home · Networks · FTTB technology: advantages and disadvantages. What is FTTx access technology (FTTH, FTTB, FTTC)

FTTB technology: advantages and disadvantages. What is FTTx access technology (FTTH, FTTB, FTTC)

FTTx technology from Rostelecom is one of the fastest and most reliable means for accessing the Internet. This connection is ideal for large companies that need a stable network connection to support digital telephony, send and receive large amounts of data, such as video recordings, and many other corporate tasks. Rostelecom's FTTx technology is also not abandoned by individuals who want to get maximum opportunities and pleasure when using home boarding and interactive television, which has been gaining increasing popularity lately.

Rostelecom FTTx technology – what is it?

FTTx is one of the most promising Internet technologies that is being very actively developed by Rostelecom in large cities and beyond. The abbreviation stands for Fiber To The x, where x is any point, that is, your apartment, country house or office. In the Russian-speaking market, the technology often has a simplified name “”.

FTTx represents the general name of the technology line:

  • FTTH (Fiber To The Home) – optical fiber is supplied directly to your home/apartment;
  • FTTB (Fiber To The Building) - optical fiber reaches the building, and is then distributed to apartments using other technologies (Ethernet);
  • FTTN (Fiber to the Node) – the fiber optic signal is distributed at the network node.
  • FTTD (Fiber to the desktop) - the signal goes directly to the network user’s room (it is also called FTTS, where the last letter stands for Subscriber or subscriber in Russian).

What equipment is needed for FTTx Rostelecom

The Rostelecom provider in most cases installs FTTx equipment at nodes or in buildings, and then distributes the signal using switches via Ethernet technology. This option allows you to significantly reduce costs for the subscriber, but at the same time get a high connection speed. The FFTx line is capable of delivering multi-gigabit bandwidth and can thus provide every home user with a stable 100 Mbps connection. The positive side of this option, in addition to high speed and low cost, will also be the absence of the need to install special equipment in your apartment.

The subscriber can easily start using the Internet by connecting the cord to the computer’s network card, or using a router to distribute the connection to several devices. In this case, the choice of router should be made based on its speed characteristics and the planned number of network devices. If you have computers and consoles (TV or game consoles) in your apartment that can be connected via an Ethernet cable, as well as devices that use Wi-Fi technology, you will need to purchase a router with wired routing capability and a built-in wireless access point. Such a device will allow you to organize a convenient home network based on FTTx technology from Rostelecom without complex configuration of a router and other equipment.

In cases where optical fiber is supplied directly to your apartment (FTTH), you will need to purchase a special modem that will allow you to decode the signal and transmit it to the Ehernet output. Further, the setup scheme will remain the same. When connecting fiber optics directly to the apartment, you can pay attention to modems, which immediately act as routers. This will free up space by getting rid of unnecessary network devices.

Setting up an Internet connection using FTTx technology

Depending on the type of FTTx, the connection setup from Rostelecom will be slightly different. In the case of FTTB, you will only need to order the service from the provider and rent or buy a router suitable for you.

When using, you will also need to have a fiber optic modem for setup. Usually, when laying the cable, the provider’s employees will install and configure the equipment themselves. It will be difficult to connect to a fiber-optic network without the help of a specialist, if only because crimping the laid cables can only be done with special equipment.

Thus, setting up FTTx connections from Rostelecom will differ significantly depending on the subtype and, of course, the equipment used.

Attention! Fiber optic modems are very expensive, so when connecting to FTTx Internet, the provider often offers equipment for rent or credit.

FTTx technology from Rostelecom is very new and promising. Its use is already actively underway in large cities and beyond. The process for connecting to fiber optic internet may vary depending on the subtype of technology.

FTTB Internet connection technology is currently the most widespread in the world. In the early 2000s, it revolutionized the provision of provider services and remains the most popular due to its simplicity and reliability. But such a connection has limitations and disadvantages that must also be taken into account when connecting to the network.

What does FTTB mean?

Providing an Internet provider using FTTB technology always implies connecting an apartment building. In English, the abbreviation stands for “Fiber to the building” - literally “Optical fiber to the house”. This is one of the variations of the use of FTTx technology, where “X” can mean either a large distribution node for an entire area or a separate end device, for example, a home computer.

If, when concluding an agreement with a provider, FTTB is mentioned, this means that a fiber optic cable is laid to the house. Then it is connected to a distribution node in the basement or on the roof of the building, and copper twisted pairs are laid to the apartments, which connect directly to a computer or to a router, which allows you to distribute Internet access to several devices at once.

Attention! Externally, the connection will look like a normal cable run from the entrance to the apartment without installing a modem. Just the cord and that's it.

What are the benefits of using FTTx?

This technology is used by all providers providing services in apartment buildings: Beeline, Rostelecom, MTS, Green Point and others. The main distinguishing feature that FTTB will be used is always beautiful sentences:

  • speed up to 100 Mbps, allowing you to download movies in a matter of minutes and participate in online conferences and play online;
  • unlimited Internet, no restrictions on traffic volume;
  • possibility of connecting digital television and IP telephony via 1 cable.

All these possibilities appeared precisely thanks to the use of optical fiber using FTTB technology as the basis for providing network access.

What happened before?

The connection scheme using FTTB technology has become widespread for a reason. Those who used the Internet back in the last millennium remember that access was limited and the speed was very slow. In addition, the cord was connected through the telephone, which created additional restrictions.

These are all signs of using ADSL (“Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line”). From a technical point of view, the difference was in the materials for the cord through which the signals are transmitted. Previously, instead of optical fiber, copper was used for this purpose. This is good material, but it has several significant limitations:

  1. Signal transmission speed. Unlike modern fiber optic schemes, ADSL only provided traffic at speeds of up to 24 Mbit/s. But this is in ideal conditions, but in fact it is several times lower.
  2. Asymmetry of information transmission. 24 Mbit/s is for downloading files. And loading information onto the network was 8 times slower.
  3. Interference. Bad weather, radiation from equipment or power lines constantly led to interruptions in communication.
  4. Single threading. It was impossible to use the telephone and the Internet at the same time. Nobody even thought about the possibility of watching television.

An optical cable does not have these disadvantages and, moreover, is cheaper to produce. Therefore, he gradually supplanted his predecessor.

What are the limitations of fiber optics?

Given the differences between ADSL and FTTB technologies, it is not surprising that the move away from copper has provided more opportunities for network access and has become the basis for development for provider firms.

But the currently existing system also has several disadvantages that limit its distribution:

  1. Price. Running a fiber optic cable to your home and installing a distribution center costs money. Therefore, the private sector and areas remote from the city center, as well as villages, remain without wired Internet.
  2. Speed. Optical fiber is capable of transmitting information at a speed of 1 Gbit/sec, but the twisted pair cable distribution scheme reduces it by 10 times.
  3. Streams. Internet, TV and telephony are the limit of FTTB connection technology. It is no longer possible to connect other systems to one cord and it is necessary to draw a separate line.

For city dwellers, the disadvantages of FTTB technology rarely cause inconvenience. And all the advantages of such a connection allow the existing scheme to successfully compete with other types of communication, including wireless.

What will change in the future

At the moment, large providers are already offering consumers new services that are provided not thanks to FTTB, but using PON (“passive fiber optic network”) technology. The fundamental difference between these schemes is only in the refusal of copper twisted pair. This allows you to get rid of the distribution node and route the optical fiber directly to a separate house or apartment.

Important! PON and GPON are the same thing. The letter “G” only emphasizes the ability of optical fiber to transmit information at a speed of 1 Gbit/s to attract customers.

When comparing connections using FTTB and GPON technology, the difference is not only in high speed. There are other important benefits of a passive fiber network:

  1. Availability of a modem. If now to repair a unit it is necessary to open a panel located on the staircase or in the basement, then the new scheme allows you to carry out all the necessary procedures without leaving your home, consulting by phone with the support service.
  2. Possibility of point connection. PON provides a real opportunity to provide wired Internet in the private sector quite cheaply.
  3. Multithreading. Many more systems can be connected to a passive fiber network at the same time.

But all the capabilities of GPON are not yet in great demand by clients, and 100 Mbit/s is quite enough for the average user. Therefore, providers will continue to use FTTB technology to serve the public in the coming years.

FTTH technology. Hybrid optical-coaxial networks (HFC - Hybrid Fiber Coax) are built using three main technologies (Fig. 1):

  • FTTH (Fiber To Home) – fiber to the home;
  • FTTB (Fiber To Building) – optics to the building (structure);
  • FTTC (Fiber To Carb) – fiber to a group of houses.

Under FTTH In the West, it is usually understood as a technology in which an optical receiver is installed at the end individual subscriber. This can be either a separate cottage-type house or an apartment in a multi-storey block building. In relation to Russian operating conditions, such a solution is very expensive, because requires a large number of optical transmitters (the price of which is much higher than the price of optical receivers). In this regard, FTTH refers to purely fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL), the outputs of optical nodes (OA) of which are directly (i.e. without additional amplifiers) connected to subscriber terminals, for example, STB (Set-Top-Box) or TV. Obviously, the use of FTTH technology implies a larger number of op-amps and longer fiber-optic lines compared to any other technology (FTTC or FTTB).

FTTH technology has the following distinctive features:

Higher reliability. Indeed, all multiservice data and television networks (MSNs) built only using optical active components, as a rule, have very high reliability. Another important fact is that there is no need to use remote (i.e., via coaxial cable) power supply, which often causes a lot of trouble for cable operators. Moreover, if you provide redundant optical fibers (OF) in a fiber-optic cable (FOC), it becomes possible to implement manual and/or automatic redundancy both in directions (ring redundancy) and along cores at minimal cost.

Easy network reconfiguration due to the installation of optical cross-connect cabinets in the main distribution nodes. Reconnection is carried out through the simplest reinstallation of patch cords in the appropriate directions (using pigtails). Let us also remind our readers that if their MSS is made on AC series equipment from Teleste (Finland), then in any of the amplifiers it will be enough to install a receiving optical module without changing the operating modes of the amplifiers themselves.

