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Gemini zodiac sign tattoo on hand. Gemini tattoo photo - constellation in men's and women's tattoos. Interpretation of twins tattoo

> Gemini in love

Obviously, the Gemini tattoo is associated with the icon. Most people choose this tattoo in honor of their zodiac sign or to honor an important person. In some rare cases it is a reflection of the actual constellation Gemini.


In Greek mythology, the twin sons of Zeus and Leda were Castor and Pollux. According to history, the first was mortal, and the second immortal. One of them got into trouble due to cattle theft, and the second was innocent.

On star charts, twins appear near the Chalk Path. Moreover, one of them is inside, and the second is outside. This reflects a situation in which the first one was stealing, and the second one was simply watching from afar.

Gemini sign

It includes people born from May 22 to June 21. This is the third sign of the zodiac that represents human twins. All this greatly influences the divided character of a person.

Gemini sign:

  • Courageous
  • Positive
  • Air zodiac
  • Associated with Mercury

Associated with:

  • Stone: agate
  • Color: yellow and rainbow
  • Metal: mercury
  • Lily flower

Geminis are credited with the following characteristics:

  • Nervousness and tension
  • A good mood
  • Wit
  • Optimism
  • Intelligence and curiosity
  • Charm
  • Idealism, but not naivety
  • Versatility
  • Superficiality
  • Childish nature and immaturity

Gemini symbol

The zodiac sign design is presented in a simple form and looks like a Roman numeral II.

The constellation Gemini resembles a string of lines or numbers. They display the stars and their location in the constellation. However, the owner has to explain the meaning, since not everyone is familiar with it.

Twins tattoo

People who dream of getting a tattoo according to their zodiac sign believe in astrology and want to reflect their affiliation with the zodiac circle. The zodiac symbol is a popular choice for a first tattoo. If it is small, it can be placed on your leg or arm.

Although Gemini tattoos are quite simple, some owners prefer to complement the original version with other elements, such as the flower of the sign or the lucky number (5).

Celtic tattoos

Here is a more complex pattern intertwined with the standard glyph. Typically written in black ink with fading around the lines. But they can be made colorful if desired.

Chinese Gemini

In the Chinese horoscope, the equivalent of Gemini is the resourceful horse, which includes those born from June 6 to July 6.

Here are some Chinese symbols for Gemini:

Gemini constellation tattoos

The most popular places: arm or leg. Since the design is placed vertically, it is made on elongated surfaces of the body.

Most often they are applied exclusively in black, but you can deviate from the rules. And some use it as a background for another tattoo.

The tattoo shows two main stars: Castor (the head of the right double) and Pollux (the left one).

Celebrity Tattoo

Courteney Cox (Friends) has a white Gemini tattoo on her stomach.

The history of Gemini tattoos as a zodiac sign

The Gemini sign is often used in tattoos, and it is not always related to the horoscope. Despite the fact that this zodiac sign is often depicted simply as two identical faces, it is best to supplement the sketch with other astrological elements so that the drawing is interpreted unambiguously.

Gemini zodiac sign tattoo: meaning

A tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini can be depicted either in the form of a simple symbol or inscription, or look like a real work of art, a full-fledged embodiment of an artistic idea. Among other astrological signs, this is one of the most popular, and the ideas of the masters are simply amazing. 3D tattoos of the Gemini sign look especially interesting, but more on that a little later.

Most often, twin tattoos are tattooed by those born in the May-June period, or by those who had people dear to their hearts born during these months: a significant other, a parent or a child, although astrologers do not recommend tattooing a symbol of a constellation other than their own. Those born under the sign of Gemini are usually vulnerable and romantic individuals. They make decisions quickly and often change their point of view on various issues.
Popular tattoo options are a realistic image of twins (both babies and adults; the gender of the people depicted does not affect the meaning of the twin tattoo), the symbol of the sign (two columns connected to each other, reminiscent of the Roman numeral II), the inscription Gemini (from Latin - “twins”) "), constellation and others.

