home · On a note · Tattoos for girls, inscriptions with translation. Tattoos with translation: the best sketches (photo). Phrases in Spanish

Tattoos for girls, inscriptions with translation. Tattoos with translation: the best sketches (photo). Phrases in Spanish

Everything is very cool! Fast, beautiful and in general there are no words for how much I like everything! :) Success and good mood always, always, always!!!

I would like to express my deep gratitude to master Pavel! This is truly a master of his craft!!! Everything went smoothly and almost painlessly! This was my first tattoo, but I am sure that I will come again and will definitely recommend your salon to my friends and acquaintances! Smile! ;)

Thank you very much to the salon and the master! The tattoo turned out very beautiful, everything was done carefully, quickly and efficiently.

Thank you to the administrator for helping me choose the font for the inscription and the place of application. I’ve already had my second tattoo, I’ll come again!

Friendly attitude of the master. Excellent result. I was very pleased. The atmosphere in the salon is very homely and pleasant. Master Vasily is a true professional. Thanks a lot!

I really like the attitude of the master towards clients. The master is a true professional. I have done 5 jobs with him and am very pleased. Very polite and attractive girls administrators. Thanks to the entire Tattoo Times team. I will definitely return to your salon!

Impressions - super! I would like to say a huge thank you to master Alexey for the excellent quality work! The salon is very cozy and positive, I’ll be back in a week!

Master - super! High quality and beautiful tattoo. Almost painless. A lot of positive emotions. The master suggested which place would be best to apply this tattoo.

Thank you very much! I'll definitely come again.

The master is a professional in his field. I’m very glad that I ended up with him!)

I really liked the work of master Alexey. He approaches his work very responsibly and delicately, and the tattoo process was easy and quick. In the future I will contact your salon. Thanks a lot

You are best

I really liked the master Alexey, as it was very comfortable. Very friendly and funny. I hope that when I decide to get another tattoo, I will definitely go to him. The Mexican rules! :)

A huge sincere “thank you” to the wonderful master Dima! Dima understood exactly what I wanted: he drew a wonderful sketch in accordance with all my wishes, helped me decide on the size and location of the tattoo. It was almost painless to put on. The result is even better than my expectations! I wholeheartedly recommend Dima to everyone for his professionalism, calmness and confidence. And most importantly - understanding!

I really liked the master for his professionalism and sociability. I will definitely return to this salon again!

I was very pleased with the work of the master. The work was done quickly, efficiently, accurately and practically painlessly. In the future I am ready to cooperate with this master.

I really liked your salon, you are extremely friendly and positive, everything is beautiful!

Everything is great! Everything is Amazing!

Everything was great. Very satisfied.

I have a very good impression of your salon. Quality of service, attention to the client. The administrator helped me choose a font and decide on the size of the inscription. And of course, the execution of the work itself left only pleasant impressions. Thanks to Tattoo Times!

The entire salon staff is very friendly and helpful. Helped me decide on a pattern. The master works very professionally. Absolutely sterile and safe, which was extremely important for me. This tattoo was my first but definitely not my last. I will be happy to come again and recommend the salon to friends. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff and Dima in particular for helping me decide to take this step and enjoy the procedure and the result!

I really liked the master. Friendly atmosphere, fast and painless work!

Good approach to people, very friendly master with good taste and rich imagination. The administrator greets you pleasantly. Good quality salon.

Who doesn’t strive to emphasize their individuality and look different from everyone else? Some people seek self-expression in bright outfits, some in makeup, piercings, and others prefer tattoos. Have you been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time and are you looking for a phrase with meaning that is worthy of you? Then our selection is just what you need. We offer you sayings for tattoos with translation. Here you will find various beautiful phrases and quotes for tattoos in different languages: English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French and others.

There are many types of tattoos: they can be made in the form of a drawing, abstraction, or portrait. But the most popular are tattoo inscriptions, especially in a foreign language. This type of body art has a certain secret. You can choose your life credo as phrases for a tattoo; you can write short and wise words of love, gratitude to your parents and family. It is not uncommon for tattoos to symbolize the past or an important moment in life.

Remember who you are. (Remember who you are).

And never imagine yourself to be anything more.

Everyone has one's own path. (Everyone has their own path).

Everyone should follow their own path, and not look at someone else’s.

Now or never. (Now or never).

Of course, now!

Life is beautiful. (Life is Beautiful).

Does anyone doubt this?)

My guardian is always with me. (My guardian is always with me).

Let him protect my every step.

One lifelong love. (One love for life).

If you fall in love, then once and for all your life!

The best thing in our life is love. (The best thing in our life is love).

The worst thing is losing her.

While I’m breathing – I love and believe. (As long as I breathe, I love and believe).

Love and faith give strength to live.

I will get everything I want. (I'll get everything I want)

He who believes in himself will succeed.

My dreams come true. (My dreams are coming true).

That's why they are dreams, to come true.

My angel is always with me. (My angel is always with me).

No one sees a guardian angel, but everyone has one.

The love of my life. (Love of my life).

He (she) is my whole life.

Jamais perdre l'espoir. (Never lose hope).

Hope gives you strength to move forward.

Live without regrets. (Live without regrets).

Don’t regret anything, since it happened, then it’s necessary.

Jouis de chaque moment. (Enjoy every moment).

Life is given to enjoy it.

Les rêves se realisent. (Dreams Come True).

Dreams come true for those who believe in them.

La vie est belle. (Life is Beautiful).

Whatever one may say, that’s the way it is!

Amor Vincit Omnia. (Love conquers all).

Everything, even hatred.

Amor et honor. (Love and Honor).

These are important characteristics of a person.

Vincit qui se vincit. (The most difficult victory is victory over yourself.)

He who has conquered himself will conquer any challenge.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae. (Man is the creator of his own destiny.)

Everything is in your hands, remember this.

Esto quod es. (Be who you really are).

Be yourself and don't try to imitate anyone.

Ut Amem Et Foveam. (This is what I love and idolize).

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

Verba volant, scripta manent. (Words fly away, what is written remains).

Words do not remain in sight like written words, but they remain in memory.

Luctor et emergo. (I'm struggling but I'll survive)

Don't be afraid, you just need to live and move forward.

Veritas vos liberabit. (The truth will set you free)

Nothing makes life easier than the truth.

Vita est speciosa. (Life is Beautiful).

Life is beautiful, no matter how you look at it!

Vivere in momento. (Life is made up of moments).

Life is a picture, every moment is the puzzle that makes it up.

Minima maxima sun. (The smallest things are the most important in life).

Little things make a big difference.

Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus. (What doesn't kill me makes me stronger).

Tests are given to make us stronger.

Si vis amari ama. (If you want to be loved, love yourself).

He who loves himself cannot be unloved.

Veritas lux mea. (The truth is the light in my life).

While lies are real darkness.

Vive ut vivas. (Life is what you make it).

You live the way you deserve.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris. (Expect from another what you yourself did to another).

Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit. (Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting).

Life should be appreciated in youth, while there is still time to live!

Actum ne agas. (What you're done with, don't come back to).

Know how to part with things, with people.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant. (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them).

Friends are known in adversity, as life has proven.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit. (Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart).

Love lives in the heart.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare. (I’m ready to listen to stupidity, but I won’t listen).

Listen, listen, and act in your own way.

Aut vincere, aut mori. (Either win or die).

Win and win again!

Carpe diem. (Seize the moment).

Don't let go of luck.

Certum voto pete finem. (Set only achievable goals for yourself.)

Don't set unattainable goals, otherwise you will lose faith in yourself.

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus. (Time is the most useful adviser to a person).

Only time can put everything in its place.

Vita sene libertate nlhil. (Life without freedom is nothing).