Ease of building parallel networks is one of the most important advantages. After all, fiber-optic communication lines are an ideal multi-channel (at the physical level) transport network with excellent features: ultra-wideband, noise immunity from all types of electromagnetic interference, low linear losses, low sensitivity to temperature influences, high protection against unauthorized connection, etc. The most common services in such networks are data transfers (including access to the Internet) are implemented using Ethernet technology, as the most universal and high-speed.

Possibility of rejecting the reverse channel in traditional HFC networks. This opportunity arises in the presence of parallel Ethernet networks, which are initially bidirectional. By the way, the implementation of data transmission services in the MSS based on parallel Ethernet networks makes it possible to achieve additional savings through the use of economical op-amps without reverse direction transmitters, for example, ORX-422 or ORX-101 manufactured by Makrotel, Russia.

Significant reduction in ingression noise in the reverse channel, provided there are sufficient receivers in the reverse direction (Upstream). By a rough estimate, we can assume that the realized carrier-to-noise ratio C/N H generated by FTTH technology with the number of subscribers N H is greater than the similar C/N C realized by FTTC with the number of subscribers N C by the amount:


Here n is the number of channels in the reverse direction, differing in frequency.

So, for n = 3, N C = 800 and N H = 100, the difference is 18.8 dB, which allows you to safely switch to a higher modulation format (for example, from QPSK to 16 QAM or even 64 QAM) and realize significantly higher speeds information flows (in our case two times) all other things being equal.

Higher bit rates in reverse direction with a constant number of frequency channels, they are dependent solely on the number of upstream receivers installed as part of the cable modem headend (CMTS). In other words, if with FTTC technology increasing the number of upstream receivers did not make practical sense due to the significant value of C/N C, then with FTTH technology there is a clear sense in increasing such receivers. Moreover, such receivers can already operate both with mixed optical technology at one frequency, and with classical technology (upstream receiver per cluster or segment) at several frequencies.

Ease of implementation of new digital technologies, superimposed on existing FTTH networks. A classic example is the new promising technology EttH (Ethernet to the Home), developed by Teleste (Finland) and becoming more and more widespread around the world. A simplified diagram of the use of such technology in relation to FTTH is shown in Fig. 2. FTTH technology, at a lower cost compared to DOCSIS, allows you to achieve speeds of 100 Mbit/s in the forward and reverse directions with the rapid deployment of Internet, VoIP, IPTV, etc. It is very important that the rapid deployment of FTTH technology is possible even on very outdated networks operating up to 240 MHz, which distinguishes it from other proposed technologies.

in terms of realized values ​​for CSO / CTB (intermodulation distortion of the second and third orders) and C/N.

Indeed, structurally, any MSS in the general case can be conditionally divided into functional zones that differ in physical features, as well as the specifics of calculation and construction (Fig. 3). In this case, some of the functional zones may be missing (for example, a secondary fiber optic link, a secondary headend station - VGS or a digital transport backbone).

Rice. 3

Typical requirements for MCC components for FTTC technology

BER 10 -12 …10 -10 ≤10 -7 …10 -4
C/N, dB 60…76 64…77 54…66 47…52 51…56 55…60 ≥43…44
CSO, dB 95…100 - 85…95 62…68 63…68 58…64 ≥54…57
CTB, dB 95…105 - 90…100 64…72 64…72 58…64 ≥54…57

Standard requirements for MSS components for FTTH technology

BER 10 -12 …10 -10 ≤10 -7 …10 -4
C/N, dB 60…76 64…77 54…66 44…45 ≥43…44
CSO, dB 95…100 - 85…95 54…58 ≥54…57
CTB, dB 95…105 - 90…100 54…58 ≥54…57

At the same time, the requirements for any of the functional zones are primarily formed on the basis of economic feasibility, taking into account the topological features and structural design of the MSS. So, for example, for FTTC technology, for each main amplifier there are usually up to 4...8 house amplifiers. Consequently, most of the financial costs for coaxial clusters will consist of the cost of home amplifiers. Because of this, it is advisable to transfer the maximum energy load of the MSS to them (in order to minimize them, since with an increased output level the amplifier will be able to serve a larger number of subscribers). The situation is exactly the same with FTTH technology, in which the main financial costs will be determined by the cost of the op amp.

Without going into mathematical analysis, we can formulate the following conclusions and recommendations:

  • Networks with FTTH technology are somewhat more expensive than similar networks with FTTC technology. The difference in pricing policy is usually about 10-30%.
  • Without taking into account the cost of additional equipment for providing data transmission services and the correct selection of equipment according to the pricing policy, taking into account the specifics of the FTTH network structure, the difference in the total cost can be reduced to zero.
  • Networks built using FTTB technology are close in their features to FTTH networks, but are somewhat cheaper than FTTH networks and more expensive than FTTC networks.
  • Networks built using FTTH technology due to laid multi-core optics allow the simultaneous overlay of promising high-speed universal Ethernet networks.
  • It is advisable to immediately build new networks using FTTH technology with their subsequent expansion to parallel networks.
  • For operators already operating a classic HFC network, it makes no sense to rush to completely rebuild their network to FTTH technology. It’s more logical to act in stages, bringing the optics closer to the subscriber, but at the same time immediately reserving optical fiber for future promising digital technologies.
  • The construction of combined FTTH networks has its own characteristics, especially within the framework of a strict pricing policy, and therefore it is better to entrust their calculation and design to an already proven design organization, especially in the field of fiber optic communication lines design.

State educational institution

higher professional education

Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

Department of Communication Lines and Measurements in Communications Engineering

Course work

in the discipline "Design and construction of fiber-optic communication lines"


Completed by students gr. FO-91

Inkin I. I.

Sedyshov V.

Sorokin S.

Knyazev I.

Head Andreev R.V.

Samara 2012

1. Organization of an optical access network

1.1 Problem statement

In Russia, there is growing interest in the deployment of access networks with the ability to provide subscribers with a broadband communication channel. The reason for this interest is the rapid increase in bandwidth requirements for communication networks due to the emergence of new broadband services. These services include business services (video conferencing, distance learning, telemedicine) and entertainment services (video on demand, digital broadcasting, HDTV, on-line games, etc.). Currently used technologies cannot provide a cost-effective solution to meet growing needs, so innovative technologies are being used.

One of them is FTTx (Fiber To The ... - “fiber to ...”) - a technology for organizing access networks with bringing optical fiber to a certain point. Despite the fact that FTTx is not a new technology, it is becoming widespread right now.

There are several options for implementing FTTx, of which we can highlight: - Fiber To The Home (bringing fiber to the apartment); - Fiber To The Building (bringing fiber to the building).

In this course project we will implement the presented methods.

1.2 Selection and justification of broadband access technology

The term "broadband" is used to refer to a constant, high-speed Internet connection. However, broadband access is not only a high speed of information exchange, but also a special way of using the World Wide Web. A broadband user has the opportunity at any second to receive or send a large amount of any information, which may include color images, audio and video clips, animation, television content and much more. Broadband access provides the user with the most advanced services, regardless of the point of connection. The owner of broadband access has more opportunities to use multimedia services and provide information for his business. This is file sharing, video conferencing, games; security system services; telephone and banking services, etc. All this has become available thanks to modern broadband access networks (BBA).

Broadband access also contributes to the emergence of new areas of human activity and enriches existing ones. It stimulates economic growth and opens up new investment and employment opportunities.

1.3 Methods for constructing FTTX


FTTx technology (English Fiber to the x - optical fiber to point X), the name of which comes from the capital letters of the English expression Fiber-to-the-build/home, which means “optics to every home.” This term is applied to any computer network in which a fiber optic cable reaches from a communication node to a specific location (point X). The wide bandwidth of FTTx systems opens up new opportunities to provide subscribers with more new services.


FTTB technology (Fiber to the Building) is by far the most popular broadband network construction technology in Russia. The widespread use of FTTB was facilitated by lower prices for optical cable (OC), the emergence of cheap optical receivers, transmitters and optical amplifiers (OA). The use of optics in FTTB allows the use of fast Metro Ethernet technology for data transmission, eliminates the need to ground the support cable, eliminates equipment failure from static electricity, and facilitates coordination of the deployed network in supervisory authorities. The network topology built using FTTB technology is shown in the figure below.

The topology of this network largely replicates a hybrid fiber-coaxial network and also consists of a data transmission node, a backbone fiber-optic communication line (FOCL) and a distribution network. The only difference between FTTB is the replacement of optical GVKS nodes with “second-level nodes” (amplifier points) and the distribution network cables from coaxial cable to optical. The headend and home distribution network do not require changes when upgrading, and the backbone may only require an increase in the number of optical fibers. Based on the above, in FTTB networks the amount of installed optical fiber and installed optical receivers is increasing.

The FTTB network built using this technology is two overlay networks: one for analogue cable television services, the other for data transmission services. They are united by the use of various fibers in the same OCs in sections of the highway and in the distribution networks of second-level nodes. Otherwise, unlike DOCSIS, when using FTTB all equipment is strictly specialized: either TV transmission or data transmission, and if one equipment fails, the other service does not suffer.

When using the FTTB option, optical fiber is brought into the house, usually in the basement or attic (which is more cost-effective) and connected to an ONU (Optical Network Unit). On the telecom operator's side, an OLT (Optical Line Terminal) optical line terminal is installed. The OLT is the primary device and determines the parameters of traffic exchange (for example, time intervals for signal reception/transmission) with ONU subscriber devices (or ONT, in the case of FTTH).

Further distribution of the network throughout the house occurs via twisted pair cable.

This approach is advisable to use in the case of network deployment in apartment buildings and middle-class business centers. Russian telecom operators are currently deploying FTTB networks only in large cities, but in the future this technology will be used everywhere. With FTTB there is no need to lay expensive optical cable with a large number of fibers, as with FTTH.


FTTH - (English Fiber to the Home - optical fiber to the apartment). Considering that Russian subscribers live mainly in apartment buildings, FTTH means, unlike FTTB, bringing optical fiber to the subscriber’s apartment.

