audience from one emotion to another - just like any writer or screenwriter.

Of course, this is not the only thing they use. The best writers use many tools to evoke emotion in the recipient, and words are only one of them.

But for aspiring authors, powerful words - it is one of the easiest tools to learn. Instead of using a variety of techniques that require years of writing practice, you can start using powerful words in your writing, and you will soon notice a significant improvement in the quality of your writing.

All you need is a list of such words, and of course, I have prepared it for you.

257 Powerful Words You Can Start Using Right Now:


1. Provoking panic

Let's do a little experiment. Take a break from this article for a while, and find a news channel. Watch it for about five minutes, listening to the words. You will likely hear dozens of words that I list below. And that's why:

, is undoubtedly the most powerful emotion for capturing and holding the audience's attention. To keep you from changing the channel, newscasts overload your mind with fear-inducing words, making you worry that you'll miss something important.

And it works. Of course, there is a danger of overdoing it, but in my opinion, most authors do not use these words enough in their work. And they really help you find .

Here's a list to get you started:

















Out of place









Laughing stock


















2. Pep talk

Let's face it. Most people are not full of energy and enthusiasm when they read. They may feel bored, perhaps a little depressed, and almost certainly tired. They subconsciously look for something that could cheer them up and make them feel a little better.

Good news: yours can do it. Use the following words to write an encouraging text and give your readers some positivity:




















Strength of will









3. Take a page from any men's magazine (I'm serious)

Whether we like it or not, passion is one of the basic human emotions. Just take a look at the men's and women's magazines on the trays and you'll see what I mean. Almost every cover directly or indirectly hints at sex.

And this applies not only to men's and women's magazines - it can be used everywhere. As a writer, you can use passion words to make almost any piece of writing compelling.

Here is a list of words for this topic:

















4. Playing on greed

Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert once said, “If you want people to buy something, irritate their greed glands until they bleed.” Figuratively? - Yes, but still true.

Read , and you will find many such powerful words. Many of them are already so hackneyed that they have long turned into clichés, but this does not negate their effectiveness.

The bottom line is that almost all of us are interested in how to make or save money. To stimulate these desires, use the following words:

For free


blow up













hidden treasures



Six figures



5. Give a feeling of security

Greed isn't the only emotion your readers should feel. You should also make them feel safe.

They need to trust you and your product or service and trust that you will deliver. They must believe in the result.

Of course, creating such trust begins with the quality of the product/service and reputation, but the words with which you , are also very important. To help clients feel safe, try using the following words whenever possible:



No questions

Without obligations

Free of charge











No risk


Cancel at any time


Backed up


Try before you buy




Life time

6. Offer forbidden fruit

Do you remember when you were probably forbidden to do something as a child, and from that moment on you couldn’t think about anything else? It was so?

It attracts us all - such is our nature. So why not use this fact to your advantage?

Whenever you need to arouse curiosity, use the words below in your texts and your readers will not be able to resist the temptation:


Behind the scenes




Banned by censorship






Illegal distribution





Cover up


Back door


Yes, this is a huge list, but not the whole list. Of course, there are a lot of powerful words, and it’s difficult to fit them all into one article. But what you have read is the basis, the basis that will help you immediately evoke the emotions of your readers and / , subscription, etc.

What other words are there that carry an emotional charge?

Do you have 5 minutes? Read another very useful article: