home · electrical safety · Test to find out if you are a conflict person. Test: Are you a conflict-ridden person? c) I’ll make a scandal

Test to find out if you are a conflict person. Test: Are you a conflict-ridden person? c) I’ll make a scandal

Test “Are you a conflict-ridden person?”

If you often behave exactly as stated in the sentence in a conflict situation, then give 3 points; from time to time – 2 points; rarely – 1 point.

    I threaten or fight.

    I try to understand the enemy’s point of view and take it into account.

    I'm looking for compromises.

    I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot completely believe it.

    I avoid the enemy.

    I wish you to achieve your goals no matter what.

    I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I absolutely don't agree with.

    I'm making a compromise.

    I give up.

    Changing the subject.

    I persistently repeat one phrase until I achieve my goal.

    I’m trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand where it all started.

    I will give in a little and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

    I offer peace.

    I'm trying to make a joke out of it.

Processing test results:

    Type “A”: sum of points numbered 1, 6, 11.

    Type “B”: sum of points numbered 2, 7, 12.

    Type “B”: sum of points numbered 3, 8, 13.

    Type “G”: sum of points numbered 4, 9, 14.

    Type “D”: sum of points numbered 5, 10, 15.


    “A” is a tough style of resolving conflicts and disputes. These people stand their ground to the last, defending their position. This is the type of person who considers himself always right.

    "B" is a democratic style. These people believe that it is always possible to reach an agreement; during a dispute, they offer an alternative and look for a solution that satisfies both sides.

    "B" is a compromise style. From the very beginning, a person is ready to compromise.

    "G" is a soft style. A person destroys his opponent with kindness, readily takes the enemy’s point of view, abandoning his own.

“D” is a fading style. A person’s credo is to leave in a timely manner, before a decision is made. Strives not to lead to conflict and open confrontation.


Friends! A conflict situation can radically change your life! Try to make these changes for the better!

1. Before entering into a conflict situation, think about what result you want to get.

2. Make sure that this result is really important to you.

3. In a conflict, recognize not only your interests, but also the interests of the other person.

4. Observe ethical behavior in a conflict situation, solve the problem, and do not settle scores.

5. Be firm and open if you are convinced that you are right.

6. Force yourself to hear your opponent's arguments.

7. Do not humiliate or insult another person so as not to be burned with shame when meeting him and not to be tormented by remorse.

8. Be fair and honest in conflict, do not feel sorry for yourself.

9. Know how to stop in time so as not to be left without an opponent.

10. Value your own self-respect when deciding to enter into conflict with someone who is weaker than you.

For each question, choose one answer.

1. A dispute broke out on public transport. What are you doing?

a - don’t interfere;

b - you can intervene by taking the side of the victim;

V- I always interfere.

2. At meetings and conferences, do you criticize management for mistakes?

a - no;

b - depending on personal attitude towards him;

in - always.

3. Your manager outlines his work plan, which seems to you to be unsuccessful. Will you offer your plan?

a - if others support you, then yes;

b - of course;

V- No.

4. Do you like to argue with your colleagues and friends?

A- only with those who are not offended;

b- yes, but only on fundamental issues;

V- yes, with everyone and for any reason.

5. Someone is trying to get ahead of you in line for a scholarship or salary.

A- Believing that you are worse than him, you try to bypass the queue;

b- you are indignant, but to yourself;

V-- openly express your indignation.

6. Imagine that you are considering an innovation proposal from your colleague, in which there is a bold idea, but there are also mistakes. You know that your opinion will be decisive. What will you do?

a - speak out about the pros and cons of this proposal;b - talk about the advantages of the offer and advise givingthe opportunity to try out an idea;V- you will only criticize.

7. Imagine: your mother-in-law (or mother-in-law) constantly tells you about the need to save money, about your extravagance, and every now and then she buys expensive things. She wants to know your opinion about your latest purchase. What will you tell her?

a - that you approve the purchase;

b- that this thing is tasteless;

c - quarrel with her over the purchase.