Life and freedom are one.

Audaces fortuna juvat. (Fate helps the brave).

Fate senses everyone’s weaknesses, so it takes advantage of them.

Bene vobis. (Let everythnig will be alright).

Each of us…

Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón. (Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat).

Love until the end!

Yo mismo me hago la vida. (I build my own life).

Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo. (Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything).

Before you complain that you have nothing, look carefully and maybe you will see that you have everything.

Un día todo irá bien: he aquí nuestra esperanza. (One day everything will be fine: that is our hope.)

The main thing in this life is to believe...

Cada paso con Dios. (Every step is with God).

Lucky is the one who lives with God.

Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte. (You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay).

When people love a friend of a friend, they give a part of themselves to their loved ones.

Casi desde el cielo. (Almost from heaven).

Heaven bless your every step.

Todo es para ti, mamá. (Everything for you, mom).

Mom is the person to whom we owe everything.

Cuando las personas se van – déjales ir. (When people leave, let them go).

If someone decides to leave you, don't hold them back.

Sueña sin miedo. (Dream without fear).

Dreams should feel like you are confident in them.

Eres mi fuerza. (You are my strength)

We all have someone who inspires us and gives us strength.

Salvame y guárdame. (Bless and save).

Faith in God is the meaning of life.

Felicidad es estar en armonía con la vida. (Happiness is harmony with life).

Happiness is the ability to appreciate life.

Cum deo. (With God blessing).

Life is easier with faith!

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (Balzac)

There is one person in the world who will always forgive everything, and that is mom.

What a person owes to his mother, he will never return.

But he can give it back to his children.

Every mother is a guardian angel.

But mother, we feel wings behind our backs.

Mother is the name of the Lord in the heart of every child.

A child is God's reward for faith.

The mother's heart beats faster.

No one's heart worries more often than a mother's.

Everyone has a God and his name is mother. (Georgy Alexandrov)

Mom is a sacred word.

Honor to the gods, honor to parents.

One who honors God and parents lives righteously.

The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.

A mother's heart is a storehouse of kindness.

Descendants atone for the guilt of their ancestors.

Live righteously so that your children do not have to pay for your sins.

Love that is not reborn daily dies daily. (Khalil Gibran)

Love, like fire, needs to be kindled regularly.

Where they love us is the only place where we are born. (J. Byron)

We always want to return to where we are loved.

In moments of true love you love everyone. (I.I. Lazhechnikov)

And only after insight do you realize that only a few are worthy of love.

Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Love often follows hate.

Love cannot rule over people, but it can change them. (I.V. Goethe)

Love can change you so much that you won't even recognize yourself.

To deserve love, beauty alone is not enough. (Ovid)

To deserve love, you need to have a pure soul.

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. (Francois Mauriac)

To love is to receive someone's heart.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. (Cyril Connolly)

Love is painful when it is not reciprocated.

It's easier to live without love. But without her there's no point . (Lev Tolstoy)

The meaning of life is to love and do good.

Love hurts even the gods. (Petronius)

Cupid's arrow can hit anyone.

Love cannot be cured with herbs. (Ovid)

Even time has a hard time healing love's wounds.

My tattoos are like notes from life. Sometimes you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, so you cover it with drawings. (Frank Iero)

A tattoo is a reason to change something about yourself.

If I got a tattoo, it would be “Mom.” (Woody Allen)

There is no point in carrying other words on yourself.

When deciding to get even a small tattoo, it is important not only to think a hundred times whether you will regret it in a few years, but also to decide on “that” inscription.

One for life, because the main rule is to decorate and change your body consciously.

It is best when this inscription is suffered and lived personally - then the love for it and its understanding will not weaken over time.

In this article we have collected 50+ of the best photos and sketches of tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation about, in Latin, English and French.

Of course, you shouldn’t repeat after others, because the main thing in an image or a phrase is its originality and uniqueness, but perhaps our ideas will help you create your own.

