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Tattoos for Taurus women by date of birth. Taurus tattoo. Meaning of Taurus tattoo

Taurus is the second zodiac sign that relates to the Earth. As a rule, people born under it are old-fashioned and conservative, but at the same time sensual, sentimental and emotional. So at a certain period of life, they, like many others, want to attract attention to themselves, standing out, for example, with a tattoo of their sign.

Taurus is considered a masculine symbol in many cultures, representing stubbornness, speed, masculinity and fertility.

The tattoo can be applied either with a drawing of the animal itself, or in the form of a zodiac image, which is the letter “o” with some semblance of horns. By the way, the latter is more preferred by the fair half of humanity. Men most often choose a full-fledged image on the chest or shoulder.

It is believed that after applying a Taurus tattoo, a person is filled with convincing confidence in his abilities. The roads he chooses will certainly lead to success.

You should be very careful about the color scheme of the image, because it significantly changes its semantic meaning. You shouldn’t overdo it with an abundance of flowers, because you can get the opposite effect of what you wanted. Men are characterized by gray-black and burgundy tones. For women - black or red, often the image of the Taurus sign is applied with one black outline.

Those born under the sign of Taurus (April 21 - May 20) often come to a tattoo parlor to decorate their body with the symbol of their sign. Under the auspices of the earthly element, under this constellation strong personalities are born who are not accustomed to looking for easy ways. They are conservative and at the same time sensual. Their leadership qualities allow them to achieve their goals in everything. Therefore, the sign of this constellation is very symbolic.

The main characteristics of a person born under this sign:

  • leisurely
  • stubbornness
  • kindness
  • strength of mind

Taurus tattoos in different cultures and among different peoples

In many cultures, the image of a bull has a dual meaning. But such an image always symbolizes masculine principles, fertility and the firmness of one’s own positions.

In a number of ethnic groups, the image of Taurus is a symbol of power.

In some cultures, the image of a bull next to a lion is considered a symbol of death.

In many countries where the Ox is a sacred animal, such tattoos are very in demand and popular.

Who is a Taurus tattoo suitable for?

The image of a bull is a fairly popular tattoo among people of any zodiac sign. The constellation symbol should be chosen first of all by those born under the constellation Taurus. Although this issue is still controversial. Some people who lack confidence believe that such a symbol can endow a person with missing qualities.

By nature, Taurus are confident, assertive and very intelligent. For those representatives of this sign who feel a lack of some quality in themselves, it is best to get a tattoo on the left shoulder. This will help you gain self-confidence.

Taurus tattoo designs

Depending on the culture, a Taurus tattoo can carry different meanings. The sketches proposed by the salon master can be either decorative or anime-style (in other words: serious and cartoonish). The artistic symbol indicates a harmonious, strong personality, capable of boldly looking into the eyes of any difficulties and enemies.

Cartoon pictures, as a rule, do not carry an energy load. But they are able to create a harmonious composition of a positive nature. In addition, they can look very sexy on a fragile female body.

Taurus tattoo in any version is suitable for both men and women of any age. When choosing a design, you should pay attention to the color scheme of the tattoo. In order for the Taurus symbol to work to achieve its goals, you should not overload the image with bright colors. It is better to choose options in subdued colors so as not to lose the meaning of the talisman.

Taurus tattoos harmoniously combine with floral designs, since Venus is the patron sign. Taurus' lucky stone is emerald. For this reason, it is appropriate to depict jewelry made of stone or perform a tattoo in emerald color. Taurus in full height is often depicted in dynamics. Girls can choose an image of a calmly resting animal.

The symbol of the sign becomes a talisman for a person, which adds confidence and brings success in business.

Taurus Tattoo Places

The tattoo can be applied to any area of ​​the body and have any size. Be it a realistic image, or a symbol - a circle with horns. People prone to mysticism prefer to apply tattoos in places where the image can be easily hidden from prying eyes. For example, on the back of a girl’s neck, where it is easy to hide a tattoo under loose hair.

In addition to the confidence and strength that the symbol of the sign can bring, such a tattoo will emphasize the individuality and temperament of nature and will attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Famous people born under the sign of Taurus

Michelle Pfeiffer

actress from America, was nominated for an Oscar three times. Has received awards such as the BAFTA and Golden Globe awards.