8. You have met teenagers who curse and smoke. How will you react?

A- you will not interfere;

b- reprimand them;

V- if this happens in a public place, you will reprimand their.

9. In a restaurant or store you notice that you are being shortchanged. What will you do?

A- don’t tip the waiter, but ask the seller for changewow, even little things;

b - ask him to count again; V- cause a scandal.

10.You are in a holiday home. The administration is engaged in extraneous matters without fulfilling its functional duties. Does this outrage you?

A- yes, but you don't speak out;

b- complain about her;

c - take out your dissatisfaction on junior staff.

11. You argue with your younger teenage brother or sister and find out they are right. Do you admit your mistake?

a - yes;

b- No;


Answer price: “a” - 4 points, “b” - 2 points, “c” - 0 points.


Up to 14 points.

You are looking for reasons to argue, most of which are simply petty. Love to criticize only when it benefits you. Think about whether there is an inferiority complex hidden behind your behavior?

15-29 points.

They say about you that you are a conflicted person. You persistently defend your opinion, regardless of how it will affect your personal and work relationships.

30-44 points.

You are tactful, easily avoid conflict situations, strive to be pleasant to others, but when they need help, you do not always dare to provide it. Maybe you only demand everything from others.


Instructions: try to answer several questions quite objectively, sincerely and without much thinking, choosing among the proposed options the one that suits you. Write down your answers.

1. Imagine that you are traveling on the subway, where a quarrel has broken out between passengers. What will you do?

a) will not interfere;

b) maybe you will intervene, taking the side of the right;

c) you will definitely intervene.

2. Do you criticize management at meetings for mistakes they have made?

b) yes, but depending on your personal attitude towards the leader;

c) always criticize for mistakes.

3. Your immediate boss sets out his work plan, which seems irrational to you. Will you offer your plan, which seems best to you?

a) if others support you, then yes;

b) of course, you will propose your plan;

c) no, because they can be punished for it.

4. Do you like to argue with your colleagues and friends?

a) only with those who are not offended, and when disputes do not spoil our relationship;

b) yes, only on fundamental issues;

c) argue with everyone about any issue.

5. Someone is trying to pass in front of you out of turn. What are you doing?

a) follow his example;

b) you are indignant, but to yourself;

c) openly express your indignation.

6. Your colleague’s project is being considered, containing bold ideas and a number of mistakes. Do you know that your opinion will be decisive in how you act?

a) speak out about the positive and negative aspects of the project;

b) highlight the positive aspects and offer the opportunity to continue this work;

c) you will criticize the work, since mistakes are unacceptable in a serious project.

7. Your husband (wife) constantly tells you about the need to save money, and he (s) buys things that are too expensive, in your opinion. What will you tell him/her?

a) that you approve of the purchase if it gave you pleasure;

b) say that this thing is useless or tasteless;

8. You met teenagers who smoke in the wrong place. How do you react?

a) you think: “Why should I spoil my mood because of other people’s ill-mannered children?”;

b) reprimand them;

c) if this was on the territory of a government agency, you would reprimand them.

9. In a restaurant you noticed that the waiter shortchanged you. What are you doing?

a) do not give him a tip that you have prepared in advance;

b) ask him to count the amount again in front of you;

c) you will complain to the administrator and cause a scandal.

10. You arrived at the holiday home. The administrator is engaged in extraneous matters instead of fulfilling his duties. How will you behave?

a) you understand that if you express your indignation to him, it is unlikely to change anything;

b) you find a way to complain about him so that he will be punished;

c) you take out your dissatisfaction on junior staff - waitresses, maids, etc.

11. You argue with your son (younger brother) and make sure that he is right. Do you admit your mistake?

a) difficult to say;

b) yes, of course;

Processing test results

Calculate the total number of points you scored, if each option A is equal to 4 points, option B is equal to 2 points, but for each option C give yourself 0 points.