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation - photos and sketches, how to choose

Hand tattoos can confidently be called the most popular.

“Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live” (English)

As a rule, girls choose the shoulder, hand, and wrist to apply a design or expression.

According to the artists themselves, the palms and side surfaces of the finger are not the best option for tattoos, since there are a lot of sweat glands in these places and the inscriptions quickly become unusable.

The most popular lettering tattoos are on the hands

Miniature details and short sentences that carry meaning look great on these parts of the body.

The tattoo can consist of one word that expresses your essence, your own name or the name of a loved one

However, any good artist will honestly say that tattoos on the wrists also wear much worse, so you should give preference to other parts of the hand.

Tattoos with names

When going to a salon, it is important not to just “want to get a tattoo.”

It is important to take a closer look at the font options in advance, choose sketches in order to understand what you want - today this can be done on salon websites.

"This too shall pass…"

As a rule, girls prefer tattoos in English, French and Latin, so the choice of such fonts is much wider.

“Mom is God in the eyes of a child” (English)

Latin, although it is a dead language and is used only in the Vatican, takes first place in tattoo inscriptions.

“Forever” (Italian)

The greatest philosophers and scientists in the history of mankind spoke this language.

“Through thorns to the stars” (lat.)

Thanks to them, tens of thousands of popular expressions have appeared that can convey our feelings from love and devotion to decadent moods.

“My life - my rules” (English)

In addition, if the meaning of tattoos written in English is clear to many, then Latin will reveal the true meaning only to a few.

“Let us lift up our hearts” (lat.)

In any inscription, no matter what language you choose, the main thing is the meaning.

By the way, color tattoos need to be updated every 10-12 years

The inscription should convey your life priorities - for example, family and love, worldview, main goals and desires.

“I fly on my own wings” (lat.)

Advice: as a rule, the desire to get a tattoo overcomes us in moments. Don't be led by emotions - give yourself a few days to think. If the desire to get a tattoo does not pass, then go to the salon.

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation - photos and sketches about love

“Seize the moment” (lat.)

This could be the name of a loved one, children or parents, the date of a wedding, first date or kiss, expressions about the importance of feelings in our lives.

Tattoos with names

Some variants of phrases for tattoos:

In Latin:

  1. Magna res est amor- “Love is a great thing.”
  2. Amor Vincit Omnia- “Love conquers all.”
  3. Amor et honor- “Love and honor.”
  4. Si vis amari ama- “If you want to be loved, love yourself.”
  5. Dum spiro, amo atque credo- “I love and believe while I breathe.”
  6. Finis vitae, sed non amoris- “Life ends, but not love.”

Paired tattoos “One life, one love” (English)

In English:

  1. One lifelong love- “One love for life.”
  2. The best thing in our life is love- “The best thing in our life is love.”
  3. Endless love- "Endless love".
  4. The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart- “Rose speaks of love without a sound, in a language known only to the heart.”
  5. The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost- “The only true way to love is to understand that you can lose it.”
  6. Hile I’m breathing - I love and believe- “As long as I breathe, I love and believe.”
  7. The love of my life- "Love of my life".

“You are in my heart” (Spanish)

In French:

  1. C'est l'amour que vous faut- “Love is all you need.”
  2. L'amour fou- "Crazy Love".
  3. La famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours- “Family is always in my heart.”
  4. L'amour qui ne ravage pas n'est pas l'amour- “Love that does not devastate is not love.”
  5. Un amour, une vie- "One Love - one Life".
  6. Vivre et aimer- "To live and love".
  7. L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la déraison du sage- “Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage.”
  8. De l'amour à la haine, il n'y a qu'un pas- “From love to hate there is only one step.”

“Every day is like a little life, seize every moment” (French)
“Adventure” (Irish)
“Love is everything” (English)

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with translation - photos and sketches in Latin

Below we provide a list of the most interesting, in our opinion, phrases in Latin with translation into Russian, which are perfect for tattoos.