There are two types of FTTH network organization: Ethernet-based and PON-based.

Ethernet-based architectures

The need for speed to market and lower cost to subscribers has led to the emergence of network architectures based on Ethernet switching. Ethernet data transmission and Ethernet switching began to generate revenue in the enterprise networking market and led to lower prices, the emergence of complete products and faster

development of new products. At the heart of the first European FTTH Ethernet projects

was an architecture in which switches located on the ground floors of apartment buildings were connected into a ring using Gigabit Ethernet technology. This structure provided excellent resistance to various types of cable damage and was very cost-effective, but its disadvantages included the division of bandwidth within each access ring (1 Gbit/s), which in the long term gave a relatively small throughput and also caused scaling difficulties architecture.

Then the Ethernet star architecture became widespread. This architecture requires dedicated fiber optic lines (usually single-mode, single-fiber 100BX or 1000BX Ethernet data lines) from each end device to a point of presence (POP), where they are connected to a switch. Terminal devices can be located in individual residential buildings, apartments or apartment buildings, on the ground floors of which switches are located, bringing lines to all apartments using appropriate transmission technology.

Ethernet FTTH architecture with Star topology:

PON-based architectures

When using a PON-based architecture to deploy FTTH networks, the fiber optic line is distributed to subscribers using passive optical splitters with fan-out ratios of up to 1:64 or even 1:128. PON-based FTTH architecture typically supports the Ethernet protocol. In some cases, an additional downstream wavelength is used, allowing traditional analogue and digital television services to be provided to users without the need for IP-enabled set-top boxes.

The figure below shows a typical PON that uses various optical network terminations (ONTs) or optical network units (ONUs). ONTs are intended for use by an individual end user. ONUs are typically located in basements or basements and are shared among a group of users. Voice services, as well as data and video services, are transmitted from the ONU or ONT to the subscriber via cables laid at the subscriber's premises.

Passive Optical Network (PON) Architecture:

There are currently three different PON network standards, which are shown in the table. Bandwidth parameters indicate the combined downstream and upstream data rates. This data rate is divided between 16, 32, 64 or 128 subscribers, depending on the deployment plan.

Table Types of PON

BPON architecture is a traditional technology that is currently still used by some service providers in the US, but is quickly being replaced by other architectures. While EPON was designed to reduce cost by using Gigabit Ethernet technology, GPON architecture was designed to provide higher downstream data rates, reduce overhead, and accommodate ATM and TDM traffic. Despite the added support for older protocols, this feature is still rarely used in practice. Instead, the GPON architecture is used as an Ethernet transport platform.

1.4 Communication scheme for FTTX technology

General plan for the construction of fiber optic lines of the course project

FTTB technology organization diagram

FTTH technology organization diagram

2. Selection and justification of the type of optical fiber and optical cable design

2.1 Selecting the type of optical fiber

To implement FTTB technology, you will need the following type of optical fiber and twisted pair G.652 - undispersion-shifted single-mode stepped fiber serves as a fundamental component of an optical telecommunications system and is classified by the G.652 standard. The most common type of fiber, optimized for signal transmission at a wavelength of 1310 nm. The upper limit of L-band wavelength is 1625 nm. Requirements for macrobending - mandrel radius 30 mm.

Parameters of OM rec. G.652


Wavelength, nm

Mode spot diameter, µm

Shell diameter, µm

Diameter of protective coating, microns

0.6 maximum

0.6 maximum

0.6 maximum

0.6 maximum

Shell flattening

1.0% Maximum

1.0% maximum

1.0% maximum

1.0% maximum

1260 Maximum

1260 maximum

1260 maximum

1260 maximum

Macrobending loss, dB

0.1 maximum at 1550 nm

0.1 maximum at 1550 nm

0.1 maximum at 1550 nm

0.1 maximum at 1550 nm

Test voltage, GPa

0.69 minimum

0.69 minimum

0.69 minimum

0.69 minimum

Zero dispersion wavelength, nm

from 1300 to 1324

from 1300 to 1324

from 1300 to 1324

from 1300 to 1324

Chromatic dispersion coefficient, ps/nm*km, no more, in the wavelength range: 1285-1330 1525-1575

Sign of dispersion

PMD coefficient, ps/√km

According to the parameters indicated in this table, optical fiber type G.652.A is suitable for us.

Twisted pair CAT6a is a communication cable consisting of one or more pairs of insulated conductors, twisted together (with a small number of turns per unit length), covered with a plastic sheath. Twisting of insulated conductors is carried out to increase the connection between the conductors of one pair (electromagnetic interference equally affects both wires of the pair) and the subsequent reduction of electromagnetic interference from external sources, as well as mutual interference when transmitting differential signals.

To reduce the coupling of individual cable pairs (periodic bringing together of conductors of different pairs) in UTP cables of category 5 and higher, the wires of the pairs are twisted with different pitches. Twisted pair is one of the components of modern structured cabling systems<#"599313.files/image009.gif">

Rice. "Twisted pair CAT6a"

optical technology twisted pair

To implement FTTH technology, optical fibers of the type G.652.A and G.657..657 are required - single-mode optical fiber is characterized by a low level of bending losses, is intended primarily for FTTH networks of multi-apartment buildings, and its advantages are especially obvious in limited space. You can work with G.657 standard fiber almost as if you were working with a copper cable.

Parameters of OM rec. G.657


Wavelength, nm

Mode spot diameter, µm

Shell diameter, µm

Core eccentricity, µm

Shell ellipticity

Cable cutoff wavelength, nm

Macrobending losses, dB: radius, mm number of turns max. at 1550 nm max. at 1625 nm

Test voltage, GPa

Chromatic dispersion coefficient, ps/nm*km, 1285-1330 nm 1525-1575 nm

Attenuation coefficient, dB/km; at wavelength, nm

PMD coefficient, ps/km

2.2 Selecting an optical cable design

To implement our project we will need the following types of optical cables:


Application: optical communication cables are intended for installation in cable ducts, special pipes, collectors, tunnels, on bridges and overpasses, as well as in light soils and in places infested with rodents.

· Use of optical fibers in accordance with Recommendations G.651, G.652, G.655

· Use of dry water blocking materials (“dry” core design).

· Manufacture of the shell from flame retardant materials, halogen-free, with low smoke emission (OKLSt-N brand).

· Manufacture of a cable with an internal aluminum-polyethylene sheath for increased moisture resistance (AlPe).

Description of design:

Cables type OKLST (with one PE sheath up to 192 RH) for laying in cable ducts

2. Central power element (CSE), a dielectric fiberglass rod (or steel cable in a PE sheath), around which optical modules are twisted.

Cordels (if necessary) - solid PE rods for structural stability.

Armor in the form of a steel corrugated tape with a water blocking tape underneath.

The outer shell is made of low or high density PE composition.


· compact design;

· minimum weight;

· excellent mechanical properties;

· resistance to rodents;

· long service life;

· use of materials from the best foreign and domestic manufacturers;

· minimum coefficient of friction.


Application: intended for hanging on utility poles; suspensions on supports of railway contact networks and overhead communication lines; air laying on the supports of the city energy sector; gaskets on trays and trestles.

· Use of optical fibers in accordance with Recommendations G.651, G.652, G.655;

· Use of a hydrophobic compound to fill the voids of the twist along the entire length;

· Manufacturing of the outer shell from flame retardant materials;

· Use of tearing cords;

· Manufacturing of cable with two PE sheaths;

· Manufacturing of cables with up to 192 fibers;

· Calculation of the design and parameters of the cable according to the requirements of a specific project, depending on the values ​​of span lengths, sag arms and operating conditions;

Description of design:

Cables type OKLZH-(T) (from 2 to 144 OV) for aerial installation (classic design, in accordance with TT FSK)

1. Optical fibers are loosely laid in polymer tubes (optical modules) filled with thixotropic gel along the entire length.

2. Central power element (CSE) in the form of a fiberglass rod around which optical modules (modules and cords) are twisted.

Cordel - solid PE rods - for structural stability.

Waist insulation in the form of Mylar tape, applied over the twist.

Hydrophobic gel that fills the voids of the twist along the entire length.

The inner shell is made of low or high density PE composition.

Power elements in the form of a layer of aramid threads.

The outer shell is made of high density PE composition.


· minimum weight and diameter;

· high mechanical properties;

· optimal rigidity and low coefficient of friction of the shell (for blowing into special pipes);

· low gasket temperature;

· large temperature range during operation;

· selection of the optimal design for specific operating conditions;

· ease of installation and installation;

· long service life.

2.3 Selection and justification of cross-connect equipment

Block diagram of the FTTB aggregation node configuration

Optical cross-country unit KRS-48


The KRS-48 model belongs to a series of standard rack-mount switching and distribution devices of the 2U form factor and provides switching of up to 48 optical ports FC, ST, SC, MT-RJ, E-2000 and up to 72 LC ports.

The optical adapters are mounted on 4 replaceable strips, which are attached to the front panel of the case using two latches.

Patchcord organizer


They are designed to allow cables to be routed from inside the cabinet, such as from the back of patch panels, to connect to the front of network equipment. Compact, only 1U high, the organizer has a special hole in the center, protected by brushes that prevent dust and other contaminants from getting inside the cabinet. Two holders are used for cable management. The holders have slits at the front, allowing cables to be easily stored and removed.

Pigtail SM


The installation optical cord (pigtail) SM is used for terminating the main optical cable when wiring in distribution cross-connect equipment.

It is a piece of fiber optic cable terminated on one side. Pigtails are used for quick termination of fiber optic cables when installing communication networks by attaching the pigtail to the cable using welding or mechanical connectors. Essentially, a pigtail is an optical cord (patch cord) without a second connector, so requirements for pigtails are similar to those for patch cords. Accordingly, much attention is paid to the quality of the pigtail, direct and return losses, asymmetrical position of the fiber in the connector ferrule, and mechanical strength.

Pigtails are used when installing passive distribution devices, such as optical cross-connects.

