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Telephone marketing (telephone sales). My secrets for effective telephone communication

The telephone is the main source of communication between any company and the client, so it is quite important to follow the right communication tactics, there is, and if you follow these rules, you will not miss it. This physiological and psychological intimacy, that is, a proper telephone conversation, is an integral part of productive business communication.

1. Greet the other person politely
Start your dialogue with the phrase “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” + the name of your organization. This formula is considered welcoming and will help you interest the client.

2. Your voice should always sound with a smile.
This technique is called the “verbal handshake”, which will help you interest the client over the phone. The person calling does not have the opportunity to see you, but he will evaluate the entire company, including you. About 60% of the information that you personally convey daily and receive in personal communication is transmitted non-verbally. Only 8% is transmitted through words, and 32% through paralinguistic signals: intonation, voice timbre, speech volume, etc. If you understand these indicators, it will not be difficult for you to interest a client over the phone.

3. Speak slowly, friendly and clearly
If you sound friendly, it will certainly help you hook the client and set the conversation in the right direction. A deeper voice is perceived better by ear than a higher voice; this simple step will also help you interest the client over the phone.

4. Speak naturally to convince the client
Natural speech is felt immediately and predisposes a person to a sincere and relaxed dialogue, this will help draw the client’s attention to you.

5. Pick up the phone right away
Studies have shown that after six rings a person becomes irritated. The longer the client waits, the more and more angry he gets, and this is not a very good start to interest the client. Try to pick up the phone on time, this will allow you to hook the client and set him up for a positive conversation.

6. Never say: “Wait one minute!”
Such a phrase will be meaningless to the caller. Where exactly did you go? What exactly are you doing there? How long will it take? Your interlocutor will scroll through all these questions in his head and be distracted from the topic of conversation. If you intend to interest the client, you must abandon this phrase.

7. Always allow questions you ask to be answered.
Never express your assumptions regarding anything. Listen carefully, then comprehend what the client says. You can interest the client with your attention to detail, if he sees and understands that you are listening to him attentively, this will undoubtedly put him in a positive mood.

8. Don't interrupt the caller
Interrupting a client is an indicator of bad manners and disrespect for him.

9. Never place the phone handset on the table while talking.
Modern phones have very sensitive microphones, and your interlocutor can hear you putting the phone down on the table, which is bad form in a conversation.

10. Find out the name of the secretary
Before calling another organization, find out the name of the company secretary, this will put you in a very advantageous position and emphasize your professionalism.

11. Don't switch calls
If you ask the client to wait because you have a call on the other line, this may make the client think that you are not serious about him and there are more important clients to you than him, and this will not help you to interest the client.

12. Don't use call forwarding
The client will not feel very comfortable if he is forced to dial an additional extension number. You must understand this and create a comfortable environment for the caller.

All these 12 ways to interest a client over the phone, will help you in your work, and you will undoubtedly achieve success if you follow them.

Hello, dear friends!

Thanks to the telephone, we have the opportunity to resolve important issues. We cannot do without it in modern society. We are accustomed, if necessary, to dial the necessary numbers and talk to a person who is hundreds of kilometers away from us.

But if you have to solve work issues while spending hours on end on the phone, then you have probably thought about the question of how to convince people over the phone effectively and efficiently?

In today’s material, I would like to present you with some important tips that allow you to effectively communicate remotely with people.

Preparation stage

The use of psychological techniques is not possible without first working on the purpose and plan of the call. Business communication must be approached with all seriousness and dedication.

The fact is that if you consider the option of personal, live communication with a potential buyer or important client, then you have a lot of time to make the necessary impact and complete the deal.

And in telephone mode, discussions take much less time. Theoretically, you have a chance to persuade the desired opponent in 30 seconds, due to the fact that it is during this period of time that he will decide: “ Is he interested in listening to you or not?».

To make the most of the time you have, I suggest you use help. When preparing for a conversation in advance, make up little tips for yourself.

Working out specific goals simplifies the work of the brain during a call, during which you will already feel nervous and may miss something.

Determine for yourself a “minimum” plan and a “maximum” plan, so half of your goals will certainly be achieved.

Formulate the main points on which you will move, in a notebook or on sticky notes.