You should take your choice of phrase especially seriously.

Perhaps they will give you ideas of your own.

There are tens of thousands of inscription options, find the one that expresses your thoughts

However, the best thing to do if you want a tattoo in a great, forgotten language is to open a dictionary of Latin phrases and expressions and delve into its study.

“Remember to live!” (lat.)

Latin phrases for tattoos:

  1. Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur- “No one is obliged to do the impossible.”
  2. Amor omnibus idem- “Love is the same for everyone”
  3. Ad meliora tempore- "Until better times".
  4. Advocatus dei- "God's Advocate."
  5. Agnus dei- “Lamb of God.”
  6. Amantium irae amoris integratio- “The wrath of lovers is the renewal of love.”
  7. Ad vitam out culpam- “For life or until the first guilt.”
  8. Out bibat, out a beat- “Either let him drink, or leave.”
  9. Caritas et pax- “Respect and peace.”
  10. Castis omnia casta- “When clean, everything seems clean. Or: To him who is blameless, all things are pure.”
  11. Debes, ergo potes- “You must, therefore you can.”
  12. Dictum factum- "No sooner said than done".
  13. Ex aequo et.bono- “According to justice and goodness” (and not according to formal law).
  14. Fac fideli sis fidelis- “Be faithful to those who are faithful.”
  15. Gaudeamus igitur!- “Let's have fun!”
  16. Hic et nunc!- "Here and now!"
  17. Imperare sibi maximum imperium est. - “Power over oneself is the highest power.”
  18. Juvenes dum sumus- "While we are young".
  19. Lux in tenebris- “Light in the darkness.”
  20. Naturae convenienter live- “Live according to nature.”
  21. Nihil habeo, nihil timeo (curo)- “I have nothing, I’m not afraid of anything” (I don’t care about anything).
  22. Quot homines tot sententiae- “How many people, so many opinions.”
  23. Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis- “Times change, and we change with them” (in them).

“Love conquers all!” (lat.)
“Tireless” (lat.) “With God's help!” (lat.)

Advice: if you want to get a tattoo, but don’t have the courage to get a permanent one, pay attention to the technique.

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation - photos and sketches with meaning, the most famous star tattoos

As you can see, there are as many tattoo options as you and your artist can put into it.

Some, for example, print portraits of their cats with dates of birth:

Tattoo with cats

Someone declares their love using a combination of names and the infinity symbol:

Laconic tattoo with names and infinity symbol

And someone gets tattoos in memory of their sister:

“Sister” (English)

Some, once carried away, can no longer stop:

Having made one tattoo, it is quite possible that you will want to continue it

The most unusual tattoos can be found on the bodies of stellar representatives of the fair sex.

And their choice sometimes leads to a dead end. So, for example, rebel Kelly Osbourne had angel wings tattooed on her back with the inscription “I love mommy.”

Kelly has a tattoo on her head

American supermodel Chanel Iman - her name and a hanger under it.

Tattoo of supermodel Chanel Iman

Penelope Cruz has the numbers “883” on her calf, the secret of whose appearance she promised to take with her to the grave.

In addition to the numbers on her leg, Penelope has a star on her wrist

Actress Nikki Reed also distinguished herself. We don’t know if Nikki understands Russian, but under her arm the inscription “There must be something more."It is written in this way without a hyphen and a space.

Obviously, Master Nikki was not friends with the Russian either

Cara Delevingne tattooed the word “bacon” on her foot out of love for it, and Katie Price decided not to remove the tattoo with her ex-husband’s name. She just crossed it out...

Cara Delevingne also has a tattoo on her finger

And I can talk about all Angelina Jolie’s tattoos for a very long time.

Among them there is a prayer in Sanskrit, and the Roman numeral XIII, and the coordinates of the birthplaces of children and Brad Pitt...