Optical sockets


Optical sockets - designed for connecting optical cords with FC/PC connectors. Provides high-quality alignment of connectors thanks to a high-precision centralizer, and the clamps provided by the design ensure reliable fixation. The optical pass-through adapter is protected from contamination and dust by plastic plugs.

Patchcord SM FC-LC duplex


A patch cord is an optical cable that ends on both sides with connectors of various types. It is used to connect optical telecommunications equipment to the optical cross-connect.

Typology of patch cords:

Based on the type of cable used in the production, patch cords are divided into: single-mode “SM” (singl-mode) or multi-mode “MM” (multi-mode).

Based on the type of cable used in cable production, patch cords are divided into: duplex “DPX” (duplex) or simplex “SPX” (simplex).

In addition, they differ in the type of connectors - “FC”, “LC”, “SC”, “ST”, “MT-RJ”, they can be connecting (identical connectors on both sides) or transition (different connectors on different sides ).

Patchcord SM LC-LC duplex


Optical connecting cords with LC connectors. Patch cords are made from 9/125 µm single-mode fiber, 50/125 µm multi-mode fiber or 62.5/125 µm fiber. The cable is covered with a protective sheath of yellow, orange, white or blue, depending on the type of cable.

Switch 100Base-FX(24 ports)+10GBase-L(2 ports)


Switch - a device designed to connect several nodes of a computer network within one or more network segments<#"599313.files/image022.gif">

SFP optical module


SFP modules are designed for installation in a router or switch slot and provide its connection to the network using the required interface. SFP converters support hot-swap mode. Various modules are available that allow you to connect the necessary equipment to various transmission media: multimode optical fiber, single-mode optical fiber, twisted pair. The GLC-T 1000Base-LX module provides data transmission over Category 5 twisted pair cable over a distance of up to 100 meters.

XFP optical module


This module supports digital diagnostic technology, which allows real-time monitoring of device operating parameters, such as: operating temperature, laser current deviation, emitted optical power, received optical power, supply voltage.

An alarm system is supported when parameters go beyond the established tolerances.

Block diagram of the FTTB access node configuration

Pigtail FC/PC SM (0.9) 1.5m

Optical mounting cord

Connector type: FC

Fiber Type: Singlemode

Cord type: Simplex

Buffer: 0.9/3mm.

Length: 1.5 meter.

Optical socket FC/PC/SM

Designed for connecting optical cords with FC type connectors. Provides high-quality alignment of connectors thanks to a high-precision centralizer, and the clamps provided by the design ensure reliable fixation. The optical pass-through adapter is protected from contamination and dust by plastic plugs.

Square socket - type S, fixed in a cross with screws. Connector type: FC

Case material: metal

Body color: silver, yellow or red caps

Centralizer material: zirconium ceramic

Polishing of connectors: PC/UPC/SPC

Fiber Type: SingleMode

Socket type: simplex

Patchcord SM FS-LS duplex

The thickness of the cord is usually 2 or 3 mm, length - 1, 2, 3 or more meters. Optical patch cords can consist of single-mode fibers SM (Single Mode) 9/125 (understood as the diameters of the light-conducting core/cladding in microns) or multimode fibers MM (Multi Mode) 50(62.5)/125 (respectively, meaning the diameters of the optical fiber and its isolation). Patch cords can consist of one fiber (Simplex) or two (Duplex).

Mechanical characteristics:

Cable color yellow

Number of starts 1000

Vibration 1...200Hz with acceleration 4g

Impact 40g pulse duration 18ms

Climatic characteristics:

Temperature range - 40 °C to + 80 °C

Atmospheric pressure 26kPa

Relative humidity 100% at +25°C

Tip end geometry

Radius of curvature, mm 10...25

Apex displacement, µm<50

Fiber end position, nm. +50/-50...-125

Optical characteristics

Direct loss, dB max. 0.25 typ. 0.1

Return loss, dB min. -50 typ. -55

Cost of each additional meter: 36 rubles.

Optical module sfp 1000 base-LX

Optical interface with SC connector;

Single fiber WDM transceiver;

Operating wavelengths 1310nm, 1550nm, single-mode fiber;

Signal transmission range 3 km;

Data transfer rate 1.25 Gbps;

Possibility of execution with an extended temperature range (-40..+85);

Complies with RoHS directives;

Electronic electricity meter Mercury-200

Electricity metering and metering in the residential, small motor and industrial sectors

Accuracy class: 2.0

Rated-maximum current, A: 5-50

Nominal frequency 50 Hz

The total and active power consumed by the voltage circuit is 10VA and 2.0W, respectively

The total power consumed by the current circuit is no more than 2.5 VA

Operating temperature range, 0С: from -20 to +55

Calibration interval: 8 or 16 years (see modifications)

Average service life: at least 30 years

Number of tariff zones: 1-4

Multi-tariff meters have a serial built-in CAN interface that provides information exchange with a computer

Possibility of mounting both traditionally and on a DIN rail

Introductory power supply circuit breaker

Automatic machines (circuit breakers) are designed to protect electrical circuits - your electrical wiring from overloads and short circuits. This is a good alternative to today's outdated plugs, automatic plugs, which lose both in safety and reliability, as well as in quality and durability. Modular machines are used in everyday life. Externally, they are very neat, taking up little space in the shield due to their compactness. Very convenient and easy to install: to install them you just need to snap them onto the DIN rail. If necessary, they can be easily replaced. The correct selection of machines is very important. To do this, calculate the total power consumption of your electrical appliances (you can use their passports), expressed in watts (W) and divide it by the voltage of your network ~ 220 V. However, the load on the network is usually reactive in nature.

Standard terminal block AVK 2.5

General information about the product:

Insulating material PA 66

Ignition class acc. up to UL 94 V2

Width 5 mm

Length 44.2 mm

Height (MR 35) 44.5 mm / CE Technical data

Rated voltage 750 V

Rated current 24 A

Section 2.5 mm2

Standard EN 60947-7-1 Technical data

Rated voltage 750 V

Rated current 24 A

Section 2.5 mm2

VDE standard IEC 60947-7-1/ CSA Technical data

Rated voltage 600 V ~

Rated current 20 A Cross section 26-12 mm2 Technical data

Rated voltage 630 V

Rated current 21 A 2

Section 2.5 mm2

Connectable wires

Minimum single-core cross-section 0.5 mm2

Maximum single-core cross-section 4 mm

Minimum stranded cross-section 1.5 mm2

Maximum stranded cross-section 2.5 mm2Section 26-12

Vidali connection type

Insulation stripping length 10 mm

Tightening torque 0.4 Nm

Double conversion uninterruptible power supply (Ippon Innova RT 1000)

Phase input voltage

output power 1000 VA / 900 W

output connectors: 8 (battery powered - 8)


interfaces: USB, RS-232

Output waveform: sine wave

Horizontal wall patch panel 24*RJ-45, UTP, Cat.5e

The patch panel for wall mounting has 24 ports and a design that allows installation and cutting from the front side, after first removing the decorative and protective cover.

Bandwidth, MHz: 100

Number of ports: 24

Version: Not shielded

Jack type: RJ45/8P8C

Contact coating material in connector: Gold, 50 microinches

IDC contact type: 110

IDC contact coating material: C5191

Permissible diameter of the embedded core, AWG (mm): 24-26 (0.511-0.404)

Wiring diagram: T568A/B

PCB material: FR 94-V0

Labeling: All ports are numbered on the front. There are additional areas for port marking.

Supporting structure material: Steel 1.52mm

Compliance with standards: ISO/IEC 11801-2, EN 50173-2, TIA/EIA 568-B.2

Supported applications: 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 1000Base-T

Temperature ranges, C: Storage from -40 to +70

Operation: from 0 to +70

Mounting: Wall

Dimensions HxWxD, mm: 69.85x287.02x25.65

KRS-24, cross optical 19 1U 24 ports

KRS-24, rack-mount optical crossover with 24 ports - designed for terminating an optical cable, protecting the welding site from external influences and mounting in a 19" rack. The crossover is equipped with three replaceable strips: 3 strips for 8 ports of any type to choose from: SC, FC, ST , LC, etc. Depending on the type of installed replacement bar, the name of the cross also changes.

Main characteristics: Form factor: 1U

Case material: metal

Overall dimensions: 405x230x44 mm.

Weight: 2.1 kg.

Add. information: there are 4 options for cable entry, from different sides of the optical cross-connect

Ethernet switch 10/100 base T embedded

Allows you to create computer networks (including computers, printers, servers) without patch panels. On peripheral equipment, it is necessary to use 10/100 base T Ethernet network cards for data exchange at a speed of 10/100 Mbit/s. It is possible to expand the existing network by replacing the RJ 45 socket. Voltage indicator lamp on the front panel. Convenient and functionally reliable access to the Reset function 6 RJ 45 ports Cable connection to 1 side RJ 45 connector Tool-free connection socket, also used for communication tests Installed in a 3-gang Batibox deep. 50 mm (recommended).

Block diagram of the PON P2MP aggregation node configuration

Optical module xpf 10GBASE-LR


Standard: IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-LR 10Gigabit Ethernet

Optical receiver sensitivity -12.6dBm (max)

Transceiver type: XFP (Small Form Factor Pluggable)

Connector: Duplex LC

Data transfer rate: From 9.95 Gbps to 10.7 Gbps

Wavelength: 1310nm

Cable type: Single-mode optical cable 9/125µm

Maximum cable length: 10 km

Physical parameters

Supply voltage

+3.3V and +5.0V supported

Working temperature

-5o to 70o C

Storage temperature

-40o to 85o C


0% to 85% relative humidity

EMI Certificates

FCC Class B

Patchcord SM SC-SC/APC simplex

The SC-SC APC 9/125 single-mode simplex optical cord is used for switching between optical cross-connects, connecting optical equipment, connecting optical cross-connects. They also have alternative names - optical patch cord SC-SC and optical connecting cord SC-SC. Pay attention to the type of optical cable, the type of optical connectors on both sides and the type of ferrule grinding in order to avoid installation problems.