Telephone etiquette

It is globally important to start a telephone conversation correctly. After you pick up the phone, the first thing you need to do is introduce yourself. You must greet the caller and state your first and last name clearly, slowly and clearly.

In all European countries, this custom has long become commonplace.

If you pick up the phone, answering an incoming call, after a greeting and an articulate name, you should no less clearly imagine the company itself, the face of which you are in this case.

The technique of influencing the person whose space you are invading begins with small, seemingly insignificant nuances, but which add up to a huge and weighty ball of service that everyone needs.

During the dialogue, watch the speed of your speech. The desire to speak the text like a tongue twister will reveal your disinterest, fear and will determine for your interlocutor your means of making money, with the help of such aimless calls.

Knowing in advance where and who you are calling, it is logical that you will call the individual by name and patronymic, especially if he introduced himself to you. Otherwise, why did you ask?

The most important and common mistake of people who work with calls is that they do not enjoy communication, but perceive it as hard labor.

After a greeting, you shouldn’t spend too much time chatting about anything, but that doesn’t mean that after the word “ Hello!“, you need to move on to concluding a deal.

Don't satisfy your own needs

We often babble about what is important to us. What about the client or your interlocutor? What should he do at the moment of your verbal ecstasy? Disconnect?

The persuasiveness of your speech directly depends on how professional you are in your chosen field.

If behind a “wall” of empty letters you are covering up your own incompetence, perhaps it would be more appropriate to improve your skills, and only then work on the telephone?

The stages of sales, which are taught to all managers, help to adapt to the person, using clever techniques that push the client to make an independent decision to purchase or agree to a deal.

The sales stages are divided into important points, which I will briefly talk about now. So:

Speak without subjunctive effect

Place it in a box marked “Strictly Prohibited!” phrases similar to these:

  • « I would like to ask you to write down..."- so ask!
  • « Could you tell me...“- no, they couldn’t!
  • « Isn't it difficult for you to remember!?“- no, it’s difficult!

Do you see how poorly the wording works in which you can see terrible uncertainty, caution, fear of failure and an attempt to do at least something to come home from work tired?

Exude self-confidence with phrases:

  • « I'll call you back in an hour and we can continue the conversation.»
  • « You will be happy after purchasing»
  • « I'm sure this is the right decision»
  • etc.

Depending on the situation and context of the dialogue.

Friends, that's all.

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See you on the blog, bye-bye!

We spend most of our time talking on the phone. At home, at work, on the road, on vacation, at school... Mobile communications allow us to quickly communicate and quickly transmit or receive information. This is wonderful. But telephone conversations have their own psychological characteristics. It's easier to offend over the phone, but harder to forgive or understand.

Have you noticed that you don’t really want to meet with some people, but it’s nice to talk on the phone, while with others, on the contrary, it’s better not to talk on the phone, you need a personal conversation... The psychology of telephone conversations is an entire art, experts say. Features of telephone communication are important both in personal life and at work.

B.K.: Evgeniy, according to polls by sociologists, the most in-demand profession in offices is a client manager. This is the person who knows how to “correctly” communicate with a client - sell him goods and services, persuade, persuade, apologize if necessary, at the same time listen carefully, sympathize... It is no coincidence that the work of a good client manager is compared to the work of a psychologist.
And if the client manager works in a call center, on the phone. Try selling over the phone! I became interested in the psychology of telephone communication. Do you think it’s too intrusive to offer services to a stranger over the phone?

E.K.: It happens in different ways. You must take into account that the person does not know you. At this moment, he may be busy, and most likely he has “enough” of such calls in a day. Therefore, to begin with, you can write an email and warn about the call. Then it will be easier for both you and him psychologically. Thus, the reason for the call appears - your first letter. And don’t try to sell immediately in one call.

Today, selling is a process that usually involves several steps. This is a psychological process that you can control if you act correctly. The first conversation is more exploratory in nature. The more information you can get about the client, the more you can sell to him in the future and spend less energy. Think about the fact that you are creating the right psychological atmosphere for the long term. In addition to tactical ones, solve strategic problems as well.

B.K.: Do we need to prepare psychologically for negotiations?