Interpretation of test results

From 44 to 34 points – conflict is below normal, indecisiveness is increased. You strive to be pleasant to others, but only when they need your help. You don't always provide it. Therefore, you may lose their respect.

From 32 to 16 – normal level of conflict. You enter into conflict based on the situation: if the conflict does not affect your direct interests, you try to avoid it.

Below 14 points – increased conflict. You conflict for or without reason, disturbing yourself and others. Possible inferiority complex.

Any person can have character traits that predispose them to conflicts in interpersonal communication. In some they are pronounced, in others they are weaker. With this test you can determine whether you have such personal qualities. This will help you correctly assess your behavior in a certain situation and correct it.


1. How do you respond to criticism?

a) As a rule, criticism deeply hurts me;

b) I usually take criticism to heart;

c) I try to take into account if the criticism is fair;

d) I usually don’t pay attention to criticism.

2. Do you trust people?

a) I am of the opinion that it is better not to trust anyone;

b) I almost don’t trust people, I was deceived in them;

c) I trust people when there are no special grounds for mistrust;

d) I usually trust people indiscriminately.

3. Do you know how to fight for your point of view?

a) I always stubbornly defend my views;

b) I defend my views only when I am completely convinced that I am right;

c) I would rather give in than vigorously defend my views;

d) I prefer to give up my views than to conflict over them.

4. Do you prefer to lead or obey?

a) In any business I like to lead myself;

b) I like to both lead and be led by a more experienced comrade;

c) I work more willingly under someone’s leadership;

d) As a rule, I prefer to work under someone else’s leadership and transfer responsibility to him.

5. If someone offended you?

a) I try to repay the favor;

b) I'm afraid to take revenge because of further consequences;

c) I consider revenge an unnecessary, unnecessary effort;

d) If someone offends me, I quickly forget the offense.

6. Did they try to pass you in line?

a) Capable of throwing such a person out;

b) I swear, but only if others swear;

c) I am silent, although I am indignant;

d) I prefer to retreat, I don’t get into a quarrel.

7. Are you simply “knocked out”?

a) I get upset easily over the most insignificant reasons;

b) I get upset when there are serious reasons for it;

c) I rarely get upset and only for serious reasons;

d) Not much upsets me.

8. Are you “ice” or “fire”?

a) I am hot and quick-tempered;

b) Not very hot-tempered;

c) Rather calm than hot-tempered;

d) A completely calm person.

9. Is it easy for you to tell the truth?

a) I always say what I think, straight to your face;

b) It happens that I can say everything I think;

c) I speak deliberately only after reflection;

d) I will weigh my words more than once before I say anything.


Answers under the letter “a” are worth 1 point,

“b” – in 2,

“in” – in 3,

“g” – 4 points.

Sum up your answers to the questions.


If you get the result 9 19 points You are a difficult person to communicate with, sometimes you go into conflict not for the sake of business, but “because of principle.” Perhaps, without even admitting it to yourself, you feel satisfaction by giving free rein to your emotions and watching passions flare up around you. Sometimes people say approvingly to your face: “A fighter for the truth,” “Brave, you are not afraid to criticize shortcomings!” But better listen to other sayings: “Save your nerves and the nerves of those around you,” “Don’t boil, otherwise all your energy will turn into steam,” “Your energy, but for peaceful purposes.” Tell yourself honestly: is the useful return from your struggle for justice so great? Your emotions are not helping you in this fight.

If the amount points 26–34, then you are unlikely to be a source of conflict. However, few people enjoy communicating with you, since a person who always agrees with everyone on everything is uninteresting. In addition, passivity and the desire to avoid solving problems that arise in the team involuntarily make you an indirect culprit of conflict complications.

And finally, the amount 20–25 points allows us to consider you a completely easygoing, sociable, flexible person, capable of withstanding the aggravation of relations in the team (including in the family).

However, you should ask yourself whether you were sincere in your answers. Because we try not to see many of our shortcomings. Therefore, check yourself again - slowly, thoughtfully, impartially.

Are you a conflict person?