End diameter

Fiber type

Singlemode, SingleMode

Connector type SC

Polishing type

Connector color

Secondary Buffer Color

Tip material

zirconium dioxide

Return Loss

Insertion loss

≤ 0.3 dB

Pigtail sm sc/PC

Optical mounting cord SC PC 62.5/125 is used for terminating optical communication lines in optical cross-connections. The cord needs to be cut in half to get 2 pigtails. The price is for 1 pigtail. Pay attention to the type of optical cable, type of optical connector and type of ferrule grinding in order to avoid installation problems.

Optical socket SC/PC SM

The SC/PC SM simplex optical socket is a device that serves as a connecting element when using a fiber optic cable. Designed to operate in single-mode mode.


Designed for 500 starts.

SC connector type.

Possible direct losses are no more than 0.2 dB.

Operating temperature range from -40o C to +75o C

Block diagram of the PON P2MP access node configuration

Optical splitter


The main purpose of the planar PLC splitter is use in PON networks. At any site: at a station, in a coupling, when entering a house, the optical signal is divided between several users into several fibers using a passive device that does not require maintenance - a splitter.


There are the following options for the luminous flux division coefficient using splitters: 1x2, 1x4, 1x8, 1x16, 1x32, 1x64.

Various manufacturing options for splitters allow their use in PON networks of any architecture, regardless of the data transmission technology used by the operator.

The minimum dimensions of the splitter (4x4x40 mm), as well as the use of splitters already terminated with an SC connector with a pigtail of various lengths, provide a flexible approach to network installation.

The splitter can be integrated into an optical distribution box, coupling, street and access cabinets, floor boxes, or directly into a subscriber access device.


Splitters support all types of FTTH network architectures:


· data transfer.


· unfinished for welding (for example, in couplings);

· terminated with connectors of the following types: FC, SC, LC;

· connector polishing type: SPC, UPC, APC.


· in a compact steel case with fiber outputs in a tape design;

· in a compact steel case with fiber outputs in the shell of 900 microns;

· in an aluminum/plastic case with fiber outputs in a patchcord sheath of 2-3 mm;

· for installation in 19"" frame, ODF.


Wavelength.............................1260…1360 Nm, 1450…1625 Nm

Maximum input signal...............17 dBm, 1550 Nm

Operating temperatures......-40°C…+85°C

Rel. Humidity........................5% … 85%

Dimensions (HxWxD, mm):

x4, 1x8................................4 x 4 x 40 mm

x 16........................................5 x 4 x 40 mm

x 32........................................7 x 4 x 50 mm

In a boxed version.............10 x 80 x 100 mm

Available in 19" ......................44 x 300 x 482.6 mm

Optical characteristics


Optical splitter configuration

Insertion loss, dB*

Permissible unevenness of optical power division between output ports, dB*

Allowable changes in optical power losses during transmission between the input and each of the output ports, due to changes in polarization, dB*

Return loss, dB

Directivity, dB

Operating wavelength

Operating temperature range, °C

Optical cross connectors KRS-8, KRS-16 and KRS-24 for rack mounting

Rack-mount optical cross connects are convenient patch panels for connecting and distributing linear optical cable fibers using optical pigtails and patch cords. Made of lightweight aluminum alloy with anti-corrosion coating, or steel with protection degree IP-55. Cassettes for laying welding spots allow the use of heat-shrinkable KDZS tubes with a length of 60 mm or 40 mm. FC, SC or ST type adapters are installed in special sockets.

Certificate of Conformity of the State Committee for Communications of the Russian Federation No. OS-1-OK-125

Subscriber optical cross

The SKRU rack-mount cross distribution device is designed for termination, distribution and switching of optical cables, connection of optical fibers to the equipment of optical transmission systems, as well as for monitoring the characteristics of the optical cable during operation.

Dimensions: 485x212x44 mm

Weight: 2.0 kg

Features: Metal structure with a thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm provides the necessary rigidity of the product and is installed in mounting racks (cabinets) of a 19” design

The oblong cable entry is located on the rear side of the housing

The KU-01 splice plate provides a bending radius of at least 30 mm, which avoids additional losses during the operation of fiber-optic lines.


Splice plate KU-01

Cover for splice plate KU-01

Splice plate fastener

Marker table

Nylon zip ties

TsSE fasteners

M5 screws (for fastening the TsSE to the body)

Adapter strips

Blank strips

Self-adhesive pads with cable clamps

Metal clamp for attaching the cable to the housing

Individual corrugated cardboard packaging

3. Selection and justification of equipment

3.1 Optical line terminal equipment

The optical line terminal (OLT) is designed to organize broadband multiservice multiple access over an optical fiber with a tree structure in accordance with the G.983.X standard using PON technology.

The PON G.983 standard covers the passive component of the network and active devices, regulates the interaction protocols between the central OLT node and ONT subscriber nodes, the parameters of optical transceiver interfaces (signal power, wavelengths) for OLT and ONT, determines the permissible topologies and the length of the P0N network . P0N technology involves the use of the C-band (1530-1565 nm) for transmitting DWDM signals.

In accordance with the G.983.1 standard, one fiber-optic segment of the PON network can cover up to 32 subscriber nodes within a radius of up to 20 km.

Each subscriber node is designed for an ordinary residential building or office building and, in turn, can cover hundreds of subscribers, providing service interfaces 10/100Base-TX, E1/E2/EZ/E4, digital video, ATM, STM-1/4.

The central node may have ATM, SDH (STM-1/4/16), Gigabit Ethernet network interfaces for connecting to backbone networks.

Functional features of OLT application:

· Optical fiber is becoming the best medium for building backbone and small-diameter access networks.

· Passive branch nodes can significantly increase network reliability by eliminating intermediate active elements between the central office and the subscriber node.

· With the most advanced concept of FTTH (fiber to the home), each subscriber becomes a terminal.

· Thanks to the gigantic fiber capacity, the optimal solution is achieved when one fiber coming from a central node or otherwise POP (Point-Of-Presence) is branched to many subscribers. This makes the construction of a fiber-optic cable system economical and reduces subsequent costs of maintaining it.

· Solutions based on PON and DWDM technologies best meet these requirements.

· Significant reduction in the cost of using PON technology in the basic version of two wavelengths (1550 nm, 1310 nm).

· Optical fiber bandwidth is used efficiently.

· The network is built with passive fiber branching.

· PON - Multiservice network.

· Dynamic bandwidth allocation.

· Natural evolution to DWDM network.

· Possibility of reserving both all and individual subscribers,

· Transformation of the "last mile" concept into the "first mile" concept.

3.2 ONU equipment

Device versatility

One of the important distinguishing features of the DIR-100 device is its versatility. By purchasing the DIR-100, the user can decide for himself which device to use it as: a broadband router, a Triple Play router or a VLAN switch. To receive a new device, simply download the necessary software from the D-Link FTP server. However, the device hardware remains unchanged. Here is a description of the functionality of the DIR-100 as a Triple Play router.

Triple Play Services

The popularity and availability of Triple Play services is growing day by day. The user simply needs to connect the Triple Play router and order the corresponding service from the provider. The Triple Play DIR-100 router, recommended for use in provider networks, allows users to access the Internet, watch IPTV broadcasts and use VoiceOverIP services with guaranteed transmission speeds. Thus, using one WAN connection, voice, video and Internet traffic are simultaneously transmitted (Triple Play).

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. Its two ports support NAT and firewall functions. These ports are intended for connecting personal computers and organizing access to the Internet. The other two ports do not support routing functions - these ports are connected to the WAN port in transparent bridge mode. It is possible to connect to these two ports, for example, an IP telephone or equipment necessary for the implementation of IP television services (IPSTB).

VLAN and queue prioritization support
Support for virtual VLANs (802.1Q and port-based) is especially important for this device. Because it is this function that allows each type of traffic to be transmitted over its own virtual network.
The device also supports 802.1p queue prioritization to ensure proper quality of service, allowing users to use latency-sensitive applications such as audio/video streaming and VoIP over the network.
The ports of the Triple Play DIR-100 router, designed for connecting personal computers, are equipped with security functions. Thus, they have a built-in firewall to protect computers on the network from virus and DOS attacks.

HTV-1000 is a reliable and time-tested set-top box that allows IP TV service operators to quickly and inexpensively deploy a television broadcast network of any scale.

supports major media protocols

DOLBY DIGITAL digital surround sound support

HDTV support

ability to record TV programs

low cost of organizing Internet television networks on a city scale

high price/quality ratio

The device can be connected to any television signal receiver.

Features of the TV set-top box

Watching HD video and TV content

Viewing multicast streams (TV channels) according to the list

Generating a list of TV channels manually

TV channel preview window

Image format conversion

Playback of video and audio data of various formats: MPEG-TS, MPEG-PS, avi, mkv, mov, mp4, wmv, ac3, mp3, wmv

Decoding of video streams of the following standards: MPEG2, MPEG4P2, h264,VC-1, WMV9

Decoding audio streams of the following standards: mpeg2-audio, mp3, AC-3

Playing media data located on UPnP servers

Playing media data from USB flash memory, disks

Possibility of connecting a USB keyboard, USB mouse

Support for SMB and NFS file systems

Support for WI-FI usb adapters

Built-in YouTube player

Built-in WEB browser

Built-in list of Radio Stations

Access to Picassa

Built-in game programs

Controlling the volume level and muting the set-top box from the remote control

Low power consumption

For IP TV operators and video content providers

Logo installation

Installing an operator key, digital signature

Installing the set-top box control key

Remote software update

Open source software makes it possible to adapt your own control and monitoring systems

Adding your own commands

Remote control of the front panel indicator

Remote restart of the set-top box with changing the boot mode

Playing content from the operator's UpnP media server

Java Script capabilities - to control the IPTV set-top box, play various types of content and configure the set-top box's behavior model

Technical characteristics of the set-top box

Video modes

HD 1080i720p/i576p/ito 1920 x 1080 x 32 bitTV standard 4:3 or 16:9

Video codecs/2 [email protected] HP@level 4.1 up to 30 Mbit/s

MPEG4 part 2 (ASP) DivX4, DivX5, XviD

Audio codecslayer I/IIlayer IIlayer III (mp3)Digitalsubtitlesmedia protocols: RTSP, RTP, UDP, IGMPon-Chip (SoC)DDR 128MbFlash 1Mb, Flash 128Mb