Chris Kelmi

Soviet rock musician. Former frontman of the band “Leap Summer”.

David Beckham

footballer from Great Britain. During his career he was a member of many football clubs, including Manchester United and Real Madrid. He plays as a midfielder.

Joe Cocker

singer from Great Britain who performed blues ballads and rock songs.

George Clooney

actor, film director, screenwriter of the United States. He became famous after the release of the serial film “Emergency”.

Niccolo Machiavelli

14th century politician in Florence. In his famous work “The Prince,” the philosopher expressed his views on what state power should be

Honore de Balzac

writer from France, founder of such a genre in literature as realism. The most famous series of works is “The Human Comedy,” which tells about the French structure of society.

Sigmund Freud

Austrian psychoanalyst. His works had a significant impact on psychology as a whole.

Tony Blair

seventy-third British Prime Minister, politician, former leader of the Labor Party.

Uma Thurman

actress and model from America. The director’s film “Pulp Fiction” brought Uma not only enormous popularity, but also three prestigious awards: “Oscar”, “BAFTA” and “Golden Globe”.

Yuri Shevchuk

rock musician, actor and producer. Creator and permanent member of the DDT group. He is a People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Photo of Taurus tattoo

Clients who prefer the image of a bull's head want to focus on some details. These may be nostrils with blazing fire; a nose ring that gives a stern look; menacing horns. Such tattoos represent protection. The bull's head can fit harmoniously into Scandinavian motifs.

A little about the zodiac sign and the history of tattoos

Taurus is the second zodiac sign in astrology; among specialists in this field, it belongs to the element Earth and is associated with the planet Venus. According to astrologers, only stubborn and jealous, but also reliable and gentle individuals can be born Taurus. It is believed that people of this sign clearly know what they want and go straight towards their goal. It is this positive character trait that people often try to reflect in Taurus tattoos.

Taurus tattoo: meaning

Tattoos of the zodiac sign Taurus are tattooed by young and adult tattoo lovers no less often than other symbols. Someone wants to depict on their body their faith in the stars and astrology, for others such a picture is a symbol of love for a person born between April 20 and May 21. However, a Taurus tattoo is not always just a horoscope sign. It does not necessarily mean only the date of birth. The meaning of Taurus tattoos is often much deeper.

Taurus tattoo: meaning in different cultures

The meaning of the Taurus zodiac sign tattoo is closely related to the symbolism of the bull in tattoo culture. However, they still have different meanings, so the two images should not be confused. However, sometimes instead of a calf they depict the head of a bull or its entire body, implying the sign of the zodiac. In this case, the tattoo will symbolize the calf, and not the animal.

The Taurus sign in a tattoo means strength and power, authority, readiness to go to the end and achieve your goals. It can also be a symbol of stubbornness or self-reliance. A Taurus tattoo often signifies conservatism, caution in decisions, or even unabsorbable vitality.

Some people claim that a new tattoo of this zodiac sign brings good luck. For some it improves intuition, for others it becomes a lucky amulet, and for others it is easy to achieve peace of mind after making a drawing.

If you are going to choose among sketches without a sign or date symbol, and just tattoo a bull, be prepared for the fact that such a tattoo also has its meaning for people from places “not so distant”. In the zone, the bull is stuffed into men who, on someone else’s orders, deal with the guilty.

Placing a Taurus Tattoo on the Body

Most often, a tattoo sketch can have three types: an image of the head or entire body of a bull, a symbol of the zodiac sign (a circle with horns) or an inscription with a Latin name. The Taurus constellation is a tattoo that is tattooed quite rarely. Depending on which option you choose, it is worth considering possible placement locations for the tattoo.

The inscription, constellation or symbol of the zodiac sign is traditionally often tattooed on the wrist or ankle. Somewhat less often, the neck or ribs are used for such sketches. The bull's head is stuffed on the back, chest, and thigh. A tattoo of the Taurus sign on the left shoulder acts as an amulet or talisman for a person. On other parts of the body, the image carries the usual meaning described above. From the photo of the Taurus sign tattoo, it can be noted that sometimes the sketches appear in other places.