E.K. If you are a high-class professional, then the preparation time may be short. Although practice shows that it is the masters of their craft who carefully prepare for negotiations - that’s why they are professionals. Look how much time athletes, actors, and artists spend on training and rehearsals. Good negotiators model the future negotiation process with the help of colleagues. I conduct special trainings for client managers on this topic. I think that a client manager must be psychologically prepared for negotiations both over the phone and in person. To do this, you must, first of all, very well understand all the nuances of the service, the features of your company and the purpose of the negotiations - that is, the essence of the conversation. And, secondly, master negotiation techniques. And constantly prepare and train.

B.K.: Do you have some simple tips for our readers on how to speak confidently on the phone, while not being aggressive, so as not to scare the client?

E.K.: Creating the right psychological atmosphere during negotiations is a whole system that can be immersed in at least several dozen hours. But I can give some advice.

  • Show respect for your interlocutor - call him by his first name and patronymic. This is how you will earn respect for yourself.
  • Ask if he can talk to you. Yes or no, agree on a new time and strictly follow through with this agreement.
  • Speak in short, understandable phrases. Telephone speech should not contain participial and participial phrases. Don't overload with information.
  • Raise your chin and speak into the phone with your head held high, as if the interlocutor is in front of you. When you lower your eyes to the table, much less read, you lose contact, just like in a personal meeting.
  • Never make excuses, exclude the words “disturbing you...”.
  • Take breaks, thus giving freedom to your interlocutor. A monologue is the worst thing a conversation on the phone can turn into.
  • Don't just inform, but also ask. Turn the conversation into a question-and-answer format to constantly understand what the client is thinking and what problems they have.
  • Sell ​​not a product, but a solution to the client’s problem.
  • Record (maybe even write down) the significant facts of the negotiations. Repeat key things after the client.
  • It is advisable not to say “no” to your interlocutor.
  • Make sure that the audibility is good and other phone calls are not heard on the phone.
  • End negotiations with a specific (in terms of execution time and content) request.

B.K.: Do you think these tips can help not in business, but in ordinary, for example, family negotiations?

E.K.: Of course. In both cases, this is communication between two specific people. And, speaking in everyday language, the goal in family or business relationships is to “agree.” It’s just that our parents and schools rarely teach us how to negotiate. And business forces you to understand your interlocutor, use psychological techniques, and business technologies to get results. An amazing effect is observed. On the one hand, people who have psychological knowledge transfer it from family to business. And vice versa, following certain rules in sales and business can change attitudes in your personal life.

B.K.: Thank you, Evgeniy! We wish you success, interesting projects, and we look forward to new educational books from you.

Interviewed by Boris Kulyabin

Many sellers have to sell services rather than goods. This area is in demand. Such services are provided in medical and educational institutions, beauty salons, and taxis. They are provided not only by companies, but also by individuals performing certain work. But not everyone knows how to properly organize a business so that it brings a stable and high income. How to sell services will be discussed in the article.

Why is this necessary?

Entrepreneurs are often called upon to sell services with goods. Many companies pay more for this. But not all sellers understand why this is necessary. Is it possible to sell services if the business has just opened? This must be done. You just need to use proven methods.

It all comes down to the fact that the service is considered, that is, the profit from it is higher than from goods. For example, the markup on an air conditioner may not be noticeable; during the season, the sale of this equipment often brings a small profit. But if the installation of equipment is ordered, the company will receive a high income, which will pay for everything.

Principles of selling goods

All people have different methods of receiving information: a person can be visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Some remember everything visually, others by hearing, and still others by touching the object. For a full-fledged person, all 3 methods work, but there is always a more comfortable one.

Selling something to visual and kinesthetic learners is difficult. The seller can talk a lot about the product, but if the buyer does not see or touch it, then it will not be easy to sell it. Many customers search for products on their own, so they focus on their senses. So it is important to use sales methods that suit the majority of people.

Features of service delivery

The service is considered a more delicate thing. For the client to like it, you need to learn how to present it correctly. How to sell services? You should rely on proven principles:

  • services must be of high quality, otherwise they will not be popular with clients;
  • training of sellers plays an important role, since the success of trade largely depends on them;
  • it is important to create visualization of services: brochures, leaflets, posters, folders, presentations - this is how buyers perceive information better;
  • clients must be assured of safety and receiving an individual approach.

If you take these rules into account, you can correctly sell goods and services. This will help attract customers who may become regular ones. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the work of your company, improve the quality of service and find new methods of attracting customers.