Software shutdown, 5 V; 1.5 Aout: RCA, S-Video, SCART, HDMI, Component RGB or (Y Pr Pb): S/PDIF (Dolby AC-3 multi-channel), LR RCA2.0

control panel RC-510/100Base-T Auto MDI/MDIX RJ-45

operating temperature range, 10°C- 40°C

storage temperature range, 0°C-50°C

humidity 40%~60%

supply voltage 100-240 V,50/60 Hz, 7W

dimensions 300 mm x 237 mm x 64 mm

Base operating system linux2.6.16agent: WebKit

built-in media portal with IPTV functionality

HTTP 1.1, HTML 4.01 XHTML 1.0/1.11, 2, 3, CSS 1, 2, 31.0, XSLT 1.0, XPath, revision 5JavaScript API

latest firmware release 0.2.03

MiddleWare is supplied separately for the broadcast operator node

support for SAMBA and NFS protocols

It is also possible to transfer data not via cable, but via Wi-Fi

D-Link DVG-2001S IP telephony gateway, which is a universal solution with which you can integrate Internet telephony into your home or office telephone network. Many will be surprised: why do you need an IP phone at home? Until recently, this would indeed have seemed like a useless undertaking, but IP telephony is increasingly crowding out its traditional ancestor. So, for example, when connecting to an operator, a SIPNET user gets the opportunity to:

· significantly save on international and long-distance calls

· communicate free of charge with other subscribers of the SIPNET network

· call from anywhere to Moscow and St. Petersburg for free

· personalize the cost and quality of calls in any direction

· order a connection between two subscribers anywhere in the world

Any Internet user with broadband access with a speed of 64 Kb/sec and higher can connect to SIPNET. To do this, just install one of the standard softphones on your computer or buy a SIP phone or SIP gateway. We will talk about one of them in this article. S opens the D-Link line of VoIP gateways, it is extremely easy to configure and operate, reliable and compact.

Device Specification:

Ports: 1 FXS port, 1 Ethernet 10/100 Mbps port

· supported protocols: SIP

· compression: G.711/G.723/G.729AB;

echo removal method: G.168

· stream: 6-64 kbps (depending on codec)

· support for DHCP, PPPoE;

NAT traversal support

· Possibility to update firmware

The device is equipped with one FXS port for connecting an analog telephone and one LAN port (Fast Ethernet) for connecting to a home or office network. The gateway cannot boast of a built-in router or switch. The LAN port connects to a switch or ADSL modem/router, and any telephone device can be connected to the telephone jack. You can choose any device you like: a DECT handset, a telephone with an answering machine, etc. The ability to choose from a huge variety of phones is one of the advantages of IP gateways over IP phones, the range of which is significantly limited.

For IP telephony to work you need software called X-lite

X-lite settings

Download the program<#"599313.files/image041.gif">

A window with current accounts appears:

Select add (Add...)

Fill in the following:

Display name - the name displayed on the phone, for example Vasya

User name - your login for<Домашнего Интернета>, for example for now it will be 7846XXXX

Password - your password in our system.” should be replaced with “your password”

Authorization user name - the same as User name but without 7846

Domain -

We leave the remaining bookmarks as default.

The phone is ready to use

After setup, a dialog box will appear asking you to update the program version: A new version of X-Lite is available for downloading. Do you want to download it now?. You must refuse the update by clicking "No".

Click on the arrow (Show menu) and select "About".

Version 3.0 build 29712 Build 41150 works fine. Problems with hearing can be caused by firewalls, antivirus, router, etc.

4. Calculation of optical path parameters

4.1 Calculation of optical power budget for FTTB

Transmission of information with the required quality in the regeneration section of the fiber optic line without optical amplifiers, taking into account losses and dispersion distortions, is ensured by a power reserve (net power budget) equal to the difference between the energy potential of the fiber optic transmission line (covered by attenuation) and the optical power costs for losses and interference suppression and distortion of optical pulses in the line:

[dB], where:

[dB], where:

The total value of additional losses consists of additional losses due to the laser’s own noise, due to noise due to the radiation of optical power when transmitting “zero”, due to intersymbol interference noise and, accordingly, is equal to:

Additional losses due to the radiation source’s own noise are calculated using the formula:


< RIN<-140 дБм.

Let RIN=-130[dBm]

Additional losses due to noise due to radiation of optical power when transmitting “zero” are determined by the formula:

[dB], where:


4.2 Calculation of attenuation in the optical path for FTTB

Here, the component of Rayleigh scattering loss at a wavelength is determined by the relations:

,, Where ,

, Where ;

This is the reference wavelength;


[µm]=800 [nm]







4.3 Calculation of energy reserve for FTTB

To characterize the FOCS power budget, the concept of energy potential (overlap attenuation) is introduced, which is defined as the permissible optical losses of the optical path or ECU between normalization points at which the required quality of digital optical signal transmission is ensured. Optical losses are due to attenuation losses and additional power losses due to the influence of reflections, dispersion (chromatic and polarization mode), mode noise and chirp effect.

The energy potential is calculated as the difference between the power level of optical radiation at the transmission and the sensitivity level of the receiver

Values ​​and in Table 1.


4 Calculation of optical power budget for FTTH

Transmission of information with the required quality in the regeneration section of the fiber optic line without optical amplifiers, taking into account losses and dispersion distortions, is ensured by a power reserve (net power budget) equal to the difference between the energy potential of the fiber optic transmission line (covered by attenuation) and the optical power costs for losses and interference suppression and distortion of optical pulses in the line:

[dB], where:

Attenuation of ESC together with station cables (patch cords);

Total value of additional losses, dB.

The maximum attenuation value of the ESC together with station cables (patch cords) is calculated as follows:

[dB], where:

The number of permanent connections of the OB on the ECU.

The number of permanent connections on the ECU is equal to:

The total value of additional losses consists of additional losses due to the laser’s own noise, due to noise due to the radiation of optical power when transmitting “zero”, due to intersymbol interference noise and, accordingly, is equal to:

Additional losses due to the radiation source’s own noise are calculated using the formula:



The value of the source's own noise parameter - RIN usually lies within -120< RIN<-140 дБм.

Let RIN=-130[dBm]

Additional losses due to noise due to radiation of optical power when transmitting “zero” are determined by the formula:

[dB], where:

The ratio of the power of optical radiation from a source when transmitting “zero” to the power of optical radiation when transmitting “one”. As a rule, the value of this value lies in the range of 0.01 0.1.


4.5 Calculation of attenuation in the optical path for FTTH

The attenuation coefficient is calculated at the central wavelength of the optical channel. It is first necessary to determine the spectral range in which the central wavelength lies. To calculate the spectral loss characteristics of an optical fiber, we will use well-known approximate formulas. The resulting fiber attenuation coefficient in dBm/km is given by the sum of:

Here, the component of Rayleigh scattering loss at a wavelength is determined by the relations:

,, Where ,

The loss component due to OH- impurities is calculated as follows:

, Where ;

This is the reference wavelength;

[nm], since the central wavelength is closer to 1550 [nm].

Reference wavelength attenuation coefficient:


[µm]=800 [nm]






Resulting fiber attenuation coefficient:

Maximum optical fiber attenuation coefficient:


3 Calculation of energy reserve for FTTH

To characterize the FOCS power budget, the concept of energy potential (overlap attenuation) is introduced, which is defined as the permissible optical losses of the optical path or ECU between normalization points at which the required quality of digital optical signal transmission is ensured. Optical losses are due to attenuation losses and additional power losses due to the influence of reflections, dispersion (chromatic and polarization mode), mode noise and chirp effect.

The energy potential is calculated as the difference between the power level of optical radiation at the transmission and the sensitivity level of the receiver

where W is the energy potential (overlap attenuation), dBm;

Optical radiation power level of the FOSP transmitter, dBm;

Receiver sensitivity level, dBm.

Values ​​and in Table 1.

5. Security system for FTTx technology

5.1 General provisions

Choosing the Right Topology

It is not recommended to use hubs for VoIP infrastructure, which make it easier for attackers to intercept data. In addition, since digitized voice typically travels over the same cable system and through the same network equipment as conventional data, the information flows between them must be properly delineated. This, for example, can be done using the VLAN mechanism (however, you should not rely on them alone). It is advisable to place servers participating in the IP telephony infrastructure in a separate network segment, protected not only by the protection mechanisms built into switches and routers (access control lists, address translation and attack detection), but also with the help of additionally installed tools (firewalls, systems attack detection, authentication systems, etc.).

Physical Security

It is advisable to prohibit unauthorized user access to network equipment, including switches, and, if possible, place all non-subscriber equipment in specially equipped server rooms. This will prevent unauthorized connection of an attacker's computer. In addition, you should regularly check for unauthorized devices connected to the network that can be “embedded” directly into the network cable. Such devices can be identified in different ways, for example, using scanners (InternetScanner, Nessus), which remotely recognize the presence of “foreign” devices on the network.

Access control

Another fairly simple way to protect your VoIP infrastructure is to control MAC addresses. Do not allow IP phones with unknown MAC addresses to access gateways and other elements of the IP network that transmit voice data. This will prevent unauthorized connection of “foreign” IP phones that can listen to your conversations or carry out telephone communications at your expense. Of course, the MAC address can be faked, but you still shouldn’t neglect such a simple protective measure, which can be implemented without any problems on most modern switches and even hubs. Nodes (mainly gateways, dispatchers and monitors) must be configured to block all unauthorized attempts to access them. To do this, you can use both capabilities built into operating systems and products from third parties. And since we work in Russia, we should use products certified by the State Technical Commission of Russia, especially since there are a lot of such products.