Tattoo color meaning

For a tattoo with a Taurus image, the color of the picture plays an important role. Thus, a pure black bull, especially with burning eyes, means playing with dark forces or even death. Therefore, masters recommend diluting the sketch with other shades or supplementing it with the inscription Taurus (Latin for “taurus”) at the bottom.

In general, the recommended shades depend entirely on the style you choose. Most often, men choose gray, black, or even bloody or burgundy colors, which emphasize masculinity, determination, and even some aggressiveness. From the photo of Taurus zodiac sign tattoos for girls, it can be noted that women more often choose classic black and red shades or dilute the sketch with other colored elements.

Taurus zodiac sign tattoos for men and girls

Taurus tattoos for men are often much better suited than for young girls. This is to some extent due to the dual meaning of both the bull and the zodiac sign symbol. In addition, the tattoo to a greater extent symbolizes the qualities characteristic of guys: stubbornness, determination, masculinity, self-confidence, therefore, indeed, Taurus is a male tattoo.

Despite this, you can see from the photo that Taurus tattoos are also popular for girls. True, women more often choose a neat small symbol of the zodiac sign or an inconspicuous inscription in Latin. The meaning of a Taurus tattoo for girls does not change depending on the specific design; it still symbolizes strength, power and authority. You can place the sketch you like on your shoulder, then the tattoo will most likely mean protection for the owner.

Taurus tattoos for men are usually not just a zodiac sign in the form of a circle with horns. Guys prefer larger works (especially when placing them on the back or chest) and combine several ideas. A strong and detailed bull is usually located in the center of the sketch.

Taurus tattoo styles

Since, most likely, you will have to look at the tattoo in the mirror every day, you should approach the choice of style and specific design responsibly. Pictures for Taurus tattoos are chosen differently. The sketch can be either a realistic photograph of a bull or a “schematic” graphic image of it made using lines and geometric shapes. Accordingly, the style depends on the original picture. The most popular are realism, graphics, dotwork, trash polka, linework, and neo-traditional art.

Taurus tattoo is one of the most controversial signs of the zodiac. People born under this symbol combine rationality and sensuality, perseverance and gentleness, the desire for power and responsibility. Taurus plays an important role in Greek mythology and has rightfully taken its place in the zodiac circle.


Taurus is the hero of the myth of Europe. Zeus, the supreme god, was so fascinated by the beauty of the earthly girl Europa, the daughter of the king of Phenicia, that he decided to kidnap her. He turned into a white bull and mixed with the royal herd, which was grazing in the meadows. When Europe left her friends and went to pick flowers, the snow-white calf came up to her, began to caress her and lay down at her feet. The young princess sat on his back and he rushed her to the sea with incredible speed. Having plunged into the water, the bull swam. And when Europe opened her eyes, she saw that the waves had died down, and the sea god Poseidon was swimming next to the bull. It is from this legend that the Taurus sign tattoo originates. Having sailed to the island of Crete, the bull appeared before Europe in its real appearance. The girl fell in love with her kidnapper and married him. Subsequently, they had three sons. So the legend of the abduction of Europe became a plot not only for writers, but also for artists. And Taurus turned into a constellation in the sky.

In addition, it is believed that the Taurus tattoo is also related to the god of wine, Dionysus. Son of Zeus with bull horns and vines on his head. He combines two hypostases - the earthly, carnal and the sublime, divine. Also, people born under this sign combine seemingly incompatible qualities and character traits.

Meaning of Taurus tattoo

A tattoo of the zodiac sign Taurus is the personification of will, determination, the ability to win and achieve your goals. It is also a symbol of harmony, the unity of the spiritual and physical principles in a person.

Since the bull is primarily the personification of natural male power, it is not surprising that such things are most often done by representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Taurus zodiac sign tattoos can change their meaning somewhat depending on the style of the tattoo.

A realistic depiction of a bull – energy, strength, complex character. An angry bull, ready to attack, speaks of the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones, natural aggressiveness and lack of fear of a strong opponent.

A Taurus tattoo made in ethnic motifs - tribal, runic script, Slavic ornament - is considered a talisman. Such an image symbolizes the desire for constant self-development and self-knowledge, and also speaks of a strong connection with the origins, of a person’s faith in the power of nature. The zodiac image of the sign of Taurus, as if carved on a tree or stone, symbolizes the connection with the element of earth, indicates that a person is self-confident, principled and firmly on his feet.