Step-by-step instruction

What services can you sell? Any, the main thing is to use proven methods:

  • it is necessary to choose an implementation method taking into account the needs of clients;
  • it is necessary to introduce unique features into the activity that are unlike competitive ones;
  • it is important to clearly position the company;
  • it is necessary to use flexible pricing;
  • you need to create a convenient purchasing process;
  • it is necessary to advertise services;
  • An individual approach is important for each client.

With such principles, you can promote any services, making them in demand. It is important to choose an appropriate distribution method, for example, by telephone, via the Internet or other media.


Consumers need to see the work, so they need to be shown a video or photo. You can provide consultations and conduct trainings. If this is information work, then you can submit reports on electronic media, for example, screenshots, presentations.

Consumers need to evaluate performance results, so they should be shown. Facts about the work done are of great importance. If the consumer is satisfied with everything, he will definitely seek help.

Selling services by phone

This type of sales is considered one of the most difficult. Nowadays, various companies work this way: banking services, Forex. Investments, installation of meters, Internet connection. How to sell a service over the phone? You must adhere to the following rules:

  • due to high competition, good sales scripts are needed to help with clients;
  • sellers must use sales techniques and also know everything about the services they offer;
  • it is important to be able to work with objections and close transactions correctly;
  • telephone sales should be carried out using paraverbal communication - intonation, voice;
  • It is important to make the required number of calls in a specific period of time.

It should be borne in mind that whatever service is offered, if it is in demand, it is necessary to find a client. This is often done with the help of It is necessary to monitor the work of competitors.

Internet using

How to sell legal services, as well as medical and transport services? You need to have your own website designed according to modern requirements. What services can you sell using it? Perfect for booking tickets, making translations, and consulting in various areas of life.

The site should contain informative, optimized articles. There should be feedback, a function for accepting payments, and a section with reviews. It is necessary to take advantage of the power of social media that can be used to build community. This will allow you to come into contact with customers. You can create advertising on the Internet in other ways.

How to lure clients?

Business requires strong people. And if there are a lot of clients, you should not relax. Competitors can lure them to their side at any time. How to sell services so that there are always people willing to buy them? Poaching methods must be used. Now this is practically the only option to increase sales.

Competitors have pros and cons. Marketing policy should be based on shortcomings. It is important to offer more favorable conditions than other companies. For example, Internet providers offer free connection and setup. Such techniques will help you find many new customers.


How to sell services so that it brings high profits? You can use dumping - reducing the cost (below the market price). This tactic is needed to force small firms out of the market. Dumping is great for promoting a company.

Just keep in mind that those customers who came for the price can quickly disappear. They will not be permanent, because they are attracted by more profitable options that may appear in other companies.

Competitors' mistakes

How to properly sell services in other ways? You can take advantage of your competitors' mistakes. We need to take advantage of this. For example, if a provider has a communication outage, competitors whip up panic using the media. At this time, it is important to offer more favorable conditions.

Secrets of successful selling

You need to focus on the client, not the service. This is the key to success in business. For a client, you need to become a friend who is attentive to his interests. Every little detail is important to service users. You should quickly respond to requests, phone calls, and greet politely. The first impression is important.

The company must be honest with consumers. Therefore, you need to keep your promises. Only quality services will be sought. If discounts and promotions are offered, then all this should be realistic for the client.

Correct positioning of services is necessary. Consumers evaluate this based on personal experience. This is how people’s opinion about the work of the company develops. If one consumer likes the company’s activities, he will offer to use its services to other people. Each person is unique, therefore, with the help of an individual approach, you can form a positive attitude towards the work of the company.

Services in demand

Currently the best selling services are:

  • household;
  • informational;
  • advertising;
  • transport;
  • specialized.

Home services will always be in demand as people constantly need help in their daily lives. This could be home renovation, cosmetology work, or a hairdresser. Ateliers, clothing repairs, and dry cleaning are in demand. It’s no wonder that many such companies are opening now.

Household services include caring for the sick and children. Some use such help due to lack of time, others - due to lack of skills. Opening a company providing household services does not require large investments compared to other types of business.

You can sell household services using advertising, publications on the Internet, distributing brochures and booklets. It is necessary to regularly arrange discounts and promotions for customers, and then they will become permanent.