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) technology provides a secure division of a physical network into multiple isolated segments that operate independently of each other. In IP telephony, this technology is used to separate voice transmission from regular data transmission (files, email messages, etc.). Dispatchers, gateways, and IP phones are placed on a dedicated VLAN for voice. As I noted above, VLAN makes life much more difficult for attackers, but does not eliminate all problems with eavesdropping on conversations. There are techniques that allow attackers to intercept data even in a switched environment.


Encryption must be used not only between gateways, but also between the IP phone and the gateway. This will protect the entire path that voice data takes from one end to the other. Privacy is not only an integral part of the H.323 standard, but is also implemented in the equipment of some manufacturers. However, this mechanism is almost never used. Why? Because the quality of data transmission is a top priority, and continuous encryption/decryption of a voice data stream takes time and often introduces unacceptable delays into the process of transmitting and receiving traffic (a delay of 200-250 ms can significantly reduce the quality of conversations). In addition, as mentioned above, the lack of a single standard does not allow all manufacturers to adopt a single encryption algorithm. However, in fairness, it must be said that the difficulties of intercepting voice traffic so far make it possible to turn a blind eye to its encryption. But you still shouldn’t give up encryption completely - you need to secure your negotiations. In addition, you can use selective encryption only for certain fields in VoIP packets.


The corporate network is usually protected by firewalls (FWs), which can also be successfully used for VoIP infrastructure. You simply need to add a set of rules that take into account the network topology, the location of installed IP telephony components, etc. Two types of firewalls can be used to protect IP telephony components. The first, corporate, is installed at the exit from the corporate network and protects all its resources at once. The second type is a personal firewall that protects only one specific node, which can host a subscriber point, gateway or Protector manager. In addition, some operating systems (Linux or Windows 2000) have built-in personal firewalls, which can be used to enhance the security of your VoIP infrastructure. Depending on the IP telephony standard used, the use of firewalls can lead to different problems. After subscriber stations have exchanged information about connection parameters using the SIP protocol, all interaction is carried out through dynamically allocated ports with numbers greater than 1023. In this case, the ITU “does not know” in advance which port will be used for the exchange of voice data, and will block such exchanges. Therefore, the firewall must be able to analyze SIP packets in order to determine the ports used for communication and dynamically create or change its rules. A similar requirement applies to other IP telephony protocols. Another problem is related to the fact that not all ITUs are able to competently process not only the header of the IP telephony protocol, but also its data body, since often important information, for example, information about subscriber addresses in the SIP protocol, is located in the data body. A firewall's inability to "get to the bottom of things" can result in voice communications being unable to be exchanged through the firewall or leaving a hole in the firewall that is too large for attackers to exploit.


Various IP phones support authentication mechanisms that allow you to use its capabilities only after presenting and verifying a password or personal PIN number that allows the user to access the IP phone. However, it should be noted that this solution is not always convenient for the end user, especially in conditions of daily use of an IP phone. The usual contradiction between security and convenience arises. 1918 and address translation

It is not recommended to use Internet-accessible IP addresses for VoIP; this significantly reduces the overall security level of the infrastructure. Therefore, whenever possible, use addresses specified in RFC 1918 (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, etc.) that are not routable on the Internet. If this is not possible, then you need to use the networkaddress translation (NAT) mechanism on the firewall protecting your corporate network.

Attack detection systems

We have already discussed above some attacks that can disrupt the operation of the VoIP infrastructure. To protect against them, you can use well-proven and well-known attack detection tools in Russia (intrusiondetection system), which not only promptly identify attacks, but also block them, preventing them from harming the resources of the corporate network. Such tools can protect both entire network segments (for example, RealSecureNetworkSensor or Snort) and individual nodes (CiscoSecure IDS HostSensor or RealSecureServerSensor). The versatility and breadth of the topic do not allow us to consider in detail the information security of IP telephony. But the aspects that I was able to cover still show that VoIP is not such a closed and incomprehensible area as it seems at first glance. Attack methods already known from conventional telephony and IP networks can be applied to it. And the relative ease of their implementation puts security in first place along with ensuring the quality of IP telephony service.

2 Security system against vandals (based on Censor)

Security of "passive" FTTH (PON) cabinets

The main feature of broadband networks with PON technology is that a completely passive optical network with a tree topology is created between the central node and remote subscriber nodes. The intermediate nodes of the tree contain passive optical splitters (splitters) that do not require power or maintenance. Splitters, as a rule, are placed in vandal-proof cabinets, which are not of interest to attackers as a subject for theft and profit. However, being installed in the entrances of apartment buildings, they are often subject to acts of vandalism, committed without a specific purpose by “unreliable contingent”. There are also acts of intentional damage to such property by unscrupulous competitors of the operator. Consequently, the issue of ensuring the safety and protection of “passive” cabinets is no less pressing than the same issue in relation to cabinets with active equipment.

At the same time, the FTTH cabinet has neither power supply nor a physical Ethernet port for connecting equipment to the center - that’s why it is “passive”. Providing power entails laying cables, installing an uninterruptible power supply, an electricity meter, etc. Creating an Ethernet port from an optical termination, essentially intended to generate revenue from subscribers, is extremely ineffective economically. Not to mention the fact that with all such organizational and technical measures, the security system will require a separate anti-vandal cabinet, which in cost can exceed all protected cabinets. Consequently, the security principle of installing an independent monitoring device in each cabinet, requiring power and a communication channel, is not suitable here. Yes, this is also impractical, because in such a cabinet there is nothing special to control - only opening. So, does the problem have no solution? As it turns out, there is a solution, and a very successful one! Moreover, for the operators of OJSC Svyazinvest and alternative operators that have their own traditional fixed-line networks, it looks especially elegant! And it was proposed by the Customers themselves - Users of the APK "CENSOR".

It is possible to implement the protection of FTTH (PON) cabinets with the help of the APK "CENSOR" using existing equipment manufactured and supplied to customers today - based on the unique well security system "SOKOL" of its own design and production of JSC NPC "Computer Technologies".

Let us remind you that SOKOL is a professional Russian solution for the protection of cable ducts based on the address-parallel method of sensor monitoring. The system successfully passed a year-long test cycle at real facilities of the Perm TUES PFE OJSC Uralsvyazinform. The uniqueness of the SOKOL system is that it allows targeted control of 60 tamper sensors on one two-wire line 20 km long with any number of branches (parallel connections) and any topology (star, tree, ring, mixed, linear). The system compares favorably with analogues in its highest reliability, confirmed during operation, ease of installation and maintenance, protection against breaks and short circuits, as well as cost-effectiveness.

The hardware system consists of object devices (as a rule, these are cable and communication well protection units BOX with MKAD addressable sensor control modules installed in them), installed on the automatic telephone exchange in the premises of the crossroads, and addressable tamper sensors (ATS), installed on the periphery, for example, in wells. There are also insulation units (BI) that provide protection of loops from short circuits. DAK opening sensors are active, i.e. They have a built-in microprocessor and a specific operating algorithm, and are also non-polar in terms of connection to the loop. Moreover, when connected, the address is assigned to them automatically - there is no need to program anything. Addressable sensors operate independently of each other, i.e. when one is triggered, all the others remain protected. In addition, thanks to the possibility of organizing a “star” topology in the SOKOL subsystem, the loop can be protected from breakage: if there is a break in one place, all sensors remain protected; if there is a break in two or more places, only the disconnected segment will go out of control. Using optionally supplied BI insulation blocks, you can protect the loop from short circuits: in the event of a short circuit, the system will automatically turn off the damaged section of the loop, and all other sensors will be monitored.

Thus, "SOKOL" is simply an ideal means of protecting such small and grouped objects as cabinets. And if you study the issue more deeply, it is also the only possible one from the point of view of modern technology and logic.

Indeed, what, in essence, is the difference between the protection of wells on a cable route and the protection of “passive” cabinets in the entrances of residential buildings? By and large, nothing, with the only caveat that guarding cabinets in hallways is, perhaps, even easier than guarding KKS. Therefore, it is cheaper. This is due to lower wire consumption, no need for sealing, and ease of installation and setup of the system.

The only question is how to link the sensors, even if they are included in a common loop inside a residential building, with a control unit installed on a telephone exchange, which may be located several kilometers away? This is where it becomes clear why this solution is most suitable for Svyazinvest operators and other operators with traditional networks. Such operators, as a rule, have an impressive amount of installed capacity of fixed-line subscriber lines - copper pairs going from the station through distribution cabinets and boxes directly to subscribers' apartments. Among these pairs, in most cases, it was possible to find free ones before, and in recent years, when there has been a transition of subscribers from fixed-line to other types of communications, this resource has been released even more. In short, there are practically no problems with the allocation of free copper pairs in subscriber cables from telephone exchanges to residential buildings. Just such a pair can be used to organize a security loop for cabinets in a residential building. It is enough to feed this pair directly into the distribution box of the KRTP to the alarm loop, and at the station from the cross connect it to the control unit and that’s it, the system is ready!

It turns out that instead of active security equipment for tamper control in PON cabinets, addressable sensors DAK of the SOKOL subsystem are used, operating via a two-wire loop. The loop transmits signals from the sensors and simultaneously powers them. Sealing of the sensors is not required; electrical insulation of the spliced ​​ends of the wire is sufficient. The sensors themselves are manufactured in such a way that they do not require any complex operations at the installation and connection stage. The loop inside the building is laid with a single-pair copper wire, for example, KSPV 2x0.5 or PRPPM 2x0.9, or even with ordinary telephone “noodles”. Wires can be laid along the internal communications of the building in convenient places (in shafts, risers, cable ducts, suspended ceilings, etc.), as well as externally. It is possible that the “noodle” will be the most convenient wire for this. And what? The wire is strong, can be nailed to regular nails, has suitable characteristics and cross-section, and most importantly, a minimum price. And operators almost always have such a wire in stock.

In the KRTP distribution box, the cable is connected to a dedicated pair, and that, in turn, to the BOX equipment installed on the telephone exchange.