Types of Gemini Zodiac Sign Tattoos and Their Meanings

The meaning of a Gemini tattoo closely intersects with the influence of the zodiac sign on a person’s character and his destiny. Thus, a tattoo in the form of two faces or columns can symbolize duplicity, two sides of a person, or, conversely, show the harmony of his character. Sometimes two connected columns can also mean a gateway to the world of self-knowledge.

Astrologers also believe that a Gemini tattoo tattooed on the body of a person of this zodiac sign can attract positive emotions, help develop intuition in business and achieve success in both career and personal life. Thus, a pattern on the skin is not only a beautiful image, but also a kind of amulet and amulet that changes the owner’s life for the better.

If we approach the question of the meaning of the symbol of twins in a tattoo from the point of view of the inhabitants of the East, then in this case the sketch can become a talisman. Gemini belongs to the element Air, and in eastern countries - Wind. It is believed that a tattoo can reduce the importance of the elements in a person’s life and save him from excessive frivolity in business, protect him from excessive emotionality and unnecessary love affairs.

In general, a tattoo with the Gemini zodiac sign means duality, different aspects of life, endless movement forward, eternal youth and the desire to constantly look for a new solution, rather than adapt to the existing order.

Tattoo color scheme

From the photo of the Gemini zodiac sign tattoo, it can be noted that most often the sketches are printed in black. Girls prefer warmer and brighter colors, such as green, purple, red and others. Gemini tattoos for men are often purely black. Sometimes this color is combined with other dark shades - blue or gray.

In order to enhance the influence of a Gemini zodiac tattoo on your destiny and make it an even stronger amulet, it is best to depict it in yellow shades, since it is considered the zodiac color for the sign.

Where to get a tattoo?

The meaning of a twins tattoo can vary greatly depending on the placement of the design. A tattoo can become a protective amulet, help you concentrate and find the right solution, or even protect you from evil forces. From the photo of twin tattoos you can see that it is rarely done on the shoulder. This is quite strange, because this arrangement of the sketch indicates the person’s purposefulness, his readiness to fight life’s obstacles.

A twin tattoo on the wrist also means a desire for success, but it also emphasizes the good intuition of the owner of the tattoo. If you write a sketch on your left wrist, the drawing will become a real amulet. A tattoo will protect you from evil people and their bad influence, help you develop the gift of prediction or intuition, and find the right solution in life situations.

The meaning of the Gemini zodiac tattoo is also especially special when it is placed on the outer surface of the right forearm. A tattoo will help you concentrate on problems, give you patience, restraint, self-control and even improve your memory. It is believed that when a tattoo of the Gemini zodiac sign is tattooed on the forearm, a person gets rid of bad thoughts and begins to control his destiny, not allowing it to influence circumstances alone.

Those born under the sign of Gemini, despite their openness and friendliness, are often mysterious personalities. Therefore, they often get a tattoo purely for themselves, on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body, away from prying eyes, for example, on the back or on the ribs. Girls place the sketch on their neck and, if necessary, can cover the design with their hair.

Gemini zodiac sign tattoos for girls and men

The Gemini tattoo sign is often tattooed by both girls and boys. The only difference is in the artistry and color scheme of the sketch. Men prefer the classic, no-frills option. Men's tattoo of the Gemini zodiac is usually quite discreet - the symbol of the sign in black without geometric patterns or additional elements. The Gemini sign in a tattoo for men is strict, designed in a Gothic style. Sometimes guys choose larger-scale sketches and make real paintings of two people. Girls prefer rather modest and neat options. Most often this is an image of two twin babies, a zodiac sign, decorated with ornate lines, or an inscription in a beautiful font.

The constellation Gemini is a tattoo that is more often tattooed by girls than by men. This is not surprising, because this pattern is very delicate and neat, it looks great on a woman’s body, especially on the ankle or under the breast.