Information services are in demand. They allow you to receive advice from specialists in various fields: recruiting, searching for clients, auditing, consulting on special issues, collecting information, training courses.

Information services can be advertised through radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet. Each client should be provided with a business card and a brochure with types of activities. An individual approach to each person helps to attract buyers of services.

Advertising services, which are necessary for every company, are popular. You can create banners, organize events, place advertisements. The services of animators and promoters are in demand. Companies need help creating websites and promoting them.

Popular in Russia This can be the transportation of goods, passengers, courier delivery. All types of effective advertising are in demand for this activity. Specialized services include medical, legal, technical, and construction. Each of these areas is promoted through proper sales management.

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They convince not with speech, but with character


Every day, someone tries to sell a product or service to the modern consumer; most clients have a negative reaction to the so-called “cold call.”

This term refers to the first call to a consumer with whom negotiations have not been conducted before. Often, a negative reaction from a potential client is due to the salesperson not knowing how to properly sell a product during a phone call.

1. Collection of information about the client

It is necessary to collect preliminary information about the client’s solvency and who is specifically responsible for the purchase. This makes it easy to overcome the so-called “secretary barrier”.

If you call and politely say: “Please connect me to the HR department (deputy director for housekeeping, chief accountant),” the chance of getting to the right person increases.

You can clarify: “I don’t have the first name and patronymic of your chief accountant written down...” Any person is pleased if they are addressed specifically to him, and you will most likely be listened to if the conversation is conducted on a personal level.

2. Timely call and readiness to talk

It is worth asking whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue right now - maybe he has visitors or is holding a meeting. Ask what time you can talk - and call minute by minute, in no case half an hour earlier or an hour later!

Be sure to say: “Peter Sergeevich, you and I agreed that I would call you back.” The potential customer will listen to you.

A manager offering his products must literally learn the text of his appeal by heart - know all the information about the price list, components, warranty period, possible discounts.

If you do not have complete information, say: “Your question is very interesting, no one has delved into this aspect before. I will now write down this and all your other questions, receive the necessary information and inform you as soon as possible. Thank you!”

3. How to sell over the phone correctly using the tactic “Ostap Bender storms the millionaire Koreiko”?

4. How to properly sell a product over the phone, using flattery wisely?

Coachman, don't drive the horses! The “talking out” technique, and even more so the words “I want to offer you”, cause a negative reaction. Therefore, you can slightly “puff out your cheeks” - introduce yourself as the head of the sales department.

Then invite the potential client to a dialogue. Let’s say this: “Viktor Vasilyevich, our company supplies modern office equipment. As far as I know, all negotiations on this issue should be conducted with you.

Could we talk now?" Or a little differently: "Svetlana Petrovna, I don’t want to make commercial offers that are uninteresting to you. I would like to learn more about your company to understand how my company can be useful to you. I have a few questions for you."

That is, you do not set as your goal to immediately sell something, the first call is exploratory. The ideal result is to schedule a personal meeting. There, catalogs, product samples, listing discounts and payment terms will come into play, and it will be possible to talk about the sale of specific goods.

5. Talk to the right people to talk to

How to properly sell a product to a buyer? Don't talk to someone who won't buy it. When making a “cold call,” without ingratiation, we find out from the secretary who exactly makes the decision on this issue.

If the girl on the line asks additional questions, calmly ask: “So, you make the purchasing decision?” Usually the secretary hesitates and transfers you to the right person.

6. Rule of four yeses

It is difficult for a person who has answered affirmatively to several of your questions to say “no” later. Think about what you can ask without risking a negative answer. And only then ask: “Would you like to discuss the problem with me...? When will it be convenient for you to meet with me?”

7. Find out which items interest the potential client

When you hear the words: “Send your proposal by fax,” first confirm: “Yes, I will definitely prepare a commercial proposal for you and send it.

So that it contains only the information that you need, please tell me what is most important to you when purchasing... (office equipment, lighting fixtures, blue hares...)? Then you can prepare your commercial information in the best possible way.

8. Don’t try to fool your interlocutor

It is in your best interest to provide objective information. This, by the way, will affect your voice - it will sound more convincing and relaxed.

Of course, you need to focus on the advantages, but if they ask about a service that your company does not provide, answer: “We will take care of this issue and solve it for you,” without claiming that you have everything.