Tattoo of the zodiac sign Taurus in the form of a snake - photo on hand

Taurus - back tattoo

A Taurus tattoo in an oriental style is typical for multi-faceted, deep personalities. It speaks of the integrity and steadfastness of its owner. Often accompanied by other oriental symbols - plants and animals.

But representatives of the fair half of humanity prefer abstract images of Taurus sign tattoos. Most often this is an astrological symbol - a circle with horns. Sometimes it is accompanied by inscriptions in the form of the date of birth and the word Taurus - Taurus, bull in Latin. In this case, dark colors are most often used - black, brown, burgundy.

Where to get a Taurus tattoo

It is important that the zodiac tattoo looks harmonious on the body. Small tattoos of the Taurus constellation look appropriate on the wrist and ankle, and can even be designed as a bracelet.

Medium-sized tattoos are appropriate on the shoulder or forearm, on the calves, shoulder blades, and chest.

Large tattoos are usually done in the style of realism or oriental. These include tattoos on the back, chest, hips, and sleeves.

In addition, a Taurus zodiac sign tattoo is perfect for hiding skin imperfections. Tattoos on scars are the most popular option, followed by tattoos on stretch marks and burn marks.

Taurus zodiac sign tattoo for a man

The variety of options in which a bull can be depicted suggests that this symbol can mask any defects. The main thing is to choose or draw a sketch correctly.

And remember – the main task is to choose the right specialist. Especially if the image is not abstract, but detailed. An unsuccessful job will definitely require correction, and correcting a tattoo is a long and expensive process; often correcting someone else’s work takes much longer than the initial application.

And remember, a Taurus tattoo may not always be associated with your date of birth. The image of a bull is also chosen by those people who want to emphasize the inherent features of this animal - strength, steadfastness and determination.

From the perspective of astrology, a tattoo image, including zodiac signs, has a powerful effect on a person’s life and destiny and can become both a talisman and a source of trouble. Taurus is worth pricking:

    of course, entering this sign;

    those who want to achieve maximum confidence;

    those hoping to gain strength and power (guys, this is for you!);

    those who lack composure and calm;

    those experiencing problems with willpower (and this is significant for girls);

    humble and submissive to his fate, it makes sense to depict the calf as a bull with a steel ring threaded through his nostril (a symbol of submission).

Color and style aspects

If you fill a Taurus in a multi-color scheme, this can illustrate the variety of character traits of the owner. However, it is best for women to limit themselves to red and black shades, and for men to prefer burgundy or gray-black tones. These combinations emphasize the natural passion of the owner (owner), their truly masculine (feminine) qualities.

You can demonstrate your gentle character by decorating yourself with anime (cartoon) bulls, especially those appearing against the background of plants and flowing water. The golden “Taurus” shows a firm intention to become financially prosperous people. This meaning becomes more relevant every year...

Male and female

Men almost always prefer bright, rich colors, emotionally rich images; their bodies are often preparing to attack the enemy. Women, on the contrary, place their tattoos of this type of relatively small size, as discreetly as possible, masking them with hair.

Interestingly, there are also beautiful sketches of the calf in the spirit of minimalism (when it is shown as a circle with horns, that is, the stylized head of a real bull). Women can put such pictures on their wrists, and men can put them on their backs. If you place them on the neck, where hair will no longer grow, it creates an aura of mystery and romanticism, which for many means a chance to express their nature.


In general, there can be very, very many solutions based on the body when designing a tattoo. This includes an inscription in the form of a birthday in beautiful fonts, and a display of the head in profile or full face, varying degrees of detail, a monochrome or color picture: the decision should be made only by the owner or owner. You can increase the emotional intensity through details:

    still the same steel ring;

    threats with horns;

    ornamental decoration;

    adding to the head jets of air, steam or even fire flying out of the nostrils;

    small inscriptions (or large, or medium, or even curly).

Let us add that in all cultures the bull is characterized as a symbol of strength and dedication in defending one’s goal. Famous bearer: Dwayne Johnson.