The Gemini zodiac sign tattoo is chosen by those people who were born under this constellation, but not only do they get it for themselves, others can also get it. It is not necessary for a tattoo to have any meaning; you can do it just like that. And so that it has a certain magical character, astrological elements are added to it.

The element of the zodiac sign Gemini is Air. His patron is the planet Mercury. It rotates faster than others and is located closest to the Sun. One side of Mercury is in eternal cold and never sees the Sun, while the other, on the contrary, is always exposed to high temperatures. Maybe it is because of this that people born under this sign are changeable and unpredictable.

There is such a version of the origin of the constellation: it is named after the twin brothers Pollux and Castor, who were the sons of Zeus. When Castor died tragically, the second brother came to his father with a request to deprive him of immortality, but Zeus turned the brothers into a constellation. This is just one version. There is also the possibility that the constellation is associated with the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, as well as the characters from the Bible, Cain and Abel. In history, they took on completely different roles: some achieved their goal, while others, on the contrary, fought all their lives.

Basically, the tattoo is made in the form of two columns with a crossbar at the top and bottom, and there is space inside. In ancient times, this sign reminded people of the gate that was between mere mortal people and the world of the gods.

Meaning of Gemini tattoo

A person who gets a tattoo of the Gemini zodiac sign will always have an amulet that will protect him and bring him success in business. It is very important for people born under this constellation to concentrate on one thing and achieve previously set goals. On the one hand, they are very sociable and can be distinguished from the crowd, on the other hand, they are closed and in no hurry to open their inner world. This is why tattoos cannot always be seen, since they prefer to do it in a closed place, be it the back or ribs. Sketches of tattoos for the Gemini zodiac sign can be varied. Regardless of which one you choose, be it a symbol or an image of people, its meaning still does not change.

Tattoo color scheme

Tattoos for girls of the Gemini zodiac sign can be in different colors, most often it’s just black. But there are people who prefer to make lighter colors: green, red, lilac. Well, men don’t really like multi-colored ones, so they just choose black. This color may include shades of gray.

In order for a tattoo to have a strong magical meaning, astrologers advise doing it with the addition of yellow, since it is the color of this constellation.

Where to get a tattoo

The meaning of a tattoo may vary depending on the location. It has the power to help you concentrate and protect you from evil intentions. From the photo of tattoos of the Gemini zodiac sign, you can see that no one does it on the shoulder, although this may indicate the person’s determination.

If a tattoo is done on the wrist, then this person will always strive for success. This may also indicate good intuition of the owner. If the design is on the wrist of the left hand, then it will serve as a protective amulet. Also, a tattoo of the Gemini zodiac sign will protect you from bad people and help you make the right decisions if you are in doubt. Also, the pattern depicted on the back of the neck is protective in nature.

Combination with other tattoos

This tattoo can be done on its own or combined with other designs. It can be decorated with various small stars, monograms or flowers. The combination with another zodiac sign, for example, with the sign of your soulmate, looks beautiful.

Execution technique

Masters say that the Gemini zodiac sign tattoo is the most common among other constellations. Most likely, due to the fact that this sign is the most realistic and gives a lot of scope for imagination. After the work of a tattoo artist, it can look like a work of art. Well, as for men, they prefer a more strict design. Women, on the contrary, make tattoos more tender and modest, adding various inscriptions. Now you know a little more about Gemini zodiac sign tattoos.

A tattoo is not just a design on the body. Any tattoo for the Gemini zodiac sign carries specific information - magical meaning and energy of a certain quality. This cannot be ignored.

Popular tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini

The most popular tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini are the actual astrological sign of Gemini, a vulture depicting two vertical pillars, or the gate to the world of knowledge (the sign is similar to the Roman numeral 2). It is also often used in different variations, often surrounded by flowers and stars.

The sacred meaning of tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini

Any tattoos with zodiac signs have a sacred meaning. If you want to have a magical tattoo, this is the easiest way to choose an occult symbol. By applying your zodiac sign to your body, you will acquire magical Gemini zodiac sign tattoo. But not everything is so simple, you need to choose the right place to apply it.