The capabilities of the BOX block to implement the functions of the SOKOL subsystem make it possible to control 60 addressable sensors on one two-wire loop up to 20 km long with any number of branches and various topologies (ring, star, tree, linear, mixed). Depending on the configuration of the BOX, there can be from 1 to 4 such loops on one block. Those. up to 60, 120, 180, 240 addressable control points on one device. The device is also complete in terms of data transfer functions, because on board the BOX there is a standard Ethernet port with the TCP/IP protocol, which can be included in the operator’s multiservice network for data transfer to the Server and workstations.

We get an addressable parallel system for protecting PON cabinets, operating over one two-wire loop at a distance of 20 km from the telephone exchange to the cabinet, and has protection against short circuits and breaks. Moreover, the system satisfies the most stringent modern criteria and requirements imposed by operators on suppliers:

the solution is highly effective: instead of abandoning security and saving “on matches” (from the often encountered position in the spirit of “let’s look first, and if there is vandalism, then we will protect”), it is now easier and more profitable for the operator to initially include it in the package at minimal one-time costs cabinets with the appropriate sensors, having received a ready-made solution with a standard alarm system, and not later, during operation, take your specialists away from their main work to install non-standard protective equipment.

the solution is easy to install and unpretentious to maintain: maximum technological operations are performed at the stage of manufacturing sensors and cabinets, and the User can easily assemble a finished system using the simplest tools and materials, like a radio designer, and in the future it is just as easy to maintain it.

the solution is inexpensive: the presence of a security system and sensors does not significantly affect the cost of the cabinet, which operators and manufacturers strive to reduce to a minimum due to high competition in the broadband services market; in addition, the existing resources of the telecom operator are used to the maximum - copper wires receiving a “second life”, thus eliminating any additional costs.

The cost of the equipment is indicated directly in the figure, and if we take average figures, then the cost of the system per one protected PON cabinet is within 1000 rubles, which is two to three times more economical than the simplest solution for protecting active FTTB cabinets. And this cannot but rejoice, because the affordability of all components in the construction of PON networks is the main economic factor in the competitiveness of broadband access services and the success of the operator in the market.

Unique technology for protecting copper subscriber cables in FTTx broadband networks

FTTx technology in the construction of broadband access networks (BBA) is as common as mass theft of copper cables in the entrances of residential buildings. Massive cuttings of copper cables cause not only material damage associated with restoration work, network downtime, and unprovided traffic, but also damage to the reputation, image, and prestige of the operator. What does a good telecom operator want and should do? Drawing a loose analogy with sports, where you need to be “faster, higher, stronger,” the operator wants to develop and improve the quality of services and increase the customer base. However, he has to spend energy, time and money on “trauma treatment” - on repairing the damage.

CJSC NPC Computer Technologies, Russia's first developer of specialized systems for monitoring and security of communication networks, has always been at the forefront of manufacturers of equipment for protecting cable facilities and communication lines. We proposed and patented technologies for the protection of trunk and distribution cables with the determination of the location of a break based on free and occupied subscriber pairs as part of our APK "CENSOR" - the first professional Russian solution for comprehensive monitoring and protection of communication cables and LKS.

Time and again, taking care of the interests of our Clients - telecom operators and broadband services, confirming our status as a pioneer in our field, we have developed an innovative and unique technology “CRAB” for monitoring subscriber distribution cables in FTTx broadband networks.

A feature of FTTx broadband access networks is the presence of cabinets with equipment installed inside or near residential buildings and office buildings. From the operator's side, a fiber-optic cable enters the cabinet, and copper cables go from the cabinet to the subscribers. Often one cabinet is installed for the entire house or for several entrances, so inter-entrance and inter-floor connections are laid with a high-capacity multi-pair cable, which, on intermediate passive switches (cross-connects) installed in the entrances, is distributed into four-pair twisted pair Ethernet cables (UTP cat. 5e 4x2x0.53 or similar).

A new development of JSC Scientific and Production Center "Computer Technologies" is aimed at protecting copper distribution subscriber cables of the "twisted pair" type in FTTx broadband access networks with a subscriber access speed of 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s.

The “CRAB” subsystem consists of (highlighted in green in the figure): a special patch panel installed in the FTTx cabinet, a matching module made in the form of a network socket and installed at the subscriber, and an information collection device USI APK “CENSOR”. In this case, it is USI-8F “MAYAK”, designed specifically for monitoring and protecting broadband access cabinets.

Thus, the “CRAB” subsystem is suitable for both new Clients planning to purchase USI-8F, and all Clients already using these devices on their networks. In general, “CRAB” technology is supported by all devices in our line.

To protect subscriber cables, USI-8F must have the required number of free general-purpose inputs (according to the number of protected cables). There are a total of 8 of them on each control device, so even when connecting a door reed switch and a temperature sensor, there are still 6 inputs that can be used to protect communication lines. At the same time, you need to understand that it is not necessary to protect every subscriber line, but it is necessary to protect at least one such line in each inter-access multi-pair cable, which most often becomes the subject of theft. Then, based on rough calculations, we obtain a solution for protecting cables in 6-8 entrances of a residential building with one USI-8F device, which is very economical both in cost and in labor costs.

The AMP inputs are connected to the patch panel according to the diagram supplied with the equipment. The protected cable is also connected to the same patch panel. The technology is also unique in that it uses a busy subscriber line for security, and this saves communication lines.

The subscriber and his equipment do not feel such a connection in any way. The line is monitored without interference in the data transmission process, and only at the physical level, and the monitoring equipment is completely “transparent” for the end-to-end passage of traffic. For this purpose, a unique switching circuit specially developed at JSC Scientific and Production Center “Computer Technologies” is used, integrated into the patch panel and the matching module.

The “CRAB” matching module, made in the form of a regular network socket, is installed at the end of the protected cable section directly in the subscriber’s apartment or office. The network cable from the subscriber equipment is connected to it. At the same time, the “advanced” connection scheme “CRAB” allows you to protect the cable even when the subscriber equipment is disconnected from the network, i.e. The remote port is not connected.

If the cable breaks in the area from the patch panel to the matching module, the USI will issue a corresponding signal to the system, and this signal will be immediately transmitted to the dispatcher.

Thus, the operator has an effective and cost-effective solution to prevent mass thefts of communication cables in the entrances of residential buildings, and therefore the losses associated with this.

Needless to say, how important an indicator when implementing FTTx projects is their profitability and economic efficiency. These indicators can be jeopardized if the cable is cut, which will require the operator to additionally spend on its restoration. Now there is a real means to eliminate these risks and increase the profitability of projects for the construction of broadband networks - this is the “CRAB” subsystem of the “CENSOR” hardware and software complex.

New USI-4x4 device:

The construction of broadband access networks based on FTTB (fiber to the building) telecommunications cabinets opens up new opportunities for the operator and new services for the subscriber. At the same time, the operator has a complex and expensive network infrastructure, the stability and profitability of operation of which depends on the quality of control and management, and the reliability of its protection from external threats.

For mass monitoring and control on broadband networks, a simple and reliable solution is needed that provides control of life support parameters and protection of active FTTB broadband cabinets via an Ethernet network with management and resource accounting functions, support for the open SNMP protocol and proprietary software. It should have the advantages of leading existing solutions, and the cost should be at least half the price of the closest Russian analogues.

JSC Scientific and Production Center "Computer Technologies" has successfully coped with this task, and presents to the attention of Users a super-novelty - an economical data collection device USI-4x4 for monitoring active FTTB cabinets!

The new monitoring device USI-4x4 as part of the hardware and software complex "CENSOR" is intended for comprehensive technological monitoring and security, management and accounting of resources in broadband access cabinets (FTTB) with active equipment.

The “off-road” formula “4x4” characterizes the main feature of the new USI-4x4: the device has four universal general-purpose input/output ports, configurable by the User for existing tasks. Each port can operate in “Input” mode - control of a sensor, or in “Output” mode - control of external equipment. Thus, USI-4x4 is suitable for any tasks and requirements for monitoring and protecting the Internet cabinets of a wide variety of Users - a real “all-terrain vehicle”!

Monitoring of active broadband access cabinets (FTTV). MAYAK-FTTx subsystem

The subsystem is designed to monitor and protect active cabinets of optical broadband networks. MAYAK-FTTx ensures compatibility with existing monitoring systems of telecom operators, including those from other manufacturers.

The new object device USI-8F "MAYAK" (F - Fiber) is designed for collecting, temporary storage and transmission to the center via Ethernet networks with TCP/IP and SNMP protocols of discrete information from small-sized FTTx telecommunication cabinets.

5.3 Security system against unauthorized access SIP telephony

SIP telephony is a modern alternative to traditional telephone communication.

The main advantage of SIP telephony is the ability to install telephones with a direct landline number and save significant amounts on long-distance and international calls.

Any subscriber with Internet access at a speed of 64 Kb/sec or higher can connect to SIP telephony services. To do this, just install one of the standard softphones on your computer, laptop or PDA, or buy any IP phone that looks very similar to traditional telephones, and is also convenient and easy to use, or an IP gateway (for connecting a regular phone, fax or integration with office PBX).

Connectivity becomes independent of a person's location, which can be compared to the process of receiving email.

The SIP protocol provides a high degree of protection of telephone conversations from eavesdropping and unauthorized access.

IP telephony standards and their security mechanisms

The lack of uniform accepted standards in this area does not allow the development of universal recommendations for the protection of IP telephony devices. Each workgroup or manufacturer approaches gateway and dispatcher security challenges differently, examining them carefully before selecting adequate security measures.

SIP Security

This protocol, similar to HTTP and used by subscriber points to establish connections (not necessarily telephone, but also, say, for games), does not have serious security and is focused on the use of third-party solutions (for example, PGP). As an authentication mechanism, RFC 2543 offers several options, including basic authentication (as in HTTP) and PGP-based authentication. In an attempt to improve the security of this protocol, Michael Thomas of Cisco Systems developed a draft IETF standard called the "SIP security framework" to describe external and internal threats to the SIP protocol and how to protect against them. These methods include protection at the transport level using TLS or IPSec.

6. Conclusion

Conclusion: In this course project, we implemented the construction of fiber optic lines using FTTB/FTTH technology.