Take the test to identify your conflict tolerance. After all, at work quite often (sometimes more often than we would like) you have to be nervous about one reason or another, and sometimes without it. Every employee at times finds himself in a situation where he has to quarrel and create a row. But everyone behaves differently. Some people immediately start yelling until they lose their pulse, while others are able to solve all problems without resorting to the power of their voice and the strength of their fist. So, if it’s not completely clear to you whether you are a conflict-ridden person, then answer the questions suggested.

questions and clarify the situation.

1. Imagine that a dispute breaks out on public transport or in the market. You:
do not interfere - 4;
intervene and take the side of the one who, in your opinion, is right - 2;
You will never pass by and will scandalize to the bitter end. — 0

2. When you attend any meeting, you:
never interfere with suggestions and criticism - 4;
sometimes speak out on any occasion - 2;
constantly criticizing and speaking out. — 0

3. Your boss proposes a certain plan for reforms or work, which seems completely worthless and incompetently drawn up to you. You:
propose your plan only if you are sure that others will support you - 4;
you will push through your plan with all your might, defending your opinion - 2;
You will never come up with proposals, remembering that initiative is punishable. — 0

4. Do you like to argue and debate:
only with close friends - 4;
in general, no, but if the question is important and serious, then why not - 2;
you love this business, argue with everyone and on any occasion. — 0

5. you are standing in line, and someone is annoyingly pushing ahead of you, you:
push away the impudent person and crawl in front of him - 4;
be angry, but don’t show it - 2;
you almost throw yourself at him with your fists. — 0

6. If the fate of someone’s plan, and at the same time the fate of the employee who proposed this plan, depends on your opinion, you:
try to speak as objectively as possible about the project, point out both the advantages and disadvantages - 4;
note only the advantages, hinting that it would be nice to improve something - 2;
criticize with might and main, so that next time it will be discouraging. — 0

7. Your spouse constantly nags you for being excessively extravagant, and in the meantime he spends the money you earn, and not on the most necessary things. And besides, he is blatantly interested in your opinion regarding purchases. You:
rejoice with him/her - 4;
as far as possible, criticize the purchase - 2;
You don’t get tired of making a fuss about this. — 0

8. A boy of about ten years old “shoots” a cigarette from you. You:
you give, they say, “let their parents worry about them” - 4;
morally say something like “shame on you, you’re probably a pioneer” - 2;
If there were more people, they would definitely shout and quarrel. — 0

9. The seller shortchanged you, you:
you angrily take your bag of groceries and, slamming the door, leave, muttering under your breath something like “what the hell, not the store!” - 4;
insist that he recalculate the amount again - 2;
This is where you’ll turn around, yell and wave your fists to your heart’s content. — 0

10. An administrator (hotel, holiday home), instead of doing his job, is engaged in extraneous matters, you:
you will remain silent, anyway, your complaints are unlikely to change anything - 4;
you will start complaining about him wherever possible, you need to take revenge - 2;
take it out on the cleaners and waitresses. — 0

11. You argue with your child and in the end you realize that he is right. You:
you will insist on your opinion to the end - 4;
admit that you were wrong - 2;
in order to maintain authority, you never admit that you are wrong. — 0

From 30 to 40 points:

You are more or less a tactful person. Have a negative attitude towards conflicts and try to avoid them whenever possible. You know how to find a compromise. But still, when your friends or colleagues need your help, expressed in criticism, you cannot always provide it. Don't you think it's worth being a little more straightforward?

From 15 to 29 points:

You are quite a conflicted person. But nevertheless, you are still respected in the team. Sometimes you express your opinion without taking into account the fact that it may offend or offend someone.

Less than 14 points:

You are a terrible arguer and an extremely conflicted person. Don’t feed you bread, let me argue and create scandals! You constantly argue with someone, and each time you try to impose your opinion, regardless of whether you are right. You are even flattered that they call you a brawler to your face. It's probably worth thinking about whether you have an inferiority complex.