  • For Geminis, tattoos should be applied to the wrist, preferably the left one. In this case, the tattoo of the Gemini zodiac sign becomes a powerful talisman. By helping to develop the gift of foresight, a tattoo promotes success in any field of activity for people born under this zodiac constellation.
  • In addition, tattoos of the Gemini zodiac sign can be located on the outer side of the forearm. In this case, the right forearm is preferable. Located at this point, a tattoo will help its wearer concentrate energy, memory, and strengthen self-control and patience.

Gemini is ruled by Air. In the East, this element is called Wind. So, the influence of the Wind can be slightly reduced with the help of sacred power Gemini zodiac sign tattoos. In this case, both mentioned locations of the drawings allow you to avoid excessive emotionality and unbridled sexual desires.

Since its inception, tattoos have served not only as a way to decorate one’s body, but also carry deep symbolism. Now, when fans of tattoo culture pay less and less attention to what meanings are attributed to certain images, the symbolism embedded in the sketch still continues to play an important role. The source of inspiration can be anything: history, mythology, favorite works of art, hobbies, or even your own zodiac sign. Today we will talk about the meaning of a tattoo with the Gemini zodiac sign, consider several unusual subjects and offer stylistic solutions and composition options that you are unlikely to see on anyone else.

The Legend of Pollux and Castor

Pollux and Castor are the two brightest stars in Gemini. There is a very beautiful and touching Greek legend about them, telling about true brotherly love.

According to her, the Spartan king Tyndareus was married to a woman named Leda, whose beauty was so dazzling that even Zeus himself could not resist her. The Thunderer, seeing her just once, was so amazed that he decided to conquer the beauty. Turning into a swan so as not to catch the eye of Hera, his legal wife, he entered Leda’s chambers through the window. As a result, the queen gave birth to his son Polydeuces (in the Roman style - Pollux) and a daughter - the well-known Helen, because of whose unearthly beauty thousands of soldiers laid down their lives in the Trojan War. But at the same time, the queen gave birth to two more children from her husband, also a son and a daughter, Castor and Clytemnestra. Pollux, being the son of the Thunderer, received from him the most valuable gift - immortality, while his brother remained mortal. However, this did not stop the brothers from becoming the closest people in the world to each other.

Together with their cousins, Lynceus and Ides, they performed unprecedented feats, the fame of which spread everywhere. But one day a serious quarrel broke out between the brothers, and Id, falling into a rage, killed Castor. Pollux, deciding to avenge his beloved brother, entered into battle with Id. Their strengths were equal, so the Lord of Olympus had to intervene, and he incinerated the killer with a lightning strike.

Pollux’s grief was great; he could not come to terms with the fact that his brother would have to descend into the underworld of Hades, that they were destined to be separated forever, because the immortal Pollux was never destined to sail along the dark waters of the Styx. And then he began to beg his father to deprive him of immortality in order to be able to reunite with his brother, even in the dark domains of Hades. Zeus was moved by his son’s plea and offered him a choice: either ascend to Olympus and feast forever with the gods, or spend a day in the dark kingdom of the dead with his brother, and the next on Olympus. Naturally, Pollux chose the second option.

So that people would remember this selfless brotherly love, the Thunderer turned the brothers into stars in the firmament. Since then, the Greeks began to revere the constellation Gemini and, looking at the night sky, recalled the beautiful and tragic story of two brothers. It was believed that they, looking at people from heaven, protect them from adversity and help travelers avoid danger on long journeys.

Styles and subjects

If you have already tried to look for tattoo sketches or photos of finished works, you have probably seen a huge number of the same type (or even the same) images. Indeed, most settle on a simple monochrome astrological sign or the constellation itself, the image of which consists of only a few dots and lines connecting them. Such work usually looks like it was done in a hurry. But, of course, there is no arguing about tastes.