It’s impossible to count all of Angelina’s tattoos at once

In general, first think through all the arguments for and against tattoos a thousand times, and only then go to the salon.

Some interesting facts about tattoos and how to decide where to place them, see the video below:

A rose tattooed in a prominent place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

Throughout the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. This tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and... want to get rich: from a symbolic point of view, the ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel Wings

This tattoo is an amulet: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare tattoo option that symbolizes perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements; in particular, many experts in symbolism make a tattoo of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, complementation, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying “umbrellas” is a symbol of the transience of life; such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all imaginable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity are the secret meaning of a key tattoo. All doors will open for such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will reveal your subtle nature.

18. Diamond

Perseverance, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is the ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular significance for sailors: if you see a swallow, it’s not far from land. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original one: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a kind soul.

20. Crown

Born leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high degree of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in Eastern symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, while a double berry is considered a symbol of strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​life's currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

Almost never found in nature, the four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

What beautiful tattoos are there with an inscription on the hand? With translation, as well as without translation from a foreign language, there are many options, including popular phrases from Latin. Although it is now considered dead, it was once a universal instrument of communication spoken throughout Europe long ago.

Latin is alive

In fact, many people still use Latin today without even realizing it. Many words in modern languages ​​are derived from it. However, Latin cannot be so easily erased from human history. She has not been forgotten, at least by doctors and lawyers for sure. Latin tattoos on the arm (with or without translation), as well as on other parts of the body, are popular.

Tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with translation from Latin)

In addition to a wide variety of designs, phrases in a foreign language as tattoos are also considered very popular. Having decided to write a few beautiful foreign words on yourself, it will be useful to know how they are translated. Here is a list of some Latin phrases with interesting meanings.

  • Vestis Virum Reddit (clothes make the man).
  • Alis grave nil (nothing is hard for one who has wings).
  • Audax at fidelis (brave but faithful).
  • Auribus teneo lupum (holding the tiger by the tail, which means I am in danger, but will not give up if I come face to face with it).
  • Dum vita est, spes est (as long as there is life, there is hope).
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit (nothing comes from nothing).
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae (all men are artisans of their own happiness).
  • Felix culpa (a mistake or disaster committed that ultimately leads to a happy ending).
  • Luceat lux vestra (let your light shine).
  • Luctor et emergo (I fight and I win).
  • Nil desperandum (never despair).
  • Non ducor duco (I am not being led, I am leading).
  • Qui audet adipiscitur (he who dares wins).
  • Semper ad meliora (always to better things).
  • Sic itur ad astra (you must go to the stars, this is the path to immortality).
  • Temet nosce (know yourself).
  • Verba volant, scripta manent (what is said flies away, what is written remains).
  • Veritas lux mea (truthfulness is my light).
  • Vincit qui se vincit (he who conquers himself wins).
  • Veni, vidi, vici (came, saw, conquered).

Tattoo in the form of inscriptions

Luckily, unlike Hebrew tattoos and Arabic words and phrases, Latin sayings are quite easily translatable. Many of them have beautiful and inspiring meanings. However, it is still worth doing some research before injecting permanent ink under your skin. Sometimes it may happen that what is written does not reflect what was intended, but quite the opposite. In this case, seemingly beautiful inscriptions for hand tattoos can mean far from pleasant or meaningless things.

Before getting a tattoo on your arm with or without translation, it is important not only to know the meaning of the words, but also to check that they are all written correctly. Your body is not a school notebook where making a mistake is not so scary.

Latin is a storehouse of wisdom

Quotes in Latin have been used more than once in the past by many famous philosophers, kings, and scientists. Our time is also no exception. Tattoos with inscriptions on the arm (with or without translation into the native language), back, neck and other parts of the body are quite popular. This is a kind of trend, which, however, has a deep meaning and shows the inner world of the owner of an ornate recording.

Popular quotes in Latin

Latin quotes are something like proverbs that become visible to everyone around, becoming tattoos on the body. Just a few words or whole sentences express what is in the heart and thoughts of the bearer. You can, of course, write a phrase in Russian, but Latin gives even the simplest statement a certain mysterious, mystical and ornate meaning. The shoulders and forearms are considered especially popular areas. For example, you can often find on their inside an incomprehensible thin and mysterious inscription in Latin.

For a tattoo on your hand, you can choose an expression that fully corresponds to your way of thinking and positioning yourself in this world. As a rule, there are no restrictions regarding sizes. As for the content, you should choose with your heart. The appropriate meaning of a tattoo is an inscription that will correspond to your beliefs, and not contradict them. For example, it would be inappropriate for a diligent family man and father of five children to have something like “wine, women and rock and roll” stuffed all over his back.

There are no comrades for taste and color

When choosing a quote, you can, of course, use the preferences of celebrities, but a better option would be to listen to yourself, and not just copy other people's lines. There are universal tattoo options that are equally suitable for both men and women. But there are some expressions that are still more chosen by the stronger half of humanity. An example would be such tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men as:

  • Caesarem decet stantem mori (Caesar must die standing).
  • Cogitations poenam nemo patitur (there is no judge for thoughts).
  • Credo, quia verum (I believed because it was true).
  • Igni et ferro (fire and steel).
  • Alea jacta est (the die is cast).
  • Memento mori (think about death).
  • Natus ut primus sim (born to be first).
  • Ad astra (straight to the stars).
  • Ex oriente lux (the sun rises in the east).

Just as no two people are absolutely alike, you don’t often see the same patterns on the body. This is a strictly individual matter. Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men are often more militant in nature than for girls, who choose more feminine and sensual phrases.

What kind of tattoo do girls choose?

What hand tattoos for girls (inscriptions in Latin) are the most popular and relevant? Recently, there has been quite a large demand specifically for text images in the form of phrases or phrases, which are written mainly in cursive. As for the fair half of humanity, the choice is made in the direction of loving and sensual tattoos on the arm. For girls, the inscriptions can be:

  • Omnia vincit amor (love conquers all).
  • Oculis non manibus (you can look, but you cannot touch).
  • Varium et mutabile semper femina (a woman is always changeable and fickle).
  • Odero si potero si non invitus amabo (if it works out, I will hate, and if I can’t, then I will love against my will).
  • Est quaedam flere voluptas (there is pleasure in tears).
  • Ignoti nulla cupido (what they don’t know, they don’t want).
  • Omnia mutantur nihil interit (everything changes, nothing disappears).
  • Vivit sub pectore vulnus (a wound lives in the chest).
  • Qui sine peccato est (he who is not without sin).

A tattoo in the form of a quote, saying or expression is very popular in our days. People, who want to leave a noticeable ink mark on themselves can be completely different from each other, for example, a teenager trying to prove something to this world, a girl who wants to attract increased attention, an elderly retired rocker for whom another tattoo is just part of a huge collection,Hollywood star who wants to be rememberedfans on the one hand.

The same quotes can represent something different for each person and be perceived differently. Some tattoos can be a reminder of a memorable moment or a reflection of a life position. As a rule, this is done forever, so the phrase or drawing should be meaningful to you for at least ten years to come. Among the huge variety, you can choose the appropriate option according to your taste and state of mind.

Before you get a tattoo

If the final decision has been made to get a tattoo, then before this decisive step you need to take care of a few things.

Color. This can be a black and white tattoo, as well as a color one.

Font . It can be chosen to your taste, the main thing is that it is picky.

Design . These can be just words or combined with a suitable picture.

Language. One of the most popular options is Latin, but English, French, and Italian are no less popular among foreign languages.

Place. Everyone decides for themselves where to have a tattoo - in a visible place or where only trusted persons can see it. This can be a tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with or without translation), on the neck, stomach, back, legs. The least chosen place is the face, although for some it is not forbidden.