We have prepared a selection of original ideas with this zodiac sign. Perhaps among them you will find one that you like.

Black is always in fashion

Always relevant. And the point here is not only about the peculiarities of aesthetic perception, but also about practicality: black tattoos do not fade so quickly, therefore, they will have to be corrected less often than colored ones. We bring to your attention several extraordinary monochrome ideas.

At the center of the universe

In the Buddhist tradition, it is a symbolic image of the Universe. For a self-sufficient person, the center of the universe is himself. By placing the astrological symbol of your zodiac sign in the center of the mandala, you will thereby indicate your desire for self-knowledge and the fact that you put the achievement of personal goals above all else. The Gemini symbol in this case suggests that it is precisely those qualities that the representatives of this sign are endowed with that you value most in yourself. In addition, a mandala performed freely (without following traditional canons) looks very beautiful in itself; subtle symmetrical patterns can have a downright hypnotic effect.
- traditional style for depicting mandalas. When thousands of tiny dots merge into a single harmonious picture, it is difficult to tear your admiring gaze away from it. Correcting the finishing touches is quite difficult, but frequent adjustments are not required, especially if you get a tattoo on a part of the body that is rarely exposed to sunlight.

Carved in stone

Tattoos that imitate stone bas-reliefs are quite popular, but this does not mean that you cannot capture something original on your body. For example, you can make a sketch in the form of a disk like the Mayan calendar, placing the three-dimensional sign of Gemini in the center, or depict a symbol as if on the wall of an ancient building covered with ivy. In any case, a 3D tattoo made by a talented artist will always look cool.

Dual nature

If you like elegant miniature works, then you should consider the option of a symbolic image such as a two-faced Janus in the style or. It will be interesting to look at a composition in which the second person looks like the first in the negative.

More colors

Colored works require more careful care, but they often look much more impressive; the abundance of colors can create a masterpiece that is in no way inferior to those kept in museums.

In outer space

If you want to depict the Gemini symbol, but simple small works are not for you, why not choose a cosmic landscape? This will not only emphasize the meaning that you put into the symbol, but will also allow you to create a bright and large-scale picture.

Greek tragedy

The plot of the legend of Castor and Pollux touched many hearts. A realistic tattoo depicting two brothers in the best traditions of Greek art can become a real masterpiece.

Realism is one of the most difficult styles to perform, so you need to choose a master with all responsibility; not everyone is able to create truly realistic works. So when they tell you the price, don't be surprised.

Harmony of nature

People born under the sign of Gemini often turn out to be multifaceted and contradictory natures who find it difficult to achieve harmony. If you are one of those lucky ones who succeeded, or want to become one of them, then the image of the beauty of nature will highlight this desire in the best possible way. It could be an autumn landscape, blazing with reds and yellows, with tree branches intertwining in the sign of Gemini, or bright spring greens with a sign adorned with fern leaves (which, by the way, is considered one of the plants suitable for Gemini).

Symbolism and stereotypes

When it comes to astrology, people are divided into two types: sincere believers who believe in all the predictions of the stars, and skeptics who will stop taking you seriously as soon as you admit that you belong to the first camp. As for tattoos and their symbolism, it is not at all necessary to believe in the truth of astrology in order to see a special meaning in an astrological sign.

If you look for the characteristics of the zodiac signs, you can make sure that it quite colorfully describes the character traits, inclinations and aspirations of people born under them. Therefore, the image of an astrological symbol can be an additional incentive to develop these qualities, and not proof of your faith in horoscopes.

It is logical to assume that the Gemini symbol for tattoos is chosen by those born under this sign. But this is not at all necessary. For example, everyone, regardless of their zodiac sign, could be inspired by the Greek story of brotherly love. Therefore, you should not pay attention to conventions and the opinions of other people. After all, it’s not for them to wear this tattoo their whole life.

Sketches of Gemini zodiac sign tattoos